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My Savior (Private with ChibiMonkey)


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Cyrus nodded a bit when the other said to just call him Cassiel. It would be weird for him to get used to, but, he surely wasn't complaining of course. He was greatful the other would let him borrow clothes for the time being. Though, he figured the clothes would be loose and a bit baggy on him, as, his body was smaller than Cassiel, especially considering his thinner and underfed body. He listened as the other said to follow him, and he nodded his head before glancing to what the other had been doing, curious what he was in the middle of making.


Having followed the other into the bedroom, he watched him go and get some supplies before listening to him say how he wanted to tend to his wounds. He frowned a bit, unsure as he watched the other with uneasy, skeptically eyes. Sitting down, he hesitantly gave the other his arm, letting him apply the ointment to it and everything. He just remained silent, watching him as he applied the cream onto his wounds, and feeling the stinging pain slowly start to disappear. He stared at the cream in amazement, but didn't say anything more until he was asked to remove the towel. His eyes shot to Cassiel's face, who seemed completely unaware and at ease. He frowned, before eventually removing it for the other. Somehow, he was able to feel a great sense of trust from the other. He wondered if it was because he was an angel? Or something else?


He leaned back a bit, still nervous about being so exposed to the other, but he dealt with it. He listened as Cassiel spoke up, about asking him to live here and everything. He was a bit surprised by the offer, before frowning. "It seems great...I wouldn't mind. But we're still so close to my masters home. I could easily be found, and I wouldn't want to burden you with the responsibility of being caught with me" he said with a light sigh.

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As the boy removed the towel, pain seemed to seep into Cassiel's eyes. His whole body was littered with those horrible scars and wounds... The angel let out a quiet sigh as he began trailing.his hands with the cream on it over Cyrus' body, gently rubbing it into the deeper wounds. He seemed rather focused on his work - he wanted to make the boy feel better as soon as possible. He wanted to make him forget of the life he had before.


Cassiel lightly shook his head at what he heard, closing his eyes for a moment as he rested his hands on the other's hips. "If you really wish for it, we could move away. It won't be of any problem for me to get some transportation, and we could leave this place completely. As long as I can take everything in here, I'll be fine." The angel said softly and smiled before kneeling down to rub the cream into the boy's legs as well. When he was finally done, Cassiel slowly stood up and put the tube aside.


"It may take a few days to get ready to leave, but I have no intentions of letting you go back." He said quietly and looked away. "Come now, I'll give you some clothes. Later I can go into the city and buy you some as well." He said softly as he turned to walk to his bedroom. There, he took out a shirt and some comfortable pants and gave them to Cyrus. "Try these on..."

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Cyrus sat on the edge of the bed as he watched the other. After he had finally let go of his towel and let it fall from his waist, he let the other care and tend to his wounds with the cream. After a few moments of it being rubbed in, he felt a small tingling sensation wherever it was placed on his skin. And it was nice for the pain to disappear behind the numbing sensation.


When the other went on the speak about how they could move, he blinked a moment, eyes widening slightly "So you would give up your whole life, just up and move for me..." he muttered softly and frowned "Do you realize how weird that sounds? it's not normal for someone to do that, slave or not" he said as he just sighed a bit and leaned back on his hands as he let the other finish up tending to his wounds "I wouldn't want to be the reason for your move. Just stay here....I suppose I can stay I while too..." he trailed off as he glanced away "not like I have anywhere else to go" he muttered.


After that conversation had finished and the other finished applying the numbing cream to help his wounds, he watched him grab some clothes out of the closet. He got up, following him and nodded as he took the clothes from him "Thank you" he said as he pulled them on. Of course they were a little baggy and loose on him, but it's not like his previous clothes weren't either.

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Cassiel blinked, his eyes wide and filled with confusion. "I don't have that much of a life in here anyway." He said softly, with a small smile. "All I did was build a house and get some things in it... It's all just something materialistic. I don't really have what you call friends in here, nor do I have enemies. My life in this place isn't all that big." The angel said, his expression softening. And still, it didn't seem he would succeed in making Cyrus change his mind...


"I don't see why I shouldn't do that, though. You're a person in need, and I'm someone who can help." He almost said 'angel'... That would've been bad. The grey-haired male let out a quiet sigh as he took Cyrus' hands into his own and smiled. "It's up to you to decide wether you wish to stay here, or move out with me somewhere... Or just leave. However, I've been thinking of moving somewhere in Finland for a long time already..." The angel trailed off dreamily, a soft smile on his face.


