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Dragon Ball Z: Between Two Worlds (SPOILERS, +18, MA?)


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An amused smirk could be seen upon Gynoxyz's face as he listened to what the human was saying, nodding in confirmation when he was asked if he was indeed who everyone was talking about. Another voice speaks up, turning out to be Raj, and for a brief second the God looks to him, but once more settles his eyes on Yamcha, knowing quite well that Rexyl was scared of him, but doing nothing to ease that fear.


Instead, he remains silent as the two older men converse, patiently waiting for their little 'argument over who was stronger and why they were smarter' was over, folding his hands behind his back, every now and then glancing at the shadows in which a figure was concealed, Rexyl's eyes following the silver haired God's gaze, but quickly looks away, a tremor of uncertainty flowing through him like a rushing river, right through his entire body.


When he was asked a question, Gynoxyz blinks and looks to Raj, before chuckling softly. "What is it like being a God you ask? Well, it can be, as you say 'freakin' awesome', but at times, it does get on my nerves. So many fear me, because they know exactly what I can do, and that, well, it prevents me from becoming close to anyone." He shrugs a tiny bit, stepping forward just a little bit more, coming out a few inches into the light.


A sudden look of sadness forms on his face, a softness around the edges. His eyes look downcast, as he glances up at the sky. "And often I find myself thinking...Despair. Hope. Hate. Love. Anger. Calm. There's always a good side to the bad. But what happens when something has neither? What do you do then? How do you deal with something like this? Because that's how I feel. Stuck in between, caught at the side lines. Unfulfilled, fruitless, half there. Unseen, yet seen, and at the same time, I'm completely invisible. Why is that? Is it because I'm a god? Or is it because I've...given up on myself?"


He laughs, but there was no amusement in the sound. "I don't think I will ever find the answer to those questions...And somehow, I can find myself being quite okay with that..."


Rexyl narrows his eyes, was this real, or was it for show? Trickles of memories were slowly starting to reveal themselves to him, like grains of sand falling to the bottom of a glass vial. He remembers that there was more than one side to Gynoxyz, one of light, and another of dark...and if they were to live here, he knew that they had to make sure that dark side never surfaced, or they would be doomed.


"Gynoxyz...The God of Light...and Revoluxyz...The God of Darkness...Also, the beginning...and the end...Both powerful and both very dangerous." He whispers this quietly, hoping that Yamcha had heard him, but had not been expecting Gynoxyz to hear him too, who had raised an eyebrow, a sudden spark flickering in his eyes.


"You remember me now...do you?" He tilts his head, as Rexyl tries to conceal himself even more from the God.

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Yamcha stared at Gynoxyz and for a moment, visions flashed through his eyes, and it was as if Gynoxyz was showing these things to him. He had seen the saddened look on his face, and he nodded to what he was saying. As he and Raj both prepared to say something, the door opened.


"Yamcha, you said five minutes." Goku walked over to them, hugging Rexyl from behind. He looked up, smiling once he saw Genoxyz, "Oh hey."


Yamcha had heard Rexyl whisper something, but in all reality, Genoxyz frightened him. But that shadowed figure not too far away frightened him even more, "Sorry, Goku

.. I'm, uh.. suddenly not feeling well."


Goku blinked at Yamcha, "Oh. Sorry to hear that.."


Yamcha shook his head, stealing another glance at Gynoxyz, "It's cool. I havn't slept well and I'm sure Puar is getting worried.. so... okay, see you later." He rose into the air and quickly sped off, going into the direction of his home.


Goku watched him, slightly confused and he looked at Gynoxyz, a small smile on his face, "Did you scare him? He can be off-putting but he's an okay guy."


Raj snorted, "Off-putting? That guy's in complete competition with Goku."


Goku let somewhat of a half smirk form on his lips and he shrugged, "Eh.. he's harmless." Goku kept glancing towards the shadows then, and although he visually saw nothing, he couldn't help but feel there might have been someone else there. It was funny, but since Gynoxyz came to Earth, Goku's senses were keened up and sharpened. Almost as if he was tapping into his inner God power himself.


Still, staring at the shadows, he got a creepy feeling deep in his chest. The narrowed look of concentration ceased and he looked back to Gynoxyz, smiling again, "Well, Rexyl, you ready to go home?"

