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Twists and Turns (Ayakashiu/Pigeon)


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The demon noticed of course, but Haru decided to just ignore it, since he felt stupid. Feeling himself twitch, as Akke came closer and closer to his sensitive spot, Haru tried focusing on washing the other's body but he was starting to get hard and he just wanted the demon to touch him there already! He didn't even notice he stopped moving his hands, clutching Akke's shoulders.

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Akke smirked as noticed Haru getting hard. "hm? what's wrong? I'm just washing you?" he teased, moving his hands up to wash the other's chest instead. "I didn't even touch you down there~" he leaned in to kiss the human's neck, enjoying how cute Haru was.

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Haru knew the demon likes to tease him, but this was just too embarassing so he was sulking. "Wouldn't you get hard if I touched you like this?" he asked, slowly trailing his hand down, almost touching the demon's navel then moving to the side and sliding around his memeber. His hand was trembling the slightest. "So this is your fault," he pointed down and continue, "What are you gonna do about it?"

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Akke let out a soft chuckle, his dark eyes glinting mischievously. "I guess you're right, it is all my fault" he didn't seem to even care that he was starting to get hard. "What would you like me to do about it, master?" He murmured, pulling Haru closer so their bodies pressed together.

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Haru couldn't help but giggle when the demon called him master and pulled him closer. He tried to make a straight face, but he couldn't help but grin. "You should relieve my tension there," Haru made a suggestion, getting even more aroused. He wanted to be touched down there, but he didn't want to say it out loud. Again, he found those things too embarassing, so he just hoped that the demon would proceed on his own.

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Akke reached down and gripped the boy's cock, slowly moving his hand over the length in a teasing manner. "You should be more specific than that... Should I use my hand? My mouth? Should I keep working on loosening you up?" He smirked as he spoke, lightly rubbing his thumb on the tip.

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Haru groaned a little at the teasing, feeling himself twitch when the demon's finger run over his tip. "Your hand..use your hand," he mumbled, burrying his head in the demon't shoulder, hugging him. He was enjyoing his time spent with the demon so much and he was really excited about the trip. He hoped they can go soon.

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Akke chuckled softly and firmly gripped the boy's cock. "alright, but you're gonna have to take care of mine too" he said as he began to move his hand in quick, rough strokes. He was pretty nervous about going back to his home, but being with Haru helped him focus on something other than their trip...

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It felt amazing when the demon started to move for real and Haru bit down on his lip not to moan. "Oh okay," he manage to reply, being aroused even more by the thought of thoucing the demon. He slowly let his hands slip down, caressing the front of the black haired male. The water from the shower drowned out all the other noises, so it seemed like they are in a bubble where no one else can reach them. Haru took the other's hardening lenght in both of his hands, letting one cares the tip and the other slide up and down the lenght. "Does this feel good?"

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Akke groaned softly and rested his face against the boy's neck. "mm... it feels amazing..." he sighed, starting to move his hand faster. His free hand reached down to lightly squeeze Haru's ass in a teasing manner. He loved the feeling of the human's body and the sound of his voice.

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All that teasing soon made Haru into a moaning mess, as he enjoyed being touched and touching the other in return. He started to move his hand faster too, matching the other's speed. In moments like this, Haru felt strangely connected to the demon, sharing the most intimate things and doing things he never done with anyone. Haru came suddenly, with a loud moan accompaning his orgasm. He leaned on the demon, resting himself a little, as his hand kept moving.

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Akke lightly rocked his hips into the human's hand. He kept his hand on Haru's ass and traced his fingers up the boy's chest. "You're so cute..." He breathed, leaning in to press as kiss to his lips. He loved the feeling of being so close and intimate with the other. After a couple more moments he climaxed with a low moan, leaning into Haru's touch.

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"You're so cute..."

This words made Haru's heart skip a bit. In any other situation, he would hate being called cute, but now, with the demon, it felt like a right thing. When the other came too, Haru started to wash away the soap on himself, feeling pleased. "So we will leave after the shower, or is there anything else we need to prepare? Oh, I should take some clothes with me right?"

