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Embarrassing/awkward moments


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Let's admit it we all had a fair share of our own embarrassing and awkward moments. Mine just happened a few minutes ago.

Since today is a nice day i decided to go hiking by myself. I dressed quite light and very casual. Everything went okay and it was fun and i lost a lot of weight (not really especiallly since i've been eating non-stop). Anyway i got to the top and there's a cliff overlooking the sea. i'm the type that's very daring and like challenges. so i went right right to the edge and looked down. Now since i was bymyself i had no reason to smile and i left my bags quite away from the edge. I kept going forward inches by inches to looked down. Now this is when the embarassing bit happened (in fact you might be able to guess). Yes, someone thought i was attempting to commit suicide. He was running and shouting towards me screaming 'NO!!!!!Don't do it!!' obviously i was quite shocked so i didn't say anything. He pulled me away from the edge and try to reason with me. It was sooooo embarassing:leaf7:

So please tell me your embarrassing moment so i would at least feel better to know that i'm not the only one to go through this emotion.

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XD Sorry,can't stop laughing. ;D LMAO XD

Like in movies,but the main female role gets to fall in love with her ''saver''. ;D Was the person who saved you hot? May be it was destiny that he mistook the situation,lol.

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@Lisa... looool... I would have done the same...hahahahaha....


My most? well. one of them since I'm pretty clumsy... but.. first time I went to Edimburgh it was during the Edimburgh festival.. it's a great party... a French friend and I were having a beer and I saw a stunning guy...my soo frigging hot and handsome... tall, blond, blue eyes...so I told her in Spanish "OMG, he's so frigging hot, I'd make him a couple of favours" thinking he wouldn't understand me....but... he turned his back and smiling told me in Spanish too " whenever you want, cutie" loooool.... I got sooo embarrased that I felt like running away, blushed and apoligized a thousand times...loool...

Nowadays we're quite good friends...loool.....

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I had purple bruise on my lips because the night before, I was making out with a chick and she bit me so hard. She was drunk. And I'm a girl.... ugh it was embarrassing with that purple spot on your lips. It was weird cuz it was purple, not red. So people asked me what happened. I just said uh....I couldn't think of an excuse soooo............

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nah it was just a local I think hes a midle age man. Shame we could have been fated to be togetheronion0 but I wil never ever go bymyself again! The trauma!!


hahahaha you cant get more embarrassing than that. looks like mine is nothing but hey you gained one hot friendleaf2


Lol it's a hickey on the lips:leaf5: you must have make out with a pasionate girl or clumsy one. Hope you had a good night with her thoughrabbit16

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lol lisa. I would have just played it off like tell the guy " Oh no, I wasn't going to jump. Don't worry, I was just looking over the edge. I guess I went out a bit too far. Sorry I made you worried, but thanks for coming to my rescue." XD


My most embarrarsing moment happened in front of a few hundred people, and the cast of one of my favourite shows. I won't tell you what exactly happened, but let's just say the first time I spoke in public was very, very awkward.

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I'm actually the shy-type believe it or not. He wouldn't shut up but i did tell him after he calmed down. He apologized and said that there was a previous record of suicide. Why would i commit suicide when i'm waiting for more yaoi updates? XD


Nicicia, now i'm curious. I'll be thinking what happened? for the whole day. So for my sake could you..tell me?:Red_fox:

But of course you don't have to, i'll just take it as an unsolved mystery.

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@ lisa: i so love your story,, well, all of us had embarrassing experiences and what Nicicia said was right,, XD


well as for me,, i got you know monthly period and i was in a leadership camp for 2 days,, the last day in the camp was really embarrassing because when they called me in front of the stage to receive the certificate,, there it was,, a dark spot at my butt,, sooooo embarrassing,, i don't wanna see anybody there in the camp,, (O,,,,,O)

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  • 3 months later...
@ lisa: i so love your story,, well, all of us had embarrassing experiences and what Nicicia said was right,, XD


well as for me,, i got you know monthly period and i was in a leadership camp for 2 days,, the last day in the camp was really embarrassing because when they called me in front of the stage to receive the certificate,, there it was,, a dark spot at my butt,, sooooo embarrassing,, i don't wanna see anybody there in the camp,, (O,,,,,O)

something like that happened to me too ...

i was in fifth grade

fortunately i was in all girl school

unfortunately our teacher was an old man

and most of my classmates didn't know about monthly period and they asked me if i'm going to die !!!

our teacher expect me to go out of class by myself because of embarrassment but i didn't so he went out of class and call a woman to come and take care of me and she called my father to come and pick me

could it be more embarrassing ?!!

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Lol it's a hickey on the lips:leaf5: you must have make out with a pasionate girl or clumsy one. Hope you had a good night with her thoughrabbit16



LOL!! Nothing happened. I thought she was too aggressive.


So I said, I'm hitting the sack! ーfacepalms

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Years ago just after I had started secondary school it was decided to put on a production of The Wizard Of Oz. The part I was given due to my lack of hight was a munchkin.This was fine until dress rehearsal when it was discovered that because I have ducks disease (my bottom is too close to the floor) even the shortest trousers needed to be pinned up as the legs were to long .

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When I sat in the middle,parents watching yaoi... my yaoi video I made for a friend...


