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Spoilt Love Knows No Bounds ((Nyuchanxx and rebeccayaoifan))


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Mikito smiles welcoming the given towel drying himself off. "let me do what you want for today...okay?" he asked his older lover wrapping the towel below waist. "is it okay and possible handsomeness?" he grinned cutely dressing leaning against wall sexily and teasingly.

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Hatchiro chuckled, this man somehow seemed capable of getting him to do anything, to be perfectly honest as long as he was with Mikito he didn't mind what they did and after such a stressful few days he just wanted to relax and doing what someone else wanted seemed very appealing. "Okay sexy." He winked and kissed the other before having himself a towel and drying his body.

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Mikito yayed and put on his lover clothes. He twirled around cutely. "What you think baby? "He asked leaning on wall.

When wearing his lover's butler clothes he felt embarrassed and shy in them. He eas looking forward to his lover true answer and reply.

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Hatchiro chuckled; it had been an awfully long time since a smile had broken onto his features this much and even longer since he had laughed. The other looked so cute in his clothes. They were much too big for Mikito but it still looked cute and the male wearing his shirt was pretty damn sexy. "You're not allowed to wear my clothes when I am working, I reckon it's pretty unprofessional to walk around aroused because of you." he smiled and leaning down kissed the other gently, his still damp body dampening his clothes as he pressed against the other.

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Mikito feels his small body frame damped with water from his older lover. wrapping his small arms around his huge waist he tiptoed kissing the older man's lips gently and passionately. His little self was getting bit frisky but kept to himself sucking on Hatchiros' tongue playfully with one of his green eyes staring at the older man.


the small teenager still had his lover's clothes on but slipped off as he moved around the man's tightly wrapped arms. a bit of creamy skin was being exposed as the white butler shirt slid off his shoulders moaning under the kiss.

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Hatchiro delved into three kids with as much passion as his lover. It surprised him how good at missing Mikito actually was. It made his breath become slightly irregular. Drawing back he chuckled his fingers brushing lightly against the others neck. "We shouldn't go at it again my love." He whispered although his body told a different story "I need to apologise to your aunt after all I caused quite a bit of Hassel earlier." He chuckled awkwardly running a hand through his hair.

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Mikito pouted cutely giggling, "okay we do more later tonight please?" He pleaded dressing himself up with his dirty clothes.

In the process he gave back his lover his business clothes sticking tongue out. "There you go I'll be in my room and my auntie wants to speak with you.." he added on leaving bathroom blowing his lover kisses.

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Hatchiro smiled and ruffled the others hair. He took his clothes of his lover smiling wryly at how crinkled they were, he would need to go to his room and find some new clothes as he didn't want to be seen in professional clothes yet looking particularly unprofessional. He smiled at the other lightly kissing the top of his head. "I shall come and see you later then okay my love." He knew he should go and talk to the others aunt he really needed to clear up the mess that he had made.

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In his room Mikito sat down on bed reading an interesting book. The book consisted of a love triangel that reminded him of his best friend whom he knew as a small child, and would love to see him again since its been a long time. He smiled happily daydreaming suddenly of his older lover/butler. "...Hatchiro is all mine always and forever..I want to always prove my love for that man!" he said to himself hugging his teddybear given to him by his mama when he was small before her death.


Mikito's aunt awaited for her nephews' loyal butler in the living room. She was reading a magazine with boredom.. She sighed throwing the magazine behind her not noticing it hit one of her servants. "..When will Hatchiro-kun tell me his true feelings for my small nephew...their soo good together." she thought aloud smiling happily remmebering the time they first met.


(can we do a flashback how Mikito and Hatchiro first met? :))

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Sure sounds good*


Hatchiro left the room shutting the door quietly behind him before making his way swiftly to his own room. He really didn't want people seeing him looking such a wreck, it was a bad example to the other servants and it looked horrific to anyone visiting!


Shutting the door to his room he opened his emaculatly organised wardrobe and pulled a new velvet waistcoat out and a presetinly ironed white shirt. He pulled the clothes on and in front of the mirror combed his hair and pulled it into a ponytail. He had to admit that life seemed easier when he wore these clothes, it was one of those things he liked, he liked to look perfectly presentable and smart. It was the one thing he had total power over after all!

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Mikito missed his lover as soon as he left. Sadly small tears came down a bit as he wiped them hugging onto his teddy bear tightly. "Mama want to know how Hatchiro and I met..?" he asked no one in particular..but looking out the window and up the sky. "I wish I was with you mama...but I know you wouldn't ever want me to say that.." he sadly said as he let all his tears fall.

