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Egyptian/Ancient Gods RP (possible group RP)


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Hope the form is okay. :D





Origin: Ancient Egypt.


Name: Sobek


Position: Seke


Meaning of the god/History:

Sobek is a child of Neith and Seth and thus sibling to Anubis. He is seen as a violent but also caring deity. Crocodiles, which are Sobeks patron animal, carries their young in their mouth or their back as a means of transport and safety. He is the god of water and a god of fertility. The staff he is carrying (the Was-scepter) is able to regulate the flow of water and it was said that even Moses used it to split the water. Some of his common epithets betray this nature succinctly, the most notable of which being: "he who loves robbery," "he who eats while he also mates," and "pointed of teeth." However, he also displays grand benevolence in more than one celebrated myth. After his association with Horus and consequent adoption into the Osirian triad of Osiris, Isis, and Horus in the Middle Kingdom, Sobek became associated with Isis as a healer of the deceased Osiris. It is from this association with healing that Sobek was considered a protective deity. His fierceness was able to ward off evil while simultaneously defending the innocent. Sobek was considered a violent, hyper-sexual, and erratic deity, prone to his primal whims. The origin of his name, Sbk in ancient Egyptian, is debated among scholars, but many believe that it is derived from a causative of the verb "to impregnate."


Personal Likes:

Meat (either kind)

Likes water, he often just jumps into it

Relaxing in the sun


Personal Dislikes:





Sobek is as said caring but also violent if the situations calls for it. He is highly unstable concerning his personality. He may protect those dear to him but doesn’t accept cheeky comments or disobedience (depending what you are to him). He doesn’t kill without reason but he is easy to anger. Though he can be violent, he also accepts others. If you don’t anger him, he is easy to get along with. His episodes aren’t often, but they do show themselves. If he ever holdes grudes, then you won't live long.



“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”



Sobek can change into his patron animal, though he is a larger black scaled Nile crocodile. He prefers to appear before humans in that form first.


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Ok, this is subject to editing as I go back and forth on my phone...



Name: Dionysus

Deity: Greek God of wine, merry making, theatre and ecstasy. Also represented by city religions as the protector of those who do not belong to conventional society and thus symbolises everything which is chaotic, dangerous and unexpected, everything which escapes human reason and which can onky be attributed to the unforeseeable actions of the gods.

Symbol: Grapevine, Leopard skin

Animal: panther, tiger, leopard


HISTORY: Dionysys is the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy. He may have been worshipped as early as 1500BC by Mycenean Greeks. His origins are uncertain and his cults took many forms. In some cults he arrives from the east as an Asiatic foreigner, in others, from Ethiopia in the south. He is the God of Epiphany, "the God that comes", and his "foreignness" as an arriving outsider-God may be inherent and essential to his cults. Dionysus was the last God to be accepted into Mt Olympus, he is the youngest and only one to have a mortal mother. His festivals were the driving force behind the development of Greek Theatre. He is also a dying god - a dying and rising god is born, suffers a death-like experience and is subsequently reborn.


APPEARANCE: The earliest cult images show a mature male, bearded and robed, holding a fennel staff tipped with a pine-cone (known as thyrsus). Later images show him as a beardless, sensuous, naked or half naked androgynous youth; the literature describes him as womanly or "man-womanish". His central cult imagery shows his triumphant, disorderly arrival or return, and his procession is made up of Maenads and bearded Satyrs with erect penises. The god himself is drawn in a chariot, usually by exotic beasts such as lions and tigers.


BIO: Dionysus is wild and carefree and has little care or concern for what lies beyond the next bottle of wine, or drunken orgy. He is selfish and only cares for pleasure in any form, usually good theatre, great wine and awesome sex. Can often be found in bed, drunk or surrounded by multiple partners (usually both). He loves cats, the bigger the better, and despite his hedonistic tendencies, will put everything on hold to look after them. He dislikes uptight and straightlaced individuals, prefering to tease them unmercifully and lead them "astray" whenever he can. He is suprisingly philisophical and enjoys debates.

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whew finally back from the new years celebration and my annoying relatives =____=


anyway i go for modern times, and I all like your bishies ;3


and squeeze-san yes ur chara sheet is alright :>

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I think we're just waiting for

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before I write up the opening post... admittedly its not going to be fancy with linkies to all the bios because there is only so much I can do from my tablet, so when we work out an appropriate title and the actual plot we are going for, then all that might get done... >.>


Apologies for being a rubbish RP organiser....

