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My Own Little Punk: (WolfDog12 x mik3la)


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Plot: YC, has been made fun of many times for being too tall. In their third year of high school, MC and YC are in the same class for the first time since MC transferred in a year and a half ago. When the class was leaving school, a few boys come up to start making fun YC again. Of course, rather than just letting it go on, MC steps in and beats the bullies up. He doesn't talk much, if at all but sticks around YC and protects him from bullies. He looks like a complete punk but he is a lot more gentle then he seems. MC just likes to feel scared or hurt even though he doesn't like to show emotions. Eventually, the two learn to get closer and what will their relationship become?






Name: Komaru Sekuhara (First, last)

Nick names: "Mad dog" (Mostly other schools since he fights them more then anyone)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Occupation: Student



Komaru is a pretty quiet kid and surprisingly well-tempered. However, he will punch someone's lights out without even getting mad at them should they bully someone else or something. Anyone that picks a fight with this scrawny shorty will end up unconscious or flat on their asses... most likely both. He is protective and gentle towards many and even though he scares kids, is actually extremely kind to them.



-Small animals (puppies and kittens)

-Kids (as a babysitter or something. Nothing creepy. Doesn't swing that way.)











It was just another ordinary day; The sun was shining, birds chirping, and everyone was in school learning about boring things, or in Komaru's class, taking a long and stupid pop quiz. The boy that sat all the way back and near the window that over looked the outdoor track and field, was Komaru Sekuhara, also known as the "Mad Dog" for his fighting skills. He was certainly a strange kid because in one second he could be punching someone out cold or breaking their nose, and in the next he'd be carefully taking care of a kitten. Still, most never saw that gentle side and only the punk that wore hundreds of piercings and liked to be in pain even though he didn't show any emotion on his face really. But that was how he was, a terrifying softy that no one got close enough to to even see that gentle side.


Finally the test was over and Komaru passed his paper in feeling confident since he knew every answer on there except one that he was trying to work out before time ran out. The punk teen left the room since class was over and began to head home. Thinking about tomorrow, he had gym first thing in the morning... that wasn't too bad since the shade covered the field and it was cooler in the morning but everyone was always half asleep. There was also the fact that they still sweat and had to put up with it for the whole day if they couldn't take a shower quickly enough.


Komaru walked out of the school after changing his shoes and made sure he had everything he needed from his locker. The teen brought his bag over his shoulder and walked out only to hear something a bit strange. It was a little different from the normal chatter so he glanced over to the side and saw the tallest... probably the tallest kid in school talking with a group of known bullies. Komaru stared for a while before noticing they were bullying the taller kid. Of course, Komaru wasn't going to just let it go, it wasn't in his nature. He carefully placed his bag to the side so it was out of everyone's way and took off in a sprint towards the group.


Within seconds, one of them had been punched so hard that it gave him a terrible black eye that swelled almost instantly and knocked him onto his ass. For someone as short as Komaru, he was damn fast and quickly turned and began fighting the other two bullies still on their feet. One got an uppercut into the jaw and the other a swift punch to the gut and a knee to the balls. All three of them hit the ground whining in pain as Komaru lead the tall teen away from the bullies.

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Name: Shingi Kamikaze

Age: 19

Sexuality: Gay

Occupation: Student

Personality: He is a quiet boy when it comes to be surrounded by people. He is not one to step up or anything but his high will not let him in peace. He gets angry most of the time but he tries to handle all with calm. You might think of him that he is bold and also to afraid to put up a fight, but he is not. He can fight. Is a fighter but doesn't like it. He can be sweet, mocking sometimes, he likes to talk a lot if he likes the person. A very friendly person and also very possessive with his things.

Likes: chocolate, ice-cream, reading, tattoo, animals

Dislikes: rude people, his high, cold



Since he moved to a new place it was hard for him to make friends. Not to mention his high which was giving him some pain in the ass because everyone got scared of him. He was taller than most people around town and all thought of him that he was a bullies or a crazy person, but he wasn't. He was kind and gentle once you got the chance to know him.


