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Name of that stage is The prince of wonderful town. It's musical. And according to what is written on that webpage DVD is still not out.

It looks that Memorial road is something like bonus for that stage. Something like DVD or CD with songs. I think.


Wondrous... wonderful SAME THING -lifts arms angrily-┗ | 'O' | ┛ JK JK!!.... but thank you, thank you for confirming that I'm not crazy





Don't worry... by the looks at the Chinese websites, expect it very soon out raw. XD! Their post last date was early June with DL to raw Preview memorial road.

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Thanks for retelling me about Hama's explanations..

Did you read the manga ? I'm still curious about Akaike. I only read one chapter that telling about this childfriend of Akaike..is it on the next volume of the mangas has another story about this girl, more about her and Akaike ?


Yes, I have read the manga but it's been quite a while since i've done so. my mind has been very much fixated on the movie adaptation. when i get the time, i will refresh my memory. I did read about Akaike's life but it didn't seem to expand further. I dunno..not sure anymore since i haven't read the manga in a while.

*drooooolllliiing* *nosebleeding* Taki looks SO DAMN SEXY...his biceps, it looks like he really work on it..:3onion15:

Raaaawwwrrr...I wanna see it too Yojichaaaaaannn~ rabbit14

wet T-shirts would be the sexiest thing...especially for the SEMES!! :7yoyo10:


Well, here's one seme in a white T-shirt coming right up but he's not wet yet. perhaps we should take turns getting him really.....mmmmmmmmmmmm....wet.





New Takumi-kun series fan is joining the fanclub *grins*


YAY!!! Hello Aniara!! welcome to the club. i hope you enjoy your stay and make lots of friends here. :D



I am a bit dissappointed how many of the japanese yaoi dramas are so..boring(?)..but this serie took me by surprise! Oh man the kissing scenes and other hot steamy scenes, really made me drool.


I understand what you feel. Quite honestly, i haven't really paid much attention to Japanese BL until i began watching Takumi-kun. After TK, I just went crazy looking up for more Japanese BL series/movies/dramas. I am more of a manga reader actually. But it is a fact that there are those BL live actions that's boring and lame.


I really want to watch it soon again, to notice those things people never usually notice during their first time watching a serie or movie.


Anyways, yoroshiku onegaishimasu! :3


Hai! very good! there's always something new to discover when you watch it again. you might even get to appreciate it so much more. :)

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Well, here's one seme in a white T-shirt coming right up but he's not wet yet. perhaps we should take turns getting him really.....mmmmmmmmmmmm....wet.


throw him in the pool.


-searches my baba collection for wet baba- GRRRRRRR GRR GRR!

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You Guys

I just wanna apologize for not being active lately. I have been so busy with stuff.. I have way too many accounts -_____-;; and studying Japanese. I really wanted to answer to all your posts. GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!


I feel so guilty T___________T;;


I was like this





"Are You SRS???" after going through 15000000000 blogs in chinese/japanese haha!


Then my friend starts to cry and all that stuff. BLAH!! No time!


NO THANKs I have more important things to do... like posting DL links on YO Forums!!!!!!


^^^^my friend


no....ahh....ahh. "I GOT YOU! GOT YOU!! JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING. I Love U? ♥"... j_0009.gif




"You're doing awesome! With the FO and all that!"


HIIIII I'm back ! ! -crashes-




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Love your visual explanation, Sloan!


It made me spazz..


I've been busy too and i am craving to do this



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Even I said I will not post anything but there is something I have to clear up...

First... about the stage work Mao-kun and Dai-chan did...

不思議な町の王子様(Fushigina Machi no Ouji-sama) - Pince of a wonder town...

DVD of this stage only sell on site until May 8...

Original delivery date was during June but there was some problem so they move to July...

They still didn't say about if they will go for other soure for sale on this DVD...

For now there is no way to getting unless you order during that time...

So it's upto who ever get the DVD decide to share with other...

It will hard to see this stage work...


Second, about "Mamorial Road"... this is album title and title song...

In this album only main song was sang by Mao-kun and Dai-chan and one other cast...

The other song are sang by real host group did...

The are releasing this album this Sept. with bouns including PV and Making of it...

Even they promotion use three cast but basically this is Host group A.G.E's album...

You have to keep that in mind when it out on Sept...


I don't want people to get the wrong info on this...

