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My Savior (Private with ChibiMonkey)


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Name: Cassiel

Age: Around 1000

Personality: Mostly calm and collected, the angel bursts into tears rather quickly. He can't take any ciolence and will always try to stop any kind of it. He's always there to help out others, however will only rely on human powers unless there's no other way. If so, he will do it secretely for sure. Cassiel only gets angry if it's something truly big, or very serious and important to him or someone around them.

Bio: He doesn't tell anyone about his life before coming into the town. He was actually an angel - well, he still is, technically. However, he continuesly chops down his wings anytime even a feather comes out. He wants to be a human, he always did... So he ran away. Doing so, he lost most of his powers, though he still looks a bit angelicc-like. Some people jokingly ask if he's an angel, but of course everytime he just brushes it off as a joke.

Cassiel was in his garden, taking care of his favorite flowers and bushes. He found that this way he could just pass the time needed. It was relaxing, and he could give life to others... It felt great. A small smile was on his face as he finally straightened up, the dirt on his hands proving him that he was really in the human world now. However, there was that nagging itchiness in his upper back... Time to cut his wings again.


The angel walked inside and shut himself in the bathroom. Stripping off of his shirt, he sighed and turned his back to the mirror. There, a few feathers grew back again. The angel pursed his lips as he took the big scissors and cut them off one by one. Each time, a pained whimper left his mouth. He was cutting off small parts of himself, after all... It hurt.

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Name: Cyrus

Age: 20

Personality: Cyrus is a very independent and strong-willed sort of person. Whenever he sets his mind to something, he is stubborn enough to carry it through, no matter how many obstacles are thrown in his way. Because of his history and life as of lately, he has learned to become very guarded and independent of himself. He hardly trusts other people, and is hesitant to accept help. He's used to doing things on his own, so when someone enters his life to offer assistance, its a new change to Cyrus, and he isn't sure how to take it at first. He is generally a very nice and kind person to those he grows close with, which is very few, but he would do anything to protect and care for them that he could.

Bio: Cyrus was traded into slavery at a young age. His parents were in debt, and not only could they barely afford supplies to care for themselves, but for their children as well. Cyrus was sold off first, and then his younger brother. Cyrus hardly remembers he had a brother, it was so young when it all happened, and he hasn't seen him since they were separated from their family. Since then, Cyrus has grown up in slavery, but he never gave up hope of finding a way out.



He could hear the distant call and yelling of voices behind him, calling out for him, but nothing was about to stop the runaway. His feet carried him, and the adrenaline forced him to not stop, to keep on running and not look back. He couldn't stop now. If he did, he would surely be dead meat. If he thought it was bad enough, those conditions he was forced to serve under, it would only get worse if he was captured now. He should know, from personal experience.


Cyrus had tried several times before to escape, but so far, it had never ended well for him, in his favor. Every time, he was caught, and every time, he was punished. But even with the odds not in his favor, Cyrus never gave up the hope he had for maybe escaping his captivity. His feet carried him through the large, manicured acres of yard. And this was only the front yard of his masters dwelling. He panted a bit at the large mass of land he had yet to cross until he reached the bordering forest line, of which surrounded the open acres of space and home for his master. It was like a secluded town in itself, away from nosy eyes and ears. He could hear the gunshots being fired, but he wasn't worried. He knew the drill, he'd gone through it enough times to notice. The guards weren't really aiming at him. They just wanted to scare him, maybe slow him down a bit with a paralyzing fear. But that wouldn't work on him anymore. Cyrus knew they didn't want to kill him.


Well that's what he thought, confidently too, until it felt a sharp, burning pain shoot through his leg.


Cyrus cried out in pain, and stumbled forward, his face plummeting into the ground, getting scratched up. He clenching his teeth in pain, not even sparing time to look at his bleeding leg as he got back up and continued running. He felt the pain, but not nearly as much as he would in an hour or two. Cyrus' bloodstream was full of pure adrenaline, masking the pain that would normally otherwise keep him from even standing.


Even though he was quick to get back up, and keep on running, that split moment of a few seconds lost with him falling to the ground, was enough time for one guard to catch back up with him, and tackle him to the ground. The escapee gasped out in pain, grunting as he connected with the ground once more with a heavy weight now on top of him. He struggled, wincing as he tried to fight back against the guard, desperately, almost. He couldn't give time for the other guards to catch up as well, he wouldn't last, just him, against three or more of them. He fought with the guard atop him for a couple minutes, getting beaten up and bruised in the process. But just as a hard hit was landed to his gut, Cyrus had gotten a good hook of his own in the others jaw, even using a cheap, but very useful, trick in bringing his knee up, and slamming it into the elder males groin. The male groaned and rolled over, cursing at the slave who had now gotten back up, and was running once again, gaining a bit more of distance.


