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Love the dancing part!!! Hahahahaha

Well I admit that I joined a dance or a flashmob?? I dunno what to call but we were dancing altogether..^^

Hohoho I sang at school and i think i am better with it..

Dancing makes my body aches..and i look so stiff as well.. Q___Q



I really love his teeth before but he fixed it... ==

I think I love teeths like his and Taiki's..IT LOOKS SO CUTE!!


Baba chan shoulder is so sexy!!! I think thtz the sexy part of him as a seme (huh??)..lol

I alwys imagining him hugging Taiki from the back amd leaning his head on Taiki's shoulder like in the fitting room but lots more sweeter..

Sweeter enough to get me diabetes of LOVE!!!


Ehh?? wtf am i talking about?? *faints*

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Yagami Ren played Yukimura Seichi in the first Rikkai cast in Tenimyu. He looks really handsome.

He is also one of the hosts in Woogie Boogie Night with Kimeru and Kazuki Kato.

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ahahaha Roby, u know how much I love Miss Baba (you know it too well xD) but in that video.... Baba chan.... you are so embarrassing xD!!!!!! (and I prefer you in Maid outfit :p)

AH that man. always so good and perfect. srsly, u see him in that cute lace dress and then u see him like this:







and think: holy moly, that cutie and this creepy man are the SAME PERSON O_O??

gosh, he's really a great actor.

He is..... how can I say it....... very VERSATILE?!?

ahahahah why am I blushing after I said it?? XD

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Arriana you also know that I adore Miss Baba and my favourite picture of "her" is that where has the maid outfit. He is more beautiful than a girl.

I agree with you. He is very versatile and a good actor.

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It's easy to see that Baba-chan really gets into the role he's potraying. It's like becomes them and not himself but then when the camera cuts he's back to being his silly goofy Oh I just want ot hug him self lol. All the boys are like that and that's one of the reasons I love them so much. Dai-chan's the same way. He can be extremely serious when the camera is rolling and once the director says 'cut' he's smiling like an idiot and looking so damn smexy while doing it... (drools passes out)

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Baba-Chan can be totally both uke and seme easily, HAHAHAHA depending on his style and plus depends on partner. Daisuke...HMM,Gosh PLZ FORGIVE ME TAIKI but but but just give me one minute of imagination. You'll be and always be Baba's bunneh or hamster. Ok now..IMAGINE DAISUKE AND BABA-CHAN. OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFfffffffgggg two insanely hot men- it's porn. tTekekekke, Daisuke would definitely have his way with Nerd Baba and Miss Baba. Baba won't definitely give it in too easily- he'll put up a fight. Muahahahah. Okay, that just reminds me of Fujimi Orchestra Live Action. AHHH I cant [bleep] wait.


Okay, Here's Baba-chan back to you, honey. -gives Baba back to Taiki who is now giving me a mean glare- AHHH. PET PET THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR FACE!!

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Dai-chan's the same way. He can be extremely serious when the camera is rolling and once the director says 'cut' he's smiling like an idiot and looking so damn smexy while doing it... (drools passes out)


I KNOOOOOOW.HES SOOOO GOOFY. BUt I love that in a guy who is ALREADY too hot. OMffffffffffgg



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OMG. now I'm picturing Daisuke with that black sleeveless shirt and Baba with the Maid outfit TOGETHER.....







this is gonna be in my head for a good while..................... O_O

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At Ari, which 'black sleeveshirt" one you speak of?One from With the Wind or... I want that in my head too!!!!!!



IDK if you guys noticed but Dai-chan ALWAYS WEAR BLACKKKKKKKKKKKK.

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@Sloan - he was wearing it in one video Yoji posted here.....

IINW happy birthday Yagami Ren..... ??

and..... oh yeah......

black surely suits him O_O

*keeps on imagining them together* ~~


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@roberta: OMG! i haven't seen that video yet. you know, when Baba-chan lifted his chin in the first few seconds of the film...I WAS LIKE YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEME!!! i have NEVER seen anyone wear a maid's outfit before looking SO DAMN SEME like that until Baba-chan did. why the heck he looks like a BOSS here? hahahhahahahahaha!!!! he looks like he can beat up someone in that outfit and will not even hesitate. i'm tickled with the dance though...so uber serious and very Vogue-ish. LOL thanks for sharing, my dear! :D


@Sloan: you know you have a point right there...Baba-chan can be uke and seme or even seke for that matter. but having him partner up with Daisuke...hmmmmmmmm....that's an interesting thought indeed. i mean...my goodness...Daisuke is like just gorgeous. i mean..did he pop out of his mommy's belly looking like a heartbreaker already? did the nurses faint when they held him in the delivery room? i mean GOSH!!! HE'S FREAKIN' GORGEOUS!!! frowny face..smiley face..serious face...da heck, Daisuke???


