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Indecent Exposure (Private)(18+)


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Ashfield was flashing a smile when Kario told him that he wasn’t going anywhere as long as Devon wanted to share his life with him. “I definitely do want to share my life with you, it’s just that I fear that what I currently have to share is nothing that a partner would ever want. I am afraid that four or five years from now you’ll look back and feel like that I have stolen you valuable time.” He explained. “I just really want you to be happy and be the best boyfriend I can be but I am not quite succeeding I think. I feel like I am failing you and that I am not exactly winning the ‘best boyfriend of the century’ award right now.” The Governor tried to explain what in the end once more boiled down to his fear of being a disappointment and of not wanting to be a disappointment.

Upon his lover expressing that he just couldn’t wrap his head around people’s behaviour and what currently was going on and that it couldn’t just be because he was gay, that this didn’t make much sense Ashfield sighed. “It’s complicated.” He said and it sounded like a relationship status. Maybe it was. The states’ relationship to its government was complicated to say the least.

“When did the world ever make sense?” he asked chuckling exhaustedly. “This is not happening because I am gay, it’s not even happening because I am a gay Republican.” Devon corrected. “The people who protest against me because I am gay have done so while I was campaigning as well. They did a lot to disrupt my campaign if you remember. Like coating an entire building I was speaking in with prints of Leviticus, telling me subtly that they thought that I deserved to die rather than to be re-elected as Governor.” He explained.

“Those aren’t the same people who began the riots now though and they definitely oppose me for an entire different reason. Opposed to the people who protest me now they are social conservatives, reactionaries, religious folks and alt-right nationalist populists and while they didn’t oppose me quite like this before I got outed they weren’t much a fan of me either, they just voted for me because they hated me less than my opponent, as I am not a social conservative but a part of the business conservative wing of the party. In the end, while there are differences, I might have more in common with a libertarian like Jens than with people like Smith or those fanatics who threw Bibles at my head.” The blond told Kario.

“The protestors originally were Claris Miller supporters who were incredibly... let’s call it unhappy... with the outcome of the election and to whom I have been the reincarnation of pure evil from the start. So they protested against me and my politics, relatively peacefully and normally at the start and then....” Devon took a deep breath ran his hand through his blond hair, asking himself how he should explain this to his lover without looking all too badly in the black haired male’s eyes.  The politician knew and remembered very well that they had had a major disagreement when it came to this subject and that his stand on it had previously even upset the other male. Maybe, he thought, Kario would even agree with the more moderate folks amongst the protestors.

He sighed. “I am, next to my business friendly policies, most known for my support for our police force, for being concerned with national security.” The man thought would be a rather good start to go from. “Due to this I am strongly connected and associated with the police force politically.” The blond man added and sucked on his bottom lip as he was getting to the more difficult part.

“Last year....” he began. “Well, there has been this thu... I mean this criminal subject who had been in prison for armed robbery before and he clashed with the police again and it was a rather confusing and unfortunate situation... anyway the police tried to arrest him, he had none of it, the policemen thought he was armed and a threat and an officer shot.... six times.... the guy was dead immediately and it turned out that, well, he hadn’t exactly been armed nor a threat to anyone’s life .... but how was the officer supposed to know that... I mean...” another sigh.

“Anyhow, after that, well, event, there were riots already because they claimed it had been a racist murder by this policeman but Mahler and I we managed to shut the riot down rather quickly and to reinstall order. I had Mahler’s and the police forces’ back and remembered the people of the rule of law ‘In dubio pro reo’ and said that the courts would decide whether the policeman who had shot the thu.... guy... had been guilty or not and that, if he was declared innocent by the judge he’d get his job back but until then he’d be suspended.”  Ashfield let Kario know.

“Shortly after my re-election...” the Governor left out the part where he had invited the judge  and his wife over for dinner at his father’s place and had specifically asked him to derail this case and judgement until after the election, “.... the judge made his decision and found that the policeman was not guilty of murder but had shot in self-defence and the day after the officer had been found not guilty he happily returned to work what got covered by the media and then the ‘We don’t want Ashfield that bitch of business and whore of the police to be our Governor for another four years’ protest got high jacked or turned into this massive shit show with the riots and the looting.  News that a policeman in some town had broken some criminals’ neck  and the clash between the protestors and the police and National Guard  I had send in there to stop the looting and pillaging didn’t help to calm the flames down either.” Devon stated.

“For them I am basically the overlord of an oppressive racist police state while for the other side that has crawled out of the holes where they had been fermenting since years I am a softy, weak, a ‘cuck’ – what is a pretty ironic thing to say because it makes no sense as I am gay but you get the point.  They think that I am letting the protestors get away with too much and think that I should forcefully and by all means necessary shut down the entire anti-police protests and silence the voices of the people who insult the police, me and the nation. And since many of them are homophobic they express their disagreement with my politics in personal attacks, meaning they call me a degenerated fag and things of that sort and state that this is what one gets when one has a gay Governor and that this is why fags have no business in politics etc. etc. all that stuff.”

A small unhappy grin was appearing around his lips. “My father is one of those!” he said. “Well, not one of those who insult me for being gay but who think I am too soft and too weak because I respect the right to protest and actually hold it high and try to balance it out. Ending the looting and the riots while allowing the protests! He recommended that I shall declare the protestors a threat to national security and arrest every single one. He also said I shall do the same with people who advocate for getting rid of statues and monuments of my ancestors. I also think that he is planning something, that he is up to something. He’s seemed way too gleeful lately and I have seen Mahler around his office quite a lot lately too and I fear that I’ll soon figure out what he’s planning there.”

Putting all of this in perspective nearly made him feel something that was bordering on relieve for a moment. This was what was happening. 

“So none of this insanity has anything to do with me being an openly gay man, even though that fits well into the image of the bogeyman of quite some far right groups who try to use this against me!” he concluded.

The small moment of almost intimacy he had with Kario that almost felt unreal he enjoyed, the destruction of it by what currently was his reality he certainly didn’t enjoy. He also didn’t enjoy that railed up, screeching woman who had the logo of the nearby fast food truck on her and was probably supposed to work right now instead of agitating the masses online, dragged his best friend into this, his guest. It was unfortunate and embarrassing that he couldn’t even do something that simple as to go to the zoo with two people he cared about anymore without this happening.

Sven wouldn’t have been Sven if he had taken it hardly though, for someone who didn’t usually deal with stuff like that he stayed incredibly relaxed and chill. Kario on the other hand seemed to be mourning over the ruined trip and he didn’t seem to take it quite as lightly as Sven did.

Ashfield decided that it was most important to find some zoo staff and to have them bring them somewhere where they’d be out of the spotlight first and foremost and while they were turning around to leave a theatrical clicking noise, followed by a sigh was coming from Sven.

“Man, your politics certainly aren’t great, seriously, I’d get a rash from it if you were my Governor and not my best friend ....” Benninghofen started but got cut off by Ashfield who said:“Thank you, very charming!” “You’re welcome!” the ash-blond answered. “.... but those people treat you as though you were the reincarnation of Hitler which you certainly aren’t!” he commented.

“I don’t understand Generation Z at all! Are there still actually progressive and liberal folks? Or have they gotten replaced by whatever that tragedy is?” he asked rhetorically. “Where is the spirit of the progressive forces gone to?  I can’t see it in those people, I honestly can’t! They actually seem kind of regressive to me! They claim to fight gender inequality but demonise men and refuse to acknowledge where men are the wronged party and that men even can be the wronged party, they claim to be anti-racist but they are racist.... and then there is this...” Sven halted, turned around and shouted something back at the young woman.

“Is Islam a dangerous ideology that oppresses LGBT people and women?” he yelled and the woman yelled back:”Islam is the religion of peace and an enrichment to our society and to every culture you Islamophobic bigot!”

“See!” Sven said. “Actual progressives have always opposed religion. Every human right and every little progress has been won in a battle against religion, these people are religion apologists while claiming to be progressive! That doesn’t work! It’s mutually exclusive!” the man shook his head and turned to Kario.

“You’re a part of Generation Z, do you get this? Can you explain this to me? Am I missing something here? I am fighting for equal rights and an equal standing in society,  for empowerment of those who have been denied a voice in this world, I think we still have a long way to go and yet I don’t seem to connect with those folks even though they claim to want the same thing, I don’t get them. It’s weird! Am I too old and not cool enough to get it or are they the uncool ones?” the artist asked the black haired man and himself for the matter.

“You’re a dinosaur! And they are bonkers!” Devon gave his opinion too even though he had not been asked. “From one fossil to the other: I think the answer lies in rationalism vs. relativism. Even though our opinions differ, we’re both rationalists. Those folks clearly aren’t... and they spend too much time on these Twitter and Tumblr websites.” He added, not being a fan of the internet and social media sites.

Once they found the right person to talk to they got send into a room that was usually used to prepare the meal of some of the animals to call and wait for Ashfield’s security personnel and Ashfield heard Kario express that the trip into the zoo had maybe not been such a good idea.

“Apparently! But what would have been?” he asked. “Something like this could have happened anywhere. I probably was an idiot to assume that I could go out with you without anyone recognising me and this turning into a disaster.”

“It was worth the try though.” Devon said smiling at his boyfriend. “I’ll call my security personnel now and then we’ll hopefully be out of here before it gets really messy!” the blond man said and pulled his phone out of his pocket when the door suddenly got opened and three men stepped in.

They were all wearing football jersey and the black haired one walking the middle was built as though he was an actual football player. The guy to his right was athletic, bald, had a thick dark brown, long beard and a scar on his cheek while the man to the left was slim with shoulder length blond hair. Ashfield looked at the three men closer. “Smith!” he declared surprised but not at all happy to see his father’s bodyguard. “What the hell are you doing here?” the blond wanted to know.

“Saving your gay arse!” Smith answered.

Devon rolled his eyes. “Then let me rephrase it: Why are you here, in the zoo? And who are those blokes?”

“My father has asked me to shadow you to protect you from any threats that may occur!” Smith stated in a bored tone of voice, not specifically motivated.

“My father!? Sure, my father! Typical!” Devon shook his head. “Why didn’t he at least send Michalski? I like Michalski better!” the politician stated.

“If you wouldn’t be such a darn pussy your father wouldn’t have to solve our states problems for you! And trust me, I could imagine a better job than going undercover, shadowing your softy gay arse!” Smith declared. “But Michalski isn’t there! He has called in sick since weeks now! He wasn’t happy with the new direction the security department of Ashfield Corporation was going in, I hope he doesn’t quit. He was a decent enough colleague, even though he was probably a Communist or a Russian spy or something! He was easy to get along with and not annoying as he didn’t talk much!” 

The blond man didn’t know what to say to this! His brain actually failed to compute this! Michalski hadn’t ever called in sick since he had started to work for Ashfield Corp. so this certainly wasn’t a good sign. “Michalski is Ukrainian!” Devon corrected.

“Same thing!” Smith said and then nodded into the direction of the guy to his right. “This is Cormac from the ‘Pride Guys’,” he then nodded into the left direction, “and Matthew from the Hoola Dudes, they are from two of the groups that your father is cooperating with and I am teaching these two how to become perfect bodyguards . They are quick learners!” the black haired bodyguard declared and Devon pressed his fingers onto the bridge of his nose.

“I am not, and I repeat, not going to have these people escort me out of this bloody zoo! People will see themselves proven right with what they are saying that I am working with nationalist militia because my father is. I am going to make a call and...” Ashfield didn’t get any further.

“I’m gonna stop you right there.” Smith said. “You’re going to make a call, your security personnel arrives –will they arrive faster than the first protestors from social media, I doubt it- and has to make its way into the zoo to get you, your whore and...” he looked at Sven. “This Satanist out of here.” The bodyguard said, causing Sven to grin widely. “Satanist? Why, thank you!” he said jestingly in amusement.

“You will definitely get a hell of a lot of attention and collide with the protestors. It will generate media attention and you’ll look bad.” Smith said. “If we get you out of here none of this will happen. We’re undercover, your average football fans and neither Mac nor Matt are here in their function as a part of their political groups but as employees of Ashfield Corp.”

Devon wanted to say something to this but Cormac, the bald guy, was already talking. “When I figured out that you were going to the zoo I had one of my men hack himself into the zoo’s system to get its blueprints. We strategically positioned him and his vehicle at the delivery entrance and I know how we can get there from here without much anyone seeing us leave.” The man who Devon felt like had been in the military before explained.

Ashfield breathed in and breathed out. He nodded. “I must have lost my mind completely now.”

As soon as he had nodded Matthew was putting his sports bag onto the ground, opened it and pulled something out that definitely wasn’t a football but a half-automatic rifle. He took the gun out and threw it! Threw the bloody thing towards Cormac! Ashfield was running his hand over his face, almost hearing himself say “Where is Smith, I like him better” to Matthew and Cormac in the future and Sven looked in absolut bewilderment at the mere sight of the rifle and how the people acted around it.

Cormac caught the rifle with ease and Matthew pulled out yet another one from the large sports bag and suddenly there was a scream. Smith being the only one who wasn’t openly carrying a bloody rifle now.

“No! Absolutely not! Totally not! Undercover my arse! Put these away immediately! You shouldn’t run around with those! This is going to make everything worse!” Ashfield protested.

“We are hired to protect your life Sir!” Matthew said. “You don’t need to openly carry those though! Michalski and Smith have always protected me quite well without openly carrying weapons such as those!” Devon argued and Smith actually nodded and mumbled “That is true.”

“Alright then! But don’t blame us if those bloody rats eat you alive!” Matthew shook his head in disagreement while he was putting the rifle back before taking the one he had given to Cormac.

The way out of the zoo was going relatively smoothly after all. No matter how crazy and dangerous Cormac and Matthew may have been they have found a safe and decent way out of there.

And as soon as they had reached the delivery entrance a truck with a logo that said “Eagle IT” on it caught them up and drove away fast, well, not quite as fast as Sven had driven.

“Would you rather go home or should we stop by Michalski’s place?” Devon asked Kario kind of wanting to know what the reason was as to why the man wasn’t appearing at work anymore and if it had anything to do with the militia.

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A small smile appeared on Kario's face as Devon spoke expressing some of the fears and the way he currently felt about their relationship and what he was currently offering it. While Kario definitely missed Devon being more prominent and involved he knew the man was busy and had more important things to focus on right now. It was okay. It'd be rude of him to want Devon to focus on him when their state was in distress. As the governor his boyfriend owed the state his time and commitment in finding a solution to their issues and the unrest that was currently plaguing them. "You haven't stolen anything from me, especially valuable time. So we're losing some time because of your job, that's not something I'm going to regret or look back on and feel like you have take it from me. I get that you're a busy man. You'll just have to make it up to me when things settle down." Kario replied his smile growing. Nudging the blonde man gently as he said the last part. "You're succeeding just fine. There are going to be times where we won't always have a lot of time for each other. I don't expect you to spend every second of every day with me... though that does sound nice too." Kario admitted with a small shrug. "There will always be time for us, right now you have other things to tend to."

Devon saying that things were complicated was met with Kario nodding having figured that was the response he was going to get though he also was hoping he'd hear more. "Fair enough." He responded to the question watching the older man chuckle exhaustedly. Knowing that all of this was taking a lot out of the politician and really wishing that there was more he could do for the man he loved. It did make more sense that the other being gay wouldn't really be the problem right now, or at least not the main problem so he just stood there giving his lover a look stating he was waiting for him to explain more. Which Devon was soon doing causing him to nod again.

While Kario didn't necessarily think there was anything wrong with protesting he didn't feel like protesting just because the candidate you were voting for lost was a good reason. After all he was sure those people knew that there was a chance Claris Miller wouldn't have won the election and it just so happened she hadn't. Not because it wasn't a close race but because there was still more people who voted for his boyfriend. Even if it was just because they saw him as the better of two bad options. Honestly, Kario knew he was a bit biased since he wouldn't have liked anyone other than Devon winning and mainly if not only because he was dating the man and wanted anything and everything Devon wanted to happen. Though from what he had heard about the older man's opponent he had definitely liked Devon more and thought he was a better candidate.

He was unable to focus on this for very long since Devon was soon telling him more and once more mentioning his support of their police force. While Kario didn't necessarily agree with the extent of the other's support he knew about it so he nodded once more not commenting. Curiosity appeared on his face as Devon started to tell him about an event that had happened the year before and when the older man almost said 'thug' he felt his face harden a little not liking the word but knowing that Devon was trying really hard not to use it anymore. At least not when he was talking to him which was something that Kario appreciated and had to be patient with. While what he was being told was distressing and unpleasant he had to try to see it from more than just his own perspective but he was able to easily see why people would be unhappy about the outcome of this matter.

"So... just because he happened to have armed robbery in his past and he clashed with the police again means that it's okay for an officer to fire not just one but six shots?" Kario asked not sure he could understand why this behavior was acceptable. "One charge or one account doesn't set someone up for their entire lives and doesn't always mean they are a dangerous person." He added. While Kario could understand a single shot he couldn't accept or defend six. One shot was more than enough to neutralize another person, even a single nonlethal shot would have sufficed. So while Kario wasn't happy that it ended in death and that it was apparently justified as defense with no proof that the man had been dangerous there was more pressing matters here. He could understand why people would protest this officer returning to work especially after Devon's re-election. However, looting and rioting were unnecessary and didn't help anyone. If anything it made those looters and rioters look bad and made what had already been a bad situation even worse.

"Did you expect it to?" Kario asked at the mention of another death at a policeman's hands and the clash between the protestors and the police and national guard he had sent in to 'help' didn't calm things either. "Look, while I definitely think there is a clear issue here and that this may just be a lack of education for the officers to where deaths like this are happening you can't expect that type of response to calm matters and not make them worse. You're not addressing the problem. It's okay to support the police and want to back them up but you need to see it from the public and the minorities perspective. People are dying, at the hands of those they should be able to trust. Accident or not they deserve an answer, they deserve something to be done and not for their voices on the matter to be silenced." Kario told his boyfriend hoping not to upset Devon and knowing his boyfriend was under enough as it was. Then he heard him continue and so he stood there for a moment trying to think of how to say this in a way that would allow Devon to understand what these people were feeling and how they saw it.

"Devon..." Kario started with a soft sigh trying to figure out how to express this without it upsetting his boyfriend or starting another argument between them. This was so similar to that conversation the first day he had moved in that had ended so terribly and he didn't want to repeat that especially not in public. But this was important, just like that had been but this was even more so! "It's okay to support the police, Devon. It's okay to want to do what you can to protect people and make the state safe. However, you need to protect everyone, Devon. Not just the upper class or upper middle class. That includes previous offenders even if they ended up having another run in with the police. This man... he was unarmed and using fear as an excuse doesn't justify murder. One nonfatal shot is all it would have taken to neutralize someone, but that wasn't what happened. It wasn't just one defense shot, it was six consecutive shots. That's not defense, Devon." Kario said his dark eyes locked with the older man's golden gaze. "Even you have to see that." He said softly his voice falling and growing weak for a moment as he glanced down and sighed.

"What if that person had been me? What if I had a previous offense that included a weapon, that I served my time and was living my life. That I happened to have another run in with police down the road, was unarmed and was shot not just once but multiple times and that man claimed it was in defense? That he was scared? Do you really think that's justified?" Kario asked his brown eyes once more locking with his boyfriend's. "Now let's think about that other officer that ended in a 'criminals' neck being broken. Where is the line drawn? Why is that acceptable? This isn't just about safety anymore this is peoples lives that are being thrown away and written off because it involved an officer. Instead of the real problem being addressed that maybe these officers need more training, that maybe it needs more looking into. That's why people are upset, Devon. That's why they're rioting and looting because their concerns aren't being heard." Kario told his boyfriend while trying not to start an argument.

"It comes down to when are those men going to be held responsible for the lives they are ending? Not every death at police hands causes this response, why? Because the other deaths at the hands of police officers is justified. The death of an unarmed man no matter what his past, and another person's neck being broken at the hands of a police officer is not justified, Devon. These people deserve answers and justice, not for you to send in the national guard or to wave your hand and push these deaths aside. How many people have to die this way before you take notice? Before you demand better training, before they start answering for what they've done? What if they turn around and do it again and claim it was out of fear? What if other officers follow their lead? That's what people are afraid of. That these men are just the start and soon this will be normal. That it will be okay for an unarmed man to be shot and murdered by police and that it's okay for there to be excessive force that ends in injury that causes death." Kario explained more trying as hard as he could to get Devon to understand the fear of those people.

"While I wholeheartedly agree that rioting and looting is not acceptable to get their point across how can you not expect this to be met with violence? Those people definitely deserve to protest and the riots and looting does need to stop but it's not going to until their fears and concerns are dealt with. They need to know that their friends, family and children won't suffer the same fate. I need to know that my family and that I won't suffer the same fate. What if one day down the road I'm alone and I end up on the receiving end of one of these officers? What if it ended in an injury that caused my death? Is that what it'd take for you to understand their fear? For you to see what's wrong?" Okay, while Kario knew him ending up on the other end of this was slim it was only because he was dating Devon and he was sure every police officer in the city new that. But what if he wasn't? If he wasn't dating Devon Kario had to admit that he was very concerned that he could end up on the other side of these instances. "It's easy for an officer to say it was defense or justified when the person that paid the ultimate price for their actions can't speak their side of the story. You know I'll back you up and I want you to be able to get things under control again." Kario said reaching out to take the other's hand. "But I need you to see more than what those officers are saying more than what you're seeing right now. What if you weren't Devon Ashfield, governor and son to Andrew Ashfield. What if those people were your children, your brother, sister, friend or partner? Wouldn't you want those officers to be held accountable for their actions? Wouldn't you want to see justice?" Kario questioned.

However, Kario's feelings about that and what he was sure others were feeling too was pushed aside by what Devon said about Andrew Ashfield. Hearing that the man had been quite gleeful lately and that Mahler had been around the office quite a lot lately too sent a lot of red flags to Kario who didn't like the idea of that at all. "That's unnerving." He admitted to his boyfriend with a frown. While Kario had no idea what his lover's father could possibly be up to it seemed like it wasn't anything good. Anything that could make that man appear to be happy much less gleeful wasn't a good thing. While this was unnerving and Kario was trying to think about what could make the man feel that way he was soon distracted again this time it was nice to know that Devon being an openly gay man really didn't have anything to do with the issues the man was facing right now even if it was still something that some far right groups would still try to use it against him.

"Well, I am glad that it's not you being an openly gay man that's the problem even if some people will still use it in an attempt to further their own agendas. But I hope you'll think about what I said and try to see why these people are so upset about those instances. Hopefully it'll help you figure out how to actually bring an end to the riots and looting. I just wish I could offer you more help, in the end all I can do is offer a different perspective on the issue." Kario still hoped it helped Devon instead of making the man get mad at him or start an argument. Arguing with Devon was the last thing Kario wanted to do, but he knew that those people needed their voices heard, the families needed closure and the public needed to know that they were safe.

Kario shrugged when Sven turned to him and asked if he got how his generation behaved and claimed to fight for things. "I can't say I do get it. But I've never really fit in with people from my generation either." Kario admitted to the foreign man. While the younger man wished he understood his generation better and how they claimed to fight for things and their arguments he didn't understand any of it. "It seems more like they enjoy claiming they are fighting for one thing while really spreading an entirely different agenda." He added after a moment. That was the best he could offer Sven, he just didn't get it.

While Kario was feeling like today had just been one disaster after another Devon was smiling and telling him that this had been worth a try despite it having ended the way it had. He did his best to offer a small smile in response but it wasn't working ultimately failing and just looking at his feet while Devon expressed how he'd call his security personnel now and they'd hopefully get out of here before things got too messy. Before his boyfriend even had a chance to pull out his phone the door suddenly opened and three men walked in. It took Kario a moment to recognize Smith as one of the men and he already felt what little hope he had of saving this day shatter.

What really got Kario's attention was Smith saying that Michalski wasn't there that he had called in sick for weeks now. While he didn't really know the other body guard Kario knew that didn't sound right. It sounded completely out of place so much so that he wasn't even listening while the other two men were introduced. His mind was trying to figure out what could have possibly caused Michalski to start calling in sick and not going into work. He remembered how much Devon spoke about them and how he was someone who could be counted on and was punctual. It all just didn't sit right with him.

Rolling his eyes when he was once more called a whore Kario actually found himself amused by what Smith had to say about Sven. Not remotely sure where he got Satanist from when it came to the other man but Sven didn't seem too bothered by it deciding to be light hearted and joke about it instead. Still, there was a part of him that thought he liked that more than being called a whore all the time. Having thought that they would have come up with something else to call him by now though now that he was thinking about it the black haired man thought being called a whore was probably a good thing compared to anything else they may like to call him. Deciding he didn't mind being called a whore after all he turned his attention from Smith to the other two men and he didn't remotely like what he was seeing. In no way whatsoever did he see a reason for them to be armed like that. After all this was a zoo and he didn't feel like this was reasonable or acceptable.

Devon was voicing his own disapproval a second later and it made him feel a lot better that he wasn't going to let them escort them out of here armed like that. Getting out of the zoo actually went a lot better than he had expected, though he wasn't really sure what he expected. As they were sitting in the vehicle while it made it's fast departure he turned his gaze to Devon who was asking him if they should go home more if they should stop by Michalski's place. Honestly, Kario really wanted to know what was up with the other bodyguard. "I think we should go pay Michalski a visit. Hearing about his absence is quite concerning." Kario admitted to his boyfriend. While neither Smith nor Michalski were exactly his favorite people he liked Michalski more than Smith and really wanted to make sure that the man was alright.

It could be nothing and that they were concerned for no reason. There was a chance that there was more going on though and if that was the case Kario definitely wanted to know what it was.

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Ashfield sighed. Well, Kario could have reacted worse remembering the argument they had had about this subject before that had ended up upsetting his boyfriend. It didn’t mean that he would enjoy having his lover question his handling of the situation and his stand on it though, it was definitely more on the uncomfortable side.

“I wouldn’t say it was okay... no... I haven’t actually said this....” The Governor answered upon his lover asking him whether a history of armed robbery made it okay to fire six shots at someone in his eyes. “What I have said is that it’s been a really unfortunate and tragic accident that should have been avoided and that my thoughts and prayers were with the loved ones who had lost their son, husband and so forth...” The politician repeated what his statement had been in regards of the incident a year ago even though he never actually prayed because he wasn’t religious. 

It hadn’t really resonated well with the protestors back then either. Actually it had only made them more angry because coming from Ashfield they had interpreted it as mockery and disingenuous and him calling it an ‘unfortunate and tragic accident’ had infuriated them incredibly. People had also drawn unfavourable caricatures of him for that statement again. “But apparently I can’t say anything right because that actually offended them too.” He complained.

“I disagree there!” Devon let Kario know. “If someone committed a violent crime they’re a dangerous and most likely a bad person. And injuring someone while robbing them is a violent crime!” the blond man stated. He found it difficult to find any empathy with violent criminals or to see them as a part of society and the people of his state. He had also strongly defended the fact that former felons weren’t allowed to vote in their state but that was another topic.

A deep frown was appearing on Ashfield’s face when his lover asked him if he had expected sending in the police and National Guard to actually help, as the blond found that it sounded patronising and as though Kario was deeming him and his methods idiotic. “Well, I certainly was aware that the death of another thu... criminal element by a policeman would make it worse. I didn’t come home to the mansion that night, I actually called you and told you that hell will be breaking loose soon, remember?” he reminded the black haired man. “But if you ask me whether I thought that I could best reinstall order with the police force and the National Guard then, yes! I obviously didn’t send them in to escalate everything more.” The Governor stood behind what he had decided.  “What else could I have done anyway? Do you have a better idea?” he wanted to know, not expecting the other to actually make any suggestion after criticising him.

It turned out that Kario did have an opinion and an idea and had the previous part of the conversation been uncomfortable already this was worse. The Governor felt his politics under attack and his instinct was to get defensive about them and to defuse all of what his lover had to say as if he was a political opponent of his. But he wasn’t! It was his boyfriend! He had to remind himself of that but it didn’t exactly make it easier. He knew how to deal with criticism like this coming from the political opposition but he didn’t know how to deal with this coming from the man he cared about most.

“I am seeing this from the perspective of a minority, I am a minority! I am gay and a billionaire! Both are minority groups! You know, because most people aren’t billionaires?” he resulted to jokes because he couldn’t quite deal with the situation and laughed amused, looking into Kario’s dark eyes with his own golden ones. “No? Not funny?” he asked and sighed.

“I don’ think that the problem lays within the police force or their education and training. I made sure that our officers get the best training to minimise threat through criminals within our population and Mahler personally ensured me that our state’s police force could actually invade a European country and win because our police is better equipped and drilled than their armed forces!” Devon declared, rather proudly of what he had achieved together with Mahler. “We also hired and trained plenty more officers so that they aren’t that overworked, we improved their salary, we put in a lot of work to strengthen the police!”

“The actual problem is crime and criminals who commit the crimes! If this man hadn’t committed  another crime this would not have happened and he’d still be alive.” Ashfield tried to rationalise his stand.

Kario didn’t have any of it though, he was trying to appeal to Ashfield who actually flinched when his lover said ‘justify murder’. “Murder is a really strong word and a strong accusation to make....” he said and then the politicians head dropped.

“Alright!” he took a deep breath and his eyes pierced straight into his boyfriend’s. “Let’s say I would see your point! Let’s say that I have started to question whether I have given the police too much strength and power and that Mahler and I should have set other prioritise as well in the officer’s training and education program for a minute, what do you want me to do now?” he asked.

“Should I make a bloody 180°turn, investigate and question the police, overhaul their programs and take strength, power and funding away from them to redirect it elsewhere?” he asked. “Do you know what that’d mean for me? I tell you what it’d mean! Political suicide! I would let my voters and the police force down! According to surveys and polls and also research my own staff my voters want a strong police and a strong military! My voters predominately back the police and support the police forces! My voters actually want me to shut these riots down! Some of my voters think I am handling the situation well, others want me to use more force against the looters and only a small percentage of them want me to negotiate with the protestors and think they are right.  So not only would I go against my own policies and would have to get rid of policies I myself installed, I would also piss the people who voted for me off, at least those to whom law and order was an important reason to vote for me and that were quite a lot and then they would be unhappy and maybe they’d get catered to by populists then and last thing I know they run with the alt-right protestors who currently already are a huge problem. Those protestors and rioters on the other hand didn’t ever vote for me to start with and they wouldn’t ever vote for me.“ he argued.

“And even if I would disregard all of that and said: I will investigate the police force and will have a study made about abuse of power, excessive force in the police to know how common it is and how to best oppose it, I will change their education and training programs and set other priorities, the protestors won’t be happy, they won’t stop looting nor rioting! They want me to defund the police, they want to overturn the entire police force as it is now and they claim that the entire police, every officer, the method of profiling and so forth was racist. So they wouldn’t even stop!” Devon continued his argument. “It’s not that simple!”

It seemed like agreeing to disagree got more and more difficult with this topic and conversation and Kario made a vigorous stand for the protestors’ point of view and their side of the coin, almost desperately trying Ashfield to be capable of empathising with those people and understanding how they felt, how it would be to walk in their shoes.

“You are not a criminal, you’re not dangerous! That’s ridiculous!” Devon shook his head not quite able to imagine that this could ever happen to Kario. Even the ‘Imagine you are not Devon Ashfield the Governor’ part didn’t help him much. “If I wasn’t rich – as that is what you’re playing at – nor the Governor I’d still not be a criminal and I wouldn’t be friends with or have criminal elements in my family!” Ashfield claimed, wanting to cross his arms in front of his chest when Kario took one of his hands. The gesture made him less defensive though and he looked at his boyfriend and thought about all the other had said again and then he had quite some realisation.

“Are you afraid of and feel threatened by our policemen?” he asked, finding the notion rather appalling and shocking as the police was there to protect the citizens and should not scare them.  



After the disaster in the zoo it didn’t seem too bad to sit in that bloody truck together with the militia and Smith, at least he could be sure that the press wouldn’t show up in the vehicle. Sven however seemed to feel the opposite way. The entire truck, even more so the folks in it made him wary and Devon could tell that he would be glad when he could get out.

Upon asking Kario whether he wanted to go home or pay Michalski a visit he learned that his lover apparently was just as curious to know what’s been up with the other bodyguard, causing Ashfield to nod.

“Drive us to Michalski’s place please!” Devon told the driver who was quite obviously suffering from obesity. The man snorted. “And how am I supposed to know where this Michalski lives?” he screwed up his nose and made a grimace saying the name that didn’t sound English enough, as if there was something wrong with it.

It irritated the Governor but not Smith who simply told the man the address and the guy, who apparently had memorised a plan of all the streets in the city to be prepared when the day that they would overthrow the government would come drove the car straight into the inner city.

After a while the ‘Eagle IT’ vehicle parked in front of a really high apartment building in the city centre. It wasn’t a good nor a bad part of the city, it was very mediocre.

As soon as the car had stopped Sven had made his way out followed by Barney and Ashfield and Kario. When the door fell shut behind them the car didn’t move, it stayed where it was, waiting for their return, which apparently didn’t make Benninghofen happy at all.

Entering the apartment building Devon scratched the back of his head. “Why would he live here?” he asked. “I know his salary and I have seen Smith’s house. My father pays him well, there is absolutely no reason for him to live in such a plain place.” The blond remarked knowing full well that neither his boyfriend nor his best friend could answer this question for him.

Devon figured out that Michalski apparently lived on the 10th floor of the building so they made their way to the elevator and waited. The elevator didn’t smell that good and it wasn’t the newest model either and for someone like Ashfield who was used to the elevators in the headquarters of the Corporation and his father’s luxury hotels the idea that an elevator could look and smell like this was completely new and not exactly pleasant.

Thus he was glad when they had found Michalski’s door and had rung the doorbell. It took two minutes and they could hear the lock click and a few seconds thereafter Michalski was opening the door.

Just like Smith in a football jersey Ashfield would have had his issues recognising Michalski without his suit as well. The man had dark circles under his eyes, he looked as though he hadn’t cared to shave in a week and he was wearing nothing more than a muscle shirt that exposed some of his chest hair and his boxers.

Michalski looked surprised seeing them at his doorsteps and he looked at them and said nothing, it was Michalski after all, so of course he’d say nothing. The man moved his head and gesticulated them to go inside, closing the door behind them again.

The apartment was interesting! At least it definitely was one of the answers to the question why Michalski had a difficult time to find a long-term partner. It wasn’t exactly an apartment that seemed rather welcoming to females.

Stepping through the door they stood in the living room. A large tartan patterned old sofa was standing in the middle of it in front a coffee table and a wall that was completely covered by a large TV and shelves.  

There were bottles of iced tea and soda on the coffee table as well as a half eaten bacon cheeseburger and a gaming controller. The shelves were completely filled with DVDs and video games and since at one point there had not been enough space in the shelves anymore Michalski had started to tower games and DVDs on the floor, next to a pile of car and erotic magazines.

The decoration of the bodyguard’s apartment consisted out of model cars, posters of cars, posters of naked women and posters of naked women on, in and around cars. And every time Ashfield’s gaze fell onto one of the naked women he automatically screwed up his nose.

