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Light in the Dark :)


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@ Destiny.Fate


Ahahhah, well i tried to make it hot....

Really dunno if i pulled it off but...oh well :p


Just really glad you liked it...

Part 9 won't be long ;)


Big big kiss :****

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Part Nine is ready, enjoy :)





Near death experiences, don’t come often in regular people’s life.

However, a few unlucky human experience those kind of situations on a regular basis...

Soldiers, Firemen, Policemen, among others...there’s a list so vast of heroic characters that could be-proud human kind...


But my point here it’s not to talk about those people...

Even without a profession that manages risks, a person might be having such a fucking hard time in life that near death experiences mean shit compared to what they go thru...


Poor Shouji was one of latest...

We went thru all kinds of bad situations in life and still, sometimes, he was happy he could wake up in the morning and witness another day...


Till today, the 19 year old kid, soundly sleeping in his futon, having forgotten all the bad in this world, is going to have the worst wake-up call he can remember...


Today was definitely not one of the days he'll say he's happy to be alive...


Shouji started to hear the sounds of loud shouting, mixed with some stuff breaking...

He couldn’t figure out if he was still dreaming or reality was banging loudly at his conscience...


After a few moments of pure blurriness, he started wondering if what happened last time really did happen or was he still having such fucking weird dreams, he felt like throwing himself of a bridge...


At that instant a monster came barging in...




What the fuck was going on...?

Why was he already screaming this early in the morning, and screaming at him at that...

What did Shouji do to hear the demon growl as soon as he wakes up...

Damn bastard, already ruining his day...


Then...at that precise moment the most fucking embarrassing memory came swimming on Shouji’s head...


He could still feel it.

Feel all of what Kai made to him...

His hands, his tongue, his whole body leaned against Shouji’s skinny body, making him feel like he lost his fucking mind that night...

But with the erotic memories, came the nightmare...


The image of the kid coming on Kai’s face was starting to become vivid with each second passed...

And after that... Pure darkness!

Nothing whatsoever...


That was just fucking weird!


What the fuck happened after that?

Did Kai beat him up so bad he passed out...?

That was the only possibility Shouji could come up with.


Well, whatever it was, he was going to find out...

The Green Dragon, was standing in front of him looking like the devil itself the moment before he’s going to commit a murder...


“Are y’a fucking gonna wake up today...y’a bastard...?”

“What the fuck! I’m waking, i’m waking...What th’a hell’s wrong with’ya..?”


If it was bad before, now Shouji should just consider the possibility of running away... Running away the fastest and the farest he could... Because those eyes meant “Death”!


“What you did.....?!”


The dragging on Kai’s voice was becoming so damn fucking scary, the kid was now thinking he really might have done something to piss off the yakuza out of fucking normal ratings ...


“You sleazy, sneaky, skinny son’of a bitch... Do y’a have any fucking recollection of what y’a did to me last night!”

“Wha... Did t’a you?! Ya mean what ya did to me!!! Ya did those weird things to me, i can’t even remember half of the shit you made me do...”



And light was made...

Holy shit, so that was it!

After Kai made Shouji come, the feeling was so damn out of this world the kid couldn’t managed it and passed out completely leaving Kai sucking on his big toe after that...


The kid was done for...


“I...passed out?!”

“Yeah....ya did... Did that feel so damn good you went t’a dreamland all by y’oself you bastard... I had to whack a few, all by myself, cause fucking pussy here FUCKING PASSED OUT!!”

“What the hell, i told’ya it was my first time doing shit like that, didn’t i...It’s y’o fucking fault!”

“What did y’a say....? I had to clean up yo’r cum out of my face, i serviced you real nice, and now Y’O FUCKING COMPLAINING?! I’M TH’A ONE WHO SHOULD FUCKING COMPLAIN!!! I DON’T FUCKING JERK OFF, Y’A DAMN BASTARD!!”


With that Kai left Shouji’s room, breaking a few more things along the way.


Shouji sighed a bit of relief since he wasn’t dead yet, but what could be expecting him after that?


Was he being turned into a fucking sex slave from now on, or dead was really the path he would follow...

The strong stomps were coming back again and he braced himself for the worst...




Shouji did what he was order and got up, unfortunately he forgot he was butt naked and the second he stood up Kai’s death glare gave place to an endearing blush, never to be fucking seen in a freaking yakuza’s face...




Another slam...

The noise made by the sliding door was still ringing in Shouji’s ears...

