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The Great and the Untameable

Yukio Takamiya

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When Ryan shifted back, Kiran let his eyes roam his body. From the wide masculine shoulders to the perfectly sculpted abs. He willed himself to not focus on anything lower than the waist. Reluctantly tearing his gaze away from Ryan, Kiran started to walk in the direction where they came from. "It's bearable," he replied. "I'd rather not to be honest. The herbs smell awful and even now, the scent remains on my body." He continued, looking at his wound in disgust where herbs had been used on it. "Besides, it healing well." Kiran disliked the herbs that had been applied to his body multiple times. By this time, he was trying to convince Ryan that he was well enough to avoid using them.


Deciding to change the subject, Kiran spoke in a louder voice. "How long more till we reach the capital?" They reached the camp and Kiran went back to the clothes he left on the ground. Bending down, he picked them up and started to wear them again. The problem was that he didn't know how to wear them. He ended up buttoning the buttons wrong and left the trousers untied.


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  • Yukio Takamiya


"Well the smell isn't the bedste." Ryan laugthed. "But it what keeps you going at times. You may be healing that wound, but the one inside isn't, not until the bleeding stops, thats one of the bad partes to be a shifter."

Kiran really didn't seemed to like herbs, but Ryan know that if it was so keep Kiran alive, he would give them to him again.

Ryan sigh when Kiran tried to changes the topick. The boy could be quite stubborn as well it seemed.

"One and a half day at bedst, if all go as planed" Ryan answer as he to picked up his close and started dress.

As he got his pants on he noticed Kiran han difficulty and started helping him buttoning and tied his trousers.


When Kiran was dressed, Ryan smiled and let his hand gently caressing Kiran's hair just like earlier, before steping away again.

"Good night Kiran sweet dreams."

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Ryan had a point, Kiran thought. But he did feel well enough to not use the herbs. The internal bleeding had to wait till they reached the capital, herbs couldn't do anything about that.


Hearing Ryan's answer, Kiran looked up at the cloudless dark skies. "The capital is pretty far huh?" He commented. Then again, at the back of his mind, there was a thought that admitted prolonging the journey wasn't unpleasant. He kept his eyes trained on Ryan's face as the man helped him fix his clothes. Kiran didn't know what drove the man to do so much for him and truthfully, he wanted to experience more of this person's gentleness.


When Ryan bade his goodnight, Kiran's hand unconsciously grabbed his shirt, preventing Ryan from leaving. "Why do you go so far to help me?" He asked, almost desperate to know the answer. This was what he wanted to know the most. Why would Ryan go so far for a person he just met?


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"Why...?" Ryan really didn't have an answer to that.

Normal he would help anyone who need it, a nature of his, some would say a weakness like some people at the court did. But Ryan had never helped anyone putting on clothes, or been thinking constantly as well worried about someone as much as he did Kiran.

He was fascinated by the boy, like Kiran was the most wonderful creature breathing.

Kiran had looked fragile at first glance, but Ryan had felt the strength inside him and still saw it in those gorgeous green eyes.

It wasn't a loss grip that held him, and Ryan just felt like purring in zinc with the animal inside him. Insted he took the hand gripping his shirt, not to push it off, just to hold it in his. Feeling Kiran's body heat so close made the heat rip though him. Wait heat? Why was his skin heating?

"I don't know... I normal help people, that's my job. But never like this, it different with you, but I don't know why" Ryan had wanted to say: that he was sorry if it annoyed him. But Kiran didn't looked annoyed, just curious and something else.

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Kiran jumped slightly in shock when Ryan suddenly held his hand. Though the reason wasn't because Ryan held his hand, rather, it was because of the sudden spark when their skin made contact. Kiran stared at their hands, his that was held within Ryan's. But he didn't pull back, despite that feeling being so sudden, the heat that came after felt so pleasant that he almost purred. Kiran had the sudden urge to move closer to the man but held himself back. Why was he feeling like this? What made him so drawn to Ryan?