The giant flat-screen on the wall was showing the game ‘Need for speed’ which Michalski clearly had been playing before they had rung the doorbell.

While Sven examined the apartment with pure fascination in his eyes his father’s bodyguard wordlessly sat back down on the sofa and looked at them and then to the table where the bacon cheeseburger had been as Barney was just stealing and eating it. “I’ll give you the money for that.” Ashfield ensured awkwardly but Pavel Michalski waved it off.

“Well...”Devon tried to find a start. “How are you doing?” he asked and Michalski shrugged, Ashfield coughed.

“My father has send Smith to shadow me once again ...”the Governor spoke, Michalski nodded unsurprised. “And I asked him why not you because I liked you better....” the blond stated, Michalski grinned smugly, “And Smith said you wouldn’t come to work anymore and have called in sick since weeks because you’re unhappy with the direction of Ashfield Corporation’s security department so I wanted to check on you and see if you were alright and ask you to please tell me what is going on in the security department that you aren’t going to work anymore?”

Michalski observed them. Weighing on his mind whether this was important enough to say anything to and if he said anything to it, if what he said would actually help and serve a purpose!
“It’s gotten insane there! Your father, божевільний! I can’t work there anymore.” The man gave a short answer in a deep, rasping voice.

“But hasn’t working for my father always been insane!? I mean, it’s my father we’re talking about.” Devon argued. “Is it something specific? What is going on there?” Ashfield asked and Michalski leaned back.

Before Michalski could answer Sven’s voice sounded though. The man was standing in front of the poster of a blond naked woman who was sitting on the engine cover of a car,  spreading her legs. “Interesting! I wonder what this wants to tell me! What is its message?” Sven was still fascinated by Michalski’s interior design choices, tapping his chin with his finger as he was musing.

“Nothing! Is woman on car showing her tits and піхву!”Michalski answered, rather confused by Sven trying to interpret the poster as though it was art but the man shook it off and turned to Devon again.

“Not this way! He’s lost it! It started when one of those people damaged and ridiculed that statue of one of your dead family members in that poor people’s district. It made him mad, a lot mad.” Michalski said. “He wants revenge. He says: Will be killing one bird with one stone. Mister Ashfield has goal to clean city from what he calls scum. He said there won’t be any of the looters left in the city anymore to ruin it by the next election and that they’d have to kill him before those thugs would get one of his ancestors removed from his city! He says, this will be solution to almost all the cities problems and he will make city as great as it has been when he was young and scum like that was refused to rent and buy property here. You know about this, Так?”

Ashfield’s blood was running cold and he was breaking a sweat and he felt frozen in his place. The unwell feeling that he had had was almost causing him to panic internally now. There was something his father was planning and it apparently was worse than he could have imagined.
“No! I certainly didn’t know this! How does he want to do this? What is he going to do? Michalski, do you know anything!? “ Ashfield almost yelled at the other man who on the other hand kept completely calm.

“Ні!”the bodyguard shook his head. “I only know I want nothing to do with it.” He said and his face went dark, incredibly dark. “And then there are these people, this militia people. Many of them are Neo-Nazis! Not joking! They dangerous! They want to build, what they call, Ethno-State for white people and they think your father will get them further to their goal. They want to overthrow you! They hate immigrants, all immigrants. I’m immigrant, I have family here, they immigrants as well. They also say some stuff that Jewish people are trying to replace them with Africans and Mexicans and are controlling the world and they are very Anti-Semitic. I’m from Jewish family!” Michalski ranted about his new “colleagues”.

It wasn’t really news to Ashfield how dangerous the Alt-Right was and that their actual, final goal was to turn over the nation and morph the US into some sick Fourth Reich or something so his brain got actually stuck on the information he hadn’t known before. “You’re Ukrainian aren’t you?”

“Так!Also true! I’m from Ukraine, my mum is Jewish, my dad is Communist.” Michalski let Ashfield know who kind of turned into campaign mode without noticing, also disregarding that the information that his father was a Communist didn’t really fit into the context as that wasn’t an ethnicity nor a religion. “Have you already been to the new Synagogue in the city, it’s been a huge project and the mayor and I have been to the opening two years ago.”  Michalski raised an eyebrow. “I’m Atheist!” he told Devon.

“Oh, of course, sorry!” the Governor said and Sven, who had been busy analysing a poster of a half naked woman behind the steering wheel of a car actually turned his attention to Michalski saying:” I like you!” to him.

Michalski turned around to Sven and said: “Thank you, very nice! But I’m not gay. Sorry.”

A wide jesting grin was appearing on Benninghofen’s face. “No way! Really? You’re not gay? Hadn’t you told me I would have never guessed you were straight! You don’t even look or talk straight! Amazing, I am baffled! Good for you! You’re so brave for telling me this!” Sven said in a sarcastic and ironic way. The sarcasm being that it was very obvious that Pavel Michalski wasn’t gay and ironic in the sense that this was what Sven had often heard from straight people when he or someone else had told them that he was gay.

“I know. That’s why I told you.” Michalski joked, an amused grin on his face, taking a second gaming controller offering it to Sven. “You want to play? I have new XBOX.” He asked the man. “He doesn’t need to play this game, he actually drives like this for real!” Devon stated. “That is not true !” Sven protested. Michalski grinned. “You German? I have driven on German highway once, it’s been totally crazy.” The bodyguard found.  “I have been to a rave in a club in Kiev during the 90ies, that’s what crazy is!” the artist countered and Michalski busted out into laughter while Sven was taking the gaming controller sitting down next to the man on the sofa.

“Чудово! Yeah, definitely! I have been too! It’s been amazing!” Michalski told Sven bumping fists with the other European.

Ashfield got the feeling that the conversation had gotten derailed and tried to get back to the reason they were visiting. “So what are you going to do now? Are you quitting your job? Or...”

The amusement on Michalski’s face died immediately. “I wanted to get new job and then quit. But is difficult to get job that pays that well. And I really need money. I have to send it to Ukraine for my family, they poor. I also have to help my family here. If I get job that is shit, I can’t provide for them and help them anymore. So I continue to call in sick, until I find job that pays the same.” The bodyguard explained and now Ashfield understood why Michalski was living in that small apartment. He send most of the money he earned to his family to support them.

“I understand!” he thus said and Michalski turned to him, looking into the golden eyes. “No!” the man clearly said and Ashfield’s face was starting to glow with a rosy blush.  He coughed.

“Would you want to work for me? As my new head of security! You’d follow me around so my father had no excuse to have Smith and those new idiots shadow me anymore and you could navigate the security in my mansion. You could even stay in the mansion in case you don’t insist on this.... decoration......I’d pay you more than my father did.” Devon offered and Michalski examined him as if he wanted to figure out whether Ashfield was fooling him or not.

“Yes!” he immediately said once he had figured that this had not been a joke. “I don’t care much for decoration to begin with. Not my thing.” Michalski added and Devon raised an eyebrow. “I would have never guessed.” He commented.  

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While Kario was glad to here that Devon hadn't exactly said it was okay he knew that what actions he had made could make it seem like he was allowing it anyway. But he decided to not voice that since it would just start something else to argue about. Fighting with his boyfriend wasn't something Kario wanted to do and while he could understand that they wouldn't always agree on things. Even if they didn't agree it didn't have to become an argument though and that was why he wanted to avoid that now. Devon saying that he had expressed it was an unfortunate and tragic accident that should have been avoided and so on didn't make Kario feel better about the handling of the situation. That was such a generic response that he didn't feel like his boyfriend had really meant what was said and that was why Devon telling him how it hadn't helped because that had offended people too that Kario wasn't surprised.

"That's because that is the response every politician gives to situations like that or similar situations. That doesn't make people feel better, it just makes it seem like you couldn't come up with anything better to say so you said what everyone always does." Kario admitted with a small frown. But he could tell Devon was complaining about that and that his boyfriend had probably really meant to console everyone and make things better and not just give a generic speech. "Look, I'm sorry that this whole things has gotten so out of control and that while you were trying things didn't go how you expected." He told the older man offering a small smile. They may not agree on the handling of situations like this or the police force but it was clear that his boyfriend had meant well and that meant Kario had to try to be more understanding of how Devon had handled these things.

"Seriously, Devon?" The younger man said with a disbelieving look on his face. "Can't a desperate man commit a bad crime? A violent crime? Then face their sentence and come out a better person? Don't those people deserve your support and to be treated like actual people? That's what you want after all, right? To change those people?" Kario questioned his boyfriend not understanding why Devon was being like this. "I understand not everyone will change and that some people are career criminals but that doesn't mean everyone is." Kario wanted to point out how that was stereotyping people but right now wasn't the time for that and maybe his boyfriend had his reasons for thinking that and being the way he was. Right now there was more pressing matters so he waved that part of this conversation aside.

"Criminal element?" Kario said with a look that was both surprised that Devon had referred to a person like that and a little hurt that this was apparently his boyfriend's replacement for calling the man a thug. "That makes it sound like you're not even talking about a human, Devon." Kario admitted to the other man though he could clearly see Devon wasn't exactly happy with him and how he had responded to sending in the police and national guard. "I remember." He agreed with a nod remembering the call because he had been disappointed that he'd be spending yet another night home alone. Which was actually the only reason why he remembered that night. Clearly Kario needed to pay more attention to what was going on and not just be waiting for a call from Devon to hear whether or not his lover was coming home that night. Even he was aware that the question was a rhetorical question not feeling like Devon really expected or wanted him to give an idea and feeling like his boyfriend was bringing attention to the fact that he didn't really know how to handle it better to draw attention away from the subject. The last thing he had wanted to do was make the older man feel like he was attacking him more criticizing him he just wanted to bring a new outlook to what others were seeing. Apparently that wasn't really how this was going though and so he sighed.

What he had said didn't seem to make things better, the opposite seemed to be true. Noticing the telltale sign that Devon wanted to go into political mode with him and treat this as some sort of debate. He could even see that the older man wanted to get defensive and the last time Devon had got defensive with him things hadn't exactly ended well. "True, you are." Kario agreed not about to argue with the fact that Devon was essentially a minority in more than one way but he was also aware that Devon knew that wasn't what he had meant when saying that.

It shocked him what Devon said and the argument his boyfriend was making. Blaming crime and the people who committed those crimes for things like that happening. What bothered him more was Devon was blaming the victim here saying it was his fault for committing another crime and that he'd still be alive if he hadn't. While it was very true that the man probably would still be alive if he had not had another run in with the police, more than one run in with officers shouldn't result in someone's death. Justifying that death by blaming the victim was ridiculous and Kario wasn't even sure how to respond to Devon anymore feeling like anything he said would be met with more resistance and just make his boyfriend even unhappier with him. This wasn't what Kario wanted for what little time they actually had for each other, he wanted this day and tomorrow to be good and be for them. That wasn't going to happen it seemed, at least not with how today was going.

Looking away from his boyfriend he sighed especially since Devon seemed to be going on a rant now about the police force and so on. "I know, Devon." Kario said with another sigh. He knew it wasn't that simple, he never meant to imply that it would be but that didn't change that his lover's outlook was a bit hurtful and seemed to be one-sided. Kario didn't understand politics though and maybe there was more to it than he saw and that was another reason why he didn't care for politics. There was too much at play, too many variables and he hated it. "You'll never please everyone, Devon." He added after a moment though he was sure the older man knew that already.

"You see me that way, but not everyone does or would." He told the older man. While Kario loved that Devon didn't see him as dangerous -because he was anything but- he knew that his boyfriend's view of him could be very biased because of their relationship. He had run ins with policemen before and not because he had been doing anything wrong. Because where he was from teenagers doing things like hanging out on a street corner or skipping school was 'suspicious' behavior and they often had run ins for what Kario felt was ridiculous reasons. "That's not actually what I was getting at." Kario admitted. He meant that his boyfriend was well known, people knew him and his name and so no one would ever suspect that he was up to something bad. "You could still be rich and end up in a similar situation. Well... maybe if you didn't run around in a suit." He mused the last part a small smile on his face. He didn't think that officers would find someone running around in a suit as suspicious or threatening.

What the blonde man said next had Kario refusing to meet the man's gaze, fear wasn't a strong enough word for how Kario felt about policemen. Terror probably summed it up better. "Afraid of... terrified..." Kario murmured before he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I've grown up seeing sides of the police force that are terrifying, that make you dread seeing them and actually has you switching directions and finding a new way to go at the thought of passing by them." He added his dark eyes finally meeting Devon's. "You have to understand we come from different worlds, Devon. I've lived my whole life with everything I do being scrutinized and not just by my peers but by policemen, by people better off. You see one side of your police force, I've seen and experienced a different side." Pausing he was thinking about these and he wondered how much he should say or if he should just let the whole talk go once and for all.

"I just... I can't say I feel comfortable or safe when things like that occur. As though I haven't already had fear of policemen before that. Hearing those things... seeing how those officers face so little after as though it was all the victims fault that's... terrifying. I am afraid. I worry that one day that could be me, it could be my father or even my mother. Not because we're bad people but because we fit into this demographic that's always had the police force act like we're up to no good." Kario expressed. "Maybe that fear is irrational, maybe I'm being stupid but what if I'm not? What if this becomes normal and before long they behave that way towards anyone they want and if it ends badly just say it was defense? Say they were afraid? Of course my voice wouldn't be heard, a dead person can't defend themselves." He added. "I didn't mean to make this into what it was or upset you, you should know that's not what I want to do. I hate arguing with your or making you unhappy." Kario told the politician as their eyes remained locked. "But you have to know not everyone feels as safe with the police force and it's not because of all the power you gave them or the training they have. It's because of past experiences even if it didn't end terribly. It's little things like being stereotyped, watching those around you be harassed and it seeming okay because that's where you're from and what you've seen your entire life. It's deaths by officers that are pushed aside or receive a generic speech about it being a tragedy. It's the excessive use of force with no consequences and fearing you're next in line. Knowing that if you are no one would bat an eye, that you'd be just one more 'tragic accident'. That's why they protest, they riot and they loot. Because of the fear that they could be next, that their family or friends could be the next accident."

For a moment he was silent and he was silent because he expected Devon to yell at him or tell him how stupid he was being how he just didn't understand and how it wasn't that simple. This was life, these were lives on the line so nothing was going to be simple. "Some people are protesting and rioting just to do so, but others are doing it out of fear. Some are doing it to feel like they're making a difference even though it makes matters worse, some protest, riot and loot on the backs of others just because they see it as an excuse to behave poorly. But not all of them are bad. Some of those people really do just want their voices heard and to know that they don't have to be afraid. Those are the people I want you to hear. Not the ones that riot and loot on their backs to make matters worse or as a disguise to behave poorly. Not the people who are doing these things just to make themselves look good. Look for those who are showing real heart, real concern. Those who are afraid. Those are the voices you need to hear. I can't tell you how to shut down the riots and protesting, I don't know how to shut them down. But I do know that it doesn't mean there aren't people who desperately need you to hear them. Even if you see their fears as ridiculous. They need to know that you're their governor too and that you stand with them. You can win over people who have never voted for you by showing a little compassion. It won't hurt you to at least hear the concerns of others." Kario said waiting for Devon to get upset with him again. Waiting for his boyfriend to express that those people didn't want that and categorize them all into a group of people who could never be consoled when that wasn't really true. 

Kario knew that Devon could bring an end to these things, but he had to start at the heart of the problem and that was with those who were truly scared and needed to know they were safe even with the police force at the strength it was at. They needed to know that their governor and their police force was on their side. He didn't know how to help Devon accomplish this but he just hoped that what he had said could have at least even if only a little bit, help his boyfriend figure out where to start to make this whole thing better. Even if he doubted he had helped at all. In the end he would be fine with this being the end of this discussion, especially if Devon still wasn't happy with him. Not wanting to do anything else or say something else that would just make it worse.


The location of where Michalski lived wasn't what Kario expected for a man who worked for Andrew Ashfield. Kario tried not to draw any conclusions or make any judgements just because of where the man lived though, there could be numerous reasons why Michalski lived here and he didn't feel like he had a right to judge anything. The bodyguard was clearly surprised to see them at his door and Kario couldn't blame him, nothing about this visit was exactly normal. Not to mention they had never paid the man a visit before so they were probably the last people Michalski had ever expected to be at his door. Despite that the other man let them in without any complaint and Kario was quick to take a look around the apartment.

Alright. Well, he definitely wasn't a fan of all the naked women hanging up on the walls but to each their own he supposed. Turning his gaze from the décor of the apartment to the other man while Devon was speaking to him he got to hear him speak more than a few words and that in itself was astounding. He had never really heard Michalski hold a conversation with anyone and it made him appreciate the fact that he was willing to have this conversation more than he probably should. At least he was expressing why he wasn't going to work and was calling in sick. 

What they were learning though made Kario very uncomfortable and feel sick to his stomach knowing that Michalski wouldn't be the only one affected by such a change. His concerned eyes darted to Devon. This definitely didn't make him feel any safer in their city, if anything Kario was even more concerned than he had been after learning what he had at the zoo. This was... big. It was unnerving and it honestly made Kario even more unsafe in this city than he had before. To think that his lover's father was actually going along with and seeming to be an active member in such plans was sickening. How could the person he loved be related to someone like that? It was hard to understand, especially because he knew that Devon wasn't that type of person. It was clear by his boyfriend's response to the news.

On a much lighter note it seemed Sven and Michalski were getting along pretty well and Kario had to admit he liked how quickly things had changed from serious and unnerving to light and friendly. Learning that the other man was looking for a new job but was having trouble finding one that paid as well wasn't surprising. At least not about not finding such a well paying job already pretty sure that Andrew Ashfield paid his bodyguards pretty well. It seemed almost a given. Hearing how he was sending money back to his family in the Ukraine and helping the family he had here too made even more sense to Kario. It was sweet and he had to admire that he was doing what he could to support his family. Oddly enough Kario was starting to like the other man more and more and he hadn't really thought that was possible. Considering Michalski had never really given him a reason not to like him other than being associated with his boyfriend's father. Even if that association shouldn't automatically make him dislike someone. He definitely didn't like Smith but that seemed mutual.

Pushing that from his mind he wasn't all that surprised that Devon offered Michalski a job with a higher pay. It seemed like something his boyfriend would do and it was sweet that the blonde man was offering him a place to stay in the mansion and get out of this apartment as well. He had to stop himself from saying 'aww' at such an offer instead a small smile appearing on his face. Well, at least it meant they wouldn't have to deal with Smith again or much, at least he was really hoping this was what it meant. Kario feeling like he could probably get used to having Michalski around even if the man didn't talk much. Not to mention at least with him watching over Devon he didn't have to worry about much feeling as though he was more than capable of protecting his boyfriend. Especially since he had done so plenty of times before and because he didn't see the blonde's father having any bodyguard that wasn't actually capable of protecting him.

"Well, at least one good thing has come out of today." Kario said as he turned his gaze from where Michalski and Sven were to his boyfriend. While their day had been a nightmare so far with just one mess after another at least Devon hiring the bodyguard had been a good thing. Not just for Devon but for Michalski as well.

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Ashfield blinked his golden eyes as he looked at Kario who was saying that his condolences had been what every politician said as though it was a bad thing.  “Of course it is, it’s professional, it’s diplomatic, it’s not in any way controversial and it’s actually the one thing one can say – or so I thought – without anyone getting pissed or disagreeing.” The politician said, nearly repeating word for word what Steward had said and what Valentina had nodded to and commented with:”You can say that without seeming as though you’d condemn the police and would agree or affiliate with the protestors, people will probably roll their eyes and ignore it because that statement is basically a none statement. If you immediately switch to another topic, it should be fine.”  Well, the plan hadn’t exactly worked out that way. Devon had gotten into a shitstorm for it and people had gotten offended anyway.


There was a snort coming from Devon as his face went grim, listening to Kario telling him how a desperate person could commit a violent crime as though someone resorting to violence out of desperation made them less dangerous. “Oh of course, if they resort to violating other people when in a desperate situations that makes them totally harmless and lovely. And what if they get desperate again, hm?” the Governor stated his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Sorry Ma’am but that criminal who beat your husband to death for his wristwatch desperately needed the money, he’s actually a good fellow. He unfortunately got away because he didn’t actually want to accompany us even though we asked nicely and we didn’t want to lay a finger on this poor, desperate gentleman!” the Republican made a ridiculous, mollycoddling voice that still screamed sarcasm very loudly.

A cynic laugh was to hear. “How about you tell that tale to an old friend of mine! His mother can barely walk and still spends most of her time in a wheelchair after thirty years ever since that bloody lowlife has shot her in the back to steal her jewellery and handbag while she was inspecting her real estate in a part of the city that wasn’t exactly the best. The criminal later said he desperately needed the money because he was in dept and would have lost everything without it!” Ashfield suggested to Kario.

“No!” Devon clearly said when the other hinted that the purpose of prisons was to rehabilitate and change the criminals. “The point is to bring justice to the victims and those wronged! The point is to punish those who commit crimes for said crimes and to keep society safe from those criminal elements! When they get out, they need to be so mortified of the punishment, of ever getting a sentence again that they will never commit a crime again!” Ashfield spoke, sounding a lot like an actual conservative now.

He remembered a discussion with Sven back when they had been quite a lot younger where the artist had said:”Rehabilitation has proven to be more efficient than extreme methods of punishment to prevent convicts from becoming repeat offenders. Prisons need to have decent rehabilitation programs and psychologist to go along with the prison sentence. Not for the convicts’ sake but for societies’ sake.” Ashfield had responded with “You’re just too nice! Even to scum! And with that hippie opinion you could actually move to San Francisco!” sounding a lot like Ashfield Senior.


The blond man frowned when Kario criticised his wording again. “Jesus fucking Christ is one even allowed to say anything anymore without getting crucified for not being politically correct enough by your generation! What do you want me to refer to them as then? I am not allowed to call them thugs, criminal element isn’t right either, I guess you wouldn’t like scum as well.... What do you have against calling a spade a spade?” he reacted annoyed and too strongly to the complaint. The entire debate actually annoyed him. That he now had to defend his politics even in his private life annoyed him, that his boyfriend didn’t stand behind his decisions annoyed him. He felt like no one was on his side! He sighed. “Sorry... It’s a bit much.” The Governor apologised.


After Ashfield had disagreed with Kario as to what had led to the death of the guy and had reminded the other that he was a politician and that it was politics what he was making and that there was a lot to take into account his lover stated that he couldn’t please everyone what led to the blond letting out a dry laugh. “I can’t please anyone it seems.” The billionaire said.

What Kario told him after he had asked him whether he actually was afraid of the police made Ashfield change his entire demeanour though. Devon was letting his guard down and stopped being defensive about his politics and political viewpoints and actually just listened to what his boyfriend had to tell him, what the other had experienced throughout his life and why he felt pure terror when he came across a policeman. That incidents like those even horrified him more and made him fear for his own life and the politician actually tried to see it through his lens and perspective.

“I’m really sorry that this is what you’re going through, I truly am.” The blond said and it was genuine and not a stunt to calm the other. It made his heart cramp and he felt a pressure on his chest to hear of how scared Kario seemed to be to live in their state and he definitely felt that a good person like his boyfriend wasn’t supposed to feel that terrified by those who were there to protect the citizens, including him, from crime.

“The presence of policemen has always made me feel more safe and protected. More police presence made me feel safer! When I went into the city with my parents or my driver or my friends back in the day I was always happy and put at ease when I saw the police, feeling as though they’d protect me if a criminal tried to harm me and the criminals wouldn’t actually dare to do anything when they were there. I still feel similar about the police!” Devon told the other. It wasn’t defensive or a justification for anything anymore, he just wanted to give the other his perspective, the perspective of his voters, the other side of the coin.

“My parents taught me that I can always count on the police. If I ever ended up having a problem, I could ask the policemen because they were the citizens friends and protectors. That if anything threatening happened, that I shall call 911 as they’d help me!” he explained.

“When the police stopped and frisked suspicious individuals that always made me feel safer because they cared and paid attention to protect us, the citizens from crime and harm.” Ashfield explained looking into the dark eyes of his boyfriend and once more it was clear that there were worlds between them even though they had grown up in the same city.




Kario declaring that at least one good thing had come out of today in Michalski’s apartment made Ashfield smile at his lover. Michalski on the other was confused and raised an eyebrow. “We’ve tried to go to the zoo. It didn’t go that well for us.” Ashfield explained and Michalski nodded understandingly.

“Well, we’re not gonna bother you any longer then. You’re getting to the mansion tomorrow and we’ll figure the details out.” Devon decided and Michalski nodded another time. “Have a nice day then.” Ashfield said goodbye to the other man who just nodded again before he turned to the door. He then realised that Sven was still sitting on the bodyguard’s sofa. “Sven? Are you coming or what?” Ashfield asked the man and Sven shook his head saying: “Nah! I’ll stay. I’ll find my way back later.”  

Once Devon and Kario had left the apartment the Governor looked at his boyfriend and a wide, amused smile appeared on his face for a second. ”I have never, ever heard Michalski talk that much. It was an actual conversation! Astonishing, isn’t it?” he rejoiced but the lightness of his expression soon faded and got overshadowed by the worry about what actually had been said.

The two of them needed to get back into the “Eagle IT” truck and had to deal with Smith’s as well as the militias’ presence until they were dropped out at the mansion. After that chick had called upon the internet to bring the protest directly to him Devon had almost feared someone would have figured out and leaked his address and he’d not be able to get back onto his own property anymore but that fortunately wasn’t the case.

Regardless he threw himself onto the sofa in exhaustion as soon as the door had fallen shut behind them. “I’m not leaving the house today anymore. And tomorrow I’ll only leave it for the stupid dinner party at my father’s place. “ he told Kario. “I could really need some relaxing time in the bathhouse now though. What do you say?” Ashfield wanted to know.

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There wasn't any surprise from Kario when Devon said of course it was. As though that made the 'condolences' he had expressed better and for a moment he really wondered if Devon had been so blinded by what was expected of him and having other's tell him how he should handle certain things just to remain political and diplomatic that he couldn't see the problem with a statement like that. "So let's say that it was your relative who died this way and you heard the governor or some other politician issue a statement like that, you'd be okay with it? It'd make you feel better to hear that generic response even though it was someone close to you? Take a step back from being the governor for a moment and just be a person who thinks and feels. Ask yourself if situations were reversed and you were a family member of one of those men if that is the response you'd want to hear." Kario expressed. But he said it in a way that was just begging Devon to try to understand. Not one that said he had been wrong and it was ridiculous to have handled it that way because in the end it wasn't ridiculous. That was why it was so predictable and irritating because it was such an obvious and unemotional way to handle tragic events.

In the end though there wasn't any reason for him to be upset about it. Why? Because Kario had gone this long without even knowing about those events, sure Devon had called him the night of the second one and told him that shit was about to hit the fan and he wouldn't be coming home but he had still been oblivious to what was actually happening. So in reality he felt like he had no reason to really argue about these things. Not to mention he really didn't want to. Kario absolutely hated confrontation, he hated arguing and getting into fights. Even if they were normal in relationships he really did want those things to happen. So Kario just let it go and shrugged it off. "It's fine though. I know you handled it the best you could, you wanted only what was best. What happened has happened, people took it the way they wanted to. There isn't anything that can be done about that now." It was his way of telling his boyfriend that they didn't need to discuss it anymore. That it was okay and that they'd just move on to a different topic.

The snort from Devon was the first clue that the man was about to say something that would probably end up hurting him in the end. Devon was getting defensive and when his boyfriend was defensive Kario would be lying to say the blonde couldn't be a bit mean. He wasn't sure if Devon knew that was how he behaved when he was defensive and it was why Kario didn't bring attention to it but this wasn't the first time Devon had said something hurtful in a sarcastic way because they had disagreed and it had turned into a fight. That wasn't the only reason why what Devon said hurt though, instead it was what the man was hinting at. That people who did things out of desperation would do those things again when desperate again. That made a small piece of the younger man shatter and he felt himself cringe away from Devon, felt himself shrink in front of the older man again. Not because he was scared of him but because there was a part of him that was one of those people. Someone who had done something out of desperation and because the damage from the brothel was still very present in his behavior and how he handled people talking to him in certain ways. He had always told himself that if things repeated he wouldn't do it again but Devon made it seem like it was obvious that they'd repeat that behavior.

It made the dark haired man question himself, question what he thought he knew about himself and then question others too. Were they really that bad? Doomed to repeat the same behavior if they ever fell into such a desperate situation again? Kario had really believed that people could change, that he could change but now it seemed like that wasn't true at all. But... if he did end up desperate again he couldn't follow the same path he did before. The brothel definitely wouldn't take him back and what if that was years down the road before Devon threw him aside? Deciding maybe that he wanted a guy who agreed with his politics and that he didn't clash with? He would have aged out of the age to sell his body then... he'd be in such a terrible situation without many options. Would he be just as bad as those people then? End up doing something terrible only to be doomed to do it again and again if ever desperate again? There was still a small part of him that said no, that he could change and do better, that other people could change and do better. One bad decision, violent or not didn't dictate someone's entire behavior and life. He refused to believe that people couldn't change. Sure not everyone would, but some people would and those people deserved the benefit of the doubt.

There was no point in arguing though, Devon had his mind set on how he saw those people. Arguing would just make Devon even more defensive and Kario was afraid if this conversation continued that Devon would just end their relationship now and the last thing Kario wanted was for it to end this way. He loved the blonde man too much and sure, he didn't love his politics, but that was a small part of the man he loved. At least to him, he knew to Devon his politics was most of him but that wasn't how Kario saw it, that wasn't how he felt about it. He reminded himself that the first night when they had argued over a similar situation and about his boyfriend's politics that he had promised to be patient while Devon learned to juggle him and his job. While the man learned that he didn't have to be the governor all the time. Taking in a deep breath he let it out in a soft sigh as his eyes drifted shut. This is just one of those moments. I just have to be patient with him. This is Governor Ashfield that is talking to me like this. Not my boyfriend. Deep breaths. Kario reminded himself. When his eyes opened he managed to stay calm, not to get more offended, not to let the man's words hurt him more than they already had and not to keep arguing about it.

"Okay. I never said they were harmless or lovely people, Devon. But... okay. It's fine. Desperate people are doomed to repeat themselves. We'll always do the same thing when presented with the same challenges. That's fine. Everyone has different views of things for a reason and you have yours, I have mine, you have your statistics I have nothing but feelings about it. You're the politician so you probably know better." Kario replied trying to diffuse it by essentially admitting Devon was probably right even if he completely disagreed and didn't think the man was right at all. At least not completely. While sure some people would just do the same thing again and again he truly believed there were people who could do something terrible, something violent and instantly regret it. Instantly know they never wanted to do anything like that again and even when faced with another desperate situation would refuse to be like that again.

What was said next had him reminding himself to breath again. But his face definitely hardened especially because Devon was speaking to him just like that again. His sarcasm when speaking was ridiculous and at this point he felt like the older man was making fun of him and not taking it seriously. "You know I didn't say that they shouldn't lay a finger on someone or that they should let people get away because they didn't want to accompany them. You don't have to say it like that and make me seem like an idiot." Kario replied his voice hard. "All I said is there is a difference between detaining someone and using excessive force that ends in murder. That you can arrest people without it being fatal if they trained to handle those types of situations better. You can call it what you will, say it's a tragic accident but it could have been avoided or people wouldn't be as upset about it as they are. They would have just written it off as another dangerous person getting what they deserved. But they didn't. Why? Because using fear as an excuse or judging because of a past crime when faced with someone again isn't an excuse for that interaction to end in death. It's not an excuse for lives to be lost in such a despicable way." He added expecting Devon to be just as defensive and go off on him again but that was how he saw it. It is what it is, Devon felt how he felt and there was no changing it. "Seriously though, it is what it is. You'll back up the police force because you pride your involvement in making them what they are today. You'll back them up because you feel safe with them just like all the people you represent and stand for. I'll have different views because I come from a different place and we aren't going to see eye to eye. I'll do better in remembering to not comment on things involving the police. Especially if this is how you're going to talk to me when we argue about it." Kario added with a dismissive wave of his hand.

The man laughing like that and telling him about an old friend's mother made Kario look away from Devon. Feeling like his boyfriend was just doing whatever he could to make his view on how that situation was handled and those people seem insane. "Fine, Devon. I'm such a terrible person for thinking that what someone does in desperation doesn't define them. That people can change after doing something truly horrid and realize what a mistake it really was. That's my bad." The younger man replied not looking at his boyfriend a frown on his face. He felt like no matter what he said Devon would come back with some horrid story, real or his imagination that would just make him out to be a terrible person defending terrible people instead of trying to see those people like he did. Kario knew what it was like to be so desperate and to lose everything. To feel hopeless and like there was no way out. To consider terrible things in the hopes of things getting better. He knew that it was situations like that which could make a good person do terrible things. Not everyone would learn from them but there were those who did. It wasn't right to judge everyone for something done in their past when they had already faced the consequences for their actions. Even if they had another run in with police later he felt like the two crimes should be treated separately and maybe that was him being naive but that was how he saw it.

Devon was a politician though and while Kario saw and felt things with his heart his boyfriend saw things with his mind. He looked at the statistics that he loved to talk about as though that defined everything and he liked to analyze things. That was who the older man was and while Kario didn't agree it wouldn't change. That didn't mean he wanted Devon to in a sense attack him like that and make him seem like a truly horrible person who would support and defend murder because the person who did it was a 'good man' who was about to lose everything. Kario wasn't defending murder of any kind, from people who did it out of cold blood, to those who did it because they were desperate or from the police who were supposed to protect the public. What he was defending was people's ability to change and for each crime to stand on it's own when dealing with a criminal.

Hearing the politician so blatantly say 'no' when he had hinted that the purpose of prisons was to rehabilitate and change criminals shocked him. His gaze darted back to his boyfriend and he was shocked by what the older man was saying to him. "Don't you hear yourself, Devon? You're really okay with controlling people through fear?" The dark haired man asked with a frown. "I know what it's like to be controlled through fear of punishment, just remember that. The brothel did the same thing to me and they continue to do that to all the other prostitutes they have working for them. Don't you see what damage that's done to me? You really believe inflicting damage like that on other people to rule over them with fear is the right path?" He asked almost desperately wishing Devon would see how cruel and terrible that was. Hadn't his boyfriend seen how broken and damaged he was from being treated like that? From knowing if he did even a single thing wrong he'd be punished and fearing those punishments so much that he did whatever he could to make the other person happy with him. Kario still struggled with that, he still struggled to stand up for himself and that was why he always either admitted he was wrong, or agreed with what was being said in the hopes that if the other person was still mad at him and unhappy when the conversation was over that it wouldn't end like he was used to from the brothel. Devon never had done that to him, but it didn't stop him from behaving like that still. Just like earlier he had tried to make it seem like Devon was right to change the path that ingrained fear still driving a lot of his behavior.

The therapist that Devon had him seeing and the specialist about his body's sex addiction had helped him quite a bit but there was still a long road of recovery ahead of him. If Devon offered rehabilitation instead of fear to those who were imprisoned Kario truly felt he could get the same results he wanted while actually improving lives and helping society. "Rehabilitation would probably give you the results you want of people not reoffending while also helping out society. Isn't that better than ruling over people with fear?" Kario asked his voice was soft and he couldn't understand why Devon would want to do that to people. Even criminals, he understood they needed to be punished for their crimes but there was a difference between punishment and cruelty and it felt very much like Devon was supporting the latter.