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Gynoxyz didn't even blink when Goku suddenly arrived on scene, his ears listening intently to everything that was being said. An eyebrow rose at Yamcha's sudden words of saying that he was not feeling well, and his eyes follow as Yamcha rose into the air and then out of sight, his gaze returning to earth and falling to Goku, whom was now being used as Yamcha was, like that of a shield, by Rexyl, blocking him from view.


"I did absolutely nothing. It must be something around causing him trouble, but I don't know what exactly." A glimmer in his eye hid the fact that he did indeed know what was going on, but everything else upon his face feigned complete and utter innocence. "Complete competition? With Goku?" He repeats, his silver grey eyes flicking between the two, wondering exactly what was meant by what had just been said.


A shift in the shadows makes Gynoxyz step back a little, and quirk his head to the side, falling silent, and the darkness stills and becomes silent once more, as if the God had done something to calm it. His eyes lock with Goku's, and he smiles just a small bit, fighting back a laugh when Rexyl nods fervently, clutching onto the back of Goku's top, anxious to get as far away from that place as possible.


"Yes, I-I do w-want to g-go. I a-am ready..." He was stuttering much like when he'd first been learning to talk, and it hadn't been this bad in a while, showing just how nervous the young Xerothuan was.


"I must be going anyways. Though I'm sure you'll see me around...and maybe others, if you catch my drift." Without sticking around to answer any questions if Goku might ask what he meant by that, Gynoxyz swiftly walks over to the shadows, his whole figure engulfed, but as he reaches out to something or someone, he glances back, his eyes like two glowing orbs of light, and it was obvious he was laughing silently. But within an instant, he was gone, and the chill down Rexyl's spine disappeared with him.

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Raj watched as Gynoxyz left then, and an eyebrow rose slightly, glancing over at Goku, "Okay.. was it just me, or was anyone else wondering what he meant by 'others'?"


Goku, smiling softly and looking unworried, nodded slightly, "I'm sure if it were a big problem, he'd say something. He said he wasn't here to cause trouble, and I believe him. I'm sure its probably nothing to worry about.." he looked back in the direction of where Gynoxyz disappeared, "At least not right now, anyway."


Raj blinked in surprise, "Wait, what do you mean 'not right now'? Do you know something??"


"No." Goku didn't elaborate, but kept that small smile on his face. Then, he hugged Rexyl close, nuzzling into his neck softly, "Tell Dad we went home, Raj?"


Even Raj knew that even though Goku made it sound like a question, he was telling him to do it. So Raj nodded, "Sure.. see you later?"


Goku nodded before bending over and lifting Rexyl up under . The knees and around the shoulders, "Yeah. I'll call you." Then he lifted up into the air and started for home.

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  • 1 month later...

Rexyl sighs in relief as Gynoxyz disappeared, though the uneasy feeling he was having didn't completely disappear.Something in the very air made . m quiver, shivering as if cold, and when he was picked up by Goku, bundles himself up against the strong Saiyan, the vibration of his heart beat, and the warmth given off being a remedy to his fears.


The wind tugs at his hair as they rise up, and like always, it manages to take his breath away, distracting him completely, for the time being, from the danger that was lurking in the murky shadows of the future that was to come.


"Goku-nii, I'm tired..."


Staring up towards the rising figures, a smirk on his lips, silvery grey orbs reflecting star light, Gynoxyz chuckles quietly to himself, his gaze flicking over to the figure stooped in the corner of the abandoned building. A look of pity and slight disappointed disgust forms on his face, as he walks over to the form on the floor.


Kneeling down, he reachs out and tugs at the bandages, shaking his head softly. "You're quite pathetic you know. Why don't you just give up?"


The figure glares at Gynoxyz, fury of one only feeling pure and simple hatred shining in eyes of revenge.


"I'll make that bastard pay. You watch. I'll make all of them regret defying me. I will make them wish they'd never been born."


Gynoxyz shakes his head in exhaustion, as if this conversation had been gone through before.


"You know...I didn't give you a second chance just to get yourself killed." With that, he walks away, and disappears, heading to where he only knew.