After his parents divorced he remain with his mother, moving from place to place. He didn't want to let her all alone. He wasn't his father that was for sure. It was a new beginning for both of them so he had to have faith that something good was gonna come out of this. But the first school day wasn't thinking that way.


He was caught in the parking lot by some bullies from the school which were making funny of his high. It was something normal for him. He got used to it so it wasn't bothering him that much. After he got pushed by one of the guys, he leaned on the car that was behind him, and when he lifted his eyes he saw a smaller guy knocking them out. Was that guy a ninja or what? he thought as he was looking at the little boy how he was kicking each one of the bullies letting them crying on the floor.


Before he could noticed he was pulled away from there by the little one, outside the alley. As he was looking that the boy, he was like a punk wanna be or something like it. Some tattoo's and piercings where visible. He didn't hate that sort of things, it was each one's choice to do what he wanted with his body. "Hei ..." he said stopping him and the other on the next corner. "I think we are pretty far away from them" he added looking at their hands. "I think you can let go of me now", he said with a small smile thinking how strange this was for him. "And thanks"

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Komaru had sprinted and knocked out three bullies but now what was he doing? He just pulled this guy a long ways away from them but had been stopped. Thankfully it was right where his bag had been placed so he gladly let go and walked away. The punk bowed his head a little and walked off towards the bag he had placed and grabbed it before pulling it over his shoulder again. Komaru walked back to the path to leave the school. He had basically ignored the tall kid but took a couple steps and looked back.


"Bye," that was all he said. There was no 'you're welcome', no 'hey, how are you'... Komaru didn't so much as introduce himself. before turning and walking away. He needed to get home anyway since he was responsible for dinner tonight. Of course, he would have to stop at the store first in order to get several needed items in order to even make the food to begin with.

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The boy was a little bit rude for his taste, but he didn't comment about it. He just stood there and watch the boy walk away smiling. He was really thankful because he helped him. It was a step in the fact that it was possible for him to make friends.


Turning the corner in a different direction, he went home to have dinner with his mother. It was a quiet time until his mother start to speak with him, which made him happy, that she wasn't caught in her thought anymore.


"How was your day Shingi?"

"Pretty much ok"

"Did something happened?"

His mother always knew when he was trying to avoid a subject and he hatted that. It was like she was a 'psychic', as he would call it, or something which kind of freaked him out.

"Nothing out of the ordinary mom.... Just that I'm the new kid and everyone is interested in their own way" , he added taking the last bite.

"Oh .... I'm sorry for making this hard on you. I really hopped that here ..."

"Mom ... it's fine. I'll get over this in no time. You'll see, so don't worry about me", he smiled gentle. "Tell me about you"

"Well .... I got in touch with an old friend and she manage to get me in at her Bakery Shop", she smiled with joy.

That was something big. His mom was making herself useful at something that she loved. Bakery.

"I'm really glad" , he said cleaning the table. He tried to be a good son to her, not wanting to make her worry or anything. "I'll go take the trash out" he said taking the bag and taking it out. He stood there a little longer. The night was cooler that what he was used but it was fresh. He light up a cigarette, letting out the smoke lightly out.

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Komaru went to the store and bought packages of meat and some rice and vegetables as well as a few other things in order to make some nice curry. The teen went to the register and nearly gave the cashier a heart attack with his appearance but he didn't care and continued to walk around with that blank expression on his face that he always seemed to have. It probably came from his absolute lack of caring about most things or about the world in general. Probably.


After paying for the food, he walked off towards home. Komaru returned to his house and was greeted by his 12-year-old and 8-year-old sisters. They were the first to run to the door and inquire about dinner and when he said he planned on making curry, it seemed everyone heard and his mother came out of the office and asked if he wanted help. He told her it was alright and he could handle it but two younger brothers came down and all of his younger siblings wanted to help. Komaru was part of a family of 6 kids with him being the second oldest. His oldest sister was a university student and while she lived at home, she was very absent do to her studies keeping her in her room.


