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The Exception [+18 Noise Prince and Pigeon]

Noise Prince

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Mauve scratched around his collar, nervously. He wasn't used to wearing one like this. This one was meant to be pretty temporary, though, so it being comfortable wasn't going to be a priority. It was mainly to lead him and others up on the stage for the auction, and for show. He had never considered the possibility that he'd end up here. Of course, he always knew he was considered the same as the others here, also in collars and nothing but clean white underwear, but he never thought it himself. Being a drone, it wouldn't have crossed his mind that he'd end up at a slave auction. But of course, while unlikely and frowned upon, vampires weren't immune to becoming disinterested in the drones they turned.


And that's what happened with Mauve, that's how he found himself about to presented on the auction block, and led out in front of numerous spectators. He wondered if someone would buy him. If they'd offer their blood. It had been days. He didn't need it to survive or live. But it had been days, days, days, since he had any… He wasn't sure what happened to the slaves that couldn't be sold.

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Lyrie had a long night ahead of him. The auction house was on the busiest night of the year. They always had a huge shipment of slaves brought in and sold after a huge party for those with with enough money to buy the merchandise. The winter could be long and cold and people wanted something to keep them warm and entertained. The party had free wine to loosen the wallets of the more stingy guests.

Since Lyrie's father was the owner if the auction house, the young fairy needed to stay for the whole night. Others would act as hosts or waiters then leave after a few hours. But Lyrie had to spend the first half of the evening flirting with guests and making sure they kept drinking. Then he spent the second half presenting the slaves of the evening.

This year the party lasted almost six hours. Finally the guests took their seats. The houselights dimmed and the stage was lit up.

Lyrie downed a energy drink to keep himself alert then made his way to the cells of the slaves. He began to lead them out in the proper order, saving the best for last...

About halfway through he reached the drone. Something in his chest tightened at the sight of the man. This one was somehow different, somehow exciting. Lyrie collected himself and took the man's lead. "Please don't make a fuss, I may not look like it but I'm more than capable of defending myself..." He said quietly. The fairy gently led him to the stage. His voice filled the room as he described the 'product' but his mind was somewhere else. Maybe he just had too much to drink... There was no way he actually wanted to buy this man... Right..?

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Mauve's heart was beating hard. He kept glancing around at the others. Many if the slaves had sullen expression, but none of them seemed nervous or concerned. A few seemed agitated by the drone's constant fidgeting and glancing about. Some of the handlers weren't too keen, either. The others knew what was to entail, they had an idea. Mauve really felt different from them now more than ever.


And unlike them, he didn't really care who bought him. He had no desire for any trait his next owner other than them wanting him. As a drone, his identity felt untwined with his interactions and service to his master. And he didn't have one anymore. He just needed to be wanted again...


A fairy, golden and radiant, came forward, pulling forward a few awaiting slaves to lead to the stage. When he got close enough to where Mauve was held, the drone could smell how good he smelled. He couldn't place it, but it smelled citrus-y.


Mauve followed him when it was his turn to. He was a little alarmed at the threat. Did the fairy have frequent incidences of slaves attacking him? He forgot how different he was, again. They craved their freedom. Mauve didn't miss his one bit.


The room ahead of the stage was dark, but he was the center of attention, the lights shining down on him, blinding him.


He wondered how many people were there. It seemed like a big place. It was cold. What were his chances of someone wanting him?

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Bids started as soon as Lyrie had finished describing the drone. They had been able to get a lot of good information for the man's previous 'master' which made people much more interested in the creature. Lyrie found himself staring at the drone as the price went up.

The auction was just about to close when he spoke up. "129 Million" He said firmly, raising the bid even higher. The once loud room went silent. Most of the members knew Lyrie fairly well and knew that he had never even considered purchasing one of the products for himself. Those who didn't know him were wondering if this was even allowed. Lyrie knew he was allowed to do this, but it still felt strange. Finally the silence was broken by the auction being finished with Lyrie as the buyer. The fairy felt his heart pounding as he lead the drone across the stage to the other set of cells where the sold products were held. He moved as quickly as possible, his cheeks flushed. As soon as the drone was locked up he darted back to the other cells to get the next product, ignoring any questions from his coworkers. What the hell was he thinking?

5 hours later the auction was finished and Lyrie went to pay for his purchase. The long time members kept asking him what made him what the drone, but he couldn't answer. He didn't know why he wanted him... After he paid he went to the drone's cell and stared up at him, trying to find a reason for his actions.

