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If you like, I found a few Mao stuff and give you the links? IDK If anyone had them before. If so, I'll update this post. [uploading atm]

1. REAL Magazines - almost 200 pictures. Alot of them are black/white. Looks like Photos in beginning then newspaper. WTF?????????????????

2. Mao music - 2 albums - SHINY and COLOR SEVEN mp3 format

3. BACS Magazines - 4 pictures



Of coure I wannnnnnna :5yoyo34:

I only own second point you mentioned (2 Mao's albums) but maybe somebody's else still don't have it so please upload all^^:msn_red_fox 15 Thanks a lot!!


Now :7yoyo10: thanks to you I will be sleep like a small baby^^....Sloan my angel :msn_red_fox 4 kisses for you!!!!...ahhhh I wanna be the star on Mao's top^^ he looks so adorable...I am melting now!:cuteonion41:

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This facebook has a lot... i mean A LOT!!! of them. Last updated Today. Recent STUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.


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hey all still now luck with my external hard drive i wasn't able to get the program this pay and it's driving me nuts not being able to watch takumi and all the other movies..


oh well not much i can do about it...i hope i can get my stuff back soon.


great posts btw all



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these are those times i wished i was a computer whiz and do lots of magic stuff with any media file.

unfortunately, i royally suck at it.

i wish i could really help but i can't with my limited know-how.

i dunno how to edit photos.

i dunno how to edit videos or make those amazing .gifs that Sloan makes.

i wish i could be more helpful though.

gomen nasai, minna!

if only i had the means, i wouldn't be putting watermarks on anything. i swear!

i'll just shared them without the distractions.

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Yojichan... I found them. I didnt make them O_o;;



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no..no..Sloan i was referring to the .gifs.

you make those, right?


i wish i could be more helpful with seren's request. T__T

but i dunno how to remove that red thingy over the video.

i know there's a way somewhere to do that but i dunno how to do it.

would be nice too if the making got subbed as well.

really wanna know what BabaTaiki were talking about word for word with the kisses they did.


Baba-chan is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo TAME in the making.

his naughtiness slip out every once in a while but with Taiki..

aaaaah! so behaved, Baba-chan.


they really like each other.

even if you close your eyes and just listen..you can hear how they like each other.

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no..no..Sloan i was referring to the .gifs.

you make those, right?


i wish i could be more helpful with seren's request. T__T

but i dunno how to remove that red thingy over the video.

i know there's a way somewhere to do that but i dunno how to do it.


you meant dai-chan drinking juice or baba interview with shouta??? I'm confused. hahaha must be so far back, or other place.


To remove names of groups etc is possible with virtual dub with a plugin but it'll blur a little bit. It's probably impossible to remove hardsubs- they stain the moving images, ya know. i did that with this gif:





if you look up closely both upper left and right corner, i managed to take them out a little bit.


Bu I am pretty sure there is MAKING OF PURE raw without stuff on it out there.

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so it is possible. :D

thanks for the info, Sloan.

OMG! i am looking at that .gif and yeah i can see the blur.

but DAMN...fast or slow..the kiss remains just as hot and passionate. not a single awkwardness. oh man...SO HOT!! *melts*



i just remembered..i have to post this here..

i've been loving BabaTaiki for a long time...but i actually got to dream of Taiki last night. my first dream ever.

we were boarding the same plane for the States.

we're cool. nothing crazy going on during the flight.

but then we had a stopover and for some strange reason he just walked out.


the funny thing is...the flight crew was looking for him and they asked ME!

why ME? we're not even together. we ride the same plane, yes. but no he's not with me!

but they kept asking ME!

they were worried that he won't be able to get back on board since the stopover time is coming to an end.

so there i was waiting for him...all worried and panicky.


i finally see him walk across the hallway.

i'm seeing him through a glass. he's walking all relaxed with a juice in hand. he's wearing a black sweater. his hair's dyed.

and there i was banging on the glass screaming, TAIKI!!! TAIKI!!! THE PLANE IS LEAVING WITHOUT US!! WE'RE ALL WAITING FOR YOU!! HURRY UP! TAIKI! TAIKI!!!


he looked at me and his eyes turned round and then it sinks in...holy crap! i gotta hurry.


and then i wake up.


what the hell was that all about?