Cyrus spit out some blood as he made it into the cover of the forest, but he didn't stop there, knowing he wasn't safe yet. Honestly, Cyrus really didn't even know where he was going. Only that it was away from his master and his prison.

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Cassiel was left panting quietly when he finished, drops of fresh blood rolling down his back. With each feather, he inflicted himself a new wound, but he wanted to be human too bad to stop. He always thought it was a mistake for him to be born as an angel... Human world was so much more interesting, better, and overall amazing. Of course, there was a bit of violence somewhere, some things seemed unfair, but... It was still better than Heaven. Cassiel wanted to get out of Heaven ever since he learned about the human world - about Earth. They were supposed to look over it, after all... But he wanted to get closer with the humans.


With a quiet sigh, Cassiel took a roll of bandages and wrapped it around his back, stopping the bleeding. If this was the price to be human, he would do it. His grey eyes showed pain when he turned back to the mirror. Each time he cut off his wings, he could feel his "grace" leaving him bit by bit... One day it would disappear completely and he would finally become a mortal human with no powers.


The angel stepped out of his bathroom and decided to take a walk. His house was in a forest, because he liked being surrounded by nature. It made him feel alive. Of course, he still went to the town sometimes, though he spent most time here. As the grey-haired male stepped outside, his sensitive ears immediately caught sounds of shooting. Was someone hunting in this forest?!? No, it couldn't be.


He got his answer before anything else could happen. A man was running through the forest, and he was clearly hurt. Cassiel's eyes widened for a moment before he quickly caught up with the man, his lips parting. "Come with me." He said softly, gently taking his hand. "I'll help you." The angel said, his eyes completely innocent. A small smile was on his face as he held the other's hand in his own, waiting for him to agree.

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Running through the foliage like his life depended on it - because it very well did - Cyrus panted, feeling his lungs straining for air. Eventually, Cyruscouldn't run any longer at the moment. He ducked behind a large tree, leaning back against it as he panted, but tried to keep quiet enough through his heavy breaths, to hear if there were footsteps following him. The pain in his leg where he was shot was becoming more unbearable too. The adrenaline from the initial rush of escape was starting to wear off, and the pain crept through his entire body, screaming out in pulses. Cyrus grit his teeth, his legs shaking to keep him standing, but he refused to fall to his butt and sit. He couldn't sit yet. It was enough of a risk to stop, and stand still. He needed to remain standing if he was caught up on again, in case he needed to bolt off once more. But with the increasing pain in his shin, Cyrus didn't know how much more running he could take.


Pressing his back against the rough surface of the trunk of the tree, Cyrus could hear faint footsteps in the distance. He inhaled sharply, not even realizing he was holding his breath as he remained as silent and still as possible. Daring to peer around the side of the tree, he recognized the guard - there was only one of the three that he had earlier noticed sent after him. It seemed, they had split up, he supposed, to find him in this large and dense forest. He shifted a bit, and slowly backed up the other side of the tree as the guard came closer. Cyrus felt like a trapped rat, he knew if he started running, the guard was close enough to hear him. But He couldn't just stand there...


Grabbing a rock, he tossed it far in the other direction of him, causing the guard to head over in the direction. With the mans attention now distracted, Cyrus took off sprinting. However, the first step he took on his damaged leg. He yelped, nearly screaming out in pain as he stumbled to his knees. Cursing, he knew the guard must have heard him, and he could hear the running footsteps too. Forcing himself to stand, Cyrus somehow was able to will his legs to run, and he continued his chase through the forest.


As the runaway was, well, running, a man suddenly appeared before him and he jumped, nearly falling back in surprise and fear. He just appeared so suddenly and elegantly - who was he. He narrowed his eyes a bit in suspicion. No one around here helped slave. He tried to tug his hand away from the other, but his heart sunk when he heard the guard not far behind yelling for him. He glanced back to the male before him, eyes searching him as if it would tell him if he was truly a friend or foe. But the look in his eyes was like no other he'd seen before. He genuinely seemed earnest in his intentions. Was this some guardian angel of his? The male certainly looked like one. So, without another seconds hesitation, he nodded his head, following after the other as he let him lead him.

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Cassiel smiled lightly at the nod as he quickly scooped the other into his arms and quietly ran to his home, thankfully, without being noticed. The angel placed the man on his bed, looking him straight into the eyes. "Stay here, I'll be right back." He said quietly and left the house again. Just as he exited the house, the guard ran up to him, seemingly furious. The grey-haired male raised his eyebrows a bit, looking at the other with a perfectly faked confused expression. "Can I help you?" He asked softly as he smiled lightly.


