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My Savior (Private with ChibiMonkey)


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Cyrus had found himself dead asleep in minutes. He was more than comfortable cradled up closely against the other and in the others arm. He didn't know how, but it was very comforting in his sleep. These past few nights that he had been sleeping with the other, he hadn't had any nightmares to traumas with the other beside him. He didn't quite have peaceful dreams or anything, just, blank, emptiness. Quiet peace in a way, but he was more than happy to not have any nightmares.


Come the next couple hours, Cyrus was still sound asleep. He cuddled close to the other, ending up tangled in the others arms. Even in his sleep though, he was somehow careful of the others back where his torn and broken wings were. When the other kissed his forehead, he shifted a bit, slowly opening his eyes as he looked up at the other when they focused. He blinked a bit, confused before he pulled away slightly "hey...what time is it?" he asked softly as he moved to sit up, glancing to the other a bit worriedly.


He wanted to ask about his back, but knew it wouldn't be the best idea, worried the other didn't want him to bring it up again. He sighed, looking to his lap. He really was concerned about the other. It was weird, he was still trying to get used to such feelings, he didn't know what to do about them. So...he was probably acting very weird lately, not knowing what do with them.

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Cassiel smiled softly at the waking boy, gently combing through his hair with his fingers. "It's almost two in the afternoon." He answered softly, smiling warmly. There was no need to make things difficult between them at all... If he pretended everything was fine, eventually it would be.


The angel let out a quiet sigh as he pulled away, a shiver passing through his body instantly. It was colder than he thought it would be... "Please stay in bed. I'll get us both something to eat." He said with a smile while pulling on one of his own-made sweaters. This one hung on his body slightly, a bit too big, but very warm. Simple grey was what he wanted at the moment anyway.


"What would you like for breakfast anyway? Should I just get something from what you made yesterday?" He questioned with a light smile still on, pretending that nothing was wrong. That they didn't wake up earlier today... That Cyrus didn't see him cutting his wings. None of that happened.

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Cyrus didn't know how it occurred, but feeling the others larger but gentle hand comb through his hair was soothing, and ended up making him blush for some reason. He realized he was on high tension around Cassiel lately, his emotions all wired and stirred being around him. He didn't know if that was because of the whole angel and wing situation though, or simply because it was something else about Cassiel. He didn't try to hard to figure out what it was, simply assuming this was how humans were supposed to feel and react in response to someone being so kind and generous to them.


He heard the other asking about breakfast and what he wanted to eat. He was confused at first, of why breakfast when it was past lunch hours, but then remembered all the left over food he had made the other day "Oh...uhm, the leftovers are fine. I'm not picky" he said in response, watching the other get up to head to the kitchen.


Cyrus frowned a bit, opening his mouth to say something, but then sighed and closed it, laying back down on the bed "Actually...I'm not really hungry" he murmured softly as he sighed, laying down and cuddling back beneath the covers for the comforting warmth he lost when Cassiel had gotten up and left. He couldn't eat now anyways....not with how worried he was about Cassiel.

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Cassiel sighed and frowned slightly, shifting on the bed which caused a sharp pain to shoot through his back; though he managed to not show it. "You have to eat." He said quietly while slowly getting out of the bed. The bandages seemed to be stuck to his skin thanks to the dried blood... It would be quite the pain to take them off later. Actually, he had to do it as soon as possible, else it may get worse.


"I'll change my bandages and get us food. Stay in bed." The angel muttered out softly before beginning to walk towards the bathroom. He had to cut the bandages a bit to actually get them off, then applied some of his cream - even if it didn't numb the pain, it would stop the bandages from getting stuck again. Besides, the cool mass still felt quite nice against his bloody skin...


The grey-haired male came back into the bedroom soon enough, having warmed up some breakfast for them both. He got into the bed and smiled lightly, giving Cyrus his portion - it was a bit smaller than his own. "Try to finish this, and if you want some more I'll get it for you." He said softly before beginning to eat his pancakes. He'd put some raspberry jam on it - his favorite.

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Cyrus just sighed a bit in reluctance as the other pressed how he needed to eat. Honestly, Cyrus really wasn't hungry. Perhaps it was for a multiple, variety of reasons. He thought maybe it was something to do to the fact he wasn't used to eating so much in one day, three meals a day, and each of those meals being full ones. He tried to reason this was the cause for his lack of appetite. But he otherwise was too unfamiliar with these emotions arising in him to realize it was out of worry and concern for the other he lost his appetite and couldn't eat.