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Mauve was just as surprised when the fairy who presented him ended up silencing the bidding with an alarming bid. He had been so excited that there were multiple bids on him, but now he was just confused. Was this allowed, could the auctioneer purchase the merchandise he himself presented? Or did this mean something else, and he wasn't technically bought? He didn't understand what this was for. But he was lead offstage towards where the other sold products were kept, and put in an individual cell. He got no answers from the mysterious fairy, who seemed to ignore him altogether after buying him. Did he even really want him…?


For the remaining hours, Mauve sulked, and tried to sleep, but these cells were only meant for holding, not for comfort. He only got about thirty minutes or so at a time, at best. Though at one point he believed he may have gotten an hour.


It was a long night, but eventually, the fairy did come back for him, and Mauve sat upright quite suddenly. Was he going to get answers now? Was he owned? Was he wanted?

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Lyrie cleared his throat nervously. "Um..." What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't act natural in front of this person... "Remember what I said before, don't do anything stupid" He said as firmly as possible. He unlocked the cell and took the end of the leash. Did this mean he was going to have to be a top..? Lyrie was a masochist, he had absolutely no desire to be a dom...


He began to lead the drone back to his car. It was a pale two seat orange sports car, not something meant to transport a slave and definitely not something masculine. Lyrie ushered the other man into the passenger seat before getting in the driver's seat. "So... Your name is Mauve isn't it..?"

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Mauve looked at the fairy, so small and lovely, but something raw and powerful behind his eyes. He nodded.


"O-of course not. I won't try anything." He told him softly. "I want to go home with you," He added, honestly. Mauve's eyes followed as he took his leash, the end connected to his collar, and Mauve took it as a sign that he should finally stand now. Now he could see why the fairy seemed so concerned, he was quite a bit shorter than him, that might make him seem daunting. But Mauve was going to be no threat to him.


He was lead out silently to a small, brightly colored car. It was quite elegant, nothing like what he'd been transported in for the past few days. He'd only ridden in a car this nice a few times with his former master! Like with his former owner, he assumed he'd be placed in the backseat, but instead he was ushered into the passenger seat. Mauve rubbed the sides of his arms, and huddled his legs close together.


"Yes, that's right, Master," Mauve answered. Then he felt embarrassed, he didn't know for sure that he actually belonged to the fairy yet.

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Lyrie nodded and started the car. "So you understand that I'm your master... that's good" He murmured as he drove out of the parking garage. At least he wouldn't have to be forceful about breaking him in...


"And you're a drone... How dependent are you on blood, and is it only a specific type of blood? I've never done any research on your kind" He sighed softly, this could end up being a very troublesome impulse buy. It would be fine if Mauve could drink any kind of blood, Lyrie's body healed very quickly so feeding the drone would be easy. But if it had to be human or vampire then it would be a problem. He quickly reminded himself that he could just sell the drone to someone else.

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He nodded again, still rubbing himself. He understood why it was necessary for them to be nearly nude for the auction, but he wished, on such a cold night, that before and after they could be given a blanket or something. But he was nothing but relieved to hear that for certain, the fairy was his master. The fact that the fairy also seemed relieved made mauve feel confident. He was making a good impression, it seemed.


"Dependent… well, drones don't really need a lot of blood to survive, per say, but surviving and living are different things." He told him softly. "I only ever took blood from my former master, when it was offered to me, but the kind of blood doesn't matter. And I'm not very picky," He added with an awkward chuckle. He wondered what a fairy would taste like… he smelled good.

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"Good, it would have been very troublesome if you needed specific blood" Lyrie kept his eyes on the road. "I'm sure they haven't given you any blood, so I'll let you have some when we reach my house..." He had no intention of torturing his new slave, even though that was the common use.

Mauve would be treated gently as long as he behaved, but Lyrie would have to keep it clear that he was in charge. That's what people had to do... Right? If he didn't assert himself then he could get attacked... Probably.

After just a few minutes they arrived at a huge beautiful mansion. Lyrie was extremely rich, and since he never bought slaves he had put all his money into making his dream house. He parked and stepped out of the car before opening the door for Mauve.

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Mauve nodded in agreement. He wasn't even going to think about if his fairy master would have to return him because he couldn't provide blood for him. He hadn't imprinted on the man quite yet, but still, it would be a serious blow. The imprinting of his former master still lingered, which is why, he reckoned, he mourned very little when he was sold not long ago. His will was still imposed on his. But there'd be nothing to soften the blow if his new master didn't want him anymore.