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Goku got back to the house in pretty much no time at all. Once he heard Rexyl mutter how sleepy he was, it made Goku smile softly. He slowed then, allowing himself to drop to his feet. He waited until he sat Rexyl to his feet, and then opened the door. Once inside Goku grinned, switching on a light before he suddenly reached over and took Rexyl's hand.


The Saiyan then pulled the other close to him, and leaned over, pressing his lips to Rexyl's. The kiss was soft, and Goku placed a hand gently on the side of Rexyl's face before the kiss got deeper, more intimate.


He finally paused long enough to lean down, scooping Rexyl's legs up and wrapping them around his muscular waist. Both hands first were wrapped around Rexyl's waist, then loved to hold him up by his buttocks. He finally pulled away, his voice low, and still smiling at Rexyl, "Then let's go to bed.."

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Once home, inside the house, Rexyl was set down by Goku, his knees trembling slightly in his weariness. A lot had happened that day, and the toll of energy it had taken on him was quite significant. He doesn't fall though, which he was quite glad about, but to his surprise he was taken into Goku's arms, pulled into a soft, gentle kiss, that grew more passionate by he second. His skin warms beneath the Saiyans touch.


After a moment he was once more scooped up into Goku's arms, his legs willingly wrapping around the others' waist, goosebumps forming first at his waist, the everywhere else as his buttocks were supported by Goku's hands. The kiss ends, leaving Rexyl breathless, and he giggles softly.


"Alright." He giggles again, his arms wrapped lightly around Goku's neck, head resting lightly against he others' collar bone. "Love you...Goku-nii."

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Goku smiled lovingly at Rexyl before he made his way towards Rexyl's room. Once there, he slowly and softly set Rexyl on the bed, on his back. Goku easily leaned over him, smiling down at Rexyl as a hand reached down and softly brushed across his face. He stared down at him, his mind racing a million miles a minute before he lowered to his forearm.


He leaned over then, again softly taking Rexyl's lips in his in a soft kiss. His head turned slightly, allowing his tongue to plunge deeper inside his mouth. After a moment, he pulled away again, "Do you know what I was just thinking about?"


Goku leaned up, raising his arms up and pulling off the dark blue shirt he wore, "I realized how lucky I was. You came at the right time. When I needed you the most. You accepted me.. loved me.." he allowed the shirt to slip through his fingers and fall to the floor.


He leaned over again, on his forearms, "And it was then I realized how deeply I am in love with you.." he softly kissed Rexyl's face, "I'll never leave you..."

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Laying on his back, his gaze turned upwards at Goku, who was hovering over him, a tiny smile tugs at the corner of his lips, before they were taken captive once more by the Saiyan's own. For a moment it was nothing but an innocent, soft kiss, until Goku slips his tongue in between Rexyl's teeth, his own tongue brushing shyly against the others'. When asked a question, Rexyl quietly shakes his head, knowing quite well that Goku was going to tell him, and sure enough, he was told exactly what the other was thinking.


He watches in silence as Goku took off the shirt that he was wearing, blushing a tiny bit, hearing what was told. No one had ever said anything like that to him before, no one had ever told him that they were lucky for meeting him, Rexyl. A look of melancholy happiness forms on his face as he looks back at Goku, his eyebrows gently pressed together, his one visible eye shining gently with unshed tears. This made him so happy.


"You...really do love me?" He asks, searching Goku's face, expression, eyes, for some sort of clue, some hint, trying to find anything that was hidden or kept away, that the other wasn't being true...but could find none. The words that were being said to him, all of them, were completely honest, and one hundred percent from the heart.


"Do you promise? Do you promise never to leave me?" He murmurs, looking down, then up again, straight into Goku's eyes. "Because...I promise...to never leave you. Goku-nii..." Breathing quietly, he whispers something, nearly inaudible at that point.


"And maybe...I will...someday...want you to...mark me...I never want to leave."

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Goku continued to leave soft, feathery kisses along Rexyl's jaw and neck as one hand slowly ran along the males side and hip. He then smiled again, "I promise. I won't ever willingly leave your side.."