In response to Ryan's answer, Kiran chuckled humorlessly. "You're really an unusual one. Many people who I've come in contact with only came to hunt. They only wanted my hide," he said the last part bitterly. "If they were the one being hunted for their skin instead, how would they feel?" If the humans could empathize with beasts and think about how terrible it was to be hunted, perhaps Kiran wouldn't despise them as much.


As if he wanted to say something else, Kiran hesitated. He didn't know if it would be right to say it, didn't know what Ryan would think of him if he describe what he felt. For some reason, he didn't want Ryan to hate him even if the whole world did. Taking a deep breath, he spoke. "Y-you may think this is weird," he stuttered. "But I've been having this strange feeling ever since we met. Something that draws me to you. It may seem creepy but I'm not really implying anything by it." Kiran kept his eyes on the ground as he spoke, afraid to meet Ryan's eyes. How would the man react?

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Ryan was completely stunned by Kiran confession, it sounded so similar to his own feelings.

He to felt drawn to the man from the very first time he had seen Kiran, but at that time he had only felt the need to be protective and caring for him.

It was only now that Kiran had become more alive that he had starting to get this other feelings as well.

To have Kiran feeling similar, was just a weird coincidence.

But maybe it really was normal for a young one like Kiran to feel like he did, especially if Ryan had been the very first person to ever tread him kindly.

It really hurt him to think like that, but that had to be the case, as soon Kiran met another he would see that Ryan was nothing special.


"I get your feelings Kiran, I really do, but maybe you are just feeling that because I'm the first kind person you have ever met? I know you don't trust people easy, and I'm honored that you feel comfortable with me around."

Ryan's inner creature cried as the words left his lips wanted to take them back.

"That said, I know that I have similar feelings and I am attracted forwards you. Maybe if you wanted to try we could start it by taking is slow? until you got better and we both got a understanding of these feelings?" Now it was him who felt nervous. There were the big possibility that he had understood it all wrong, he felt like wanted to disappear or become invisible right then.

Ryan's hand began to relaese Kiran's, waiting for Kiran to retreat his hand.

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As Ryan spoke, Kiran kept his eyes on their connected hands. He let out a humorless chuckle and slowly pulled his hand away. "No Ryan, you don't understand. You don't understand at all." Kiran stepped away from Ryan and started to walk away. His fists clenched tightly by his side as he headed back to the woods, he couldn't stay anymore. Not when this bond was holding him back.


Yes, this bond, he finally understood what it was. A feeling that drew him towards Ryan, that pleasant spark whenever their skin touched and that vague desire for Ryan to never be with anyone else. There was no going slow as Ryan said. The bond would eventually drive them crazy the more they held back. The words that Ryan spoke, they felt like a slap to the face, a rejection. The fact that he could even say what Kiran felt could be because he was the very first person that was kind to him. It almost shattered his heart.


Kiran felt the tears escape his eyes as he shifted and ran deep into the trees.


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Ryan stood left petrified watching Kiran run away, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and suddenly fell forward on all fours.

The beast in him tried to tear itself free becoming feral inside him, black stiffest fur breaking painful out through his skin and his eyes started changing into a deep bloody red color.

No, Ryan couldn’t let the beast run after Kiran, the boy was too weak to handle his true form, he didn’t trust the beast not to hurt the panther shifter, and like this he wouldn’t be able to control it.


“NO!” Ryan shouted trying to fight the shift now in a half man half beast form.

“Ryan! What’s wrong!” He recognized the voice to be Tama's, but couldn’t answer the man, just shaking his head as e grasp a hold of the earth beneath him. He felt his claws cut through the dirt as he did, and tried to focus on that feeling instead of the bonds shifting inside his unbearable painful body.

“MINE, OURS, MINE!” The beast snapped in a feral drowned snarled.

“Calm it! We don’t want to hurt him!” Ryan snarled back in his head.

“Why we made him sad, we want him, let us go!”

“No, not like this, he wouldn’t like us like this! Kiran can’t see us like this, please I don’t wanna hurt him.” He pleaded in a broken voice.

