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Tate didnt flinch or look at Hiro as he kneeled down before him. Even when he took his own hand in his and held it as he apologized. Though his hand did tense a little bit then. He sighed when the look in Hiro's eyes didnt falter. "Im still upset. But ill forgive you for now. But....next time tell someone your going to be gone for more then 10 minutes. Ill feel better if i at least knew where to go look for you." He turned his head then, now looking back at Hiro.


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Hiro smiled softly.

"Of course love." Hiro pulled out a leather string necklace with small canine teeth on it.

"I took care of that wild dog that bit me the day you found me I took the thing they have pride in....their teeth I thought you might want it." Hiro held it out.

"I've been trying to get stronger the nurses help me recover."

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Tate looked back at the other, a new expression on his face. His brows raised at the mention of the wild dog and its tooth. Tate let a small smile cross his lips. "I can only imagine the look of confusion when other wolves smell another scent on me." He grasped the necklace and held it in his hands. "Thanks." He muttered to the other before reaching up and tying it around his neck.

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Hiro smiled softly giving a faint giggle.

"I know you dislike the smell of them so I tried my best to clean it." Hiro paused as he heard approaching foot steps and looked towards Tate with a confused expression wondering who it might be.

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Tate nodded at Hiro's words. "It's faint, but I can still smell it. But....it's not all that strong." He held the necklace again in his hand after he had tied it around his neck. The last thing he wanted was to be wearing the canine tooth of a dog. But perhaps it wasn't all bad. If another wild dog came upon his territory, and he wore the necklace, he'd probably scare them off with the smell. So, maybe it wasn't all that bad at all. He let a smile grow bigger upon his lips. But at Hiro's confused expression it dropped. His own confusion, pies as well, forming on his expression.



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The walked in and Hiro neatly jumped him out of shock.


The doctor paused for a moment looking at Hiro then at Tate.

"Tate has been healing rather well lately and he might be able to go home sooner then we thought... probably in a couple days."

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A large grin formed on his lips at the doctors statement. "I can finally get out of here!" Tate was as excited as a child at Christmas. Thanks to the healing properties of his were form, his injuries were healing quicker then he expected them too. He looked between both his mother and Hiro as his grin widened at the thought of returning to his den, his pack. The stuffy smell of the hospital was already getting to him, and he'd only woken up hours ago.



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Hiro smiled at the news and excitement.

"That's great news!" Hiro hugged Tate happily.

"I'm glad everything will be ok soon." Hiro kissed Tate.

"I can barely wait, I can't even imagine your joy as of now."

(Should we do a time skip to Tate being healthy enough to leave?)

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Tate laughed as Hiro jumped him with a hug. He'd been in the hospital long enough, even if he wasnt awake for all of it. He smiled in the kiss when Hiro placed one upon his lips and ran his hand up to the base of his neck to hold him close. Before the other could completely pull away, Tate whispered in his ear. "When i have you squirming beneath me again, then youll understand my joy." He let the other pull away as he winked at him with a smug grin on his face.


((Thats fine with me))


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Hiro turned a bright shade of red at the others words.

"Still quite flirty I see." Hiro was a bit shy most of the time when it came to sexual things unless he was in heat himself then he was straight to the point.


-half a week later-

Hiro was asleep still leaning against Tate as he slept, he had been rather tired recently and was worn out, a doctor entered the room and smiled softly at the slight.

"Your free to leave now, just be careful."

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"When it comes to you? Always." Tate chuckled before he let Hiro go. Tate was never a flirtatious one before. His pack members were either to old or just not within his realm of wanting to flirt with. And he never left for the city to find someone to flirt with for the night. So now that he had someone to favor over everything else, Tate was willing to flirt with him all the time.




In the days that past, Tate grew impatient. Just the thought of being able to leave the hospital made him fidget. Pei had returned to the pack and stayed there with no worries to have to return to the hospital. Plus Hiro had stayed with her son. Like now, Hiro had slept beside Tate in the small hospital bed. But Tate made sure there was room for the other and held him close to his body. That was when the doctor walked in, pausing at the scene they were in. But he smiled and stated Tate was free to go. Tate smiled at the doctor and nodded in thanks. He had to admit, the doctor did take care of him and Hiro while they were here. "Hiro, wake up." Tate whispered into Hiro's ear.

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Hiro gave a soft sleepy whine as the other whispered into his ear causing him to stir from his sleep.

