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What's Mine is Mine ~18+ WeWuWe x virtualoo~


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"Oh.." Adrian asked quietly, not sure how to react. It seemed a rather...personal questions? This nervous tension was now eating him alive and needed anything to talk about. "Breaking the tension ice here, name a kink you like and..go! Ice broken!" Adrian laughed, not expecting a reply. All he wanted was this tension to go away.


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"I love intimidating." Oliver said flatly, still looking down. "I get off on intimidating the one I'm with. Plus I like being rough." He smiled at the thought.

He glanced over at the blonde, "what about you?"

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Adrian coughed a bit, blushing a bit in surprise that he even got an seet from the other. Intimidation..being rough? It sent a weird shiver down his spine he didn't mind all too much. "W-Well..never thought about it..I guess I like enclosed space, like having no room like when you're pressed against a wall and stuff, maybe roughness and whispers and kisses right under my ear.." He spoke quietly, trying to think of things since he was a virgin to this. He never really publically shared his links out loud.

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"You've never thought about it before?" Oliver raised an eyebrow. "Were your past boyfriends that boring?" He asked flatly.

The dark haired man couldn't help but think about what the blonde said.

The thought of pressing the boy against a wall and fucking him roughly caused the hair on the back of his neck to raise.

He licked his lips and gripped his fist into the couch, desperately wanting to attack the poor boy.

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"I..well..I never let them..get that far with me..." Adrian said owth a small cough. He always stopped them because he didn't like it but couldn't bring himself to outright say 'I'm a virgin'. Adrian looked up at the older male and saw him licking his lips and just this strange look in his eyes. God Those eyes..looking at him like he was ready to pounce..so..intimidating. Made him want the other to press him up on that wall, rip off his clothes and just-W-Why am I getting so worked up? "Sorry..I was staring wasnt i?" Adrian said sheepishly that he was still looking at the other in his moment of dirty thoughts. His whole body tingled and it felt weird...

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Oliver watched the blonde get flustered.

"You're a virgin?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

God, this will be so much more fun.


Oliver smiled at the boy, leaning foreword slightly, gauging his reaction.

"Were you too shy to go farther?" He teased, grinning.

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"Y..Yes..." Adrian answered quietly about being a virgin. God this was so embarrassing!


Adrain saw the other leaning in and it only made his heart pound widely and probably made his cheeks turn pinker. "I guess..I didn't like the way they tried to touch me and I didn't want to with them.." He said sheepishly. None of them wanted a boy who was a virgin and kept refusing them. It was hard to look into the others eyes without feeling intimidated and like he was melting so he tried avoiding his gaze..

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"Hm." The dark haired man hummed, reaching out and lifting the boy's chin with his finger, making him look at him. "Why did you like the way they touched you?" He asked, leaning forward and pressed a small kiss to the blonde's neck, beside his ear.

"There's nothing wrong with being picky with who you let touch you." He said, kissing Adrian's neck again, nuzzling it slightly before pulling away just enough to capture the blonde's lips with his, moving his hand from Adrian's chin to his arm, pulling him closer.

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The words he wanted to say we're not properly forming on his mouth, the neck kiss left him feeling more flustered and warm. The kiss made him squirm and his heart was out of control.


Oliver's lips soon met his and the kiss felt so much better than when he was drunk. They were so warm and inviting and it was an intimidating feeling. He let himself be pulled closer, unable to help himself but try and tug at the others bottom lip again like he had so long ago.

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Oliver sighed in pleasure when Adrian nipped at his bottom lip.

He gripped the blonde's arms tighter, moving him so the dark haired man was crowding him against the back of the couch, blocking him in.

"You seem alright with me touching you." He teased lightly, ghosting his breath against the blonde's lips before kissing him deeper.

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Adriana face turned a deeper shade of red at being reminded that he was perfectly fine with this. Any thoughts of stopping him weren't crossing his mind in the slightest. If anything..He wanted more..and that was scary.


Adrians could feel the heat rising within him when he found himself suddenly blocked in on that couch, looking into those eyes. God he could lose himself right here and now! When their lips connected again, his hands moved as if on their own to knot themselves in the others hair. Feeling trapped..those intimidating eyes..his lips..This feeling..this heat going through his body was ready to drive him mad.

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Oliver shivered as Adrian pulled at his hair.