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1. REAL Magazines - almost 200 pictures. A lot of them are black/white. WTF?????????????????







Download Size: 133 MB Link:

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2. Mao music - 2 albums - SHINY and COLOR SEVEN mp3 format


Download Size: 78MB Link:

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3. BACS Magazine - 4 scans- Japanese



Download Size: 4MB Link:

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Thanks a lot ^^


Mao is always cute ^^


:hamtaro-005 (23): :hamtaro-005 (23):

:hamtaro-005 (23):

:hamtaro-005 (23):

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Wew...2days and I missed a lot... :hamtaro-005 (5):


hands down, shirt off! Daisuke would definitely make a good-looking older man. he ages really well. i mean if they just keep casting him with roles that are either close to his age or someone in their 20s, that would be great. he just have to keep away from doing any more teenager roles.

And I wanna keep seeing him ages..getting older with Mao by his side...ahahahaaa...just my other dreams and imagining.. rabbit13


This makes me wanna see Daisuke ride a horse while wearing long robes and his long hair blowing in the wind. kyaaaaaaaa!!!! UTSUKOSHI!!!


thanks for looking forward to my fic, sweetheart.

I'll be looking for your fic, always...and Tat-chan's fics too.. :D



This is the main reason for another movie of them!!!

The answer is in the novel..

I read the synopsis and Misu told his DAD that he might loves Shingyouji..

He told his dad about the reasons too!!!

Shingyouji thought that Misu would like to break up with him after graduate..

But Misu did not think of it at all..

So the main answers for the questions is in the novel..




Also..Misu is not a biological son of his father..

His grandma took her after the child of his parents passed away..

So technically Misu came from a happy family who loves him like their own child..

What a lovely story huh??

Hweeeee...you maked me more curious about the background fam of Misu and Shingyouji..I only read the manga until vol 3...because I couldn't understand the japanese very well :leaf9:

Is it really will be another movie of Takumi-kun...I really hope so... leaf4



NE MINNA BIG FAVOR! One of my close friends Ashley just had her baby and she's premature. Only one pound could you please keep mother and daughter in your thoughts and well wishes towards them? If not I'll understand.


(looks at clock) Ooh goodie I get to go into work again and hear people whine and complain about how they have it so hard. Thats one thing I will never do. When I get home tonight I'm going to listen to Mao-kun sing rabbit3. I love his voice so much. Same with Dai-chan's. You know I wonder how those two would sound if they did a duet...

How's your friend today. I hope she and her baby are okay..


Wow...DaiMao duet...I really love to hear that. I just listening both of them and other actor from Prince Town or something singing together...but I wish next they could doing duet together.. :leaf15:



(Bows) Konnichiwa Minna-san I am Giikumi and i am new to this forum (bows) Please take care of me!

Yoroshiku ne...nice to meet you too.. :)



Hi everyone!


This was shared to me by a dear friend, hama-san. Actually, I've been really lucky to watch a super short preview of this music video before but this time, I got to watch the entire thing. FIVE MINUTES AND 59 SECONDS OF IT! WOOOOOOHOOO!!! The band is Code V. They're Korean and singing a Japanese song. I'm sorry I have no info about them as I am not a Kpop fan. T__T


but the MAIN point why I'm posting it here is because TAKI IS IN THE MUSIC VIDEO! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *jumps around* YES, IT'S OUR BELOVED TAKIGUCHI YUKIHIRO!!! *love bubbles*

I'm so glad that it was Takiguchi..not Dai-chan or Baba...hahahahahaaaa... :leaf5:



I understand exactly how you feel it's so unfair!!!!!!!! The best parts are always for japanese fans :cuteonion58:....and what about us??? :8onion74: Starving almost to death :cuteonion25: without receiving enough of Daichan's love foreigner fans......