By the sound of Kiran’s name the beast seemed to calm down. “We want him, he needs us, go find him.” The beast whispered before sinking back into the dark part where it came from, deep inside Ryan’s head. The bloody red left his eyes, and the fur retired.



“I’m fine Tama, sorry but I need to find Kiran, I don’t know why, I just know that he is mine.” With that said Ryan jumped forward in the shift, only thinking of Kiran as he did. As he landed on all four and ran it as almost soundless. He knew that feeling of feline and he knew just which one he had shifted into.


The big panther followed the others one’s scent, while its black cloak blended it in with its surroundings.

As the scent got stronger Ryan knew Kiran must had smelt him, cause the other cats scent was all over the place and in different directions. A attempt to confuse him, but Ryan wasn’t new at tracing prey, it only excited his cat for the challenge.


Where went some time before he spotted Kiran, Ryan was hiding upwind so that Kiran couldn’t smell him as he slowly and soundless crawled forward. When he was close enough to cut Kiran off if trying to run, Ryan stepped out from his hiding, ready for the other panther, he wouldn’t fight back if Kiran came at him, he deserved every beating the boy would give him. But he would stop Kiran from running away showing of his dominance if needed.

Just looking at the shifter, he knew he had hurt Kiran without ever meaning to. Ryan saw at Kiran with eyes full of regret and longing, and though he was a bit bigger then Kiran, Ryan felt like the other way around.

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As Kiran ran, his mind went back to just about an hour ago, when he and Ryan were playing together. How ironic that it could change so fast, from playing to him running away. His chest hurt so bad, the tears wouldn't stop. Kiran had never cried before, nothing made him cry, but why this? He was ashamed at himself for acting this way, for being so weak that something like this could hurt him. So what if it was a mate bond. He had been alone his whole life, what difference could it make. Despite thinking like this, deep within, Kiran knew that it would never be the same. He knew that never again would he feel as complete as he did during the two days he spent with the other shifter.


It was then that Ryan's scent entered his nose. His beast unconsciously let out a miserable mewl. Every instinct told him to turn back and return to Ryan. But he forced himself to move forward, rubbing his body on trees and rolling on the ground to mislead the other. He couldn't return, couldn't face Ryan, now that he had left. Kiran continued on his way, running even faster than before. His wound had long since reopened and started bleeding again, but Kiran ignored the pain and focused on getting away first. He could sense Ryan getting closer, the sound of paws hitting the ground became audible as well. But why paws? Wasn't Ryan a raven?


Finally, a panther came into view. Kiran couldn't run anymore either. It was a panther, but Kiran knew that it was Ryan. So his mate could shift into anything. A small part of his felt pride that his mate was so special, but he couldn't think of that at the moment. Ryan was now before him and he had no idea how he could run away. In fact, he didn't want to run away, but he had to didn't he?


"Don't come after me Ryan." He said, backing away from the larger panther. He turned and started to walk away, unable to run anymore.

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Ryan didn’t allow him to walked away, moving in front of Kiran every time he tried.

Kiran looked pale, the blood from the reopened wound dripped down his flank, leaving small traces in the soil.

He didn’t know what to say, His beast had made it pretty clear that Kiran was his, but he had never heard about such a thing before.

It was like he knew that there would be no one other than Kiran for him, but he probably hadn’t seen that Kiran could have felt the same way.

He tried to smoothen the shifter by purring loudly.

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Kiran didn't expect Ryan to block his path after he told him not to. Each time he tried to move around the other panther, Ryan simply moved in front of him again. Already irritated from the pain in his side, Kiran let out a growl of annoyance. "What are you doing?" Kiran was getting weaker and honestly, he wasn't confident that he would be able to outrun Ryan. When Ryan started to purr at him, he paused in his steps, his body refusing to move forward. His beast was trying to get them to their mate. Kiran swallowed thickly and stood in his spot. That was when a growl resounded from the bushes.