"Did you see a guy running past here a few minutes ago?" The guard panted out, gritting his teeth in anger. Cassiel shook his head lightly, narrowing his eyes once he saw the gun. "Please get out of the forest. I do not allow anyone to hunt here. I suppose it was you who shot someone." The angel said quietly, however his voice grew cold. He seemed... Powerful. The guard could only step back, a hint of fear flashing in his eyes as he tsk'ed and ran off again, possibly to continue the search for the slave.


Cassiel then walked back inside, tossing a worried glance towards Cyrus. "Show me your leg." He asked softly as he walked to the other. His expression was soft as he crouched down next to the boy, his eyes clear. "What's your name?" The grey-eyed male asked quietly, his voice clear like a bell. In fact, it was like some calming music...

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Cyrus gasped out as the other suddenly picked him up, having not expected that. Though, it was probably faster as he would only slow them down with his injured leg. He felt uncomfortable in the others arms, simply, being his life, he disliked being touched and held by any one person. He shifted a bit, though, thinking something felt different about this mans hold. It was softer, more comforting and warm.


He was son surprised to find them arrive at a small house of sorts, looking curiously at it. He didn't think anyone lived in the middle of the forest like this. He certainly had been lucky. He shifted as he was set on the bed, silently looking up at the other who spoke a few words before disappearing right back out. He couldn't help but stare at the males figure, both when he left, and came back, he moved with such ease and perfection. Surely he must be an angel from the heavens, even his complexion was flawless.


He stared at the other, hardly hearing his words as he spoke to see the injury, as well as asking his name. He hesitated a bit, before coughing out with a slightly hoarse voice "Er, u-um...Cyrus...my name is Cyrus" he spoke, letting the other inspect his leg, where the bullet had shot him in the thigh. "W-Who are you?" he finally stammered out, looking at the other a bit suspiciously, curiously "No one in these parts cares to help a slave, it's certainly unheard of. Are you some guardian angel to save me or something?" he muttered, partly being serious, simply it was so rare for someone to be as kind as this man is, especially to an obvious slave. And he meant obvious, as in, he wore a collar, to identify him and who his owner is, it being a collar that was practically impenetrable to get off, to make sure everyone and being know he was a slave and a runaway needed to be caught and turned in.

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Cassiel quietly took the other's leg, gently looking at the wound. The bullet wasn't too deep... He smiled lightly when the other told him his name as he looked back up with his soft, warm grey eyes. "My name is Cassiel." The angel said softly as he stood up. His eyes were as clear as the summer's sky, just as warm as a sunny day. The man smiled softly at the slave, reaching out to touch the collar lightly. He would take this off as well, that was for sure. Humans should be equal... None should wear such things. It seemed awfully uncomfortable, too.


"Me? An angel? Please... I'm just a man." Cassiel had said those words so many times, it seemed like the truth. "I don't care if you're a slave. You need my help, so I'm giving it to you. Now, could you stay here for a bit? I'll go get the tweezers and take out the bullet." The angel talked softly as he stood up and walked to his bathroom to get the said thing.


When he came back, he took Cyrus' leg with one hand, his grip tight, yet gentle. "Please stay still." He asked softly while with the hand that was holding his hip he numbed down the feeling of pain a little bit. The angel then carefully removed the bullet and tossed it away before getting the bandages. He wrapped them around his leg, sighing quietly when he finished. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked softly as he glanced up again, smiling softly. "If not, let me remove that thing." He asked softly while motioning to the collar

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Cyrus watched the other, he almost couldn't take his eyes off of him, as though he was entranced by some unknown thing about him. He watched him curiously, before he heard the other give his name and he nodded his head lightly "Cassiel....thank you" He murmured softly as he watched him leave to go get the supplies to tend to his wound. He gulped a bit nervously seeing the tweezers and knowing this would be painful, but, the bullet had to get out.

He leaned back a bit, hands clutching to the sheets on the bed as he winced, gritting his teeth together as he whimpered in pain.


He let out a heavy breath of relief as the other had finished, and his whole body relaxed. It surprisingly hadn't hurt as much as he had been expecting it too. But he certainly wasn't complaining at all. "Really, hm..." He hummed out as he looked at the man when he said he wasn't an angel. Of course he wasn't, but it was still amazing how flawless, perfect the other seemed "You could have fooled me" he muttered as he sat back up a bit, looking to his bandaged leg "No. No other major injuries, just some bruises and scratches..." he trailed off, putting a hand to his stomach as he remembered the good punch he received there. That would probably painfully bruise, but nothing he hadn't dealt with before.


He raised an eyebrow as the other mentioned taking his collar off, and he blinked a bit, putting a hand to his neck where he felt the collar "This, you mean? You can really get this off?" he asked. Cyrus had tried countless times before to get it off, and had only resulted in hurting himself, hence the various scars littering around the edges of the collar on his skin.