He looked around the room to find some piece of clothing he could wear, but there was none.

Not his own clothes nor something Kai could have left him...


He pulled one of the blanket’s lying of the futon and went to find the yakuza.

If he wanted Shouji to get dressed he better find him clothes, or give him back his...


Walking around that fucking giant house, he realized that even after Kai’s shouting and breaking shit, everything was still peaceful and quiet, he realized for the first time, it really was one hell of a big freaking house.

Not to mention, the gardens and greenery looked like a fucking picture from those gardening magazines Shouji used to see in the magazine stalls...

Could a place like this really exist just outside Tokyo?!

This looked like a lost garden of Eden, right beside the fucking hell...


The shadow of someone looking at Shouji startled him...


He looked straight to the place where he saw the shadow but all that was there was plants and trees...

Was he dreaming, or was it only the clouds high up in the sky playing light games?


He continue to walk around a stone path leading the garden to another house.

Not as big and monumental as the main house, but still pompous enough to be considered damn freaking scary.


Shouji felt the urge to see the inside of it, but the image of the man in front of the building stopped him on his feet.


“Who are you?!”




That's it for part 9 hope you guys liked it...


Big kiss :**

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Bel, I was lost ath the beginnig... I didn't know if I had to be sorry for Kai or Shouji....

he's is indeed a dragon.... hehehe

good job.

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@ Bridge


Thank you sweetie... :**

I was a bit lost myself tohow keep the story going...but oh well that's how it is, let's see if the next is better... :p

Thank you so much for reading :D


I was kinda intrigued myself if i didn't explained something right, cause you were the second person to say you're confused XD

I went to read it again...and of course there were parts missing (-_-)

Yeah i really suck at this... XD


As for the story i think things are going to start building up nicely starting now...(i think XD)

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hey there! another great piece by you! :)


i cant say i like Kai or Shouji more now. they are both so sexy... haha! i really enjoyed it! Thanks boss!

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Here's part 10... :D

Enjoy ;)





It was a beautiful, but in some way, frightful image.


The man standing in front of Shouji, couldn’t be more attractive to any mortal eyes.

Long silky reddish hair, a long earth coloured kimono contrasting perfectly with the pearl white colour of the neck surfacing from it...

It was like witnessing a fairytale character come to life.

A painting, so fucking alive it felt surreal.


Shouji wasn’t exactly sure he was really seeing it, until he spoke.

The first impression of the person standing between the two huge columns of the entrance of that building looked more like an ancient times ghost, than of a modern man.


The character spoke again.


“Have you lost your tongue? I asked you who were you...? What are you doing here? Answer now or i’ll call the guards on you...”

“Wait please, don’t... I’m just lookin’ for that impossible freak... He’s th’a one who told me t’a get up, but forgot’a give me my clothes... I’m sorry i’ll keep looking f’o him...”

“By impossible freak you must be referring to Master Kai, i bet...”

“Yeah, yeah... Where can i find him... I need my clothes back...”


The man stared at Shouji, like evaluating each millimetre of Shouji’s body, face, hair... everything...

His glances managed to be even more embarrassing than Kai’s...

Who was this guy...? Looking more like a woman than a man...

Speaking in such an eloquent manner. He didn’t look like he belonged in that kind of environment. Definitely fit the place like a glove, but let’s please not forget it was a Yakuza house... Was he one of them? He sure didn’t look like he was...


But there was one thing Shouji could tell.

The aura around the guy was terrifying.

The stillness he bore, was in none way peaceful but frightening.

Shouji felt the urge to just get away from him, but he was also being attracted by something around him, like an invisible thread pushing him towards the painting like figure...


“Look for him in the main building, he must certainly be looking for you...”

“Well i would go if i knew how th’a fuck to get there, this shit is just too huge...I’m lost!”


The guy giggled... Such laugh would definitely be compared to one of a child’s laughter, when amused.


“Cross this garden always staying in the rocks path, you’ll find an arch filled with Ivy, just go underneath it and turn left... Walk straight thru the rose beds, then you’ll find the grass garden, go all the way till the gardens over... You’ll reach the main entrance there. Try not to get lost...”

“Yeah.. i’ll try, thanks...”



The man turned his back to Shouji and walked straight into the building without even glancing back.

The questions popping in Shouji’s head remained unanswered.

Who was he, what was he doing there...? Was he a relative of the main freak?