Another growl followed and soon there were multiple growls. Slowly, wolves started emerging from the darkness, their eyes all focused on the blood on Kiran's flank. Oh they were hungry alright. Kiran turned to face them fully, hissing and spitting, threatening them from coming any closer. He was too weak to fight due to the constant loss of blood. But the wolves paid no mind to his threat. They were two and the wolves were many, Kiran was almost sure that they wouldn't be able to get out of this.


Slowly, they were completely surrounded by wolves. Kiran unconsciously moved closer to Ryan, unable to hide the fact that he was a little afraid. One of the wolves pounced onto him. Kiran wasn't fast enough to dodge and went down under the wolf's weight. He snarled and growled, immediately embedding his teeth into the wolf's shoulder.


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Ryan felt Kiran fear like his own, as the wolf moved over Kiran, Ryan took the animal by the neck making him looking into Kiran's eyes as he did. He wouldn't let this animals hurt Kiran. The wolf snapped at him trying to get a hold on Ryan. Two more wolves jumped forward baring their teeth.

Ryan lifted the wolf he had up in the air, breaking it's neck in the proces, before throwing the body after those two approaching wolves. Making them whine as it hit them.

Helping Kiran up never taking his eyes away from the wolves. Ryan knew that Kiran's stat was geting wores.

Those wolves did to, though it was weird that the wolves would go for Kiran seeing as he to was a predator.

Putting himself between Kiran and the wolves, Ryan tried to figure out how to drawn their attention to him insted of Kiran.


More wolves started attacking and he went for them, but one tried sneak around him to get to Kiran.

Ryan turned to grab the wolf's tail, only to get biten himself in the hind leg and lower back.

There teeths hurt like hell, but it wasn’t something that he couldn't handel, throwing the wolf by it's tail into a tree it howled in pain as it hit.

Ryan did a tuck and roll to get the wolf on his back off. The wolf in his hind got the same treatment as the first wolf before it finaly let go of him.

Ryan didn't find this killing of wolves fun, as child raised to love natur, it hurt him in even more ways then just his wounds. But the looks this wolves had given Kiran had said it all. It was ether them or the wolves.

Feeling the anger risen in him, he shifted into a giant brown wolf. The animals then seemed to become uneasy by that. Then a mal certainly the packs alfa, stepped forward. The animal was older but looked strong enough to held that titel.

He was rating Ryan. The alfa sneezed looking from Ryan to Kiran. Ryan growled as he did, telling the alfa, that the panther was of limits.

Ryan had already hurt a couple of the wolves killed three, and though Ryan was badly hurt he could still fight them.

The alfa sneezed again before walking away, the other wolves followed behind him.

It wasn't until Ryan couldn't hear them anymore, that he let the exhausting in. And it hit him like a wall, his legs disappeared benearth him. Ryan lay on the ground still in wolf form while his legs shook.

He was covering in blood, the wolves as much as his own.


Ryan looked at Kiran, how would he still see Ryan as a kind man, would he think of him as a killer? Ryan felt like one. But he also felt proud for protected what belonged to him.

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Kiran watched cautiously as the pack slowly retreated. Until they had fully disappeared did then turn to the bleeding Ryan whom had sat down. His legs shook and his weakened body flopped down beside Ryan as well. Kiran's eyes moved to Ryan's wounds, he let out a whimper. Ryan had gotten these wounds from protecting him and that didn't make him feel good at all. If he hadn't run off on his own, this wouldn't have happened. The wolves came because they smelt his blood and if Ryan hadn't come after him, he would have by now became wolf chow. Kiran nuzzled Ryan's neck with his head then gave his injured leg a lick, hoping to soothe his pain even a little.


It was then that he heard voices. Kiran's head snapped up, was it danger again? Both Ryan and him were already too exhausted to move, they definitely wouldn't survive if they fought. "The smell of blood came from somewhere here," it was Tama's voice. Kiran visibly relaxed. Not long after, said man appeared, with the centaur from earlier and his three dogs.


