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Figure Skating RP (YOI inspired RP)


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Well, people of Viktuuri fandom and figure skating enthusiasts, I thought of making a figure skating RP. To be honest I have very minimal knowledge of figure skating. My knowledge only extends to the terminologies and stuff I hear on Yuri on Ice but I plan to research as necessary. So... if anyone is interested, please let me know. This can be group or one on one.


I'm flexible in roles.. I can be seme or uke.. well seke too.

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are you still looking for someone? I'm also not very knowledgeable in ice skating except for what I leaned in yuri on ice. Still, I would love to do this role play with you.

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and one other person who contacted me through pm is in the rp as well but the said person hasn't replied yet. Let's wait for him/her. :D


Do you have anything in mind about this RP guys?

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Should we do a competition? Or are you guys looking for more of a friendship kind of thing? I'm quite curious where we are going with this roleplay.

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.. we can do both. But In competitions, I guess we have to expand out knowledge to scoring systems and rules hahaha.. otherwise, let's exclude anything technical :D

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ya.... might be a bit strange but I bet we can pull it off. So we aren't competin for who wins we could even be in different smaller competitions or in some strange group skate.

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yeah.. we can even start as noobs or anything in small scale. We can then just improve and join bigger competitions later on. I wonder though, is there a stigma for being male skater? Like, do male figure skaters get teased just by doing the sport since... it isn't the manliest sports out there. If there is, I kinda want to include that in the RP.. :3

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I expect them to be made fun of when they are younger and sometimes in the teen's because it is very femanine and if they want to improve, they are probably also taking ballet. That being said, some may be praised for doing this because they can skate rather masculine or may be popular with the girls because of their beauty and strength.

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the one I contacted hasn't replied yet... so I guess we should recruit one more person. Do you have anyone in mind who can be interested?

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informed me about the role play. How will we communicate because the chats are unreliable and the PM is way too slow...


Edit: I do seke...I personally don't like to be glued to one position but I'll go with whatever for now

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hello thanks for taking interest in the RP. And welcome aboard! Err... won't this recruitment page suffice? I don't really use messaging platforms.


Anyway, let's talk about the plot guys... We're gonna start the RP as beginners right? or highschoolers (maybe be a part of skating club?)

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It will have to do. All I have to say, and sorry to ruin it, but in the rules for YoiOtaku, it states that characters must be 18 or older... Like no children. (If I recall correctly) With that being said, the characters can talk and reflect upon their past!

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Maybe they could be firstyears wanting to start an ice skating club at school. It is hard because they have to really find each other and figure out how to practice and everything as they make things official. Almost like "free" in a way

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I thought 3rd year students in highschool are 18 years old already :o mhmmm otherwise do you guys have any plot in mind?

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So a slice of life school AU (to begin with)? Sounds cute.


Who is what position? Uke, Seke, Seme? And Is this a free for all? Everyone find a partner or will everyone pair up?


I guess this rp will depend on what's going to happen? Are they all going to go pro? Is this just your every day ice skating club/buddies? 'Cause if it just the club, then we can work off of that... If they go pro, that's strict training, plus pro skaters usually start early...


If they are buddies (I'm running with the idea feel free to take away from it or change it).... Let's see....


Well, there is the bully concept, one of which picks on the fact that they are in a 'girly' sport. Are they friends at first? Did they just meet at the rink? Maybe they dislike each other at school, but then meet at the rink- (like, whaaaaat they skate too?) Are they already skating buddies? Will one student new?


Will one student be better at skating than the others? Are they all pro? Will they be graduating soon, or is it the beginning of senior year?




I personally like to make my characters with strong backgrounds... I've also picked out music for his skates... Haven't come up with a name or picture yet because I am waiting to figure out what kind of story we have here?

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hmmn... Well since we actually have to be adults, being highschool students will be hard with being underage and 3rd year students tend to be busy with uni entrance exams. The best route to go is probably being pro.


Who is what position? Uke, Seke, Seme? And Is this a free for all? Everyone find a partner or will everyone pair up?

I tend to adjust whatever position is free. And since group roleplay tends to be less sexual, I usually just go with the flow with no partner planned and see who I should pair up depending on the story.


I guess this rp will depend on what's going to happen?

Yes, that's what I initially thought. You guys have anything else planned?


Are they all going to go pro? Is this just your every day ice skating club/buddies? 'Cause if it just the club, then we can work off of that... If they go pro, that's strict training, plus pro skaters usually start early...

My suggestion is to stick to pro. We can represent different countries or be from the same country but I think being rivals will be good.


Will one student be better at skating than the others? Are they all pro? Will they be graduating soon, or is it the beginning of senior year?

Well, being highschooler will be hard as I said. Mhmm.. but if you guys want to do the highschool one we have to be third year at least , well... let's see.. We can just be group of friends. Like going to local skating rink. We get bullied sometimes but we have each other's back.... then... (insert dramatic plot here)


What do you guys think? which is better?

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We can always go the just getting into the pros? So we have more room to advance and grow with? and if not all the same country, maybe they all practice in a common place or grew up together somehow so they know each other?

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I personally would like it if they are not in school. Would be easier to manage too. They could all be friends.


Athletes from different countries can train together. Like Yuri and Phitchet in Detroit. So maybe we can all pick a country and then go from there?


I like the idea of being pro. They could train together by when competition Congress around, they go to thier perspective competitions. Then they meet again in tougher competitions? Not everyone has to make it, they can cheer.


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would anyone mind if MC is fairly new to skating? He's not a bad skater when they meet but not good either because he's only just taught himself how to skate about 3 months prior. He'd be good at learning new things but he's just awkward on the ice because of the lack of formal training.


Also, on the subject of partners, I hope everyone doesn't mind me being an uke.

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My character with be seke then. MC, without spoiling much of his background, will be a protegy much like Yurio but won't take it seriously. His bio with be revealed as they get to know each other.


I was thinking that MC would be new because he moved there.


They could know each other like when they were young kids (much like Otabek with Yurio)... That's what I figured. Or, he could be new entirely. Whichever you guys like more.


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