He frowned hearing the other mention he was going to change his bandages and get food. He still wasn't hungry, and still worried about the other any his wings. Of course, he knew Cassiel had been cutting his wings for a while now. But it still bothered Cyrus he had to often endure so much pain, and it seemed rather frequently too. It almost seemed as though it was every other day the other had to cut his wings, or at least a few times a week.


As he heard the others soft footsteps leave the room, Cyrus settled back into the bed, rolling over onto his side. He sighed softly as he closed his eyes, just thinking to himself. He hadn't expected himself to grow so attached to Cassiel. Thinking about it, he realized too that ever since sleeping beside him, he hadn't had a single nightmare. Hearing the other come back in and get into bed, Cyrus was brought out of his thoughts, frowning as he glanced over his shoulder at the other "I'm not hungry" he simply repeated softly.

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Cassiel frowned and shook his head, eyes completely serious. "Eat it." He said with a quiet sigh. "You have to; please." He added, his eyes now pleading. The angel took a bit of his own pancake and swallowed it, then closed his soft eyes. Cyrus needed to eat, especially with his healing leg. It would help it heal quicker, and that was one of the main priorities right now. It was neccessary.


"Cyrus, I want your leg to heal. You have to keep your energy... I won't let you even get out of bed until I'm sure your leg is fine." The angel said rather firmly before his face softened with a smile again. "Then you'll be able to help me out in the garden, or when collecting the herbs." He said, glancing at the various herbs he'd brought. "Ah, do you need help learning how to read?" He asked casually, a smile on his face. Cassiel didn't find it all that weird when people didn't know how to read, especially in Cyrus' case. He was a slave... Slaves were only meant for work, in some people's opinion. Reading wasn't work. It was a privillege.

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Cyrus didn't know why, but he felt a bit bitter towards the other. He didn't know why he was suddenly feeling like this. He knew it was because of the others back, and his issue with his wings, in which Cassiel wouldn't let him help with in any way. He knew and understood why the other was so sensitive about it, so Cassiel didn't understand why he was feeling so childishly bitter towards the other. Maybe it was because of this unfamiliar feelings inside him, that he didn't know what to do with or how to act on. Or perhaps it was because of his heart felt admission to the other through the door earlier. Or perhaps the fact he got nothing in response from the other, even if he said he understood, he felt vulnerable and alone to have expressed such emotions, and then to receive nothing in response. Of course, Cyrus was used to being treated coldly and ignored - although, that wasn't particularly or exactly what Cassiel was doing. But it did seem he was distancing himself from him.


Hearing the other concerningly scold him, about needing to eat, and how he wouldn't let him get out of bed, he just sighed a bit, closing his eyes as he pulled the covers tighter around him, remaining silent, feeling like he wanted to snap at the other - which he didn't. Which he why he just tried to remain silent and not say anything at all. He was so frustrated with himself, for feeling so childishly about this. He opened his eyes, staring at the wall in silence as he listened to the other continue to talk, and before Cyrus could even shut his mouth and stop himself, he felt the bitter taste of words slip off his tongue. "Why would I need help from someone who won't even accept help themselves" he snapped. He sighed at his own cruelty of words, frowning, disappointed in himself and just buried himself further in the covers, covering his face. When did he get like this? Since these feelings stirred inside him when he met Cassiel? He wasn't used to this feeling. He didn't like it.

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Cassiel's jaw hung down in shock when he heard Cyrus say those harsh words to him. The angel's eyes slowly filled with tears as he stood up, teeth clenched and walked out of the room. He didn't really see the need in being alone in a room with someone who so obviously showed they didn't want him there. The plate with his food ended up on the table, still with the pancakes and his favorite jam, barely touched. He sunk down into an armchair, pulling his knees to himself. He hadn't quite felt like this, in fact. Perhaps it was because he honestly wanted to help the boy, but it seemed the other didn't want to accept his help. Maybe that was the reason small tears were slowly rolling down his cheeks as he tried to wipe them and at least not make a sound about it. Cassiel hadn't spent so much time in the human world, it was still hard dealing with human emotions sometimes. Especially sad ones like this... He didn't know what he was supposed to do now. What did people do in such situations anyway?