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Relief poured through him as Kiran nuzzled his neck, but then he only to quickly move away and became tense, as Tama’s voice called through the silence.

Of cause Tama would had come after him, running away as he had.


“What the hell happened? There is blood all over the place.” Tama asked with amazement in his voice. As he noticed the dead wolves he sent Ryan a sad smile, knowing who he felt about killing them.

Instead of answering Ryan just shifted back. “Can you carry Kiran on your back?” He asked the centaur, already knowing that was why he was with Tama in the first place.

“Of cause my lord, but I can’t carry you both at once.” The man answered.

“Want me to carry you?” Tama held his arms out as he spoke, indicating to carry him like a princess, while making a kissing mouth to tease him.

“Don’t you think about it! I’m still capable of walking.”

Tama shrugged "As you want, but you got to offer.”

Ryan ignored him again and looked to Kiran. “It would be easier if you shifted, don’t worry he wouldn’t do anything this time.” He then looked at the centaur. “If he does I'll bit his hind.”

“That not even funny Ryan.” Tama said, but even he couldn’t keep a smile back. Then centaur looked horrified and pale by that joke.

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Kiran shifted back as Ryan instructed, wincing as he climbed onto the centaur's back. Once atop the man-horse, Kiran hunched his back and took a few heavy breaths. Climbing onto the centaur's back had taken quite a bit of effort. Immediately, they set off for the camp.




It was noon when they arrived at the capital. The sun shone brilliantly and Kiran had to squint when he gazed out of the carriage. When his eyes finally adjusted to the light, the view that greeted him made his eyes widen and mouth open in awe. The capital was huge...Kiran had no other words to describe how big it was. He still hadn't stuck his head back into the carriage as they neared the giant gates.


The click clackety shaking of the carraige raised his anticipation, heightening his five senses. Wonder and anxiousness bubbled. He lurched foward as the carraige drew to a stop indicating their arrival. He was here! At long last, after the many gruelling hours he was made to endure. He burst through the door, making a point to admire the cream stone pavements and white pristine infrastructure of the buildings. The sand upon the ground shared similar hues of brown and coral. Vines of roses adorned the pedastals that hung above while topiaries, so intricately and painstakingly crafted lined the path from gate to door. However, his awe was short lived. Pain tore through his side and steps turned into a stumble. Kiran had gotten too excited and forgot about his injury.


Upon coming back to his senses, Kiran noticed that the carriage door he had just opened now lay on the floor, hinges snapped in two. At first, he was unable to react, then he slowly turned to Gina. "Um.... I can fix that."


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He couldn’t anything but smile as he saw how Kiran delight leapt out of the carriage, with eyes shining of pure excitement.

Ryan was relieved that Kiran could see the beauty of it. It was only when the pain showed on Kiran’s face, Ryan got back to business.

He descended from his horse and tried to ignore the annoying stinging pain from the wound on his leg and back. The one on the back had bothered him most of the trip, Tama had been obliged to stitched him in order for it to heal faster. But the rid still hadn’t been pleasant.


Gina looked pissed at the broken door, but didn’t say anything.

“I can send one to fix it don’t worry.” He assured Gina with a smile. “I would have assured that you got settle in, but we haft to get Kiran a healer. I could give him my recommendation of you, if you would be interested?”

“Would I! Yes pleas my lord. That would be great! Oh and don’t worry about me, I got some family living around here, so I’ll be fine.” She answered excited. “I hope for your well-being Kiran.” Gina finished before ridding off in the carriage with the two bird men.


“They are opening the gate now. We better hurry before we get caught in the crowd on the other side. The gatekeeper says that there is quite many on the marked today.“ Tama said with smirk “Cover up my lord or we will never get to that healer.”

Ryan took on the hood without any protest.

“Come on.” Ryan said as he reached for Kiran with his hand. “There is still some way to go, but you can ride with me, if you are all right with that.” Ryan didn’t want him to sit with anyone else, but he wouldn’t force Kiran if he found it uncomfortable.

