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My Savior (Private with ChibiMonkey)


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Cassiel frowned a little, getting a bit anxious about not receiving an answer to his first question. Perhaps he shouldn't push it... The angel sighed quietly, deciding to just stay quiet after all. Yet, judging by Cyrus' blush, he was thinking about his answer - and it was probably the romantic kind of love. Now Cassiel had to figure out whether he was feeling it too or not. Was it mere pity, or something deeper? He wasn't even sure if he could answer that, but he definitely felt something. Plus, he didn't mind kissing the boy, so... Guess it was love, after all. Now what did people do when they were in love?


"So what if you are?" Cassiel asked with a soft smile, his warm eyes looking straight into Cyrus'. "Imagine a golden coin - just because many hands touched it, just because it was used to buy various things doesn't mean it lost its value, right? I know that many have touched you... It doesn't make you worse." The angel said softly and pressed a soft kiss to the other's lips. "As long as you think that as well, you won't be filthy." The grey-haired male muttered softly, lightly stroking the younger's hair.

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Cyrus frowned a bit as he just looked at his lap. He didn't see how the other could have so much interest in him - whether romantically or not. He was filthy, touched by so many digesting hands, scarred both physically and mentally. He was just a human toy to many in this world. How could someone as pure and kind as Cassiel want him? Love him? Or more so...Cyrus didn't deserve someone as pure and gentle, loving as Cassiel was. The others endless kindness never ceased to amaze and warm the smaller male. The other surely deserved to fall and love someone much worthier than himself. He was just dirt, compared to Cassiel - compared to anyone.


He looked up when he heard the other speak, the others warm and honest gaze boring into his own curious and surprised one. He listened to the others metaphor of a gold coin, not seeing where he was going with it at first. He continued to listen to the other, before his eyes were tearing up. No, he certainly did not deserve all the kindness Cassiel showered him with. Biting his lip, he hugged the other tightly - being mindful and careful of his back - while burying his face into his chest to hide his tears "You're too kind, Cassiel...I really don't deserve to love you" he spoke through quivering lips.

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A small flash of panic could be seen clearly in Cassiel's eyes when he saw the tears in Cyrus'. He opened to say something, but ended up without a word leaving his mouth when he was hugged. Instead, a soft smile spread across his face and he hugged back gently, slowly and soothingly stroking the other's back with his right hand. "That doesn't make sense." He chuckled softly, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. "You can love anyone you want, it's them who are somehow unworthy of your love." The angel muttered softly, closing his eyes to rest his head on top of the other's head.


"It's all going to be okay, alright? I love you as well, Cyrus... Or at least I think so. Human emotions sure are weird..." The grey-haired male ended up sounding cutely confused as he looked down at the boy. "Come on, why are you still crying?" He asked softly and pushed the younger's hair back to kiss his forehead. "Let's enjoy the tea and cookies for now, okay?"

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Cyrus hugged the other tightly, burying his face into his chest and enjoying the soft, soothing feeling of the others hand rhythmically rubbing his back. It felt nice amongst the various whip and cut scars displayed on his back, and he just wanted to stay like this forever. He enjoyed being around the other, just being in his arms. It was such a warm feeling that Cyrus didn't get before in his life, and he liked it. He never wanted to forget it. He sniffled lightly as he listened to the other, trying to calm his emotional tears, of happiness, he supposed.


He rubbed at his eyes as he looked up at the other when he pulled back slightly, to give some room. He closed his eyes at the warmly received kiss to his forehead, smiling up at the other when he opened his eyes back up. It was cute how the other seemed to try and understand his own feelings, and giving him one last close hug, he nodded his head "Alright" he spoke, pulling back once more, but still staying close beside the other as he picked up a cookie, nibbling on it with a content, happy smile on his face as he thought about Cassiel, occasionally glancing up at him and admiring him.

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Cassiel was pretty happy to have calmed Cyrus down at last. One arm stayed wrapped around his waist as he drank his own tea, eating the cookies as well. The angel was still keeping a somewhat careful eye on the younger male. He was scared that the other would do something stupid again... He soon relaxed completely though, and just enjoyed being close to the boy, being able to hold him and all. It felt really nice... Love was certainly one of the best things humans had. While there was something similar between angels, it wasn's as deep and sweet...


"Cyrus, what is love to you?" He asked, his eyes big and filled with innocent curiosity. The angel finished his tea to set the cup away, pulling the other closer. "I mean, you used to have sex with men before, right? That wasn't love... Or was it? What do humans understand as love, even? Sex? Kissing?" He questioned, feeling the need to know at last.