Shouji rewind their conversation and started to remember the way back to the house, each and every one of the sentences the guy used were engraved in Shouji’s head, which was a good thing, getting lost again wouldn’t be nice, since walking around in an unknown place, filled with yakuza with a blanket around your naked body wasn’t necessarily a nice thing.


After walking around for a bit he managed to pull it off. The guy explained everything in an accurate manner. Shouji reached the main house without so much as a wrong turn, but by the entrance “the main freak” was already waiting for him...

Most scary looking stare was being directed at him, but even so Shouji kept walking. He would just explained he got lost. He had never seen the complex in broad daylight, the only time he was there at day time, he was actually just running away, the fastest he could, he didn’t actually took the time to look around the fucking place.


“Where th’a fuck have you been...? Where y’a trying to escape again you fucking bastard...?”

“Cut the shit, will ya!!! Y’a go wake me up screaming, tell me to get the fuck up, leave with no clothes whatsoever to put on, and then just fucking forget i don’t know this huge freaking place... I GOT FUCKING LOST!!”

“Oh...ya did huh... Looking that sexy...Ahahhah, ya got lucky the boys didn’t spot ya, you would have been eaten alive...”

“Do ya think this is funny? If it wasn’t for the guy in the kimono i would still be walkin’around this huge damn place looking like a fuckin’ lost dog...”

“What guy in a kimono...?!”

“I dunno, some red hair like guy came out of another freaking huge house over there and started asking a whole bunch of shit, but when i told him i was lost he told ne the way back... But i dunno who the hell was he... Does that really matter..? I’m here, right? Mission accomplished...”

“Did he do somethin’to ya?”


“I said did he DO SOMETING TO YA?!”

“He didn’t... Let me go... Man, just please, gimme m’a clothes back... i’m askin’ya...”

“Go in... Now!

“Shit i’m goin’ i’m goin’...”


Tha was just plain weird!

As soon as Shouji spoke about the kimono guy, Kai’s red, fuming complexion for being pissed off at Shouji became immediately pale, like all the blood of his body had been drained.

For a moment there, Shouji actually managed to realize that guy in the silky kimono, wasn’t to play around with, since this huge mean, badass yakuza boss was actually having a scared like shitless attitude towards him.

Kai was still looking at Shouji, like if he was looking for something.


“What th’a hell ya lookin’at...?”

“Ya sure he didn’t do anything...?”

“No... He just told me the way t’a get here... Did i do somethin’ wrong?”

“No... Forget it... Here you’ll dress this now, then come t’a eat, ya starving right, then we’ll go out...”

“Out where...? And what about m’a job? Am i supposed to quit, or somethin’?”

“Yeah ya are, cause i’ll make sure you’ll be here 24/7 starting now! Ya got me?”


The question was lingering for a long time.

And maybe this was just about time Shouji spitted out.


The reason why such a guy was so attached to a piece of trash like Shouji, the reason he would go overboard to look for him... It just didn’t make any sense.

Today was the day the guy had to tell him. Shouji wouldn’t give him any rest until he spilled everything out.


“Why th’a hell you wann me to stay here so badly?”

“Why th’a fuck should i have t’a tell ya anything...? If i want you t’a be here then you’ll be here, end of story...”

“That’s no reason.. “

“That’s the only reason! I want you t’a be here...”


“Shit can’t ya let it go...”

“I won’t let it go until ya gimme a fuckin’answer... Are ya just after my body, do ya want to screw me that badly...?”


Kai got close to Shouji and grabbed his face hard...

He was pissed!

The kid always managed to loosen up his buttons in a crazy manner, always making Kai say the wrong thing at the wrong times.

But Kai wouldn’t let go.

If that’s how he wanted it, that’s what he was going to get!


“Ya bastard... Will ya be better off if i tell ya that...? That i just want t’a screw ya so bad i’ll do some fucking unbelievable shit as goin’ to that shit whole ya call work, just t’a pick ya up and get a hold of that ass i still didn’t managed to have a taste...? If that’s what you wanna know then have it your fucking way...”


So that was it... It was just sex.

Even if it was expected still came as a disappointment.


What was Shouji expecting...

His chest twisted a little, but it wasn’t new to him, the yakuza was a bastard.

No matter how nice he was to him, he was only after his body...

Which meant, once he had it, he would no longer be of use.

He would be thrown away again, like an old rag...

It was painful to think about it.

The kid was being used to the attention he was getting form the old man.


He could be a nice guy if he wanted it, but that only made Shouji feel worse.


