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Welcome to School, My Love. (Tuti x Arawn -- private)


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Kei was drowning himself in the pool that was Ryo's eyes, they were so beautiful like everything else on the man's face. The feeling was so overpowering that he felt his face being slowly pulled towards Ryo's, their lips only inches apart. But just when their lips were about to touch, rationality came back to him and he stepped back. "Ah...Let's go back." He said looking away to hide his blushing face. He couldn't believe that he was just about to kiss Ryo...

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Ryo inhaled softly as Kei drew nearer, but hten the man pulled back when the kiss had been so close...He then smiled, just a little deviously, and he turned Kei around and he just gave him the softest kiss on the lips before turning around. "Let's get back before it starts to rain," he said, tone cheerful as he started away from where he had just given Kei a kiss.

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One moment Kei was looking away angry at himself for getting carried away, the next, he had his lips pressed ever so softly against Ryo's. But the kiss was too short for him to register it. He wanted to know what Ryo's lips felt against his, he wanted to confirm whether they were as soft and smooth as they looked. He reached up and grabbed Ryo's (good) hand and pulled him closer to his chest, his body no longer listening to reason. Before Ryo had any time to protest, Kei pressed his lips against Ryo's in a deeper and longer kiss. He pulled the other closer to him deepening the kiss as raindrops began to fall on him.

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Ryo made a soft sound of surprise at being grabbed and his cheeks turned red as Kei kissed him, but he melted against Kei, eyes shutting. His good hand squeezed Kei's and he pressed close to Kei. The man's lips were so soft and gentle, the feeling of being this close was overwhelming and he didn't want it to stop. The rain that fell was barely registered as all he focused on was finally being able to touch the man he wanted.

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Kei placed his free hand on the back of Ryo's head as he continued to kiss and suck the other's lips. He was thankful for the rain because it covered the loud sound of his beating heart. He didn't want the kiss to end, but he had to breath. Thus very reluctantly he pulled away no longer able to see Ryo's face properly since his glasses were all wet from the rain. "Sorry I did this, I know you are in love with another guy." He apologized with a sad smile and slowly moved away.


- - - Updated - - -


Kei placed his free hand on the back of Ryo's head as he continued to kiss and suck the other's lips. He was thankful for the rain because it covered the loud sound of his beating heart. He didn't want the kiss to end, but he had to breath. Thus very reluctantly he pulled away no longer able to see Ryo's face properly since his glasses were all wet from the rain. "Sorry I did this, I know you are in love with another guy." He apologized with a sad smile and slowly moved away.

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Ryo shivered a little from the intense kiss and he smiled softly as Kei pulled away. "For being smart, you can be a ditz," he said with a soft laugh, lightly squeezing Kei's hand as he took it in his good one. "You would be the person I want," he added as he started to head back to the room, pulling Kei gently with him.

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Kei let himself be pulled into the room silently. He wanted to say something but his mind was unable to form comprehensible words. Ryo liked him? Of course! Now everything finally made sense. Ever since he moved into his room Ryo kept on calling him 'cute' or 'sexy'; and lets not forget the occasional wink of an eye. But Kei believed that Ryo was like that with everyone, that there was nothing special about him.


Did he feel the same towards Ryo? Honestly he didn't know whether what he was feeling was really love or not. Yet, one thing he knew for sure; he cared for Ryo more than just as a friend and right now he wanted to be him.


They stepped into the room and Kei grabbed one of his clean towels before covering Ryo's wet hair with it. Still holding the other's head, Kei drew Ryo's face upwards towards him. "I guess, this wont be much of a pretend then, huh?" He said with a gentle smile before ending the distance between them with a delicate kiss.




Back in his room, Kaito crumpled what seemed like a piece of paper and threw it into a wastebasket. He looked at it for a minute before tearing his teary green eyes away from it. Inside the basket was a paper with a sketch of Ryo's face.

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Ryo made a soft sound of playful protest at the towel, but he smiled, finding it cute and sweet of Kei. He softly kissed the other student back and he smiled as it ended. "Guess not," he whispered back before softly kissing Kei again and step closer to him as he trailed his fingers through Kei's hair. He enjoyed that he was able to touch Kei without Kei backing off, and without the worry of running him off.



A soft knock was heard at Kaito's door followed by someone calling Kaito's name softly.

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Kaito blinked at the sound of someone knocking on his door and quickly wiped his face in an attempt to remove any evidence of him crying. He opened his door and looked up at Hiro a little bit confused. He remember him from the night he and Ryo went out clubing but they didn't talk much at all. So why was he standing outside his room now? "Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked really curious but then frowned lightly. "If you are looking for Ryo his room is down the hall."