Over the past few days, they had hardly spoken and he missed the time they had spent together, before it all had went wrong.

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Kiran seemed to hesitate when Ryan held out his hand. Finally he sighed, instead of taking Ryan's hand, he walked past him towards Nadin and climbed onto the horse. The atmosphere between the two had been awkward as most would say, for the past few days. They hadn't spoke, let alone been in the same place for even a minute. Kiran had forced himself to stay in the carriage even though he hated it and no longer stuck his head out the window to look at the skies, fearing that he and Ryan would make eye contact.


Kiran waited for Ryan to get on the horse as well, looking ahead and paying the man no heed. Tama watched the two and sighed, shaking his head and urging his horse forward towards the gate. After a few hours, they reached the castle, a large fortress like structure that stood out even from the gates even though it was so far. The castle seemed to sit on a hill but not exactly either. It looked even more magnificent up close. Kiran stared up at the beautiful structure, an expression of wonder on his face. So completely relaxed at this point of time, he failed to realise that he had unconsciously leant back into Ryan.

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Ryan could feel the exitment radiate from the boy, but couldn't see his expression from where he sat.

The beast purred as he felt Kiran lean into him. How he wanted to put his arms around him, just to feel the guy, but know from the way Kiran had acted, that the man probely wouldn't like it. Ryan sigh and looked to Tama, he had talked with him about his feeling for Kiran. The older soldier had told him that maybe Kiran could be his fated mate. Ryan hadn't had any idear such a thing existed before then, he had tried asking his friend for more, but there really wasn't much Tama know about it. Apparently he only had knowledge of the thing form a story some comrade had told him long ago. Having a fated mate was just that rare. On wonder he hadn't known.

But then again had Kiran known, was that why.

Ryan really wanted to talke it all through with Kiran, but now he had to get him healed.


Ryan descended off Nadin, waiting for Kiran to do the samme before giving the reins to a stable boy.

There were a few nobels around the front, but Ryan send them no thougt, he was to busy thinking of Kiran's needes.

"Have the healer come, I need him as soon as he can." Ryan told a servent girl, who browed before turning into a bird and flew off.

"Tama could you show Kiran to the guest room, I'll will be there as soon as the healer gets here." Ryan asked him, before sending him a sad smile. He really wanted to be the one to do that, but he needed to tell his advisers about those hunters as soon as possible.

Tama nod and motioned for Kiran to followed him.

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Kiran didn't notice how comfortable he had gotten until Ryan got off the horse. At that, he jumped a little in shock, face flushed at how he had unconsciously leaned into the older man. Hiding his blush, Kiran too got down from the horse and followed Tama. As they walked, Kiran's eyes looked all around in wonder, never seeming to be in one place for a period of time.


"What's that, Tama?" He asked pointing at a stone basin that stood in the middle of a garden of flowers. "It's a bird bath," was Tama's reply. "And that?" He pointed to a noble lady dressed in a gown that seemed to flare out around her feet and a bonnet like hat. "That's....A woman," Tama sighed in defeat. "What's a woman..It moves too. And why does it wear a colourful fruit around it's bottom half?" Kiran had never seen women before. Most of the females he knew were the animals in the forest. Ad of course, he knew he was male and therefore could tell apart males. Women, was something very foreign to him. "My dear Kiran," Tama sighed. "Women are what you call female humans. There are female shifters too. They take the human form called 'women'. At this, Kiran finally nodded in understanding.


They arrived at a large room where Kiran was instructed to lie on the bed. At first, he squirmed in discomfort from the foreign soft material, further agitating his wound. But he eventually settled down and allowed the healer to examine him, though not before sniffing him a little in caution. For the past few days, Kiran had somewhat gotten used to the presence of others but it doesn't say for sure that he trusted anyone yet. Though he probably wouldn't have the chance to. He would be returning to the forest after he recovered after all. At this thought, his heart panged a little, thoughts drifting to the other shifter that he had grown to love. He would be leaving that man. A soft whimper escaped his lips.


