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How many yaois have you read?


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Its Odd to ask! But I want to know how many yaois everyone has read; go ahead and estimate or count your bookmarks! I've read 170-200, I was counting my bookmarks but gave up ★~(◡﹏◕✿)

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I dont know.....I dont think i have read that many compared to others here...

perhaps 20-ish somethinhg... cheetah15 This forum have really opend up a lots of doors/categories i wasen't aware of...


Thank you

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ufufufufufu I think... uhmmmmm....

too many to count i guess??

coz when I love the art and story, I always check the other works of the same mangaka and read all of them....

unless the genre is uhmmmm kinda different :D

ufufuufufuuf :D

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Hmm, I think I already read it all? almost 3000+ yaoi manga and 1000+ shounen ai manga..

I feel I dont belong here anymore..



How on earth is it possible to read that much.... *faints*... What kind of fan I am..

I should just call myself _


*holds on thightly to the 20-ish yaoi "collection"

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MAL says I have read 182 >D

Gone through my pile of notsogood bl over the years though.

I have become more picky to be honest lately O:

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144 yaoi manga according to MAL (and a few more that I can't remember to put on mal...)

I read less non-yaoi as compare to yaoi... ^^" Around 16% are non-yaoi...

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20!!! Omgoodness, what a lazy yaoi-lover tbh; just like my friend who's . . . not my friend anymre /sad memories have been provoked *sobs* ●︿● :Frustrated:

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Yaois? Boys love or homosexual themed merchandises then it would be a thousand but if you're referring to a manga, probably 400+.

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20!!! Omgoodness, what a lazy yaoi-lover tbh...

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are you taking about me onion2 ?????

I am trying to catch up you know even if it takes some time...



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  • 3 weeks later...

More than 20. I've only read a few since I'm really choosy when in terms of reading manga. I've dropped so many manga tbh. like I started reading them but when I can't take the plot, I abandon it right away. lol. I'm still reading new stuff tho :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have read somewhere around 350+... maybe? This does not count some doujins, cause it would be impossible to say how many of those I have read, too many, if possible. xP (Also they are usually quite short).

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Hundreds, I can't count it. I read almost every yaoi that was posted on mangatraders and mangapark. I have thousand of chapter from mangatrader before they closed the download section. But I lost my hdd. So, I started it all over again. And now I've been reading hundreds of BL novel, both books and online from wattpad and fictionPress

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Hm... I'd bet somewhere around 180 - 200 titles (based on what's in my hard drive that I've read and not yet those waiting to be read) and an uncertain number of doujins. Lately, I've been reading BL manga online and would tend to forget to download those I liked/not remember those I didn't like that much. (But I could have read more... I usually delete those I don't really like and I can be picky with things like art style and sub-categories)


I'm also quite happy to know that I'm not alone in not knowing how many doujins I've read. Usually when I stumble upon a scanlator's home page/a page full of links to doujins of series I like, I just read, read and read nonstop until it's gone. (I like to call these sessions as "raids" ;) )

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i've read at least 150~200+ i guess? included shounen ai&doujins. maybe i've read more than that but for mangas that i religiously re-read all the time are prob. 30+ :cuteonion41:

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