What came after had Kario shrinking away from Devon even more than he had been before. Honestly it was a miracle it had taken this long but it definitely showed that his therapist was helping him deal with and overcome the ingrained behavior. At least to a point. Clearly it still happened when Kario perceived that he had still angered others too much and it still forced him to try submission by appearing small in the hopes of dissipating that anger and annoyance. It had worked once before even if Devon had responded thinking he was afraid of him and Kario really hoped it worked again now. But just because he was being small didn't mean the younger man wasn't responding. "Call us whatever you want. Scum, thugs, low life's, criminal elements. It doesn't matter." If Devon really didn't want to change that and wanted to refer to those people, to him, in such a manner and as though they were less than people he wasn't going to argue anymore. He was tired of trying to stand up against it. Clearly his boyfriend's mind was made up about it and they weren't the type of people the blonde represented in his politics anyway. The blonde politician had even admitted that to him before, admitted that the poor, those thugs, weren't the people he represented that he didn't pay them any mind. Why would that change now?

Kario had thought it would, had hoped it would but clearly that wasn't the case and maybe he was blind for thinking that it would be. Devon apologized saying that it was a bit much but Kario just shook his head and didn't respond at first. That apology meant nothing to him and it didn't excuse the behavior either. But it didn't matter anymore, he wouldn't tell Devon what to refer to people as he didn't care anymore. "Doesn't matter. Refer to people however you want, just remember that whether you want to represent them or not you're still their governor. They're still people." Sighing he looked around them, this day had turned into such a nightmare already and he had a feeling if it continued to go anything like this conversation was going that it wouldn't be getting better anytime soon. "Anyway. You're doing what you can to end the riots and stuff. I'm sure you'll figure it out. You're a smart guy." Kario didn't say that sarcastically he really meant it. He truly believed that one way or the other Devon would get the riots and protests to stop and that it'd all end just fine. He was just done talking politics, done talking about all of the stuff they had been arguing and fighting about. "I don't want to spend one of the two days I actually have with you arguing." Kario added after a few seconds wanting Devon to know that he really was done with this topic. That this wasn't how he wanted to spend what little time they had for them. He had gone so long without being able to spend any time with Devon that he hated this was how what time he did get with him was going.

The tone of their conversation changed quite dramatically when it came to his fear of the police and Devon seemed to finally stop being defensive and just listened. His lover, the man who meant the world to him was finally able to stop seeing it as an attack on his politics -which Kario wasn't doing or at least not intentionally- and to see it as a deep rooted fear. Was able to finally take a step back and realize that there were two different types of people when hearing, seeing or discussing the police and that they were on two completely different sides of the coin.

Devon was apologizing again but this time it was much more genuine than the apology he had received about his outburst in relation to how Devon referred to certain people. This apology didn't make him feel like Devon was doing it for no reason but because he actually meant it. It made it so Kario was more open to hearing Devon as his boyfriend told him how the presence of the police had always made him feel, how it felt for people on the other side of that coin. "That's how you should feel." Kario admitted giving Devon a small smile really glad that his boyfriend was able to feel that way. "I love that they make you feel safe, Devon. It's just... they don't do that for everyone. My parents tried raising me and my siblings that way, tried to raise us to trust and feel safe in the presence of policemen but it was those men themselves that made us not feel safe with their presence. We were always stereotyped because of where we lived, where we hung out, how we looked, dressed, acted. We were always suspicious people who needed to be harassed again and again for doing even simple things like hanging out with friends on the street corner. That was even before I had such a bad group of friends." Kario informed his boyfriend. It made innocent people like him, like his siblings and like who knew how many other kids, teens and young adults fear the men and women who were supposed to protect them. Devon had sworn up and down that the officers didn't stereotype people but Kario was the proof otherwise. Devon wasn't out there seeing what went on, a ride along wouldn't show him their true behavior and the officers would just make some bullshit excuse if confronted anyway.

"When we were younger... if we called 911 we were treated as prank callers. We had to call multiple times for them to take us seriously and even then they would only send an officer out under the threat that if it was a prank call that we'd be arrested." He told the blonde what sort of struggles they had, and he knew it wasn't just him it had been others in the community he lived in too. That was just how they were treated because they weren't to be taken seriously. They were the scum Devon, his father, Mahler, Smith and who knew how many more people referred too. They were just criminals and thugs and that childhood had done it's own damage to the younger man. "It took a lot for us to call 911 because the police terrified us as it was and we didn't want to deal with them unless it was absolutely necessary. Then to be treated like that made us even more reluctant fearing that the police might not have found our emergency as what it was and that we'd get arrested for it." He informed Devon with a soft sigh.

There was more he wanted to tell him and he figured since he had admitted all this he should continue. "We used to see people get shot, stabbings, cold blooded murder, drug deals gone wrong, robbery. Yet we'd look the other way, not because we didn't care or because we weren't concerned for the person involved but because it was such a hassle to be taken seriously and because we were all so used to being treated like criminals already that it scared us. I remember when a guy was shot on our street, people walked past his body like it was nothing, kids continued playing on the street for hours. That man's lifeless body laid in the road for over seven hours before an officer finally showed up and he laid there for hours more before finally being removed. It wasn't unusual for the kids where I grew up to see a dead person. It was so common that even the kids weren't bothered by it. I was only 8 years old, my sister was 6 and my brother was 12. Yet we were so desensitized to death that even we didn't spare the body a second glance. We went about our day, playing with our friends playing on the street like he wasn't even there." The younger man told the story feeling more and more depressed the more he told Devon. But it was true, he remembered that day vividly, Kario had seen more death than he cared to admit and it was sad and depressing to think that it no longer bothered him like it should. Even to this day he was sure if faced with another dead person he'd just look the other way like he had for all those years.

"I want everyone to feel as safe as you do, as everyone on that side of the coin does. It shouldn't matter that the side, my side, is less than half the population. We should still be able to feel safe and not dread police interactions. Should be able to see an officer and feel like we're safe and that they're looking out for us too. Even dating you... I don't feel that way. I still feel like they're waiting for me to mess up even the tiniest bit, that the moment they see me without you I'll be back to being harassed because I fit their idea of a suspicious person. Maybe I even fit that idea even more now since everyone seems to think I just want your money." Kario expressed his concerns, his wishes. Then a thought occurred to him one that came to him because of all the feelings and memories he had of being in the brothel and now talking about where he came from and how he and the others in that part of the community lived. 

"Devon... speaking of that community and all that. Did you ever end up doing that pilot program you wanted to do? To teach kids in areas like that how to access information that could stop them from being the problems that they're perceived as?" Kario asked. He knew Devon had a lot on his plate right now but this was still important too. That program could stop at risk youth from not just doing what Kario did but also stop them from stealing or doing other things that Devon and many other people already accused them of. "Maybe you could even think of other programs that could make those kids and youths from areas like that into more of the people you want. You don't need to privatize the schools like I know you want. Even if it's just offering classes that teaches them a trade or something can make a huge difference in what those kids end up doing."


Sven deciding he wanted to stay behind didn't really surprise Kario since it seemed that Sven and Michalski actually liked each other. It'd probably be good for them and since the other man would be moving to the mansion -apparently the very next day- then it was just as well that the pair spent time together since Sven was currently staying at the mansion as well. Turning his gaze to Devon he followed the man from the apartment and back to the truck with those men he really wished to avoid for the rest of his life but knew was actually unrealistic. "It is. I kind of like it when he talks." Kario admitted giving Devon a small smile. While it was definitely astonishing that Michalski had spoken as much as he had he really did like hearing the man talk and actually have a conversation.

It wasn't hard for Kario to admire silence and he found a lot of comfort in it sometimes, especially lately since he was often times alone in the mansion. But it was also nice to be able to have a conversation and while he knew that wasn't really who the other man was he hoped that it may be possible some day for even them to have a conversation even if Michalski didn't add all that much to it. He had learned quite a bit about the man and he was interested in knowing more about the silent and serious bodyguard.

Once they were back to the mansion he watched Devon throw himself onto the sofa the moment he had the chance to do so. Kario hadn't moved to do the same and was instead sitting on one of the chairs as Devon said that he wasn't leaving the house today anymore and that tomorrow he would only be leaving for the stupid dinner party at his father's place. While Kario liked the sound of that to a degree it sucked to think that what had been a nice day -or would have been- had been destroyed by one person and now the two days they had for each other was confined to the mansion. Despite how large the building was Kario was starting to feel suffocated in it since he already didn't get away from the building very much. Unless he was working a short and not very often shift at the little coffee shop, visiting his parents or the blonde's mother dragging him out of the mansion he really didn't get out and visiting his parents and even days out with his lover's mother didn't happen all that often.

Sure he spent a lot of time out on the grounds with his horse, he had riding lessons twice a week but that just felt like another part of this prison. Kario didn't really know what he expected but he had thought and hoped that it'd be more of the two of them spending time together. Not just at the mansion but out in town, even if it was just going for a walk or something like that. Sure he understood there was a lot going on and that there just wasn't time for that right now but when would there be? Kario pushed the thoughts aside, he had told himself when this first started that he wouldn't hold that against Devon. It wasn't the blonde's fault he didn't have time for them right now and when he did have time for them they'd do things together. Well... when they had time for them that wasn't just two days while these things continued to happen.

So when Devon said that he could really use some relaxing in the bathhouse now and was asking him if he was up for it Kario didn't object. "Okay." He replied. The bathhouse, like many other amenities that Devon had in the mansion and on it's grounds Kario never used alone. He didn't like doing a lot of things on his own really wanting to share those things with the older man. After everything else that had happened today he was just going to appreciate the fact that Devon still wanted to spend time with him and didn't decide that he needed to be alone. Kario would have been lying if he said he wasn't worried about that. Holding his hand out he gave the blonde man a small smile. "Come on, handsome." He encouraged his lover.

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„Honestly,“ Ashfield started „if I lost a loved one in a tragedy I would actually be grieving and not exactly care for what the Governor had to say in the first place if the Governor wasn’t a friend or acquaintance of the deceased nor somehow responsible or involved in the tragedy, which I am not.” Ashfield shrugged. “If I heard a politician say what I have said I would think that he’s done his job and has signalled that he is aware of the tragedy and the issue and then move on from it. I wouldn’t feel anything about him or his statement.” The blond male let Kario know.

He knew how things like those worked, even before he had been the Governor he had witnessed the process of this as a part of Ashfield Corp. How many times had he stood in front of a camera memorising a text someone else had written to express condolences, to signalise empathy or to apologise. He knew that politicians as well as institutions and corporations were required to respond to tragedy so they did it, it was part of their profession, in different ways but it still was. It was pretty obvious, to Ashfield at least, that in most cases the government, institutions and corporations weren’t directly and closely affected by the loss and usually weren’t capable of showing authentic grief like an individual directly affected did and that their words were spoken with an intention. And Ashfield’s strategy had been to be as diplomatic and to piss as less people off as possible which had ultimately failed. The billionaire agreed with Kario though that there wasn’t much anything to say about this matter anymore.

Things got more and more heated between them as their views were clashing and the divide between their worldviews was showing. When Devon felt patronised and felt like his politics were painted as the politics of a moron and he got defensive and sarcastic and made Kario feel the exact same thing with his rhetoric choices and the over-exaggerated ridicule of the other man’s viewpoints.

“I make YOU seem like an idiot?” Ashfield snorted another time shaking his head. “Yeah right! Of course!” He was over it! He definitely didn’t care for being the bad guy anymore. Maybe Kario’s way of telling him that his views were wrong and stupid seemed more civil but that was about it.

“I am aware that not every violent criminal will repeat that exact crime again. I am saying that they have proven to be a danger to other people in society, that they have proven to be unpredictable and that they don’t fear to cross the line of physically violating their fellow citizens and I understand it as one of the Government’s main tasks to ensure that no individual violates the freedom and physical autonomy and integrity of another individual and those people who know no boundaries and respect other people’s life so little are more likely and a higher threat to violate other citizens again then someone who has never committed a violent crime and has found solutions out of their desperate situations and are capable of dealing with hardships and their anger without committing atrocities and destroying other people’s physical integrity and lives.” The Governor tried to explain his stand more even though he felt like it was probably a lost cause because the other didn’t care to understand what he was saying, he refused to.

“I don’t get why you of all people don’t understand what I am saying. As far as I have understood it you have been in a desperate situation before and you have dealt with it without resulting to violence and without wronging and destroying other people! I don’t see why someone who has experienced desperation would use desperation as an excuse for violence, while you have refused that path yourself as you are clearly too good of a perso to violate someone else because you feel desperate. I don’t see why you can’t see the ruthlessness and bad in those people’s characters!” the blond spoke and he genuinely couldn’t understand Kario’s defence of these people.

“Doing something horrid that destroys other people and ends people’s lives and then regretting it doesn’t undo the crime, doesn’t bring back the person whose life had been taken and doesn’t heal physical and psychological wounds. It doesn’t! And the victims of those criminals deserve justice and they deserve to be kept safe from those who have proven that they are capable of destroying their fellow human beings, of lacking any kind of control and boundaries, so much so that they commit atrocities they themselves find wrong.” Ashfield spoke with dedication in his voice. “Talk to my friend! Talk to his mother! You’ll see for whom and why I want the police force to be strong and capable to protect the citizens and what they shall prevent from happening. We can drive there tomorrow prior to my father’s dinner party if you want to.”

Now Ashfield felt kind of desperate because the other was just not getting it and apparently taking stuff personally that Devon didn’t get how he even could take the things as personally as he did. The Republican rubbed the bridge of this nose. “No, I think that violent criminals need to be kept in line through fear because they have no moral compass and no conscious and proven that they don’t respect other people’s freedom and physical integrity and thus have demonstrated that they are not equipped to live in a free society and have lost the privileges that it grants on the basis of the none aggression principle.” The blond man argued and ran his hand over his face, leaving out a frustrated moan.

“You’re comparing apples and oranges here, Kario!” he informed the other. “You have not committed a violent crime. You offered a service, you were selling something, there is nothing wrong with that. The brothel also isn’t the police, nor a court or a correctional facility, they were your employer and they have actually violated your rights, they were the criminals! They had no means to punish you! Them punishing you with violence was a violent crime! If a boss beats up his employees that is a crime involving violence!” the blond explained, rather frustrated that he even had to. “I’m not even arguing to punish the criminals through physical torture or the like,  as was common in the dark ages, I am not a reactionary!”

“Now you just sound like him!” Ashfield frowned pointing at Sven who was still chatting with the woman responsible for the elephants when Kario talked about the favours of rehabilitating criminals. “You just need to add the hint at statistics and how this has been proven!” Devon imitated Sven’s voice, then he sighed:“I am apparently in dire need of conservative friends who agree with me! At least on some major points!”

When his lover was ducking away from him once Ashfield had vented his frustration with having his wording and language criticised by the other man over and over again Devon looked utterly confused for a moment and after he realised what was happening there was disappointment starting to grow within him. He had hoped that the other would trust him enough to not flinch away from him anymore even if they were arguing and disagreeing and things got a little heated but this apparently wasn’t the case.

The response he got made the annoyance overshadow the disappointment and hurt that the reaction had made him feel. “I am not and have never called you a thug, a criminal element or scum and I never would. Maybe you just need to stop to associate yourself and count yourself in with those people because neither you nor your parents or sister are in any way thugs, or criminals or scum and no one actually means you or them when one says those terms.” Ashfield let the other know. “I have poor voters! They also use that terminology for the same people I use them for. I have poor voters who support my policies on law and order because they want the police to protect them from the thugs and criminals in their neighbourhood. You have seen one of them! When we went to the park I have improved by privatising it! The blond lady with shirt with the confederate flag, do you remember her? She fought with a Claris Miller supporter!” Devon reminded Kario.

“So you don’t get to tell me that I would call you or anyone who was poor a thug nor that you and those protestors speak for their entire societal class! Those protestors don’t vote and never will vote for me but there are poor people who do and who support me. You voted for me and my politics too by the way and I honestly start to really wonder why you have done so and start to think that you definitely shouldn’t have voted for me if my politics appal you that much! You should have voted for Claris Miller then rather than for me just because I happen to be in love with you!”
Upon hearing his boyfriend telling him that it didn’t matter anymore and that he shall refer to whomever however he wanted to the billionaire smelled a trap! “Yeah right!” he said unbelieving. “And every time you will hear me say it you’ll internally get pissed and resent me and eat your anger until you erupt in my face, yelling at me as to why I do this knowing that you hate it, and don’t like it and think it’s wrong. And when I say that you said it didn’t matter and I shall refer to whomever however I like you will tell me that you obviously didn’t mean what you have said, that I should have realised how much you hated it and that you wanted me to figure that out on my own and to not do it anymore, to be considerate on my own account and that me not getting that makes me an absolutely awful, shitty boyfriend and a complete moron!” Devon explained, knowing how that could go pretty well.

 When they were conversing about their experiences with the police force the more he heard from the other the more difficult it got for him to grasp and imagine it. To Ashfield what the other told him there sounded like something that was happening far far away from civilisation, somewhere in the Third World and not in his home city, the place where he had been born, in his state, in the US.

“Are you saying that you feared the police more than you feared literal murderers?” he asked just to make sure he had understood that correctly. He couldn’t imagine how it could have come to that point!

Devon scratched his beard, remembering something that Sven had said to him once.

“ I have had that conversation with Sven way back when we had been in university and had hung out in our dorm room on a stormy day and he had said:The thing with the police is that its equivalent originally hasn’t been established to protect and serve the citizens. In feudalistic societies their task was to protect and serve the ruling classes, royalty and nobility from the general populous. They were the right hands of the ruling classes that could be used arbitrarily the way the absolute ruler saw fit!

In societies that are democratic and not absolutist the three powers executive, legislative and judiciary  have to be separated but in the end the police force remains a tool of those in power and is heavily inked by policies, ideology and those groups and classes that have most power and influence in society. While under a just system and government that makes it a priority to get rid or at least minimise inequality and discrimination and prejudice and to ensure the rights of all citizens the police will be a force for good and actually do protect and serve the citizens, all the citizens alike and equally, the moment, especially minorities or the socially disadvantaged, are not protected by the ruling classes anymore, are disregarded or worse fought against that may take a really ugly turn really quickly and the police force will become a tool of oppression of the ruling classes against the citizens or at least part of the citizens again. Gay men like ourselves often have been those suffering under the hands of the police when the majority and those in power have decided that we weren’t worth protecting or even had to be fought against! All of those in positions of power and those executing power – and that includes the police force – have to constantly be checked, balanced, corrected, improved and sensitised to ensure that they don’t violate the citizens rights and don’t abuse the power, because holding a certain power over others is in and of itself problematic!”

Ashfield told Kario what his friend had said back then. “I have called him a bloody Anarchist for it! But maybe it wasn’t as entirely and utterly ridiculous and wrong as I have thought. Maybe he actually had a point there!”

When his lover reminded him of the idea for a pilot project he had agreed to try and give a chance before he would go ahead and further privatise the school system the blond nodded. “I actually have!” he told the other. “I have introduced the idea which I have named ‘Kario Project’ to the states’ ministry of education and while they were very surprised they have developed a really great concept from the idea – or I think it’s quite promising anyway -  and we have actually found a public school as well as an institution that offers adult education programs and second chances in a really poor und bad neighbourhood who wanted to partake in the project but thanks to the riots we couldn’t and can’t start. “Ashfield explained.

“It’s particularly unfortunate because it has already been quite the hassle for my Government to find schools and institutions in those areas that wanted to actually work with us. The first principals we called hung up on us believing this proposal to be a joke and one they didn’t find funny at that ,as they apparently couldn’t believe that I would even entertain the thought of such a project. The two who have agreed to partake in the project were very sceptical at first but we could convince them of having the best intentions and they agreed. They were supposed to come to my office to discuss the details but they couldn’t because the protestors blocked the building and we deemed it too dangerous for them to be brought there. It also got deemed too dangerous for me or staff of the education ministry to visit those schools not to mention that at this point the schools had to stay closed and the project couldn’t start anyway because the entire district has been turned upside down and the area has been hit particularly hard by the riots and the looting. We have to wait until normality is re-established and the people can even go back to school under civilised circumstances.”







After they had returned to the mansion and Ashfield had expressed that he could use some time in the bathhouse now he was glad that Kario agreed to join him. He even smiled when the other reached out his hand to him and said:”Come on, handsome!” the way he often did and he rather gladly gave the other man his hand.

Devon rarely ever used the bathhouse. It was just too gigantic for one person and could actually make one feel lost, lonely and insignificant in it. In the end it was way too big for two people as well. The bathhouse was a Roman bathhouse conceptualised after the ancient example and the bathhouses in ancient Rome had been public places where a lot of social interaction had taken place.

The blond billionaire had his very own Roman bathhouse though and sometimes he actually wished to throw something like a party there. It wouldn’t happen anytime soon though. Maybe when he retired! Yeah, that was probably as early as he’d be daring and trusting enough to show himself naked in front of anyone other than his partner in fear of the media and the press and someone betraying him.

Just as the Romans had done they entered the bathhouse through the Apodyterium which was basically a fancy changing room. But since this was not a public establishment but in Devon’s house he had a place for laundry and there were always fresh bathrobes waiting for them after they were done bathing.

The entire bathhouse was built in the original Roman style in the fanciest way imaginable. There were stunning mosaics and statues of the Roman gods to see in each room as well.

After they had undressed, they entered the Frigidarium from the Apodyterium which was the room to pre-clean oneself before the actual bath and also the room to cool down in-between the hot baths and thus when Ashfield stepped into the water his bodyhair was standing straight and his pale skin was showing goosebumps.

At least the room thereafter, the Tepidarium was way more relaxing already. It had warm air and water of about 25°C – 30°C without being hot to grant the body some time to adjust to the warmth and prepare for the heated rooms that awaited them.

And there came the first one. The Caldarium! It was somewhere around 50°C with an insanely high humidity. The room was filled with steam so thick that it was as if the two naked men would wear clouds that would cover their bodies. The room had a nice and calming flavour and heated stone stairs were leading down towards the hot bath.

Devon let himself sink down onto a stair relatively far from the bath, planning on going through the different heat zones, gradually going lower until entering the water. He felt the hot stone on his arse, his thighs and balls and leaned his back against the previous stair, staring down onto the water before he turned his gaze to Kario.

“And? How do you like the bathhouse?” he asked, his gaze falling onto the statue of the Roman god Mars who was standing right in the middle of the bath on a pedestal. “Did you know that the Romans basically ripped off the Greek culturally? Their architecture, art, even their gods and myths were inspired by the Greek version!” Ashfield let the other know, feeling rather awkward after the awful day and their fight.

At least not as awkward as it had been when Devon had been in the bathhouse together with Mei that one time. It had been a disaster that Ashfield would have loved to avoid. When his ex-wife had wanted to go to the bathhouse with him he had rather vigorously explained that in ancient Rome men and women hadn’t bathed together but had either had separate rooms or different bathing times and that them bathing together would destroy the authenticity of it all.

Unfortunately and Ashfield was still surprised that she had known, Mei had been very aware that this had only been the case at the beginning and that later on the Romans had taken the rule back, not seeing any point in it and thus males and females had bathed together naturally without any segregation based on their gender.

Mei had thus won the battle of historic accuracy and Ashfield had lost his poor excuse and had thus had to bathe together with his wife. Devon had not looked at her, had not talked to her and had brought quite some distance between him and her and if he thought about it now he would have absolutely been able to understand if Mei had drowned him in his own bloody bathhouse. He had been a prick to the woman, not to mention that he had lied to her since day one throughout eight years. She had every right to hate him. And yet she didn’t hate him as much as he’d probably hate himself had he been in her position. It seemed almost that – now that she knew he was gay – she was about to forgive him.

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Alright. Kario had to give Devon credit there since he could see Devon doing just that. However, thinking about how Devon said he would handle it had him thinking about how the blonde's parents would handle the same situation. While he felt like the older man's mother would probably handle it the same way as her son he didn't feel that Andrew Ashfield would be as calm or accepting of such a response. That was different though, not to mention they weren't talking about the blonde's father or mother either and since Devon made a good point he had to accept the fact that some people really would be okay with and expect nothing less of any politician that happened to comment on it. "Fair enough." He replied not feeling like there was a need to say anything else about it. Not because he thought one of them was right and the other wrong or because he wanted to avoid any more arguments like normal but because it truly was what it was. It was okay that they felt differently about this and would handle things differently, everyone would grieve the death of a loved one in different ways. While Kario didn't necessarily like or agree with how it was handled it came down to the fact that Devon had no relationship with those people and was just doing his job.

Kario was able to understand and appreciate that in the end. Even if he could understand the other perspective and had that perspective himself. It was easier for him to see and understand what his boyfriend meant when he took a step back and tried to see it how the blonde man saw it. Making it a little easier to accept how Devon had handled it. It didn't necessarily matter if he agreed with it in the end anyway since it was already done and over with. It wasn't like the older man could redo it and he didn't necessarily think he wanted him to. His boyfriend did what he thought was best and he couldn't see him handling it any other way in the end.

What followed as their conversation got more heated had Kario -rather grudgingly- admit that his boyfriend wasn't exactly wrong here either. Even if he had never intended to make his boyfriend seem like an idiot he had to admit to himself that it did come across that way in the end. So he sighed, and tried not to let it bug him too much waiting for the older man to finish his next rant and how angry he was. "You're right, Devon. I'm really sorry." Kario finally admitted looking up at the older man his dark eyes meeting the other's golden gaze. "I did make it seem like that was what I was doing and it was wrong. I don't think you're an idiot and I shouldn't have implied that you were one." It was hard for Kario to admit when he had done something wrong but he had to. For their relationship and for the sake of saving what little part of this day that he could.

"I wouldn't necessarily say they don't fear to cross the line." Kario replied not feeling like doing one violent crime meant that they didn't fear the consequences of doing it. Something someone did could easily turn violent when things didn't go to plan. Hell, their were movies of such situations and Kario had to admit that those types of situations probably happened more often than anyone wanted to admit. A simple robbery gone wrong could very easily turn violent and end fatally, among other things. But at the same time he knew voicing these things really wouldn't make matters any better or help him in this conversation. All it would do was give his boyfriend something else to get angry with him about. While there was still more that Kario wanted to argue when it came to what Devon had said he knew better than to say anything else on it at this point. It wasn't hard for Kario to see Devon's point, but he didn't think that was a good enough reason to justify how the situation had been handled on the officer's end. Arguing about the situation any further was only going to cause more problems and if he was being honest Kario was tired of arguing. He hated disagreements of any kind and this was definitely no exception.

"It's not that I don't understand it." Kario admitted with a sigh because he really did understand. Well, to a certain point he understood what Devon was trying to get through to him so whether or not he understood wasn't the problem. The problem was their difference in views and opinions on such things and there were just going to be some things they'd never see eye to eye on. Which was okay, if they shared everything their relationship would be boring and ultimately not work out very well either. "You're right. I have been in a desperate situation before and it didn't result in violence. I'm not trying to make excuses for someone to resort to violence either." He admitted as he kept their gazes locked. "I just don't think that what someone does in desperation defines who they are." He added but he said it with a soft tone not wanting to keep arguing about it. "I know everyone is different and maybe those people really are just ruthless and would do it again. I can't say they would or wouldn't. I just... I don't like seeing the bad in people. I don't like thinking that one desperate act defines who they are or that it makes them more dangerous. It's like cornering a wild animal. If you corner a wild animal they're going to fight, things will get violent. A desperate person is in a sense a cornered animal. They feel like there is no other way out. It doesn't make it right for them to hurt someone, it doesn't make it right for them to become violent but it does explain a lot of their behavior." Kaine told his boyfriend his eyes still not leaving the blonde's.

The last thing Kario wanted Devon to think was that he was finding and excuse for murder or any other violent act against another person. He didn't want his boyfriend to think that he was condoning that behavior under any circumstances. But Kario wanted to understand that behavior, that response which ultimately lead to such a ruthless act. That was why he was pressing the matter so hard, why he was challenging Devon's outlook. Because he understood his boyfriend's outlook and feelings but he wanted to understand the man behind the crime. Having been desperate himself had caused a side of him to appear Kario never wanted to see again. It hadn't been a good side and while Devon seemed to commend him by saying that he refused that path himself and that it clearly meant he was too good of a person he wasn't as convinced. "You give me too much credit, Devon. Some... terrible thoughts crossed my mind, I had shitty plans in my head on different ways I could get out of that situation and I'm ashamed to admit that many of them aren't so commendable." Kario admitted his face turning a dark red and his eye contact finally breaking as he looked at his feet.

"I'm a terrible person." He mumbled as he thought back to what he had felt and how desperate he had been. That side of him had scared him and he really was worried about what would have happened if it wasn't because of the brothel. "I was lucky to have a path opened to me that isn't available to many people. The brothel was a terrible path, I know that... but it was the best path... the best way I could see myself getting out of that situation without hurting anyone. The only person I was violating with that choice was myself. I gave up everything I believed a relationship should be. I betrayed myself and sometimes I feel like that's even worse. In the end though when I think back I know I'd do it all over again because the other options I had... or thought I had were terrible. They were so much worse and it makes me realize how bad of a person I really am. Maybe I am no different than those people and I just happened to get lucky. I can't say what I'd do if I was ever in the same situation, all I can do is hope it never comes to that again." He added with another sigh. Running a hand through his black hair as he thought back to then. Things really had changed and he hoped that his life would keep moving up and not down but he truly didn't know if it would. Especially when they got into arguments like this that Kario truly felt threatened their relationship.

It made him truly worried that Devon wouldn't want to date someone with such different views. Maybe his boyfriend would think it was because of how young he was and decide that he should have kept to older men like he had always preferred before he had come along. Surely the politician would break up with him and go to Mahler, a man who clearly had much more similar views and wanted the other anyway. It made Kario really insecure and worry that he wasn't good enough. That they were just too different to be compatible and he hated feeling that way. Hated how it made him feel to think of himself as inadequate a thought he hadn't had for awhile and almost never had since the brothel. This whole thing made him feel terrible, made him question himself. While he had lost who he really was in the brothel he realized the brothel wasn't the only place he lost himself, he lost a lot of himself before that too. While he was trying so hard to find out who he was and who he wanted to be memories of who he had been made him feel like he was one of the worst people alive. Even if in the end he hadn't hurt anyone, hadn't resorted to illegal means it made him question himself, doubt himself. It caused him to feel like Mahler and Andrew Ashfield were right about him and that Devon should just get rid of him now while it would hurt less. Then he feared that the blonde would realize that and not give him the chance to become a better person.

"I want to be a better person though." The dark haired man said softly feeling the tears well up in his eyes as his mind was hard on him. Telling him how he wasn't a good person and had just been lucky enough to fool someone. He didn't want to believe that, he wanted to believe he was a good person who if ever in a desperate situation again would never hurt someone. Would never do such terrible things even if he thought about them. Closing his eyes he refused to let the tears that had welled up fall, he wasn't going to cry about it. It wasn't anything to cry about and he hated how emotional he could be sometimes. This was definitely one of those times.

His eyes reopened when Devon so adamantly spoke about doing something horrid and destroying other people and ending peoples lives then regretting it didn't undo the crime, didn't bring those people back. When he said the victim of those criminals deserve justice his still wet eyes met the golden gaze again. "Don't those 'criminals' deserve justice when they die? When they're killed just because of an officer's fear? Or is that just justice?" He asked his voice breaking a little. Kario liked to believe that every life had meaning. That every life deserved justice. The death of the man in the shooting was unjustified, there was no justice served. He had been an unarmed man and having another run in with the police shouldn't warrant an execution. Which is how Kario felt about it. The other man dying by an officer when his neck was broken also deserved justice. No one deserved to die that way and he truly felt like that was the clearest display of excessive force. Devon didn't see it that way though, he was judging these men because of past crimes and saying in a sense that they deserved it. It was okay to back up the police force, it was okay that he wanted them to have the power he had and prized his role in making them that strong. But those men had not deserved to die that way. He could see if those men had been armed and dangerous but that just wasn't the case.

"I don't want to speak to your friend, Devon. I don't want to talk to his mother and I don't want to keep having that thrown in my face just because I feel like justice wasn't served for an unarmed man who happened to have a pervious violent crime." Kario told his boyfriend. "I'm sorry that I'm so different and that I just can't grasp your outlook on it and find it justified. But I'm trying!" Kario added his eyes begging Devon to give him a break about this. He really was trying, he was trying to understand why Devon felt like deaths like this were justified, why it was justice. He understood how those people had done something terrible, he understood that what they did could never be undone and that those people would never be the same. That those families would never be the same. Kario didn't see, however, why someone should only be defined by the violent crime. Couldn't grasp that every time they were run into after should be reason enough for them to be treated like they were armed, like it was someone out to murder again and again or hurt people especially when the reason for that run in did not signify that. He was trying though, he wanted to understand it, he wanted to see it how Devon saw it but he couldn't. Their outlooks were just so different. His dark eyes went back to the ground and they searched the asphalt beneath his feet as he desperately tried to understand.

"I'm sorry... I just don't understand why two separate crimes even when committed by the same person can't be treated as just that. Two separate crimes. But I'm trying... I'm trying to get your view, I'm trying to see it the way the officer saw it... I just... can't... it's so hard." The younger man said his eyes still searching the ground beneath him as though he expected it to suddenly tell him how it all made sense. "I know nothing can undo what he did in that violent crime, or undo what anyone else who commits a violent crime has done. I just... I want to believe that people can change. That just because they run into the police again doesn't mean they are that same person. I know it's not the best outlook but it's mine... it makes it easy to believe that there is good in the world when all you see and hear about his violence in the news and all around you. It's a fantasy I know it is... but... I don't want to see how cruel the world really is. How bad people really are." Kario finally admitted to Devon why he couldn't grasp the concept. It wasn't because he didn't really understand it, it was because he knew once he let this sink in he'd never be able to see the world as a place where things can be okay. Where there is better things out there because all one ever heard about was the bad. No one ever talked about all the good things happening and it was soul crushing, it was depressing and Kario's fragile mind couldn't handle it. He couldn't even handle a disagreement with his boyfriend much less what terrible things were really going on and how cruel the world could really be.

A frown was clear on his face and he knew that Devon wasn't happy with him and he knew admitting why he couldn't grasp this didn't make things better between them. He didn't expect it too, but maybe it'd help Devon understand why he argued even when there was nothing to argue about, why he fought for something that seemed so stupid from his boyfriend's perspective. "Violent criminals aren't the only people that end up in prisons though." Kario said softly before he even realized he was saying it. A quick 'sorry' came after as habit and because he really didn't want to argue anymore. Devon was upset enough, arguing about something so stupid as prisons and how they did or did not control or rehabilitate people wasn't something he wanted to do any day much less today.