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Hiro frowned slightly at the last line, noticing Kaito's yawn. "No...I'm here because you looked upset and I wanted to see if there was anything I can do," he said with a soft smile at Kaito, holding out a box. "And I brought pie."

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Kaito gasped silently and chewed on his bottom lip nervously, how embarrassing that the other male had seen him in such a state. He felt like crying all over again - there was nothing the other could do to make him feel better. That was what he thought until the other mentioned the word 'pie' and Kaito's face brightened up excitedly. "Really?!" He said opening the door wide letting the taller man walk in. "Thank you." Kaito loved sweet things. "But why are you doing this? We just met once." He said softly looking away shyly.

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Hiro smiled as he walked inside and he set down the box on the counter. "Well, does that matter?" he asked with another smile as he looked for some plates. "I think you're cool and I didn't like that you were upset.....Do you want to talk about it?"



Ryo wrinkled his nose slightly as he pulled off his wet shirt and put it in the laundry bin. "Going to have to wash clothes tonight," he commented, smiling softly, glancing at Kei. "You'd beter chance too. Don't want you catching a cold," he added with a playful, slightly mischievous, wink as he sat down on his bed to slide off his shoes.

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Kaito pouted as he sat down on his bed and played with the end of his shirt. He wanted to talk about it with someone to get the sad feelings out of his system and Hiro seemed like a nice guy. "Just got my heart-broken..." He said trailing off as the image of Ryo's smiling face popped up in his head, he felt like crying again but forced himself not to.




Kei chuckled at Ryo's concern but he was right. He gasped softly as he watched Ryo undress right there in the room. "Are you going to undress here?" He asked blushing madly and pushed his glasses up as if to get a better view of Ryo's fine body.

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Hiro set everything down and he walked over to sit next to Kaito. "I'm sorry," he said softly, looking at Kaito. He hesitated a minute before he slipped an arm around Kaito in a gentle hug. "You can talk if you want, you can cry if you want. I won't mind."



Ryo laughed softly at Kei's response, finding it cute. "I promise to keep the boxers on," he said with another smile as he stood, unsnapping his jeans. "You can always turn around if you want," he added, still giggling softly at the blush on Kei's face.

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Kei frowned but it wasn't directed at Ryo, he was angry at himself for acting like that. Ryo wasn't a girl so there was no reason for him to act like that. He sighed and removed his glasses before placing them on the table, he had to change from his wet clothes as well. As he began to undress he turned around to face the wall not because he didn't want to see Ryo, but he didn't want Ryo to see his body which wasn't as smooth or sexy as his.




Kaito's eyes widened as the other pulled him closer in a gentle and warm hug. He couldn't pretend nor fight his emotions anymore and just like that he began to cry softly against Hiro's chest.

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Ryo smiled softly and he walked over to Kei and slipped his arms around the other student gently when Kei had his shirt off. He softly kissed Kei on the cheek from behind, guessing at the reason Kei had turned around. "You are quite good looking," he said with a smile, resting his chin on Kei's shoulder. He unhooked his brace so he could feel Kei's stomach without it in the way. The wrist was tender, but he didn't like having anything between him and Kei.



Hiro gently held Kaito close, softly rubbing Kaito's back and stroking the young man's hair. He didn't speak, just let his presence cover Kaito. He felt bad for the other man and he didn't like that he felt this way, but he had known it was coming sooner or later. He had said he'd be there for the man, and he was going to be.

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Kei loved the feeling of Ryo's smooth body against his; there was no way he'll catch a cold if they stayed like this. He lightly placed his hand on top of Ryo's and chuckled. "Good looking, me? A plain guy with poor eyesight? You have a weird taste Ryo or are you attracted to nerds?" He asked jokingly and slowly turned around to face his beautiful room-mate. "You in the other hand, are quite beautiful." He said reaching up to caress Ryo's cheek lovingly.




Kaito finally calmed down and pushed himself out of Hiro's embrace. "Sorry man." He apologized feeling like a fool and ashamed that he showed such a weak side of him. "I used you as my human tissue." He joked as he wiped his tears away. "But thank you, you are a good friend."

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Ryo's cheeks turned bright red at the compliment and he shut his eyes part way at the caress. "Only sexy nerds," he said with a soft laugh before softly kissing Kei. He lightly trailed a finger down along Kei's neck and shoulders before moving it down Kei's chest and belly. "You are definitely that."



Hiro smiled at Kaito. "That's why washing machines were invented," he said with a bright smile. He stood after a minute. "Now, how 'bout some pie? I'm sure you could use something sweet."

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The one being sexy was Ryo; seducing Kei like that. Didn't he know that Kei was trying his best to control his desires? He wrapped his arms around Ryo's slightly smaller frame and pressed their lips together for another kiss. He wanted to push the other on to the bed and continue caressing him all over, but he knew they had to take their time. On top of that, there was Masao who they had to take care of. "If we don't stop now I don't know what I'll do." He said to Ryo in a low voice and pressed the other's body tightly against him protectively.