That, was the most embarrassed moment ever, I was just sitting there, my dad was behind the TV which is connected to the Playstation 3, he was surfing on the PS3's internet... went to youtube, to my account, clicks on my yaoi video...





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i once clean the lab's table with our teacher's dress :D

i cleaned the entire tables and then found out that was our teacher's !

i wanted to die on that moment

that was so embarrassing ...

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This would be mine, i couldnt remember the others but here is one, haha!

This happened to me, not only once, not only twice. And i cant even remember exactly how many times this happened.

Whenever we are in school (in our younger days LOL) you can never remove the playfulness of kids. We were running around the classroom and through the corridors when suddenly i tripped and fell flat on my face (well sometimes i would landed by my butt). To top it off, it was recess and there were a lot of kids or teachers walking around. Everybody turned their heads on me grinning. the most embarrassing part for me was that loud "thud" noise you hear when you fell.

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well it's something that happened to my sister not me ( thank god ) so i don't know about her feelings in that moment ...

any way when she was still in kindergarten she wet herself in the morning so my mom had to change her underwear

but she forgot to give her a new underwear

and my sister didn't know the name of underwear so she said to my mom that she doesn't have socks and my mom said that it's ok since it's warm today

so she went to kindergarten without underwear and by the way she was wearing a skirt at that time

what happened ?!

one of boy found out that there is a little difference between him and her ( you know what i mean :D )

so he went and asked one of the teacher if my sister has a problem !!!

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When I was a first year in high school I was walking with two of my classmates in the center of of our town. I was telling them a joke that I heard a few days before. I was so into the joke that I didn't notice the lighting pole so I walked into it and hit my head. My two friend didn't notice and walked past me, they only turned back when I started laughing like crazy. That shoves how much were they listening xD


When I was a third year (I think)... Me and my best friend bought a milkshake and were waiting for my bus. As we were slowly drinking and talking we noticed a hot guy with his friend across the street waiting for the traffic light. So we were staring and staring...when that guy's friend pulled his shirt and showed his head in our direction and then both of them looked our way...And what did we do? We turned to the wall which was just a few centimeter from our face... lol... and a few weeks ago my friend saw that guy again and guess what? ...he turned away to the wall xD I guess he still remembers us...lol


With the same friend I was waiting for the bus again, and a younger guy from our school walked by us. We started to talk about his eyes, cause he has pretty blue eyes (we call him Pretty-eyed boy- how original, lol). We talked and talked, and when I turned to see if my bus was coming I saw the " Pretty-eyed boy" standing about two meters away from us. He was there the WHOLE time... xD we still hope he didn't hear us that time


There are probably more things that happened but I can't remember them... xD

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A recent embarrasing one?

I've recently read 50 shades of Grey( not the best novel I know) so there's a scene on a lift. Well, I was going to work and I got into the lift and I recalled the scene, so like an idiot, blushed >__<. on the floor my argentinan neighour gets into to lift looks at me and smiles so i blushed again like an idiot>_____

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i went to my university site to register in university but it kept telling me that the information i was giving was incorrect

so i call my parents and send sms to all my friends and telling them about that and asking what should i do ...

then one of my friends told me that registration will start in about a week

why can't i know about simplest things ?!

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Automatic doors onionn3


It never opened and I bounced off it! All the other people going in to the store behind me and the few on the inside by the door couldn't help but laugh, HELL I laughed!!...



Then once I got drunk at an outside party during the summer. My face was sweaty, so I grabbed the bottom on my shirt to wipe my face. Trouble was it was a half shirt-halter-topish thing and not a full lenght tee... So I ended up flashing somewhere around 50 people

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I HATE Automatic doors too, like was once at school, I was pretty late and stood in front of the door, it didn't opened... So I was jumping around until it would recognize my presence which it DID NOT, so I was jumping around, then my teacher came, walked. Door opened, he stared at me like: What were you doing?





15 Min ago: -post half naked drawing of Ezio on FB-


10 min later: -girl I know posts her WIP of Ezio on FB-



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, the newests embarassing event for me was that when I went to my first talk to get the work in university I was totally lost among a lot of buildings in that university:) So - of course - I was late for.. ha, almost an hour and half (It was still summer vacations and I couldn't find anyone who would tell me where was a building I had to be.. And it was in really vast place, far away from other university buildings). Hmm, it was a mess.. but fortunatelly no one was angry at me because of this;) Anyway it was really embarassing to get lost like this (although I've never been at that place before).

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  • 10 months later...

Something embarrassing? I dropped juice on my tshirt and pants while I was drinking in the break with 2 of my classmates. I went home to change clothes but on the way home it was embarrassing. :D

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I have quite a few embarrassing moments but I'm just gonna talk about my latest embarrassment XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I was in a store, paying for petrol in my car and when I was going to leave, I pushed the door open but it wouldn't open and I stood there thinking 'why won't this door open?' so I kept pushing until I realised.... You're suppose to pull the door open o,o' it's embarrassing because people were looking at me! hahaha

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That awkward moment when you're reading something and then the man beside you is looking at it, too. I do not know if i'm going to share it so he could also read or what.


That awkward moment when someone's looking at you the moment you sip your Milk Tea. What's that all about?


That overly embarrassing and overly awkward moment when someone so close to you gets... shirtless suddenly... God, I feel like shrinking and never be seen again.

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