I know what to do !!! Let's make our own event :cuteonion46: and invite Daichan to visit us^^... let's call it "Daichan's 4 days and 4 nights with 1000000000000000 fangirls from abroad" How's that???? Are there anybody who would like to join that kind of event???? :cuteonion45:

I would love too...but why 1000000000000000 fangirls from abroad ?? Oh my...What will happen to Mao if he hear about this invite for Dai-chan...He must be suffer for imagining the girls get close to his Dai-chan... :leaf7:



Ne Minna-san If you had to choose one of our boys to meet and only one who would it be and what would you ask them if you could ask one question? Me? I'd want to meet Mao-kun and I'd want to ask him why he accepted the part as Takumi-kun.

May I choose two...hahahahaaa... :leaf5:

For me is absolutly Dai-chan or Mao...well..I couldn't decided it.. yoyo7

The question is the same for both..How's your feeling when you're doing love scene and kiss scene..and did they met each other private before the shoot to get the feels and chemistry to the scenes ? leaf3



It is interesting to note that Hamao originally auditioned for the part of Morita Toru in Niji-iro Garasu. It was the producers who decided that he could be the new Takumi instead. :) But I agree that is a very good question to ask Mao and I would really like to know what he would say to that.


For me, I think I would ask Baba-chan the question: What parralel do you see in your personality that you think makes you an effective Misu Arata?


How about you, guys..what question would you ask your favorite actor?

Oh...it was a good decision then, I think the producers really have a good eyes and instinct to choose the main actors..because DaiMao are really suit for the character IMO :)

And of course BabaTaiki too.. :D



Oh God.. I dunno whether this would change the situation but Hama san juz VMed that she did the translation wrongly but THIS IS CONSIDERED AS A GOOD NEWS TOO.


Taiki was not saying that he's gonna meet Baba chan today BUT


He said that he has a performance today and Baba chan also has a performance on the same day.


He seems sighing on the fact that he could not meet Baba chan today.


How did he knows about Baba chan's activity?? He's not as maniac as us fangirls who would stalk Baba chan's schedule.









Gyaaaaa...so glad to hear that they seems still keep contact each other..:leaf3:

Everytime I stalked Mao's blog, I really hope I read he mention Dai too... leaf3



IDK If it was posted before. Here's a link to download FULL scanned booklet brochure, or whatever you call it of Takumi-Kun 5. Not very exciting, eh?


But the Images are very large 2100 x 3000! and HQ I guess... GREAT FOR WALLPAPER. jk... Unlike some pictures with watermarks and all that -____-;; I'll take screenshot of it to save your space, lol. Ignore the file names. My computer could not read characters. Language: Japanese.



Thank you for the scans...you're my angel for sharing me the link... yoyo

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@Drew/Yoji~ yeah I'm plugging our party ahahaha xD all this talking about celebrations made me think about our party instantaneously ahahaha xD

nuuuuu Drew, I didn't mean the 15th June :p I was talking about Tanabata eheheh we have all the time, Drew ;)

anyway... yeah, it's better

if we have a wishes party or something on Tanabata :p also because Under Gii Party deserves a personal day ahahah xD

surely only the name of the party will attract people from every part of the world... I have the feeling

that it will be not a simple party but a rave ahahah xD

but srsly Drew, we started to talk about Gii's lower parts and now

we're planning a party there!!!! ahahahah xD



hahahaha, just tell me the date of the party, so that, i can put it on the invitation :) ill take care of the other contents~ i'll write it with love XD


of course Yoji will join us, she even invented the Dai licking activity eheheh xD

hey wait... I don't know that game, can Baba~chan explain me the rules ? with a

demonstration, maybe.... eheheh xD

yeah, Drew your locations are dangerous... my butt obsession started with your first location LOL!