“Then don’t be nice to me... Don’t treat me gently... Don’t give anything i can hold on to... It’s just fucking hard t’a have t’a deal with this, i’ll manage to understand better if ya just fuck me and get on with it...”


Kai looked at Shouji...

And with a swift movement he grabbed Shouji’s face again this time burring his lips on Shouji’s mouth, giving the kid no time to breath...


When they parted, Shouji’s face was again, enticing him.

How could this fucking kid make him go overboard with such little shit?

The need to possess him was starting to grow each passing minute he stand next to him...

It was unavoidable, he had to have him...

And one wouldn’t be near enough to satiate him...


“I’m the one telling th’a rules here...”


Another forceful kiss, and whatever was on top of the table crashed onto the floor.

Shouji’s back slammed hard against the naked table since Kai swift everything on top of it including the table cloth.


“I’ll do ya when i want to... when i fell like to, and yo have no say in it... ya got it...”


The next thing Shouji felt something hard poking his ass...

His belly was being crushed against the table, hands squeezed tight against each other by one of Kai’s hands...

He felt his legs being shifted apart by one of Kai’s legs as well, and he knew... it was coming, the yakuza lost it and penetrated him, crud and raw making Shouji scream in pain with each trust the yakuza gave.




Hope you guys liked it :)

Thank you for reading *bow*


Big kiss


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The man standing in front of Shouji, couldn’t be more attractive to any mortal eyes.

Long silky reddish hair, a long earth coloured kimono contrasting perfectly with the pearl white colour of the neck surfacing from it..


Poor Shouji...-sighs-

Very good as always dear....

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Here's part 11 :)






“The pain might be the worst shit I ever felt all my life.

A lacerating, acute throbbing feelin’, probably the same as someone cut me open inside out… It was unbearable.

I could feel th’a blood and his cum falling down my legs, I started to become disgusted about it… My first time doing this kind of shit and the bastard even came inside…

The mother fucker managed to mess me up badly, I could tell…

I’m ignorant, but since I was injured most part of my life, from being beaten up or just cause I was messing around, i know this shit is different…

What the fuck was I supposed to do now?!

He might just finish me off, since I‘m bleedin’ already, anyway…

The bastard just stood there looking at me, like I deserved that, like I shouldn’t even complain…

All I can do is stay still… Everything hurts!

My legs don’t have any strength in them…

My harms are totally numb, he was grabbing them with so much strength they are black now…

My back had been pressed so hard against that damn table I was havin’ trouble breathin’ the all time…

My belly and chest… Those got marks from were I was stood against th’a table as well… He sure didn’t spare efforts t’a fuck me…

And what about now…? Th’a fuck do ya want from me now…?

Is now th’a time you’re gonna say you had what’ya wanted and gonna kick my ass out th’a door?

I ain’t needed anymore right? Are ya really throwing me out like a piece of trash?

Shit, I don’t have any strength in my legs anymore, I’m gonna fall… I’m dizzy

Oh…fuck… I’m loosin’ it… I can’t….stand…anymore…”





“Fuck, fuck, fuck…. What the hell! I didn’t want to do that… Shit…

He must think I’m a fucking monster now… I really went and did it…

But I can’t do anything about it now… Besides, he’s my property now… I do with him whatever th’a fuck I please… If I wish to finish him off, then I’ll just do it… He’s nothing fucking special, right?! Just a piece of meat… But what the hell… He was asking for it… Talking to me like that… Who th’a fuck does he think he is…? I mean… He deserved it… Damn kid… I didn’t even feel anything… It’s not what I wanted, what I imagined… Fuck this is all screwed up… What th’a hell am I goin’ ta tell him now…? I’m fucking sorry?!! Over my fucking dead body… He ain’t going to die just because of it… So…I’ll try bending him later… I’ll tell him to go wash himself now… Shit he’s freaking bleeding… Is he ok?! Shit… HEY HEY… WATCH IT…. Holy fuck…Did I kill him… I need to call someone… I’m just going to check if he’s really dead and… Shit… I can’t touch him… I can’t…”


Toshiro came into the room that second and came across the dark scenario…

The punk Boss brought home was bleeding from somewhere, stuff smashed all over the floor, but the main thing the yakuza noticed was his Boss’s eyes…

The screaming green colour mixed with the bright shot red, was really fucking scary…

What the fuck happened there?!


The Boss was standing in front of the kid, looking to his numbed body with an ice cold stare…Toshiro felt his insides twist a bit… Did the boss kill him?