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Cyrus smiled happily, content with the way things were, and he nibbled on the cookies "Did you make these? Or buy them?" he asked curiously. Either way, they were good. But it probably really wouldn't surprise Cyrus if the angel had made the cookies. He had just finished his cookie when the other suddenly asked him a question he wasn't prepared for, and coughed a bit on the last bite of the cookie. He grabbed his tea, taking a sip to wash it down, before looking up at the other curiously, and confused.


"Love?" he asked, gulping a bit as he felt a warm sensation in his chest "Well uh...i er....w-why are you asking me this? I'm not really a good person to ask..." he trailed off nervously. He looked at the other, seeing his genuinely innocent curiosity about the topic. "Er, love...." he muttered in thought "No, none of that was love" he agreed with the other about the other men he had sex with "Not for me, at least. I suppose love...is an individualistic thing. It varies by person. Some people consider sex and kissing as signs of love, but that doesn't mean it always is. Some people do it just to do, to please themselves, like what I when through. Most of that sex was a means of pleasure for my masters, no real love" he explained before sighing a bit, thinking about it "Love for me...i think it's truly enjoying every moment you have with someone, but, more than that. You want to do anything you can for them, and you would do anything. Love is a feeling unlike any other....its warm and...happy...." he trailed off slowly, glancing up at the other, blushing faintly as he knew he loved the angel sitting beside him, holding him close. "And for those who love each other, sex, and kissing, touches like that can be your expressions of love for the other" he murmured, now suddenly feeling very embarrassed.

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"I made them. Cooking is one of the ways I spend time here." Cassiel answered softly, gently combing through Cyrus' hair with one hand while eating a cookie. "I barely ever buy prepared meals... I don't have any friends, so being home is the only thing I can do. And at home I have to do something... Well, sometimes I go out in the forest,but it's still home. Forest is like my second home, you know... I like it there as much as I like it here." The angel talked quietly, his voice gaining a bit of a dreamy tone.


"Why are you not a good person to ask this? I think you'd know the best what people want in love, you already had so much that does't fit... You only leave what does, that's easy, no?" The grey-haired male questioned, his eyebrows furrowed a little bit in thought. The angel then continued listening very carefully to what Cyrus was saying, nodding at some parts until he was done. "I see... Do you love me then?" Cassiel asked, smiling softly at the boy. "Because I think I love you. Being with you feels warm and happy, and I'd do anything to make you feel good~" The grey-haired male said with a happy smile on his face before gently pressing a kiss to Cyrus' lips. "And this feels nice too."

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Cyrus couldn't help but feel a little sad when the other said how he didn't have any friends or anything "Cassiel..." he murmured softly, looking up at the other "You cut off your wings to be human, didn't you? Then why are you making your life as a human so lonely. It doesn't have to be, you know. You can talk to people, make friends, make a family, even, if you want" he said as he looked to him "You can't tell me you're happy being alone in the forest like this...." he murmured.


When the conversation shifted a bit to talk about love, Cyrus felt himself becoming all shy and awkward, fiddling with his hands as he tried to tell the other what he thought love was. Of course, by really facing the facts and speaking them out loud, telling the other, it was then he realized how much he really loved Cassiel. He never felt digested, or fearful of the others touches or closeness. If anything, he actually preferred them. He blinked a bit, blushing deeply when the other asked if he loved him. "Ah, w-well I-..." he trailed off, only to be caught in the others lips. His cheeks darkened a bit by the warm feeling, enjoying it. He closed his eyes slowly, not pulling away from it, before answering the other "Yes" he murmured against the others lips, his cheeks still hot red in embarrassment "I do love you."

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Cassiel stared at the boy in confusion before smiling slightly. "You misunderstood. I don't enjoy living alone, but I don't dislike it either. Friends weren't a neccessity for me... Well, I mean, people who would visit me here, I don't have those. People that I know, that I talk to, I have a lot of those. Do you think they count as friends?" The angel was once again getting confused with all these human feelings, emotions and such. Gods, above it was a lot easier... There wasn't such complicated love, and everyone was everyone's friend anyway. It wasn't even a word among them all.


The angel seemed awfully proud of himself when Cyrus said he did love him. "I'm glad." He said playfully and leaned close, catching his lips into another kiss. The angel slowly closed his eyes, moving closer as he melted into the other's lips, deleting the taste of previous men. The angel was almost cleansing the other's body, if it could've been called that way. An angel, a holy being, taking his time to clean the boy's body from all of those scars.