"They don't face anything for it... where is my justice." Kario grumbled when Devon mentioned he was comparing apples and oranges. How what had happened at the brothel and how they had treated him had violated his rights, how they had been the criminals in that situation. Kario knew he was not the only man there treated like that, he was sure they all had been, well all of them that offered their body as the service. He doubted the other employees suffered such things at the owners hands. Still, the brothel was open, it was still functioning and servicing high society men as though nothing had happened. There was no justice severed there, hell, they had even sold him! Just because Devon's father had gone in there flaunting his power and money and because they didn't want any problems.

"I don't get any justice for what they did to me... everyone still stuck selling their bodies there don't get any justice either. But that's different. They won't get justice and neither will I. Because it'll expose too much, too many scandals. If anyone ever did anything about it it'd all just be covered up anyway. They'd probably just start the business all over again and I can't imagine they'd treat those guys any better." Kario said venting a little but at the same time really believing that's what would happen. But that was different, men like that could get away with what they were doing because it serviced high end clients. So instead of it ending up public if they did ever face anything it'd all be covered up by said clients. The business may close for a little bit but it'd be back even more exclusive than ever and he was sure the guys that they managed to trick into selling themselves would receive the short end of the stick and be treated even worse than those before them. It didn't matter that this wasn't the original topic it still upset him, it bothered him and he knew that he was bitter and holding onto the grudge when he should just try to move on. But he couldn't it was too hard to just let something like that go when he saw nothing being done, when he had suffered there for years. All because it would expose too much.

Glancing towards Sven when Devon pointed to the foreign man and said how he was sounding like him he couldn't understand how that was a bad thing. Sven and Devon were best friends after all, even if they had lost contact for a few years they still seemed like good friends and while they didn't agree on everything Devon had been really happy to see him. "Is having the same view of Sven on this really that bad?" Kario asked when Devon expressed that he clearly was in dire need of conservative friends who agreed with him at least on some major points. He didn't think that having a similar or the same view as Sven when it came to prisons rehabilitating prisoners instead of ruling them with fear was a bad thing. He seriously thought that in the end it'd be what was best.

A soft sigh escaped him as Devon spoke again still mad at him for not liking those words even if he knew that when Devon used them he wasn't included. "It's not about whether or not you have poor voters, Devon. I'm sorry that those words bother me and I get that you're a politician first and foremost." Kario finally told the blonde man. He was tired of arguing about this, of them fighting over something so stupid. He had thought that first night he had been able to get it so Devon understood why terms like that upset him but he figured he was wrong and the more he expressed his feelings towards those words the more Devon just seemed to get more frustrated and annoyed with him. If this was how it went every time then he would stop saying anything, Devon could use the words he wanted and Kario would remind himself that when his boyfriend said it he didn't include him in them.

The rant that followed though and Devon throwing in how he had voted for him when he apparently shouldn't have and going so far as to say that he should have voted for Claris Miller was more than hurtful. "I didn't vote for you just because we're dating, just because I love you and you love me." Kario replied crossing his arms over his chest. "Your politics don't appall me. Just because I voted for you doesn't mean I agree with everything you do, it means I agree with enough to know that you're the person I'd rather have represent me. It means I trust you. Trust your judgement. It doesn't mean I'll always agree with it and it doesn't mean that we'll always see eye to eye." Kario told the blonde man. "We are going to have disagreements and there will be some arguments that can't be avoided and I'm going to question some of the things you do. But at the end of the day I need you to believe that I really do trust you to represent me and not just because I love you. The man I love and the governor are two different people. I know the governor is part of who you are but that wasn't the part of you I fell in love with, it's not the part of you I'm in love with. That's not who I see when you come home, or when we go out together." Kario started to express to his boyfriend letting his arms fall back to his side to show that he wasn't being standoffish even if he really wanted to keep them crossed over his chest.

"It's a part of you I'm still learning, that I'm still trying to understand and just like you said you need me to be patient with you learning to be my boyfriend and not the governor all the time I need you to be patient with me when it comes to understanding the difference between Devon the man I'm dating and love and Governor Ashfield, the man who represents me and is under so much pressure. I need you to be patient and help me grasp the choices you make as the governor without us always arguing about it. If it starts to come out that way or it seems like I'm criticizing you I need you to stop me and tell me. Interrupt me, tell me I'm being argumentative, say I'm being unsupportive that I'm criticizing you, that I'm taking it personally or being difficult. But yelling at me, being sarcastic, getting angry... that doesn't help me understand you! It just makes me want to argue more because I've been pushed aside and stepped on so much that I can't handle it happening again." Kario vented and desperately told his boyfriend. "I really want to understand everything you're going through as Governor Ashfield, I want to be supportive and I want so desperately to grasp how you see things. But I don't understand politics, I don't get why things have to be handled a certain way, why you view things the way you do. I need help and us getting so upset with each other and arguing aren't going to help. They'll just make things worse and make me worry that you won't love me anymore because we argue too much or because we can't see things the way the other does." He added his eyes falling once more to the ground. "I don't want to lose you because I can't understand something or because we argue." He mumbled.

How Devon responded to him telling him that it didn't matter anymore and that he could refer to whomever however he wanted was handled just as aggressively and he couldn't understand why Devon took it that way. "No, Devon. I won't. I know you don't hold me in the same category, it's my own fault I get offended every time I hear those terms and I'll work on it. I'll talk to the therapist about it and we'll figure something out. I mean it." Kario told Devon honestly. "I know it's not right for me to tell you what words you can and can't use and I really am sorry that I've been so hard on you or that I've made you this angry. They're just words. They aren't worth arguing about and they aren't worth getting upset over." How his boyfriend ended that rant had him looking up at the other with a look that was clearly trying to figure out if Devon really thought he was a shitty and awful boyfriend. "You're not an awful or shitty boyfriend, Devon. I am. I should be more understanding and I'm not. I'm being an ass, stubborn and taking things way too personally. I see that now and I'm really sorry it took me this long and such a shitty argument to understand that. This really isn't a trap. You have the right to use any term you want and I don't have any right to get upset or tell you what you can and can't say. I'll get better. Really." Kario urged trying to make Devon realize he meant it. In the end all this argument did was make him realize what a shitty boyfriend he was being, how he had really been the problem here and Kario didn't want to be. He didn't want to be a problem, didn't want to hurt Devon or make him feel like he was trying to trap him just so he could get mad at him again later. No. He needed to face the fact that he was a problem, that he was making things worse than they were and that he needed to learn to take a step back and not get so easily offended over everything. Not take things so personal and not make it seem like a big deal when it wasn't.


Kario thought about the question he was asked for a moment and he came to the conclusion that it really was what he was saying. "I guess I am. Honestly I wouldn't say 'feared' it's still a fear. I still fear the police more than I feel literal murderers. To me a murder is more predictable, I know what to expect from them. I don't know what to expect from the police, I don't know how they'll take our interactions and how things will end." Kario admitted to his boyfriend.

Listening to Devon recall the conversation he had with Sven back in college about the police and their original purpose actually seemed to shine more light on how he was treated by the police growing up. It shined a light on why they were treated they way they were and why Devon and other people had such a drastic difference in experience with them. They were on two different sides of a coin after all and Kario being on the lower side even lower than many made all of this make even more sense. Devon was saying that maybe Sven had actually had a point after all even if he hadn't agreed with Sven originally. "I will admit that what Sven said then makes how I see the police and the experiences I've had with them make a lot more sense. It definitely doesn't justify the difference in experiences between what you have and what I have but it shines a light on it. I just happen to be from that minority group in more than one way." The younger man admitted with a shrug.

Hearing that Devon really had gone through with the pilot project made him perk up considerably. It did bum him out that the riots were stopping the project from launching in the two schools that Devon's team had found to start the program in. This program could really make a difference and the riots were keeping something really important from reaching a group of people who really needed it. But he talked himself out of getting upset about it since Devon was telling him something else about the situation even expressing himself how unfortunate it was because it had already been quite the hassle for his government to find schools and institutions in such areas willing to work with them. Kario had to stop himself from saying something that would come out as criticizing his boyfriend because he really needed to stop doing that.

"I'm sorry it was hard for them, but I can't say I am surprised. Since this is something even your team was surprised you wanted to do it just shows that such a program isn't something you'd normally delve into. It makes it hard for such schools and institutions to trust that you really want to do these things. But all it takes is this program to do well in the two you have managed to get on board and the rest will follow." Kario informed his boyfriend with a bright smile really glad Devon had actually gone through with it and was actually trying to make a difference. "It's a shame that these riots are stopping such an important program from starting though. Those people really need such a program and it really could make a huge difference." He added with a frown as he really wished people would just get over things and come to understand that things will be handled a certain way and that they won't always agree with how those things are handled. A second later Kario realized that he needed to listen to that thought too. Even if he wasn't out there protesting he had argued with his boyfriend over something he hadn't agreed with how it was handled.

Despite the fact that Devon had taken his hand and seemed happy that he had accepted going to the bathhouse with him there was no hiding the fact that once it was all done and they had made their way into the bath starting at the cooler end and making their way towards the higher temperature slowly that he realized how awkward things seemed to be between them thanks to their earlier disagreement. The very first hint that his boyfriend felt awkward was the fact that he was telling him facts about the Romans when normally Devon would want to discuss more personal things or just talk about them.

For a moment he was silent just sitting there next to the blonde his eyes on the water before he turned back to the other. "That's definitely interesting." Kario admitted shifting so he could face the other better leaning slightly against the step. "Do you really want to talk about that though?" He asked the older man with a questioning look.

Reaching over he pat the other's leg gentle and offered a reassuring smile. "We're not going to argue again, Devon. It's okay to tell me about other things." He expressed not wanting the blonde man to feel like he had to babble about Romans and Greeks and how things had been then or other such facts. Not that Kario wasn't interested in learning about such things but this was time for them! It was finally the two of them in a comfortable setting away from other people and Kario was going to enjoy it if it was the last thing he did. Leaning over he kissed the older man before pulling away and smiling moving a bit further into the bath himself.

"I do really like it here. Though I'd like it even more if my boyfriend was relaxed too." The black haired man told him. His smile was genuine and it was clear that he really did want to just relax and enjoy this with the older man. They could move on from what had happened earlier and just enjoy this moment together, with Sven in town now he wasn't sure how much time they'd have to be alone like this. That and Sven's presence definitely didn't stop Devon from having to go to work so he really needed to enjoy today and tomorrow with the politician as much as he could before things were going to return to normal and he'd rarely see him again. Since the other was intent that they not leave the mansion again aside from his father's dinner party this weekend then he would have to make the best of what they could do in the mansion. Starting with having a really nice time in the bathhouse with him and the two of them just relaxing together.

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Surprise was clear to see on his face when Kario actually apologised to him for having made him seem like a moron. “Apology accepted!” the blond nodded. “I apologise for making fun of your views as well.” The Governor returned the favour and it at least cooled down the heat a little.

Once his lover was trying to convey that he actually understood what Ashfield meant but that he didn’t agree with it, trying to get through to Devon how he saw it the blond politician raised an eyebrow. Apparently what it boiled down to for his lover was that he didn’t think that people were defined by their actions and that he refused to see the bad in people.

“Well, while that does definitely show compassion and a high level of optimism it is a pretty naive way to see the world, specifically a topic such as violent crime and it unfortunately doesn’t hold true to reality as data oftentimes speaks another language.” The Governor chose to answer to this rather diplomatically since it wasn’t a bad thing to want to see the world in the way Kario wanted to but die hard optimism wasn’t a good basis for policy.

Way calmer than before Devon played with his beard listening to the ‘cornered animal scenario’. “An act of self-defence isn’t a crime at all! If I am attacked and my life is threatened I have the right to defend myself.” The blond said but then shook that off. “But let’s leave out self-defence and work with the comparison anyway for another situation. The difference between humans and non-human animals is that humans don’t solely operate on instinct but have a more evolved, higher cognitive ability. The human still has the option to make a conscious, rational choice whether to violate another person or rather not to do it. He or she can demonstrate impulse and self-control or the lack thereof.” The blond man explained. “Someone unable to control violent impulses is evidently more dangerous than someone who can.” The man explained.

His boyfriend seemed to disagree with him on being a good person, telling him that when he had been in that situation back then he had entertained bad and shitty ideas and plans. “But you didn’t execute those plans! You didn’t follow them! You decided against them! You didn’t do anything wrong! That’s what makes you completely different from those people! And that’s what makes you a decent, upright person!” Ashfield found. “Thoughts and ideas are not crimes! They don’t harm anyone!” the blond spoke. “I have definitely entertained the idea of throwing Harvey Flint into Paul’s tank at my father’s mansion more than once! I obviously didn’t do it but I definitely imagined it! I still do sometimes! But I would obviously not do it!” Devon laughed amused.

The amusement and laughter immediately died when his lover exclaimed that he was a terrible person. “Bullocks! You’re not a terrible person! You’re probably one of the best people I know! The brothel certainly wasn’t anything recommendable and something self-destructive but you did nothing wrong, you didn’t harm anyone and nothing of what you did is in any way shape or form unethical or morally wrong. And you didn’t happen to be lucky, you made your choice! You decided not to commit a crime!” Devon argued. “And don’t you say all you can do is hope that it never comes to this again! Because it won’t ever come to this again! You won’t let it come to that again! You would have to consciously make the decision to return back to that point and place, otherwise there won’t be a return to where you’ve come from. Even if you’d take me out of the picture what I hope you won’t want to do. You just opened yourself a door today,” Devon nodded into Sven’s direction who was still talking about elephants – seriously, how much was there to say about elephants, Ashfield didn’t get it – “without me doing anything! You got yourself an opportunity there!” Ashfield pointed out. “It’s on you what you’ll want to make out of it!”  the blond man pointed out.

“You are a better person!” the billionaire said when Kario declared that he wanted to be a better person. Whatever Kario wrongly felt like he was the man was not! “I wish you could see yourself how I see you! If you could you would stop saying those things and you’d stop comparing yourself to bad people.” The blond man spoke. “If you were a terrible person I would be a monster, as I believe that you are a much better person than I am.” The Governor said, remembering how Kario’s sincerity, honesty and compassion for the world had made Ashfield feel incredibly corrupt and corrupted. Well, he actually was corrupt but getting to know his boyfriend it had been the first time he had questioned it and had felt really guilty about it and had wanted to become a better person. “You’ve made me a better person already, do you know that?” he asked the black haired man.


Once they were back at discussing crime and criminals his lover’s dark eyes peered into the Governor’s golden orbs asking him whether the criminals eliminated by the police didn’t deserve justice as well. The blond sighed. “You’re comparing two different things. If someone goes out of their way and kills convicted criminal who have done their time, yes, that is a crime to and the criminal deserves justice. But that wasn’t what has happened here.” Ashfield stated.

“The criminal was committing another crime, the police officer misjudged the situation and took the criminal’s life before he could go out of his way and harm the public and other citizens again as he believed he was a concrete threat for other people around. The criminal was killed at a crime scene. Did the officer’s decision and action was a poor choice and a fatal misjudgement of the situation that should have been avoided? Yes! But according to the court it was not murder and happened in defence! You can’t compare that to an innocent person getting killed for their handbag!” the blond man explained and then sighed.

“The officer who has broken a criminal’s neck probably won’t be so lucky and the court may rule in favour of the criminal. But there is yet a judgement to be spoken.” Devon said and while he said this he ran his hand over his face feeling as though no matter what the court would say and whether the guy would be convicted or not someone would be rioting anyway and he wasn’t looking forward to it.

Both of Ashfield’s eyebrows were raised up high and he looked at Kario in surprise when the other basically said that his standpoint was based on how he wished the world to be rather than how it was. “Fantasies are not good foundations to build opinions much less policies nor to judge or take actions on. A fantasy won’t help to estimate a situation!” the blond man commented.

The politician looked at his lover questioningly when he was told that violent criminals weren’t the only ones ending up in prison. Kario couldn’t really think that Devon didn’t know that could he? “Yeah, I am aware!” Ashfield said drily. “There are different kinds of prisons, sentences and punishments according to and in relation to the crime as well though. In my opinion violent criminals are those that need to be punished the hardest and without mercy.” He stated.

It was when Kario asked him where his justice was for how he had suffered under the hands of the brothel owners and some of the clients that the Governor actually fell silent for the first time and didn’t have any rebuttal at all. There wasn’t anything he could say to his boyfriend, nothing. He knew there would be no justice for Kario or any other sex worker in the brothel.

His boyfriend was right. There was nothing he could say to make that fact go away or to make it appear even remotely less appalling and atrocious and unjust. There would be no justice served not to protect the brothel owners but because of them! Of names such as Devon Ashfield and Harvey Flint and known faces like that of the old senator!  Of all the powerful, important, influential and rich men who’d get the same exposure and scandal that Devon had gotten and who’d do everything to stop that from happening just like his father had tried to. The brothel owners were safe because there were powerful men to whom it mattered that they stayed safe because if the brothel fell they would go down with it.

“Touché!” Devon said ruefully, feeling really bad about it, feeling wrong for even having gone to that brothel, for having been a client of the establishment as well. In his defence he had not known that they mistreated their employees and yet the doubts he had generally had and how he had felt for having gone to a brothel of all places, buying sex the very first time he had gone there returned. He felt awful for having been one of those powerful and influential men. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone there! I obviously didn’t know that they mistreated their employees but I am still sorry for having been one of the reasons as to why there won’t ever be justice for you and the other men working in the brothel and why those pieces of shit get away with treating their employees like garbage!”

The blond man didn’t feel good about himself anymore and he didn’t care for going for a walk anymore either. He didn’t even care for their conversation anymore because all he felt was that he was a corrupt man sitting on a throne on top of a pile of massive double standards.


The Governor crossed his arms in front of his chest. “It does seem like you do appal my politics though!” the man said. “Name me one of my policies that you actually agree with and where you think that I am doing a good job? If you trust in my judgement you must have an example of me demonstrating good judgement.” Ashfield challenged the other, not to test him but to actually hear the other say something good about the work he did.

When Kario told him that it was difficult to the other to get warm with the Governor side of his boyfriend and to not take it personally and that they needed to talk about this differently in the future the politician nodded. “The problem is that the Governor isn’t a different person. I can’t just turn that side of me off. I can’t come home, forget everything that has happened before and be all fun and jolly and not think about politics anymore or to not feel like I am criticised when my work is. It’s not that kind of job. It’s difficult.” The man stated.

Hearing the other mumble that he didn’t want to lose him because of an argument like that Ashfield shook his head and took Kario’s face between his hands, leaning his forehead against the other male’s. “You won’t lose me because of an argument or a disagreement! A lot more has to happen for that! I am not so easy to get rid off! Would I stop loving someone because I disagreed with him politically I’d have stopped loving Sven – platonically of course – a long time ago. We definitely have some major political and philosophical disagreements, we always had and yet we still are best friends and still love each other. And Sven is... well... not the most diplomatic person!”


Kario promising him that he actually didn’t want to police his language anymore and that it had not been a trap in the way he did was disarming and they were getting back to a more calm level. Hearing the other say that he deemed himself to be a shitty boyfriend the blond firmly disagreed. “Please don’t say that! You’re not a shitty boyfriend! I understood that you didn’t like the term thug and in a relationship one needs to be considerate, that is absolutely right and I tried to be, I tried to not say it anymore, I made an effort but it seemed like my effort wasn’t enough for you as you didn’t like my replacements either. It frustrated me, I snapped, I got pissed and I shouldn’t have.” He sighed. “It’s just that I would really like you to find me perfect, to be perfect for you, for you to support me and my politics especially in a time like that and its disappointing when you don’t but on the other hand I would absolutely hate it if you didn’t say what you actually meant anymore, if you didn’t criticised what you felt was worthy of criticising. I wouldn’t want you to go against your own believes by supporting me, I would hate that. It’s just that I wished that you would fully and wholeheartedly stand behind my policies and my viewpoints but you don’t. There will always be disagreements between us. Even with people who are closer to me politically there would be. There is nothing wrong about us arguing, it just is! I just hope that sometime there will be something that we will agree on politically and philosophically!”

The explanation Kario gave Ashfield didn’t make it any less shocking. Hearing that a murderer to the other was more predictable and thus less frightening than their police force kind of made it worse! It meant that from Kario’s perspective the executive force of the state seemed like a despotic reign that acted arbitrarily and because he was the Governor it also meant that he had done something wrong, that he had failed or at least been blind to quite a drastic issue that existed within their society.

“It would certainly explain the discrepancy between your and my views on the police force and the experience which we have had with them and the way we feel about them.” Devon admitted and laid his head into his neck.

“Damn it!” he cursed. “I hate it when Sven’s been right about something. He always grins that very smug grin.” The blond man declared looking at his friend who was still apparently talking about elephants. “How much can someone actually talk about those bloody elephants?” Devon wondered.

That Kario lit up and seemed really happy about the fact that Ashfield had actually started to get that pilot project on its way made Devon happy and made a smile appear on his face and made him eager to get that project started as soon as possible.





His comments in regards to Roman culture didn’t seem to interest his lover much not in that moment anyway. At least Kario expressed that he liked the bathhouse but that he would enjoy it more if Devon was able to relax as well, patting his leg, telling him that they weren’t going to argue again and that they could discuss something else, something more personal than random facts about the Romans and the Greek.

“I will be able to relax soon enough. The 50°C hot water and the flavoured steam will certainly start to relax me and after changing from hot to cold and from cold to hot a few times I will feel as good as new. This has quite the revitalising effect and is healing and relaxing for body and mind. The Romans knew about how good this was for the health which is why bathing and the bathhouses played a huge role in Roman society.” Ashfield explained and then realised that he was talking about Romans again.

“Sorry!” he said, got closer to the other and wrapped his arm around his lover’s hip pulling him closer towards himself, pressing a kiss onto his lips.

“Let’s rather talk about your plans for the future now especially in regards to Sven’s potential job offer. What do you want to do? You don’t have to take me into account in the decision, I want to know what you really want to do in your life!” he asked his boyfriend, wanting to know what he intended to do and what it was that he wanted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I know." Kario sighed when his boyfriend told him that despite it showing compassion and a high level of optimism that it was a naïve way to see the world. Of course Kario knew it was, but it was a much more pleasant way to see it too. "That's also what makes our views so much different though. I see it the way I do but you see it more statistical. It makes it so we're just about never on the same page. Which is okay, because you see it the way you should especially as the governor." The younger man expressed with a small shrug not really letting their differences bother him anymore. In the end Devon's outlook wasn't wrong or terrible, it was just more statistical which was great as a politician. Kario on the other hand just couldn't see it that way, he didn't like looking at statistics and letting those numbers make so many decisions.

"True. If you're attacked." Kario agreed with a nod. That was of course self defense and it was definitely much different than just committing a violent crime or killing someone. Even if that self defense ended in death it was for a reason and deserved to be treated accordingly. That wasn't the comparison Kario wanted Devon to look at though. A moment later his boyfriend was looking at the other side of the comparison he had made. "I agree, to a point anyway. While I agree that we have evolved and are capable of higher cognitive ability we have to understand that those instincts still exist. Domesticated or captive animals also have learned new behavior. The instincts they once had don't control them like they used to but that doesn't erase the instincts they once had and often times those instincts can resurface. Why should humans be any different?" Kario replied giving his boyfriend a curious look. This time he wasn't really talking about what happened and it seemed he was really more interested in in this sort of behavior. "That's just it though, if it's instinct that is running you the urges themselves aren't violent it's all about survival. Instincts doesn't differentiate between a violent or non-violent act or right from wrong. It's all about survival."

After a moment he shrugged, "In the end it is a violent crime and it does deserve to be treated as such. It doesn't change whether someone is guilty or not. It's just... something else to think about I guess." The younger man admitted. Kario didn't expect this conversation to really make Devon think about these things differently. In the end it didn't matter a crime was still committed but it did cause one to question if acting on instinct could become more common behavior. "The only way to truly stop anything like that is to stop people from reaching that sort of desperation to begin with. Though there isn't any sure way to do that." Kario added after a moment not expecting Devon to really be paying attention to what he was saying at that point especially since it was meant more for himself than the blonde. Their conversation had come and gone at this point, at least in the younger man's mind. His mind focused on other things now which wasn't necessarily uncommon when it came to Kario. Often times finding himself easily side tracked by another thought.

Drawn from those thoughts as Devon spoke when he had said that he wasn't a good person. Not really feeling that not executing those plans made him any better of a person. Sure it did mean he wasn't the same as those who did execute them. At least as things stood now since Kario still wasn't sure how well he'd manage if the situation ever arose again. The mention of Harvey Flint caused a frown to cross his face, anytime he thought about that man he felt bitter and unhappy. Knowing that this was just another person who'd continue to get away with treating people he saw as less than himself as shit. "Shame." He grumbled when Devon said that he obviously wouldn't do it even though he had thought about pushing that man into Paul's tank. Of course Kario knew that wasn't a good or nice thing to say but he couldn't say that he'd be upset if something happened to Harvey. Even if he was aware that he should just let things go it was harder than he wanted to admit. Of course, he wouldn't do anything to the man either no matter how many thoughts crossed his mind that may suggest otherwise. So he knew Devon had a point even if he really didn't want to admit it.

While Kario wanted to argue that the brothel even being an option for him was him being 'lucky' he had to admit that it was also very unlucky. That place having been an option caused a lot more harm in the end than any of the good it had done solving his financial and living issues. Granted Devon coming out of it was a very lucky thing so he knew the decision he had made in the end hadn't been a bad one but he wouldn't write it off as much as Devon seemed to be doing. His mind was on this for awhile until the politician drew him from that line of thinking again telling him not to say that all he could was hope that it never came to it again. This time his face was questioning as he listened to what the older man had to say. Devon was adamant that it wouldn't come to it again. Turning his gaze from Devon to Sven at the mention of having opened up a door today he watched the man who was still discussing elephants with the handler. Devon expressing that he hadn't done anything and had gotten the opportunity there himself. "You're the reason Sven and I even met. I wouldn't call that getting this opportunity myself." The younger man admitted his gaze returning to his boyfriend.

It was hearing his boyfriend say that he would be a monster if he was a bad person because he believed that he was a much better person. "What could you have done that would ever make you a monster? Whether or not I'm a terrible person." Kario asked not understanding why Devon would think that way. Being told he made the other man a better person already had him blushing softly not really understanding how he could have done that. "I bet you're just saying that to make me feel better." He said softly. Though at the same time he knew it made him feel a lot better just to think that he could have helped make the older man better even if it was just a tiny bit. Not that he thought of his boyfriend as a bad person to begin with.

Kario still didn't think that the criminal committing another crime meant that their death was worth being written off. He just couldn't see how that could be seen as defense when the criminal hadn't been armed. It seemed that no matter what he said things wouldn't change on that subject though. Devon once more comparing it to not being the same thing as an innocent person being killed for their handbag. While that might be true and they weren't the same thing it came down to the fact that the similarity he was trying to get his boyfriend to understand was the fact that both victims in those scenarios were unarmed. It wouldn't happen though and Devon would just continue to see it as it was. A criminal died at a crime scene, no big deal. Just a lapse in judgement. Kario wasn't going to keep arguing about it since they both very clearly felt different about the subject.

The only thing he could agree on with his boyfriend about these two cases was that the first officer had been lucky in ruling in his favor while he felt that the second officer wouldn't be so lucky. At least, he really hoped that the man wouldn't be so lucky. There was absolutely no reason that anyone, a criminal or otherwise should die like that at the hands of an officer or anyone for that matter. Being shot Kario could say was reasonable even if he wouldn't always agree with it, but having your neck broken was definitely unreasonable and a true show of excessive use of force with little care to the consequences. It wasn't easy to break a person's neck and he didn't want it to be treated like it was. But there was something about this case that he wanted to know and that was what outcome Devon wanted to see come out of it. "And? What outcome are you hoping for when it comes to that case? Surely you're not really neutral on it." Kario asked. But he didn't say it with the intention to argue with his boyfriend, he just genuinely wanted to know how he felt about it and what he thought should happen.

"It wouldn't be a fantasy if people could treat each other better. It's how things should be even if it isn't how they currently are and even if it never will be." Kario told his boyfriend not feeling like it made his outlook completely useless either. While he could admit that building an opinion based on how he wanted things to be and not on how they actually were wasn't very productive he didn't think it was completely horrible either. It let his mind try to figure out different ways to bring that 'fantasy' closer to reality. He'd just have to find better ways to work towards a brighter future than letting it get him into arguments with his boyfriend.

"Oh? So you're telling me that those other prisons focus more on rehabilitation then? I mean... if those people didn't commit a violent crime then they don't need the same 'rule by fear' punishment." Kario asked raising an eyebrow in question. Another thought crossed his mind though, "What about everyone that was falsely imprisoned? People are convicted of crimes they didn't commit all the time after all and their nightmares don't end after release either." He was sure those people were receiving the same punishment as everyone else whether or not they had actually committed the crime. Kario knew there were innocent people sitting in their prisons awaiting an appeal and a chance to get out. "Granted I know that's technically a different topic but I can't help but be curious." Kario admitted with a shrug.

After asking about his own justice Kario noticed an immediate difference in his boyfriend. It wasn't surprising because he already knew the answer and what the older man was going to say. He was proven right about that too when his boyfriend apologized saying he shouldn't have gone there and that while he obviously didn't know that they mistreated their employees he was still sorry for having been one of the reasons why there wouldn't be any justice for him or anyone of the other men working in the brothel. "I'm not. If you hadn't gone there in the first place my nightmare wouldn't have ended. So... thank you." Kario said though he wasn't really sure thanking the blonde for going was what needed to be done he had to admit he was grateful. It really had made a difference even if it was only in his life and not in the lives of everyone else still stuck there.

It didn't make Kario feel better about not getting justice for what was done for him or justice for those still working there. If anything it just made him appreciate the fact that he was lucky enough to get out of there even if it was being sold like a piece of property. Still, being upset about it and dwelling on it wasn't going to get him any justice either. In the end he knew he had to just move on, no matter how difficult that could be. "People just... shouldn't be above the law just because of the powerful men they serve." He mumbled. Dark eyes went to the elephants finding that it was easier for him to get his mind off how much it really did hurt to not get justice when he was watching the huge animals in their enclosure.

Devon crossing his arms over his chest and telling him to name one of his politics that he actually agreed with felt like his boyfriend didn't believe him and had to test him to see what he said. It made Kario frown and give his boyfriend a look that clearly stated he couldn't believe how he was acting right now. "First off I like how you actually created jobs in your state, not take them away but I'm sure that's not exactly what you meant. If you really must know though I like quite a bit of what you do but not for the same reasons everyone else does and not just because I love you." Kario expressed his dark eyes a little narrowed since he still felt like this was his boyfriend testing him. "It's not just one policy though Devon, it's your reason behind them that makes me trust you and want you to represent me. It doesn't matter that your in the conservative party or that we don't always see eye to eye. I may not like that the police force is as strong and has as much power as they do but I love that you did it to protect people and that's why I like it. I may not love that you want to privatize schools but it's because you care about the future of our state and I get that. You were also able to take a step back from your usual outlook to make that pilot program. You're not like other politicians even if there are a lot of similarities. You're open minded, at least where it matters and with certain people. You're open to seeing other sides even if at first it's hard for you. I voted for you because I know in the end you'll do what's right for the majority. I can overlook everything else. I can learn more about your other policies and why you support them. There is a lot I can learn about you and yes I won't always agree and there will be things you do I won't support but that's normal. I'm not going to agree or support everything any politician does." Kario finished with a sigh. "In the end you have to trust that if I really didn't like who you are as a politician and your politics that I wouldn't have voted for you. For the first time in my life I voted and you're making it seem like it's just because you love and fuck me when that's not it. Maybe it's part of it but it's more than that. You made it clear ever since I first met you that I can't just sit around and ignore politics even if I don't like them that I needed a voice and how important you thought it was for me to vote. Can't you just be happy that I'm following that advice and that you happen to be the person I agree with the most despite all our differences?"

"I know you can't." The younger man admitted rubbing the back of his neck. He knew in the end Devon and the governor were the same person and that Devon couldn't just come home and turn that side of him off. He wasn't asking the blonde to do that entirely he just wanted there to be a bit less politics and more... them. "It's not even that I want you to be two different people." The younger man tried to clarify with a soft sigh. "I just... when you come home you're still so focused on work that I feel... insignificant. I know that there is a lot going on and that our state needs your attention but... I need you too." Kario said not meeting the blonde's gaze because he was worried that he would just upset Devon even more. The last thing he wanted to do was make it seem like he was being needy or that he thought he should be the center of Devon's attention. There was no denying that he knew he couldn't be the center of the blonde's attention he had to focus on his work and it was important work. But Kario didn't feel like he should be written off or have to take as much of a back seat as he had been either. They rarely had time for each other these days and what time they did spend together was normally Devon still being the governor mumbling something about politics and falling asleep on him.

For awhile it didn't bother him because he knew that there was a lot going on and he continued to try to tell himself that there are more important things and that he just had to be patient. Kario wasn't sure how much more patient he could be though. He still wanted attention and even though they had this weekend he didn't even feel like this was going that well. This whole argument definitely didn't make it better either if anything he just felt like there was even more of a barrier between them. This wasn't going to be something he let get between them though and Kario knew he had to work harder too. "I know I need to be more patient too and try harder. Take more of an interest in your job." He told the older man. The last thing he wanted was for Devon to think he was picking on him or trying to make it seem like it was all his fault. It wasn't. The younger man knew he had to try harder too, he needed to be more supportive, had to try to be a bigger part of the blonde's life and understand his job better. Instead of just trying to ignore that side of him or detached himself from the governor. They really were the same person and it was wrong of him to try to make Devon be two different people. At the same time he just hoped this talk would at least help their relationship out.

His face was taken between the other's hands his dark gaze meeting his boyfriend's golden gaze as he was told that he wouldn't lose him because of an argument or disagreement. While that did definitely make him feel better it didn't necessarily make all his worries vanish either. Devon said this now but if they continued to argue or disagree he felt like it'd only cause a bigger rift until they eventually parted ways. That was the last thing he wanted. He had to admit that his lover had a point there and that Devon did still love Sven and they were still best friends despite their clear differences. A small smile appearing on his face even if it was a bit meek. "I'm glad you're not easy to get rid of. I don't want you to go anywhere." Kario admitted a soft blush sprouting up at admitting that.

"But you are perfect to me, Devon!" Kario said his tone making it very clear he wasn't lying. It didn't matter that they had their disagreements or arguments to him the blonde really was perfect. As perfect as someone could get at least. They both had their problems and they had things they had to work on but where it mattered like their connection and how much they loved each other his boyfriend was absolutely perfect. He couldn't ask for anyone better especially knowing the older man tried so hard to make him as happy as possible. Hearing Devon say that he hoped that there would be a time where they would agree on something politically and philosophically made him really think. It just made it even clearer to him that he had to try to understand politics and his boyfriend's job in general much better than he did now. At least put in the effort and do his best to see things the way the older man did.

The blonde was expressing that he hated it when Sven was right about something after they had spoke about him finding murderers more predictable than the police force and how that explained the discrepancies between their views. His dark gaze moved towards Sven who was still speaking to the woman about the elephants before his attention was caught by his boyfriend again as he was speaking again this causing him to laugh. "There is quite a bit to discuss when you actually have an interest in the animal. Though I doubt that their entire conversation has been on the elephants." Kario replied with a smile patting the other's arm gently.