"Hmm this is so delicious! Thank you so much!" Kaito said as he happily sucked on his spoon. There was nothing like something sweet to cheer him up. "Say Hiro, what do you do? Are you a student as well?" He asked looking up at the taller man with his bright green eyes.

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Ryo smiled softly and he nuzzled Kei. "Oh, I bet I know," he purred low, playfully nipping Kei's earlobe before he pulled back slightly. "But I'll be good," he added with another smile, kissing Kei on the cheek. He could behave when he wanted to, and when Kei wanted him to. He didn't want to push the other into anything. He gently extricated himself from Kei's embrace.


"Gotta finish getting out of these clothes and into something dry and warm," he said with a smile.



Hiro smiled at Kaito as he cleaned the dishes off. "I'm a teacher's assistant," he said, glancing at Kaito. "I'm working on my graduate degree....What's your major?" he added after a minute, curious because he didn't know that much about Kaito.

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"Oh that sounds nice." Kaito said and smiled softly. "Right now you can say I'm studying mathematics but I plan on quitting." He said as he moved from his bed to the fridge to grab something to drink. "Mathematics is not really the thing for me, I want to switch to arts but the semester is already halfway though so I have to wait." He said and handed Hiro a cold can of Coca-Cola.




A part of him regretted that he hadn't pushed Ryo down and devoured him; but the other part of him, the rational one, knew this was the right thing to do. "Give them to me I'll wash them for you." He offered as he took his shoes off and pulled down his pants.

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Hiro smiled as he listened to Kaito talk. "I think you'll enjoy the Art Program," he said as he sat down on a couch in the dorm, watching Kaito. "Is there a reason you want to enter it?"



Ryo couldn't help but make a soft sound of surprise at Kei dropping the pants and he looked away, not quite certain as to why he was embarrassed by it. It wasn't like he hadn't seen men before, but Kei doing that had him at a loss for words. He slid off his own pants before pulling on a robe and moving to help get the clothes put away in a sack so they could be carried to the washing room.


"We'll go together," he said with a bright smile at Ryo. "Gotta stick together, right?"

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Katio stared at the can between his hands and thought about Hiro's question, he seemed deep in thoughts until a sweet smile appeared on his face. "Well not really, I just like drawing. I think I'm better fit to do something I like than something my dad forced me to do." He said his smile never leaving his face and looked up at Hiro. "Ne, Hiro-san. Why do you want to become a teacher?" He asked; his eyes looking curiously at Hiro.




Unfortunately, since Kei wasn't wearing his glasses, he was unable to see Ryo's blushing face. Thus very oblivious to the other's reaction to his half nakedness he nodded and covered his body with a robe as well. "We have to stick together, always." He said to Ryo with a gentle smile putting his glasses back on. He then grabbed Ryo's hand in his and together they walked to the washing room.

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[Time skip to both sections.)


"Kei!" Ryo near-shouted as he entered the dorm room, absolutely brimming with happiness. He clutched a piece of paper in his hands as he nearly ran over to Kei. He showed him the paper, fingers shaking from sheer excitement. He had finally gotten what he had wanted.


"I got the part!" he said, smiling widely, setting the paper down and clapping once."They weren't certain because my wrist just healed, but they gave me the lead! Gah! This is so cool," he added, words nearly blurring together because he could barely contain himself.


Masao seemed to have vanished off of the planet, he was with Kei, Hiro was paying more attention to Kaito, and he had finally gotten the lead of an important ballet. Everything seemed to be going well and he was so excited.

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Kei was deep in thoughts thinking of a solution to solve the mathematic problem in front of him when Ryo burst into the room breaking his concentration. Normally Kei wouldn't stop studying for anyone but Ryo wasn't just anyone. On top of that, the happy and excited face he was making was priceless. He had to push his books away.


"Congratulations!" Kei said with a happy smile as he pulled Ryo towards him and sat him on his lap. He then took the paper from Ryo's hands and quickly read it. "When will the performance take place?" He asked since the date wasn't on the paper but he knew already that he wasn't going to miss it, no matter how much he had to study.



"Remember, every glass you brake will be reduced from your salary." The owner of the relative small bar said to Kaito before he walked away to open the doors for his costumers. Kaito was no longer following the mathematics courses and he still had to wait a few more months before the next semester starts, so he decided to get a part time job in the mean time.


Thanks to his looks he quickly found a job as a bartender at a small bar not too far from the campus. He started cleaning the already clean glasses and sighed wondering how Kei and Ryo were doing. Since that faithful day he found out the two were together he hasn't spoken to them. He wanted to apologize for his childish behavior but the wound in his heart was still fresh...

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