And if you want to see detail info on this go

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.

This is Japanese site so you need to used translator...


I only write VM to the person who ask question...

But, this time info came out wasn't right so I write this so other don't get wrong info on it...

I hope this is only time I have to write on this...

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Hama, Sorry for my incorrect translation, I did not read all the news. I did not know DVD only sell till May Eighth??????? This is what I misunderstood:They planned to ship it May Eighth but moved to Early June... then again July with apology issued.


But it is actually... June was original date and moved to July.


I'll keep an eye on it. We know for sure, it was postponed too long already.

Someone already put out raw on Memorial Road PV video-and there was a download link for it. As of early June. Unless they extracted it from the site. Thanks for clearing it up, hama. Hopefully, it will be shared.


When July comes. Very soon.

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Hey guys I found something you might consider sweet I know I did. Check this out!


Sugoi Ueda_angel. That was very sweet. I'm sure Mao-kun will love it if he ever watches it.


Ne Minna-san. Does anyone think that Dai-chan and Mao-kun still hang out despite not being in the same shows/movies anymore?

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Hey guys. I dont understand why it's impossible to get Misu/Shingyouji making of pure. I've searched everywhere, it pointed to only one source and it is at dbthreads. Registration required audit. WTF? so my audit was rejected and was asked me to elaborate the 'reasons' for joining and asks me what I think of DB, D2, some dance crap. Man, some people are really [bleep] about sharing. LOL. But srsly. I love BABAxTAIKI!!! I'd love to watch pure over and over, especially the making. IDC if this is old.




I just find it strange how everyone got the rest of the series Making of but not Misu/Shingyouji. Like it's made of gold and diamond and ultra rare. People are greedy about it. And it was uploaded many times before, and nobody had it in store in their HD??? NOBODY???


I think I'm going to save some money, buy the DVD soon and I'd share it with you.

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Dearest Sloan...you are amazing for going through lengths of finding the Making. There was a serious case of drama involved even before Pure sub was going to be made available to everyone. I particularly don't wanna revive it since it's all in the past now.


I can't speak for those who choose to keep their copies to themselves as they have a right whether to share it or not. And for those who decided to "share" well, I dunno how to describe their way of "sharing" since it doesn't really feel "shared" at all.


So for you decide to really share this with everyone, I'm sure will be greatly appreciated forever because like "some" people, you don't seem to cut corners on the act of sharing. I applaud you for that. If I had the means myself, I would most definitely do the same as you. I'll definitely just share.

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I particularly don't wanna revive it since it's all in the past now.


I understand. I apologize for bringing up the memory. I was not around obviously but yes it is all in the past. It is now old materials. Even if I share it with everyone, it won't create a 'beginning' anyway. It won't make a difference but I'm sure there are still loyal fans like me, who truly wants to see the connection between Baba and Taiki... maybe never seen it before or maybe just to see it again... whenever we feel like smiling.... I know this is corny as hell but it was BabaTaiki that really touched me and changed my life views quite a bit. I was always pessemistic... But Pure have brought me here in the first place. I didn't think Takumi-Kun series were going to be a good series. I gave up after the second movie but after the 5th movie came out, I gave myself another chance and re-watched it, caught Baba in third. Well, you know the rest of the story...


And for those who decided to "share" well, I dunno how to describe their way of "sharing" since it doesn't really feel "shared" at all.


If it was shared before and was taken back. I'd say they should have known better before they 'shared' it if it is going to bother them or not. For me, I take it as a compliment whenever people take my works. I smile because I know they loved it. My reward is this amazing feeling of joy and love because of their happiness. To be honest, they were just greedy... That's the take on the world. They want things to be theirs... I wish that the egoistic attitude cease to exist. I define sharing as sharing your passion for something. I mean... Look at Ari... I made her love Yuusuke to death. LMFAO!! The reward was very great. Anyway... to be honest, if someone took FO off here, for example and put a watermark on it, I'd say, well that is some TERRIBLE person. But it's not worth it bringing up drama. It's their decision to do something like this. I mark them in my head a malicious-hearted person. That's all. That's my punishment for them. I understand and I accept the risks and responsibility- whether stolen materials or copyright infringements. I share, especially Japanese or foreign- not American, will actually gain fanbase and profits, as contrary to popular belief. Most people won't buy foreign DVDs without subtitles and they won't understand. What if they don't like it? Shipping expensive, etc. etc. And I do encourage them to buy the DVDS if they liked it and bring them news of softsubs so they can use slots in their own language. If they decide not to buy the DVD, well, I won't think any peculiar of them. My goal is to share what I love, not to rank up or get my username known to the internet. That's just silly.