If he really did, then why?! He was used seeing his boss wipe a lot of people’s asses but the kid didn’t do anything wrong… At least that he knew off…

So what the fuck was goin’ on?


“Boss… BOSS!”


“What the hell happened here Boss?! Why’s the kid bleeding…? Did he do anything bad and you punished him or somethin’?”

“Call Dr. Hisaki…”

“What? Boss, at least explain to me what…”



Toshiro did what he was told, at the same time Kai got out of the room smashing everything along the way… Just what the fuck happened there, was still an unanswered question to Toshiro, but he was starting to worry, Boss wasn’t this impulsive, there was usually a good reason for whatever his actions were… He didn’t even know if the kid was alive or not… However he must be, cause Boss wouldn’t call the doctor if the kid was dead… He just would tell me to get rid of his body, like always…

Toshiro called the Dr. and went to find his master…

He had to try to find out what happen and know if there was anything he could do…

At the same time, Toshiro looked at the body lying on the floor…

The kid was naked, and for the first time Toshiro noticed from where the blood was coming…


“Shit Boss…”


Toshiro picked up Shouji’s light, marked all over body and placed him in the couch…

Just what was Boss thinking on telling the doctor…

“I screwed him so badly I ripped him all up inside?!”




Toshiro, couldn’t manage to look at the state Shouji’s body was in..

He could tell, there were recent, but also older injuries…

A small, very cold now, bruised body… Toshiro didn’t know how the kid managed to be alive in the first place.

He felt sorry for the kid… But it was his fault for catching Boss’s attention…

Toshiro knew… For some reason Kai felt something out of this world for this miserable fellow.. Toshiro couldn’t tell what… It was too much for him to understand the mind of someone who has everything… He could however say, it wasn’t normal for Boss go out of his way to catch someone, or talk to someone… People came crawling if necessary…

He was usually there to support Boss… Not advise him about shit…


That instant, someone came announcing the Dr. had arrived…

Toshiro laid Shouji on the couch… He covered the kid up…

It was already embarrassing the kid went thru that kind of shit, so much have his privates displayed for the world to see…


Toshiro went to call the Boss and warn him Dr, Hisaki had arrived…

There was no answer from the other side of the door…


Toshiro would have to be the one dealing with it, without knowing shit about the situation…

He already managed to guess part of it… the rest he would let himself go with flow…


He went to meet the doctor anyway, hoping to do the best he could…

He was suddenly struck with the feeling of wanting to help the kid out…

He was never in a situation like this but he surely knew how hard it was to face all the shit out there… And he also understood the reason the kid came here very well…

He was in his shoes one day…


“Hey Dr. Hisaki… Sorry ‘bout this… Is just well Boss got… a … bit carried away… I guess…”

“Call Kai Toshiro…”

“Dr. , he locked himself in his study, I think we better not to disturb at least for now, ok…”

“Toshiro… He did this to a kid…”

“He’s not a kid Doc, he’s 19…”

“The hell Toshiro… He’s a kid… Just look at him…”

“Doc, Boss didn’t do all that to him… The kid had a bastard for a dad… Always beatin’ him up, and Boss was kind to bring him here…”



Dr. Hisaki opened all the blanket Shouji had covering his body in a way to really show Toshiro the state Shouji was in…


“Is this kind to you…?”

“I already seen it Doc y’a don’ need t’a show me ya know…”

“This is bad… The kid has injuries thru the entire rectum and a deep bleeding on the sigmoid colon… He might have to go to surgery…”

“Wait Doc, please talk Japanese… Why surgery?!”

“Because his intestine is falling to pieces you bastard… That’s why…”

“Holy shit…”

“I have to stop the bleeding, I got to take to the hospital… Go call Kai… Now Toshiro…”


That second Kai walked into the room, where the three men stood...


"Kai's already here...And him... He's going nowhere..."




Hope you guys liked it :)


Big kiss :**

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OMG!!!! this is so intense!!!!!!

Bella i was speechless when i read this...gosh SO INTENSE!!!!

somehow i feel sorry to Shouji now....

it's kinda sad....

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Here's part twelve :p


Enjoy ;)



Dr. Hisaki was already losing his patience trying change the mind of this mule like person...

He wasn’t intending to bend, and the doctor was truly fearing for this kid’s life...

The reason Kai wouldn’t let Shouji go to the hospital was still uncertain, and Toshiro was looking at the boy stretched on that couch, fearing each second that passed...

Every of those seconds were precious to the kid... He might die there... In that couch..