His eyes lit up at the promise of blood. He had been warned of the sorts of things that happened to slaves when they were still a new and interesting toy, so to hear that he would be given blood made anything else the fairy planned to do irrelevant.


"Thank you! Thank you very much!" His excitement warmed him.


After a while, they arrived at a beautiful mansion. So ornate and gorgeous. He shook his head, amazed at what he saw. His master came and opened his door, Mauve was far too distracted. He felt a little embarrassed again, but the fairy didn't comment on it, or seem angry. Mauve wondered if there was some unspoken rule that he wasn't supposed to open the door himself, if the fairy assumed he'd be opening the door. Maybe he did it with his other slaves, so it came naturally.


The outside of the car was much colder. He shivered violently, and followed his fairy master.

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Lyrie stepped into his house and slipped off his coat. His house was nice and warm, just the way he liked it. He gestured for Mauve to follow him into the nearest bathroom. "You're probably dirty..." He gestured at the shower "There's soap and shampoo you can use in there... I do hope you know how to bathe yourself" The fairy turned away and began to walk towards the stairs. "I'll go see if I have anything that might fit you" He called over one shoulder. "Don't go wandering around or I won't let you have any blood"


He went to one of the spare bedrooms and opened up the closet. It was full of clothes that ex's or one night stands had left behind. Sometimes they came in use if a guest got their clothes dirty and couldn't wait for them to get washed. Lyrie found a couple shirts and pairs of pants that might fit and brought them back down to the bathroom.

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Mauve felt his skin thaw when he walked into the warmth of the mansion. He had forgotten what it felt like to be warm after all this time being so cold. He followed his master through the house, unabashedly gawking at his belongings, until he was lead into the bathroom. He looked at himself, after sleeping on the floor of the holding cell, he wasn't exactly the picture of cleanliness. "Yes, I do know how to bathe," Mauve told him in a tone that indicated he was answering earnestly.


He audibly gasped when his master threatened to revoke his offer of giving him blood. So it was a rule here- stay put. Easy enough. He didn't waste time, removing his white underwear, and running the water until it was warm enough to wash in. He lathered himself up with the soap, oddly enough it was floral in scent, not citrus. And then washed his hair thoroughly. He had been washed carefully and groomed, before being presented for sale, but he still felt so dirty after everything.


Mauve heard his master return, with the promised clothes in his arms. He was just finished rinsing off, and turned off the water. "Thank you, Master,"

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Lyrie handed the man a towel and waited for him to dry off before handing over the clothes. "I don't know what'll fit so just try things on until you find something..." He yawned softly, it had been such a long day... He just wanted to finish dealing with Mauve and go to sleep. "Do you eat normal food too?" The fairy lightly rubbed his eyes. "I probably have something in the fridge if you need to eat..."

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Mauve took the towel from him, and quickly began drying off. He couldn't wait to finally be in real clothes again. It didn't take him long for him to get dry enough to put on clothes. Mauve was tired, as well, and just took the biggest things he saw in the pile and pulled them on. He hadn't the energy to find out if all the samples fit or not.


"Yes… I'm sorry, I do need to eat… but I can wait if you're tired, Master."

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"It's fine... I'm sure I have something you can eat that won't take much prep.... Come on" Lyrie lightly fluttered his wings and raised himself off the floor, his feet were so tired from walking around. He slowly fluttered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. The fridge was full of sweets and it took a few moments for him to find anything resembled real food. It was a box of cold pizza which he set on the counter. "is this okay..? You can warm it up in the microwave if you want..." He sat down on the counter next to the box and yawned again.

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Mauve's eyes were fixated on the fairy's feet, how they glided over the floor. He'd met a few fairies before, but he had never seen how they flew. The faint flutter of his wings wafted his sweet scent behind him, and the drone enjoyed it all the while he was being taken into the kitchen. After a moment looking into the fridge, his master pulled out a box with a few slices of pizza. Mauve was actually a sucker for cold pizza, so this was great.


"No, it's perfect! Thank you," He said, and opened the box and pulled out the first slice. He was so hungry, he couldn't bring himself to eat particularly gracefully. In thirty seconds, he moved onto his second.

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Lyrie watched him with half closed eyes. The drone must have been hungry... He was eating so quickly. Once Mauve finished the pizza Lyrie pulled a small knife out of a drawer. "Don't go crazy and try to drain me completely..." He murmured before slitting his wrist and holding it out. His orange apricot scented blood pooled up on the wound.

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"Yes, yes of course, thank you!"