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Akke wrapped his arms around Haru's waist, not wanting to pull away from him just yet. "You can if you want to... I could also just have some new clothes made for you..." He Nuzzled his face into the human's neck, being a little bit more clingy than usual. "I'm not gonna bring anything..."

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"Oh really?" Haru was surprised at the prospect of just having new clothes made for himself, but on the other hand, if the demon won't bring anything, he shouldn't take too much stuff with him either."Well i suppose it's better if i travel light right?" He didn't even know what they wear there, so maybe it's best to wait and see.

It was nice, just cuddling like this, but the water was slowly getting cold already, which made Haru act. He closed the pipe and handed the demon the towel. "Here, we should get out already or you'll be cold."

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Akke reluctantly took the towel and stepped out of the shower. "I don't wanna get out though... it's so nice to be able to snuggle with you" he began to dry his hair. "oh right, I should probably warn you that I'll look a little bit different in the demon world... Nothing too weird, but just so you don't freak out"

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Haru smiled, and said in a soft voice, "I don't want to go out either." He started drying himself off too, then flinched at the demon's words. "Different? Don't tell me..you will be in your snake form?" Haru was getting comfortable around the other, but he wasn't sure he can handle that already! He started putting on some clothes, anoxiously waiting for the demon's answer.

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Akke laughed and grabbed some clean clothes. "No, I'll still look human... Don't worry about that" he got dressed and lightly kissed the human. "I know it would freak you out too much" he chuckled and waited for Haru to finish. "And remember not to move or make any noise while I'm sending up there, it could be dangerous"

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Hearing that was a relief. He will probably have to deal with other things in the demon world already, so knowing there won't be a giant snake beside him made him feel better. He quickly finished too and waited for Akke's further instructions. "Ok, I'll be totally still and quiet." Haru felt pleasantly nervous now.

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Without any warning Akke scooped Haru up in his arms. "I can't have you smudge the circle" he explained before carrying him to the center of the pentagram in the living room and setting him on the floor. "well then... are you ready to go to hell?"

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Haru wanted to protest but he shut up, when hearing the reason. He didn't want to mess anything, so he rather stayed quiet and still. But the demon's next words shocked him a little and he almost stepped back on the line. Catching himself just in time, he asked with a shaking voice, "Hell? Like real hell? With fire and all?"

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Akke quickly caught the boy, stopping him from backing up too far. "Hey, its okay. I'm not taking you anywhere dangerous" he smiled and placed a light kiss to Haru's fore head. "Hell is just another name for the demon world, its not as bad as you humans make it out to be though"

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"Oh..okay," Haru replied, not really convinced. He'll have to wait and see this world for himself. He clutched the demon's shirt, making sure he won't be left behind or lost anything. He planned to stick to Akke all the time from now on..just in case. "I'm ready when you're ready." So this was it; Haru didn't know if it was a good idea to do this, but in the other hand, what does he have to loose?

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Akke wrapped his arms around the human's waist, pulling him close for safety. "just relax..." he breathed, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead. He took a deep breath and began to speak in a strange, ancient, language. His voice was low and powerful, almost threatening.

The marks on the floor began to glow and the room seemed to get colder. Suddenly the room around them disappeared and they were both in a void of darkness that seemed to be trying to pull at Haru. Akke kept his arms around Haru, keeping the other from moving away, and kept speaking the words.

After a few moments the darkness seemed to peel away, like dried paint cracking off a wall, to reveal a seemingly endless wasteland of black stone. Mountains reached up into the sky in jagged spikes that were far too steep for any human to scale. There were no trees or sign of life besides a couple scraggly looking plants.

A little ways behind them was the only sign of civilization. A lone tower that stuck up out of the stone ground. It was made of the same rock as the land around them and seemed so ancient that one might think it grew from the land itself. The only thing about it that looked new was a steel door at the bottom, which seemed like it had just been added to the old building.

Akke's appearance had changed when darkness disappeared. His eyes had grown red at the center and a bunch of white markings had appeared on his skin. He slowly loosened his grip on Haru and looked down at the human with a perfectly cheerful grin. "Here we are, home sweet home"


((sorry that ended up so long, I posted a pic of Akke a few replies ago and if you want I can sketch out some things of the demon world))

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