He pulled away then, to lean up a bit. He took Rexyl's kimono tie in his hands, gently and slowly untying the belt that held it closed. After he pulled it open, and lied the garments loosely over Rexyl's petite body, Goku raised a hand and gently brushed his thumb over the others lips. The Saiyan then slowly trailed his fingertips over Rexy's chest and torso, stopping once he felt the scars.


His expression changed then, and he seemed slightly troubled, even a little sad, "I wish I had known you then.." his voice was so low, almost whispering to the other, "Maybe I could have saved you from getting hurt.."

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A sense of comfort slowly ran it's way through his veins, allowing his body to relax completely next to Goku, the smile growing on his lips as the Saiyan promised to never leave him. Watching, still in silence, each spot where a kiss had been lain so gently and lovingly tickling like butterfly feet, his gaze follows Goku's hands, which had gone to the tie at his waist, undoing the bow that held his clothing in place, uncovering his pale and scarred, tiny and fragile body beneath.


Once more loving fingers trail over his skin, making him shudder, his breathing coming in soft feathery puffs of air. His brows come together again when the movement stopped, knowing that Goku's fingers had come into contact with one of his scars, which rose ever so slightly above the rest of his skin. Seeing the Saiayan's expression, a sad smile forms upon his own face, before raising one of his own slim tiny hands to rest gently on Goku's cheek.


"I do not know about that. If you had, things might not have turned out the way they have, do you not think? I might have not fallen in love with you, you might still not have been able to save me. Things...happen the way they do for a reason. I believe that this happened to me, because it was meant to be. It brought me to you."


Leaning up, the kimono slipping from his shoulders, he brings his lips shyly to Goku's, kissing him softly. It lasted a few moments, before he pulls away. "I am glad things happened the way they did. Goku-nii, do not feel sad that you were not able to prevent my pain. Because with it, I found you; with it, I found the remedy to make all my pain go away."

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Goku accepted the kiss willingly, softly brushing his lips back over Rexyl's. He nodded, although he still felt a little sad from it. But Rexyl was right.. things happen for a reason. Or did they? Did that mean what happened to him was for a reason? What reason would it be, exactly? No.. he had to stop thinking about that. At least for now.


Goku leaned over again, softly running his tongue down Rexyl's chest, to one nipple, and he sucked gently. Then, he moved over, across his chest to the other one, tasting the sweet skin on the others body. He gently raked his teeth over his chest, slowly moving more downward.


Goku paused at the males navel, glancing up at Rexyl before he dipped his tongue slowly inside the small hole. He was taking his time, wanting to make this experience that much more exciting.

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Even though he was tired, his heart still fluttered in child like excitement as he felt Goku's lips once more upon his skin, the tongue that ran down his chest, the Saiyan's mouth coming to a pause at his nipple, which was sucked at gently, causing it to rise up and harden, the same being done seconds after to the other as well, making his face blush softly, as heat rose to the surface.


Then the older male moves down further, still touching him with that mouth, feeling breath upon his belly button, making him shiver as it tickled just a little. He shudders then as Goku placed his tongue within the shallow dip in his stomach, making him giggle quietly as well, he couldn't help it. It was a ticklish spot for him, but at the same time it felt nice.


His eyes had met with Goku's, when the other looked up at him from the position he was in, a glistening in his eye showing exactly how happy he was at that moment.


"Goku-nii, I am glad to have you." He murmurs this quietly, but loud enough for Goku to hear him. His heart beat with love in his chest for the man that was with him, and he wondered if things were to remain the way they were. He truly hoped that was the case, as he had finally found a place where he truly belonged.

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Goku smiled up at Rexyl before he leaned up. On his knees on the bed now, the Saiyan gets to his feet. He gently pulled Rexyl out of the arms of the kimono, and folded it over his arm. Then, he gently draped it over a chair, knowing how nice it looked. The Saiyan male then kicked off his boots before his hands trailed down, and opened the jeans he was wearing.


He softly blushed, although he laughed before pushing the jeans off his hips and onto the floor below. He was just in boxer briefs, and he crawled back onto the bed, leaning over and once again claiming Rexyl's mouth in his.


When the kiss ended, he nuzzled the others cheek, "I want you.. do you want me?"