A small amused smile appeared on his face when the blonde started to talk about the Roman's again. It didn't bug him since it really seemed like Devon hadn't realized he was doing it but had just been explaining something. There was an apology that was given a moment later as the older man moved closer to him before wrapping an arm around his hip pulling him even closer their lips meeting. Kario was definitely happy to return the kiss leaning against his boyfriend's body and enjoying them being close. Now this was a nice way to spend some time together. It was relaxing and peaceful, Kario able to forget about earlier today and get more excited about the rest of their day and tomorrow even if they had that disaster of a dinner party ahead of them. At least that would be tomorrow and he could worry and stress about it then.

Their lips parting had the conversation turn on him and he was asked what he wanted to do in regards to the offer Sven had given him. Despite Devon saying that he didn't have to take him into account in the decision Kario knew he always would. The older man was really important to him and as much as Kario wanted to see where that offer would go he didn't know if he could handle being away from him that long. He already saw so little of him and that was hard enough. It caused a frown to cross his face distracting himself by drawing little patterns over the older man's torso.

Finally he decided he had stalled enough and that one way or the other this was something they had to discuss. "Well... I would really like to see where this opportunity takes me but... I can't see myself being away from you that long if it does actually go somewhere. I see so little of you now and that's already hard. To be so far away from you and see even less of you... I'm not sure that's something I'm ready for." Kario admitted. He told his boyfriend exactly how he felt about it.

There was no denying that Kario wanted to do it, wanted to see where it went and would be ecstatic if Sven thought he was a good fit and actually offered him the job and the opportunity. But... Devon was so important to him and not seeing him or having him at his side that entire time would be really rough. Already he felt neglected and alone he could only imagine how bad that would get when they weren't even in the same country. It made him think about what Devon had said before about schooling and how he had encouraged him to go to a local college. Kario could very easily understand why Devon wanted him to do so now since he would still be here and they'd still be able to see each other at the end of the day. At least this was one thing that Kario was able to understand better when it came to his boyfriend.

"Maybe I should just find something local." Kario finally said with a soft sigh. It'd hurt to decline the offer in the end and he knew he would probably regret it later. In the end he just didn't want to be away from Devon and it wasn't just because their relationship still seemed so new. He genuinely wasn't sure he could handle being that far away from him and not knowing when they'd be able to see or talk to each other. He already struggled with that now and they lived in the same house.

Then another thought came to him and a small smirk appeared as his dark eyes moved to lock with his boyfriend's. "I guess Michalski moving into the mansion means I can't go running around the halls naked, huh?" He playfully questioned. The least he could do was make a joke to try to lighten the mood and help his boyfriend relax even more. It had been too long since they had been able to just joke around with each other and tease each other so he felt the need to make up for lost time. "Shame, I had been thinking it'd make things more fun to start making it a habit." He added with a small fake pout on his face. While running the halls naked had definitely been a fun prospect when he first moved in he had rarely ever actually travelled the halls naked mainly because Devon wasn't around to enjoy the view and thus he felt it wasn't worth doing. Now he'd have to remind himself it wouldn't be just the two of them once the other servants had finished their tasks for the day and thus he probably shouldn't try tempting his boyfriend by running around the mansion naked encase there was a very awkward meeting with Michalski. He'd definitely die of embarrassment if the other man saw him naked.

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  • 3 weeks later...

„Most violent crimes are not committed out of a survival instinct or for reasons of survival, not even out of affect.“ Ashfield defused that explanation and apologetics for violent crimes. “But let’s ignore that part and the fact that I think that the actions of humans say more about the character of them and should be judged differently than those of non-human animals due to the cognitive ability and the capability to reason and to actually distinguish right from wrong in humans.” The governor continued.

“Let’s say hypothetically, it was all the same and the actions of domesticated animals and humans were equivalents. I’d ask you this: What happens to, say, a trained, domesticated dog that gets out of control and injures or kills a human in our society? What consequences does it have for the dog?” Devon wanted to know from Kario.

“I tell you what happens to it! Depending on the severity of the harm it’s caused and the danger attested to the animal it will be euthanized, put to death! If it’s lucky  and the danger not as high it’ll get locked away from society and will get the chance to maybe, just maybe rehabilitating itself in the future and will get spared the death penalty!” the blond explained.

“So even an animal, which objectively doesn’t know about right or wrong, justice and ethics or the law but solely operates on instincts even though it’s trainable to a degree, will suffer the consequences for its actions and be held accountable for them.” He spoke. “If there was a situation in which an animal was very probable and likely to cause a threat to the public and an officer would witness the situation the animal would be shot and taken down immediately to prevent the threat that might have occurred no questions asked, no hesitation.” The Governor spoke. “So your argument doesn’t really work in support of your standpoint.”

When Devon tried to make Kario see that he wasn’t the same as those people and brought the example of himself imagining to push Harvey into Paul’s tank but obviously not executing that idea and his lover commented that with:”Shame” rather drily and Ashfield started to laugh. “I’m certain that this actually would be the same response of a hell of a lot of people when it comes to Harvey.” The blond let the other know. “Heck, even his wife would probably be disappointed that he’s not actually going to become alligator breakfast.” The man jested.

Harvey Flint wasn’t well liked. He was merely invited due to his statues and power and not because anyone genuinely wanted him there. Even Andrew Ashfield found the man particularly unpleasant.

Upon pointing out that his lover had gotten himself an opportunity to work for Sven the black haired male argued that the only reason he had even met the artist was due to Devon to start with and that he hence wouldn’t give himself credit for it. “Where and through whom you’ve met Sven doesn’t matter. Just meeting him wouldn’t have opened up any door. What matters is that you successfully networked there and left a good impression that got you that opportunity. You could have run into Sven at an arts gallery or at the cafe and it could have had the same outcome had you talked to him so that he is my guest isn’t the point.” The blond found.

“What bad can a politician and the heir to a multinational Corporation do?” Devon answered Kario’s question with a question. “I may have handled things in a certain way not seeing anything wrong with it at the time. Meeting you has given me another  perspective on quite some things though.” The blond spoke not about to go into any more detail! The fact of the matter remained that there was a whole side of Devon that Kario didn’t know of and it wasn’t the Governor but Devon the businessman who had sometimes fused too much into Ashfield as Governor. He just wished that Kario would never see that side because he was quite sure he wouldn’t like it very much.

When they were back at discussing the two deaths by the hand of policemen and they were speaking of the dude who had broken a criminal’s neck and that the judge, other than at the other case, might rule in favour of the dead man his boyfriend wanted to know what outcome Devon hoped would come from it, stating that the Governor surely wasn’t neutral on it. Ashfield sighed. “To be quite frank what I’d really hope for would be for the trial to be recessed to, say, four or maybe five years into the future. That would be ideal for me as no matter what the judge will say one side will be unhappy and start rioting! And no matter what I’ll say I’ll be ripped apart by one side or the other.” he answered, rubbing his eyes. “And I have seen enough riots for the next four years already.” The billionaire spoke, thinking mainly about his position and political strategy.

“What I am saying is that the severity of the punishment and the treatment of the prisoners need to be according to the crime they have committed. Someone who’s stolen a parked car obviously doesn’t need the same treatment and punishment as a mass shooter or a serial killer. It is also important to prevent that this non-violent criminal won’t go further down a spiral of crime and later ending up to cause capital crimes.” Devon shrugged. “I’m not saying that an entirely different philosophy applies but that the punishment needs to occur with reason and in relation to the crime.” He answered when his boyfriend wanted to know whether he said that they shall focus more on rehabilitation than punishment with non-violent criminals then.

The next subject was off though and Ashfield raised an eyebrow. “Innocent people who’ve been falsely convicted obviously shouldn’t be in prison in the first place! Them being there is false! It is wrong and unjust that they even are there! I am obviously not in favour of someone innocent getting convicted. That innocent people get falsely convicted for crimes they have not done is a tragedy, I am aware of that. That however has nothing to do with the prisons and the punishments themselves but with the justice system and how it is flawed and can fail.” Devon said. “How to improve the justice system is something that other people, people who’ve studied jurisprudence are more qualified to speak on though.”

“I have a lot of empathy for those people though and I personally am of the opinion that they shall get reparations for what has been done to them when they turned out to be innocent after all, not that those could accurately compensate them for their trauma.”  Ashfield found. ”As the Governor people have also come to me and told me about people who have been innocently convicted of a crime and I have looked deeply into some of those cases with the help of others and when I have come to the conclusion that they were indeed innocent, I have then pardoned them.” He told his boyfriend.

When their conversation had taken a rather uncomfortable turn for Devon the Governor laughed unhappily, the laughter dripping with shame hearing his boyfriend say that he shouldn’t be sorry for having gone to the brothel because otherwise he’d still be there now. “Well, even that isn’t my doing! I would have never gotten the idea to try to buy another human being in order to save my arse from getting exposed as a whoremonger! That is the type of plan that can solely occur to my father, so you’d have to thank him for that.” The blond spoke in a deeply cynic way feeling a ridiculous amount of shame  and guilt as he spoke. “But hey, it worked didn’t it? I was able to defuse the fact that I have been to a brothel and that you have been a prostitute and what remained was only the fact that I was gay. And I have been re-elected as Governor!” he pointed out.

“I actually agree! We shouldn’t be above the law and above the rules that apply to the rest of society.” He added. But they were!

Somehow hearing the other state those positive things about him made him feel happier and better. It would have made him feel even happier if Kario had actually said that stuff without him having to utter him to do so. The small high he felt was ebbing off as soon as it had appeared though when the other criticised him for having implied that his boyfriend had merely voted for him because they were a couple, pointing out that he had actually gone out to vote for the first time after Devon had rambled on about the importance of participation in a democracy to him and now he had to listen to him accusing him of having made a political decision for non-political reasons. “Yes, you’re right, I am sorry.” He apologised.

Hearing his lover state that he knew that Devon couldn’t exactly separate the Governor from the boyfriend entirely but that he didn’t like to feel as insignificant as he had the past weeks and that he needed Ashfield too there was nothing that he could say against this. He was already aware of the fact that his lack of presence wasn’t exactly good for their relationship and not fair to Kario. “I know and I feel bad about not being able to give you what you deserve at the moment and of neglecting you and our relationship. I am very aware that you deserve better than that!” the politician said.

“And I am trying to get both my office and my private life under one roof but it proves more difficult than I have thought.” The blond stated. “In my life there had only been my job prior to meeting you for a very long time so I didn’t have to get being the Governor in line with a relationship. I know that it’s unfair to you as it is now but I am not exactly sure how I can change it adequately and I am afraid it will be difficult. I’m trying though!” The man spoke because he didn’t know what else to say. He couldn’t promise Kario that he’d have enough time from now on. He could only say that he’d try his best.






While Devon had suggested that Kario shall take him out of the question when considering whether he’d want to take the opportunity Sven had offered him the black haired male was apparently very hesitant to actually follow that suggestion. Instead it seemed like the other man’s main focus. And while it certainly was very sweet it really wasn’t how the other should make that decision in Ashfield’s eyes.

The Governor nudged Kario’s cheek with his nose, pressing a kiss onto the other’s jaw, before letting his lip travel down the neck and then resting his chin on his lover’s shoulder, his golden eyes peering up into the dark ones.

“That’s not really taking me out of the consideration is it?” Ashfield smiled in amusement. “It’s more like making me the determining factor here. And while that surely is flattering and all ,it’s not what I think will be beneficial to you or us in the end.” He added.  “What I would want to know is, is animal protection and caretaking something that you’d be passionate about and that would fulfil you and make you happy in life? Is experiencing other places, other cultures, not just as a tourist something that you’d like to do?” the blond man asked.

“If finding something local is really and genuinely what you want for yourself and what’ll fulfil you then that is great and fine and you can close that door and not look back.” The billionaire spoke and the smile on his face got a little melancholic. “What I want to prevent is, that you will throw a really great opportunity that would open up a great path for you to do something that you would really love to do under the bus for me. Because if this is something that you want and you close that door and time will pass you might eventually come to regret the decision and resent me for it and I don’t want that. I don’t want to hold you back from pursuing what you want to pursue. I don’t want you to compromise your life for me completely, I would never ask something like that.” He let his lover know.

“I love you Kario and surely, I can’t say that I don’t like having  you here in my immediate reach, and you might actually be fine with this decision at first too but for how long? I can’t give you the attention that you deserve already and I have a job where I can’t really compromise. So how long would it take until you’d sit in the mansion alone in the evening, think about where you could actually be and what you could actually do now and that you have let that opportunity pass you by, how long till the hurt kicks in, until you mourn what you could have had, had you tried and taken the chance, when you have given that up for me, while I won’t return for a week because some tragedy happened again and when I am finally home I just collapse on the sofa? Won’t it just cause disappointment and anger?” he reminded the other to take all of this into consideration.

“I don’t want to be the reason as to why you give this up! I don’t want to hold you back and I don’t want you to sacrifice your life and your career for me and mine. It’s not how a relationship should be.” the blond man found. “I had all those experiences and opportunities! I have been to university in England, I have worked for the Corporation all across the globe in my twenties. And I have asked myself, what I’d have done had I been in your shoes back then and whether it was fair to ask you to stay, and the answer was that I’d have definitely taken the offer and would have tried that and that no, it certainly wasn’t fair to ask you to stay here with a man whose life mostly consists out of his job and who isn’t even around that much.” The Governor told Kario clearly, with an encouraging smile on his lips.

He had feared that telling the other this would be difficult to him, that he would have to force himself to do and say the right thing, to not be egotistical for once in his life. Much to his surprise though the words came out easily and it felt right to him to say them. He wanted Kario to be happy more than he wanted him to stay because he loved him.

“If you went there we could figure something out together!” he suggested with a smile.

Ashfield laughed amused at the little distortion his lover was causing when stated that now, that Michalski was moving into the mansion, he wouldn’t be able to run around naked anymore. “It’s not like we’re going to be roommates with Michalski now. He’ll have his very own area where he’ll live.” Devon spoke. “Aside from that he’s really professional and discrete. So even if he ever was to interrupt a private moment he’ll pretend that it didn’t happen anyway.” The billionaire ensured Kario.

“This is still your home and you can move here as freely as you want to!” Ashfield promised with a wink.

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"That's circumstantial." Kario replied when Devon said that a dog that gets out of control and injures or kills a human would be euthanized or locked away from society and possibly get a second chance in the future if it was lucky and the danger not as high. "In most cases neither of those things actually happen." Kario added with a look that stated clearly he was positive of this. "Many times because an injury related to a domesticated dog is never reported or because it's handled privately. Most cases ending in euthanasia involves a dog and a child, even if it was not the dog's fault but that of the child's parents for not teaching their kids better or keeping an eye on them. Most cases that end in a dog being taken away and locked up involve dogs in fights with each other or other animals, not dogs and humans." He continued.

"I for one have been attacked by more than one dog, only one dog was euthanized and it was because it was a family members dog and they feared since she had tasted blood that she'd be more likely to attack someone else. Another was the dog trying to protect me, it wasn't the dog's fault and he wasn't even aiming for me. It was an accident. He thought I was in danger and acted appropriately. The last was a mean little dog that belonged to a friend of my fathers, the last two dogs never faced any consequences for what happened even though the last probably should have. We all just moved on and acted like it hadn't happened. The first was my fault but I was only three at the time and so the dog was blamed and paid the ultimate price for it when it was no ones fault but my own. The second was only two years later, and the third was later that same year." Kario told his boyfriend. "I also know other dogs who have attacked people and not paid such a price. It all comes down to the circumstances surrounding the attack and the people involved as well."

Kario wanted Devon to know that while he agreed to what he was saying that more went into those cases. There was more involved than just a dog hurting or killing someone. "I will agree that when the case actually calls for it euthanasia is necessary but each case should be judged on their own and the dog's breed should never be considered. But it is, isn't it? Just like people who are judged by their race something they can't control we judge our dogs based on breed. A lab bites someone and it's an accident, a pit bull bites someone and it's a murderous monster out for blood." Kario added knowing that this was a completely different topic but just as important. Too many people were judged and faced harsher sentences because of the color of their skin or even based on their gender, just as dogs were judged and faced different sentences based on their breed. "But in the end that's not what we're talking about so let's return to the real conversation. The actions of a dog are more of a reflection on the owner and how they were raised and trained, but can't the same be said for people? Aren't they a reflection of how they were raised and even of society itself? I am sure you will agree that studies have shown children raised in homes where their parents are drunks or drug addicts are at a much higher risk to become alcoholics or drug addicts themselves. So isn't it possible that someone who grew up and ended up committing violent crimes grew up in a violent household where that behavior seemed normal and acceptable? That's what I mean when I say not everyone is capable of telling and knowing right from wrong. If you grow up in such a household and nothing is ever done to stop the violence you become desensitized to it. You see it as something normal. Just as a dog that's trained to fight or bite. They don't know better because they were never taught better."

"All that said I do agree that people need to pay the price for their actions and be held responsible for them. I'm not saying they shouldn't be. I'm just saying that one violent crime doesn't always mean that every crime that person is involved in is violent or that they need to be approached that way. I can understand fear when given probable cause, I just don't believe in that case that fear is a good excuse for the officers actions. I won't argue against the judges verdict as I will ultimately trust that they made the decision based on factors I'm not nor do I need to be aware of." He finished with a small shrug. Sure he wasn't happy with the outcome of such a case but in the end he wouldn't argue that the judge made the wrong decision he would just argue that he didn't believe that the officer truly acted out of fear. It really was a bad lapse in the officer's judgement and he didn't like that his boyfriend was defending that behavior. But in the end there was nothing to argue about, no amount of arguing would change matters. "Either way what happened has happened, the verdict was made and while I may not agree with it there is no reason to argue about it either as arguing won't change the outcome or what happened." They had argued about it enough and now it just needed to be left alone.


"I can definitely see why a lot of people would be disappointed by that." Kario said with a sigh. While he hated Harvey and wouldn't necessarily ever want anyone to purposely cause him harm he'd be lying to say he didn't hope that something bad would happen to him. Something that'd make up for all of the pain and grief that he dealt to others. The man was terrible from what he had seen in the brothel and even what he had heard from him at his boyfriend's election and birthday party. If he never saw that man again it'd be too soon.

"I suppose, but I'm not exactly what people would call a social butterfly. I doubt that I ever would have ended up talking to Sven was he not your friend and guest." Kario admitted. While he had been confident in the brothel and had no problem doing what needed to be done he wasn't that type of person out of it. That was definitely something he had discovered in these past few months. He wasn't as shy as he had been in high school but he definitely wasn't someone who went out searching for conversation or looking for friends for that matter. It just made him nervous, especially after the scandal that was how he and Devon had met. The fact that they were in a relationship together didn't make things any better and it still made him nervous about talking to other people wondering and fearing that they already have an opinion about him because of things they have read or heard.


Devon expressing that he really wished the trial would be recessed for four or five years caused him to give the older man a questioning look. "I can't deny that no matter what you say one side isn't going to be happy, in the end there is no way to please everyone on any subject. It's just not how the world works." Kario agreed with a soft sigh. "I don't think it really matters who the governor is when that finally faces trial and the verdict is announced. No matter who it is will face trouble with it. That just seems to be the type of world we live in right now. One way or the other any decision will be the wrong one." He admitted not really liking to admit that but knowing it was just how it was in the end.

"Which is understandable." Kario had to agree with Devon there. The problem wasn't their prisons in those cases but the justice system for failing those people. No matter how one viewed these things the younger man felt like there would always be things to debate or argue about though. Just like he had said before, in the end there was no pleasing everyone and Kario was quick to understand and accept that. Especially when he'd rather do anything than argue. "I can at least appreciate that. But it does bring up a whole other problem with the justice system. There have been people who have basically spent their lives behind bars when they were innocent, people who have been executed for crimes they didn't even commit. While I am sure those numbers are down the fact that they are still happening is definitely concerning." He voiced. "I know in the end that has nothing to do with you but it's still a concerning thought all the same." In the end it bothered Kario no matter what even though he knew Devon couldn't do anything about such things. That was just one other thing that would always bother him but it also wasn't really a topic he wanted to discuss right now.


"That's true, you wouldn't. At the same time had you not gone to the brothel and at least seen enough in me to keep coming back which lead to it ending up on the news and becoming a scandal your father never would have bought me. It keeps coming back to you. Not to mention I'm definitely not going to thank your father for buying me like I'm a piece of furniture." Kario told the older man with a small smile. He could tell this was an uncomfortable topic for Devon but it was still something they needed to talk about in the end. Sure Devon may not have gotten him free from the brothel on his own but he was still the reason that it had happened. "It did." He agreed with a small nod.

His boyfriend agreeing that they shouldn't be above the law did make Kario feel a little better. Maybe not completely because whether or not Devon thought they should or shouldn't be above the law it wouldn't change the fact that they were. So he sighed and just stared at his feet with a small frown. This line of thought and their talk had definitely taken a depressing turn so he decided to just push the thoughts aside not saying anything else about it since it wouldn't matter what was said in the end.

Hearing the blonde apologize after he had voiced not appreciating being accused of having made a political decision for non-political reasons Kario felt his anger disappear. It was hard to stay mad at the older man when he admitted that it was wrong of him to do that so he didn't let the situation bother him anymore. "It's alright. Just... have more faith in my decisions." Kario told the older man giving his boyfriend a small reassuring smile. He could forgive the other man for accusing him like that as long as Devon promised to have more faith in his decisions from that point on and not question why he voted for who. Knowing that if he continued to be accused of voting for him just because he loved him or accused of similar things in the future that it would just end in him not voting anymore.

"I can appreciate that you're at least trying and I know I should be more patient about it." Kario admitted. It was nice to hear that Devon was trying to get things under control and that he knew it was unfair to him that he wasn't able to adequately be there for him too right now. Knowing that his boyfriend was trying and that he genuinely seemed sorry for how things were between them right now definitely made Kario feel a lot better. It even made him feel even more patient when it came to waiting for the politician to have more time for them and not just his job. "Maybe you could just... find a way to give me even just an hour of your time here and there? That's better than nothing." Kario asked a little hopeful but knowing that it might not be possible right now. Sure they had this weekend but what then? They'd go back to seeing none of each other or he'd see Devon long enough for the man to collapse on the couch mumble something about his work and fall asleep? Kario didn't want that again, even if it was just an hour once every few days or something at least it was better than nothing at all.



The nudge to his cheek before his lover was kissing his jaw and then having his lips travel down his neck caused Kario's heart to start racing. A soft sound escaping him to show that he definitely liked the attention especially after so long without it. His mind was quickly drawn away from that since the attention didn't last long. The other's chin resting on his shoulder and those stunningly golden eyes meeting his darker gaze. "No... I guess it's not." Kario agreed with a deep blush. He knew Devon had wanted him to take him out of the consideration but it was so hard for him to do that when he truly loved the older man. What Devon said he wanted to prevent made a lot of sense and if the younger man was being honest with himself he knew that such a thing may happen if he made his decision based on his feelings for Devon and not what he actually wanted to do.

"It's just... we already have these plans and even though you don't have the time for me right now like I really want and crave I can't imagine being so far away from you. At least I still get to spend time with you even if you crash on me almost immediately after coming home." He voiced his concern. "We have the plan to revisit starting a family next year, we had other things we wanted to do together like taking trips even if those things have to be farther down the road. If I go... if I take this opportunity I feel like it's closing the door on all of those things and I don't want to do that." Kario told the blonde what bothered him, what concerned him. In the end he really was ready to settle down with someone and he craved for Devon to be that person. At the same time he knew if he shut the door on this opportunity that he would end up resenting Devon for it down the road and he couldn't do that to his boyfriend either.

"I just... this is something I really need to think about and I'm not sure it's a decision I'm ready to make yet." He added trying to avoid making such a painful choice right now. Devon expressing that if he did go that they could figure something out together had his concerned gaze meeting his boyfriend's gaze. His heart was twisting painfully in his chest just thinking about leaving Devon even if it was just for a few years, or leaving his family who he had just gotten back after quite a few years. There was so many things that would go into such a decision and the more he thought about it the more torn he felt himself.

Maybe it's something we can talk about more? I don't want to say no and resent it because we both seem to already know that I will. At the same time I don't want to just jump headfirst into it either without really thinking about what that would mean for us, what it'd mean for my relationship with my family or what it'd mean for my future."


There was no denying how amused Kario was when Devon said that this was still his home and that he could move here as freely as he wanted to following it with a wink. "You just like any idea that ends in me strutting around naked." Kario teased his boyfriend nudging the older man gently. "It is kind of nice to know that he'd pretend such situations never happened anyway but it wouldn't make them any less embarrassing." The dark haired man mused thoughtfully. He was glad that Michalski wouldn't bring attention to any intimate situation he may or may not end up interrupting or any situation where he may have wandered down a hall naked, but it would still cause him embarrassment when it happened and probably for a little while after that as well.

Resting comfortable against Devon he wrapped his arms around the other man with a soft pleased him. "I love you." He murmured feeling like it had been awhile since he last said it and not feeling like he had the opportunity to tell the blonde he loved him enough. "I'm glad you were able to offer Michalski a job. It'll really help you both out." Kario added as his dark eyes moved back to his boyfriend's golden gaze. He did love what Devon had done for the bodyguard, it was something that would help Michalski out quite a bit and having the man work for his boyfriend definitely benefited Devon as well.

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„If a human attacks you and you don’t report the attack nothing will happen to them either, the justice system and the law enforcement will never get involved.” Devon said. “That is totally beside the point and not an argument for or against.... anything really!” he added not really sure what to make of it.

 “I’m also not talking about accidents or a dog barking at you and showing his teeth or scratching someone a little so that the people ignore it and move on or try to work on the behaviour with their dog. I am talking about a dog being completely out of control causing severe injury that leads to hospitalisation or death! About a dog being a danger to society!” the blond stated. “You can also ask Sven for how many normal, not actually dangerous dogs so much as looking grimly and snatching at their owner or family ends in the animal shelter with people saying:’The dog snatched at my kid or my husband take it away immediately or I am going to have it euthanized’. He can also tell you quite something about the laws regarding dogs that get labelled dangerous and also about what always happens when someone as much as claims the dog snatched at someone or bit someone even when it doesn’t result in any significant injury regardless of it being a kid, an adult or another dog because the person making the claim doesn’t have to prove the dog was actually dangerous but the dog would then have to prove that it was not. Sven also finances a project that rehabilitates actually dangerous and problematic dogs.” Ashfield told the other.

“If you ask me the dog is usually not ‘at fault’ and it’s the owner’s responsibility to ensure that their animal doesn’t harm anyone, that it doesn’t get out of control and that no one harms their dog so that it doesn’t have to defend itself. But I don’t see an animal’s and a person’s action as equal as I stated before.” Devon found.

Ashfield scratched his beard when Kario claimed that the consequences the dogs faced differed in regards to the breed of the dog even though that should not be the case. “I don’t know. Is there data stating that certain dog breeds are facing more severe consequences than others? ” he asked. “What I know from Sven is that in his country some dog breeds are labelled as potentially dangerous by default. That’s why it is forbidden to breed those breeds of dogs and to sell and buy them. So the breeding and purchasing of these dogs often happens illegally much to the dismay of the dogs which are then confiscated by the government. If you want to own one of these dogs breeds you can only adopt them from the local animal shelters and you have to get a good conduct certificate from the police, you have to pay higher taxes for those breeds than for others and you have to make a test to get a licence to determine whether you know enough to own that dog. Sven fights that law and the branding of entire dog breeds as dangerous by default and says that there was no scientific evidence that would suggest that a dog breed was aggressive and ultimately more likely to be a danger to society than others and that the law was based on fear mongering stereotypes and judging the dogs by their looks. I don’t really know whether the German government or Sven is right on that part as I have never researched the topic myself. But I am opposed to the interference with the free market.” Ashfield told Kario.

The billionaire raised an eyebrow. “No, I don’t think so. That’s hardly comparable. In the US everyone is equal before the law. Our laws and justice system certainly aren’t racist and definitely don’t attest any human race to be more dangerous than the other by default.” The Governor stated. “You sound like those protestors now.” The billionaire shook his blond head in disagreement and disappointment.

“I am not saying that there was no kind of racism at all in this country. I know that it does exist and I have done quite a lot to combat it.” Ashfield said almost in a kind of reflex. “Back when I was married to Mei and we visited her family on her grandma’s birthday I learned that Mei’s nephew had not gotten into his preferred university because he was Asian-American. Instead of him they gave the place to another student with a worse score solely because he was African-American. I was appalled but back then I wasn’t the Governor yet so all I could do was using my connections to get him into my university in England instead. After I had won the election a business friend of mine told me that his son had not gotten into university because he had not been a woman and because he had not been African-American and despite him having a better score he didn’t get in either and I said that this is not tolerable and that we had to stomp out that racism in its roots and I brought the “Colourblind – For Racism Free Universities and a Racism Free State” bill to life that forbid such a practice in our state. It was a huge success. It was even used in the campaign of my re-election!” Devon stated proudly.

The campaign ad had been made like a documentary and told the story of a poor European-American student and a highly gifted Asian-American who had originally been rejected by their preferred university in the state despite their higher scores and who had then gotten in after all thanks to Ashfield.

“So I am just as anti-racist as the next guy and I certainly have done a lot more to actively combat racism and racial injustice with my initiative than those bloody protestors who just loot and riot and help to solve absolutely nothing.” The Governor declared proudly. “But I don’t see anything racist in our systems and state’s institution. All criminals are treated according to the crime.” The politician firmly said not really font of the statement Kario had made there at all.

He sighed deeply. “Well, I am not going to disagree with the fact that education and one’s environment have an effect on a person, because they do. And yet, a human isn’t a dog. Humans are self-conscious and dogs aren’t. Dogs have owners, they are property before the law, humans certainly aren’t. Every human regardless of their upbringing and circumstances has a responsibility for themselves, has to question things and make their own decisions. If someone orders you to kill someone and you do it, that’s on you. ‘I just followed orders’ or ‘I never questioned it, it was just how it was’, ‘Everyone around me did it so I did it as well’ is no excuse or justification for committing atrocities and it doesn’t make it better, less evil or less dangerous, quite the contrary. It’s specifically dangerous and evil in its banality.” Ashfield said.

“I could go on and blame my father and my environment for all my decisions and failures. For having married a woman, for having stayed in the closet, for having studied economics instead of something more fun and more like me but I consciously decided against it for reasons, maybe I have just been an idiot, who knows. Sven on the other hand did it much differently than I even though he’s an heir to a business empire as well. Everyone is responsible for their own decisions and has to live with the consequences!” Ashfield let Kario know what he thought of that.


“I agree! It is!” Devon nodded that people getting falsely accused and punished for crimes that they had not committed was very concerning. There was no need for debate on this issue. He could fully subscribe to what his boyfriend had just said there.

Kario somehow managed to make him feel less terrible about having gone to the brothel although he still felt awful nonetheless. The fact of the matter that his lover certainly wouldn’t thank Devon’s father for having bought him like a piece of furniture made him grin in a really depressed way. “Yeah, I wouldn’t either. And I can only apologise once more for his .... behaviour!” the billionaire scratched his neck.




It had been painfully obvious that Kario had been going against his own interest when he had suggested that it might be better to turn Sven’s job offer down and look for something local. It got even more obvious to Ashfield when the other man cited their future plans.

Devon smiled at the other man and took his hand into his own, intertwining their fingers. “And that is where I think you’re wrong. You wouldn’t close the door on those things necessarily if you still wanted them.” Ashfield told his lover. “We can still go on trips and travel even when you go, even while you live there. Whenever I have some time, like this weekend for example, I can take one of the Corporations private jets and fly over and we can travel Europe together. Or I send you a flight ticket or one of our private jets and have you fly over to my hunting lodge for example and we can spend a weekend together there. If you’re feeling home sick, I send you a jet and some hours later you’ll be here or at your parents or whomever you miss.” He suggested. “We could also talk every day. If I call you before work every day it would be around midday break over there and we can video chat.” Ashfield offered, trying to point out that there would be solutions if the other decided to go and that it didn’t have to be the end.

Then there came the part that wasn’t that simple for Devon because it had been something he had thought about quite some times during the last weeks of his work and where he had tried to negate his own conclusion because it kind of hurt. “I also know that we wanted to revisit starting a family and we could talk about this one year from now but I doubt that I would reach a different conclusion than I have reached during the last weeks.” The man started, laid his head into his neck and sighed.

“I don’t think that it is realistic.” He added. “I already don’t have enough time for our relationship and I certainly wouldn’t have time for a family, not with my career in politics and if I am honest to myself, even though it’s tough I will never leave politics. If I would start a family I would be the same kind of parent my parents have been. The type that’s never there and that is too busy with their career to care and bother and that’s exactly the kind of parent I never wanted to be. And if my kids weren’t raised by nannies and house staff you would end up the primary caretaker and the burden would mostly fall on you while I was governing the state, being the Commerce Secretary (even though I’d rather be the Secretary of State) or sitting in the senate. Would you want that? Only living for raising a family with not much else going on in your life?” The blond stated. “I have chosen the career long ago, I have made a lot of sacrifices for it and I won’t ever give it up.” The billionaire said.

The expression on his face was quite sad when his golden eyes met Kario’s dark orbs. “If there is one thing that I have learned in my life so far it is that it usually doesn’t go as initially planned and that even when one follows the plan it turns out to be different than one had initially imagined it. Things happen that one couldn’t possibly have calculated with, opportunities arise or failures happen. If one doesn’t take a risk one can’t fail but one won’t be going anywhere either.” Devon explained.

“Except for my career path I have planned almost none of what is in my life today. If my life would have gone according to plan I would still be married to Mei and have built my traditional token family, no one would know that I was gay and I would have continued privatising the education system because that was my initial plan and idea. Life however is a learning process and sometimes one has to let go of previous plans and replace them with new ones, walk new paths, we have to adapt ourselves and our plans in accordance to new situations and life.” The Governor encouraged the other to not worry that much about the plans that they had made.

“Life happens while we live it. When you go some of our initial plans may become reality and some won’t. If you don’t go it’s bound to be the same though.” He added and his smile looked rather bright and optimistic now.

The politician could certainly understand that Kario wasn’t comfortable making that decision just now and found it difficult. “Fair enough! You don’t have to decide it today or even tomorrow. You could even go with Sven, take the internship and when he says that you are qualified and he wants you to get the chance for the dual education you can decide it then. That’s all possible.” Devon nodded. “You just said that you wanted to discuss career options with me so I thought this would be something you wanted to talk about.” The man shrugged. “There is no pressure though.”

When they were jesting together and Kario pointed out that Ashfield just liked any idea that would end up with his lover strutting around naked the Governor laughed and said: “Yeah, that too!” with cocky smirk. He certainly couldn’t deny that he still very much liked that idea and that he was rather fond of seeing his boyfriend’s body. “Who can blame me though? You’re just a gorgeous man.” The politician added in a joking defence, his golden eyes sliding over Kario’s physique.