I'm discovering new levels of my perv mind with Drew.... LMAO XD


oooohhh, so yoji will be hosting that game, and do some examples eh? XD hey, my innocent mind got infected because of you too LMAO! my brain is now full of perviness XD


@Drew~ LMAO XD no but srsly, now I'm quite calm about those 30 dudes but srsly..... if they happen to see Dai's lower parts or his royal butt I'll get mad as hell AHAHAH XD no kidding guys, I and Drew will kill you for sure LMAO XD


HAHAHAHAHA my sporks are ready to kill them XD or should we stab them by bananas LOL!




hamster on roids FTW!



oh of course, every game needs to be demonstrated first and a practice game before the actual game itself. *giggles*


and yes, practice makes perfect XD me, takumi and gii are now practicing the games LOL


Maybe they fell in love when they started to make out in 'practice' for Pure and then they were like wow...., eyes gazing at each other...


"i think we can improve on that kiss." baba...

"yeah totally. I agree." taiki....


thats the ONLY way to explain the saliva.... GYAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY AM I thinking about THAT AGAIN. -falls on floor with arms, legs flailing shouta-style- RWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR must resist.... that thought.



im so sure, they're secretly going out :3 hahahaha, and i think, whenever baba chan feels alone, he send taiki an SOS.. or like when his cold, he will text taiki with this, im cold make me hot HAHAHAHA~


shouta's flailing arms and legs is a HIT! XD








*drools* foxy5 they're HOT :Red_fox11:


IDK If it was posted before. Here's a link to download FULL scanned booklet brochure, or whatever you call it of Takumi-Kun 5. Not very exciting, eh?


But the Images are very large 2100 x 3000! and HQ I guess... GREAT FOR WALLPAPER. jk... Unlike some pictures with watermarks and all that -____-;; I'll take screenshot of it to save your space, lol. Ignore the file names. My computer could not read characters. Language: Japanese.

Total images: 19



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i love HQ thanks sloan foxy3



1. REAL Magazines - almost 200 pictures. A lot of them are black/white. WTF?????????????????







Download Size: 133 MB Link:

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WAAAAAAHHHHHHH this made my day :msn_red_fox 1 thanks again sloan!


:msn_red_fox 3 ill just color the black and white photos :)

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these are those times i wished i was a computer whiz and do lots of magic stuff with any media file. unfortunately, i royally suck at it. i wish i could really help but i can't with my limited know-how.

i dunno how to edit photos.i dunno how to edit videos or make those amazing .gifs that Sloan makes.

i wish i could be more helpful though.gomen nasai, minna! if only i had the means, i wouldn't be putting watermarks on anything. i swear! i'll just shared them without the distractions.


i wish i could be more helpful with seren's request. T__T but i dunno how to remove that red thingy over the video.

i know there's a way somewhere to do that but i dunno how to do it. would be nice too if the making got subbed as well.


Yojichan you feel the way like me I would like too be able make some staff by myself unfortunately I am not so good in converting data files into other things^^....I am happy enough to know that you was thinking about helping meleaf4 .... well at last we can always ask others for help ^^ and that's kind of nice feeling when someone replay to your request... so let's keep our bonds the way they are now...

Minna honto ni domo arigato!

Well if it's about subbed version of making of.... yes it would be wonderfull if we could ask somebody to translate that... maybe we should try ask some people ??? Very often I saw someone at youtube translate various videos at people request so maybe if we try ask someone (emailing him/her) will agree what you think???? Trying doing that won't kill us for sure^^... or maybe you know someon who know japanese well???.... just thinking that we could get all making with english subbed make me...ooohhhrabbit1


To remove names of groups etc is possible with virtual dub with a plugin but it'll blur a little bit. It's probably impossible to remove hardsubs- they stain the moving images, ya know. i did that with this gif:

Bu I am pretty sure there is MAKING OF PURE raw without stuff on it out there.