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The conversation with the advisers hadn't been pleasant. Those old gnomes didn't understand the need to protect the borders so far of, they were greedy in nature, and if it didn't have a benefit of them, they didn't see a need.

Luckily they couldn't make that decision to just ignore it ether, and agreed that there would be organized guard posts, throughout the border.


He had just made them agreed to the plan, as a servant announced that the healer had arrived.

"Then I will leave your lords to it." Ryan said before heading towards the door.

"Your Highness, just a second of your time, if you would allow us." one of the old men said as he stroked his long white beard.

"Why did you're Highness leave, the young lady was quite saddened as she came to visit."

"Must we remained you're Highness that it is you're duty to marry and provide a heir! We know that you're lifespan is a lot longer, but you can still be killed, just like everyone else!"

Those guys really didn't get it did they, Ryan felt the angre rise in him. He had told them that he wouldn't marry, but those oldies just kept sending him more ladies who all tried to court him. And since he was a king he couldn't be rude and refuse them instantly, no he had to play the part too. He couldn't help but thinking of Kiran.

"No matter how many women you send for, I will not marry anyone before I choose to." Ryan throw the words at them befor slamming the door behind him.


The healer was already there as he came to Kiran's room. Ryan nodded to Tama who stood leaning against the wall with arms crossed, looking bored as hell.

Ryan patted the man's shoulder, as Tama past him to leave. "All good?"

Tama nodded."Yeah all good, but you might wanna teach him how to do things, I had to explain to him how to use the bed."

Ryan smiled at the man he considered a friend, before he walked out the door.

A little whine brought his attention back to Kiran, Ryan quickly walked over and kneel down by the bed. He was worrying to much about Kiran too realized that he was purring smooth sounds while gently petting Kiran's hair. "Does it hurt?"


The healer clear his throat. "He is doing so well, I have closed the blood flow, so that the wound can heal. I would recommend lot of sleep and iron in his diet, if all goes well he should be just fine in a couple of days time.

"Thank you very much for your help, would lots of meat do?" Ryan asked, Kiran hadn't showed all that fondness for the herbs.

"If he is a carnivore yes, I have to go now you're majesty, but send for me if anything and I will come." the old mand said before leaving.


Kiran's clothes and bed sheet was covered in blood, the healer had been forced to reopen the skin wound in order to heal the internal wound. That was no fun deal, Ryan felt sorry that he had suffered this badly.

Maybe a bath could help his tired mate, It would certainly remove the smell of blood, Ryan didn't like that smell on Kiran, he liked Kiran's scent of morning dew and a spicy smell he couldn't describe.

Gently he put his arms under Kiran and lifted him up, still unaware that he purring soft sounds while taking him into the bath room. There was a big tub with warm water in the middle, the servens had filled it not to long ago. Ryan could hear their footsteps from the room behind him, but choose to closed off the sound, there were only Kiran to think about.

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When the healer was done, Kiran lay weak on the bed. He was tuckered out from all the struggling while the healer reopened his wound. At first, he took it as danger, snarling and trying to claw at the old man. That was when Tama and the others came and pressed him back on the bed. His throat was hoarse from screaming and growling in pain. Yet the more he fought, the more intense the pain got. When it was finally all over, Kiran didn't even have the strength to move a finger. That was when the door opened and his mate's scent wafted in. Kiran unintentionally let out a whine, he couldn't deny that all he wanted right now was to see Ryan.


"Does it hurt?"


Kiran barely managed a nod. His skin and clothes were drenched in sweat and blood. Honestly, he felt really dirty at the moment and didn't really want Ryan to see him in such a state. Which was why he was relieved when his mate brought him into the bathing chambers. Though he didn't really know it was the 'bathing chambers'. To Kiran, water in a hole in the ground meant a bath.