Komaru's father was always away on business and only came home about 10 days total in a year. That was typically in the winter as he brought gifts from all over the world. His mother was also very hard working but she worked from home as a financial manager to a major company. She kept all the numbers running smoothly and only had to go to work for a couple hours every couple days. Komaru did a lot of the house work with a little help from his younger brothers and sisters. They all looked up to him and all of them were normal except him. He barely had emotions, had zero friends, and looked like a delinquent or something. None of his siblings followed in his foot steps though and all were growing to be their own person.


The curry was made and every came down for a family dinner, even his older sister who had a paper due. No one could pass up curry night. Every ate and there was so much chatter. After dinner, it was a team effort with the kids cleaning the dishes with Komaru at the helm again. After making sure everyone got to bed on time, he went to bed as well. Quite a few of the kids had to share rooms but there were some exceptions and Komaru was one of them getting his own room like his older sister.


The next morning, his mother was off that day so she took over getting everyone ready for school and giving them their lunches Komaru had packed the day before when cooking dinner. Every went off to school in similar but different directions including Komaru who said good bye to his mother before walking down the street.

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Finishing smoking he went back inside and up to his room. It was to silent so he could fall asleep to quickly. He needed some help from music which had him knocked out in a few minutes.


Next morning came up quickly to his inconvenient. His mother came and woke him up before she would go to work at the new Shop. "I've prepared you a box for you to take at school. Take care honey" , she said smiling kissing him on the forehead.

"Love you to mom" , he replied as she was getting out his room.


That days was gonna be a new day. He wasn't gonna let anyone make fun of him because of his high. If the boy from yesterday could stand up, even if he was short but fast, so could he. Taking on a pair of black jeans and a dark blue T-shirt, his unforgettable hat on his head, he was all good to go.


On his way to school he saw the boy from yesterday so he thought to say 'hi' and stuff like that. That should be polite from his part , right?


"Morning!" he said with a gentle smile on his face. "I'm Shingi by the way"

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Komaru was stopped on his way to school by a familiar voice. He looked back and saw the man he helped out the day before. He was quick to introduce himself but the little punk just stared at him for a while. "Hi." he stated flatly. "I'm Sekuhara Komaru. Nice to meet you." With that and not even so much as a handshake, the smaller male turned and walked away. He wasn't interested in other people that much so he just continued to walk away. Not to mention if he spent too long talking he'd be late to class and that would just be a hassle.


The gray-haired male looked back towards the other as if wondering if he were being followed but knew they were both headed to the same destination anyway so there was nothing he could do about that. He just kept on moving forward. Komaru only slowed to let the other catch up a little. There was something about this giant that reminded Komaru of a dog he once had when he was little.

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Before he could speak after the other introduced himself he started to walk a little faster behind him. Why was he so hard to make him talk? he thought as he was reaching him from behind.


"Komaru wait up" he said as he ran faster entering the school. At it was seeming they had the same class at that time so it was quite a relief. He saw where the boy sat, and went on the seat behind the boy. Getting out his pen and notebook, he leaned forward on the desk starting to push the pen in the back of the boy to make him turn his way.

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They made it to the school and happened to be in the same class. When was this guy even in this class? Right, he was a new kid that had just moved here.. Komaru hadn't paid the best attention yesterday when they were introducing him... Probably because he couldn't join the class when they were in the middle of a quiz.


The punk felt the poke in his back and looked back still with that blank expression of his. "What is it?" He asked. The teacher hadn't shown yet and they had a couple minutes before the bell. He may as well figure out what this guy wanted. Komaru wasn't trying o be rude, this was just how he was. His gray eyes stared blankly at the other waiting for his response.

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"What is it?"


The respond came as he thought. A little bit rude an not so charming. The boy ahead of him was ugly when he was trying to pretend to be angry. He was wondering why was he like this. It was something new to cover his time.


"Not much" he said with a large smile on his face. "Wanna hang out after class? Maybe a drink?", he said in a whisper.

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"You mean after school? Sure." With that he turned back around and looked out the window. It wasn't that Komaru wad trying to be rude, that's just how things came off because he kept his words and setences short and to the point. The teen didn't like putting around the point so he was extremely blunt.