Mauve's eyes grew wide when he watched the orange blood creep out from the thin slice across his skin. He licked his lips before pressing his open mouth over the leaking cut. It was sweet! So sweet… he had no idea fairy blood was so different from anything else he had tasted! He felt like he was drinking juice! But that satisfying weight on his tongue, the soft tingling in his throat as it went down. There was no doubt that this was blood. After a good solid moment, he pulled away, and gasped, as he hadn't been breathing all the while. So satisfying… the itch on the back of his mind, the slight but constant ache in his body, the pit in his chest- all of it disappeared.


"Thank you…"

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Lyrie hopped off the counter and got some paper towels which he used to stop his bleeding. "No problem... Come on" He fluttered off the ground and towards the stairs. "There's a bunch of spare rooms... I'll just tie you to one of the beds for the night" He rubbed his eyes and glanced back at the man. "I wasn't planning on buying you so I didn't prepare anything for you"

He opened a closet that was filled with his collection of fetish gear. Lyrie quickly picked out a more sturdy leash and collar with locks before shutting the door and moving on to the spare room.

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Mauve watched the paper towel soak up some of the orange, sweet-smelling, sweet tasting fluid from his wrist. It almost tantalizing, like this. If he hadn't just drank, that would have driven him up the wall. The fairy floated over the floor again, and the drone followed his lead. His footsteps felt so heavy in comparison to the airy movements of his new master. He was surprised that this delicate-looking, beautiful person was into similar things as his former master. That would make the transition for imprinting a little easier, Mauve thought. Though he really didn't know much about how he would imprint, to begin with. His heartbeat increased as he was taken into one of the guest rooms the fairy decided was his. He hadn't really thought much about being 'used' since being taken from his cell, but that's what he was purchased for.


Of course, even without imprinting, Mauve wasn't planning on anything rash, or acting disobedient. His master- former master- had leant him to friends enough times to know well enough what was expected of him. And he was sure he wanted no different when selling him to someone new.

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Lyrie switched out the drone's collar. The new one was made of soft white leather lined with fur, it was one of Lyrie's favorites because it was so comfortable. Of course Lyrie had always been the one wearing it, so it was strange to see it on someone else. He locked one end of the chain leash to the bed post and then the other end to the collar.


He stared up at Mauve. It would be so nice to have the taller man push him down and take care of all of his desires. Lyrie didn't want to put any effort into anything right now, but he still wanted to pleasured... The fairy quickly turned away. "My room is next to this one... So don't make noises unless you really need something"

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Mauve leaned down when the fairy took off his collar and replaced it with the much nicer one. Mauve has angry scratch marks on his neck, from the temporary collar irritating him. The soft fur lining felt really soothing. It was so nice and well made, he was surprised he'd been given it to wear. He'd never really been tethered to anything before, so this was interesting. He watched how the fairy locked one end of the leash to post of the bed, and connected it to the collar he put on his slave. He wondered, if he imprinted, if he would like it, or if he was supposed to like it. He was nervous about the current imprinting wearing off, but for now, he enjoyed how much he was looking forward to his new life before it was gone.


"Yes, I understand. I won't be loud." Mauve replied.

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Lyrie nodded slightly before leaving the room and going to his own. He stripped off his clothes and went into the bathroom connected to his room. The fairy took a nice long bath before collapsing into his bed and falling asleep almost immediately. He was too tired to think about what he was going to do about do with drone.


The next morning he slept in late. He finally got up just a bit before noon and got dressed in usual outfit for relaxing, cute underwear and a fluffy robe. As he went to leave his room he remembered the drone in the other room and quickly changed into plain underwear, jeans, and a t-shirt. Finally the fairy went into Mauve's room.

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He realized he didn't know his master's name when he left him, without another word. He didn't need to know, he'd only address him as Master. But still, it felt odd. He was so cute, and pretty, and had such warm colors, and sweet blood. But he was rather cold to him. And even thought the fairy bought him, Mauve couldn't help but feel that maybe he didn't actually like him. The drone was an impulse buy, perhaps. His fairy master seemed barely interested in him.


Though tired, it took Mauve a while to actually fall asleep. With time to really think, he was making himself more nervous about his new living situation with the fairy. He had no idea what was in store, what was going to happen. He had little idea of what was coming.


He woke up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. It took him a while to remember where he was. He wondered if the fairy was awake yet. But he didn't want to make any noise in case he was still asleep. He remained on the bed, since that's where he was tied. And the day before, he was warned about 'wandering off'- so Mauve didn't intend to move away from wherever he was left.


After about an hour, the fairy came in, and Mauve sat upright.

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