Cassiel realized his body was shaking, but he didn't know why. Now he felt like a lost child, more than he'd ever felt. Be it in Heaven or here, he wasn't ever so confused with his emotions and feelings. Why was he feeling that? What was he feeling exactly? When did it start? When would it stop? How would it stop? How did it started? All those questions were driving him crazy. The angel pressed his face into his knees, the salty tears never ending the flow on his cheeks. He'd never felt this hurt by some words... Why were they even so powerful? He really didn't understand so much yet. He also had a lot to learn.

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Cyrus bit his lip as he hid beneath the covers, flinching slightly as he heard the other stand and leave. He frowned, hugging tighter to himself. He didn't know why, but he had hoped for something else. He didn't know what else, just...he didn't want the other to leave him like that. He hugged to the pillow, huddled beneath the covers as he wallowed in his own emotions. He felt like they were out of control. He was usually so emotionless, uncaring to the world around him. He didn't care about others, or care for their opinions on him. But somehow, with Cassiel, it was different. The other seemed to effect him in so many ways. There could be so many reasons for why, but Cyrus knew none of the answers.


Cyrus didn't know how long he'd been laying there since the other had left the room. He didn't know what to do with himself. Had he fallen asleep? It seemed like he'd been there forever, yet, at the same time, the time had passed by so quickly, it felt. Letting out a shaky breath, he slowly pulled the blanket from his face, peering out. He sat up in the bed as he glanced around the room. Damn this stupid, foreign emotions running through him. He didn't know how to deal with them. They weren't bad feelings, but he didn't like them because he didn't know how to deal with them. He slowly stood up, being rarefy of the pressure on his leg.


Glancing once more to the door where Cassiel was in the other room, he sighed, going to the window. He couldn't handle all of this...he felt like he wanted to explode inside, he couldn't take the overwhelming emotions. Hearing the other sobbing in the other room, he knew he was honestly just a handful to him as well, despite what he said. That's all he'd every been. Was a burden for people to carry around. He shook his head, knowing that Cassiel was different, though. Sighing, he opened the window, and silently climbed out of it, walking through the forest. He didn't even know what he was doing anymore. Maybe just some air...

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However quiet Cyrus was trying to be, him stepping out through the window was still audible. Cassiel let out a shaky breath as he slid down to the floor on his feet and began walking towards the door. He was acting like a child, but that was who he was in this world. He was a child, who didn't know so much... Who wanted to know more and more and more! He just had to get a few pushes in the right direction.


The angel stepped outside and began searching for the boy immediately, his eyes still red and puffy, tears in the corners even now. Once he spotted the other, his steps became faster until he was nearly running, grabbing the other into his arms and hugging him tightly. His body shuddered once before he took in a sharp breath, holding Cyrus tightly against his chest. "Please don't leave me like that." He muttered a bit shakily, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his head. Tears were burning his eyes again, though he tried not to cry. He hoped he at least wouldn't be pushed away... That would be horrible.

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Cyrus was just walking through the forest with a slight limp, one hand clutching at his chest. Why did it hurt so much? It wasn't his leg...his chest hurt, inside. He frowned to himself, closing his eyes as he just wished this unfamiliar and invading feeling would go away. But the more he willed it away, the more it grew stronger. He just sighed to himself, inhaling the relaxing and fresh scent of the crisp fall air. The weather was changing with the seasons, it was getting colder each week. He wrapped his arms around himself as a chill ran through his body.


Cyrus hadn't noticed someone was approaching him at first. Not until the footsteps were running fast behind him. He blinked, and before he even had a chance to turn around, he was captured in Cassiel's warm and tight arms. Cyrus inhaled sharply out of surprise at first, eyes wide, before relaxing as he smelled Cassiel's familiar scent. He let out a heavy breath "jeez, you scared me like that. I though you were...." he trailed off softly, before he heard the other speaking behind him. He bit his lip, frowning as he looked to the ground. Tears started to form in his eyes, and he didn't even know why. He hugged onto the others arms around him, leaning into him as he sniffed "I'm sorry..." he whimpered softly "I...everything's just been so weird lately....I don't know whats going on with myself anymore...." he sniffled softly as the tears fell down his face.

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Cassiel felt his heart clench when Cyrus began crying. He gently turned the boy around, keeping his arms tight around the small body while stroking his hair. "Don't apologize..." He muttered quietly, pulling him closer.