Komaru waited for the teacher who told everyone to get changed. Thankfully, Komaru had worn his gym clothes to school today so he didn't need to change as the class went outside after for gym. Having gym so early sucked but some didn't mind or care. Komaru went outside and started stretching ahead of time.

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Shingi smiled and got back to his seat as the teacher entered the room and started to tell them to change for gym. Sport wasn't his top, but being a tall guy, he was always good at basketball. While changing, he was thinking about the drink that he was gonna have with the boy in front of him. It was something about him that made him want to know more about him. And it was possible that he could get over that iron mask that the boy was putting up.


Havin his t-shirt and shorts, he waited for the next order that the teacher wanted to give. All that time, he was looking at Komaru.

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The gym class was held outside on the track and field. The teacher ordered them to pair up to run some sprints. While Komaru wanted to be alone like usual, there was now an even number in the class with the new kid having joined. And of course, since everyone else already had their chosen partners, Komaru was forced to partner up with Shingi. It wasn't all that bad because Komaru didn't hate this kid and honestly didn't mind being around him. He did remind the punk of the dog he use to have.


Everyone had to line up and get ready to run. They were suppose to run to a certain point, turn, run back, and then tap their partner to have them go. They needed to go five times each and see who got the fastest time. Komaru offered to go first and when the teacher blew his whistle, the teen took off and got to the next line before twisting on his ankle and sprinting back at Shingi and clapping hands with him to have him get going.

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The paring cound't be better. He was thinking that karma was on his side, even if he wasn't thinking about any of that. He got in possition waiting for the boy to turn and clap the hand with him. Once that was done, he jolt like a bullet to the end point, and turning back, clapping hands with Komaru. The rythm was very quickly, as Shingi had long legs and could run much faster than anyone.


When the last lap was done, the teacher had blown the wissel, announcing the end of the race, making Shingi and Komaru the winners. With a big smile he looked at Komaru,waiting his uninteresting look, but he didn't care. He started to hear whisperes from the others in class, narrowing his eyes. What was their problem? he was thinking.


After the warm up, the teacher let them free time of play what they wanted until the rest of class finished. Shingi went to Komarun, grabbing him by the shoulders. "We make a pretty good team don't we?" he said keeping his happy face on. It was seeming that it was strange to see Komaru be friends with some else. At least that's what he heard from the whispers in class. But he didn't mind. He wanted to be friends with Komaru, and why not ... maybe more. but on the last part he wasn't sure yet.

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Komaru continued to go back and forth with Shingi until the two ultimately won. With Shingi's long strides and Komaru being naturally fast, it probably was a bit unfair but no one brought that up which was good. A had was placed on the shorter male's shoulder and he looked over and looked up at the other simply nodding to his comment. "I suppose so," he stated before going and stretching by the bleachers where everyone basically stared and watched from a distance.


It was so odd for them to see Komaru near anyone that wasn't trying to pick a fight. Despite his outlandish looks, Komaru didn't actually like the spot light and would rather stick around a very small crowd rather than a large one.

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When gym was over they had to change back and head on to class. Shingi had different classes now than Komaru so it would have to hang on latter. Shingi tried to think of something that they could talk, a subject that they were both interesting or so. By the time he find something, class was over and lunch break was over.


Heading to the caffeteria, he saw Komaru and run immediatly behind him, trying to be silent this time, fallow him arround like a puppy. It was kind of fun to see the boy making strange faces because he was annoyed by him, or the rest of the students talking about them. He didn't cared about that.

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Komaru was a little irritated with being followed around but it hardly showed. Maybe a nose twitch or a finger would flick every now and then but for the most part, the punk rarely ever showed any kind of emotion. Even anger. Still, he got his lunch and found a quiet place to sit. he sat down and instantly motioned for Shingi to sit next to him. "Come on, you may as well since you won't leave me alone anyway."


With that, be more or less accepted Shingi and didn't mind him following anymore. It was strange to have him follow around like a loyal dog but that's alright. "So, were are we going to get drinks after school? I know of a nice ramen shop nearby." He stated as he began eating his sandwich.