@Tat-chan. I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!! 1000XXXXX PERCENT!!! that's what makes Baba-chan so amazing. he can slip into character like a condom and then when he takes it off...he is absolutely goofy. i LOVE HIM!!!


@June: why is Aiba a HELIUM BABY?

Omg! his teeth, yeah..it's so messed up but he fixed it already, ne? BOOOOOO!!!! that was so cute as it is. i hope Taiki NEVER EVER fix his bunny teeth. just keep it like that FOREVER!

wow! you got to dance in a flash mob? so awesome. i'd like to be in one in the future. YAY!

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I think Aiba-chan is a helium baby because his voice still has a slightly higher pitch to most guys is age. Another one who has that type of voice is the guy who plays Ooji in TK 4 and 5.

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Hahahahha Tat-chan answered it for me. Thanks tat-chan ^^


Yeah tat-chan is right. His voice has a high pitch as if he's inhaling some helium.LOL

I love his voice becoz it is so weird. XD

I LOVE WEIRD THINGS!!!! wuwuwuwuwuuw

Yeah BOOOOOOO for the new teeth!!! I love the old one!!!

I still could remember when I first saw him in TK 1...I wish someone like him would plays violin for me!!

and I wanna pinch him to hear his shouting voice.."ouch!!!" hehehehehe

I am grateful becoz Taiki is appreciating his cute teeth.

If not the I'll be sitting in the corner mourning for the teeth..."Bunny~teeth!!!!!!...tsk...tsk"

I also love Taiki's voice becoz it sounds unique *i think*

There's something in his voice that would alwys makes me laugh. ^__^


btw I love how things are going on in this forum. FULL OF POSITIVE yet pervy ENERGY!!!!

Hahahahahahahahha Baba chan in female outfit really makes my day!!!

I had a bad day today...Physics...*getting stab*

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Well I'll take yhour miserable day Jun-nee-chan and raise you mine. I get to work no dishes are clean (save a few they managed to well save lol) the 2nd food line isn't cleaned yet and we were busy as heck! To top it all of there was a power outage in half the town including us so we were in the dark literally for about 2 hours (scared as hell I was yes scared as hell). I managed to keep myself calm by listening to TK 5 on my phone/music player. To top everything off there was only myself and my manager there the whole night startinh at 10.

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Haiz~~tat-chan i need a hug here!!!!! *cries*

Gosh!!! I screwed up my Physics and I really hate myslf now..Add math and now Physics...Q___Q

Im gonna have 2 subjects to fail...


Well now all I can do is watching Taiki in YT and wishes that my frustration will drain away. Those smiles of his is my strength now. I am also watching the Pure fanvid that i manage to download into my mp4. Gosh!!!!!


I am so worn out and thre's still Biology left. I think my brain is gonna explode. x____X

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Jun-nee-chan you'll do fine. I know it's a lot of work but if it will make you feel any better I'm almost done with the 2 one-shots I'm writing. I can't finish them today though I don't think cause I'm too tired from work like I'm peeking through my halfway closed eyelids right now tired. (hugs extra tightly) Jun-nee-chan is so kawaii she'd fit right in with Mao-kun and Taiki-kun.

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@Tat-chan: i'm glad you're safe. no crazies came by taking advantage of the power outage.


@June: omg..girl...fail the 2 subjects? it's not yet hopeless, is it? well, keep on fighting. are you aiming for top scores or just pass it? whichever your goals, i hope you make it. you're gonna be fine.


oh so that's what helium baby means...


i have somewhat of a high pitchy thing going on when i normally speak...does that make me helium too?


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Hahaha yojichan.. u wanna be our helium baby too?? lol


Well..when u hear someone with helium u'll know how it sounds.. they sounds like a buzzy mosquitoes!!! So cute!! Do u sound like that as well?? LOL


I failed 2 out of 10 subjects..maybe i will be fine.. i juz need to concentrate on my Biology.. read about locomotion..plants..bla bla bla.. to pass.. gosh!!! June!!! last paper for tmrro and u can finally enjoy ur holidays!!! jia you for me.. xP

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@june: who knows..i might post a video of me with my speaking voice and you judge if i sound like helium. *giggles*


@sloan: OMG! here goes..


ok everyone...it is without a doubt that the fitting room scene was the MOST passionate and sexy kiss we have ever seen. freeze framing each part of it was wonderfully long and yeah...no cheating...just PURE kissing.


i am once again taking the liberty of accomplishing this self-assignment to tackle on the choco kissu..



