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Neko Private Roleplay {Ciel and Koe-chan} (18+)


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Tai had closed his eyes in the process, though still concentrating on the touches that the other male made. Tai wasn't really much of a vocal person when it came to advances and such, and usually showed that he was pleased by the shade of color that seemed to paint his face often, either when he was emberassed or happy, and at the moment the blush that was on the bridge of his nose was that of a baby pink color. He said tenderly, "Yes, you're doing it right." He didn't really know what he considered right or wrong, but it felt nice, and it was pleasurable, so he considered it right.

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Katsumi wrapped his arms around Tai's neck and pressed himself against him, putting their foreheads together. "Okay..." He tilted his head so that he could easily press his lips to the other male's neck, his fang lightly grazing the skin. He smells nice, he thought, memorizing the scent. A soft purr rumbled in his throat as he nuzzled against Tai.

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Hands lightly resting on the sheets of the bed below him, he watched the whitette with care as he started, a bit of amber flickering in his eyes again, transitioning the little gleam into a honey amber. There was so much that he wanted to say to the whitette, but he knew that it wouldn't be acceptable at the time. And yet I know that he's the one for me...and I know that I love him. But would he feel the same?

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Pushing away his shyness for the moment, spurred on by his need to make Tai happy, the petite neko placed several small kisses across the other male's face; one behind his ear, two or three on his neck, and one that nearly resulted in their lips meeting for the first time. However, all that reached Tai's lips was the whitette's warm breath before he rubbed their noses together in a childish sign of affection.

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Well, I suppose he likes to tease. Though he would not allow the slight irritation to show, because he was hardly irritated at all, he actually enjoyed it. No lip to lip contact...that will be something special, I'll make sure of it...when he understands...that he's the only one...and the way that he makes me feel... Warm chestnut eyes gazed at the whitette lovingly.

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When Katsumi noticed the way Tai was looking at him his face flushed a darker shade of red and he giggled softly. He lifted a hand and placed it on the older teen's cheek, simply gazing at him for a moment. His skin was cold and his hand was soft and small. "I'm glad that I can do this with you," he whispered, his blue eyes shining with happiness. I think I love you.

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A faint smile sprouted on Tai's lips, blinking for a second before carefully bringing his hand up and resting it on the whitette's hand, which was still on his cheek, "I'm just happy that we can be together like this...I-" He paused for a few seconds, his cheeks turning a cherry shade before he quietly said, "I love you..." And he'll think I'm a liar...he'll probably think this is far too soon. I'm such an idiot.

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Everything seemed to stop for the neko at that moment. His eyes widened in shock, and it took him a while to even begin thinking of how to respond. He...loves me? He couldn't believe that Tai felt that way towards him; this abnormal person who wasn't even completely human. His body had stiffened and he was sure that the other could hear his heart beating rapidly. "I..." Stumbling over his words, he managed to choke out, "I-I love you too..." He managed to smile through the disbelief, trembling slightly. "I love you too," he repeated a second time, more confidently.

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Chestnut eyes seemed to melt and quiver as the whitette confirmed his hopes. Tears began to stream down his face, he was crying tears of silent joy. Quickly, his arms flung around the younger male, holding him close, trembling in happiness. I almost feel pathetic, being this happy because he loves me back...that I'm so happy about love...I've never felt this way before...I don't know what to do... "Thank you....so much..."

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Katsumi felt tears begin to well up in his own eyes and he squeezed them shut as he hugged Tai back, his thin fingers grabbing onto the other as if he were afraid to let go; and in a way he was. I never want to leave you... He clung to the tanner male and pressed as close to him as he could. He wanted and needed his comfort and warmth, his kindness and his beauty. "Don't let go," he begged softly, nuzzling his face into the other's chest.

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"I won't...I promise..." He gripped the other male equally, hugging him closely and warmly, planting a firm kiss to his forehead. And if you were to die...I would die with you.

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"I care about you so much," he whispered, his voice catching in his throat as he spoke through his tears. "I don't know what I'd do without you...you're the only one I have." He pulled back to look at Tai's face, his pale cheeks stained with dry tears; however, there was a relieved smile on his face, his happy expression mixed with a strange, desperate need for protection. In many ways, he really was like a kitten.

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Tai's eyes were gentle and warm, honey amber tingling in his eyes, "You're all I have, and all I'll ever need." Another kiss to the forehead followed the sentence, though it didn't stop there. Trailing kisses up his face, he kissed the tears away on his lover's face, lightly rubbing his back as he did so.

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The whitette shivered, closing his eyes and sinking into Tai's arms. He snuggled close to the other's body, keeping his head up to allow him to continue with his ministrations if he chose to. He brought his tail forward and the appendage curled around his own waist, staying firmly in place as to not get in the way, ears drooping as his body relaxed.


{I was up late last night, so I'm heading to bed now. I'll be I tomorrow night and early Monday. I have a plan as well once we've had them as a couple for a while. See you later.}

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((It's okay. I'm just having a hard weekend because it is play week at my school, and I have a lead in the school play this year, and I'm exhausted. I'll on around 5 tomorrow, and I think all of Monday. We'll see, unless I go to my dad's, but I don't think that I am)) Tai smiled gently and leaned backwards some, tiredly resting, pulling the whitette down with him, cuddling him close to his chest, so happy at the moment, though couldn't fully show it, "I love you..."

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((I'll start then)) Opening his eyes slowly, the caramel colored male's chestnut eyes were a bit pale for a moment, though they quickly softened when they looked down at the white haired male. A thin smile tickled his lips before planting a kiss on his forehead, it was about 9:30, "Hey, Kat-kun, it's 9:30, we should get you back to your mother's."

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The small neko let out a soft moan, rubbing his face against Tai's chest as he struggled to wake up. His ears twitched and after a moment he opened glazed blue eyes. "Hmm? What time is it?" He removed his arms from around Tai's middle and untangled their legs, lifting his head from the other male's chest and sitting up. He rubbed sleepily at his eyes, yawning gently.

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Glancing at the clock for a second to make sure that he was correct when he stated the time, "It's 9:31, it takes about fifteen minutes to walk to your mom's, so we can get there a little tiny bit early." His thin smile held in his sleepiness and his desire to go back to sleep, but yet he wanted to walk his lover to his house first so that they wouldn't get in trouble.

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Katsumi nodded, turning to give him a small smile. "I don't usually fall back asleep after I wake up; it was nice." He stood up and put his arms out behind his back, stretching. "Do you remember where I put my clothes from yesterday?" he asked, looking around the room as he began to unbutton his loose sleeping top.

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Smiling a bit wider, a small chuckle rumbling deep in his chest, he leisurely lifted one of his arms and his finger pointed in the direction of the set of drawers that were next to the door, before saying, "Your clothes are in one of those drawers."

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The whitette followed his gesture with his eyes and nodded. "Thanks." He walked across the room, his feet padding silently on the floor. He opened the drawer and pulled out his jeans and t-shirt, followed by his hoodie. With a quiet sigh he turned back to look at Tai. "I'll be ready in a few minutes." Gathering the clothes in his arms, he exited the room and went to the bathroom to change; he still wasn't completely comfortable showing his body to Tai.

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Tai sighed ever so slightly, glancing at his window and sitting straight up, his chestnut eyes flickered again, his focus back on the clouds again. When in doubt, or whatever he was really feeling, he'd look towards the clouds, and think about his life.

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