"Shhh..." Cassiel whispered, his arms warm and protective around Cyrus. "It's all okay..." He muttered softly, slowly moving one hand lower to lift up the boy so he was basically sitting on one arm while the other kept him close by his waist. The angel slowly began walking back home, nibbling on his lip to make sure he won't cry. Some people said that angel tears are magical. That they heal... Cassiel doubted it was true. He wished it was, though. That would make Cyrus heal a lot faster. "Just... Don't overuse your leg." He muttered, already close to the house.

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Cyrus bit his lip as tears spilled from his eyes. As he was turned around, he pressed his face into the others chest, hands clutching to the front of his shirt on the others chest. He felt comforted and warm in the others arms, which made his heart throb again painfully "I don't understand Cassiel....my leg was shot...but it's my heart that hurts and feels so weird" he mumbled, feeling himself being picked up. He let the other, wrapping his arms around his neck and keeping his face buried into his neck.


He sniffed, his tears eventually slowing down as he kept his hold onto the other. He just gave a simple, quiet nod of his head when the other just went on about how to not overuse his leg "I just really needed some air..." he murmured. It didn't take long before they made it back to the cozy cabin home, and Cassiel was placing him in the bed. He looked up at the other, still holding onto his hand lightly so he couldn't leave "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier....I didn't mean it" he mumbled softly like a small, guilty child that wanted forgiveness. He didn't want Cassiel being upset with him.

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Cassiel couldn't lie to himself - he froze up a little bit when Cyrus said his heart hurt. He'd heard of people describing love like this... But what exactly was love for the humans? Angels were said to love everything and everyone, so how would he know? If it was something he always felt, he definitely had no idea about what it really was. When two people had sex, was that love? When they kissed? Held hands? What was love for the humans?


The grey-haired male let thoughts like that rule over his mind as he walked home. When the boy apologized, the angel let out a soft smile and leaned closer, pressing his soft lips for another kiss to his forehead. "It's fine." He muttered out quietly and gently stroked his hair. "Do you want to rest or should I teach you to read now?" Cassiel asked quietly, soothingly running his hand over the other's hair. A soft smile was playing on his face as he burried his bad thoughts and negative emotions deep inside of himself. There was no need for them. He would forget of them soon as long as he focused on the good thinsg instead...

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Cyrus was much like Cassiel in a way, when it came to understanding what love was, yet, it was for the opposite reason. Unlike Cassiel who had everyone to love and was loved by everyone himself, Cyrus had sheltered himself away from emotional connection like that when he became a slave at a very young age. He put up walls around himself, never experiencing loving someone, or having someone love him in turn. And so for the lack of emotional connections he'd had with people, he didn't know what love was, or what it was supposed to feel like.


When he laid on the bed, apologizing to the other, he felt himself a bit relieved, and relax at the others forgiveness, saying it was okay. It made him happy that the other wasn't upset with him. He faintly blushed at the kiss to his forehead, and smiled up at the other a bit. When hearing his question, he shook his head to the idea of rest. He'd been laying in the bed so much that day, he didn't want to rest anymore. "Uhm....I'd like to learn to read...if you have time" he said with a small smile, still a bit shy of a smile, as it was clear he was still embarrassed about the fact that he didn't know how to read.

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"I have all the time needed." Cassiel replied cassually and stood up, walking up to the bookshelf. The angel slowly dragged his eyes over the covers of the books, trying to pick something that would be easy to read. He actually found one children's book - probably used by him at the very start, when he himself had to learn how to read. The grey-haired male came back with a soft smile on his face and sat down on the edge of the bed, holding the book. "I hope you don't mind if we start with something easy." He chuckled softly and opened the book.


"Come here now, it's going to be a little bit hard at first. Do you see the letters clearly?" This was Cassiel's first question as he moved closer, finally giving up and just sitting next to Cyrus. The angel had a warm, honest look in his eyes as he began reading one word after another, asking for the boy to repeat them. He'd praise Cyrus whenever he got it right and encouraged to not stop trying if he didn't quite get it. He showed what sound each letter represented and, very slowly, continued teaching Cyrus of the reading art.

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Cyrus smiled a bit happily when the other said he had time and had immediately headed over to the bookshelf. He smiled as he watched the other scan over the books, Cyrus himself looking over all the bindings collected there. He hoped in his time here he'd be able to know how to read all of them. He smiled as the other came back over with a small book, mentioning it being easy and he nodded his head "Of course, thats fine. I just want to learn" he said happily with a smile. It was probably the biggest smile and happiest he'd been since he left his enslavement. He'd never gotten to show so much excitement before - he'd never had anything to show for. All he wanted to do was learn this simple things, that others knew. To not be a slave.


