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Do you hide your yaoi addiction?


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I don't talk with anyone about my addiction. not friends or family. however before my yaoi addiction I had an erotic novel addiction that my family was very much aware of onionn0. So if they did discover this new hobby of mine they probably wouldn't be all that surprised. whether they'd be comfortable with it is another matter. foxy4

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I would have to say I hide mine from my family but not my friends.

My close friends know I like yaoi. Heh, I don't have the guts to tell my family. The way they behave at times I feel like I don't even want to bring the subject up. All they do is judge and criticize. So that's why I only tell my friends. If my mom ever found out I'd be cool about it and I'm pretty sure she'll be in shock for a long while. (*´∀`*)

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@Xenres: I know that situation. Now that I live on my own, I don't have to deal with that as much, but I know what their reaction would be since I told them I was bi. .-.


My friends did find out though when I pulled a joke on one of them. One of his favorite characters is Kamina, so I told him put on these headphones and close his eyes. While he did that, I pulled up the first episode of Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi where Takano-san yells at Ritsu for calling the work lazy (Takano's voice actor=Kamina). He's smiling and does the "pierce the heavens movement", quoting Kamina. I tell him open his eyes right before he kissed Ritsu. He saw that scene and fell to the floor sulking. He hasn't forgiven me for that since. XD

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i told my sister about me reading yaoi manga and watching BL/yaoi anime. at first she thought it was a joke. but as time goes by, i think she already understood that it's the real deal.


well, as for my friends,, i'm very open about the stuff i read and watch. also, when with them, and they see me eyeing two men together, and i bring my head down to try and hide my giggling...they kinda give me a poke to put the thing that's running in my head to a slow down... :cuteonion41:

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  • 4 weeks later...

i hide it to everyone.because i'm a boy(not gay) and from christian family.but from the past 3/4 month i decided to let my room mate know about it.

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I hide it..... All my friends and family know me as someone who doesn't like to bring up anything involving sex or yaoi. Since i'm a girl and such i wouldn't tell anyone. I just go out sometimes and take my phone with me or my laptop and stay in my car. My family would despise me so i just never even come close to talking about it or if someone asks me i completely deny it. :L I think i'm okay with hiding it....:hamtaro-005 (5): maybe not :L

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Ofcourse no. I watch yaoi at noon when my mom leaves for work. It's the best time of my life. If she ever found out,she would find it a disguisting and... In generall,she wouldn't find it nice,even if she's not homophobic(or at least she says she's not) she would say something to me like that this is not for your age.. and stuff :L

Sorry for my english :p

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I hide it - especially from my family. The only one in my family who knows that is my brother.

The other two persons who knows that are two of my friends (their are both female). One of them loves yaoi, too.

The other one... I guess she tolerates it only. :D

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I hide it from my family. But most of my friends got ME into yaoi, so they all know. Only one friend did not know. And in result i made her watch a yaoi and now she loves it too. But my entire family are Jehovahs Witnesses, except my mom, who had me grow up on Harry Potter and LOTR. But she is really touchy about boys and has seared it into my brain to never get married or have kids.

So ya. I cant even talk to my family about this. Its a good thing i got my friends and the random people of the internet!

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Nobody knows! Especially not my family because if they did know, they would see me an entirely different way and would just get real worried. I think my friends know I like yaoi, I'm not sure plus I only have internet friends who like yaoi.