But even the jesting about running around naked and Michalski being in the house soon got a more serious turn when the black haired male expressed that he was glad that Devon had offered the bodyguard a job as it would help both men out in the end. “I hope so. The other possibility is that my father turns both Michalski and me into Anaconda food.” The man snorted with a shrug.

“He certainly won’t be amused that I hired someone who quits the Corporation but in the end he has no reason to send Smith and those nutcase Nationalist militia after me anymore. So we’ll see how that goes!” the blond speculated further.

“Let’s go and cool down for a bit.” He suggested, reached out his hand to his lover and returned with him into the Frigidarium where he exposed his body to the shock of the now ice cold seeming water.
After they had properly cooled down he returned with his boyfriend into the moderately heated room, the Tepidarium.

Ashfield could feel how this was helping him to get rid of a lot of tension already. “I should do that more often.” He commented. “I haven’t often used the bathhouse you know but I really should.” The politician concluded before he laid himself down, resting his head on Kario’s naked lap, peering up into his eyes. “I love you a lot! And I will always remain grateful to you, no matter what the future holds for us.” The man said with a smile.

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  • 1 month later...

"Really?" Kario asked when Devon questioned if there was data stating that certain dog breeds are facing more severe consequences than others. "Have you really not seen the data for that?" The younger man asked so confused and a little surprised that Devon wouldn't be aware of such things. At the same time he figured it wasn't of any concern to his boyfriend so he shrugged a little and sighed. "I guess dog breeds don't normally fall under things of your concern so I can understand why you may not have heard of or seen such data before. It's not just more severe consequences it's also pure discrimination based on breed alone. Some breeds have been completely banned from different cities and towns. People owning some of these breeds even struggle to find places to live because people deem that breed vicious without even giving the individual dog a chance." Kario replied honestly. He truly felt every case should be handled case by case without breed being any part of it. The younger man felt any dog of any breed was capable of being dangerous and aggressive if raised improperly and didn't like whole breeds to be labeled as aggressive or dangerous.


Purposely he hadn't responded to any other part of their conversation, not because he didn't care about what they were discussing but because he truly felt like they had covered enough. He had heard Devon's opinion and his outlook again and again and there was nothing more to discuss as far as he was concerned. His boyfriend had really good points, and while he'd never completely see things the same way Devon did he didn't see any reason to keep discussing these things.


Shrugs at the others words not arguing there. "You're right. It's not the justice system itself that does that, its some people in said system." Kario admitted knowing his boyfriend was right. The justice system itself definitely didn't discriminate one race over the other, or one gender over the other. It was the people involved in said justice system, but that wasn't something he wanted to really discuss because in the end there was no way of avoiding such things completely. There were always be some discrimination in the world and in places where it shouldn't be. Kario didn't really care enough or feel it was worth discussing more so he left it alone.


Kario couldn't help but laugh a little when Devon said he could go on and blame his father and his environment for his failures and decisions. "You really could though." Kario admitted with a small smile patting the man's arm. "Even you've admitted your father has had quite the hold on you and has influenced you to do some questionable things." The younger man told his boyfriend honestly. "But you're right, if you want to take all the responsibility for those decisions and actions that's perfectly okay too." He added with a small shrug not going to argue against his boyfriend but feeling like the man's father was definitely at fault for many of Devon's decisions and failures by forcing or influencing his son into doing such things to begin with.


The black haired man offered the politician the smallest smile as Devon once more apologized for his father's behavior when it came to buying him like a piece of furniture. "You're not the one who should be apologizing, Devon." Kario admitted. "I know your father never will, but you apologize for him way too much. It's not your fault he behaves the way he does and you shouldn't feel like you need to apologize for his behavior."


The younger man looked at their entwined fingers as Devon spoke telling him that taking this opportunity wouldn't close the door on those plans necessarily but Kario felt like the opposite was true. While he appreciated how much Devon seemed to think that they could still do those things and how easy it would be he had a hard time believing that it was true. Feeling as though things would really be much more difficult. "I'd miss you though, every day, all day." Kario sighed as he looked from their hands to his boyfriend's face. "I mean... I already miss you so much now and we're in the same city. I can't even begin to imagine how much I'd miss you being in a completely different country. Not to mention I won't know anyone other than Sven and I definitely won't know the area." Kario told the blonde. As much as this was something he really wanted to do it scared him to take such a huge step. He wouldn't know anyone other than Sven and while he did really like the man it was still scary to go to a whole new country where he knew no one and nothing and have no one there at his side. "Talking to you every day and getting to see you whenever possible will be nice of course... it's just not the same. It doesn't make such a big change any less terrifying."


A frown appeared on his face at the topic of them revisiting starting a family together and how Devon said that he doubted that he would reach a different conclusion than what he had reached during these last weeks. There was a part of Kario that really hurt hearing that, not having realized that he had gotten his hopes up and maybe even excited at the idea of having a family with the older man until it was practically shut down. "Are you saying you wouldn't want to start a family with me?" Kario asked trying to hide the slight pain in his voice as he said that not really sure why it hurt so much. After all he still had a lot of soul searching to do but he had gone into this topic thinking that it was more of him who had to get on board with the idea, not realizing that Devon really had to do some soul searching here as well or that his boyfriend may decide that he didn't want to start a family after all. After a moment he sighed and just rested his head on the blonde's shoulder. "I guess if you feel like you won't reach a different conclusion then there isn't any reason to let this stand in my way." There was a bit of pain in his voice that time and he hated hearing it.


What his boyfriend said next about it not really being realistic since he didn't have enough time for their relationship as it was and certainly wouldn't have the time for a family it did make him feel a little better about it though he still didn't like the idea that Devon was shutting down the possibility so easily. "I don't think you would be." The younger man admitted when Devon said he would be the same kind of parent as his parents have been. Kario truly didn't believe that was true and he hated to think that was how Devon felt about it. "If it was a family I have with you then yes, Devon. I would want that." Kario admitted looking down at his lap. He had already come to realize how much he liked the idea of having a family with Devon. If it meant he had to be the primary caregiver for their child or children and that be what his life came down to he knew he'd be happy because it was their family. It was their children and that alone made it all worth it. "I know you made the decision for your career long ago and I don't want you to nor would I ever ask you to give it up. But I don't think that you should just give up on your dream of being a father and having a family just because you don't want your partner to end up taking up most of the parental responsibilities while you're working and focusing on your career. At the same time I don't want you to automatically jump to the conclusion that I wouldn't be okay with a life of raising a family with not much more going on. Because to me, a family with you is worth that role, it's worth giving up on other things to have a family with the person I love."


The younger man sighed as Devon said that one thing he had learned in his life is that things don't usually go as planned. To Kario it felt like Devon was already giving up on their plans and the things they had discussed and was making it seem like any option other than taking this opportunity was the wrong one. That wasn't how Kario wanted to see it, he wanted to weigh his options and pick what was best for him. Not just go take this opportunity because Devon pushed him towards it. He wanted to make sure that everything he was giving up to do so was worth the sacrifice and as things stood right now he wasn't really sure that was true.


"When I mentioned discussing career options this hadn't even been one of those options though. I had been looking at more local things because I knew that's what you wanted." Kario admitted blushing slightly at the thought. While he had wanted to discuss career options with Devon this opportunity had not been on the table yet, instead he had looked at things he could do locally that still interested him and were things he wouldn't mind doing for a long time. Still he shrugged and knew that right now this was a decision he was neither ready nor willing to make. "I'll think on it more and look at other options too." The black haired man told the other. Not about to make such a decision right now when there was a lot on his mind.


Being able to joke together and just enjoy each other's company was a much lighter topic and a welcome change. Especially after everything that had happened today and all of their far more serious topics. Kario laughed as he noticed the blonde's eyes sliding over his body, enjoying the attention and knowing all too much how much Devon liked what he was seeing. "Maybe I'll have to make a point out of strutting around naked for you then. I don't believe I've given it much of a go lately. Could be fun." The younger man teased the other, nudging his boyfriend gently.


Kario shrugged at the thought of the politician's father turning Devon and Michalski into anaconda food. Devon continuing to say that at least it mean that his father wouldn't have to send Smith and the Nationalist militia after him anymore had Kario smiling. "You have a point there. I know it's probably looking at a side of your father that doesn't actually exist but he could see this as a positive thing. Michalski hasn't been going into work lately anyway and it means he wouldn't have to worry about sending anyone to watch you."


Nodding he took the other's hand and followed him back into the Frigidarium, there was definitely a shock between the colder water and what they had been in moments ago. Kario didn't seem to mind the difference much though and it wasn't long before they were back in the warmer water again and he smiled as his lover rested his head on his naked lap. Happily running his fingers through the other's soft blonde hair, a loving smile on his face. "I love you too, Devon. So much." The younger man replied with a soft sigh as he relaxed.


Sitting there relaxing with Devon was something that Kario really enjoyed. especially because it was just the two of them. "I missed spending time with you like this." Kario said softly his dark eyes moving from the wall where he had been staring absently to the blonde's golden gaze. "At least we'll have a nice peaceful night, well us and Sven whenever he gets back." He added remembering that Sven would be back at some point tonight.

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Ashfield raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “No! My apologies but a study that showed that certain dog breeds were more often facing higher and severer punishments for the exact same behaviour than other dog breeds has not yet landed on my desk yet and I have no personal interest in the subject.” The blond man reacted in a rather snarky way.

“I do know that some dogs have a certain reputation but the logical conclusion seemed to me that they just tended to be involved in attacks more often than others be that due to the fact that they mostly appeal to irresponsible people who buy them but do not train them properly, are uneducated, have no actual knowledge about dogs or are literal criminals or that the dogs are naturally more aggressive as the German government claims and Sven deems inaccurate. But I never dwelled on it because as I said I didn’t have any interest in it and I had more important things to concern myself with. Most of what I know about the issue I know from Sven.” Devon explained. “But if you have the study at hand that shows me that the involvement of these dogs in attacks is not in fact disproportionate but that we just punish them more harshly and often than the other dogs even though there is no difference in the frequency of destructive behaviour I will gladly read it.” He promised.

“Well, if you know that those dogs or ultimately their owners have a bad reputation buying one isn’t really a good choice of purchase when one then faces discrimination on the housing market now is it? I wouldn’t make that decision, it’s a dumb decision! I’m sure there are enough dogs that are just as great that won’t get you denied to rent a home. It’s well within the landlords rights to choose their renters however they please. It’s their property and they can do with it whatever the hell they want. And if they don’t want to rent to people with certain dogs, or to people who own dogs, or to certain people, or to any people and leave it empty that’s their right as property owners. I actually got rid of the government restrictions forced onto landlords that said that landlords refusing people due to some traits they don’t like was discriminatory. It’s the right of the property owners and I am all for protecting the rights of landlords and private real estate businesses. Eat shit Theodore Parker! Sorry! That was fairly unprofessional.” he coughed.

He was quite passionate about property rights considering that his father ran a real estate business for a fun gamble more than anything else and many if not most of his family’s friends were landlords or involved in the housing market in one way or the other and they all had made a strong case for wanting the right to choose their renters however they wanted and to kick them out whenever and for whatever they pleased and to raise the rent however high they wanted as well and to not pay for any repairs and put that burden onto the renters and so forth.

“Anyway I disagree with towns and cities, meaning the government, banning the ownership and purchase of these dogs. I do see a problem with that and I will see whether there are any communities in our state that infringe on the free market like that and I will see what I can do to change that.” The Governor stated.

The blond man nodded and then shrugged. “There are always a few bad apples on the tree. That doesn’t mean all or most apples are bad or that even the tree would be rotten. I can agree with that but probably not to the extent you’re thinking.” He then said when Kario agreed that the system wasn’t racist but there were racists working for the system. And that was undeniably true. Amongst all the people working for the system there always ought to be some racists within the rows as well.

“Yeah, he did influence and impacted me, for sure, I am not denying that at all. All I am saying is that at some point, when I had been an adult I could have and should have said: “No, I am not gonna do that anymore, I am not going to pretend I was someone who I am not and I am not going to marry this model you decided was perfect for me because I am gay and in love with Jeff, fuck you!” but I didn’t. I decided that I saw his point, that it was for the better, would be beneficial and profitable to me and I went with it!” he told his boyfriend. “I am probably just mad with myself that I made what I now know was a dumb decision. Despite my father’s influence and what values I have been raised with. It was something I have always admired Sven for, he’s gone against the expectations completely and always kind of had his own voice questioning the values of his family and even his entire class and while I fundamentally disagree with his ideas on politics I admire the courage and the balls this takes. Then again his father wasn’t a sociopath but heck, I’m not a shrink what do I even know right. Just don’t tell him that I said I would admire him for something.”

A weird chuckle came from Devon when Kario told him that he didn’t have to apologise for his father and the man’s actions all the time, that he wasn’t the one who had to apologise although his father never would. That it wasn’t his fault that his father behaved like that. “Don’t I?” he asked. “I know it’s not my fault but it’s my father and I am connected to him whether I want to or not. Not to mention that guilt by association reaches much further than that for some people. I am very used to apologising for my father, what he says, what he does. People want statements from me, I have to distance myself or people are going to assume that I stand or Ashfield Corp. stands behind whatever he’s done or said. It’s not that simple really. There was a time where I had apologised constantly for the things he said in behalf of the Corporation. Then I got him a spokesperson. But later he figured out how the internet and social media worked and I had to hire someone who was screening and managing that, checking every comment before it’d get released and monitoring his public interaction with the populous. During the last month he had fired both of them and is now running wild again! Absolutely wild! Sven has subscribed to his Twitter lately. And you know it has to be incredibly unbelievable if Sven finds it entertaining.”




There was something in what Kario said that threw Ashfield’s brain into a loop. Something that had not once come to his mind! The other man described his anxieties which he felt when he thought about going abroad and living in a foreign nation where he would only know one other person. That what the offer contained didn’t excite but rather terrified him. He understood that he would miss him, Ashfield would miss the other too but the other aspects completely differed in perception. “I guess that could potentially be overwhelming.” He mused. The blond personally had loved that. He had loved to explore new places, to walk new paths and he had never been shy to take a risk. Kario on the other hand seemed like a more risk averse person who was more prone to the familiar and not so thrilled about major changes.

“I always felt very excited about new situations and challenges like those. They were like adventures to me. Almost thrilling. But maybe it’s just completely different for you. That’s fine too. Maybe you’ll be nervous about it and once you’re more familiar with it, it would be great. Or you go and decide it’s too foreign and unfamiliar and you come back or you decide it’s not for you to start with and you stay and search for something here. Whatever feels right to you!” the blond stated with a smile.

What followed didn’t leave the Governor less stunned and dumbfounded, if anything much more so. He blinked. “Wait? What?” he expressed being, as he’d say, very unprofessional about it. “You actually would? You would consider the possibility? Of being a stay at home father?” he asked unable to hide the surprise and that it was something he had not been capable of even imagining the other wanting to do or ever considering, even the hurt in the other man’s voice came as a surprise. He’d have been more capable of imagining Kario flipping him off or throwing something into his face if he would ever as much as to ask if this was something he would consider.

The billionaire had to admit that he indeed had come to a conclusion for his boyfriend there judging by his own perspective, his own idea of what he wanted and needed in his life assuming that this was true for Kario as well. That the other wanted a career and wanted to climb that ladder and be successful at his job as well. So he had indeed taken that out of the equation completely to start with.

If this day had shown anything to him it was that Kario’s and his personalities differed fundamentally almost entirely. They were opposites and apparently in their case opposites did attract. “Would you really be happy with this though?” he asked sceptically trying to keep himself from actually getting somewhat excited about the idea.

His mother would have probably beheaded his father had he ever suggested she should have had to be a stay at home mum! She had made their son his father’s responsibility and focussed entirely on the career and his father had made him the nanny’s responsibility or taken him with him to work to teach him how to become a proper businessman and that the ultimate goal was to be better than the others and to come out on top and as the winner and that nothing but victory was acceptable.

He sighed. “What I always wanted was to be better than my father was you see. The idea that I could somehow become my father is scary to me. The idea of not being the perfect parent is ... No! If I start a family I need to be perfect and currently I am already failing with being in a serious relationship due to the lack of time. I definitely can’t give myself an A+ for how I am doing as a boyfriend right now. And everything that isn’t an A+ isn’t worthy of acknowledgement and credibility.....” he stopped and shook his head. “See! It’s like my father lives in my brain! What if I end up teaching values like those!? What if I am not capable of loving unconditionally just as both of my parents aren’t? What if they look at me when they are adults and feel about me as I do about my father or my narcissistic mother for that matter? Or  they grow up and become like me?” the man asked all those question that had popped up on his mind more than just one time before. And it showed what he was actually scared about while Kario seemed to be much more critical about going abroad than starting a family and becoming the primary caretaker.

Taking risks, challenges, the unknown, not knowing anyone and being the lone wolf in a new territory and asserting himself in his new environment all that didn’t make Ashfield blink an eye, it was what he found exciting, what he found fulfilling, what he was good at but emotional tasks and commitment scared the shit out of him when it came down to it, even though he had always liked the fairy tale of the perfect family. He just wasn’t sure if he had the skills required for that job! Whether his profile matched the job description!





After the cooling down and resting his head on Kario’s lap he was a lot more relaxed than he had been the entire day, the entire week, maybe the entire month even. And right now even the mentioning of his father didn’t make his mood cloudy again. “You’re right, that side of my father does not exist!” he let out a snorting laugh. “My father is not merely a sociopath he is also an authoritarian personality. He is the emperor, the corporation his empire and one of his employees he personally knows and works with quitting he equates with treason so hiring Michalski, a traitor, is also treason and he isn’t fond of treason.” He explained. “He definitely will not be happy about it!” he said and he laughed, kind of starting to like the idea.

The politician smiled at his lover when the other said “I love you” back to him and told him how much he had missed spending time together like this. “So did I!” he stated and then listened to Kario saying that they’d at least have a nice quiet evening together, well, with Sven once he returned.

“Don’t worry about him, he won’t be coming back soon. I am sure he’s currently dragging poor Michalski into some avant-garde art/music festival in some squat organised by those bloody Anarchists a friend of mine is trying to get out of his empty property since years. Or at least to some Irish Pub or Club or whatever!” Devon explained to the other shaking his head about Sven.

 “But you know what that means?” he asked. “We’ve got plenty of time on our hands! Just the two of us!” the man smirked, raised his upper body up from Kario’s lap, laid his hand onto his lover’s neck and leaned in to kiss him. It started out as a slow but intense kiss that got gradually more heated, his tongue more dominating and challenging the other.

“Any idea what we can do with all that time?” he asked once the kiss was broken, grinning cockily.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There was a small hint of amusement when Devon said that he could agree that there were a few bad apples but not to the extent that he thought he was thinking. "Maybe you're right and not quite to that extent, but there is a chance I'm right and that there are more bad apples than even you are aware of." Kario told his boyfriend. While he didn't want to argue about it he knew that there was no way that Devon would know of every bad apple in such positions. Feeling that it truly could go either way, either one of them could be right though there was also a higher chance that his boyfriend was. There was no point in denying that even if he would like to think he'd finally be right when it came to this.


The older man never seemed to fail to be right or come out on top when it came to these kinds of topics. While Kario normally didn't have a hard time when admitting he was wrong he had to admit it was harder to admit when it came to such things. But he did his best to at least admit it eventually or just agree to disagree if he really refused to give in. Now wasn't really the time to focus on that though. Devon would either give him some statistics that would prove the blonde was right and it wasn't as many people as he thought it was or they would be left to think and feel however they wanted about it with no proof that either one of them was closer to the truth. In the end Kario didn't care so much about this outcome since they had both already agreed that one way or the other there was this corruption and racism going on there. 


Kario had to admit this was the first time he had ever heard the older man respond in a less than professional manner or so surprised for that matter. Kario didn't really understand why the blonde seemed to be so surprised that he had said he wouldn't mind doing that. Part of him knew of course, knowing that this wouldn't be a fulfilling career path for Devon or any member of his family. Especially considering how career oriented both of his boyfriend's parents had been and how focused on his work the older man's father still was. But those things didn't matter to Kario, he didn't care if he had a successful career or climbed the career ladder. Those things didn't matter to the younger man who didn't think of such things as a way of saying how fulfilled ones life was.


"Yes, Devon. I would without a doubt consider the possibility of being a stay at home father." He told his lover without hesitation. There was no ill feelings towards the possibility and in some ways Kario had to admit he actually preferred that option over many other options out there. He knew it'd be a lot of work to be a stay at home parent, that children in themselves weren't easy. That didn't matter to Kario though, this was his family on the line, their family and if it came down to one of them needing to be a stay at home father in order for it to be possible he had no problem taking on the role. Especially since he would never expect Devon to give up his career as a politician knowing how much his career meant to the blonde. He'd never ask the older man to give it up, being a politician was so important to Devon that the younger man would never want to come between him and his career.


"Honestly? Yes, I would. I'd be completely happy with it." The dark haired man admitted to the blonde. "I don't see anything wrong with being a stay at home father, especially if it was to our child or children. I honestly couldn't be happier." Kario admitted with a smile being completely honest to Devon. 


Hearing his boyfriend as Devon told him how he had always wanted to be better than his father made Kario sigh. No matter what he felt and truly believed that Devon would be a better father than Andrew had ever been. "Devon. No one is a perfect parent, there are going to be mistakes and there could always be more time for this that or the other." Kario informed his boyfriend with a small smile. "You're also not failing at being my boyfriend and you can't give ratings or grades to these things either." Reaching up Kario took Devon's face between his, making the blonde man meet his darker gaze, not about to let him talk about himself like this or make himself feel like he wasn't worthy of a family or their relationship for that matter.


"They wont. You want know why they wont? Because you have me, they have me. You won't be like your parents when it comes to them. I know you will be focused on your job a lot but I also know that when you do come home that you'll shower our kids with love even though you'll be tired. I know my parents and even my sister will help us, we'll do family trips or family time on weekends. We'll make sure they know they are loved and not just an heir, not just someone to continue the legacy when we're gone." Kario said so positively and with such certainty that their kids wouldn't end up feeling about Devon the way his boyfriend felt about his father. This was something he had thought a lot about, and it was one reason why he was so hurt and upset when Devon had seemed to already decide for the both of them without discussing it with him further. Kario didn't want to lose out on this chance just because Devon had decided on his own that it wasn't going to work. No. This was something that they truly had to discuss with each other and come to a mutual agreement.



Hearing that Devon had also missed them spending time together like this caused Kario's smile to get even bigger. Damn, he loved the man in front of him so much. These past few months and the lack of the blonde's presence seemed insignificant in this moment. It had all been worth it to have Devon back beside him today. Running his fingers lovingly through the other's hair once more with a smile.


Kario wasn't as convinced when he was told that Sven wouldn't be coming bac anytime soon. Not so sure that he believed that even though he knew the older man knew the other far better than he did. He continued running his fingers through his lover's hair though, humming softly, looking into those gorgeous golden eyes.


A curious look appeared on his face at the question. Though he didn't have long to think about what that meant since Devon was raising his upper body in his lap and pressing their lips together in a kiss, Devon's hand on his neck. There wasn't even any hesitation as the dark haired man moaned softly into the kiss, leaning into it. Thoroughly enjoying the kiss, feeling like he'd die without it. Not having realized how much he even missed this with Devon gone, but just kissing seemed so hot and arousing now. Sure he had been working with the specialist to get his sex addiction under control but moments like this made it seem like he was starting from square one all over again. He just loved and craved the politician that much. Kario's tongue didn't even try to fight the dominance of Devon's, giving in to it though still swirling around with his boyfriend's.


The kiss breaking had him breathlessly looking into that stunning golden gaze again. Unable to help but laugh softly at the cocky grin and how the older man was clearly teasing him. "I think you know damn well what we can do with all that time. It's been too long since I've had my sexy boyfriend." Kario purred in response, eyes burning with need. Realizing it was easier for him to fight such desires when the blonde wasn't before him and saying such clearly suggestive things.

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  • 2 months later...

„Then we shall definitely revisit the topic on my 40th birthday as planned!” was Devon’s final conclusion that he announced with a bright and encouraged smile upon learning that Kario wouldn’t mind being a stay at home father.

To the Governor it was almost baffling how certain the other was that Ashfield would be a decent father while he himself doubted that.
If there was something that he feared in life it was turning into his father and becoming as vein and addicted to plastic surgery as his mother as he grew older.

Unsurprisingly it turned out that the black haired man was just as horny for him as he was for the other and thus his innuendo was immediately understood and Devon wasted no further time with talking but instead turned his attention to his boyfriend’s cock immediately to greet it with his tongue and mouth and invite it into his throat.

Devon hadn’t realised just how much he had needed the other before he was fucking the other man’s brain out and was fully indulging in the pleasure. He had been too used to the state of abstinence for that. Eight years of what had basically been some kind of celibate had made going without touch the status quo that his body stopped to question after a few days or a week or so.

But now he was very eager to show the other how much he desired him, how much he loved him, trying to make up for the weeks in which he had not had the time for his boyfriend. And he didn’t merely do this once in the bathhouse, he fucked the other in the kitchen on the kitchen counter after that and then when they had laid down in bed yet again.

And he would have done it another time had his tired body not given in and taken its sleep despite the wildfire burning inside of his heart.

The other morning Ashfield made sure to shower together with his lover and to eat and fuck his arse while the water was coating their bodies. And when they had gotten ready for the day Devon took his partner’s hand as they were walking down the stairs of the mansion where breakfast was supposed to wait for them in the dining hall.

And while they found food, they also found something else upon entering the dining room. That something was very loud synth rock music and a very naked Sven sitting on a chair munching bacon and eggs while tapping his foot to the beat of the music, swinging the fork like a conductor’s baton. Either not noticing them or not caring about their entry.

A vein was starting to stick out on Ashfield’s temple as his golden eyes graced the naked body of his best friend that he had seen dozens of time before. Sven was well built, had ash blond hair on his chest, stomach and a bush of pubic hair, a cock of above average size, and hairy legs and arse and he seemed very confident in his nudity.

“Stop the Music!” the politician ordered into the room and the music stopped immediately by itself. Sven paused in his motion like a frozen image on TV.
“Oh hey!” he then recognised Kario and Devon not realising that the Governor wasn’t quite happy about what he saw there.

“What the hell are you doing with our breakfast and why are you naked? I don’t want you to run around naked here!” snapped the Republican politician. Sven raised an eyebrow and examined Devon as though his behaviour was so off that he feared that the man had fallen ill or something.

“Why so prudish all of a sudden? We used to run around naked all the time!” Sven commented. “But it is not then it is now and we’re not in Europe!” Devon’s voice was getting louder and Sven’s eyebrow going higher as he looked at his best friend as though the politician had suffered severe brain damage, staying quiet.

“I don’t want you to parade around naked in front of MY boyfriend all right!” the blond stated, took a napkin and threw it onto Sven’s lap over his cock. The European followed the napkin, looked down at his crotch, took the napkin and placed it onto the table. “Oh come on now! It’s not as though he’s never seen another dick but yours.” Sven remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Sorry that it took me that long, I got lost on my way to the bathroom.” A fourth voice suddenly sounded and another naked man entered the scene. He had short, ginger hair, pale skin, freckles, and red body hair and when Devon turned around to see whom his friend had brought into his mansion there the blond froze, his golden eyes piercing into the green ones of the man in his mid fifties that upon noticing who was standing in front of him looked absolutely shocked and petrified. “McNeal!?!?!” it came from Ashfield unbelieving, confused and accusingly at the same time.

“You know each other! It’s a small world.” Sven expressed in an amused surprise that none of the other men seemed to share. Instead the ginger desperately looked around for something to cover himself with and grabbed the napkin that Ashfield has thrown at Sven and Sven had placed onto the table.

“Governor Ashfield ... what... ehm... what are you doing here .... ehm....” stammered McNeal.
“I live here! This is my property! My mansion!” Devon returned rather harshly and fiercely.

“Your... mansi.... what? But?” McNeal tried to comprehend what was happening and then turned towards the German in an accusing manner. “You said that you were here on vacation and this was your summer house you have given the name Sylt.” The red head pointed his finger at Sven, looking at Ashfield and then back at Sven.

“Nah, I didn’t say that. I said that I was here on vacation visiting a friend and later I told you about my summer house ON Sylt.” The man explained, finding all of that rather funny.

McNeal’s face was redder than his hair by now. “What? No! What the fuck even is a Sylt! I...” he didn’t know what to say anymore. “Sylt is a German North Sea island!” Devon stated annoyed. “That is correct!” Sven nodded amused.

It was clear to see that Sven’s one night stand was totally overwhelmed by the situation and didn’t quite know what to do. “I apologise Governor Ashfield! I... I.... excuse me.... I.... have to leave.” He stammered yet again before he fled out of the dining hall, leading Sven to chuckle what led Ashfield to lose his composure.

“What the hell is wrong with you!? Out of all the men you could have fucked you chose my father’s bookkeeper!!!” Devon yelled at his friend. “He is your father’s bookkeeper? Interesting!” the ash-blond male commented. “No, not interesting! Not interesting at all! I have to interact with him and I can’t make this unknown, I have to live with knowing this now and now I am in this moral dilemma!” the Governor shouted and now blatant confusion was to see on his friend’s face.

“What are you talking about Devon!? You know that he is gay? Wow, big deal! Especially for someone who is gay himself.” Sven mocked his friend’s behaviour. “He has a wife and five kids Sven! You fucked a married guy! And he and his wife will be at the same dinner party my parents give that you and I will be on! Why do you do that? One doesn’t fuck married or taken men! One just doesn’t Sven! It’s wrong and nothing good ever comes from it!” Ashfield let the other know and Sven narrowed his eyebrows looking at Devon grimly.

“How was I supposed to know that he was married? I obviously wouldn’t have done it then but he didn’t tell me. He was definitely a regular at the club we used to go to back in the day where I went with Michalski after that avant-garde party and he never said anything about a woman, being a father or being married. And I won’t take responsibility for something that I didn’t know about and that I have not done. If it is what you say it is, then it’s obviously his fault and not my fault. So don’t blame me for that shit!” Sven defended himself rather vehemently and clearly.

“It wouldn’t have even come to this if you would not act absolutely irresponsibly and like a bloody twenty years old university student because you can’t cope with your break-up! You’re turning your phone off for month not answering to anybody cause you don’t feel like it no matter how much they worry about you, you’re travelling around to here and there, fucking this guy and that guy, turning your head off completely, not facing the loss but just acting as though those 11 years never happened and going back to acting like you did when you were twenty-years younger than now. Why don’t you act your god damn age Sven?” Ashfield countered.

Sven stood from the chair and his grey eyes were looking at the Governor so sharply that it felt like he was shooting darts at him. “And what exactly do you consider acting my age huh? Does acting my age mean to build a token life for myself, throwing myself into a career that’s a ‘real job’ and denying myself all that means fun and that I like to do? Well, I could have bent to what my ex wanted me to be then couldn’t I? Wouldn’t that fit your idea of being responsible and mature, to follow other people’s expectations?” the man yelled back and Sven’s words really stung.

“No, obviously not! That is irresponsible towards oneself, I have learned by wasting eight years or more of my damn life. But what you’re doing isn’t constructive either! You wrote in that self-help book of yours that one shall not dwell in the past, that history is merely fiction in the present and doesn’t exist anymore, that one is supposed to look forward and into the future. But to move on from the past one has to face it first, one has to close the chapter and not ignore what’s happened and just run from it, pretending that nothing has happened at all and turn back to an even earlier point in your history where this hadn’t happened yet. So why don’t you take your own advice, face that your ex is gone after 11 years, that you were incompatible, that he has a husband now, that life is going on but that this has actually been an episode of your life that has happened, that you are not exactly who you used to be 11 years ago and pursue what would really make you happy now, what you actual want and need in your life at this point in time and don’t try to bring back and relive something past that isn’t you anymore.” Devon told the other and Sven clenched his teeth.

“This piece of shit has gotten together with his new boyfriend not even a week after we broke it off! They married, they wanted to adopt kids right away all right! As though he had only waited to finally get rid of me! And why would I restrict myself to anything, why would I wait for anything, why would I not toss him and 11 years away as though they were nothing? Why would I not make it very obvious that my life has been and is way more exiting, more adventures and freer without that douche? That I had  to restrict my artistic lifestyle and stay way too long at one place for him! That he was a burden! Tell me one good reason!” Sven hissed.

“Because your revenge won’t matter to him in the end, you’re just robbing yourself of what you really want for your own happiness by trying to demonstrate something to him but more so yourself! By trying to hurt him the same way he hurt you!” Ashfield said.

Sven snorted. “Revenge! I’m not taking revenge! My brother did that for me even though I never asked! I am not taking revenge!” Sven insisted.
“Jens is a sociopath! He tried to destroy your ex’s life in a way, well, sociopath do but that isn’t the bar for when something start to become revenge and when not. Yours is on a more normal scale. And you should face your emotions and pain, allow it and then really move on without demonstrating anything to anyone!” Ashfield told him.

“Ridiculous!” Sven pouted, sat back down onto the chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You’ve just become a stuffy old man, just like he always was, even eleven years ago.” He murmured and Devon shook his head. “Alright! I tried! I really tried! Go ahead, fuck as many men as you want! Fuck yourself through the entire closeted middle aged married guy league however much you want if you deem this necessary but don’t think that I don’t know you well enough to look through this bloody facade and that I don’t see that you’re lonely and unhappy as hell right now! I will be there for you if you need me, if not, oh well!” Ashfield told Sven, took a pot with scones, a knife and a glass of strawberry marmalade before he turned to Kario saying:” Let’s go eat in the living room!”

Thinking about the dinner party at his parent’s mansion in the evening and how awkward it might get, even more awkward than it would have been anyway now he made his way into the living room together with his boyfriend, ready to sit on the sofa together with him and eat breakfast.

But had he sometimes had the feeling that something hated him for some ominous reason, that whoever wrote the story of his life wanted to tease him he was now very sure of it.

The blond man merely managed to hold onto the food he was carrying and not dropping it but instead putting it onto the sideboard for safety purposes.
On his beloved, expensive as hell leather sofa lay a naked woman apparently not caring about his house rule that clearly said:”No naked women!”

“Excuse me!” said Devon and the woman blinked her sleepy grey eyes and sat up. “Oh shit!” she said when she realised that she had still been asleep and heard a voice that she didn’t recognise.

She had a dyed black bowl cut with shaved off sides, lips painted with a bright red lipstick, had her septum pierced, had ivory skin covered with tattoos and had even gone out of her way to dye her pubes black just like her hair. Ashfield looked at the ceiling not liking the sight of the naked figure one bit. Then however his brain started to recognise the face of the naked lady he had caught a glimpse of the moment before, lowering his gaze again, trying to only see the face but failing, screwing up his nose.

The naked woman was picking up her ruby coloured panties from the floor, starting to get dressed.

“Sven!” yelled the Governor. “Sven!!! Sven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he yelled louder and louder being torn between “There is a naked woman in my living room, urgh!” and “I’m gonna kill Sven!”

The naked woman who wasn’t naked anymore by now but was wearing panties and bra narrowed her eyebrows. “Jeez, what the hell are you yelling that loudly for.” And then she took a closer look at Ashfield and her eyes turned into slits.