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Cassiel let out a soft smile when he heard the 'thanks' coming from the slave. This was always enough of a payment to him... The angel was always happy to help out others, and he never took anything in return. No money was needed for him anyway, and the food he mostly grew himself. The forest was a surprisingly great place to grow various vegetables... The grey-haired male's garden had all kinds of plants - both decorative and not. He had tens of flowers, some vegetables, a few berry bushes or small plants. He also had two apple trees and one small pear tree... He hoped someday they would grow bigger.


"Are you sure?" He asked softly, looking at the other when he mentioned the scratches and bruises. "I could get you some ice if something hurts more." The angel suggested with a genuine look in his eyes. He placed a hand on the other's hip as he smiled. "Perhaps you're hungry?" The man asked with a soft expression on his face. "If you wish, I have some soup left from yesterday... Should I heat it up for you?" He really seemed a bit too kind, now that he though about it. There were little people like this... However, he couldn't really help it. It was in his nature to help out others, all the time.


Cassiel nodded when Cyrus questioned about the collar. "Yes, I think I would manage." He said softly, his eyes fixating on the metal lock. "...I'll just cut through it. I hope you don't mind if it gets ruined." The angel said and stood up, walking to get something to cut through the collar. He knew he had to be very careful, seeing as he could accidentaly damage the boy's spine if he cut in wrong. Really, collars were very nasty things. He soon came back with a pair of scissors, however they didn't seem normal. These could really cut through anything...

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Cyrus continued to watch the other curiously as the male helped tend to his wounds, even still inspecting some of his cuts and bruises even after Cyrus had brushed it off and everything. How odd was this man...not that Cyrus was particularly complaining. After all, the male had saved his life. He didn't seem at all affected by the fact he could be hung if found hiding a runaway slave, as he was. It was rare, incredibly so, to find someone this genuinely nice and concerned for another's wellbeing - nonetheless, a slave's wellbeing.


When the other asked again about his wounds, he just nodded his head "Yes, thank you though" he said before eyes lighting up a bit at the mention of food. He was really quite starving. He was always starving, actually, with how little he was fed. And that much was clear in his thin and frail looking body. It literally looked like with any bend or twist of motion, it would snap under the smallest bit of pressure "I would love some food, if you're sure...anything is fine with me" he said. Anything this male had was probably still twice as better than at he would be served as a slave.


And with the others mention of getting through the collar, he was amazed. Just cut through it, he wondered, as the other repeated his words. How would he do that? Just cut it? Was that humanly possible? He watched the other with great curiosity as he left the room to soon arrive back a few minutes later with odd looking scissors "You'll cut it? How?" he asked curiously "There isn't even room to get a blade on the other side of it..." he commented idly in thought as he put a hand to his neck, rubbing to feel the collar was indeed pretty much skin tight, leaving no room between the skin and smooth metal.

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Cassiel smiled warmly at the boy, nodding slightly. "Okay, I'll get you the soup soon then..." He promised with a smile as he sat down next to him. "You really haven't been fed that well..." The angel muttered quietly as he placed a hand on the left side of Cyrus' ribs, huffing as he could feel the bones. "I hope you don't mind if we don't have meat here." The grey-haired male said softly before pulling his hand off. He would feed this boy until he actually looked like a human and not just a skeleton. Who could even let a kid feed as bad as this?


Cassiel sighed out as he nodded at the other's curiosity about the removal of his collar. "I'll at least try. If anything, I have another thing I can try out." He said quietly as he lightly turned the boy so his back was facing him. The angel then began his work - it seemed to be going very slow, but... In the end, the collar fell off. Cassiel let out a relieved sigh as he took the collar, the metal was cut through. "There... Does it feel better?" He asked with a smile as he set the collar away. "It left a mark..." He commented with a frown as he placed his warm hand on the other's neck, gently brushing his thumb over the red marks on the skin.


After this, the angel left to heat up the vegetables soup. He never ate meat. Cassiel came back to Cyrus after a bit, with a bowl of delicious-looking soup and a few pieces of bread. "Tell me if you'll want some more." He said softly as he placed the bowl on the table in front of the slave. The angel sat down on the armchair next to the slave and pulled out a ball of yarn. He began knitting. He looked so, so very relaxed while doing so...

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Cyrus nodded a bit appreciatively towards the other when he mentioned how he would get him the food. Honestly, Cyrus didn't have a problem with what the other ate, and shook his head "Of course not, that's fine. Anything you have would be great" He said. Cyrus wasn't one to take food for granted - or much of anything, for that matter. He treasured everything he got - especially this man right now, who was being more generous to him than anyone ever had in his life. He flinched slightly when the other touched his ribs, both out of soreness for a bruise there, as well as instinctual fear of being touched by others. He slowly relaxed though, reminding himself of this mans generosity and kindness. He wouldn't be one to do any harm to him. Well, not that Cyrus really knew the man. He could be fooling and luring him for all he knew. But He wasn't about to shy away from the only helping hand he's ever gotten.