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His kimono was soon completely removed, its' new spot now hanging nicely folded from the back of his desk chair. He lay there, his skin bare, nothing hiding his form from Goku's eyes. Not that he wanted to stay hidden anyways. Tilting his head, he watches as Goku takes off first his boots, then his pants, which crumple to the floor below his feet, then the Saiyan crawls onto the bed next to him, wearing nothing but underpants, something that Rexyl had never really worn before.


A kiss was taken from him, he gladly accepted the lips against his own, and the question that was asked next of him made his already pink cheeks darken. With a unsteady and shaky breath, he replies, his voice quiet, but concrete. He knew that this was what he wanted, for life.


"Yes, I do want you...forever..."


He looks deep into Goku's eyes, nodding lightly, a trembling smile forming on his lips. The feel of lips against his own, the heat of another's skin, the sound of a heartbeat next to his, a person who cared deeply for him...he wanted that. Rexyl never wanted to let that go...it was what he always longed for, a special someone to call his own, and to be called someone else's...


"Goku-nii, I do want you. And if you want me...you can have me..."

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Goku smiled softly, again pressing his lips to Rexyl's in another sweet kiss. After a moment, he leaned back up, edging off the bed, "Wait right here.. I'll be right back."


Goku then walked away, going to the door and disappearing through it. After a few moments, he emerged, carrying a small bottle in his hands. "I got this earlier today.. it's lube, so, it will help it not hurt more."


Goku opened the bottle, squeezing some onto his fingers before he lied back down next to him. On his side, he smiled, leaning on one arm. The other hand slowly snaked its way in between Rexyl's legs, "Ready..?"

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For a moment he was by himself in the room, only to be rejoined by Goku moments later. His eyes turned to the small container that was being held, and he didn't even have to ask what it was, because Goku spoke up before he had a chance to open his mouth. So, it was lube...hmm...If it was to help it not hurt, that was a good thing, definitely.


Mesmerized, he watches Goku place this "lube" upon his fingers, and then closes his eyes quickly as he felt that hand move in between his legs, making his entire body warm up. Mutely, and with a red face, he nods fast, heart beating like a drum. "Y-Yes, I am..." He gasps, already his being felt as if it were going to go numb from all the feelings that raced through his veins.

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Goku slowly and gently pushed his fingers inside, noting how much easier it was to slide in, "Yeah.. this'll be a lot easier on you.."


Goku raised his other hand, softly running it over Rexyl's forehead as he thrust his fingers in and out of him gently, ever so slowly. He could do so now since he wasn't as sexually frustrated. His hand then roamed Rexyl's body after he leaned up to his knees, "Does it feel good?"

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Even though it was indeed a bit less painful, Rexyl still whimpers lightly, his brows pressing together lightly as Goku's fingers slipped inside of him. The hand upon his brow wiped away the worries that had been beginning to grow just then, putting him at ease. With every movement of the other hand though, his breath hitches just slightly, but like Goku had said to him, it was indeed not quite as hurtful. That and Goku was being as gentle as could be, moving slowly and carefully, as if he were treating Rexyl like some sort of precious artifact, that if handled too roughly, would break at any moment.


"Yes...i-it feels good..." He murmurs, his skin forming goosebumps at the hand roaming all over it, his own fingers curling and uncurling a bit, one of his hands moving to touch with his fingertips along Goku's bare chest, feeling the muscles beneath his touch. It was nice, having someone so strong, so powerful, and yet so loving, to call his own. And yet, for some reason, this...was confusing.


"Goku-nii...I...why do we do this?" He enjoyed the feeling that he got when he was being touched, but why, why did people do this?

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Goku blinked, a bit taken back by the question. He rose his eyes, away from Rexyl's beautiful body in order to think about the question on hand. After a moment, his fingers having stilled in the meantime, he laughed softly, "I dunno."


He leaned over, kissing Rexyl softly on the lips before continuing, "Most species mate to keep the population going. To multiply, things like that. But for us, two males.. I think the answer is a lot more... selfish." He flipped his head, trying to move his hair from his eyes as his body shivered from being touched, "You see, the reason why I instigate this.. is because it feels good. Sometimes your body tells you things that you can't hear. It's.. hard to explain, but it all boils down to the wanting of sex.. that's why I think ut's a more selfish reason."