When the boy was done dressing up, Cassiel let out a warm smile and pulled back. "You remember where your bed is, right? Feel free to sleep as much as you want to. In the morning, I'll make some breakfast and we can do whatever you want." He talked softly, pulling away with a smile. He wanted to go to sleep himself...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cyrus listened to the other with a bit of amazement. The male lived all alone out here in the middle of the forest? How odd of a person to do. But then again, he was an angel...er, ex-angel, he supposed. But he could relate with the other, being all alone, having no one, no friends or family to talk to and turn to. It still was amazing to Cyrus though, for someone as amazing and kind as Cassiel to be all alone like he was. "Perhaps you should try to meet and befriend more people. Although this world is corrupt, I'm sure you'd easily find friends" he spoke.


Cyrus understood the other wanted to be human, and was trying to, but the other clearly didn't understand completely human's logic and way of thinking things through. He understood how Cassiel thought, but, it didn't fit in with that of a humans. Helping another simply because they are capable of being the one to help. Moving to help another, even if he considered moving before. Humans didn't think as generously as that towards others, unless they were close friends or people they knew beforehand; of which, Cyrus was not.


"Staying here is fine with me. Even if you say you want to move...I would feel guilty and as though I pushed you to do so. I have no complains, Cassiel. I appreciate everything you've already done and considered for me" he said with a small smile towards the other as he stood up after finishing dressing and everything. He nodded his head at the others words, able to tell he was getting tired "Alright then, Goodnight, and thank you again" He nodded to the other with a small bow, hesitating, before leaving the room and leaving the other be to rest.

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Cassiel let out a smile of defeat as he nodded at the young male he'd saved. "It's up to you, then. If you don't wish to move away, so be it." He said softly, his smile warm and gentle. The angel gently took hold of Cyrus' hand and pressed a soft kiss to it. "But please... Don't think you're a burden to me." He muttered out softly. The grey-haired male appreciated the small smile he got from the other. Even if faint, it still seemed honest enough. He liked it when people smiled at him... And honestly, that happened pretty often. It seemed as if he attracted smiles to himself... Maybe because he smiled so much himself.


Cassiel smiled softly as he watched the boy bow and leave. "Please, don't bow to me. Act free... You're free now, Cyrus." He reminded the boy with a soft smile before turning around to walk to his own bed. Their bedrooms were next to each other, so in case something happened, they would be able to meet up quite soon. The angel took off his clothes and changed into comfortable sleeping clothing before getting into his bed. He always layed either on his side or on his stomach, seeing as his back ached day and night from the wings he'd cut off.


Next morning, as always, Cassiel awoke early, just as the sun was rising. The grey-eyed male got out of bed and, without changing out of his loose pants and white shirt, walked into the kitchen to make some rice porridge for him and his new housemate. The man had a soft expression on as he worked in the kitchen, beginning to hum an old lullaby. He often hummed when he was alone - his voice was indeed soothing, clear like a bell... Just like an angel's voice should be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cyrus looked to the other, unable but to feel how warm and caring he was. He nodded slightly as he listened to him before his hand was grabbed and kissed. He blinked, eyes dilating slightly at horrific flashbacks involving kisses, as being a slave - also meaning a sex slave - and so he instinctively jerked his hand away from the other, holding it in his other hand as his heart rate was slightly elevated in fear of the flashback memory. "Sorry..." he murmured softly, knowing to the other it was probably weird, or absurd to act such a way, but Cyrus couldn't help it.


As Cyrus had gone to leave and left bowing to the other, he couldn't help but smile faintly at the others words "R-right...I apologize..." he said, though knew the other would then probably tell him not to apologize for anything. After that, he left to the room he was earlier shown to - or, limped his way there, anyways, as his leg was still wounded and hurt, despite even with some of the angels healing help. It felt weird crawling into a nice comfortable, sheeted bed that night, but he didn't mind. It was something he could get used to.


When the next morning came around, Cyrus had already woken up quite early. He didn't wake the other, as he'd gone to the empty kitchen and began to cook. He cooked a rather grand and delicious meal, even if just for the two of them. He was used to cooking such amazing things, after all, his masters would ask for nothing less than that. He heard footsteps and a soft, angelic humming, and he turned around to see Cassiel waking and entering the room. He offered a small smile as he greeted the other "Good morning...I thought I'd make breakfast, to repay you for all you've done for me" spoke, as he'd already set the table with the food variety and everything.