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Your sheet is good. I find it quite details. I like it


Also, an update to my character sheet




Origin: Egypt


Name: Seth (or Set, Setekh, Sut, Sutekh, Suty)


Position: Seke


History/Background: Known to be god of desert, storm, violence, chaos and foreigner. He's son of the Sky Goddess Nut and the Earth God Geb, husband to his own sister Nepthys, brother to Osiris and Isis. Seemingly to appear as an evil god for his deeds such as killed and multilateed Orisis, took off Horus's left eye during the Conflict between Seth and Horus. Yet, Seth is not a god to be ignored nor avoided, for repelling the Serpent of Chaos Apep, protector of Ra, has a vital role as a reconciled combatant, lord of the desert land balance to Horus's role as lord of the soil land.


Personalities: Violent and disorder, also he's a lonely god and short-tempered. He has been around for many many millenniums, he certainly knows a thing or two about the world but is effected and twisted in the mind and intellect when he loses his temper. However, when he's not controlled by his own temper, he's quite good and a big flirter... Flirter? More than that he's a god that sometimes known as physical vigor and voracious sexual appetite.


Temple: Is worshipped at the temples of Ombos ( in Nubt near Naqada and Nubt near Kom Ombo) and Oxyrhynchus in upper Egypt


Likes: Freedom, the wild of nature, for he's a god of storm, he embraces the nature itself and enjoy every moment he could be close to it. Fights, wars and of course, sexual appetite.


Dislikes: Order and domestication of human and their reasonings to justification for for their exploitation of nature. And especially Horus


Strength: His might and destructive nature when it comes to a fight.


Weakness: Is almost a brute and unwise when he's on his wrath.


Quote: ".............-smashes an urn-............."

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Your char΄s sheet is fine, no worries!:)

Will you also add a picture of your god?

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Greetings everyone XD. I am sorry for the lateness, but trying to sober up for two days now. Yeah, whatever you decide. XD I am fine with it.

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ROFL! Seems like

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had a big party these days!xD


One more thing that i forgot!! Why don't we choose the order of posting since everyone has submitted their char's sheet?

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That's a good idea... (working out the posting order that is)


I don't do pictures, and even less able to do pictures from my phone....


I've had no power for the last 24 hours so it will be a while before I'm able to update anything :(

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Uuuuum.... order should go in order of character sheet submission....


There will be an opening post as soon as I think of a name...


Question: is there going to be smut, over the top violence, or anything else little kiddies shouldn't read?

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Mmmmm...I'm thinking with me playing my version of Ares there will be some violence and possibly gore cause, well, Ares is ARES. I'm thinking there may be smut cause, well, we are playing gods, but that's just my opinion.

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I'm not very experienced with gore, but i think i'll have to deal with it at some point, since Seth is a PRETTYY violent one and a pervert. SO I guess i'll go with idk both smut and gore, i'll do with whatever comes. Go for the 18+ LOL

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I go for smut and violent! I choose 18+

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So the orders we post is the order we posted our sheets here?

btw if you want any help with the rp i could drop some ideas~

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I never say no to ideas ^.^


In 24 hours I will be home and with real Internet! !!!


So in roughly 24 hours I will be kicking this shindig off... wish me luck!

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Rolf!Hurrey for real Internet!xD


Okay i'll drop them!(do not laugh with my ideas i know they are weird xD)

1st:Waltz with the Fallen Gods

2nd:The Fallen Gods

3rd:The Fall Out


Okay here they are...might think of more tittles

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It's 12.35am.


I have kicked off this RP - If you don't like any of what i've just done, let me know... I'm half asleep, I NEED my sleep, and well... i'm just pathetically grateful that i'm home with real internet again.

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you seem excited!xD

I've only got one question...Kronos is the char of someone in the rp or..?

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Ok, a heads up for people in case you're confused.


The "idea" I guess goes something like this - the opening post is a guide of sorts - you can write what happened, as it happened, or not; you write what you WANT to write, however you feel your character...


the gist is that you're supposed to have been cast out into modern times where you don't have any "believers" - the idea is to get indirect belief - as mentioned previously, Ares kinda has his job cut out for him - but you have to have people believe in -WAR- fanatically - to the point of worship, the same as if they were your followers from ancient times. (Sorry blue, yours was the easiest example)


So this may require some research on your part as to how your gods were worshipped back in the days when they were strong and had lots of believers - points for creativity for modern equivalents! ^.^


but please, PLEASE, always ask if you have a question - this is my first major group RP and i'm so worried i'm doing it wrong T^T

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