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Do you hide your yaoi addiction?


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Friends know.

And mom kinda knows?

She doesn't really care that much I guess.

Mom saw one of my fanfictions the other day...she made fun of me because she thought I couldn't spell masturbation.

...Honestly. :Frustrated:

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My parents are pretty open so I've never seen any reason to hide anything, including my budding yaoi addiction.

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I hide it but I told both of my friend last year and they advised me to keep away from Yaoi. I just smiled at them and when I tried to talk about it again with them...one of them close her ears and other one forgot it. Ha-ha. And...I hide it because they will feel uncomfortable about Yaoi but I am me and I never told my family cause I don't have courage to do that.


But...I can't hide my own feeling with my god only. I will never told my friends about Yaoi again.

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  • 1 year later...

I hide it. ALWAYS.

No one in the family knows that I love yaoi. Outside the house, one of my classmates knew about it.


P.S. He's a Yuri Fanboy

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My family think I'm enough of a freak without adding yaoi to the mix. My brother caught me once. My partner is starting to get curious about what I'm doing on the computer. I have a separate usb for yaoi stuff. If anyone finds it, I say it is broken.

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Guest mitoky

Mixed. I don't talk openly about yaoi to them but i dont exactly hide it either.

I did tell my mum about a bl manga once or twice because i liked the story, clearly mentioning its about a relationship between males as well as showing the cover art work as its pretty. I too did tell my bother once to not touch the manga on top on my shelf as those are BL.


Also, i saw that all of my family noticed the yaoi in my shelf (because the images on side are..suggestive? xD) but none said anything about it.


So summed up, i am pretty sure they know about it xD

My family is pretty open and acceptant so no problem. owo)b

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In my family, my sister knows it and I am slowly turning her into a fujoshi. HAHA. As for my friends, only a few knows. My roommates knows I love yaoi and I even let her read my fanfictions. :D

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Weeeell... I wouldn't call it a addiction yet :D but I am pretty open about it. My family and friends know... and I read my yaoi in public, too.

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here you go *thows
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at you* XD I dont think however i would feel comfortable reading yaoi in public and turn page and to get a shiny ass up close in a dubbel spread page XD ( i mean a picture over two pages -__- )


hmm i guess i hide it a littel bit.. at least the "special" pages c:


p.s i dont think any family members aver noticed/understood it was yaoi i had in the book case. but they are sure open about gay,bi stuff :p

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that's a very fashionable piece of clothing *_* and what else should I read on my way to work and home and during lunch break and when ever I have a free minute? It sweetens my precious leisure time ;)

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I do not hide it at all, my family and my friends know about!


I hope you have a good day ❤



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I find it from my family,they are very against anything homosexual and would lose their shit if they new I liked Yaoi....i did tell my two friends though.

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Hide...not really if they ask i will give them an answer .

My mother and my brother know but we share passion for drawing and writing so this is form of art and they were interested to know more and my friends who watch and read (A/M) know

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hide it from my parents, but my younger brother knows cause he's seen my growing collection of shounen ai and yaoi books.

All my friends know cause that's basically the only anime and manga I look at now and apparently I'm a kinky little fucker (wouldn't you like to know :Excited:) cause of my love of yaoi lol

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I don’t hide it but I also don’t rub it into random people’s faces of course.

Those who know about the fact that I read Yaoi are mostly those who are Otakus as well and to whom I talk about Manga and Anime. They usually aren’t into Yaoi (why would they be they are straight guys) but they don’t bother either.

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I hide it, because my family wouldn't tolerate it. They don't even really tolerate my anime-loving, they say it's childish. So I don't know how they would react to yaoi.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh man! It is so hard to be a fujoshi and keep to yourself! Like, you spot two cute guys together and immediately fit them into some cliche yaoi story and could't even share them with soul! Pffff...


So, my roommate who is kind of an otaku just as myself, is very well aware of existence of yaoi and I told her that I read shounen-ai, the first step people!!, and she was totally okay but she said she herself doesn't like that kind of stuff so my only hope of having a close proximity fujoshi sister was gone

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only hide it when some visitors come over that I know will rummage through my things. Other than that I don't. But while writing this I actually wonder why becuase I don't hide my other gay books. Just the yaoi? maybe becuase you can see the sex right away depicted and don'thave to read text and use your imagination.

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Some of my friends know I like yaoi. I would sense the person if they seem ok with it before coming out to them.

My mom doesn't know about my yaoi obsession as I never bring it up, but once she caught me watching real life gay porn by accident. lol! It was a heart-stopping moment but it ended up with me going off to shower & her watching the gay porn that I was watching (just out of her own curiousity). ROFLMAO! I'd suggested her to take a look, so as to make the situation less awkward, and she jumped right in, so ok :Red_fox11:

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I've only told a handful of people! I told my brother and he was okay about it LOL....and also I told my best friend. It's really lonely because neither of them read or are interested in it, though. Yaoi is so beautiful! They don't really get my addiction, but at least they don't tell me it's a bad thing ;_; My parents I definitely wouldn't ever tell! They know I'm an otaku that watches anime and that's bad enough as it is....


I know a few people that are friends of friends that I think like yaoi too, but I'm too shy to talk to them about it....so, oh well! I dunno, after all this time I still want to hide it all the time.

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Only one of my friends now I like yaoi and my friend is an otaku like myself but can not tolerate yaoi so I can't talk with her about it. She seems to getting used a bit seeing me read yaoi manga nowadays :) I don't ever plan to tell my family as they won't understand it anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

Only to the friends I have that I know will be understanding and tolerant about it. My co-workers know I'm into comics, but unless they ask me what kind of comics then I won't delve into it. And my family don't need to know about my business, haha!

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