It was at this moment that Kiran's half-opened eyes started to droop even lower. The fatigue was getting to him and he even if he did try to stay awake, he'd probably lose consciousness midway into his bath. But Kiran didn't try to stay awake, he was safe with Ryan, he knew. Though before he was truly gone, he'd suppose that there was one thing he had to do. "Ryan..." He called out weakly. "I'm sorry." Sorry for ignoring him the past few days, for avoiding him, for hurting him. Kiran knew how bad Ryan must have felt but didn't let his pride waver and that led to tension between them. It was rare to have a mate, a life partner, an other half. One couldn't imagine the pain at having them ignore and avoid them. Yet that was exactly what Kiran did and he didn't exactly feel good about it as well. For the past few days, Kiran had suffered as well. He hoped that when he awoke, everything would be well between them again. With that thought, Kiran fell asleep.






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It tore in his chest hearing Kiran's small hoares voice, he normal wasn't all that emotinoal, but he could feel the tears pricking in his eyes, he was filled with a mig of feelings.

He didn't say anything, just letting his mate sleep as he gently moved washcloth down his back.


When done with the bad, Ryan carried the sleeping Kiran back into the bedroom. The sheets had be changed, and a nice smell of flowers replaced the foul smell of blood.

He placed Kiran in the big bed, covered him in a blanked before he sad down on the bedside looking down at Kiran. He stroked a lock of hair aside from Kiran's face, he liked touching him. The beast just wanted to rub it's scent all over they mate, but Kiran held it back. They still needed to talk before he could allowed himself to let it go that way.

Kiran looked so fragile, so at peace right now. Tomorrow ot Kiran was feeling for it they would talk.


Ryan stayed with Kiran that night, afraid that his mate would disappear if he looked away. But in time he too passed into sleep, laying on the edget of the bed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Morning came all too soon and sunlight streamed through the window. Kiran opened his eyes and squinted, lifting a hand to shield his eyes against the uncomfortable brightness. His side emitted a dull ache which brought back memories of the previous day's agony. That's right. The healer came and before long, he went through immense pain. Then Ryan came and gave him a bath, then...everything went black. Kiran stared at the ceiling seemingly in deep thought, but in reality a blank mind. He finally noticed a presence by his side before acknowledging it.


Ryan... Had he been here the whole night? Kiran placed a hand in the man's soft locks, intently watching his mate's sleeping face. Ryan looked relaxed, so unlike every other time which held worry for Kiran. He really had given Ryan a lot of trouble since they first met. His fingers threaded through strands of hair, combing through, simply enjoying the feel of Ryan's soft locks. His eyes couldn't tear away from the shifter's face but just like that, Kiran allowed himself to watch until the time when Ryan would awake.

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It was those soft touches and the smell of mate, that slowly awoke him. Ryan sighed in delight before opening his eyes, he looked right into Kiran’s bluish green eyes. They shined bright in the morning sun.

Ryan’s heart skipped a beat, his mate look so beautiful in that moment.

The black mess of hair and the soft look in Kiran’s eyes, made him want to just stay like this forever.


But he had Kiran’s well being too take care of, Ryan know that Kiran needed rest and meat, and though he wanted too, he couldn’t stay in here with Kiran the entire day.

Ryan’s royal duties demanded that he showed his face at least once around the court, he really didn’t feel for it though.


“Morning, how are you feeling?... Should I send for some food?”


Ryan tried to make his body move, but fined himself needing to fight for it to listen to him, before he was able to sit up.

He looked down at Kiran, carefully placing a hand to his cheek feeling for his temperature as he caressed it. It didn’t feel to warm, then he couldn’t have a fever.


Ryan couldn’t stop smiling, he felt incredible happy beside Kiran.

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When Ryan awoke, Kiran hurriedly pulled back his hand hoping that he hadn't been caught touching Ryan. He couldn't help leaning into Ryan's touch when he caressed his cheek. Somehow, that brought him extreme comfort. His eyes remained on Ryan who couldn't seem to stop smiling. Finally, he spoke. "I bet sleeping the whole night while sitting wasn't pleasant was it?" He moved to the side creating a space for Ryan, patting it, signalling for the other to lay down with him.


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