He continued to thrust his fingers, sliding them deeper inside as he stroked the walls before moving them around, trying to stretch him. "What we do... what this is... is called sex, Rexyl. It's very natural and healthy to have it. I, myself, love sex.. its one of my favorite pass-times." He smiled again before his hand roamed Rexyl's body again, his thumb gently running over a nipple, "You're so beautiful... hot and sexy, how could I NOT want to have sex with you?"

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"O-oh..." He whispers softly, lowering his eyes, so that his long eyelashes brushed against his cheeks. The explanation he'd been given certainly helped him a bit in understanding what they were doing and why, but for the rest, he was still a bit confused, though for now...he'd wait to ask those questions. He whimpers softly as the fingers began to move once more, making him bite his lower lip to stifle the sounds that he was making, his eyes closing for just a mere moment before opening once again to look up at Goku.




His heart fluttered at the sound of the word, and when Goku began touching him again, his body rose to meet his hand, loving how it felt to be touched like this. His cheeks blushed even deeper than they were at what Goku says next, how could he be hot or sexy? Maybe beautiful, he understood that...many a people had mistaken him for a young woman before, because of how feminine he appeared to be, with his smooth pale skin, soft silky hair, and large eyes with their long lashes.


"I do not know how you would not want to..." He shifted slightly beneath Goku, his own hand still lingering upon the Saiyan's chest, running up and down against the others' bare skin, coming to a rest for a second upon his stomach, rubbing his thumb in a circle around the navel area.

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Goku let his head fall back a little, his back arching as Rexyl's soft fingers trailed over his body. He slipped a soft moan, biting his lower lip gently as he felt the other's fingers stop at his navel, and slowly begin to circle the small hole. His back straightened up as his hand moved a little faster, thrusting in and out of Rexyl, "Know what else? We have something in common, Rexyl.."


Goku ran his hand up the others chest before trailing to the other nipple, grazing it softly and gently with thumb, "We both like the physical contact.."

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"Something...in common?" Rexyl repeats, his voice becoming nothing more than a forced gasp, as the fingers moving within him accelerated with speed. He groans softly at the sensation of a hand running across his skin again, having heard the moan from Goku had made him blush deeper than he was already. "Physical...contact...? Yes...that...that is...right..."


He looks up at Goku, a faint smile on his lips. "It...means we share a space...only in our hearts...made for each other..." One of his hands goes to the back of Goku's neck, and pulls him down softly, so their lips were inches away. "I like being t-touched...by you...the way your touch feels...is like nothing else...no one...can make me f-feel...the way you do...Goku-nii..." His breath was warm and sweet, and after saying this, he closes the gap between their mouths, kissing the Saiyan tenderly, but longingly at the same time.

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The words that slipped through Rexyl's lips were like the sun, and he was melting into the warmth of the others rays. After the gap was closed and he felt Rexyl's lips on his, a stirring arose from the Saiyan's chest. He purred softly before he took his hand away, still slick from the lube he used. Both hands moved to slide up the males thighs, feeling along the soft skin. Goku's lips parted before kissing the other again.


The kiss heated up after Goku slid his tongue inside the others mouth as his hands then removed the only undergarments that separated their two bodies. After rubbing the same lube on his member, he paused, setting both hands against the bed, on both sides of Rexyl's head, "If it hurts.. tell me.. okay?"

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He loved every second of the kiss that followed, especially how intense it had gotten the moment that Goku slipped his tongue between his lips, letting them brush against each other, feeling the heat of the Saiyan's breath mingle with his own. Rexyl felt his body get excited, his heart beating fast in anticipation, knowing what was going to happen the moment Goku paused, the two of them now completely nude, with the Saiyan right over him, his head boxed in by the other male's hands, which rested on the pillow beneath him.


"I will tell you..." Rexyl promised, nodding slowly. The skin of his thighs were still tingling from the touch they had received seconds earlier from Goku's hands, and even though he wanted this, he couldn't help but feel that slight stirring of fear start to form in his chest. His fingers trembled lightly as they held onto Goku's shoulders, and he had to bite his bottom lip to keep it from trembling as well.

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