You sure thinking hard... i would never come to this idea^^use a plugin in virtual dub... i am impressed!

well I saw links probably with "clean" video but they are already valid or take down they was on megaupload server;/:7yoyo:

Let's have faith that someon was able save this video on PC back then and now he will be willing to share it with us...leaf4

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hello everyone!


there's a lot of outpouring of love for DaiMao and BabaTaiki...but this time i would like to take the time and give some love to another Takumi-kun favorite who has been there from the very beginning.


Taiki's best friend and the one and only original Akaike-kun

Yukihiro Takiguchi


I dunno if any of you have already seen these images before but I guarantee they're really hot.

Enjoy! Share the love.








What's amazing about Taki is that he is so versatile. He can be cold. He can be soft. He can be casual. He can be funny. He can be a best friend. Onii-chan. Your worst enemy. Your boss. Your lover. Seme role. Uke role. Seke role. The guy is so talented.

He can dance, sing, act and heck...make a gourmet meal while he's at it.

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Wooowww...the 1st pic really HOT. Yes, I like him too. He helps a lot with Gii x Takumi's relationship on the movie and manga, he's like an angel who will always help his friends whenever they're needed..IMO, he looks as a perfect man...I don't know about his real life a lot, but from the variety I watched, I guess he's a nice person and warm, sometimes funny too.

Me and my friends sometimes wondering if Takumi-kun series make a movie about Akaike-kun's personal life. As far as I knew, he isn't gay in the manga,right ? He has a childfriend, a girl. That's all I know... :p

Once, when my friends came to my office, and we're talking and gossip about Takumi-kun series. We're curious about Akaike too...and we're wondering about Sagar-senpai too, because we feel sorry for him, about being rejected twice by Gii and Misu..ahahahahaaa... :hamtaro-005 (5):

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Ne Minna san I'm wondering something. If Misu is rivals of Gii why is he always helping Gii or in his case Saki and Hayama I figured he'd want Saki to be alone... or is it because he truthfully cares for Hayama and that's why at first he couldn't return Shingyoshi's feelings and he's jealous of Saki?


(looks at pics of Taki:cuteonion25:) Wah what am I saying?! NO FAIR I WANT ONE TOO!:leaf7: (To Taki's significant other [if he has one right now]) May I borrow him for a while? :msn_red_fox 6

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Misu hates Gii but he truthfully cares for Hayama. When he becames roommate with Takumi he knows that Takumi is in a relationship with Gii. Misu really can't understand why Takumi likes Gii but he want to protect Takumi.

He helps Gii because of Takumi. He doesn't want Takumi to be hurt.

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Hi there ^^


I need help.............


Who can help me what did Takumi said at the end of Takumi-kun 3?


The monologue of Takumi I heard .... "Hiyo Gii ......................................................."


In Romanji.. if you know please tell me ^^


Thanks a lot ^^


:hamtaro-005 (13)::hamtaro-005 (6)::hamtaro-005 (22):

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Me and my friends sometimes wondering if Takumi-kun series make a movie about Akaike-kun's personal life. As far as I knew, he isn't gay in the manga,right ? He has a childfriend, a girl. That's all I know... :p


I hope they can do something like that too. Like maybe a sidestory and this one is about Akaike. All the side stories in TK had been BL so watching Akaike's love will be refreshing. Yes, it's a girl. :) He dodges questions about his personal life like a boss. He's almost as mysterious as Misu. Remember the scene he had with Takumi in the fifth movie and Takumi was insistent on finding about Akaike's love life if he had someone he was in love with and Akaike responds..."It's natural for our age to have one." THE HECK?? And Takumi goes further what if he loses someone important to him like what if he lost Gii as a friend and what does Akaike say.."Oi Takumi what's going on?" DODGE DODGE DODGE DODGER! The poor guy just fainted and STILL Akaike didn't reveal anything. tsk..tsk..tsk..