His aunt had found Hatchiro in his own room knocking on her loyal servant's bedroom. "Hatchiro-kun if you're inside please open up the door for me so we can talk about my nephew, Mikito." she stood by the door awaiting for an answer from the young man.


x: how would u wanna do the flashback? u can start it off first if u have any ideas deary.

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Hatchiro heard the knock on his door just as he finished straightening his jacket. He cursed himself for taking so long, he should have been the one to go to he boss not the other way around. Rushing to the door he opened it and bowed low. "I apologise for taking so long madam, I was just about to go and find you. I am very sorry." He stayed prostrated feeling thoroughly pathetic for not even being able to change quickly enough.


Flashback **


It had been three years since his parents died and Hatchiro had been passed from relative to relative, although none of them wanted him, each of them instead wanting to grasp their hands on his fortune but none succeeding. Well none until his 18th birthday. That year his careers had managed to tiptoe around the law withdrawing all the money from his bank account which had just been placed into his name. Now they had the money they had no need for him. He was thrown onto the streets.


He was one of the lucky ones though, most people didn't survive after such things happening but at the age of 18 an old man had taken him off the street. He had been snuck into a huge mansion and hidden in the cellar. The man had told him to be silent and he would bring food. The food was good. Like this he survived another 3 years until he was 21 and old enough to work. He had been allowed out as long as he wasn't caught. He never was. But on his 21st birthday the man that fed him said he was leaving, quitting his job. It was only now that Hatchiro realised this old man had been the butler to this house. He told him that he could take the job. He was given cheap but smart clothes and told to leave the house and return in a week and ask for a job. Hatchiro did so. No one ever knew he spent three years living in that house before he interviewed to become the new butler.


The weather was warm. Not hot, just warm, verging on cool. Straightening his jacket Hatchiro had knocked on the door and waited for a response. His heart should have been beating insanely but having been rejected since 15 he didn't hold much hopes for today. He only went because he had wanted to thank the man for his kindness. He didn't expect to get the job. Who wanted an untrained butler who was barely of working age and had never before worked in his life? And on top of that had no home to claim as his residence. No one would hire him, and as such his nerves were non-existent.

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Mikito's aunt chuckled patting his back. "It's alright I assumed you were tending to Miki-san." she smiled. "Speaking of which how do you feel about my nephew being engaged to this Nico person?" she asked hoping for an honest answer from her favorite and trustworthy servant. "You always had taken good care of Miki-san I might add." she smiled back crossing her arms.




Every summer before and after his mother passed away a young boy by the name of Mikito always visited his favorite aunt's mansion. he couldn't always believe his aunt uncle and only male cousin were rich. He knew from his mother's side of the family that she came from a rich family but they lived their life as normal lower class residents.

In the summers every time he visited he would go to his favorite room being the cellar and not once noticed another being hidden. The small boy would fall asleep on his small tent by himself or with his older cousin name Keiji. One summer his little life changes knowing how he felt about older men thanks to his experience with few men at just 13 years old and running from his ex boyfriend whom deserted him going back to his hometown. Mikito decides to live with his aunt and under those terms he was going to have his own butler. He would order around the older man whenever he wanted to but in reality he wanted to be friends with whomever cares for him besides his aunt and uncle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hatchiro looked at the women before him, he didn't know what to say, he knew Mikito shouldn't marry nico that man was horrible and there was something he still felt he shouldn't feel. He wouldn't let his emotions ruin Mikito's life or his position but some primal jealous desire influenced what he said even of he tried to suppress it. "I don't think Nico is right for my young master and I believe that Mikito does not desire to marry him so I am loathed to suggest they should." He chose his words carefully trying not to be rude but maintain a level of honesty.



As he approached the door Hatchiro took a deep breath, he didn't really need it but then he felt that that was what people did. He knocked on the door running a hand through his long hair making sure it was neat and presentable, he might as well try and get the job even if he wouldn't get it.

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She smiled hugging Hatchiro patting his back. "How do you feel about taken care of my nephew?" She asked him figuring both boys might like each other.




Inside the house there was quietness as a doorbell was heard. One of the servants with Mikito in hand answered the door. Behind the door stood a young man looking sharp and 13 year old Mikito blushed staring at the handsomeness in front of him.


"Can I help you sir?" The female servant asked blushing. Come in dear sir you must be new here."

"Hi sir I'm Miki." The small teenage boy bowed politely blushing deep shade of red

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hatchiro frowned at the women wondering what she wanted from his response. "He is my master madam, his wish is my command and I would follow him into the depths of hell if he desired it of me." Every word was the truth, he respected the male a great deal for not abusing his money and taking advantage of it as so many people would do. Still he felt that his response wasn't quite what his mistress was digging for. "He is the only one I shall serve Mame." He quantified gently.