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Hey guys I found something you might consider sweet I know I did. Check this out!


Sooooo sweeet!!! Now i´m sitting here with tears in my eyes... it really made me cry...

I´m absolutely sure Mao-kun will be delighted at this! Some fans from Germany and even one fan from Austria (my neighbour-country and birth-place) sended birthday greetings.... jaaayyy!!!! rabbit4


I wonder if they will do another birthday-video for Mao-kuns "big brother" Daichan? :leaf13:

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Hi everyone^^


Because in Japan is already past midnight and 25th started .... so for Maochan in his special day OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU GOZAIMASU!!!!! I wish I had chance say it in person^^





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junnieeeeeee, my precious? What's the update with Taiki meeting with Baba~chan ? They better have



[bLEEP!] ( ´艸`)



or I'll BE MAD!!!!



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My goal is to share what I love, not to rank up or get my username known to the internet. That's just silly.


That's most definitely one of the best I've read regarding this issue. I am in total agreement with it. Some people have said that the only reason you watermark things is when you have complete ownership of the media. Some say that it's okay to watermark something if you have made a contribution to making this media more accessible to a larger audience. There's a right way of doing things and there's going completely going overboard that it diverts/distracts the attention of the audience. Like the person is trying to constantly remind everyone that they are so awesomely generous and should be recognized and assured of their contribution. Now that's just pure ego trip right there. It also sounds needy.


unnieeeeeee, my precious? What's the update with Taiki meeting with Baba~chan ?


June is currently wrestling with personal stuff and studies. :)

But upon checking Taiki's ameblo...his latest entry remains to be about the last day of "Salome" and meeting Baba-chan. I hope he adds more info about meeting him than just leave us hanging. LOL




I mean obviously we're not the only ones waiting here for Taiki to spill the beans.



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Ah yoji.... they must be really busy. Tekeke. BUt seriously, Why say that he met with Baba-chan. END OF BLOG. LULWUT??? Cliffhanger??? AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrghhh Taiiiiiiki why you're being SO MEAN!! 3




Sighs... it seems like time is going by slowly...

Haha, a Soyous picture of BABA!! KkYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH But...personal pictures are... well. He tends to dress uh not really niceeeeeee... very very casual. I really want his infamous 'EVIL' cap though- muahahahahaha:



-source: assassin making



hmmmm long neck... wanna lap at it O_o;;

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Hey guys two things to point out. one (over in Japan as of now ) IT'S MAO-KUN'S 21ST BIRTHDAY! I wonder what he plans ot do today or what his friends have planned for him.


And two I think I've come up with my first crazy AU takumi-kun fanfic idea!Oh man since I'm cutting down on my stories I have time to brainstorm for new ones and if I get the chance I'll post the first chapter when written up if anyone is interested!

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Happy bday to Mao... foxy1



Hey guys I found something you might consider sweet I know I did. Check this out!

Gyaaaaa...they've made it..and my picture was there too.. leaf3



Even I said I will not post anything but there is something I have to clear up...

First... about the stage work Mao-kun and Dai-chan did...

不思議な町の王子様(Fushigina Machi no Ouji-sama) - Pince of a wonder town...

DVD of this stage only sell on site until May 8...

Original delivery date was during June but there was some problem so they move to July...

They still didn't say about if they will go for other soure for sale on this DVD...

For now there is no way to getting unless you order during that time...

So it's upto who ever get the DVD decide to share with other...

It will hard to see this stage work...


Second, about "Mamorial Road"... this is album title and title song...

In this album only main song was sang by Mao-kun and Dai-chan and one other cast...

The other song are sang by real host group did...

The are releasing this album this Sept. with bouns including PV and Making of it...

Even they promotion use three cast but basically this is Host group A.G.E's album...

You have to keep that in mind when it out on Sept...


I don't want people to get the wrong info on this...

And if you want to see detail info on this go

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.

This is Japanese site so you need to used translator...


I only write VM to the person who ask question...

But, this time info came out wasn't right so I write this so other don't get wrong info on it...

