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Some moments of your life ....


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you know there are times when you sit down

th_172.gif and suddenly you remember something from the past th_199.gif... why don you share some of those memories here ali_097.gif



i will start : :hamtaro-005 (8):


there was this time when i was in the last year of middle school, at the final exams

while i was on class writing the answers

there was a watcher that was staring at me with the most hateful eyes i have ever seen ali_064.gif

i thought maybe she was staring behind me , so i continued answering my test

after i finished and reviewed , i looked and the b*** .. no wait .. the demon th_100.gif was still staring at me , the kind that makes you feel like it can kills a person :5yoyo21:

i don't know her , not her name or from what planet she comes from yoyo6

i was wondering at that time if maybe she confused me with someone or if she is from my family (i dont know most of them) yoyo7

it was the first time my heart felt scared from just a look :cuteonion43:

after the test outside, every one was wondering what is her problem ?why she was staring at me ???

well, until today i dont know what was here problem .... :cuteonion58:

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at first grade , in school i couldn't speak Arabic at all ,(it was like i was in another planet ) >_

so i once was having a high fever and was about to fall.

the kids were telling me a lot of things , and at that time i was like


the only word i understood was (hospital)

suddenly i panicked . and told them that i already had an injection

(i used to scream in hospitals because i had an needles phobia )

all the first and second grade was full of these kind of story ,

i always felt confused when people talked to me .. i think i was the alien >_

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I think maybe you looked so beautiful than her??


Ohhhh, just kidding ^^




Maybe she used to be your PAST LIFE ENEMY... Do you believe about that???






And now she's gone, just stay cool ^^

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i guess she might be a an enemy from the past >_


Another scary moment was


when i was 5 at preschool . at the end of the day while i was waiting for my father to pick me up.. a strange man came and i was pushed to go with him(i couldn’t speak Arabic at that time)

so the man took me to his car . i sat behind and he was talking and of course i didnt know a thing i was crying silently to make sure he doesnt get angry

when we got to his home

i sat at a corner like a mouse .. he brought me something to eat and put a cartoon

then next to me he took his shirt off and went to sleep

i relaxed at that moment and started to eat and watch the cartoon like every thing is okay >_

the moment i finished eating and the cartoon was over , i heard a voice coming

then i saw my aunt ... i was stoned 0_0

after that my father came ..

and it turned out that this man was my aunt’s stepson ... >_

my father forgot to bring me from preschool and my mother was at the hospital

so the school calls my aunt ..

my mother was a little angry at my father .... for not telling her or me

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at first year of high school , my sister and brother (they were still in elementary )came to pick me up and took something from the ground ..

at home my mother came to me and said ( look what your sister and brother picked from the ground ) she showed me something like a pin

when i looked really close inside .. it was that damn white powder (((drugs))) onion2

of course .. it ended flushed in the toilet.. onion0

the next day at lunch break ..

i heard some girls yelling at a girl and saying thing like

((where is that important pin .. you know it costs us alot)) .. blah blah

i was telling my self ((if only they know that its in sewers now)) :Red_fox6:

i don't care if they like these things . they should at least be careful when they do something like that :1onion49:

the thing that REALLY freaked me and my mother out is onion7 .. what if my sister or brother actually tasted that poison..

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i feel like i am writing my diary ^_^



there was this time when we went to the beach .. i was 7 and my my sister was 4

we were running and playing,while my mother was taking are of my 3 year old brother and my new born baby sister... i really think my mother is a super super super nanny th_150.gif


we were idiot kids who don't like to listen .. and my father was (soo busy ) smoking and , well he says raising kids is the job of a mother only th_194.gif


suddenly my mother saw a man getting out of the car Really slowly.. while leaving the car opened and slowly he started to come in my sister and my direction. th_159.gif


my mother pulled my father saying (watch those 2 )

and she yelled our names while pushing everyone th_153.gif

the man freaked out and flew to his car , i remember the car was driving super fast

after that the atmosphere was totally quiet .. and some people were looking with opened mouth

even my father didn't say a word

____ to think that we almost got kidnapped___ th_180.gif it happens a lot here in the beach especially kids

we ate some ice cream ,, and didn't go to the beach again for 10 years

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Let me see.


I gotta name it with .. "The day Gin realized what Sadism is."