He watched the other with the scissors for a bit, wondering if they would really work. They didn't look like much of anything to get through the collar he had. He just nodded lightly though, not objecting. He'd give anything a chance to get it off. he flinched slightly as he felt the other working at it, and he pulled his long purple hair to the side so it wouldn't be in the others way. He flinched as the collar seemed to glitch out a bit since it was electronic, and it zapped him a couple times as it was being cut through. He winced at the burning sear of his skin from it, but did well to keep fully still for the other. It wasn't the first he'd had to deal through pain in unbearable situations, unable to do anything about it, react or anything. This of course was completely different, both the circumstances as well as the level of pain was hardly anything.


Feeling the click and sounding snap of the collar finally cut through and fall off, he instantly relaxed, and rolled his neck a couple times, smiling softly as he reached up to feel - it truly was off. Of course, he was unaware that with forcefully breaking it off, a sensor on it went off that located the males location, or the location of the collar, anyways, notifying its owner that it had been broken off. Cyrus rubbed his neck a bit, flinching back when he touched the others hand with his own "Sorry" he stammered, pulling his hand away "Thank you so much" he said again. He couldn't possibly be any more thankful than he was now.


The runaway followed the other into the kitchen as he went to get his food, and he sat down at a table when motioned to. He looked to the bowl of vegetable soup and thanked the other as he instantly started eating. He tried to eat calmly and politely, but it was noticeable how quickly he was eating through the bread and soup.

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Cassiel kept on glancing at the collar before finally letting out a sigh and standing up. "Can you wait alone for a bit?" He asked softly as he took the collar into his hands. "I'll go and hide this somewhere in the forest. I don't want to see this thing in my house." The angel explained quietly, holding the collar as if it was something disgusting... Which for him, it was. He couldn't understand why would people be forced to have something like this on. No matter what, he would never understand the point of slavery... People should always have their own free will.


His grey eyes softened as he watched Cyrus eat. "If you want, feel free to see what you can eat in the fridge. The bathroom is there, and if you want to take a nap, I have a free bed in there." The angel explained while pointing to the doors leading to said rooms. "If you get cold, I have a few blankets in that box." Cassiel said with a small smile as he pointed at a wooden box in the corner of the room. "I'll be back as soon as possible." He promised as he turned to walk out. It was in his nature to help out others...


The grey-haired male left the house soon, holding onto the disgusting collar as he walked off. He had to hide this somewhere far away... Just in case something happened. He sighed as he was a mile away from his house and began digging a small hole to burry the collar into. It wasn't any trouble for him to walk such distance - of course, flying would've been easier, but... He didn't have his wings. The angel stood up once he was done and looked around. He could sense something wrong... The grey-haired male narrowed his eyes as he began walking around - until he spotted something on the ground. A quiet gasp left his mouth as he leaned down to inspect the thing, which was actually a young deer... A hurt one, at that.


About an hour later, Cassiel came back home with the deer in his arms. He immediately went to take care of him, at first not even checking on Cyrus. Not until he was done. He still had a bit of his healing powers... The angel gently pressed a hand on where a nasty wound was on the deer's side to heal it when no one was looking.


Then a thought flashed through his head. He didn't put away the scissors he used for his wings, did he?... Shit. They were certainly still covered in blood and... There were possibly feathers on the ground. He hoped Cyrus hadn't seen those... He would probably run away if he found out.

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Cyrus nodded his head lightly at the other when he said he wanted to get rid of the collar. Of course, Cyrus had no objections to that. He'd be more than happy if the other got rid of it. He watched the male soon leave the house, staring at the front door for a while before deciding to go back to eating. He quickly finished all of his food, eating it so fast he practically inhaled it. He was still hungry though. But he didn't want to take all of the others food. It seemed he was a single man living alone in the middle of the forest. He couldn't possibly have that much food in the house. Getting up and looking around, he just took another small piece of bread. It was hardy and carbs, so, hopefully it'd fill him up more, which it did.


After having finished, he wondered what else he should do. He should probably clean up and get a bath, clean himself off or something. He was quite literally covered in dirt. His naturally pale skin looked like he was a darker skin tone than he actually was, simply because how filthy he'd gotten in his escape. Along with the fact he wasn't able to bathe regularly at his masters ownership anyways. He lifted his hand, looking at it's bruises and scratched self up. He sighed a bit, and decided on taking a bath.