“You! You are Michalski’s new boss?” she commented. “Governor Devon Ashfield.” She spat his name out as though she had bitten onto something disgusting.    

Ashfield’s golden eyes now turned towards her and he was relieved that she was wearing something. “And you are that weasel who has made herself a spokesperson for those damn anarchists who are squatting my friend’s property.” He glared at her.

“Exactly!” she said, making herself tall as she was taking pride in it, smirking into Devon’s face.

And while Sven was walking over from the kitchen, finally reacting to Devon calling his name the woman, who was putting on black baggy pants with a shit load of pockets was speaking again.

“You have a really nice house.” She started. “How many rooms do you have? How large exactly is this property?” she asked rhetorically. “If one lives in such a place away from anyone else why should one care about the homeless crisis in our city amongst the younger adults that has been bad before but has skyrocketed ever since you have first become the governor, right? Why give a shit about the housing crisis and gentrification at all when you and your friends all benefit from it! When people get evicted because their rent has risen by 300% and they can’t pay for it anymore or because the landlord doesn’t like their nose! When millions of people struggle to find decent housing and you and your friends speculate and gamble with real estate, letting buildings empty and crumbling while people freeze to death on the streets in winter. Why would you care? When you leave your mansion you don’t stumble over a homeless guy in front of your door and even if you would you’d just call your beloved police and have him dragged elsewhere!” she stated quietly and clearly before she picked up a black crop top from the ground and put it on.

“But you are absolutely right, I and my friends are obviously the bad guys. I am a horrible human being who currently has five people living in her house who have lost their place to live and otherwise had nowhere to go to. So how do I dare question the housing market system and the idea of landlords that in and of itself is an unjust one, an exploitive one that keeps people down in the dirt because they have to give all their little hard earned money to lazy rich slackers who simply own buildings and ground that they have taken from the people to rent it back to them for a fortune and profit. Ground and real estate needs to go back into the hands of the people!” she stated and Devon snorted, looking at her disdainfully.

“What do you know about markets, the economy and calculations? It’s alright, I know that you don’t exactly learn how to deal with numbers in your gender studies class!” Devon hissed.
And Sven who had appeared next to Ashfield, still wearing absolutely nothing was looking at his friend: “She has a point though!” he said.

“No she does not! She absolutely has no point! She is a lunatic! They all are! When will you finally stop to go to crazy people’s crazy events while they are illegally being on someone else’s property Sven!” Devon yelled at Sven while the woman slipped into her 90ies style platform boots, very amused.

“Gender studies? I studied no such useless shit my dude.” she smirked. “I am 35 years old and have a PhD in mathematics, hun!” the woman said to Ashfield mirroring his patronising tone of voice back to him while picking her backpack up from the floor. “But I appreciate the afford you put into attacking this straw man you’ve constructed  for yourself. It’s a lot easier, I know.  A lot easier, in fact, than engaging with actual arguments, isn’t it.” She went over to Ashfield and patted his cheek. “Goodbye sweetie and please, stop worrying your spoiled little head with politics, it would be so much better for all of us as they are clearly too complex for you!”

“Bye, see you around!” she smiled at Sven and then passed them both, grabbing an expensive antique candlestick. “Hey, will you put this back, this is my mine!” Devon called after her and she turned around. “Sure, you can rent it from me for only 1000$ a month! What a deal!” the black haired woman laughed flipping the Governor off with the left hand, showing him is black painted fingernails, heading for the door.

“Kim? Where you’re going?” Michalski’s voice sounded. He had taken a shower and was now standing there in his boxers and with a towel around his strong neck.

“Home! I’ll text you Pavel!” she promised him, giving him fingerguns and off she was.

Devon gave Sven a death glare.

“This was Kim! We met her at the avant-garde party yesterday and she and
Michalski hit it off. We went to the club together, where we met who turned out to be your father’s bookkeeper and then wanted to come here and go to the sauna, the rest is history!” Sven explained.

“Oh really!” Devon fumed. “Kim!” he hissed. “Yeah, she’s cool!” found Sven.
“She is absolutely cool.” Ashfield said sarcastically and then looked at his best friend whom he would have liked to strangle that day. “And didn’t I tell you to cover yourself!” he said. “You really meant that!?” Sven stated absolutely surprised  and Devon looked at Sven, at Michalski, at the empty place where the candlestick had been, turned around said:”You can keep the sofa Michalski!” and just left the living.

Sven looked at Kario confused and questioningly. “What is up with him today? Did he eat something bad yesterday?” He asked.

His interest in attending the dinner party at his parent’s mansion was more than limited especially after he had gotten information about McNeal that he didn’t want to have. It wasn’t on him to tell his wife that he was constantly cheating on her, it wasn’t on him to out McNeal and he wouldn’t do it but it left him all too eager to avoid his father’s bookkeeper and his wife at all costs.

Then again he would be avoiding his father at all costs as well. He just hoped that there would be a few people for him and Kario to actually talk to while avoiding the unpleasant guests.

What probably irked him out the most was the splendid mood Sven was in, seeming completely unbothered by anything at all tapping his fingers onto the steering wheel to the beat of the music as though everything was a giant joke, a bad comedy movie. In the situation Ashfield was in, at this point in his life he realised that he had come to find Sven’s specific brand of cynicism very annoying. While Sven hadn’t taken the world seriously before either it was very clear to those who knew him that his cynicism had taken new heights.

They had driven through the outskirts of the city for a while now, passing miles and miles of cotton fields until a large, old mansion that had definitely gotten expanded through the decades but kept in the original style it had been built in. They had to pass security before their car could enter the property and drive the way up to the mansion which was lightened by thousands upon thousands of torches for a dramatic, theatrical effect.

Sven, McNeal, his job, all of that got banned to the back of his mind when the home he had grown up in came into sight. Nowadays Devon didn’t go there often anymore. He saw his parents in the headquarters of the corporation more often than he drove here.

And this time was quite the special time as well because Kario was accompanying him and seeing where he had grown up for the first time. When he turned his gaze away from the mansion his golden eyes examined his boyfriend’s face to register his first impression, to catch a reaction.

Sven parked the car next to the cars of the other guests and when the three of them walked up to the door Devon suddenly felt a kind of strange nervousness. He remembered how good and nice he had been welcomed at Kario’s parent’s house and he wished that the other would feel at home where he had grown up as well.

The Governor straightened the jacket of his black tuxedo, threw a quick gaze at his lover and Sven, who definitely stuck out wearing a shimmering black and purple tuxedo and a tophat, the purple patterns made out of question marks and exclamation marks shimmering in the light of the torches next to the white lion statues that guarded the door.

Taking that heinous tuxedo in he remembered that he had wanted to give Sven all those hideous designer suits his mother had bought for him.
He reached for the doorknocker that was held by the head of a lion and knocked .

The door was opened immediately by a young man in a ruby coloured uniform that reminded of the uniform of a bellhop. The young blond man bowed before them as they entered. When he straightened himself he greeted:”Master Ashfield Junior, Master Benninghofen, welcome to Ashfield mansion. I hope you’ll have an enjoyable evening.”, trying to avoid looking at Kario, feeling clearly uncomfortable with ignoring him and not granting him the same courtesy.

Devon already started to feel ashamed and embarrassed and wanted to get past the butler as soon as he could, not actually looking at the man, wanting to punish him with the same ignorance the butler treated Kario with. Sven however stopped walking, looked the butler directly into his eyes with a wide grin on his face. “You might want to consider glasses, there are three not two of us!” the man said provokingly and the butler got even more uncomfortable, torn between his own idea of treating everyone with the same politeness and the orders he had gotten from Andrew Ashfield before to ignore the black haired man and treat him as though he was not there.
“Yes... I.... Hallo Mister Teschu!” the butler then said before looking at Sven almost pleadingly to let it go because this was already more than he was allowed to do and he really didn’t want to lose his job.

“Let me lead you to the dining hall!” the butler offered but Devon declined still without looking at him and in a rough, harsh tone of voice that suggested superiority, determined to treat that particular butler like shit the entire evening now he said:“No need. You and your services are unnecessary and unwanted.”

They stood in the entrance hall that, just like the entire mansion, was kept in a Victorian design. The right wall was covered by portraits of Andrew Ashfield’s paternal family in chronological order whereas the left wall showed the English aristocrats of Andrew’s maternal side of the family.
At the end of the hall  next to a huge double door there was a large terrarium with  Morelia spilota spilota sitting on a tree staring at the guests that were entering the mansion.

The heir of the Ashfield family, whose portrait was the last in the line of the Ashfield’s led  his boyfriend and Sven through the hall, gave the snake an annoyed look as though it had personally offended him and opened the huge double door that led into the large dining hall.

The Victorian style room had a giant table, a buffet, an empty stage and a lot of space for the people to gather and talk as well as dance. Classical music was playing, the enormous screen opposite to the giant table was showing a slideshow of the Ashfield’s properties and pictures of Andrew and Devlin Ashfield while the wall opposite to that was basically a giant terrarium in which the infamous anaconda which had eaten Devon’s neighbour’s cats dwelled. The snake was lying there fat and lazy and unimpressed, not paying any of the guests any mind.

Devon however did pay the guests quite some mind especially their number. He had expected to see his father’s business friend and the father of Devon’s radical feminist nemesis Olga, he had expected Clarence and his wife Patricia who was rocking her grey bob who was looking just as fashionable as her husband with her long beige skirt, the blouse and a rose knit pullover over her shoulders like a stole, he had expected McNeal and his wife Zoey who looked like one of the bimbos on the cover of the playboy magazine but he had not expected police Commander Mahler, Harvey Flint, his own business friend from the meat industry, another business friend of his whose empty property had been conquered by the anarchists, Valentina with one of the managers from the record companies her parents owned and others.

“What the....” the Governor expressed. “Wow, I didn’t expect this dinner party to be such a big deal.” Sven expressed. “Me neither.” Devon commented feeling that something was off, especially when his golden gaze met the ice blue eyes of his father whose lips turned into a smirk as he moved his glass of scotch into his son’s direction before he took a gulp in a really self-satisfied way.

But before he could think about it more Devon’s mother walked towards them. Her throat was covered by multiple bowties and from the collar downwards the entire dress was covered in bowties so much so that one couldn’t really see the light coloured fabric of the dress beneath it anymore.
Today Devlin was wearing short, curly, peroxide blond hair in the style of Marilyn Monroe and her plastic like face distorted itself into a grimace when she walked towards them and tried to smile.

“Devon honey!” she greeted her son, hugged him and gave him two kisses onto each cheek. “You are so late, I have already worried.” The woman said before she saw Sven. “Sven! It’s been a while. When have we last met?” she asked. “Berlin Fashion week.” The artist answered. “Yes, right! Amazing tuxedo by the way! Did Maurice design it?” Devlin complemented Sven. “Yes, that’s right, he did a good job with this one.” Sven answered. “Your dress is quite outstanding as well.” The man acknowledged and the golden eyes that resembled those of her son began to shine. “Thank you! I am so glad that someone here finally knows art when he sees it. I mean look at Zoey McNeal, she looks like a cheap whore and Patricia looks as though she has fled a retirement home. Urgh!” Devlin made waving her hand. Sven smiled at her. “Life is hard!” he said with a slightly sarcastic undertone that totally went past Devlin Ashfield.

After that she went over to greet Kario excitedly. “Kario my dear!” she went over to hug and kiss him as she had done with her son. “It is always a pleasure to see you.” She tried to smile again making her face look grotesque once more. Then she turned to Sven again, poking the man’s arm. “I always tell him how gorgeous he is and what great of a catwalk model he’d make and that he shall accompany me to a fashion show once to introduce him to some designers but he won’t listen.” She pouted and Sven smiled at her charmingly. “Isn’t he too short though? I have never met a male model under at least 1,80m, most of them significantly taller?”  the artist asked and Ashfield’s mother thought about it for a moment. “You might be right.” She then concluded and turned to Kario again, grabbing his hand. “I’m so sorry my dear!” she then said before she excused herself and went to talk to the other guests. “You’re welcome!” Sven said to Kario with a wink.

There wasn’t much time left though because Valentina was strutting over to them in her stiletto sandals looking like a movie star walking the red carpet. “Hello you guys!” she said to Devon and Kario before she turned her attention to the reason as to why she had come over to them to start with. “Oh, and who are you? I have never seen you before! I’m Valentina!” she reached her hand out to Sven. “Sven!” said Sven with a cocky grin, taking her hand, kissing it, causing her to chuckle coyly.

“Sven, I have heard a lot about you!” she said, playing with her ironed long hair that was in perfect line, not one single hair sticking out. “Only good things I hope.” Remarked Sven. “The best!” said Valentina, chuckling again and while Devon unbelievingly observed that encounter he raised an eyebrow and a questioning gaze towards Kario.

Much to Valentina’s dismay another person came up to the group, this time one of Devon’s business friends. “Hi there!” he greeted them, attempting to start a conversation when his eyes recognised Sven. “Hey, haven’t I seen you on one of the photos online that have been posted by those bloody anarchists from that party on my property yesterday? Yes, definitely, that was you!” the man’s face turned grim and his voice angry.

“No Sir, that can’t be. I don’t know you and while I have been at a party that took place in a house it was definitely not yours, I have not seen any sign of you there! Other people lived there though!” Sven answered nonchalantly.

“What? What are you talking about? This is my property! Mine!” the man started to get angry. “I really don’t think so Sir! But if you’d excuse me, I have better things to do than to continue this pointless conversation with you!” Sven answered and then turned to Valentina.

“Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?” he asked with a charming smile and even though Valentina was clearly flattered she was now actually rather shy. “I would love to but I am not a good dancer.” She warned him. “Ah, I don’t believe that. Everyone can dance, especially someone who moves as gracious as you!” he complimented her and she offered him her hand again smiling. “You convinced me!” she said and Sven put his tophat onto Ashfield’s head, took her hand and led her towards the empty dance floor in front of the stage.

Devon’s business friend looked after them completely dumfounded before he turned his gaze to Devon who was putting the tophat off of his head. “Well, at least he will get his punishment for cooperating with those occupants now, this woman really doesn’t know how to dance, her moves are an assault on rhythm. I once asked her to dance and she turned my toes into puree.” He shook his head. “Well, I used to always ask her to dance because she doesn’t mind when I step on her feet either as she does the same.” said Ashfield who was just as much a terrible dancer as Valentina was.

 When the time for dinner arrived Ashfield didn’t know if Sven’s toes were still alive or not, what he knew was that something still felt really off and that he wasn’t fond of the seating arrangements. His father and mother sat on the head of the table and he sat next to his mother and Kario next to him and next to Kario sat Clarence and his wife while next to his father there sat Olga’s father, next to him there was police commander Mahler and next to him Harvey Flint and next to Flint sat Valentina and next to Valentina Sven while McNeal sat next to Clarence’s wife opposite to Sven.

It was not good. While his father and his mother were constantly talking and trying to get as much attention and admiration they could Valentina was constantly very obviously hitting on Sven, what McNeal recognised and apparently didn’t really like, trying to get Sven’s attention as well, who completely ignored the man he had slept with the night before not knowing that he was married.

And while Valentina was rubbing her leg against Sven’s under the table, McNeal tried to do the same thing but in turn he hit Valentina. “Ouch!” she made looking across the table to figure out who could have done that.

Benninghofen’s mood had dropped significantly and he stood up from his seat. “Excuse me!” he said, leaving the room throwing a glare towards McNeal who followed soon after.

While with the exception of Devon and probably Kario nobody thought anything about it other than that they probably had to go to the bathroom the enormous screen immediately caught everyone’s attention when the music stopped playing and the constantly bragging slideshow stopped and the screen instead showed the Ashfield’s living room and both Sven and McNeal standing in the middle of it.

Devon threw a questioning look towards his father who proudly declared:”I don’t trust that new cleaning lady! I think she steals and sends stuff and money to her family to wherever the hell she had crawled out off!” Andrew Ashfield explained. “Why didn’t you just fire her then?” Devon asked. “I want to catch her in the act and her to get what she deserves. Nobody steals from me! I want to see her rot in a cell!” Andrew Ashfield hissed aggressively and he hit his fist onto the table, then coughed and continued in a normal tone of voice. “Beside that those cameras are really great to observe the work of the other serves as well!” the Governor’s father found.

“It’s always better to be safe than sorry! I think those are good measurements!” Mahler agreed and Andrew nodded. “This guy knows what he is talking about! He’s a smart and upright man indeed!” his father described Mahler as though he wanted to sell him to Devon and Ashfield got the feeling that now that he had given up the hope for Devon to ever be with a woman he was trying to set him up with men he liked and deemed fitting.

If the screen alone didn’t make the people curious enough to continue to pay it attention they sure as hell did now.

“.....I really enjoyed our time together! I would  like to see you again! I haven’t felt that alive in a really long time you know!” they heard McNeal say and  saw him moving closer to Sven, trying to touch the artist’s face who made a step backwards and shoved the hand away with a dry snort.

“Dude, seriously now! Hadn’t Devon already told me that you’re married I’d know now. I don’t fuck married guys! I wouldn’t have hooked up with you had I known that you’re a closeted married guy with a token family. I really don’t care to see much less date closet cases, absolutely not. It’s a no go for me! It always has been. Not to mention that I am too old for that shit! Just keep your legs at your place and stop bothering me, understood?” Sven demanded in a dry and unaffected tone of voice, shaking his head.

“But ... Wait... I .... We wouldn’t have to date, we wouldn’t even have to fuck, we could, like, hang out together or something! I really enjoyed our time together, not only the sex! You can’t even imagine how mundane, boring and frustrating my life is, it feels as though I am living the life of someone else, someone who isn’t me, all the time.” the bookkeeper exclaimed, almost yelled at Sven.

“Well, of course it does!” Sven said, snorting. “Men who deny who they really are and don’t have the guts to be themselves are such a turn off! As long as you don’t have the balls to parade through the city with another man hand in hand in brought daylight, don’t talk to me again! I always hated to be someone’s secret when I was young already and I will never be again, nor will I lie to anyone’s friends or wife, I am just as uninterested to be your friend as I am to date you! You’re over fifty, get your shit together man! Grow some balls!”

“Hm...” Andrew Ashfield broke the silent starring at the screen and Mrs. McNeal in the dining hall. “And another gay.... Sometimes I feel like I am running a business in San Francisco or Sweden ... Then again, no one would hide it there though I guess.”

“Wow, half of what you said was actually not entirely idiotic!” Devon whispered in a hissing, sarcastic voice but his father didn’t hear it.

“He’s gay? He’s flirted with me the entire evening! He’s led me on! I feel so betrayed!” Valentina cried out angrily and that sentence actually seemed to reawaken Zoey McNeal out of her petrifaction.

“You feel betrayed! You! I have been married to this man for twenty years, we have fife kids! So how about you shut your bloody mouth you dumb bitch!” the blond woman who looked like a playboy bunny yelled, her body reaching over the table as though she wanted to scratch Valentina’s eyes out or grab Valentina by her throat every second, leading the dark skinned woman to move away from her and fall silent.

“She of all people really shouldn’t call anyone dumb!” Devon heard his mother whisper.

Once Sven and McNeal had left the living room the camera was turned off again and instead of the living room the slideshow continued and the music started to play again.

Sven hadn’t even reached his place yet when Mrs. McNeal was stepping towards the two men who had entered the room as though nothing had happened slapping her husband across the face as hard as she could. Now having more in common with a female WWE star than a playboy model!

Sven looked confused but that was nothing compared to the expression on McNeal’s face. “Honey....” he stated in terror but wasn’t getting any further. “Honey! Honey! I’ll give you honey! You’re gay! You’re gay! You’re gay! I don’t want to see your face anymore ever again! You liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! I hate you!” she shouted, took the glass of champagne Devon’s friend from the meat industry was drinking, emptying it over her husband’s head and then breaking it on his head before leaving the hall, McNeal following after her continuously stating just how sorry he was and that he wouldn’t do it again.

“How? How does she know?” Sven asked confused while Devon was drinking the second glass of whiskey in a row ever since the screen had changed. “My dear father, “he said in a mocking voice:” Doesn’t trust his new cleaning lady and has installed surveillance cameras everywhere in the mansion that automatically activate the screen whenever someone enters the rooms! You triggered the one in the living room!” he explained further pouring himself another whiskey.

“Oh, of course! Sounds reasonable!” Sven said sarcastically sitting back down again not quiet reckoning with Valentina. “Why?” She asked. “Why did you lead me on when you’re gay?” she asked. “Lead you on?” Sven was confused. “I thought you were aware that I was gay, you said you had heard a lot about me after all. I just really like to flirt with people regardless of gender, that’s all, I didn’t want to lead you on.” The artist explained.

“Oh, I see. They must have forgotten to mention that.” She said looking at Kario with whom she had spoken about Sven on election night.
“Are you sure that you don’t like women though? Not a bit?” Valentina asked, making Sven laugh.

“I am quite sure, yes!” the man explained. “I have had a phase when I was younger where I rejected to put a label on my sexuality and didn’t want it defined by labels or boundaries of gender and so forth. I was an artist after all and my friend Mona, who too is an artist, had the same attitude and we actually tried each other. She found me to be an attractive man, I found her to be an attractive woman, we were close friends and we had a lot of fun that night, it actually felt nice too but in the end something we couldn’t exactly point our fingers on was missing, was lacking and we were almost disappointed by figuring out that we apparently were just a boring gay guy and a boring lesbian and not as cool as we wanted to be. She is still my best female friend though and lives in the apartment under my loft.” Sven told Valentina. “So yeah, I am sure! Although you’re gorgeous!” he winked and smiled at her, leading her to smile again.

“I remember this entire: I refuse to label myself phase, it was idiotic and that you actually went through with it together with that Mona... I couldn’t.... How could you... her junk and all that... I couldn’t...” Devon stated, having emptied the whiskey again, pouring yet another, starting to slowly get a little drunk. “Devon, please, this is no topic for a dinner party!” his mother scolded him.

At one point Andrew Ashfield decided that the attention had definitely drifted away from him for way too long and thus got it back towards himself.

The silver haired man coughed and when this didn’t get through to the guests he smashed a knife against his glass of whiskey rather harshly.

“Gentlemen, ladies, after all that drama I think that the time has come for a great announcement.” He spoke before turning his gaze towards Devon with a smile. “I am really proud to present this surprise to my only son and heir, Devon Ashfield.” The man continued and when the blue eyes of his father met him he sensed danger and a primal instinct in the back of his head told him to run or to at least take the entire bottle of whiskey and forget about the glass. It was unnerving!

The Governor however did neither of the two things. “I can’t wait to learn about it!” he said instead although he definitely could. He could wait forever and never hear of whatever surprise his father had in store for him there.

Andrew gesticulated the house staff to remove the empty plates and clear the table when one of the staff carried a large, covered object which he placed onto the giant table while another one was fidgeting around with the remote control for the screen.

A self-satisfied smirk was to see on the old man’s face when Andrew nodded into the direction of the staff and the velvet blue fabric that covered the giant object was lifted and gave the sight onto a large model of a luxurious, futuristic city or rather a part of a city free.

The guests applauded and cheered and after a short moment of wondering Devon froze where he was, not moving a single muscle.

And then as though his father wanted to make one hundred percent sure that Ashfield remembered what this was the slideshow stopped and the picture of a house was shown on screen and to Devon’s horror he recognised the house as the house of his boyfriend’s family. 

The camera zoomed away from the house to show more and more of the poor people’s district before it turned into a map of said district. The district started to blink red on the map of the city before the spot was cleared and then replaced by an animation of the very model city district that was standing right in front of them on the table.

The camera perspective zoomed closer again and showed different buildings. Luxury apartment complexes, a research and engineering centre for renewable energies with Jens’ company’s label, an Ashfield Corp. centre for Information Technology and innovation, a private academy for science, a huge club and a building of a record company, an academy for music, arts and theatre, coffee shops, fitness temples, bars, stores with designer clothing, stores that sold organic foods, an automobile centre that sold e-cars, hydrogen powered cars and self-driving cars, a huge beautiful park and a lot more. Before the virtual tour ended and started anew.

“We have all the investors on board, the project planned out and organised and we’ve gotten the mayor too, he has signed right next to you! It has taken a while but we’ll start pretty soon. This crime infested ratsnest, this stain on our city will be history. We will build the new silicon valley just better! The letters to inform these people are already in the mail. We will pay these people whatever ridiculous small sum their dumps are worth, stomp them in and build something amazing and when they refuse to sell they will be evicted because their rotting huts stand in the way of city development projects and public interest.” Andrew spoke his icy eyes shimmering triumphantly looking at his son and Kario.

Devon’s hands were clenching into fists and he was crunching his teeth but he didn’t say anything. 

“This project will not only improve the city, make it more interesting for people from all over the nation and abroad to come live and invest here, it will not merely create new jobs, increase the average standard of education and living in this city, it will not only generate more profits and make our city wealthier, it will also reduce crime drastically in this city and make it a lot safer and more beautiful!”the Police Commander’s voice sounded.

“No!” Devon murmured grimly.  “Yes it definitely will. This district does produce most crime and most uproar, most of those thugs rioting in the streets and burning shit crawled out of this district. If you look at the numbers we can clearly calculate that the city will be a lot safer without those people. We have already seen a betterment of crime in other districts that have gotten gentrified over the decades and this is on a totally different scale. In the house we started the virtual demonstration with we already have a former criminal and drug addict.” Mahler explained coldly his green eyes flickering towards Kario for a millisecond.

“No!” Devon stated another time and smashed his hand onto the table, rising up from his seat. “This is not happening! This entire project is not going to happen! Not like this anyway! I don’t agree to this! I never agreed to this! This is not who I am! This is not what I stand for!” Ashfield strongly and confidently declared, his golden eyes aiming to stare his father down.

Andrew Ashfield however grinned amused and smugly as though he had been hiding an ace up his sleeve all this time. He nodded into the direction of his staff again and the virtual tour that had started from the beginning again was stopped and instead a record from the conference room in the headquarters of Ashfield Corp. was to see.

It showed Andrew Ashfield smoking a cigar leaning back in his chair, the Governor sitting on the opposite head of the table, Jens Benninghofen and quite a bunch of other businessmen as well as police commander Mahler.

And then, the piece of the record cut out of a conversation, Devon’s voice sounded:“Good! Get this going and get the mayor on board as soon as possible. As for which of these two districts we take I don’t care. Take the one with most crime, most junkies and most troublemakers or, even better, let’s stomp both of those shitholes into the ground and re-build them. Those districts and those thugs are a disgrace for the city, it will only be beneficial to all the decent citizens here if they got moved somewhere else!”

Ashfield closed his eyes and pressed his lips together, taking a deep breath. He was suddenly feeling sick. It wasn’t merely that he cringed at his own words, hearing himself say this now, knowing that this had been him, that he had indeed said this made him feel as though he needed to throw up. It wasn’t merely shame it was guilt, he felt wrong.

“Have you forgotten that I record all of my important business meetings for my own safety?” Andrew Ashfield commented without actually looking at Devon. While the video had played his cold blue eyes had rested on Kario in an ever so victorious way. As if he was telling him:”You don’t even know whom you are with! He is one of us, not one of yours and he never will be! He plays on our team and against yours, he always has!”

“This changes nothing.” Devon said but his voice was shaking. “It will not happen like this!” he said staring at his plate. “Yes it will!” Andrew returned. “You have signed don’t you remember, Governor!” Devon’s father laughed sadistically. “I changed my mind and I will prevent this, trust me...” Ashfield said and then looked up into his father’s face again. “Father!” he screwed up his nose saying it in a way that made it clear that Andrew Ashfield wasn’t acting like a father would and that he wasn’t up to acknowledging him as such anymore.

The tension that had taken hold of the guests got broken by a voice with a heavy accent. “Disgusting! This is disgusting! It’s absolutely gross! That is why I don’t want anything to do with my class of people! That’s why I can’t stand it to be amongst multiple businessmen for a long time.” Sven exclaimed before he turned to Mahler. “And you, you are selling your own people off? All the money you make, the status you have, is less than a flyspeck to everyone in this room my friend! You are to them way closer to those people you want to clear the city from than you are to them! You are the guardian dog protecting these people’s profits against the wolves! They don’t see you as equal, they never will! I just thought you should be aware that they stir you up against your own class of people to keep them and you down and to keep you from seeing why your life really is miserable and whose fault this really is, who the worst criminals are! You should know that you are not primarily protecting the good people from crime, you are primarily protecting this ...” Sven gesticulated at the screen, the model, the hall, the abundance of the mansion and then at himself:”us, these people, the 1% or rather their profits!” 

“Enough with the Commie shit in my house! This is outrageous!” Andrew Ashfield yelled angrily.
“Commie shit!” Sven snorted and raised his glass of water in a diamond glass up in the air:”Cheers my comrads! To thousands of people losing their homes!” he said ironically.

Before this discussion could unfold further and Andrew Ashfield could explode for having what he’d describe as a communist in his mansion Devon’s and Mahler’s phones rang simultaneously.

“Excuse me, it’s urgent!” both men said simultaneously and while the eyes of the guests followed them as they were heading to the other side of the hall to receive their call the screen on the wall changed its content this time without anyone manually telling it to.

“Breaking news!” stood there in red letters on the screen and one could see the place in front of the government building, the protestors who had been to see there every day during the last couple of weeks but on the second gaze one could see that something was off. The crowd was moving, heedlessly, chaotically, it had been divided by what had broken their lines like a military troop would have prior to WWI and it was clear that the protest was under attack by what could have barely if at all been described like a counter protest. The nationalists and alt-righters some of whom belonged to the militia Ashfield Corp. or rather Andrew Ashfield had hired, had attacked.

The extent of the attack however wasn’t quite clear during the first seconds of the news program the screen showed them. It however got clear when footage of a fat man with disaffected eyes with a machine gun was to see who was seeming unnervingly calm and apathetic, as though he got nothing to lose and was obviously riley up by a woman within the nationalist crowd, seemingly his girlfriend, who did some kind of rage cheerleading it seemed and then he opened fire.

The footage that seemed to be a recording from moments ago continued and champagne that the guy from the meat industry had wanted to drink from his new glass after Mrs McNeal had destroyed his was running down his mouth and chin as he stared at the screen with unbelieving open eyes.

While Devlin Ashfield was getting nervous and was starting to slide her arse from one side of the chair to the other, incapable of sitting still, there was no sign of motion on Andrew Ashfield’s face, he seemed as though he was something between bored and annoyed.

Clarence’s wife Patricia had risen from her seat, her face looked troubled, worried, on the brink of panic and her husband, trying to get a grip on his own anxiousness was trying to calm her down by mumbling:”You must have seen that wrong!” not sounding all too convinced much less convincing.

On screen one could see the shooter dropping the gun after a precise shot had gotten his hand and then one could see him fall as another shot hit his Achilles tendon. The shooter was lying on his belly, trying to move, trying to reach his weapon and then the camera zoomed in on his face.

A high pitched squeal was to hear and then an outcry:”Henry!” and Patricia’s body was losing all strength and she sunk down into her chair, Valentina and Sven rushing to her aid, trying to keep her from hyperventilating and fainting.

“You should have disowned that good for nothing loser long ago, as I told you.” Andrew commented into Clarence’s direction and even Harvey Flint seemed to find that distasteful and then another phone rang, it was Clarence’s phone.

The screen now showed what was currently going on at the scene and that it was far from over. One could see a man carrying a flag standing on top of the statue of Devon’s ancestor beating onto another man with the flag who was now using his wooden sign that he had wielded like a weapon before to shield himself.

The picture changed to an interview with two policemen, apparently those who had cleared the threat and gotten the shooter down. One of them describing what had gone through his head in that moment and emphasised how he had not killed the guy but done his best to take him out alive as he always did and that he hoped the anti-police protestors realised this and might have seen how important the police force was.

Another change of scenes and two moderators were to see in a studio speculating about the shooter and his motive declaring that it was suspected that the shooter was the son of the Governor’s assistant.

“We have to leave.” Clarence said his face bloodless, white as calk and covered in cold sweat. “Patricia!” he spoke his wife’s name but the woman had started to sob and move her body back and forth to calm herself. “I’ll drive you! And I’ll help you with the press if necessary!” Valentina offered and helped Patricia to get up from her seat before Clarence took over and let her lean against him, holding her upright. “Thank you.” Whispered Clarence into Valentina’s direction not refusing the help offered and they disappeared.

Ashfield and Mahler soon returned to the table, chattering hectically.
Devon just wanted to explain why they had to be on their way but one view towards the table told him that this was not necessary and then he noticed the screen.

The man sighed and then turned to face his father. “Are you happy now?” he asked with clear condemnation in his voice. “What? Did someone hit you on the head son? How are you even talking to me!” Andrew barked. “You and your god damn little online rants telling people to fight for our heritage and get that scum out of the city who want to destroy our state and that we have to take our city back from them and  your stupid ass interviews and your bloody nationalist militia private police!!!” Devon now yelled at his father as he had never done it before.

“Everything you did during the last months was sabotaging me deliberately! This is your doing! That’s what you reap! You are a pain! And you know what you are going to do...” Ashfield started. “You will take your damn phone and will condemn those people and will tell them to go home! To leave there! To not do any further violence! To quit the ‘fight’ and that there is nothing that they have to take back from anyone! That you are sorry! And then you will give an interview repeating the same on national television, you will say that you want the people to bridge the divide, sit down and talk to each other civilly! That’s what you’re gonna do! Now! Right now!” the Governor ordered and Andrew Ashfield jumped from his place and was building himself up in front of his son like a wall but Devon was not moving.

“No!” Andrew declared. “ I won’t say any of this! This is not my problem! I have nothing to do with this! I didn’t tell them to shoot people and do violence ...” Devon’s father looked at the screen:”or to throw bricks through the  window of the government building .... or to enter the government building... to throw papers out of the window of your office... They decided to do this on their own! This is your fault, because you have been too soft and too weak with that scum and the felt like they had to take action!” Ashfield Senior ended and a burning rage was taking over Devon’s entire body.

His fists formed hard and then in a matter of seconds one of them hit Andrew Ashfield’s face and the silver haired man was going down to the ground. The Governor moved his shoulders and his neck. “I should have done that years ago!” he said and just turned around to Mahler.

“I want them gone and arrested, each one of them! Each year you have come to me and asked me for more money for military gear equipment because you expected the thugs to attack the state and become a massive threat to the city. There you have it! There are the thugs, they are a threat, why did they get into the government building Police Commander?” the politician wanted to know.

“That aren’t the thugs I meant.... the shooter is down and the others are...” Mahler started but didn’t get any further because Devon took him by his collar. “What? I don’t care how your subjective preference for some type of criminals over others, they are dangerous criminals, one of them killed people and some of them are destroying my office and I demand you to reinstall order using all the force I gave you for a scenario like this Mahler!” the Governor yelled. “Yes, of course, Jeez!” the police commander said putting his hands up in de-escalation and Devon let go of him.