Once, when my friends came to my office, and we're talking and gossip about Takumi-kun series. We're curious about Akaike too...and we're wondering about Sagar-senpai too, because we feel sorry for him, about being rejected twice by Gii and Misu..ahahahahaaa... :hamtaro-005 (5):


I actually felt sorry for him when he started to date Misu only to have Misu go to Shingyouji. And Sagara is a great guy. I mean I'd understand if he was a jerk but no, Sagara was actually a dependable senpai. His tragedy is that he falls for taken guys. Poor thing. This guy needs some real lovin.


Ne Minna san I'm wondering something. If Misu is rivals of Gii why is he always helping Gii or in his case Saki and Hayama I figured he'd want Saki to be alone... or is it because he truthfully cares for Hayama and that's why at first he couldn't return Shingyoshi's feelings and he's jealous of Saki?


I wouldn't go as far as saying he 'always' helps Gii. I think Misu is and will always be a rival. He sees Gii as competition. Not for love since he already has Shingyouji. But he will always sympathize with the underdog. And Takumi is an underdog. Even Yoshizawa is an underdog. Shingyouji is an underdog.


It's pretty clear too that in the fifth movie, he was counting favors he could get Gii to owe him. It's not charity for Misu. He does not do things on a whim. They're all calculated.


Going back, Misu had a thing for Sagara so there was no attraction for Takumi even back then. So it's impossible for him to feel jealous of Gii where Takumi is concerned. Upon Shingyouji's arrival in Shidou...Shingyouji did mention in Pure that Misu "somehow began to like him". so basically by this it means that there was already some degree of understanding between them. You don't tell somebody "You are my possession" if you don't like the said possession. He even goes as far as saying that it irritates him to see Shingyouji and Takumi being so close. So it's safe to say, that Misu has zero love interest with Takumi. All he really cares about is Shingyouji and that he belongs to him.


(looks at pics of Taki:cuteonion25:) Wah what am I saying?! NO FAIR I WANT ONE TOO!:leaf7: (To Taki's significant other [if he has one right now]) May I borrow him for a while? :msn_red_fox 6


Awwww~~ I would love to borrow him too if that were possible and I want him to teach me how to make his signature dish. Then I will ask him what kind of dish would he prepare for each of the Takumi-kun actor based on their personalities. Also what kind of dish would he prepare for someone like me. :D

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I don't think Misu dislikes Gii. He is just the type of person he is, prefer specific individuals. It also could be because he respects Gii, because of his status, nothing more or less. I think calling them rivals is a bit too much.

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Oh, I forgot to include it's a healthy rivalry between them. :D I agree he does respect Gii and is aware of Gii's backgrounds. I'm sure Gii also respects him and that has been reflected ever since Pure but moreso in the fifth movie. :D

I was never really sold on the idea that Misu "hated" Gii. I think he just said those things to get a rise out of Takumi the first time just to gauge how much the boy was in love with Gii which i think was rather sweet of Misu. Despite the fact that Misu totally dominated the conversation in Bibou no Detail. dear lord. *sweatdrop*

i can't forget how he just set the rules like that although it's probably his way of making Takumi open up but man...Misu is really dominant, ne? woosh!

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@hamao_daisuke. it is from COAT's Precious Haruma {the dead fish} and Manato {the master of kissing} very old porn film now.... DO NOT DL IT because Haruma {top} was just terrible. And Manato said SHHHH 4 times. It was stupid.


Back to TKC.


i can't forget how he just set the rules like that although it's probably his way of making Takumi open up but man...Misu is really dominant, ne? woosh!
Heheheheehehehe. THat's why I fell in love with him in the first place. I could actually relate to him because generally, I am anti-social but when it comes to love, only if it's necessary... LMFAO you got the dominant part right. RAWR. I have to send you a PM on this, muaahhahaha. Srsly strictly BabaxTaiki you guys.....
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Takumi said:

OK... Gii.

I would be your accomplice.

I would be by your side forever.


Thanks a lot Roberta ^^


I also want to know how he said in Japanese too ^^


That's why I need help from Japanese too ^^


Anyway, thank you so much ^^


:hamtaro-005 (19)::hamtaro-005 (13)::hamtaro-005 (22):

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