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(this quest. was inspired by the korean drama "MISS RIPLEY" i'm currently watching and hooked to)



TAKE NOTE: you and your lover were in different state of living, you are from a prominent family



WHAT would you do, if you were placed in a situation where in, you LATER knew that the one you have loved since the first time you saw her/him, had just created such WEB OF LIES to cover a DREADFUL PAST??


. .WILL you still ACCEPT her/him and her/his dreadful past, after finding out the truth behind the MASK?


. .COULD you still TRUST the LOVE from that person?


. .HOW would you know of where to believe from all the LIES created?


. .DOES UNDERSTANDING makes sense?





--> . .it's okay if not all the questions given are answered, i just elaborate what i need to know


--> . .and it's also okay if there's few or no one answer this, this was just brought by my curiousity, ahe, ^^.


(and i had so many questions in my mind but i can't put it in words)


(just curious to people's answers)

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Ok, I'll try to answer :)


1. I think I would accept that person even if she/he lied to me, but it depends how dark is his/her past though


2. if that person have good reason for her/his lies, then I would trust her/his love


3. That would be pretty hard.. to know what is true and what are lies if that person did tell a lot of lies :)


4. I think UNDERSTANDING make sense, at least this is my oppinion :)

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WHAT if you can't now tell the sincerity of the LOVE from your lover nor even to determine whether the love for you was true???

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TAKE NOTE: you and your lover were in different state of living, you are from a prominent family

WHAT would you do, if you were placed in a situation where in, you LATER knew that the one you have loved since the first time you saw her/him, had just created such WEB OF LIES to cover a DREADFUL PAST??


Well, that depends on the definition of dreadful past. It would be naive to say that love conquers all but there is a lot of truth in that cliche and yes relationships have persevered against all odds. I have a lot of skeletons in my closet myself. Who doesn't?


. .WILL you still ACCEPT her/him and her/his dreadful past, after finding out the truth behind the MASK?

Again that depends on the definition of that dreadful past. We all have masks to hide from people. It's basic human nature to protect oneself from getting hurt whether physically, emotionally or psychologically. What may be dreadful to one person may not be so dreadful for another. There are always risks in loving someone.


. .COULD you still TRUST the LOVE from that person?

For me trust needs to be earned. It's never given so easily. And for trust to be earned, it takes a certain degree of time. It's not instant. Since I have already trusted this person and his past then there shouldn't be any torture along the way. What's happened in the past cannot be undone...you can only control the present.



. .HOW would you know of where to believe from all the LIES created?

By identifying them objectively. Emotions can run very high in situations like these so I will need some time off to digest everything first. Later, we can talk how everything came about.


. .DOES UNDERSTANDING makes sense?

Sure it does.



WHAT if you can't now tell the sincerity of the LOVE from your lover nor even to determine whether the love for you was true???

A lot of factors can come into play as to why this has happened. I have an extreme way of thinking. It's either this or that or not at all. Doubt usually means no. If I have come to a point that I can't tell the sincerity of this person then there is a problem. Would I want to keep on living with someone who causes me this much havoc in my life? I don't think so. It's gonna be hard to let go but for the sake of our peace of minds, we will have to part. I don't wanna waste time with someone whom I cannot tell anymore if that person still loves me. I'll end up hurting myself in the process. I am all that I have.

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  • 1 year later...

Of course I would accept them if I loved them enough. I would talk to them about the past, if it's not too painful, so that I can understand things better :) cause I wanna know all there is to know about the person, the good and the bad both. Unless it's something really bad that can effect everything then I may never see them the same way again.

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i try tooooo :)

1. i hate liar though i love bullying people and i never really love someone, soo... no dispensation for sins or failure. i'll do relationship based on trust.

2. dont know, but i always know which gud or bad person around me. i ll never care and avoid them, even my family member.

3. understanding makin' sense? yup and not. sometimes emotional make me dont wanna hear any explanation.

4. WHAT if you can't now tell the sincerity of the LOVE from your lover nor even to determine whether the love for you was true???

-- dont know bout it. all my past relationship always end which one statement of him "its only one sided right?"

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WILL you still ACCEPT her/him and her/his dreadful past, after finding out the truth behind the MASK? It depends, well I'm not a saint to accept everything about him. And it's not like I'm a martyr to accept so depending on the situation that is.


COULD you still TRUST the LOVE from that person?

HAHAHA I'm not a person who gives second chance. I trust so easily and honestly but if he had broken that then I doubt i'll trust him like I did before.


HOW would you know of where to believe from all the LIES created?

I don't know. I guess by looking at him --you know those woman's intuition.


WHAT if you can't now tell the sincerity of the LOVE from your lover nor even to determine whether the love for you was true??? Hmm. Then find a situation which he can express his real feelings.


. .DOES UNDERSTANDING makes sense?

YES it is. Sometimes it's the only way to patch things up but as always Pride interferes and voila* end of the relationship. Nyahaha

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  • 1 month later...


TAKE NOTE: you and your lover were in different state of living, you are from a prominent family



WHAT would you do, if you were placed in a situation where in, you LATER knew that the one you have loved since the first time you saw her/him, had just created such WEB OF LIES to cover a DREADFUL PAST??


. .WILL you still ACCEPT her/him and her/his dreadful past, after finding out the truth behind the MASK?


. .COULD you still TRUST the LOVE from that person?


. .HOW would you know of where to believe from all the LIES created?


. .DOES UNDERSTANDING makes sense?



I'll answer from my point of view...

Every relationship is built on trust...or so it should be.

First,i understand that he might have had good reasons to do so and i should show some lenience to some point...it depends though on the lies and the point he got with them.

Ppl lie usually because they don't trust others,want to look better than they are or because they think it's better than telling the truth and scare ppl away.

Q1:Yes i would,we all make mistakes some bigger some smaller but we still do because we're human,i'd treat it as a mistake in the past,discuss it with him and move on.

Q2:Love shows no matter what so if he genuinely loves me one or two mistakes won't matter.

Q3:We'll make a pact...no more secrets,if he breaks it the second time then is...goodbye my lover XD

Q4:Without understanding you can't resonate with others so yes it does.


Hope my answers help ^^

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I don't care about the past. People are shaped from it for the better or not, but it's the present person that matters. I do believe there are some things that ppl can't change about themselves though...so if it's not one of those things...

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