I was on my 6th year in elementary days when my kouhai shared with me their cute tiny chick. The younger dude told me that he got tired of taking care of the chick and gave it to me. I asked him what would I do with it and he just replied with "Do what you want." Afterwards, he handed me a pair of scissors and chuckled. I didn't know what I was thinking in that moment before... but I, literally, cut the chicks abdomen. I didn't know that by staring at it I had these feels. Oh well we're too young that day, I didn't even know what we're doing. (*we even made a grave for the poor soul back then--it's buried in school.)


To sum it up, that was probably the day I realized that I can be happy by tormenting others. Duh, this is awkward. But I really swear I'm not doing that thing anymore--not that I want to harm the animals. 11jvup1.gif

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:5yoyo21: thank God i'm not a chick

that was super scary yoyo6

well, we do lots of weird things when we are kids .... thank you for sharing foxy3


i remember i took once an egg (i was 6)

and slept with it like a teddy bear because i thought if i heated the egg a chick is gonna come out foxy4

until the 3rd day , the egg broke on me :cuteonion57:

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@sarah3161 seriously O_o you slept with an egg? Hmm yeah kids had the most silly minds ever created. And I up until now, had no idea on what suddenly got into me on that day. Hmm how I missed the childhood moments.

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, u almost being kidnapped?? oh my..almost same happen to my neighbor in beach's parking area last summer, the difference is the kidnaper got an accident while they ran away and so lucky the neighbor just got bruises. since then the neighbor never let their son in the car alone.


Ah, lemme open my diary. My mom told me when I was 4 years old, I almost plunged to draw well because my curiosity to find out what is in inside :leaf2:


when in elementary school, I pushed my friend to the riverbank when we were in outdoor class(I am so angry cause he took my bento) after that my parent got a call from school and told do not lemme watching TV alone. oh, u can guesses what happen to me rite? NO MORE TV :leaf7:

But anyway, do they think this is because of the bad influence from TV? Why they don't think that was the real of me leaf1

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all kids do these kind of things... it's not necessary the TVs fault :leaf13:

i used to fight with other kids by throwing boxes.. yoyo7

:5yoyo21: thank God your kid’s neighbor is okay ... damn , the world is really scary yoyo6

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about 2 years ago while i was cooking some onions in a pan with a little of oil.....

just a small oil sprayed on me... i jumped back while holding the pan :5yoyo21:

and the result .. it rained onions :_red_fox 14

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I remember one time when i was 4, I climbed into our dryer for a nap. Then i closed the door and it turned on. It was fun and warm but then my grandma came and pulled me out and i was fine untill she started pointing out all the BRUISES down MY SPINE... then i started crying. If she'd not said anything about the bruises, i would have been fine. it was just the childish knowledge that they were there. :hamtaro-005 (21):

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that was dangerous and funny too :hamtaro-005 (5):


yeah... but it wasn't the first time i'd done it so i figured there was no harm.

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  • 4 months later...

something really scary for me happened 3 days ago in college. onion5

i was preparing my presentation before the teacher comes , so i went to next class for getting the speakers..

i asked the teacher if i can have them . she smiled politely and said its okay

(i smiled back and she looked like it was the first time a student miles at her )


at the same day some students told me that - most of student who took class with her fails onion2.... those who pass (with the minimum mark ) onionn7

i was -shocked- onion7 she is an old shaking lady with a smiling polite behavior


i went to see one of her classes .. i saw only 2 student (one was holding her head ) .. i was told that the other 2 students cancelled the subject because of her :cuteonion9:

---they call her a witch, viper .

but me i am still :5yoyo21:

... guess you can't judge a book by its cover :8onion74:

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  • 3 months later...

There was one time where i was in the kitchen with my mother and older sister.

I was looking for something to eat and decided to go check the cupboard.

When i opened the cupboard, i was pulled back by something and a hammer fell right in front of me.

I looked around and my mother and sister had gone off to the backyard.

I nearly had a heart attack.

I could of died...

I could be dead.. onionn0

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  • 2 weeks later...

moment..moment.. hmmm.. it just happened recently last Friday..i can't take it out of my mind because i feel soo stupid.. i had my consultation for my research paper and my mentor ask me, what is the best constitution for the ideal state of aristotle, since my paper talks about the ideal state of aristotle..hahah, i didn't answer because i don't know what is the best constitution for the ideal state.. i feel so stupid because, my paper generally talks bout the ideal state and i didn't even know what is the best constitution for it..hahahah.ggrrr!!!:hamtaro-005 (13):

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