Toshiro felt powerless, if that’s the way Boss wants it...What could he do?


“The kid is going to die like this Kai... Don’t do what you’ll regret later, just let me take him, i’ll patch him up and if you wish, you can come to the hospital too and be close to him...”

“Th’a fuck do you mean, be close to him...?! I don ‘t give a shit about him...”


Dr. Hisaki, was used to the wilfulness of the young master... Kai was the most difficult person to deal even surpassing his father.


At the young age of 14, the youthful Kai decided he was already a hard ass yakuza like his dad and decided to pick a fight among older fellows near his high-school...

Kai was already strong then, but the realization that he was an “alien” among the normal people only made him feel more bitter about everyone else, the will to just wipe them off was too strong to hold it in...

He was who is was... There was nothing wrong with him... The problem were all others...


The result of that fight were 15 stitches, a lot of bruises, and 4 broken ribs...

And at that time, the kid was still happy he managed to kick a few of the others asses, even if he got beaten up like hell...

Getting Kai to admit a mistake was like asking to snow in the middle of the hottest summer...

He was never wrong... Everybody was...

The day Dr. Hisaki came to see Kai, he could see the scary desire to grow faster, to become stronger latent in the young kid’s eyes...

Even so, the kid was surprisingly grown for his 14 years...

With time, Dr. Hisaki found ways to go around the impossible temper Kai had, sometimes he managed, sometimes he wouldn’t... Dr. Hisaki became a private physician when Kai’s father was still the head, it was as difficult to deal with him, as it was to deal with his son, however he could get many more positive results with the previous Boss than with this own son. Both men were hard headed and stubborn like no other, still the kid was way worse...


Kai’s last sentence rang a bell and showed Dr. Hisaki an opening and he just went for it...


“Oh so you don’t care... Ok then... Just why the hell did you call for me? I already observed him, and all i can say is, there’s nothing i can do here... Now can i leave?”

“What th’a fuck do you mean, leave...? He’s still knocked out...Do something...”

“I’ll say it again... There’s nothing i can do here... You have two choices, i take him with me and i’ll be able to do something about it, or he’ll stay here waiting to die... If there’s nothing else, then i’ll take my leave...”

“Fuck!! Ar’ya mocking me...? Ar’ya doing this to punish me?”

“Punish you?! Didn’t you just told me you didn’t care for the poor fellow? That he means nothing to you? Then just let him die... You’re quite capable of that... I know that quite well too...”


“Don’t “tsh” me Kai... I’ve been this family physician for long before you were born, i kept an oath to your father i’ll be someone you all could trust, however i will not tolerate this kind of thing... This is just a kid that did nothing wrong to you or the family, i’m staying out of it... And you know plenty well i risk my neck, not to mention my career doing so... So don’t YOU mock me dear Master...”


The room went silent for a few seconds... And the tiniest sound was almost confused with background noise...



“Excuse me... I didn’t hear you clearly...”



Both the doctor and Toshiro, didn’t think was possible to change his mind...

Damn man can be stubborn like hell, but they managed finally to sigh in relief...

What about this kid that makes him act like this? Why so fixated in this guy he was willing to over-throw his usual way of being?


“Do you wish to join us...?”

“No... I mean...yes... Shit i dunno, i mean... He’s not gonna want to see my mug after that...”

“I wouldn’t either... But you won’t know unless you come...”


“If your beloved father was alive i believe he would beat you up for that expression, you were well raised. When did you start behaving like such a ogre....”

“Just shut up...”


Dr. Hisaki asked Toshiro to bring a few things for Shouji, and Kai to pick him up from the couch and getting him into a car so that they get to Dr. Hisaki’s clinic the fastest they could...

Kai refused to touch Shouji, and that made the doctor realize something was really off...


Kai was a brute, blunt, and sometimes an evil character but wasn’t cold and heartless... He could still manage to stay human even with his past, and with the position he hold...

Most times he could be even mistaken by a caring guy, but only for those he sees with good eyes...

That was the way he managed to support the family and maintain the group coerce and together... He was a mean bastard but he had a heart... You could expect him to help out in any way if he likes you, the same way he holds a gun and blows your head into a million pieces if you piss him off...

That’s the way he is... So why so... Remorseful...?!

You could even say, scared...Like he was afraid of being hurt... The way he looked to the kid, was just like a wounded beast looking at his master after being hurt deeply by him...

Were the roles reversed? Was Kai so infatuated with this child like man, he was losing his mind?