Hatchiro looked down and smiled gently at the small boy at the door, he was very sweet and endearing. He had heard the boy playing multiple times and had on many an occasion wanted to play too but knew it would jeopardise his situation. Looking back up at the maid he spoke confidently, or at least he hoped it sounded confident. "I heard you were in need of a new butler and wanted to apply for the job."

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"If you're looking into applying for a job at this manor then you might be serving this child." the maid pointed towards Mikito.

Mikito smiled waving at his maybe somewhat new friend." Hi there I'm Mikito or Miki for short." the teenage boy approached the older handsome man, "My aunt and uncle own this big house and I love coming here how about you?" he asked Hatchiro nervously hands behind his back.


The female servant bowed taken her leave and looking for the matriarch and patriarch of the mansion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hatchiro smiled down at the smaller male. He was very endearing with those big eyes and the cute way he looked up at him. Blinking he cleared his head, he had to stay focused and for that nice man he had to do his very best to get that job even if it was never going to be his, he would still try his best and part of that was being nice to this young male. "It's very beautiful here away from the mayhem of the city, I like it very much." His voice was soft but assertive and self confident as he watched the male for once letting some of his emotions show in his eyes. Children always looked at the eyes when deciding whether to trust someone. It was a skill most adults lacked so he knew he must make his eyes look honest in thee face of this male.

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Mikito smiled a lot as the older man approached and talked to him with full respect. He knew he was going to automatically like him and maybe end up with a small crush on the handsome older man. "Come inside sir..." the younger male bowed stepping aside letting the older man enter. he felt his heart pounding loudly shutting his eyes tightly with nervousness throughout his body.

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Hatchiro nodded and followed the younger male inside, shutting the door behind him. The house was beautiful, enormous but not in a cold and harsh way, it was warm and welcoming and yet told of great wealth and privilege. He had never seen the interior of the house, only the inside of the cellar where he had lived for many years so walking into this place was a whole new experience to him, as if he were walking into another house - another world.


He remembered to breath and drew in the breath he had been withholding still trying to comprehend this grand place which he had apparently been living in without ever knowing.

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Mikito lifted his head staring at the awed man with full respect and a warm smile. "Is this your first time coming inside a manor?" he asked standing beside him hands behind his back nervously. the younger male stared up and down at the older handsome man feeling his face heat up a bit. '...such handsomeness in front of me mama...i like him already...' he said to himself in his head face heating up and smiling beautifully at the older man.

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Hatchiro looked down at the blushing male. For a moment the sweet innocence of the other and the way his eyes looked up at him Hatchiro almost told the truth about having been inside the cellar. But he caught himself just in time. Children talked after all."Yes, I have never been in a house so large..." He wondered how best to win this boys trust and love, he figured if he could win the boy over he was more likely to get the job. "It must feel lonely in a house so large sometimes." He said softly looking into the others eyes and letting a small smile caress his lips.

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Mikito looked down sadly sighing. "Yes I've lived here for 2 years now and I still miss my cousin and my best friend..." he looked up at the handsomeness in front of him. "I'm happy to meet another person I hope we can become friends you look and seem so decent sir." the small feminine male bowed his head with politeness and kindness throughout his body. 'why he stares at me so much..? why is he so handsome i want to have him for myself one day...'


Mikitos' aunt made her presence known clapping her hands together. "Are you the new intern wanting to work as a butler in my large home?" she asked crossing her arms smiling at them.

Her small nephew walked besides her blushing. "He looks like he's going to be good working here." he smiled at the handsome man a far distance from him.

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Hatchiro smiled and was about to reply when he heard the clapping and looked up. Realising whom it was he rapidly bowed low in a respectful gesture. "Yes madam. My name is Fumi Hatchiro." Straightening himself he looked at the proud woman in front of him "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said aware that even at this moment he was being judged, everyone made assumptions about people and right now those assumptions were upon him so he spoke confidently but in a manner that held respect and appreciated his position below them.

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"Welcome to my manor, Fumi-kun and my nephew will guide you to the living room so you can have yourself a drink before the interview." she says waving bye taken a quick leave. she was impressed with the young man's politeness and kindness. she knew in his form she seen him before but shrugged it off like nothing.


"okay Fumi-senpai come with me to the living room." Mikito says walking towards it looking back wondering if the older man was following. as he looked back the smaller boy almost tripped forgetting his clumsiness. his face just fell flat on the floor sighing and embarrassed.

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