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Dominated (Pigeon x Wolf) [18+]


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"I'm fine with leaving my car" Alicio smiled and began to walk. "I know you said your home is near that grocery store, so I suppose we should just head in that direction and you can show me which way to go once we get close..." He was so close, in just a couple weeks Sega would be all his... "Well, perhaps we can talk about a few somewhat serious things..?"

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"Alright, but I don't think you should go in right now... the place is a bit of a mess. I planned on cleaning it tomorrow," Sega explained but then Alicio brought up the serious conversations. "Um... Alright, what is it you wanted to talk about?" the omega asked. He was a little unsettled by the question.

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"Don't worry, it isn't anything too serious" Alicio smiled down at him. "Really it's just that I remember you said you wanted 2 or 3 kids, right? Well, my family will probably end up pushing for us to continue having children until we have an alpha... But I want you to know that I will always be on your side, I will be happy to have as many or as few children as you'd like. It's your body, they have no right to tell you what to do, I just wanted to warn you that they may try"

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"Don't worry, I understand the importance of having an alpha.... It has been drilled into my head for a very long time that if I marry into a family as important as yours, I have to make sure to have an alpha... That's what Omega's are for aren't they? To bare alpha's kids? Still, I'm glad you're so protective of me." Sega was able to really smile and he leaned in to kiss Alicio, stopping them in the middle of the streets.

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Alicio smiled and leaned in to meet the omega's lips. He gently wrapped his arm around the boy's waist. He didn't make any move to deepen the kiss, not wanting to scare Sega in any way. Being close to Sega like this made him incredibly happy, this was what he had wanted for so long.

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Sega also didn' deepen the kiss preferring to leave it at the pure state for now and get to the more lustful kiss later. For now, the omega was more worried about them being in the way. There were very few people around but they did stop in kind of a strange place so when the kiss ended, Sega held tight to Alicio's arm and the two continued on their way. "Thanks for walking so far with me."

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Alicio kept the omega close, smiling down at him. "It's no trouble at all, I'm happy that I could spend more time with you. Do you mind if I stop by again tomorrow? I don't want you to feel like you have no time to yourself, but I really love spending time with you."

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"How about you stop by my house tomorrow? The boss told me to take half a day so, sorry that it's last minute but would you want to go on a date? I know you're probably busy for most of the day but maybe we could do dinner? I'll be out before the lunch rush... or I should be depending on just how much of a rush it ends up being..." Sega admitted. He bit his lip a little hoping that Alicio would agree and they could go on a date.

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"I'd love to, I'll always make time for you" Alicio leaned in and gently kissed Sega on the cheek. "I don't want you to ever feel like I don't care." He straightened up again, his cheeks slightly pink. "I'm sorry, that might have been a little too forward." It was true though, he wanted to shower the omega with his affection.

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"Hehehe, You're cute when you blush!!" Sega smiled brightly and hugged Alicio's arm. It made it a little harder to walk but Sega wasn't playing that hard to get anymore. Instead, he was just throwing himself onto the alpha at this point. Soon, they made it to Sega's house and the omega had to let go and head in. "Well, this is my apartment. It's a bit messy so you'll have to excuse me if I don't invite you in. I promise it will be clean for you tomorrow though," the omega explained. Sega went to unlock his door but found it was already unlocked. He opened the door and heard the shower running. "I forgot he was coming today...." Sega mumbled to himself. "I'll see you tomorrow!!" He said excitedly and gave Alicio a great kiss.

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"I can't wait-" Alicio stopped when he heard the shower running, his mind immediately going to the worse possible situation. Rage and jealousy bubbled up in his chest at the idea of someone else getting close to Sega. For a moment his raw alpha nature showed. The scent of complete aggression and domination surrounded his person. But it was pushed down almost as quickly as it had appeared. Alicio closed his eyes and took a slow breath, forcing himself to think rationally. It must be Sega's beta friend... What was his name? "Is that Tori?" He asked, turning his gaze back to the omega.

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"Yep, I see you remembered his name. The boiler burst in his apartment so he doesn't have any hot water. He has to work tomorrow so I offered to let him take a shower here. I didn't think he was coming for another hour or so..." He looked at the clock in his house and realized he was later getting home than expected. Oh well, he got to spend that time with Alicio. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! Try not to be late, ok?" Sega was super excited about his date.

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"I won't be, I promise" Alicio caught Sega's hand and kissed it gently. "I can't wait to see you again." He gave the boy one more smile before stepping away. "Say hello to Tori for me. I do hope that he will be accepting of our relationship." Alicio didn't actually want Tori anywhere near Sega, but he hadn't claimed the boy just yet so he had to be careful.