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He felt a little disapointed that the other wasn't talking with him at all, but still. It was kind of fun to enoy someone. When the other sat on a table he was thinking to sit somewhere before he finally heard him speaking.


"Come on, you may as well since you won't leave me alone anyway."


A big smile appeared on his face. He really acted like a stupid dog who just got a reward from his master. It was odd for him.


So, were are we going to get drinks after school? I know of a nice ramen shop nearby."


"Well ... I was kind of hopping you know some place cause I had no idea about any bar around here" he said laughing starting to eat from his french fries.

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"That kind of drinking? We're not old enough for that. We'll just get Ramen instead." Komaru was still eating his sandwich and having the conversation between bites. "I figured you wouldn't know much about the area since you just moved here but there aren't that many good bars anyway. There is only one place adults go to drink other than at home and it is a place for cheating spouses." Sure, he put things in the most blunt way some times but at least he had a lot of information.


Komaru finished his food and water before throwing away the trash and sitting back down before they had to head back up to the classroom. To be honest, the teen was starting to get use to this tall kid already even though it's only been about a day since they met.

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"That kind of drinking? We're not old enough for that. We'll just get Ramen instead."


"But we already have 19 years old ... I mean ... Whats the leagel age to drink?" he asked pushing his hand through his hair, messing it up.


"I figured you wouldn't know much about the area since you just moved here but there aren't that many good bars anyway. There is only one place adults go to drink other than at home and it is a place for cheating spouses."


"Igh ... then if you want ... We can by the drink and we go to my place .... Mom will be home after 8 so its fine" , he said finishing eating , taking a zip from his soda.

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"We still have a year to go. The legal age is 20." Komaru seemed to have no interest in drinking. He was strange in that way. The little punk followed most rules, hated standing out but yet had piercings and a scary look about him, protected others, but sometimes fought for no reason. Most would think he was bi-polar or something. Of course, he wasn't and that was just the way that he was.


The bell soon rang and Komaru got up again to head to class. "Hurry or you'll be late," He said almost trying to help the new kid out in a way. The punk walked off towards the class where he only had 2 classes left before being allowed to go home.... But he wasn't heading straight home today... was he.

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"We still have a year to go. The legal age is 20."


"That sucks" he said growling not liking the system from here. Because of his father in the past, they moved a lot, and traveled all over the world. The only thing he could do now was to accept what he was receiving, even if it was a little.


"Hurry or you'll be late,"


Being to absorbed by the boy he didn't heard the bell ring. He only saw Komaru yelling at him that he needed to move. He had Math and English which was not together with Komaru. Seemed that they only had a few classes together which made him sad.


After classes, Shingi was in the parking lot right when they first meat, or other way said, where Komaru saved him from the bullies. It was funny if you tought about it. The tall guy was saved by a short guy. He was listening to music, having his big purple ear-phonse on his ears.

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Komaru went out and met up with Shingi after school. The shorter male had finished up with history and science before being able to head out. He went to his locker and got everything that he would need for the day. After that, the teen went out and figured he knew where to find the taller male. Of course, his guess was right. They didn't have anywhere else to meet up so of course this would be where to find him.


"Hey, so what's the plan?" He asked as he approached. Komaru walked over to Shingi.

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He didn't heard the boy until he saw a small shadow comming near him, so he had to lift up his gaze to see what was comming towards him. Taking og his head-phones and stopping the music, he smiled to the boy.


"Well ... I've decided that we go to my place. We have all we need there to eat or to drink, plus comfort. Also, mum will come home at 8 as I told you so, it will be fine" he said tossing his mp3 in his back pack.

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"Why does your mom being there or not have anything to do with us hanging out. We won't be drinking alcohol or anything like that so who cares...." he then thought about his own appearance and figured Shinigi's mother probably wouldn't want to have to deal with that. "Never mind, let's just go." Komaru then turned and followed the taller male to head back to his house for some snacks and something to drink... apparently.


It didn't take too long for them to walk there which was nice and Komaru walked in looking around. "Nice," he stated flatly.

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