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Say what ever you want II


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Oh this is nice...this video...the way it's edited...and the music...it's very visually stimulating. It sort of captures you. I love it!




that is indeed brilliant!!!

so awesome!!! *_____*

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drinks on you? Bridge... hopefully you are rich... lmao xD

waiter?! Uiiii... i wonder who that might be...



Well... it might be sound a bit bad but money is not the problem here...lmao....

well... a table were you'd like to eat...lmao....hahahahahahaha......

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well... a table were you'd like to eat...lmao....hahahahahahaha......


ahahahhaah just perfect!!! lmao xD


this is the picture in my head right now... ahahahha




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Ok...now I am kind of scared.

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But if this whole forum end up in jail, at least we could have a yaoi party :p


Everyone who has Tumblr, I hope you're speaking up, because I will.

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yes we could! :p


yaoi jail party!! eheh xD


i lost count in how many petitions i've sigh up now... hope it is enought to stop this bullsh*t...

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... I have a picture of Mana-sama's ass... Both kinda disturbing and uh... arrousing?... x'D

Apparently, he has atleast worn a thong once...

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okay...to all of those who are interested in the forming of the SHINee Pairings club...im sorry to tell you that we need more fans T.T and i dont think i will be able to form the club on time cuz school will reopen in 2 days T.T which means i wont be able to visit YO more often T.T so we will have to wait a lil while till im on holiday again T.T im sorry for your disapointment...unless someone else would like to form it?

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I want a katana. A Real katana. And I want a proper bow and real sharp arrows. Then a horse, and do some horseback archery, and swordfighting.


Sometimes I feel like a wild beast disguised as a tiny, short, cute little human female XD You know, wild spirit and all that :p

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Okay, I have a "good" friend of mine, and now she tells me: "Urg I have a new email for my friends and for business stuff/ I am going on that e-mail so brb."


... I don't have that email...


... Is it me or is it normal for me to feel like a stupid chat-friend? o_o

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Intelligence, a blessing or a curse? Or a bittersweet taste in between?


I was reflecting on this topic today, so I wrote this. It's a bit long...


:hamtaro-005 (5):





You can’t deny intelligence is a nifty little trait. You can process vast amounts of new information at a fast pace, and you know just the technique to store the information for instant recollection in times of need. For you, passing a test in school was not chance, but choice. You could read through your textbook a couple of times, because you had convinced your subconscious you only needed to read through the material a couple of times to be able to remember it. The other option was to not read the text, and not pass.




However, intelligence is only as fun as your solitude. After a while, you notice the people around can’t seem to keep up with you. You think so quickly, everyone else just seem so…slow. Why can’t they remember this or that? Why can’t they see what seems obvious to you? Your intelligence might be a compromise for your social awkwardness, but you can still notice other people don’t seem to want to get close to you. They think you’re interesting and mysterious, and they are probably a bit impressed with your intelligence, but at the same time intimidated, and some even jealous. They want to know about you, they might want to know your work, or projects, but don’t necessarily want to become good friends with you.




Once you’ve realized this, you start to formulate a plan to get yourself friends. If your intelligence is what’s keeping you from forming those close friendships you so long for, then you intelligence must also be the solution. Easy logic.




You start toning down your intelligence; you hide it more during social events and gatherings. You start to pretend you’re just like any of them. You act interested in their affairs, you play along with their small talk and banter, despite your limited interest in gossip, reality tv-and goodness-you stopped really paying attention a few minutes after the conversation started. However, you can only act for so long before it becomes tiresome, and once you’ve had enough of pretending you’re someone you’re not, you realise your longing for companionship is still there. All the socializing you’ve been trying to take part in has done nothing to dampen the ever present tightening ache in your chest. Others will talk to you, and be in your company, but you can tell they don’t view you as a good friend. They think your nice, but you’re still not comfortable enough being social to make them love you, adore you, practically fight for your attention.




As your emotional maturity is starting to finally keep up with your intelligence scale, you realise it not just company you want. It is specific company. Not just anyone can be a close friend. Sure, you’ve grown more mature, and you’ve deliberately worked up your courage when it comes to interacting with other people, and by now you know you would easily be able to manipulate people, but you refrain. You have gained the ability to make others love you, or at least love the person you’re pretending to be. You admit the attention feels nice, but it’s not what you really want. You understand a friendship based of pretention and conman tactics is no friendship at all, not even close. You want a real connection, a real friendship. You want the company of a person whom can keep up with your thoughts. This person doesn’t necessarily have to possess the same kind of intelligence as you; there are many forms on intelligence after all. The only requirement is being able to understand you, and keep up with your mental pace (among other shared interests). If they can do this, your conversations will be stimulating and enjoyable, and you are able to bond. Each brings something to the friendship the other needs, and both parties feel whole in the presence of the other, they feel complete. You are two sides of the same coin.


Or maybe you just need someone who is not intimidated by your intellect. Someone who loves you, trusts you, and supports you.


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put an avatar and check your visitor messages. Your posts are deleted because you don't have an avatar. =_=... Hope you see this message on the sidebar.

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@ Aoi


Sorry for just replying to you today sweetie...

But...oh how i wish i could have some eye candy...

Even though i'm married i ain't blind you know...

But no!! I ended up with another girl, almost in her 30's...

Very shy, can't say a word without looking at me like"Am i screwing this up?!"

No boys at work at all and the only one even worth a glance around here is a security guard XD

Poor me... Then i go and take revenge on manga XDD

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