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My Own Little Punk: (WolfDog12 x mik3la)


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Why does your mom being there or not have anything to do with us hanging out. We won't be drinking alcohol or anything like that so who cares...."


"It's not about that its just that .... hei ... wait up" , he started to explain himself but the other was already walking away from him. "I thought that being a parent around thats what is here like. Parental supervision or crap like that", he said narrowing his eyes not believing that shit.


"Never mind, let's just go."



"Yeah .... Its ok" he said bolting his shoulders , heading to the kitchen to take out some soda bringing them back in the living room. "I have some pizza that we can make and also some video games to play while we wait" he started to say, letting down the soda's

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Komaru walked in and sat down as Shingi went and got them the sodas. "Anything you want to do is fine by me," He explained. Komaru was the flexible type and was willing to let Shingi lead the way in this. If he wanted to play video games, that was fine, however the punk wasn't the greatest because he never really had a lot of time to play them himself. Plus there was the fact that he didn't have any friends so he couldn't exactly play any with them. This was kind of a new experience for him.... It was strange.

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"Anything you want to do is fine by me,"


Shingi stopped for a second hearing the others words. "Never say that because you don't know what you might get" he said smiling lightly, turning his attention to the TV, arranging the cabels and the game was on. It was a game wit hfights. Mortal Kombat was a big video game at that time and everyone was crazy with it.

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"Never say that because you don't know what you might get"


That was a strange statement but Komaru only gave a sideways look before letting it go and focusing again on other things. He watched as the TV came to life and showed the video game. "How do you play?" He asked and let Shingi explain the rules and the buttons needed to play the game. He followed the instructions and began to play for a while.


He was terrible at the game, yet Komaru wanted to keep going no matter what and continued to press all the buttons trying to win.... video games were so much harder than in real life it seemed.

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"How do you play?"


Shingi was verry happy to see that the other was interesting even if he never played before. He was struggling a lot to win the battles. "You can beat 3 bullies but cannot beat me?" he said laughing continuing to click on the options on the remote to make his character fight back.

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"You know, real lif is a lot easier than this. The people that I fight are wimps," he replied to the comment. Still, his voice didn't raise, it didn't have any anger, it was still very calm but Komaru had an intensity about him as he focused completely on the game in front of him. Finally, he was getting use to the controls and was actually putting up a half decent fight. Still, he was losing pretty badly unable to change anything about that.

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"You know, real lif is a lot easier than this. The people that I fight are wimps,"


Shingi laugh hearing the other continuing to fight in the game with him. "Well ... it seemed that you caught the moves cause you just won" he said when his character died, taking a zip from his soda.


The front door opened and let in a tall woman with black currled hair. "Oh ... Shingi ... Why didn't you tell me we will have visitors" said the woman once she was in letting down the bags. "Hi ... I'm Jenny so don't call me mam or something like that cause you make me feel old," she said with a bright smile. One could see that she was a foreighner. " Are you guys hungry? I can make something for you to eat" she said quickly turning to the bags. "Shingi don't stand there and help me out" she said heading the kitchen.


"We are not hungry mom" said quickly Shingi helping her with the bags, feeling odd because of Komaru.

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"I won?" He questioned in disbelief. Komaru didn't expect to actually win in the battle but when he did, he felt happy... internally, externally he didn't show an ounce of emotion and just went on about his business. As they finished the round, Shingi's mother came in. That was strange... wasn't she suppose to come in at 8? It was only 5:30. They'd only been at it a couple hours.


Komaru stood and went to greet the other's mother. She didn't seem too fazed by the piercings or odd look that Komaru had but that was just outside. She might turn around and have a talk with Shingi later, though she was a foreigner and this could be normal from where she was from... wherever that may be or however likely that might have been. "It's a pleasure to meet you." This time he was actually really polite and not just short and blunt about everything.

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"Honey .... don't be so shy. I know I may not be what you expected but Shingi's friends are family friends" she said smiling arranging everything in the fridge. "Now ... do you want me to make you something to eat?" she asked again looking at the boy with silver hair. He was different, that she could tell, but maybe he was good to Shingi. She trusted her son in choosing his friends.


"Mom ... we are not hungry. Besides ... what are you doing home so early?" asked Shingi narrowing his eyes.

"Tania said that it wasn't anything else I could do so she sent me home" she shrugged. "Since when are you interrogating me? And I wasn't talking with you, I was talking with this lovely boy" she smiled to Komaru. "So darling. Do you want something to eat?"

"I'm starting to think that I don't matter sometimes" said Shingi in a low voice rolling his eyes.

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"No thank you, I'm not hungry." He stated shaking his head slightly to show he didn't want anything. "It's getting late, I should actually start heading home. I still have to make dinner for my family. I'll see you tomorrow Shingi," He said and gathered his things to leave. He hated dashing like this but he hadn't been able to plan for someone else to take over dinner duty tonight and needed to get home.