He turned, looking to the doors the male had previously identified to him before his departure. Looking to the one mentioned to be the bathroom, he headed inside there. Opening the door, he blinked a bit, stopping in his tracks as he looked around at the bloody feathered scene. He just stared at it, confused. Feathers? He took a step further into it, picking up one pure white feather and inspecting it - what bird or animal was this from? He wondered. He looked to the bloodied scissors on the counter.


Hearing the front door open he flinched, peeking out from the door of the bathroom only to sigh in relief seeing it was only Cassiel. What was in his arms though? He walked out, still holding a feather between his fingers as he walked up beside the other "Is that a doe?" he asked looking to the animal curiously. He hadn't seen what the secret angel had done to it.

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Cassiel let out a slightly shaky breath at the sound of Cyrus' voice. He turned to him, a small twinge of fear flashing in his eyes the moment he realized that he just walked out of the bathroom. His eyes darted to the feather in his hand and he gulped down nervously, reaching out to take it.. Which was not a good choice. At his touch, the feather began glowing dimly. The angel immediately pulled his hand away and looked down as he set the deer down.


"A deer, but not a doe." He said quietly as he sighed out and looked at Cyrus, his eyes even though still warm, were very serious. "Don't mention this to anyone." He asked silently before walking past the boy to clean up in the bathroom. He was done soon, staying quiet throughout the whole time. Just how could he be this stupid? Now he would be find out... But what exactly humans could do to him? Not much, except treat him like an angel... He didn't want that.


Cassiel slowly lifted his gaze back to the other, lightly nibbling on his plump bottom lip. "Please don't change what you think about me. Just see me as a simple human." He asked softly, holding the small bag of feathers and blood behind his back. He was going to toss them out as soon as possible... He wanted to be human so bad...

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Cyrus was looking at the other curiously, then to the deer. HOnestly, he didn't realy suspect the other of anything "So, you are a hunter then? I thought you said you didn't eat meat?" he asked confused. He wasn't one to really instantly go to thinking of supernatural reasons for things, as, he was only human, with a human mind and comprehension. It wasn't a normal thing for someone to be an angel or something. "And with the feathers in the bathroom, did you kill a bird there or something?" he asked, looking at the feather in his hand. He didn't notice it glow though, as he was watching the deer get up and move about, clearly a bit scared and fearful, being in an unknown place.


Cyrus frowned a bit, looking at the confused and scared deer. Trapped in a place he didn't belong, no way to get out himself. He felt bad for the creature, connecting himself with it, just like how he'd been trapped in a place he didn't belong. He moved to the front door, opening it and letting the deer bolt out to its freedom. He smiled vaguely as he looked at him dart off in the distance through the trees.


Hearing the other speak, he turned back around to look at the other "What?" he asked, even more confused now "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I treat you the same?" he asked, frowning and his brows furrowing. The other was really confusing him. It was clear Cyrus had no idea what the other was talking about, and no clue the other wasn't human of any sorts.

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"What?..." Cassiel stared at the other in equal confusion. "A hunter? Me? I would never take an innocent life." He said quietly, narrowing his eyes. Did this boy didn't understand? Or perhaps... He didn't even believe? With a quiet sigh, the angel looked away a bit. One thing was for certain. Now that he blurted out all of that nonsense, he would have to say what he was actually. The grey-haired male didn't say anything when Cyrus let the deer out. He would've fed it, but it seemed like it ran off already... Maybe it was for the best. It could find its family again.


With a slightly shaky sigh, Cassiel raised his gaze back to the other. "Do you believe in angels?" He asked quietly as he untied the bag and took out one of the feathers. As he held the feather on his palm, it glowed faintly - just enough to make it clear it wasn't quite normal. "I..." He bit down on his lip as he sighed out and looked away. "I hate lying. I hate serets, and this wasn't something I thought I would have to admit." He talked quietly before reaching out and gently placing a hand on the bruise on the other's ribs. In front of his own eyes, it began healing.


He didn't know why was he telling and showing all this. Maybe he actually needed someone to share this with... He was getting a bit, just a bit lonely and scared with no one knowing. He didn't want anyone to know, but at the same time he did... Emotions were such a confusing thing.

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Cyrus looked at him confused when he brought up angels and believing in them. Where was the other going with this "Angels?" he inquired, making sure he heard the other right "Not really, no" he spoke as he leaned back "If they were real, then they really suck at their jobs with helping people out" he scoffed bitterly. It was clear what he was thinking about - slavery, maybe his slavery in particular. He believed if they were real, then he would have been helped out and saved years ago from this tormenting hell he'd undergone.


Cyrus frowned as he looked at the other mumbling and stammering over words with broken sentences "What are you going on about? I"m confused" he spoke as he tried to follow the other. He took a step back when the other approached him, flinching as he was touched. His instinctive fear of being touched was soon replaced by surprise though as his ribs no longer were sore, and he put a hand to them "W-what? How did you..." he trailed off staring up at the other with wide eyes.