As the other sat on the bed, Cyrus moved over a bit more onto the center so the other could have more room to sit comfortably beside him. He smiled up at the other, watching him for a moment as he read, before following his eyes back down to the book on the others lap, and the page it was open to "Erm....well, yes, I can see the letters..." he said a bit hesitantly, unsure at first. But then as they started to read and they worked together, he was able to slowly get it. There were times where he got confused, and completely frustrated, but he was determined to learn, so he struggled with it, trying to listen to the other and get them, but every time he made a mistake, got more discouraged and frustrated.

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Cassiel was extremely happy to see Cyrus slowly getting the hang of it. His praises were completely honest, and when he corrected the other's mistakes, he still sounded proud. Seeing the boy not give up was very satisfying, in some way. The angel felt like this was his most important work in Earth for now. He wanted to give Cyrus the life he deserved... He would give him that. All the love he didn't get, all the places he didn't see, everything. Absolutely everything that was worth living for.


"Alright, time for a break." Cassiel announed and put the book away with a smile. "You're doing great, I'm proud of you." He said warmly and smiled, leaning close to press a soft kiss to the boy's forehead. "Do you want some tea now?" The grey-haired male asked as he gently moved an arm around the younger's waist to lightly stroke it. He thought they were close enough to be able to lay like this... He hoped for that, actually. Cassiel definitely wished for some more human contact, and actual, proper relationships. Be it friendly or romantic; he just wanted to have some.

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Cyrus had struggled for a good few hours trying to learn the letters and what each of them meant. On the few occasions some letters made different sounds than on other words, it took him long to understand, and he still didn't get it. He often got frustrated, but he still struggled to get it, even if it only ended up frustrating him even more and giving him a headache. He was determined to learn, to have some quality and skill in his life that would classify him as something more than just a slave who only knew how to cook and clean. Despite how frustrating and hard it was, it made Cyrus feel good inside of him.


He let out a loud sigh of relief when the other said they could take a break, and he felt back on the bed relaxing, and closing his eyes as his head hurt. He glanced to the other beside him when he mentioned tea, and he smiled a bit tiredly with a nod "Yeah, that sounds good" he agreed. Perhaps it would help his headache too. He mentally found himself wishing the other could make tea in bed, so he didn't have to move away from him, but Cyrus reluctantly gave the other room and space to be able to get up and out of the bed, smiling as he watched him leave the room.

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Cassiel smiled warmly at the boy when he showed clear relief to hearing about the break. He ran a hand over his hair lightly, adoring the unusual purple color of it. "Does your head hurt?" He asked softly and gently put his palm on the boy's forehead to see if there wasn't a fever. "This'll be enough for today then." The angel decided and smiled. "We'll continue tomorrow, you mustn't overwork your brain. Too much new information isn't too good." He spoke softly, all the while gently stroking Cyrus' hair. He really took a liking to the boy... He was nice, and the angel almost felt like a big brother like this. It was certainly a nice feeling.


The grey-haired male soon left the room to make them both tea - of course, alongside with some cookies and leftover pie. Cassiel appeared to be really, really happy when he came back with two huge mugs of tea and a plate of sweets. "You did fantastic! Therefore, you may celebrate." He chuckled as he got into the bed next to Cyrus and put the plate on his lap, giving one mug to the boy. "Dig in!" He laughed and pressed a quick kiss to the younger's cheek before taking a cookie for himself. Small human pleasures like this were his weakness...

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Cyrus looked up at the other with a small smile when he asked about his head "A bit, but it's okay, I don't mind" he said as he sat back up to face the other "Really, we can continue more! I don't want to stop just yet after the break" he said even though the other seemed to insist about being done for the day. He pouted a bit childishly, since he wanted to learn more, and as much as he could as fast as he could. He sighed but then smiled with a small nod of his head "Alright" he gave in, before watching the other leave to the kitchen to go make themselves some tea. Cyrus looked forward to it, since he knew the other always made good tea and food in general, but his tea specifically was always more healing than a normal one. Perhaps it would help ease his head ache.