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Cyrus tilted his head as he listened to the other "You have people you talk to? Like who?" he asked curiously. Did the other ever go into town? The angel didn't seem like a man that did, by the way he spoke. "I suppose they could be like friends....but do you share more than just a conversation with them? Or are they just people you ask about the whether with you pass by? Friends are a bit closer, people you'll hug, laugh, tell jokes to. Someone you can trust" he said smiling. He thought it was kind of cute to see the other asking about relationships, and seeming so confused about them. It was endearing on the other.


When they had finally admitted their feelings to each other however, Cyrus found himself an embarrassed mess, unsure what to say or do now, blushing awkwardly. He'd never felt this way before with another man. He was always disgusted, monotone...he supposed this was how he knew he loved Cassiel, because he wasn't disgusted by his touch or closeness. Realizing more how much his love for the other was real, he slowly smiled into the kiss. It was so soft...and gentle, not raw and full of lust. But pure and just full of love. He couldn't stop smiling in the kiss, moving a bit closer to the other as he felt warmth spreading throughout his chest.

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Cassiel decided to leave the talk about friends after the kiss and just deepened it, slowly sliding his tongue over the other's bottom lip. He pulled Cyrus on top of himself, leaning against the pillows carefully. He felt the slightest bit of discomfort from this way of sitting, but it didn't matter. The other's lips were soft, his smile felt sweet and warm... He couldn't ask for anything more at this moment. And yet, the kiss had to end at some point. When it did, the angel seemed to be glowing from all the positive emotions.


"Anyway... About the friends." He laughed softly, finding it funny how he was able to just continue like that. "I don't really share any of those things with others. I never found it neccessary..." He sighed softly, gently combing through Cyrus' hair with his fingers. The angel began humming softly, a warm smile never leaving his smile. Cassiel felt happy for once. Actually, humanly happy.

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Smiling into the kiss, Cyrus had no objections to the other deepening the kiss. He pressed himself a bit closer, blushing as he felt the others tongue slight across his bottom lip. He parted his lips slight for the other, crawling on top of him when pulled on him. He pressed his lips a bit closer, reveling in the feeling. It was so different than all the other times. It was nice, warm...he didn't feel the list bit digested with the male he was kissing, or himself. He smiled more, happily into the kiss before the other hard broken it to speak some more as they caught their breath slightly.


He glanced up at the other, before resting his head on the others chest "perhaps it's not necessary...but it's a nice thing to have and experience. You should try making some friends if you plan to live here...I know you're happy, and you say your fine. But it would be just that much better with more people to share your life with, don't you think?" he said, closing his eyes in rest slightly, hearing the others heart beating in his chest "But, you do have me at least" he reminded, smiling as he looked up at the other, pecking him on the lips.

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Cassiel frowned slightly, listening to Cyrus explain about friends. "But what if they see me differently after they know what I a-... Used to be?" He asked nervously, pulling the boy closer towards himself. The angel didn't really like the idea of people being close to him, even. There was too big of a risk that he'd be found out... Especially since he'd already learned how fast rumors spread.


The grey haired male sighed quietly and leaned back against the pillows, shifting a bit to get his wings comfortable. "Yeah, I do have you... And you already know what I was." He muttered quietly, looking away for a moment. "I think I'm gonna figure out the friends part by myself after all." He sighed out, avoiding to look at the other.


((" Digestion is the breakdown of food into

smaller components that can be more easily

absorbed and assimilated by the body." Digested is not the word you're looking for... Maybe disgusted?)

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Cyrus just smiled a bit, finding the others worry about friends rather cute, and endearing. Cassiel had always seemed so perfect and flawless, it was a little reassuring to Cyrus to know the male could worry about things too. "Then they wouldn't be any real friends of yours anyways. You don't need people like that as your friends, because you're so much better than them" he said with a smile, staying leaning into the other, enjoying the contact.


He closed his eyes, just resting a bit as the other spoke of how he'd take his time figuring out the friends thing and all. He just nodded his head and smiled "Of course....and I'll always be with you, the whole time" he said hugging him a bit more, happily "I'm so lucky to have found you, Cassiel. You really are my savior" he murmured with a content smile on his face.


(Ah, sorry. I am aware of what the separate words mean. I must have made a typo and my spellcheck automatically corrected it to that for me. I also apologize this one is a bit short, I couldn't come up with much for this post.)

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