I hope this is only time I have to write on this...

Thank you so much for the information..

Host group A.G.E..is it host club from Acqua Club ?! OMG...is it really them..JUZA... :leaf15:



I think I'm going to save some money, buy the DVD soon and I'd share it with you.

You're so amazing... thank yooouuuu...



Sooooo sweeet!!! Now i´m sitting here with tears in my eyes... it really made me cry...

I´m absolutely sure Mao-kun will be delighted at this! Some fans from Germany and even one fan from Austria (my neighbour-country and birth-place) sended birthday greetings.... jaaayyy!!!! rabbit4


I wonder if they will do another birthday-video for Mao-kuns "big brother" Daichan? :leaf13:

I hope so...I hope they'll make one too for Dai-chan..me and my friend are really love to join it too.. :leaf3:

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Oh shit... It's been a long time..

I've been busy nowadays. I need some time to invigorate myself.


Exam is coming nearer on this November and I still have to cope with my 9 subjects.

I missed my opportunity for some scholarship becoz of my maths. grrrrrr!!!!! =='''

So I think I won't be posting for awhile except for our RP.

I just dun have any feelings to do it anymore.

Maybe the time for me to be away from here is coming nearer too.



hahahah nice explaination using BabaTaiki pics.

The part where taiki's face doin a sad face is SO KAWAII!!!

I have to admit that Taiki looks much cuter in his hair coloured.

I think I wanna buy Pure DVD becoz I heard that there's 2 version of movie there.

'Distance between him and the moon'..

I've been curious about that title in Pure DVD. Is there any differences from Pure?

But the DVD is hell expensive!!! Maybe I'll have to save some money from now on.

Quit karaoke-ing and start to save money!!! XD


About BabaTaiki meeting..

I think Taiki wanna keep it for himself. MAYBE IT FEELS TOO GOOD!!!! LOL

Taiki right now is enjoying himself with his family.

They are doing some holiday trips together. Taiki is their baby so he MUST go with them.

He's the last child as i remember. He has an older sister who REALLY REALLY LOVE HIM.

Her sis even bought him dvds and anything that Taiki wished for. xD

It will be good if Baba-chan could join them ne? Meeting the in-laws..

An aneki could be very scary too. Baba-chan is in danger..xP

But I feel a bit sad becoz Baba-chan did not post anything about their meeting either.




@To all Mao's fans


He's becoming a man now.

Keep loving him ok?? He's such a cute baby too!!

Maybe Dai-chan will celebrate his bday too. LOL

He's a sweet boy that everybody could easily fell for.

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I think I wanna buy Pure DVD becoz I heard that there's 2 version of movie there.

'Distance between him and the moon'..

I've been curious about that title in Pure DVD. Is there any differences from Pure?

But the DVD is hell expensive!!! Maybe I'll have to save some money from now on.

Quit karaoke-ing and start to save money!!! XD


What WHAT WHAT??? What?? I dont even-- UJHSFSDUHflisuhlawgherughl ARE YOU SERIOUS?? WTF???? WHAT did I miss here. I know the Misu/Shingyouji Making of Pure but another one???/ I DEMAND SOURCE. SOURCE. NOAWWWWWERRRRRR -roars- I DEMAND IT.


But I feel a bit sad becoz Baba-chan did not post anything about their meeting either.


Yes.... but even the FIRST TIME i saw the blog, I knew it was not him at all! OH HELL TO THE NO MAAAAAAAAAAAN!

definitely not him. I dont think it's his thing. since he's crazy like a motherFKJHSIDUfHSIDf ER like me! LMFAO!


He's a sweet boy that everybody could easily fell for.






But.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,MAO. DA DA DA -puts candles that amounted to his age and sings happy birthday to wonderful boy right here becoming..... a man?-



HEY GUISE Why did you say that???


MUAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHA. I am so terribly sorry but OMOMomOMomfOMFOFMG SRSLY.. Bababbababababa-chan, quit saving the world and uh uh uh... sweep Taiki off his feet! YES?



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Urrmmm.. I knew about it from the Pure hp??

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They posted an info that there's a special edition in the DVD.

I dunno what is it about.


Btw.. have you read Taiki's ameblo.


Stomach ache again?? why?? I am so worry!!

Why did he always get stomach ache. =='''

I could not read other else becoz I'm too worried.

Why is he asking for help?? 0,0??

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