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Cassiel didn't say a word when Cyrus pulled his hand away - he understood why he did that quite well. Sorrow flashed in his eyes while his lips pursed into a small frown. Some humans didn't deserve to be called humans, in his opinion. Ones that did evil things to others - especially. The angel hated seeing someone suffer, but he could at least try and help this boy... He could try and give him a proper home, some love and freedom. He wouldn't let anyone do anything bad to the other again.


In the morning, he was nearly shocked to see all of that food. His eyes were wide and his lips slightly parted, the humming long gone. Finally, a soft, chimming laugh left his mouth as he shook his head. "Do I really look like I eat this much? This'll be enough for us for today, maybe even tomorrow." He said with a chuckle as he sat down, then motioned to the chair across of the table. "Go on, sit down. Enjoy." The angel said with a smile as he reached for a piece of simple white bread. He usually started his mornings with one, so why not just continue the tradition...


As he bit into it, the grey-haired male glanced at Cyrus and let out a small smile. Swallowing the bite, he wiped his lips of the crumbs and chuckled lightly. "And don't even think of leaving the better foods for me. Eat however much you want, what you like best, and don't worry about me. Okay?" Cassiel questioned before cutting into the omelett in his plate. He put a piece into his mouth and let out a satisfied noise. "This is delicious!"

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Cyrus had focused on cooking up the breakfast that morning, and even though it wasn't like Cassiel had a fully stocked kitchen like the mansion of his masters, but he could still make quite a variety with it and a delicious variety at that. He looked around when he had heard the humming and saw the look on the others face. He smiled slightly, enjoying the look of surprise, though then the smile faltered in fear the other didn't seem to enjoy so much food when he spoke of how much it was "Ah...sorry..." he muttered as he glanced to the food laid out. He guessed he just really didn't know how to make small portions.


When the other motioned for him to go ahead and sit down, he nodded his head slightly, sitting across from him at the table. He watched him take some food, before Cyrus himself then did the same. Even after the other told him to eat any of it, it was like Cassiel could ready his every movement and thought, knew exactly how he felt. He still waited until the other took all the food he wanted first, and then Cyrus helped himself to some others. He was honestly fine with any of this food, as he normally wouldn't get any of this types of food, or get to eat with another. He smiled a bit as he took a bit of his food, glad to hear the other liked it "I'll cook more if you want, just tell me what you like to eat" he offered.


As he sat there eating, he found he really enjoyed this, just getting to sit with another, enjoy some company, eat at a table. It was nice, the simple, small things in life like this that he'd never really gotten to experience before. He smiled to himself as he soon finished his meal, and started to clean up the dirty dishes, letting the other finish eating his own food. The rest of leftovers Cyrus would wrap up and save for the other.

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Cassiel chuckled quietly and shook his head at the apology. "There's nothing for you to apologize for. We won't have to make food for today, that's really not bad." He talked softly before smiling warmly as he continued eating. The angel nodded lightly at the offer, glancing up at Cyrus with a warm expression. "I'd appreciate that. If you can, you should cook for us both while we live together." He offered with a smile, knowing that the boy wouldn't stay without paying him back somehow... Humans were slightly weird in this aspect.


His grey eyes lifted up to the boy when he stood up, seemingly to go and wash the dishes. "Please don't bother yourself with doing the dishes." He requested softly, soon finishing up his own food. Cassiel smiled at Cyrus while walking to the sink. "I'll take care of that, and you can go ahead and put the leftovers into the fridge." He said with a smile as he rolled up the sleeves to make the dishes.


"How's your leg today? Does it still hurt?" The angel questioned while washing the plates and cutlery. Soon enough he was done, everything dried and put away into their places. He turned to the boy and let out a warm smile. "Would you like for me to go and buy you clothes today? I'd also need to get you some toiletries..." Cassiel trailed off with a soft sigh. "What would you like for me to bring back to you?"

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Cyrus felt a little relieved when the other didn't really seem upset by all the food or anything. He smiled and sat, eating with the other and was glad to hear the other would let him continue to cook for something. Normally Cyrus would hate working, after his slave life and everything. But for Cassiel, he found that he really didn't mind and that he wanted to help the other, and do anything he could for him. After all, the angel was risking his human life in the face of other humans to keep him safe and everything.