When the other came back, he scooted back over again to allow the other more room to sit comfortable with the plate and drinks. He thanked him as he was handed a hot mug, taking it and holding it gingerly in his hands as to not burn himself. He smiled happily at the others praise, feeling his heart flutter a bit in excitement. he smiled happily, sipping at the tea before blushing at the kiss to his cheek. He glanced to the other, smiling as he leaned into him a bit "You really are amazing, Cassiel...I have my life to thank you for" he murmured softly, smiling happily.

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Cassiel just couldn't help but roll his eyes at how much Cyrus insisted they not stop after the break. "Too much information isn't good, you know. We have a lot of time left." He explained again, a happy smile spreading across his face when the boy agreed at last. It was way more relaxing to just lay on the bed with him, drinking tea and eating cookies. The angel had one arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to keep them both warm - truly, he was acting like a big brother sometimes. Yet maybe this wasn't what he wanted from this relationship after all... His thoughts were somewhat interupted by Cyrus leaning into him, which only caused his arm to tighten around his waist. It felt nice to hold him like this...


"Mm? Cyrus... It was just what I had to do." He muttered softly and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. "You shouldn't thank me for those things. You shouldn't have to thank for them... Your life is just as important as anyone else's!" He exclaimed with a smile and, without really thinking about it too much, leaned down and pressed a short, sweet kiss to his lips. The angel figured that if he could kiss his cheek, he could kiss his lips too. There wasn't that big of a deal, right?

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Cyrus just sighed a bit with a shake of his head "Alright" he pouted slightly s he looked to the other. He really wanted to learn more. But he supposed that Cassiel was right. They did have plenty of time together, he supposed. He smiled at the thought, happy to think that he would be able to be with Cassiel for so long. Part of him hoped to be with the other forever. He hoped Cassiel never got sick of him or anything. It made him happy to think he might be able to be with the other forever.


Cyrus leaned into the other, cuddling into him and enjoying the feeling of being so close with the others arms around him. Usually, he hated the thought of being anywhere close to another man, in anthers arms. He hated being touched. He would not only be repulsed by the idea, but he would be disgusted with his own body. But with Cassiel, somehow he was okay with it, in fact, he even enjoyed it.


He looked up at the other as he spoke and smiled happily. "I know I shouldn't have to...but i will, because to me, it means a lot. Even if something so small should be normal, it's not for me. And I love everything you do for me, Cassiel. I love you" he murmured softly, blinking a bit as the other kissed him, and his eyes widened a bit, just staring at the other with a bit of shock "Cassiel..." he murmured softly "I...do you...you want to kiss me?" he mutters softly.

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Cassiel couldn't keep the soft smile off his face when Cyrus cuddled into him so sweetly. His arm was wrapped protectively around his waist, gently stroking his side as he ate the cookie in his hand. The moment was perfect - definitely one of the best he'd had since coming into this world. At least hethought so... There were many of them left to come, but they would. This one just marked the start of it all. The angel just sighed softly while the boy tried explaining why he would still thank - it sounded like nonsense to Cassiel, but he didn't bother talking about it since he got a bigger problem.


Cyrus confessed...? "In what way do you mean that?" The grey-haired male both sounded and looked genuinely confused and curious. A smile spread across his face at the following question. "I think I just did... Did you dislike it?" Now there was worry growing. The angel still pulled Cyrus closer, gently stroking his side with only his thumb. He hoped his perfect moment won't be messed up.

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Cyrus frowned a bit as he shifted a bit to look at the other a bit better and more easily. "Ah....what do I mean by that...?" he inquired, repeating the others words in confusion. He hadn't meant it as anything serious. But now that the other was asking him about it, he wondered if Cassiel had wanted, or expected more meaning out of his words? He faintly blushed, considering his words. Did he love the other? Well, of course he did. He owed his life and freedom to the man. But, how much did he love him? He knew the answer to it. After reflecting on all these unfamiliar, warm, tingling feelings inside him. It must be love, right? And he also wasn't repulsed with Cassiel touched him, which he always was when any other male did touch him.


But then the other was asking another question, distracting him from the first. He blushed "But I...why?" he asked softly looking at him with a slight frown "I...no, I didn't dislike it..." he said, surprise in his own voice as he came upon this rare realization. He didn't mind the kiss. How odd. He hated being kissed - like being touched. But all these things seemed to not matter when with Cassiel. "I liked it" he admitted more surely of his own words now, realizing he truly did. "but i don't understand....why would you want to kiss me? I...I'm filthy..." he murmured as he looked to his lap, referring to all the sexual interations he's been in, all the filthy lips that have taken his.

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