With the healing of his ribs, and the glow of the feather in his hands, it soon started to become clear to him "N-no way...you're an...an angel?" he breathed as he stared up at the other with clear awe and surprise. He'd just been joking about calling the other an angel when he first met him. But now it seemed that accusation was really quite all too very real. "B-But...if you're an angel, where are your wings...then...?" he asked, eyes falling down to the pure white feather in the others hand.

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Cassiel flinched when the other commented about angels not doing their job properly. "They're trying, I'm sure of it..." He almost whispered out, his hands shaking lightly. "They... They can't take care of everything here..." The angel said quietly, looking down at his feet. The angels were responsible for bringing people to life, to them living their destinies and overall, staying human. There was probably a reason for Cyrus to have been in slavery.


As the other began catching up to who he really was, the angel just closed his eyes, his shoulders trembling lightly. The question made him flinch once more. He shook his head, opening his eyes to look at the feather in his hand. "I don't want to be an angel. I always wanted to be human..." The gery-haired male said quietly as he clenched his hand into a fist, holding the feather tightly. "I cut off my wings." Cassiel said quietly, seemingly scared of saying it any louder. He truly, truly wanted to be a simple human.


"Can you still see me as a human, please? This... This doesn't have to mean much..." Cassiely almost begged, looking at the other with sad, honest eyes. "Please..." He added quietly, reaching out to lightly take his hand. "I... I can make sure that everything will be alright from now on, so please... Just think of me as human..." He begged silently, his eyes glimmering in the light.

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Cyrus scoffed a bit with a roll of his eyes "Well they're not trying hard enough" He muttered bitterly as he crossed his arms across his chest. He was still confused as to the topic of angels. Why where they talking about them again? Where was Cassiel getting at with all of this talk?


But as he came to find out the other was actually an angel, he just stood there in surprise, still trying to comprehend and register it all. He listened to him curiously as he explained about his wings and how he forcefully cut them off. His eyes widened again "C-cut them? But, aren't they attached to you? Wouldn't that be like cutting off fingers, or something?" he asked with a frown as the other explained why he did it, so he could be human. He opened his mouth to say something, but then realized the other wouldn't like to hear it. But it was on his mind. Just because the other cut his wings didn't make him human. Maybe made him look it and fit in more, but to the core, he was still an angel. Just like if a human lost a leg or arm. They looked different, and may be treated differently because of it, but they were still human. He sighed a bit, shaking his head as he shook thoughts from his head, looking back to the other.


"Sure....I guess" he said when the other asked to be viewed as only human still. He nodded his head a bit more assuringly "Sure" he said again more confidently. If the other wanted to be human, Cyrus had no reason to deny the other that. Just like how he didn't want to be a slave, no one should force him into that - though people did. But he owed Cassiel a great favor in helping him, he'd do anything for the man, really.

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Cassiel let out a small, sad smile at the question and nodded a bit. "Maybe a bit more than that.. Seeing as I'm also losing a bit of my powers each time..." The angel said softly as he walked to sit down. A soft, shaky breath left his mouth as he closed his eyes for a moment, running a hand through his hair. The pain was worth it anyway... He got to be just like a human. Well, except for those times he had to use his powers. The angel slowly burried his face into his hands, rubbing it slightly to calm down. He knew that one day he would completely lose his grace... Then he could become a real human. A mortal life, with all the emotions and needs...


He pulled his hands off of his face when he heard that the other would actually see him as human. He stared at Cyrus for a while, his eyes wide and filled with gratefulness. "Thank you..." He whispered out softly as he stood up and walked to the boy. He pulled him into a warm hug as he breathed out softly. "Thank you so much.." He repeated quietly, his voice completely honest.


The angel stood like this for a while, just holding Cyrus in a warm hug. After a while, however, he had to pull back anyway. His grey eyes were soft again as he gently ran a hand through the other's hair. "Go on now... Take a shower and feel free to sleep." Cassiel said softly as he smiled gently. "If you need anything else, I'll be sure to get it... Just tell me." He said with a smile as he lightly brushed his thumb over the boy's cheek. "I'll make sure you live a good life here."

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Cyrus frowned a bit as he watched the other with sad eyes. He wished there was something he could actually do himself to help the other. It must really be quite painful to cut his own wings off...Cyrus couldn't know from experience of course, as he hadn't any wings obviously, but he could only imagine. "If there's anything I can do....pleas let me know. I'd like to repay my debt to you before I leave" he said before he watched the other get up from his seat and make his way over to him.


He watched him hesitantly, before flinching and tensing up as the other hugged him. He bit his lip, shaking slightly in the others arm as he tried to deal with it for the other sake. If this is what he wanted he'd let him, but that didn't mean he could get rid of his fear of contact just like that. Being in slavery so long had drilled every fear of any touch from another who wasn't a salve.