After the meal had finished and Cyrus was working on cleaning up the dirty plate and everything, he noticed Cassiel stop him and looked to him curiously "Please, I don't mind it. I'll take care of both this and putting the food away" he said, but it seemed the other was insistent enough on helping him in cleaning up. He sighed a bit, but didn't argue, letting him. After all, it was his house. So he therefore went and continued on wrapping up the abundance of leftovers on the table and putting them in the fridge to preserve them.


Hearing him inquire about his leg, he shrugged his shoulders "It's a lot better, thanks to your. It's still just a bit sore to use, but nothing I can't handle" he said with a shrug of his shoulders to make sure the other knew it wasn't a big deal. Cyrus was still favoring the leg when he stood and walked on it, but, sadly enough, he'd had worse injuries, or, once equal to the pain of that provided by a gunshot. "Clothes? um...anything is fine, really. I'm not picky" he said. After all, he'd just used old hand-me-down clothes that were too big on him before. So anything would be nice, in comparison to that.

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"I won't let you do everything for me when you're here. I'd feel bad about it." Cassiel said quietly, his tone calm, just like usually. "I do appreciate the help, but please, at least leave a little bit of work for me. If you cook, I'll do the dishes, and that's that." The angel said with a warm smile, just as he finished up. While Cyrus was busy with storing the food away, the grey-haired male kept his gaze focused on him. "Does anything else hurt?"


A soft sigh left his mouth at what he heard from the boy about his leg. "Show it to me. I won't accept a 'it's fine' for an answer." He warned instantly, a serious expression on his face. "I have to make sure there isn't some infection in your wound, and the ointment has to be applied daily anyway. I often even do it a few times a day for better healing." The man talked softly while leading the boy towards a comfortable chair. He smiled and crouched down. "Can I?" He questioned, reaching for his leg, yet not touching it.


"Then today I'll go and buy you something. I'll just have to measure you out, and you promise me you won't leave the house no matter what. If anyone comes, hide. I'll lock the doors anyway, but... Just in case." He murmured softly. The angel seemed genuinely worried for the boy. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you, okay?" He asked with a soft smile, his eyes holding care in them.

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Cyrus sighed a bit as he could tell the other wouldn't let that part of him staying there go so easily. Though he wanted to do everything he could for the other, he supposed he had no room left to argue against the other. If he really so much wanted it that way, then Cyrus would let it be by his rules and as he wanted. So he didn't argue any more about the topic, and settled for being happy enough he could still do something at least.


When the other started asking more about his leg, he shifted bit, glancing to him with a small frown "Really though, it is fine" he tried, not wanting the other to worry. It was a gunshot, and so Cyrus expected it to hurt and everything, but he didn't want the other knowing that, not wanting to worry or trouble him with anything else concerning him. But the other had already lead him over to a chair anyways to sit down and look at his leg. Sighing softly, he slipped his pants off so the other could look at the wound on his thigh "I'm sure it's fine, It'll just take some time to heal..." he trailed off, watching the other silently.


When instructed he would get clothes and things for him, and to hide if anyone came to the house and to not leave or anything, he couldn't help but faintly smile, and just nodded his head lightly "Alright" he agreed. He wouldn't leave just yet...he had to admit, he was enjoying the unfamiliar warm and caring atmosphere from the other.

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Cassiel frowned at what Cyrus was kind of babbling about, shooting a sharp glance up at him. "You have to tell me if it starts hurting worse. There may be an infection, and that wouldn't end well." He talked quietly, gently taking the other's leg to inspect the wound closer. His fingers were warm and gentle, holding the limb somewhat delicately. He was a bit careful about all this, seeing as the boy got so frightened when his hand was kissed.


"Wait a moment, I'll go get the ointment." He said softly and stood up, walking off. The angel soon came back with the tube in his hand, crouching down again. "In fact, it would be best if you didn't walk around too much for now." He talked while slowly applying the mass. He spread it out on his skin, lightly massaging it into the wound and the skin around it. "Please, be careful."


The angel stood up once he was done, offering the other another smile. "Now, if you get hungry, feel free to eat whatever you want. Each room is for you to use however you want to." The grey-haired male spoke softly as he searched around for the keys. Once he found them, they were put into a small bag along with his wallet. He offered the other a warm smile before turning to walk out. "Well, I'll be going then."