i must say that the way Taiki looks at Baba-chan here...you could see he's in for the kill. this is the look of a predator not some passive pathetic boy. HE WANTS MISU. i love this frame.



notice that in these images Taiki has already closed his eyes for the sensation...



and seeing how close their lips are..also please take note of Baba-chan's lower lip as a point of reference. remember it.



i think this is the kill shot. this is where we've been hallucinating that there has been some tongue action. please refer to previous image to see Baba-chan's lower lip. although we also have to consider Taiki's lower lip as well. notice how it looks, he must be straining to keep his tongue in place. this is obviously not a "relaxed" kiss...they are really trying to EXCHANGE something between their mouths.



notice how buried Baba-chan's nose is into Taiki's cheek.



relaxed kisses do not generate this much moisture in someone's lips



oh there you go! SALIVA STRING! check out the length of that. that's a strong string. that doesn't happen in fake kissing.



love this frame. Taiki looks overcome with emotions here after the kiss




so there you have it, minna~san. it's amazing how many times we keep referring to Pure for the intimacy generated by these two. we can never get enough and at the same time we got more than we asked for.

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Hahahha sure bunny nee chan.. I would like to hear to ur voice...^^


Yojichan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahhahahahahaha love the caps!!!!!


Gosh!!!! I'm losing my consciousness now!!! Oxygen~oxygen!!!

or better I need mitsu!!! LOL


Well I am so speechless now..the moisture that we can see is too awesome!!!

I love when u mentioned that it is not a relaxed kiss!!!

BabaTaiki first kiss in this movie...LOL

They have to exchange chocolate!!! Baba chan just use ur tongue..IT WILL BE BETTER!!! LOTS BETTER!!!


i must say that the way Taiki looks at Baba-chan here...you could see he's in for the kill. this is the look of a predator not some passive pathetic boy. HE WANTS MISU. i love this frame.


i AGREE WITH THAT!!! may I say that he looks hot?? Bcoz somehow he's not the cutie pie that we know. His eyes are something. SOMETHING!!!


oh there you go! SALIVA STRING! check out the length of that. that's a strong string. that doesn't happen in fake kissing.


Yup!!! They kissed many times actually for this scene..so maybe their lips are getting more moisture. In the making of, we can clearly see that their kiss were not this DEEP. But Director wants something more realistic about the fact that they do have only physical relationship. I am melting here thinking of how Taiki must swells the choco..weee~~~ *___*

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@yoji. AHHHHHH Thank you for the screencaps. DokiDokiDoki. AAHHHHHHHHHH - sighs happily - SOOOO KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -squeals- Oh Let me show you something too♥!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I couldn't get the Video URL [facebook in takumi club] and make it good quality so I recorded it instead. Gah sorry for the quality and lagging. b-b-b-ut NOW YOU'LL SEE WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. GAHHHHHHHHH There's tongue. Or is it still my imagination??? I paused that part for you guys. GAHHHHHHHHhhhhh tongue tongue tongue babababaababaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh taiki U [bleep] LUCKY U. Ok Sure sure you have an hour to stare at this. Bwahahahaha.








Ok I died. X_X

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@June: hahahahhaha! i am so glad you enjoyed that. i really love how everything panned out in that scene. i know right? they had to do that scene several times to get all that moisture in place. woohoo!!! i love how serious Taiki looked. i was still watching it frame by frame even after the hugging and i could really see Taiki's expression was just so consistent for the scene. nothing overdone and i LOVE how Baba-chan could not look at him even when he said, you're annoying...you could see that as Misu...he too was much affected by that kiss he instigated. there's a whole lot one could see from their body language that words do not express. because if we have to base alone to what they're saying, it won't be enough at all. i am really REALLY impressed with BabaTaiki and how they made MisuShin come to life with the way they interpreted them.


@Sloan: OMG!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! this is a camera angle taken from the Making of Pure. not the movie. :D the quality gets really blurry though, it's like the video was intentionally slowed down then speeded up so the images are not that clear. so even doing a frame by frame thing wouldn't be easy.




but i STILL managed the best that i can. what we see here is the chocolate being passed on by Baba-chan to Taiki. tongue action? you betcha! but for the sake of the chocolate transfer only, of course. hehehe! i'm beginning to wonder if those chocolates were frozen first before they used it. it still looks pretty intact from this shot.

DANGIT! this is WHY i NEED to get Bit chocolates myself to prove my theory. LOL..geek mode :hamtaro-005 (22):





what have we learned from this so far?

you know, kissing is one thing but having to pass a food product via mouth to mouth is pretty INTENSE.

excuse me while i go away and take a cool shower. it's so hot around here all of a sudden.

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