That seemed so unlikely... But who knows...

His action towards Shouji weren’t at all normal. Dr. Hisaki kept thinking maybe... for the first time in his life, he was attached to someone else besides his father...

It was an happy occasion...but also an unfortunate one.

The one holding Kai’s affections would suffer...

I wonder if Kai knows it, and from there comes his remorse...

He would never admit it, but deep inside the feeling that he was wrong was burning like an open devastating fire that could only be put out as soon as the kid open his eyes...


The time when the kid wakes up Dr. Hisaki thought, he wishes to be there so he could witness...

The change that it will soon happen.




Thank you for reading :D

Big kiss :**

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Hi hi :D

Just finished part 13 :p

Enjoy :)




“I woke up, donn’ ask after how long cause i donn’remember shit… Hearing a fucking bip, bip it was startin’ to make my head hurt like hell, and keepin’ my eyes shut wasn’t helping at all.

I guess waking up and call the bastard now would be bad, right?

And he’s probably still pissed as hell with me too...

I mean.... Fucking bastard!! What did i do to deserve that?

I wish i could kick his ass so badly right now... Doin’ that shit to me, like some kinda punishment for somethin’ i can’t even understand...

What the fuck happen’? Why was he so pissed when i just got lost in that fucking huge place and that weird guy helped me out... I just don’t get it…

It’s pointless to try figuring out what’s goin’ on in that bastard’s head... He’s even weirder than the kimono guy... That place it’s a fucking maniac house...

And just what is he plannin’ to do with me now...?

I mean... He got what he wanted right? Now what?! Am i gonna be around to serve his fucking “highness”, or am i goin’ to go back to the streets...

What the fuck....MORE importantly... If i stay here, am i gonna be done like this every time?

I’m gonna die soon the way things are goin’... And.... Do i really want this? Shouldn’t i just scrap? I mean, two days and i already got screwed, i got pain all over my fucking body... I feel like i’m more dead than alive right now...

Fuck... Now that i think about it...

Am i alive?! I mean... I remember i pass out... cause it was hurting a fucking lot... an then...


Shit... i’m dead?

Well, guess that was it for me...

Shit i didn’t live long... I mean... i guess i was like, expecting it, right? Junk like me don’t last much...”




For some reason, Shouji who gave up being sentimental a long time ago, couldn’t manage the feeling of wanting to cry his eyes out to stop... There was too much shit making him like that, more than he could handle, right now... Trusting the yakuza, and kind of expecting something from him, but that something was the total opposite of all this... Those were the main catalysts...

It was hard, the kid always had it rough, but who knows maybe he could have it a little easier if he could manage to do a good job for the yakuza.

Having had a miserable life not even worth mentioning, a bastard for a father, the death of his mother... All together, was quite a fucking heavy baggage to keep dragging...

So why not think, that if he was really dead, it was for the best?

I mean, no more sadness, hard-ships... No more getting beaten, starving, smelling...

To sum it up... No more pain... Wouldn’t it really be better like this?




“Shut th’a fuck up... You ain’t dead! At least not yet...”


If the kid wasn’t dead at the time he certainly could have died from a heart attack, after Kai spoke.


Standing up against a wall, looking at the door with a cold stare, he spoke again…


“How ar’ya feelin’?”


Still looking at the door while speaking at Shouji, he wasn’t showing a remorseful, not even concerned expression... More like an “i don’t give a shit” one...

That pained Shouji.


The kid looked around and realized he was at some sort of hospital room...

White stuff everywhere, a bunch of machines, the guilty ones of making that fucking sound that woke him up, and the yakuza, standing at the wall facing Shouji’s bed.

He was looking at the door like if nothing important was lying there, right in front of him.

Shouji felt the urge to get up and break each and single one of his bones but only the slight attempt to move made his entire body scream...



“Don’t move. Ya have a bunch of stitches and the doc says it’s not good for ya to move around.”

“Oh really... And don’tya have anythin’ to say to me?!”

“Me...? No.”

“Really? Ya really don’t have shit to tell me? Ouch…”

“Ya shouldn’t talk, it’ll hurt more.”

“Who’s fucking fault is it... So stop pretending like ya give a shit.”

“Fair enough... Listen kid, i won’t admit i’m wrong, cause you were fuckin’ askin’ for it... But i better just let ya go, right... Some shit like this might happen’ again and I’ll end up killin’ ya next time, and ya just not worth th’a trouble...”


Shouji was already waiting for this...