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Cassiel flinched slightly at the others suddenly harsher look, not having expected such a serious sort of look from the other. He relaxed a bit and nodded, going quiet "Yes, you're right, sorry" he quickly apologized out of habitual fear for the other might get angrier with him, of which he definitely didn't want. He remained silent as he sat down on the chair and slid his pants down a bit so the other could inspect the wound.


He watched the other carefully, his body tense, as it was every time the other got so close to him and touched him. Though he was doing his best to try and get rid of that habit, as he knew the other didn't want to harm him or anything. When Cassiel left to go get the ointment, he nodded his head, relaxing a bit for the little time that the other had distanced from him, but back to his usual self when he had come back and started applying the ointment. He flinched a bit slightly in pain but dealt with it, letting the other tend to his wound and everything. Once he had finished, he pulled his pants back up and relaxed as he watched Cassiel get ready to leave.


Hearing him say about eating what he wanted, and going where he wanted in the house, he nodded his head again slightly "okay, thank you" he said, before he watched the other leave. He sighed a bit, as he now really didn't know what to do with himself. He glanced around the living room he stood in, feeling awkward and unsure what to do. And despite the other telling him not to use his leg so much, he decided to tidy up and clean the house up for the other while he was gone.

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Cassiel felt a bit bad, seeing that Cyrus was still nervous and seemingly scared about him being touched. The angel only wanted good for the boy, but it didn't seem it was working all that well... The grey-haired male let out a quiet sigh, the ointment put away on the fireplace. He instructed for the other to apply it if he felt any more pain in case he wouldn't get back in a few hours, which was possible.


Just before leaving, Cassiel measured the boy so he could buy clothes proper for him, then went out to the city. He spent some time shopping for groceries, went to visit some people that wanted his help - out there, he was known as someone who was able to heal basically any illness. The angel was always glad to help out anyone who needed. Finally, he ended up being out for three hours straight.


At the end, he bought clothes for his new housemate. He bought one pair of simple jeans, one pair of cotton pants, three T-shirts, a jacket, a warm woolen sweater and some proper shoes. With all of his bought things, the angel began heading home. He couldn't wait to make sure Cyrus was okay, and he wanted to dress him in proper clothes...

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Cyrus noticed the other seemed discomforted by the way he tensed around him and acted. He knew it wasn't the males fault, it was just instinctual for him to act such a way. he wasn't used to such close contact that was actually kind and friendly, concerning towards him. He let the other take the measurements, trying to stay still, and then dismissed the other as he had left to go do his shopping. He'd only looked out the window a moment to watch him disappear, before he went about cleaning.


Not really knowing what else to do, thats all Cyrus did, was clean. And the house looked emaculate, practically sparkling clean. But that was to all soon change for the worse, despite Cyrus' slowly growing comfort and accustomed feeling to being free and not locked up. This was the longest he'd gone after running away without being caught, so he'd grown hopeful that maybe this was it and for all, the last time he'd have to run away. All those hopes were drowned by fear though, as he heard a pounding on the door.


His eyes darted towards the front door, as he quickly moved to the spare bedroom. He held his breathing, hearing the loud knocking again before the door was forced open and he heard heavy footsteps enter. He flinched, jumping slightly as he hid behind the door of the spare bedroom, standing stiff between the wall and open door, hidden. The footsteps drew nearer and closer, before they were in the room. Gulping and holding his breath, with the familiar back of a guard facing him, he slipped out of the hiding spot, trying to sneak out of the room. He'd nearly made it to the open front door, but he didn't know there was more than one guard in the house. The second had noticed him, calling out which caused Cyrus to make a run for it.


Unfortunately, with his injured leg he wasn't strong or fast enough to get away from the guards this time, and he was tackled to the ground. He grunted, struggling beneath the male, in the struggle, knocking a few things over and out of place, some of those things consisting of a table, along with a lamp and the ointment that had been on it, some pillows from the couch, as well as a few other miscellaneous things. In the end though, it was all futile, and a struggling Cyrus was dragged away back through the forest by the guards and headed back to his old masters.

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Cassiel was calmly getting home, everything in his arms, yet once he neared in to his house, he froze. The door had been forced open and nearly broken... Something bad happened. The angel rushed inside, everything dropping from his arms at the sight in front of him. The room was a mess. The table was knocked down, and the things that were on it were broken on the ground. Cyrus...