As the other let go, he slowly nodded at his mention of taking a shower, sleep and everything. "Thank you" he nodded thankfully, really quite grateful to him "I promise I'll get out of way soon, until I can travel again, and after I repay my debt to you, I shall leave. I don't wish to inconvenience and bother you in any way, especially since the guards could very well likely come and search here for me. If they find you with me, it won't be good" he murmured, bowing thankfully to the other before he limped his way to the bathroom - since, of course his shot and injured leg. Shutting the door behind him, he stripped of his clothes, revealing countless old and new scars that littered his body. As he shed his clothes, he slowly slipped himself into the bath he had filled and set up, sinking into it as he exhaled in relief at the warmth and comfort of the clean water.

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Cassiel smiled his sad smile as he watched the boy. "I don't need anything more than a 'thanks'..." He said softly as he let out a quiet sigh. "Though... If I asked you to stay longer, would you?" The angel asked quietly, seemingly hopeful to hear a positive answer. He was really getting lonely in this forest... If he had Cyrus live with him, life would become better, he was sure of it.


A heavy sigh left Cassiel mouth as the boy said he'd leave once he'd payed his debts. He didn't say anything, deciding to just let him rest for the night. He'd talk about it in the morning... The angel slowly walked outside to dispose of the feathers, wincing softly as he stretched slightly, feeling the skin on his back tear further. Even though it was covered in bandages, he was still feeling the wounds from cutting off his wings. Maybe someday he would regret it after all... But it wouldn't happen anytime soon.


Before actually going to sleep himself, Cassiel busied himself with making the bed nicely for the boy, preparing new sheets and a comfortable pillow. Before the other went to sleep, Cassiel should check on his wounds... Even though Cyrus brushed it off, he wanted to see just how bad they were himself. He could at least apply some ointment on them to make them heal quicker, and possibly put on some bandages... If the boy even let him do that. He seemed scared of human contact, probably from being a slave... He hated that thought alone. Imagining someone as a slave was simply horrible.

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Cyrus blinked a bit as he turned around to look at the other curiously "Stay longer?" He asked and frowned a bit, worry seeping in to him. Why? What reason would the other have for him to stay? Was it, the only reason Cassiel helped him was to have him as his own slave instead? Cyrus tried to calm himself down and remind himself he was probably overthinking things. But that fear still lingered in the back of his mind.


The question and conversation seemed to die a bit and fade, so he had turned to go take his bath. He had set the water up, making it a perfect temperature - since before he usually could only have cold baths. He had stripped of his clothes before lowering his scared and wounded body into the warm water. He exhaled in relief, and just was able to relax in the bath, enjoying it as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He remained enjoying it for a bit before he started to scrub away the layers of dirt that caked his skin.


Cyrus was in the bathroom for probably at least a half hour scrubbing away the dirt the masked his body and what he really looked like. He finally finished, after so long, and glanced to the filthy torn and bloodied clothes of his. Drying himself off, he wrapped a towel around his waist as he headed out of the bathroom "Mr. Cassiel?" he called softly, glancing around until he found the ex-angel "I'm sorry to trouble you further...but do you think it'd be alright if I borrowed some clothes?" he asked. Now having cleaned, not only were the countless scars and cuts to his body all over visible, but his skin in itself was a completely different tone, a paler complexion, and his hair a brighter purple than the dullness it appeared before.

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Cassiel was knitting peacefully in the living room when Cyrus called his name. "Please, just Cassiel is enough." He said with a soft smile. When he heard what the boy needed, he nodded slightly, his eyes showing worry as he looked over the wounds and scars. "Of course." He said quietly and stood up, leaving his work on the couch. Actually, there were quite a few things knitted by him in the house...


"Please come with me first." He asked softly as he walked towards the bathroom to get the ointment. He turned to Cyrus with a kind smile. "Let me take care of the wounds, please." The angel asked softly as he took off the lid, squeezing some of the light green mass on his fingers. He'd made this himself - various herbs grew next to his house, so it was quite convenient. He began applying some on Cyrus' arms and hands first, knowing the ointment would also give a bit of numbing sensation to the possible pain he was feeling. "Could you remove the towel?" He asked softly, glancing up at him. He certainly didn't have any ill intentions - merely take care of him.


A quiet sigh left the angel's mouth as he lowered his gaze a bit. "Won't you stay and live with me here?" He asked softly, his voice gentle. "I won't ask much from you... Maybe some help in the garden, and the food, but not anything bigger than that...I... Honestly, I'm getting a bit lonely here." Cassiel admitted with a nervous chuckle. "Besides, where do you have to stay at if you leave? Here you'd have a bed, warm meals, and I swear, nothing like what you had to go through."

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