"What...Tate what's wrong?" Hiro asked sleepily rubbing his eyes

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Tate let out a chuckle as he watched the other rise from his sleep. When he rubbed at his eyes Tate leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. "Nothing's wrong. But the doctor just came in. I'm being released." A smile was proudly placed on his lips as he waited for the other to comprehend what he just told him.

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Hiro paused for a moment processing what the other had just said.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Hiro giggled getting off the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

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Tate let out a laugh as the other slowly processed what he said. Then when it struck him what he had said Hiro was bursting from the bed in excitement. "Alright, alright, hold on." Tate slowly got off the bed. After waking up for the first time he was able to chnge out of the gown into some scrubs. But his own clothes were left under the bed in a bag. Tate's room was clothed in darkness, having requested the shades remain close. So he instantly dropped his scrub pants and removed his shirt to pull on his own clothes. Bloodied and ripped. "I'm feeling alright now. Much better now that I can leave." He turned back to Hiro once his clothes were on. "Ready?"

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Hiro smiled.

"That's great to hear." He held the others hand .

"Want me to carry you or can you walk the way back." Hiro glaced at Tate's clothing.

"We totally need to get you something to cover up, not that I don't like seeing your god-like body I don't like others oggling my man." Hiro gave a soft chuckle.

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He stepped closer to his lover and held his hand as his own was held in Hiro's "I think I should be fine. We don't have to rush. So I can walk at my own pace." He pulled Hiro close to him and kissed the top of his head. "I should be saying the same thing. Me and my overprotective desires." He laughed then and began pulling Hiro with him as he exited the room. "Maybe I should buy a new shirt anyway."

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Hiro looked at his slightly shredded kimono and laughed softly.

" Yeah but it's a few mere cuts ...yours on the other hand."hiro placed his hand through a hole and touched the others abs.

"Is in shreds." Hiro smiled softly.

"Don't worry so much I'm all yours I have eyes for anyone but you."

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Tate shuddered at Hiro's touch against his abs and smiled wide. When they had turned down a hallway and Tate noticed no one was there, he stopped walking, pulling Hiro against his chest. He leaned down and kissed Hiro passionately. It had been way too long since he last touched Hiro of his own accord. It was well over due. He pulled away with a grin and began walking again down the hall until they left the hospital. Sure they gained some stares, but in the shape there clothes were in, especially Tate's, it wasn't hard for them to be looked at as patients who were just released from the hospital. And with Tate's arm around Hiro's shoulders it only added to the aspect, making it look like Hiro was helping him walk.

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Hiro was shocked by the kiss but kissed back passionately not caring of those around them, Hiro panted softly as Tate pulled away.

"I might end off ripping the rest of our clothes off before we get back if you don't behave yourself." Hiro smirked staying close to Tate the way back to the den.

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Tate laughed at Hiro's joke but countered with his own flirty statement. "I don't mind sitting for a bit. How about I find a nice spot for us at the forest lines?" He kept Hiro close to his side and soon he managed to catch the scent of returning to the den. It wasn't that he hadn't been to the city before, he just hated coming, so it was easy enough for him to find his way back. At the lining of the forest trees, Tate stopped for a moment and looked back over the city. Then scowled. "You know, that bear will have to be killed before it gets to the pack again."

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Hiro blushed at the others own perverted statement.

"U-uh." Hiro was at a loss of words.he paused seeing the others expression, his face scrunched up at the mention of the bear.

"Tate....I don't think that thing is coming back I bit a mouth of guts out of the thing I got think it lived long after it escaped."

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He huffed out and turned back towards the forest. "Then good. The last thing that bear needs is to come face to face with me again. There would be no escaping then." He pulled Hiro close, hugging him like he hadn't hugged him before. "You really have no idea the thoughts that raced through my mind when the bear trapped you." His hug tightened. "I really thought I was going to lose you then. My mind just shut down and I...I jumped without thinking."

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Hiro hugged Tate tightly.

" I was just as scared as you where even if I didn't show if." Hi Hiro hugged Tate back .

"I love you Tate."

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Tate chuckled at Hiro's words. "I know. Im sorry. I really am. But....there is nothing from stopping me in protecting you any which way I must. Even if it means risking my life." Tate rested his chin on Hiro's head with a smile on his lips. "I love you too. Thanks for stubbornly clinging to me all this time." He felt another urge to laugh, not that the seriousness of the conversation drowned.


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