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no one know except my twin and some close friends cuz if my family know i don't know what they will do with me

and one day i tell one of my friend "i love yaoi" he said "u will go to hell" so i tell to him "i am joking" cuz i was afraid if he will leave me or tell my family that i love yaoi and they will don't allow me to watch any thing or use the net (my parents always like that)

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I told 5 people, 1 my mom, 2 my brother. they both don't agree with it but I still love them. 3 my "bestfreind", and she told everyone at my lunch table in 3 weeks time of her knowing it... 4 my bestfriend who is a guy never told a soul! I love him


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no one know except my twin and some close friends cuz if my family know i don't know what they will do with me

and one day i tell one of my friend "i love yaoi" he said "u will go to hell" so i tell to him "i am joking" cuz i was afraid if he will leave me or tell my family that i love yaoi and they will don't allow me to watch any thing or use the net (my parents always like that)

wow that's horrible!! :'( If i were you I wouldn't talk to him anymore if that was his reaction, that was way too extreme!! but rest asured most people, no im sure all people in this forum won't judge you, even me. :)

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I don't hide it but I also don't walk around the streets wearing a billboard on my forehead saying "I LOVE YAOI".

If anyone asks me, I tell them straight up. Most of my friends don't really mind or, quite frankly, care since my obsession for yaoi never changes my attitude towards anyone and neither does it change 'most' people's attitude towards me. As for my family, the first person who got to know was my brother and he made fun of me for some time before he got into it as well ._____.)....

My mom once caught both me and my brother watching yaoi and she just laughed her ass off saying that both of us are weird but I knew she was just joking with her sons, mostly because both my brother and I are bisexual and she regularly sees us flirting with girls once and boys the other moment, so maybe she's used to it. My dad doesn't know about yaoi though...Mostly coz he never asked, saw me (or my brother) and my mom doesn't really care about telling him. So, if anyone asks me to give a 'yes' or 'no' answer, then i say no, i don't hide my yaoi addiction.

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I didn't hide it but since my friends didn't like this yaoi thing, so I decided not to tell. If there is someone who want to talk with me, of course I will talk with them.

My mom once saw me watching yaoi anime and she doesn't care coz she said it's childish. For my younger sister knew and just let me be as long I didn't involve her.

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I don't intend to hide my yaoi addiction to my friends. They know that I love gay couples. I'm vocal that I support and love gay men (: My family knows too but about reading stuffs like hard core yaoi, no one knows it but me. LOL. My siblings are still kids so I don't want them to involve in this thing and besides it's not my thing to share something to anyone that I know they will not like it in the first place. If someone ask me if I love yaoi, I will definitely answer YES! But unfortunately, I don't know any people around me who have the same interest as mine so I can't share my happiness to anyone. Huehuehue

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sadly I did..

I have two big brothers anyway, they're going to kill me if they found out!

also, I think my mom will send me to Mental doctor..

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You guys/girls are so fortunate with your family & friends.

Being so open towards them and they accepting it, I'm happy for you all :Red_fox4:


Unfortunately I can't be open with it here and I have to hide it.

The only person that knows that I like shounen-ai is my mom and she even saw a couple of anime's with me like; loveless/gravitation...so I'm very very happy with her *nods*, it's our little secret.

My bf caught me once and got onion2 I said it was ''just a phase'' I was going trough and a week later I got rid of everything when we moved in together... my heart still hurts because of it and we never talked about it.

As for the rest of my family & friends, simply put it'll ruin their position and mine if I say or show anything.

However... they do know that I support gay couples both males and females.


So I'm very glad that this site exists, not only because I can watch/read and share my thought here, but also because I won't be judged here.

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Waah, so many different situations here.

For me there's a few friends that know of it and actually share it, so I guess lucky me?

But my family - big NO. I don't even know what they'd think. They are kind of homophobic, especially my dad. I don't even want to now what his reaction would be like...

But, on this topic, one of my friends shared that her parents actually caught her reading some yaoi manga and they were not really cool about it, but came around. That, I think, IS pretty nice. :hamtaro-005 (6):

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Nope not really i read it where ever i am and i will openly talk it about with my friends though some thing im joking or dont think im sorta like a nerd but other wise my family is the only one who doesnt know which is a good thing.


But all in all i will even watch yaoi anime openly even discuss it XD im not really in a i care mood XD

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Pretty much everyone I know, knows about my yaoi addiction. For me, it was a lot easier telling them. I grew tired of having to switch to another tab whenever anyone walked by my room. I actually made quite a few friends that way.

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