He groaned softly, letting go of the blonde's arms and dipping his fingers under Adrian's shirt.

"You're skin is so soft." He purred, lightly scratching the sensitive skin. He didn't want to scare the boy away, but the feeling of him was addictive.

"I don't want to push you too far.." He murmured against his lips, nipping at Adrian's lip, pulling gently.

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Warm fingers touching the skin under his shirt sent shivers up his spine. He looked up at him with half lidded eyes, trying to form some sort of response. "I'm...fine.." He managed to get out, this being the farthest he got before stopping someone. Now this was all new. He didn't care if he cried out or the other saw him naked as he was pressed against the wall..He blushed at his thoughts going lewd again and his body was starting to show signs it wasn't minding what was being done to it.

Adrian felt the need to bite on his lip to keep from moaning..

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"Adrian.." The older man groaned lowly, sliding his hand down to skim the bulge forming in Adrian's jeans. "How I'd love to make you mine." He purred, kissing the column of the blonde's throat.

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"How..?" Adrian said in a single low breath, out of curiosity and squirming at the very idea of what he would do to make him his. He shivered at Olivers hand skimming his bulge, closing his eyes from the pleasure the neck kisses gave him.

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"I'd make you shake and beg for me to touch you." He murmured against the skin.

"I'd get you so addicted that nothing else would be on your mind. Because you'd be mine." He growled at the last word, already possessive of something that wasn't even his.

He gripped the blonde's hip bones and yanked him against his chest, kissing him roughly.

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Adrian quivered under the others words as he started to speak. It made him want him even more..And the intimidating growl at his very last word..drove him wild. He was a beast and going to make him all his. Adrian kissed roughly back, needing and craving more of his touch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The larger man caged him against the couch, brushing his thumb against the blonde's hip as he snaked a hand up to Adrian's hair, lacing his fingers into it.

"This is getting dangerous." He said, tightening his hold on the boy's hair, biting down on his lip.

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"I know..Oliver" Adrian said quietly as his breathing was heavy and his heart was pounding against his chest. No turning back..he was trapped literally and figuratively. He never felt such a need to keep going..not wanting to stop...seeing what would happen next. "What now..?" He said in a voice just above a whisper.

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"..." Oliver forced himself to pull away just enough to look into Adrian's eyes.

"I don't want to make you go so far.." He breathed out, his eyes darkened in lust. He loosened his hold on the blonde, giving him the opportunity to move away.

"If we keep going, I don't want to scare you away.."

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He had the opportunity to run..he had been given the time to just walk away right now if he didn't want this. .....No....He wanted this, even if he couldn't explain his feelings in words. While no one had seen him topless like this, as if in some sort of reply, Adrian unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt before putting his hands down again. "I'm not going anywhere.." Adrian said in a quiet voice, face a bit flushed now.

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Oliver groaned in reply before lunging foreword and kissing the blonde harshly. Adrian was all his. His body trembled at the thought.

He moved away from the boy only to lift him up and sit the smaller boy onto his lap, ghosting his hand up the blonde's stomach.

"You had your chance." He groaned out lowly before kissing the hollow of the boy's throat, biting down and sucking at the skin, marking what was his. He rolled his hips up and brushed hardened length up into the blonde, cursing the fact he was still wearing his own pants.

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Adrian was surprised by the sudden lunge of the beast within Oliver but he didn't mind at all..he loved this! He felt intimidated in not being able to leave but it gave him such a rush to know he was all Olivers. Oliver could make him feel things he has never felt before. His eyes widened at the sensation of the hickey on his neck, letting out a audible groan of pleasure which only made him turn redder and his lips quiver. His shirt proved to be an obstacle to more of the others touch, quickly unbuttoning the rest to toss it aside. He wanted this feeling all over..the hot pulsing feeling.

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Oliver's throat went dry at the sight of the blonde's bare skin.

"Beautiful." He leaned in and pressed kisses to the bound chest, biting every so often as he moved around.

"What do you want?" He asked, sliding his hands up Adrian's arms, holding them tightly at the wrists.

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It felt like his heart went into his throat at being called beautiful by Oliver. Adrian but on his bottom lip as he tried to contain the noises that threatened to come from his mouth. The heart in his throat along with the feeling of his wrists being bound took him a moment to speak his mind. His answer only made him turn redder as Adrian replied quietly "...you..."

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