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"You don't have to worry about him. Tori has always been really supportive of all my choices. It is rare that he would go against my choice," Sega explained. He bid Alicio another goodbye before disappearing into his room where the shower stopped and Tori came out with a towel around his waist. The two talked for hours before Tori finally told Sega to go to bed and left for the night.

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Alicio spent the evening planning out his wedding with Sega, he wanted everything to be perfect when the day came. The next day he arrived at the cafe a few minutes earlier than he had planned. He had left his schoolbag in the car, and was very nicely dressed.

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When Alicio arrived, Sega was no where to be found. The female waitress came over to explain that the omega had gone into an early heat and it was worse than usual. Sega had kept himself up half the night so excited about the date and what would happen that he never realized that he basically caused this heat himself and had to call into work sick.


The omega took the fast acting suppressants which really were the worst things for him. Due to Sega being different where suppressants didn't work well on him... or at all really, he just ended up curled up on his bed in absolute agony. The omega shot a quick text to Alicio that said, "Feeling sick, gotta cancel... I'm sorry." It was choppy but all he could manage as he sent an SOS text to Tori who rushed over to his house. Due to the fact that Sega had found an Alpha, even though Tori didn't approve yet, he told the omega that this was the last time and that he should just go and get marked as soon as he could.


The two fucked really quick before Tori left his friend to get himself some water. Sega felt miserable and didn't want to meet with Alicio in his current state.

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Alicio felt rage rising in his chest at the idea of Sega finding someone else to help him while he was in heat. He quickly pushed the feelings down and walked out to his car before calling the omega. He hoped to convince his lover to let him come over, he didn't want to wait until the next time Sega was in heat.

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The phone rang and rang but Sega didn't answer until the last second. "H-Hello? Sorry.... I can't talk today... This is too much..." Sega didn't really give Alicio any time to talk or respond as he hung up and shoved his phone out of reach. The Omega didn't want to see Alicio... not like this... Besides, Tori seemed convinced that the alpha was just trying to take advantage of him... he was too perfect after all.

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Alicio refused to be treated like this. He was so close to claiming the omega and would not allow something like this to stop him. He immediately made up his mind and drove to Sega's apartment building. He was going to take the boy, by force if necessary. He firmly knocked on Sega's door, forcing down his anger and replacing it with an expression of concern. It would be best if he could convince the omega that he was really just worried and wanted to make sure he was okay. Then Sega's hormones would make him unable to resist the alpha.

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Sega had jerked himself off but it wasn't nearly enough to really help him. When there was a knock on the door, he figured it probably wasn't Tori but it might be his coworker Aya. She worried about him a lot after all. When he finally managed to make it to the door, the omega opened it carefully, his over powering hormones sending Alicio into a rut. Sega tried to run but that was impossible with his strength being gone.

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Alicio almost pounced on the omega right then, but he managed to hold himself back for now. He stepped inside and pushed the door shut behind himself. "I'm sorry to drop in like this" He said, his voice stayed calm but his eyes stayed filled with predatory lust. "I was worried about you, it sounded like something wrong. Hadn't we agreed to... Consummate our relationship when this happened?" He took a step towards Sega. "I hope that nothing happened to make you reconsider... Or that you are ill in some way?"

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"I'm just not ready for this yet... I thought I had a couple weeks to prepare...." Sega was so scared right now. He could barely stand, he felt sick enough to throw up, he had a terrible boner at the moment, and he was in front of an Alpha that was going into a rut with hungry eyes. The omega kept backing up slowly trying to think of some other way to escape. Finally, he dashed for the bedroom the best that he could.

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Alicio didn't run after him, instead he walked slowly to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Sega..." He couldn't hide the desire in his voice. "It's painful isn't it? Holding back like that? Don't you just want it to be over? Everything about your body wants me right now doesn't it?" As he spoke he brought out his phone and sent a text. "If you just come out here then I can make all your stress and fear go away. You'll never have to worry about safety, or money, or status..."

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Sega started to throw up in the bathroom for a while not having been able to lock the door. He had taken the fast acting medicine twice and it was really making things terrible for him. Never had the omega had to use so much and yet, it really wasn't working at all. After he finished, Sega opened the door. "I don't want you to see me like this..." He explained. The smaller male slipped and fell into Alicio's arms but looked startled and tried to push him away.

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Alicio scooped the boy up in his arms, pressing a kiss to his neck. "I want to see every side of you Sega..." It was incredibly hard for him to hold himself back, but he had to for just a little longer. "I'm having a driver pick us up to take us to my apartment, that way we can have privacy and you'll be nice and comfortable..." He carried the omega back into the bathroom and lowered him towards the sink. "Go ahead and rinse your mouth out..." His hands slipped down feel the curves of the boy's body. Alicio himself was already fully hard just from being so close to the omega.

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