The grey-haired male immediately ran outside, searching for the boy he'd taken in. He found him, just in time... Cassiel's expression turned into a completely serious one as he ran towards the guards and, before they could react, put a hand on each of their foreheads. For a few minutes, all of them stood completrly still, as if frozen. Cassiel seemed to be in pain, however. This was one of those bad situations he had to use his powers in.


He'd replaced the guards' memories. Just deleting them wouldn't be enough. He made them remember chacing the boy down until a cliff, where he slipped and fell... He made sure that the guards remembered that well enough for it to seem like real. Then he made them think they'd eaten some weird fruit that caused them to pass out. Then, the two guards fell onto the ground and Cassiel stepped back, exhausted ,and a bit scared. He lifted his eyes up to the one he'd saved, letting out a smile.


"Are you okay?"

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Cyrus struggled against the guards as he was dragged through the forest. Each of the guards had one of his arms, Cyrus' back towards them as his feet were pulled against the ground and he was dragged backwards between the two on the ground. He felt his heart sinking low in his stomach to a sickening feeling. The fear of going back to his master, and also, the fear of being taken away from Cassiel, the only man who had treated him kindly, someone he'd grown to like over the past short few days.


As he was dragged through the forest, fear sunk in even more, the more time that passed, the more it felt he was surely a goner. His master wouldn't take this lightly - especially having the tracker collar taken off by some way. He bit his lip in nerves, that fear having him struggle against the guards once more, who simply snapped at him to shut up and stay still.


He gulped a bit, before he saw Cassiel in the distance. He gasped a bit, eyes widening in slight disbelief. But blinking a few times, he saw it really was the other. He started to feel a bit relieved, but also worried for Cassiel. He watched as simply with just touching the two men, they dropped unconscious to the ground after just a few short moments, causing, Cyrus to drop as well. He shifted a bit, staring up at Cassiel and that familiar smiling face of his. He felt his heart beating fast, both out of worry, and relief to see the male. Before he even knew what he was doing, or thought it through, he was getting up, and hugging the other tightly, his body still shaking slightly from the fear of almost having gone back to his master.


"Thank you" he breathed shakily as he hugged the male.

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Cassiel was slowly beginning to feel more worried. Why wasn't Cyrus saying anything? He seemed to be shaking, too... When their eyes met, the angel offered the other a slightly tired, but soft smile. He hoped that the boy was still fine.. Using such powers when almost out of "grace" was awfully exhausting. And honestly, he wished he didn't have to do this - now he couldn't forget about how this used to be so much easier before... Cassiel was one of the "higher ranks", so his powers, when he was a fully-powered angel were much higher than those of some others.


When Cyrus hugged him all of a sudden, Cassiel slowly wrapped his arms around him as well, gently stroking his back to calm him down. "Shh... It's all fine..." He whispered softly, lightly rocking his body. The angel slowly lifted him up, holding him tightly to himself as he began walking. He didn't want to risk the guards waking up and seeing Cyrus... They shouldn't be able to remember the fact that the boy was alive, nor they should remember him and his powers.


"Are you hurt anywhere?" The man asked quietly while slowly walking home. His steps seemed a bit shaky, his breath coming out in soft pants. He seemed tired, actually. He was tired. Cassiel didn't want to let Cyrus walk by himself, however... His leg was still painful, probably.

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Cyrus himself didn't even realize the close contact he was having with the other. It was probably the first time in a long time he so willingly was any bit affectionate towards another. He shook slightly as he hugged to the other, slowly relaxing down as reality started to calm down around him. He wouldn't have to go back to his masters. He could stay with Cassiel, and he'd be alright. After letting out a heavy breath, calmed by the others soothing touches, he let go of the other, looking up at him as he was then picked up.


"I'm fine" he sighed softly, relaxing in the others hold, but could tell something was wrong. He looked up at Cassiel, seeing the exhaustion clear on his face "...are you alright?" he asked the question back at the other, a bit worried as he shifted in his arms "Here...let me walk. You don't look to good, Cassiel..." he said softly, worry and concern in his eyes as he looked at his saving angel.


As he saw the house near into view, he frowned seeing the dropped bags and broken door. He shifted out of the others arms, gently taking his hand as he pulled him inside and to his bedroom "You should lay down...I'll take care of the mess" he said as he gently pushed the other down on the bed and pulled the covers over him and everything, making sure he was comfortable "Do you maybe want some water...uh...I dunno...what would help...?" he asked, not knowing how to take care of an ill angel, if anything particular was to be done.