But still made him so freaking miserable, like he was expecting something he could never ever have, but still wished he could.

He wanted to lavish out to the yakuza, for fucking promising him shit he wasn’t going to keep... But what right did he have to do so?

He was a thing that, after used can be thrown away... A mere possession that could be turn to ash if he wished so...


Shouji grabbed the pure white sheet, with a blazing rage growing inside of him, but all he could do, was to do nothing at all.

In order not to let his true feelings show he played the game he was suppose to be playing, and sighed...

He thought, at least it wasn’t for long…

If it did, it might have been worse… So this, truly is, all for the best…


“Yeah.. You’re right. As soon as i can fucking move, i ain’t gonna show my ugly mug to’ya anymore, so no worries...”

“Yeah... I guess it’s better...”

“Yeah… Hum, can you just step out for a bit i mean... I’m tired, i wanna sleep a bit more...”

“Can’tya do that with me here, i mean you managed to do so till now...”

“Please, just get out... And thanks for everything again... Ya wann’ed to give me a chance and it just didn’t work out right... Just… thanks anyway...”





It became silent, the yakuza didn’t left the room, and the air became heavier than ever before...

For the first time since Shouji woke up, he finally looked at him, eyes cold, somehow seemingly angry… That wasn’t fair.

Even after all that shit, looking at the eyes of that guy still managed to make Shouji feel weak, and it was starting to break Shouji’s resolve of just letting go.

He knew it was going to be like this. He was expecting nothing less, so why was it so hard to just let go? It surely wasn’t because of the nice treatment he was receiving from the guy… He almost killed him. Trying to find the answers to troublesome things, was becoming a pain in the ass habit, and if before Shouji didn’t have to think a lot to deal with his usual shit , right now his brain was, like is body, screaming in pain for being overworked…


“Do ya really wanna go? What if I promise I’ll never touch’ya again? What if I hire ya as a maid or something?

“A maid, ar’ya fucking joking with me or somethin’, do I look like a chick?!”

“I didn’t mean it like that… I was talkin’ about ya do the shit around th’a house, helpin’ Mimori-chan with the stuff, ya know… Cleaning and cooking and stuff…”


That was a double surprise for Shouji.


The first was, fuck… No screaming, no shouting, no calling names… Now that’s really a first…

The second was no less, giving the trash a job?!

Where the hell was this coming from, was he again, promising shit he couldn’t keep…?

Only one way to found out… But first, let’s giving it a little rough…


“Cleaning…and cooking?! Are you trying to fool me again so that in no time you jump on my ass again…?”

“Like I said… Cleaning and cooking, so sex, or anything alike involved…”



“Does Mimori-chan agrees with it? She doesn’t like me much ya know… Even though I clean and cook nicely enough, I don’ think she’s gonna say yes…”

“Forget about that shit, I’m the Boss, and I’m th’a one who tell her what to do… Got it?”

“First talk to her… Then… I’ll think about it…”

“Have it your way then…”

Kai left the room, and somehow with a strangely relived look on his face…

Whatever his intentions were, Shouji decided to give him a chance, besides it meant, a warm bed and food everyday… If he could skip the hanky-pantsy it should be ok… So why not.?!


Leaving Shouji to rest a bit more, Kai left the room with a lighter attitude than before as soon as he got out the door, Dr. Hisaki was expecting him…


“So… How did it go?!”

“He said he’ll think about goin’ home if the old hag say’s it’s ok…”

“And you… What do you think about doing now?”

“Like I know shit… I’ll just do what I told him I’ll do… no touching and shit… He’ll be just a maid or something…”

“Pervert like I know you are that idea couldn’t please you more, but if you wish to gain his trust again, don’t do anything like last time, he was really lucky, he got away with a few stitches… Kai, if you, in someway have any kind of feelings for that kid, show them in some other way for now, ok…?”

“Shut up doc… I know…”



Hope you guys liked it :)

Big kiss, thanks for reading :**

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Bel... two great chaps. I would even thank you a thousand times bec knowing as I know how busy you are,you deserve it for taking your time to provide these great chaps. I feel so sorry for the poor guy & mean Kai....

Thank you!!!!

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@ Bridge


@ Matti


Thank you guys :D

Bridge, the chaps were almost ready just needed a bit polishing, so i managed to finished them this week...

I did my best to do so, cause i know sometimes you guys are as well waiting for them,and it's kind of bad of me to just leave you guys hanging :p

I'm very glad you liked it :)

Big big kiss for both of you...



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