“I just meant that they are protecting your ancestors statue, that statue has been there for ages! It’s part of history and it’s not really comparable now is it...” the police commander argued.
“This statue has been put there by m great-uncle Cornelius because he found that we need not forget our heritage and what we stand for in the nineteen-sixt....oh shit....” Devon shook his head and decided to not think about what his great-uncle had been thinking when he, the mayor and that ancient history teacher his father had brought to his school had put this up about a century after the depicted ancestor who had fought in the civil war had  lived.

Ashfield walked up to Sven. “I am afraid I have no time for you right now and we have to delay our plans. I’m terribly sorry. I will send one of the Corporation’s private jets to the mansion and you can use it to go wherever you please.” Devon said and Sven said “It’s fine.” and kissed his best friend goodbye before Ashfield turned to Kario smiling at him.

“I won’t be coming home tonight! And I would feel a lot better knowing that you were anywhere but here right now and went with Sven!  If you decide to stay at the mansion instead I’ll tell Michalski to be cautious and stay in your range. In either case I will call you as soon as I’ll have the time to, I just don’t know when this will be and I assure you, that nothing will happen to your parent’s house! This will not happen like that, I promise! Anyway, I hope that when I call, I’ll wake you up because I forgot about the time differences.” Ashfield told his boyfriend before he laid his arms around him, pulled him close and kissed him quite passionately.

Before he went through the door of the dining hall he grabbed Sven’s tophat and put it on like a soldier would his helmet before the battle, joining Mahler to leave together. “Are you sure you want to put that hat on Governor?” Mahler asked. “Yes!” the politician barked. “You look like the monopoly man!” the police Commander found. “Yes!” Ashfield barked again as they headed towards the entrance and the Commander gave it up.

Andrew Ashfield had gotten up from the floor again, wiping away some blood from under his nose, staring at the door dumbfounded and baffled, totally failing to comprehend what had just happened. No one had ever dared... never... in his entire life ..... He was Andrew Ashfield!

“Andrew!” the terrified voice of his wife sounded. “Yes!” the man nodded absently. “What would you say about a vacation on the Seychelles?” Devlin asked. “Sounds good!”her husband agreed. “I mean like, now, instantly!” the retired lawyer added. “Of course! I’ll sent for a jet.” He told her and she seemed relieved. “I’ll pack.” She immediately stood up from the seat and was about to head out of the room to go upstairs. “Not necessary. We just buy new stuff!” Andrew told his wife, getting quite eager to leave the city as soon as possible himself.

“The rats are always deserting the sinking ship first!” Sven commented with one of his cynic smiles.



Back in the car the radio was barely playing music but rather playing the hosts talking about what was happening in the city instead and Sven was torn to turn it off quite some times as he was driving back to Devon’s mansion together with Kario.

“That was.... quite the evening huh?” he said. “One might not think about rich folks  first when one hears the term but people like us are pretty bad company!” Sven joked. “Our parties are dangerous, they were in feudal times and they are now! At least nowadays they don’t as often have assassins on the guest list.” He jested further.

“I apologise. I am not good with serious situations.” The artist confessed.
“How are you feeling? What do you want to do now?” he then asked instead.

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  • 1 month later...

Kario truly hadn't been surprised that Devon was so quick to use his tongue and mouth on his already aching cock. It had been weeks since they had been able to have sex and show their love for each other in this way so he had been sure they both had been craving it. What did surprise him is how much of it they had that night, from right there in the bathhouse, again in the kitchen and even in the bedroom when they had first laid down. It was safe to say that while Kario would have been more than willing to keep going he was tired himself as they feel asleep together.

Working with the specialist since he had first been freed from the brothel meant that he had lowered his sex drive considerably, it still ran rather high and he did sometimes have the familiar ache and cramping from lack of sex but it had gotten much better and easier to tolerate. The sudden flood of sex in one night definitely managed to easily exhaust his body and he woke up the next morning with a stretch and yawn feeling the much more familiar ache that always set in after a decent amount of sex.

Joining Devon in the shower was a no brainer, while he didn't wake up to shower with him every morning he made an effort to do it whenever he was aware of his boyfriend getting out of bed. This morning it seemed their shower together wasn't going to remain as such and he couldn't bring himself to argue. If Kario was being honest with himself he couldn't ever really see himself turning Devon away, always very much enjoying it. Not to mention with as little as they saw each other lately he was going to take all the sex he could to help him through however long it'd be before his boyfriend was home and had time for him again.

He was definitely in a better mood this morning and was more than happy to get dressed and start the day knowing that it was once more a day he had with his boyfriend. Even the dinner party at Devon's parents mansion that night couldn't ruin his good mood with the morning and afternoon for his boyfriend. Or at least he had thought that way when they had come downstairs for breakfast and were met with a sight that Kario definitely had not been prepared to see.

The younger black haired man would never say he was shy when it came to seeing another man naked, but seeing Sven naked in the morning was definitely not something he had expected and caught him off guard. Devon on the other hand seemed far less than impressed with the sight before them. It wasn't surprising for him to learn that the pair had apparently run around naked in front of each other before, the mere thought made a small smirk appear on Kario's face. What surprised him more than anything was how Devon clearly stated he didn't want Sven parading naked in front of him while tossing a napkin in the other's lap.

Kario's eyes went up to his boyfriend, having to agree with Sven. It wasn't like Devon's cock and naked body were the only ones he had seen and the sight of Sven naked -while it had been surprising- wasn't something that he found to be unpleasant or weird. But then Kario wondered if Devon was behaving this way because he thought if another man ran around naked around him that he'd be tempted. Especially since it seemed that it would most likely be him, Sven and Michalski alone in the house once Devon returned to his work. That... was a little insulting and he had to admit he didn't like the idea that Devon may not trust him enough to be so firm in ensuring others kept their clothes on around him.

For the second time that morning Kario found himself faced with a naked man that he was not expecting, he was very quick to divert his gaze this time having recognized this man and not wanting to see him naked. It felt like forever before the man was turning and running out of the dinning hall and Kario had to admit he let out a sigh of relief now that McNeal was gone and it was once more the three of them. His eyes moved back to Sven as Devon seemed to turn his attention back to his best friend.

What followed between the pair Kario did his damnedest not to listen to, not wanting to hear the argument between the two men. Instead he tried to occupy himself with the dinning hall, which was still as vast and impressive as the first time he had seen it which did make it a little easier to pretend he couldn't hear what they were saying to each other. Suddenly Devon was telling him that they were going to eat in the living room. Nodding Kario turned and followed his boyfriend from the dinning hall and into the living room. The sight that met them there not only had Kario blushing and looking away but almost had him turn and leave the room completely.

That was a sight that Kario up until this point had lived his entire life without seeing and he really hoped it'd be the last time he ever saw it. At this point he was starting to wonder how many more naked people there were in this mansion right now and if he needed to start walking around with his eyes closed. At least she was quick to get dressed and he couldn't only tell that because his boyfriend didn't seem as tensed, his own dark eyes moved towards the woman as she was pulling her pants on and he had to admit that this was a lot more than he could really handle for one morning. 

After everything he had seen and that had happened this morning there was a sigh of relief that Michalski had come into the room in at least his boxers, though it didn't mean Kario didn't look him over quickly. While he had to admit the man had a nice body his attention and attraction was still for the governor, his eyes moving up to the blonde man as it was finally back to the four of them and he felt it was safe to look around without seeing anymore surprise naked people.

Watching his boyfriend leave the living room he sighed and turned his gaze to Sven when the older man had turned to him and asked him what was up with Devon today. Shrugging Kario replied, "I think he's just a bit stressed that's all." It was the best Kario could say, because while he didn't understand Devon being so upset about Sven being naked in the house -especially with how much he encouraged him to run around naked and had expressed multiple times that his mansion housed no shortage of appreciation for the naked male figure- he could understand why seeing McNeal and then Kim naked had been too much for the politician to handle. Seeing them naked had even been more than he had ever wanted to witness.


The dinner party that Devon's parents were hosting definitely wasn't something that Kario was looking forward too, especially after how his day had started this morning with all of the unexpected naked people. The mansion looming in front of them made him feel anything but welcome and while he knew the blonde's mother would be as sweet and inviting as she always was he wasn't really looking forward to seeing the man's father. Andrew Ashfield still didn't give him anything but unpleasant feelings and it wasn't like he expected that to be different tonight. The only reason why he was even remotely looking forward to this was the chance to see the place where his boyfriend grew up.

Suddenly as they neared the door Kario became aware of the sudden nervousness that his boyfriend was feeling. It made him smile slightly because he remembered how much Devon had tried to hide from him how nervous he had been the first time they had ever met back in the brothel and had failed to do so. When it came to his boyfriend feeling nervous Kario always seemed to manage to pick up on it. So he reached over and gently squeezed his boyfriend's hand in the hope to help him relax a little, watching the older man straight the jacket of his tuxedo with more interest than he probably should but he really did love his boyfriend in a suit and never got tired of seeing it. Even in that was primarily what he saw his boyfriend wearing.

The door opening and them being met by a young man in a ruby colored uniform wasn't all that surprising and neither was the fact that while Sven and Devon were greeted that he was clearly ignored and overlooked. This didn't bother Kario like he thought he would as he could clearly see the man was uncomfortable and could tell that he had been explicitly told to ignore him and act like he wasn't there. To no surprise of Kario who figured this was Andrew Ashfield's work and that he wouldn't hesitate to make it clear that he didn't like nor welcome him in his home. That was fine. Kario had to admit that he would have been more surprised if he had been met with a warm welcome. Surprised and extremely unnerved.

While he and Devon had been more than willing to just ignore the butler at this point and continue on their way Sven didn't seem to be as willing to ignore it or let it go informing the man that there were three of them and not just two. Kario felt a bit bad seeing how uncomfortable the other became, clearly torn in what he should do and while he wanted to just tell Sven it was fine he didn't have the chance to do so before the butler was speaking again but this time giving Sven a clearly pleading look to let the matter go. Since it was definitely a more forced greeting Kario felt almost as though he liked it more when he hadn't been greeted at all.

At the offer of the butler to lead them into the dining hall he wasn't surprised that Devon had declined and was leading the way himself. Kario was able to forget about the awkward welcome that had taken place when his eyes fell on the snake in the large terrarium. Kario could appreciate the rather gorgeous snake even if his boyfriend didn't seem all that pleased to see it and had instead given it a rather annoyed look which caused Kario to chuckle softly. His interest only peaked once they entered the dining hall but it wasn't because of the giant table, the empty stage or all the people, it was the giant terrarium and the anaconda that was within. Kario definitely liked snakes and other reptiles but no snake interested him more than the massive anaconda.

His attention was drawn from the terrarium and the snake back to his boyfriend as Sven and Devon both expressed that they hadn't expected the dinner party to be such a big deal. At the mention of that Kario's eyes moved over all of the people in front of them and he had to admit that all of these people being here unnerved him much more than even the awkward greeting from the butler had.

Like always the greeting that they received from Devon's mother was definitely warm and welcoming. He watched her greet her son and Sven with a small smile and wasn't surprised when her attention turned to him. "It's a pleasure to see you again too." He greeted though that wasn't always true he did at least like how nice she was to him all the time. What he wasn't expecting was for her to cone more throw in how he should be a model to Sven and how he should accompany her to a fashion show once. Kario shot his boyfriend a look begging for him to get him out of this conversation again when Sven seemed more than willing to come to his aide, even if it was in a way that he wasn't exactly expecting. Kario like to think his height was normal even if he was still shorter than a lot of men he had met, but he didn't really get the fashion world either so he'd take it as an easy out.

His boyfriend's mother seemed to accept it easily though as she thought about it before turning back to him and apologizing. Watching as she excused herself and went to talk to the other guest. Sven speaking with a wink had him smiling happily, "Thanks, Sven." He happily thanked the older man. At least he hoped it would finally put a stop to the woman trying to get him to go to fashion week with her or become a model. Showing off his body or any part of him wasn't something he ever wanted to do again but he really did like her too much to tell her that. Especially since she was the only member of Devon's family who seemed even remotely happy to see him.

The questioning look that his boyfriend gave him as he watched the exchanged between Valentina and Sven, he shrugged not really sure what to say. He vaguely remembered discussing Sven with Valentina back at the farmers festival but he was sure he had made it clear he didn't really know the man as he only knew what Devon had told him. It wasn't the four of them for very long though as soon someone else had approached their small group, Kario's eyes moved to the man and he had to admit that he didn't really know who he was. Not that he was surprised or bothered by that knowledge figuring it'd remain like that in most of these situations with most people.

When it was time to sit down for dinner Kario was both unnerved by how close this seating arrangement had him to his boyfriend's father but also to Mahler and Flint. All three of these men unnerved him and made him uncomfortable, but he could at least gain comfort in the fact that Devon, Clarence, Valentine and Sven were right there as well. Clarence made him feel comfortable and Devon definitely did, so sitting between the two men at least gave him some form of comfort.

When the large screen changed after Sven and soon after McNeal had excused themselves from the table Kario was surprised to see the two on the screen. His dark eyes darted to Andrew Ashfield as well when the man started to answer the questions he got from his son. Mahler chiming in and saying he thought it was better safe than sorry and that he thought they were a good measurement had Kario struggling not to roll his eyes. Feeling as though the police commander was trying to sell such things to Devon as he was sure the man still felt like he was just after the politician's money. Andrew agreeing and so blatantly saying that Mahler knew what he was talking about and how smart and upright he was made him even more uncomfortable feeling like Mahler and Andrew Ashfield were working together to get the man closer to Devon.

Kario did his best not to get bothered by it, it wasn't like Devon couldn't dump him for Mahler but he remembered the older man telling him the police commander had flirted with him and made his interest pretty clear after the whole scandal. Devon had turned him down then and so Kario felt pretty secure in his place and didn't see the police commander as much of a threat anymore. Even if the blonde's father was backing him up, if anything he just felt like it ruined the police commander's chances even more since he couldn't necessarily see Devon dating someone that his father tried to push on him again.

The conversation that everyone was witnessing thanks to these cameras made Kario very uncomfortable and he felt bad that this wasn't as private as it should have been. Though he felt even worse for the bookkeeper's wife who truly seemed not to know that her husband was gay or at least bi. It was Valentina though that dragged him back to the table only for McNeil's wife to snap back to reality and yell at Valentina while reaching over the table in a way that made Kario feel like things were really getting out of hand.

Kario wasn't surprised when Valentina looked at him when she said they must have forgotten to mention that. Kario hadn't forgotten he hadn't felt it was his place to tell other people another person's sexual orientation. Not to mention he had thought he had made it clear he hadn't known much about Sven or his romantic life. But he didn't let it bother him instead he tried to busy himself with other trivial things already feeling like today had been way too much. If he had thought that there was any chance to the night getting better after that though he had been sorely mistaken.

It seemed his boyfriend's father had some sort of surprise and when the model was unveiled Kario had to admit it didn't mean all that much to him. The picture of the house that appeared on the screen however did mean something to him and he felt himself instantly pale, his eyes darting from the screen to Devon silently asking his boyfriend what was going on and knowing that whatever Andrew Ashfield had to say was not something he was going to be okay hearing even more so than anything he had said or done before.

Kario had been sitting there numb as he watched the screen only to be brought roughly back to reality when he heard the man say that they had gotten the mayor on board and he had signed right next to his boyfriend. It was definitely betrayal in his eyes when they snapped back to Devon, after everything they had discussed and how welcoming his family had been to the blonde he couldn't believe that Devon was letting this happen. Not just letting it happen though but had actually signed an approval for such a thing. His heart felt like it had fallen out and he was replaced by nothing but cold and numbness again. This was cruel, even by anything he had thought he could expect from Andrew Ashfield. The man could hate him and say or do whatever he wanted to him, but messing with his parents was too much.

It didn't escape him that Andrew looked at him and Kario's dark eyes looked back into the blue ones coldly. He wasn't surprised that this man was so cold and could do that to so many people, but he knew that the reason he was doing this now, showing this to them in front of all of these people was because Andrew Ashfield was more than aware that was his parents house. It definitely felt like a personal attack even though it affected more than just his parents. The disgust he felt only grew when Mahler put in his two cents about this development and it all made even more sense. This wasn't just about hurting him and taking everything from his family, it was about making their precious city look better and getting rid of all of the people they thought were thugs and scum.

Dark eyes darted back to his boyfriend and he wanted to ask Devon why the hell he would have approved this but Devon had murmured something before he could even speak. It sounded soft to Kario, softer than it should be especially since Mahler was speaking again. This time Kario fit the police commander with a sharp look, especially when the man's green eyes flickered towards him just for a millisecond. "Told you." Kario grumbled in such a manner that he was a bit surprised even with himself his eyes falling to Devon again. He remembered talking to Devon about his neighborhood, about how the police were always  profiling them. Mahler's comment only proved it more and of course the man would state data that backed up their views. What really got to him and almost made him lose every ounce of restraint he had was the man talking about his brother like that.

But Kario wasn't even able to say what he wanted to Mahler before Devon was smashing his hand onto the table -Kario instinctively flinched away still not having crushed that response to anger from other people- and was soon stating that this wasn't happening that the entire project wouldn't happen. While Kario wanted to be happy that Devon was putting his foot down, stating this wasn't going to happen that he wouldn't stand for it and didn't agree to it the way Andrew Ashfield was acting made Kario really unnerved. A second later but it was a video he wished he wasn't seeing as it showed his boyfriend so clearly agreeing to allow this to happen.

Kario's hurt eyes landed on Devon again, while he loved the man sitting beside him he couldn't believe that he would have said such things. But there was something in the back of his mind that knew all to well that it is something the other man would have said. To Kario it didn't matter if this had happened before they had gotten together or after, it hurt regardless. To think of not just his parents who were about to lose everything, their home and everything, but all of the other people there as well. What hurt even more was the way he heard his boyfriend refer to the people in those districts, he could feel the tears in his eyes, to think that his boyfriend really had thought of them as no more than thugs and disgrace to his precious city. It made him feel almost as though he didn't know the man sitting beside him at all. His mind was racing, trying to figure out if Devon was only against this because he was present and he didn't want to look bad in front of him or if he truly didn't approve of this anymore.

Even despite the tears in his eyes he met Andrew Ashfield's gaze with hatred in his own, knowing the man was doing all of this in front of all of these people to hurt him even more. At the man's words he looked away from him, not wanting to admit that right now he felt like the man was right. Like he didn't know who Devon was anymore. How in the other's eyes it truly did seem like he was just another thug, as was his family. Clearly that's what Devon thought, it was right there in that recording and he felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest.

It didn't even matter that Devon was trying to still argue against it say that it wouldn't happen like this. Right now Kario couldn't even bring himself to look at his boyfriend. Even Sven's words couldn't make him get out of his own head and the hurt and betrayal he was feeling. Devon getting up from his seat just as Mahler did because of simultaneous phone calls didn't have him budging either, tears had long since started to fall and while Kario hated showing any weakness in front of these people it was hard not to when it wasn't just him that this was hurting anymore. He could take all of the hate and everything Andrew Ashfield and even Mahler wanted to throw at him, but going after his family and even those he had grown up with was all too much to handle.

His eyes finally came up when he heard Andrew speak but his eyes didn't move to the man they were on Clarence instead, seeing how his face was bloodless. Had there been anything left of him to break he knew it would have for the man, not understanding how Andrew could be so cold to man he called his friend. It didn't matter how out there the man's son was, and how much help he had needed this was all beyond cruel. His eyes moved from them as Valentina stepped in to help and the three of them disappeared from the room just as Devon and Mahler were returning to it. While he was surprised that Devon struck his father like that he couldn't help but feel like Andrew Ashfield deserved it, especially after everything that he had done. Not just with his family and that district of the city but what he had just caused and all of the damage that was already being done.

Devon speaking to Mahler saying he wanted them arrested and that those were the thugs, the threat and asking why they had gotten into the government building he was disgusted by the police commander's response. Of course they weren't. It didn't surprise him to hear that to Mahler those men weren't thugs, they weren't what he had meant.

Kario glanced up at Devon when he turned to him and while he wanted to feel comfort in that smile he was still very much unhappy and hurt. For the first time ever he felt relief to hear that Devon would not be coming home tonight, knowing that he could use this as a chance to recollect himself. Being told that Devon would feel a lot better if he was anywhere but here right now and telling him that he wanted him to go with Sven. Kario wasn't sure if he was going to stay at the mansion or not but he felt like it was in a sense Devon trying to get rid of him. Though he figured that came back to how hurt he was feeling. While he wanted to believe him when the blonde told him that nothing would happen to his parents house and that he won't let that happen he wanted so badly to believe him. The passionate kiss caught him off guard but Kario couldn't help but return it, feeling some of the hurt disappear before he was watching him leave.



In the car with Sven Kario's eyes were on the scenery outside the window, the tears still hadn't really stopped and he was still pretty upset with everything that had happened. But he hoped by keeping his eyes on the window at least that he wouldn't gain Sven's attention and that nothing would be said about it. It seemed deathly quiet despite the sounds of the city and the barely playing music in the vehicle.

"Shame." Kario found himself bitterly saying when Sven joked that at least the parties of the rich now didn't often have assassins on the guest list. He knew how cold that sounded and how messed up it was and he knew it was just his anger and hurt speaking but right now he truly did find it a shame.

Being asked how he was feeling had him taking in a deep breath through his nose, eyes drifting shut as he let it back out in a shaky breath trying real hard to calm himslf. "Betrayed is the first word that comes to mind." Kario admitted, even though he knew the chances of that conversation actually having happened before they were together was gauranteed it didn't make him feel any less betrayed about what had happened and hurt. How could his boyfriend think that way about the citizens of his state? Those who lived in his own city? It was... so cruel. As much as he loved Devon this brought back to light the side of his boyfriend that he clashed with more than once already.

"I don't know, Sven. I... I just don't know." Kario sighed when he was asked what he wanted to do now. What could they do? What should they even do? It seemed that shit hit the fan again, that the city was once more falling to the ground and that everything was anything but okay. What could they even do in such a situation? Kario knew he wasn't being much help but after everything that had happened he felt emotionally drained and just wasn't sure he even wanted to deal with the day or night anymore.

Taking in another deep breath he let it out with a sigh, this time his breath was steadier and not shaking as much. At least Sven wasn't like most of the other that had been at the party. He could at least do something with the man, get to know him better, take his mind off what was happening and try to calm his nerves. "What would you do in this situation?" Kario asked figuring that at least he could get to know Sven better thanks to all of this and let the man decide what they should do now.

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A hearted, snorting laugh was to hear from Sven when Kario expressed that it was a shame that assassins weren’t usually amongst the party guests of rich people anymore. This was just his alley of humour.

What other people found outrageous and not funny the artist deemed comedy gold. His famous comeback to “Eat the rich!” was that this was a smart costumer choice because the rich have been fed with only the best ingredients and have been kept in a stress free environment. 

Thus, while Kario’s comment might have offended Devon it didn’t offend Sven and the man could actually see where the other was coming from considering what had just happened at the dinner party and he felt genuinely terrible for the black haired male although he didn’t quite know how to deal with it and comfort him in any other way than his personal Sven kind of way.

At least he did remember to ask Kario how he was dealing with it and how he felt and the answer didn’t surprise him either. Everybody would feel betrayed in this situation.
“That’s how it always is with those politicians isn’t it? They promise heaven in all those beautiful words, pretend to care and then unleash hell filling their bags!” Sven remarked with a cynic grin but then got himself out of it.

“I apologise.” he apologised for his comment, sighed and got more serious. “This was what I never wanted to become! Why I never wanted to be a businessman! Why I dropped out of economics and went against what my parents and my family had planned for me!” he started and threw a gaze over to Kario who was still crying and his heart ached for him.

“Having born into this world, this circle of people I have found myself staring into this very face of my family and some of my friends over and over again throughout my life. They are your family, your friend whom you know since your childhood and they are the sweetest to you, you know all of their good sides, you love them and then there are these situations where they show the most ugly, repulsive and unethical and dangerous creatures you can imagine and the same face which warms your heart to see at your Yule celebration disgusts you so much, is so revolting  to you that you want to rip it off so that you don’t have to see it ever again, that you don’t have to be associated with them and thus their inhumane, heartless corruption and superiority complex.” Benninghofen told Kario.

“And then you invest all your dirty money into trying to do as much good for this world as possible to outweigh the evil and destruction your family has done and does but you will never be able to! You are destined to fail but keep on doing it anyway!” He explained. “You often ask yourself whether to cut those people out of your life who are your family, your oldest friends but you can’t do it, because of this personal connection, of this lovely side of them you know also, so you just distance yourself from them while not cutting them out completely.” He continued and by now his voice was heavy and his eyebrows narrow.

The greyish blue eyes looked at his friend’s lover another time. “So in part I understand what you’re going through right now, with one, just one but extremely significant difference: I am not the one they screw over! I am not on the receiving end! I am not exploited by them and their policies don’t destroy my life. If I wanted to take them – what I do not want - whatever they are doing and legislating would grant me advantages!”he made sure to tell the other that.

Sven wished he could help the other, make this easier, to make it so that he would not have to go through this hurt and disappointment as this was not something one wanted to go through. But he couldn’t.
Kario had to go through it. Just as he had to go through it when right after he had told his family about the project he had helped founding to safe endangered species in the rainforest really excitedly and his brother had become the shareholder of the Corporation the project had been up against right after he had told them about it and a large chunk of the rainforest and the animals had been destroyed and killed while millions upon millions of dollars had flooded onto Jens’ Swiss bank account. He hadn’t talked to Jens for months after that, especially after the man had said:”Thanks for the hint, it was truly profitable Sven!” totally ignoring that this had been important to the artist.

“It probably won’t help you if I told you that I have never before seen Devon go against or argue against Corporate interest or his father in any way ever prior to tonight?” the European said following the navigation system’s instructions to get back to the mansion. “I think that you truly made an impact on him there and managed to do something that I never succeeded with.”

It wasn’t at all surprising that Kario wasn’t sure on what to do now and Sven just nodded, accepting this without attempting to inquire further but then the other man turned to him and asked him what he would do in his place.

That he had not expected. Sven mused for a moment. “I can’t say for sure ...” he started and he definitely wasn’t one hundred percent certain on what he would do.  Additionally he felt like he couldn’t tell him that he would probably break up with Devon if he was in his shoes as he’d feel like stabbing his friend in the back then and he didn’t want to do that but he wouldn’t tell the other to give Ashfield another chance either because he was ethically very opposed to what the blond had done and he wasn’t going to make any apologies for it.

“One thing I can say for sure though, I would not stay at the mansion. I would go. Somewhere. Get some distance. Do my own thing.” The man answered honestly. “I’d also probably create some pretty dark artwork.” The artist added. “But that’s just me. You need your own way in dealing with this.”

“I tell you what....” the man then started to talk again as they were driving up onto Devon’s property. “I’ll go and pack really slowly and after that wait in the jet for you for thirty minutes  and you can think about what you want to do now and either join me and come along to Hamburg or not? Sounds good?” the German asked as he parked the car in front of the mansion not caring to get it back into the garage.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, at least he had managed to get some sort of laugh out of Sven even if his comment had been more serious than it should have been. Still, to Kario right now it really was a shame that assassins weren't usually among the party guests. While he completely understood that he shouldn't feel that way about someone, especially his boyfriend's father he felt like it wouldn't really hurt anyone if he was gone either. His dark eyes moved back out the car window, knowing that while he was thinking that way while he was hurt and upset he probably wouldn't feel the same way once he was able to take a moment to calm down from all of the strong emotions he had been feeling.


So when Sven told him that this was always how it was with politicians, how they promised heaven with all those beautiful words and pretended to care only to unleash hell in the end while filling their bags. Kario knew under different circumstances he would have jumped to defend Devon and try to say that wasn't who the blonde man was right now he wasn't so convinced. Tonight had truly made him feel like he didn't know Devon at all. Not to mention he wasn't feeling as quick to defend his boyfriend as he would be normally. It didn't help that Kario knew Sven knew Devon better than he did, and if he was saying that then there was a good chance that he had seen this side of his boyfriend before and that it wasn't going to just be an isolated incident.


Those thoughts caused his dark gaze to move from the window of the vehicle to his lap and he felt a whole new sense of hurt hit him. Sven was soon apologizing for his comment but Kario felt like it wasn't necessary. "You don't need to apologize. If anything all of this just shows how little I really know Devon." He admitted despite how much it hurt to say that. The last thing he wanted to say was that he truly didn't know his boyfriend, the man he lived with, who he loved so much that nothing else had seemed to matter. This did matter though, what his boyfriend's father had done, what Devon had agreed to even if it was before they had met or even started dating definitely mattered. As much as he loved Devon this affected his family. It made him think about how the older man had said he wouldn't allow this to happen, Kario wanted so badly to believe that was true. Right now though... well right now he felt like that was just said to make him feel better and not have him start accusing his boyfriend of things or start yet another argument between them.


That wasn't to say that Kario ever thought this relationship would be easy. No relationship was truly easy, none without its challenges. Though most relationships challenges probably weren't as serious as theirs either. How many people could say one of the challenges they had to face in their relationship was their boyfriend's father taking everything from their family? There was a part of Kario that felt like more people can say that than he really wanted to admit, but right now he didn't want to think about that. 


Drawn from his thoughts as Sven continued to speak he glanced towards his boyfriend's bestfriend. How had they managed to stay friends for so long? Sven was so much... different. Not in a bad way either, Kario finding that he really did like the man sitting beside him, driving. He soon got the answer to that though, Sven telling him that while one would often ask themselves whether to cute those people out of the lives but couldn't because of the personal connection they had to their good side that they just distance themselves from them. That made sense, Devon had told him that they had managed to stay in contact with each other but not really anything else. It made him wonder if Sven had distanced himself after seeing another side like this of his boyfriend and had only come back because of their relationship, the statue and his own breakup.


The statue. That brought a whole other issue to this whole situation. As much as Kario loved Devon and definitely loved the idea of such a thing he wasn't so sure he was as willing for it anymore. Not to mention it wasn't like Devon was around much right now, did he really want a reminder of what was missing, day after day, night after night while he was sleeping in a bed that was too big for just him alone, again. Not really. At this point he felt like he'd just become bitter if he had to see a statue like that every day. Statue him would always have his partner there, while in reality Devon seemed to rarely be there.


This had his mind go back to them and starting a family together. There was no doubt in his mind that he would be more than willing to be a stay at home father and care for their child or children while Devon continued to do what he loved and be a politician. But was he really okay being a single parent? With how little Devon seemed to be around right now he felt like that was exactly what he would be despite the fact that they lived in the same house. Sure he knew that it was the riots and protests that were keeping his boyfriend away so much but how often was this going to be? How many days, weeks, months would he be left to take care of their family completely on his own while Devon was stuck in the office? That wasn't the most appealing idea but he told himself not to think about it right now either. He had plenty of time to give this more thought later and he was sure things would settle down again. Eventually.


Letting out a soft sigh his eyes drifted shut. "Thanks, Sven. I know you're trying to help." He replied knowing that Sven was doing his best to relate and help him feel better. It was hard for him to not say more because he was afraid he would say something he would truly come to regret and didn't want the chance of anything to get back to Devon and make his boyfriend upset with him or cause even more issues with their relationship than what tonight had already managed to do.


Hearing Sven say that he thought he had truly made an impact on Devon and how he had never seen the politician go against or ague against corporate interest or his father in any way prior to tonight didn't even make him feel better. It should, that knowledge should feel like a win to him but all it really did was make that empty feeling inside him grow. "But it doesn't really matter does it? It seems that impact is a little too late." Kario said softly. Feeling like he hadn't made that impact soon enough to stop this whole thing from happening to begin with. Taking in a deep breath Kario let it out slowly before he looked back to Sven, the tears had finally stopped and he wasn't sure he could cry anymore even if he had wanted to.


"I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not happy he finally stood up to his father, because I am. It was long overdue and it's a big step for him. But... with everything else that happened tonight I find it a little hard to take any sort of satisfaction out of the fact that my boyfriend didn't just stand up for himself but punched his father. Something I think we both know was long overdue." He admitted though the last part did have the feintest hint of a smile appear on his face. He was sure that Sven knew just was well as he did that Andrew had deserved that punch long before it had happened.


Being told that Sven wasn't sure what he would do in his place had him nodding, dark eyes on his lap once more. When the older man did speak again he bit his lip at being told that one thing was for sure that Sven wouldn't stay at the mansion, that he'd want to go somewhere. Get some distance. As much as Kario knew that would be for the best it made his heart ache even more to think of leaving the mansion and subsequently Devon behind. This distance would probably be a good thing though and he knew that Sven wasn't saying it to hurt him more but to help him and he had asked the other man what he would do so it was only fair that he hear him out and take his advice on the whole thing.


What he wasn't expecting was Sven saying that he needed his own way of dealing with his, which caused him to sigh as he really didn't know how to deal with this. This was the first time anything like this had happened to him. There was a really big part of him that wished beyond anything else that it would be the last but there was that voice in the back of his mind telling him that there was a very slim chance that was true.


Looking up at Sven he listened as he spoke as they were driving up to the mansion. Biting his lip he nodded and agreed, walking back inside the mansion with Sven and watching as the man went off to pack. Once he was alone he found himself just standing there in the entrance hall, his dark eyes moving over the mansion. Somehow his body managed to find a way for more tears to form but this time he held them back, knowing as he stood there that he needed to go with Sven no matter how much his heart wanted him to stay here. 


It wasn't like this was goodbye forever after all, it was temporary distance to give him a chance to come around to everything that had happened and for Devon to take care of whatever he had to without worrying that he was left here all alone. Slowly he made his way upstairs and it was even slower that he packed a small bag not really having much that was his to begin with and even less that he felt was truly his. Even after he had finished packing -which hadn't taken long at all- he found himself hesitating, eyes taking in every little detail afraid that if he went with Sven he'd wake up in the morning to find that this had all been some sort of dream.


Eventually he managed to bring himself to grab the bag and meet back up with Sven in the jet. He was silent as he sat down across from the other man this time. The younger man wasn't able to bring himself to even look outside the jet's window, knowing that if he saw them leave it would be even harder. Over and over again he told himself that this was temporary, it wasn't goodbye and it didn't mean that Devon wanted to get rid of him or that he wanted to get rid of the blonde.


But deep down Kario knew that Devon wasn't really the reason this was so hard. Leaving with Sven meant that he was leaving his parents and his brother behind, his sister, her husband and children behind. His family. That was what was making this so hard, because in the end Kario knew that Devon could come see him the moment he had the time and he was sure that the blonde would call him too. But his family... they didn't know he was leaving and even if they did it wasn't like they were able to come see him. Sure they could probably get ahold of him too but it wouldn't be as easy for them. There was guilt setting in, feeling like he was failing them now more than he ever had before.


That wasn't even all of it though. Now he had to face the reality that he was going to place he had never been before. This wasn't like moving to a new town, or even a new state. It was a new country, new continent. A place he knew absolutely nothing about and knew no one. Sure he had Sven but it wasn't like he was unaware that the man sitting across from him was first and foremost his boyfriend's best friend. Sven had no reason to be nice to him, to help him in any way. While he knew that the man wouldn't just leave him high and dry in a foreign country he also wasn't sure what to expect from this either. Where did things go from here?

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