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Cassiel shook his head with a slightly tired smile on his face. "It's fine." He said quietly, continuing to carry Cyrus. "You shouldn't walk by yourself.. Your leg." He reminded the other, his arms tightening a bit around the boy. This was nothing, just a bit of tiredness... That was it. The angel had felt much worse when he first cut off his wings, let's say. The pain when doing it for the first time was almost unbearable...


When the other finally did wiggle out of his arms, Cassiel didn't even say anything. He let the boy lead him home and layed down in the bed. A soft smile spread out across his face as he gently took Cyrus' hand, looking at him with soft eyes. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine..." He said quietly and closed his eyes, lightly stroking the other's hand with his thumb.


"I'm just glad you're okay..." The angel murmured out. Only an angel as himself would've done something like this to a human that he barely knew. Cassiel was just sure that each human had to live a good life, with no worries and just be happy... Soon enough, his breathing evened out, his body relaxing completely. He'd fallen asleep, it seemed...

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Cyrus ignored the other and did everything to make sure the other didn't do any more work than necessary. Cyrus would have carried the other in turn too, if he was physically able to. But it was true, it was hard enough even for him just to walk as he was with his injured leg. Of course, he just shook off the others concern for him and his leg, acting as though it wasn't as much of a pain as it really was. Right now, he was just concerned for Cassiel and wanted it to stay that way.


Setting the other in his bed and tucking him in or anything, he frowned as he looked at him, sighing softly. He looked pale, and weak. The light in his eyes was dimmed and glazed over with an exhausted, pained expression "Please just rest...I'll bring you some water, and make you food. Just rest" he murmured softly, gently resting a hand on the others arm "I don't know what you did back there...but it seems it was a lot even for you. I'm grateful for your help, but I'd rather you not risk your health over mine...you're life is far more important than someone like me" he said softly as he rubbed his shoulder idly.


"I'll go clean up now...please stay here and rest" he said and offered a small smile before leaving the room and turning the lights out. He went and proceeded to first pick up the dropped bags outside, bringing them inside and setting them in the kitchen for now. He'd put them away later. First priority was the broken down front door. He worked on that first, finding some tools around the house, fixing the hinges, lock, doorknob and anything else wrong with it. Once fixing the door, he closed it and locked it, closing all the blinds in the room he was in, before he then began to clean up the mess, ignoring the pressure he was putting into his leg. He'd worry about it later.

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Cassiel kind of liked how considerate Cyrus was towards him, but he also felt bad about it. He was supposed to be the savior... He was supposed to take care of the boy, not the other way around. And yet, even thoughts like this didn't stop him from falling asleep soon enough. For once, his sleep was peaceful, with nice dreams... He liked this kind of sleep, honestly. It made him feel more human.


When he awoke, it was already dark out. With a quiet sigh, he pulled himself out of the bed and stood up, lightly holding onto a wall. He needed some medicine... He was feeling awful. He had a headache and he was feeling nauseous... The grey-haired male began walking towards the medicine, his skin paler than usually and covered in cold sweat.


Once he'd reached where he had all of his home-made medicine stored, the angel began making himself some tea. His hands were a bit shaky, his eyes empty. He wanted to go back to bed already... But he didn't really feel like sleeping. Cassiel had to keep himself standing by holding onto the counter where the tea pot was. He was feeling so weak...

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Cyrus had been cleaning the house up for a while. The door took him about an hour or so to fix, making sure it worked perfectly fine again, both hinges attached and it closed securely, as well as locked. He cleaned the rest of the house up, mainly the living room area that had been trashed when they came for him earlier. All the other rooms were already clean, since, Cyrus had been cleaning the place up that day to take up his time while he waited for Cassiel to come back.


After Cyrus finished cleaning, he took care of the food bags that Cassiel had gotten. He put away all the items in their proper storage, making it all neat and throwing away the bags when done. As he was finishing that, he heard movement in the other room, and figured Cassiel was up. He left what he was doing - though he had pretty much finished, and went to go check on Cassiel.


Entering the bedroom after a light knock, he found a shaky Cassiel barely holding himself up as it seemed he was trying to make something. He frowned, walking over to him "Hey, relax" he spoke softly "Is there something you want? I can get it for you, you should sit down" he said, trying to encourage the other back to the bed. If not to sleep, then to at least sit down and relax a bit, and not put any more strain on his body.

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