The teen bowed his head a bit before hurrying out the door and down the street. He made it home quickly enough but all of his brothers and sisters complained about how late he was. He told them to go do their homework and got to work on dinner alone making a beef stew for everyone.

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Before Shingi could say something the boy already left his house letting him and his mother looking at one another. That was strange. Not carrying to much, he helped his mother further in the kitchen and went to his dorm, taking a shower. It was cute to see Komaru smile, when he normally didn't had an expression on his face. Even if the smile was quickly hidden, made him happy.

After the shower was done, he changed into PJ's and got in his bed, letting his Tv on , on a music channel. He had a good feeling about the boy. Maybe he could make him express much more than just a few replies and the narrowed look.

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Komaru finished dinner and ate with his family before heading up to his room. He had a lot of home work to do so he git started right away. For a punk, who looked like a delinquent, he never missed a home work assignment. The male worked and got everything done by about 1 in the morning.


The following morning, he managed to get up in time and get dressed. Komaru walked to school after sending all of his siblings off and took his own packed bento with him. The short male got close to school when he was stopped by a group from another school. They called him out and Komaru was brought away from the school so they could fight. It was five on one but Komaru still won and headed back to school. He walked into school late and slipped in and walked to his seat without causing a disruption. The teacher didn't even say anything as he hardly noticed.

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Shingi was already in class when Komaru entered the room, heading really quickly to his seat. He saw the bruises on his face which made him narrowing his eyes. He got in a fight again, he thought. And as his first time, he pushed his pen into the boys shoulder, leaning a little bit forward on the desk to be more close.


"Are you alright?" he asked in a whisper.

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Komaru was quickly called out when he was sitting there and looked back to see Shingi frowning and asking the question. Turning back to face forwards, Komaru nodded. "I'm fine," He replied and went about like nothing had happened. The shorter kid was so use to fighting and everyone was so use to seeing him covered in bruises, that he just sort of went about his business and people had come to stop asking if he was alright or not.


After that, Komaru basically just ignored Shingi until the class ended and they had a couple minutes in between classes. "I'm use to this sort of thing so just ignore it...."

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"I'm fine,"


Hearing the boys words he narrowed his eyes. It wasn't the answered that he wanted to hear. I mean, he was happy that Komaru wasn't hurt or anything but he would had liked for him to tell him what happened.


After class ended he headed outside the class.


"I'm use to this sort of thing so just ignore it...."


"Well I don't like it .... Please stop fighting .... I don't like and I don't want to see you hurt" he said in a low voice, feeling all his blood getting in his cheeks.

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"Why are you getting all upset? What if I told you I like getting hurt? I'm not going to stop fighting, I like it too much." Though, he said this, it was really hard to tell what was going through his head because Komaru was still completely emotionless about the whole thing. He was very good at hiding his feelings and thoughts.


It was finally lunch time and Komaru had brought a lunch today. It was a bento box. Typically he doesn't make one for himself but this time he did and wanted to eat it so he turned to walk away from Shingi. "I'm hungry," He stated flatly.

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"Why are you getting all upset? What if I told you I like getting hurt? I'm not going to stop fighting, I like it too much."


Hearing the boys words he narrowed his eyes. Why would anyone like to get in fights? what was the point of it? Shingi just couldn't understand what was going in Komaru's head. He was to complicated for him to understand and he was hating it. He wanted to understand the other, but if he wouldn't give him a chance, it would all be in vain.


As the hours passed and the lunch came up he didn't want to stay with Koramu this time. "Here is my bento" he said letting on the table in front of the boy sitting up. "I'm not hungry" he added heading towards the parking lot. He wanted to skip class and just walk out the alley.

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"I already have a bento," He stated. Komaru watched as Shingi suddenly walked out the door and left school.... Why was he acting that way? He was the one that seemed to keep approaching Komaru to begin with. What was going through his head right now? Seeing that the other had left, Komaru shrugged and ate his bento as well as Shingi's taking both dishes home to be washed. Komaru then went to class.


After school, the punk for some reason found himself searching the crowd in the school yard for Shingi. Not sure why, Komaru wanted to be able to walk home with him and talk. Of course, the tall male was no where in sight and walked off on his way home... Was Shingi really that mad that Komaru, a known delinquent, would be in a fight?

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Shingi went to the parc and sat there all day looking at the people passing him by. He himself didn't know he got so mad on Komaru. The guy was to difficult to handle. Why was he so bothered by it. Leaning his head to his hand he looked at the clock. It was already 5 pm ,so he should head home.


He just didn't want to see Komaru at the moment. Knowing that he was fighting and got hurt was just hurting him aswell. He didn't like violence. He could fight, but he just didn't like it.


Once he got home he made himself a sandwich and sat on the couch watching Tv. He was feeling sorry for how he acted towards the boy.

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