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Paradoxical world (Bloody x Perch)


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"Hey now! I... can escape.." Kana mumbled all silently, the more he was thinking about the possibility to run away from Goto, the less the chances were to be seen. Well, it wasn't like he'd actually run away from his lover for real, just the opposite, but still, he had to talk nonsense stuff again. It was sure that the two rounds they had were finally speaking. The younger was barely standing on his feet and the more he was trying to ignore the pain, the more it was getting. Only if he could get healed from that as well, but unfortunately, that was impossible.


He heard the first words his lover said, gulping silently. He was right. There was no need for him to be embarrassed, yet once again, he was't used to walking around naked, the other knew he hated that the most. Kana bit slightly on his lower lip as he looked up at Goto, widening his eyes and slightly stepping back, drifting his gaze away, as he lowered his head again. "I... know. But, understand me. This is just new for me, okay? I-I.. don't know." The younger slightly rubbed his shoulders, his cheeks taking a slight red color. For a moment few flashbacks of what has happened a moments ago appeared in front of him, making him shiver slightly. Yeah, he had to just get used after all.

"Let's take a shower and go rest. We both need it, beasty." Finally, Kana let out a small chuckle, slowly shaking off the shyness away. If one thing he could do well, that was changing his moods quickly and with the help of the right person around of course.

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Goto chuckled and raised his brow in interest. "Is that so. You'll have to show me next time, then." Goto held couldn't help but think of the other as cute. The way he tried to defy others, especially him, made it even better. But he knew that Kanase knew, that there was no escaping now that Goto had gotten his way. Kanase was forever trapped in a relationship with a beast who was not easily evaded. He grinned at the thought, but said nothing more.


Goto caught the biting of the others lower lip and brought his hand up to stop him. He grasped Kanase's chin and with his thumb ran it across his lip so that he would let it go. he knew Kanase wasn't to walking around naked, neither was he. But was it really that unusual for you own lover to be embarrassed about you seeing their body when sex was already dealt with, not once but twice. Goto sighed. "It's not like your walking around in public. The ONLY one who gets to see your body, naked and exposed, should and better be me." He grinned as he spoke and when he finished Kanase decided they should wash and rest.


At Kanase's demand, he took Kanase's hand and lead him towards the well in the middle of the room. He turned on the contraption that heated the water and pumped it a few times to let he cold water exit the well. At the next pump the heated water should starte coming through. "Got on and sit. Ill pump the well and then we can help each other wash our backs." He grinned again, but this time he adds a wink to his comment.

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Kana wanted to say something else, to try to prove himself with words, yet he knew it already. He had lost to Goto after all. He, himself, knew that escaping the other was impossible now. Please, just with few more seductive words and who would have the younger in his hands. He shivered slightly by the thought, clearing his throat and giving his lover a small smile.


The younger froze on place feeling Goto's finger over his lips, letting go of the bite, a small nod following. "I know. Please just give me like some more time to get used with the thought that you are finally mine. And, except for my parents and Sato, who is my uncle, I doubt anybody has seen me naked until now. Well, of course now you did as well." He smiled at the older male, reaching out his hand and gently running his fingers over the other's cheek, caressing it for a moment.


Kana made few steps though a little clumsily, until he sat on the chair, yet instead of being all shy like seconds ago, he wriggled his legs like a little kid, looking around all innocently while waiting. The younger stared though hearing Goto's words a second after though, crossing his arms and shaking head. "Really, love? I will tell my uncle that my lover is a pervert in the end." He said all jokingly, just as trying to imagine Sato's face if he had actually gone to complain, bursting out laughing. "Sorry. Just imagine him-..." He got cut off when he heard a knock on the door. "Guys, you okay inside? You took quite some time." He heard the monk's voice and looked at Goto, pressing his palm against his lips, trying to hold inside the rest of his laugh.

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Sure he could come off as a pervert, if he wasn't one already, and he was pretty sure he was. And sure he came off as cold when around strangers. But there was no way he wouldn't understand what Kanase was going through. Goto was just able to adapt to his surroundings faster then the other. Nor did he really have any problem walking naked, he was a proud man and nothing else. He smiled softly at the other as he spoke his words quietly. "Alright, take your time. Just remember, now that I'm yours and you mine, there shall be no secrets between the two of us. I will be as open as you want me to about anything if you are the same with me." Goto felt Kanase's hand on his cheek and kissed it when it slipped past his lips before grazing over his cheek. Kanase's hand was cold, and it felt good over the heat of his skin.


When he took the other's hand and dragged him over to the well, he notied the slight stumble. He made sure not to pull him to hard before he slipped. He let Kanase sit on the stool near the well and he began pumping the water until the hotter water came out. As soon as it had started, a knock cme on the door and both stopped what they were doing or saying, large grins on their lips. On the other side of the door was Sato, calling out to them.


Goto peered down at Kanase who was clearly concentrating all his will into not laughing out. This only made Goto grin and let out a small snort before calling back to Sato on the otherside of the door. "Ah, there was some trouble with the heat pump and the well. But we got it working again. We'll be out in a little bit once we're clean." At this he winked down at Kanase. His phrase of the word clean definitely referred to Kanase and how he was still filled inside with Goto's own semen.

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"I will be honest with you. Actually tomorrow I want to show you something." It wasn't something bad, even though the way Kana said the words, it sounded like he was going to show Goto something really odd or bad. But it was rather quite beautiful for him. A small place inside the forest, filled with Kana's emotions, expressed by an all unique way. He found that place a little bit after his lover left. He fell in love with it at the moment he saw it. Everything there was like another world hidden in between the trees. A small smile formed over the younger's face remembering about it, giving Goto one all loving look.


He get slightly stiff when Sato knocked on the door though. Even though the chance to find something was impossible, it was still bothering him. Yet he calmed down as soon as Goto started speaking, a small snicker running out. "Only if he knew what should be cleaned." Kana mumbled all silently so that only his lover would hear him, returning the wink with one. "Ah, you should've called me. Okay, good night, kids." With these words the monk seemed to walked away, by what Kana could hear, even after no sound was to be heard around.


"So... you will clean me, hmm? I bet you'd like to leave some drop inside, to make sure you marked me well, isn't that true?" The younger looked all playfully at Goto, shrugging all innocently and slightly leaning closer, blowing some hot air against the other's neck then pulling back and grinning widely, as if saying that he didn't do anything. He was playing with the fire, he could feel it.

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Goto was surprised at Kanase's words. Worried that he wanted to show him something that wasn't meant to be seen. But the look of the other calmed his worry, and Goto returned the look twice as strong. For Goto's love ruled over all other emotions. Well, unless he had reason to feel differently. No, in fact, even if he grew angry, his love for the other would surely triumph over the anger. He nodded with a smile at the other. "Alright, tomorrow then. Show me."


When Sato knocked on the door, Goto wasn't going to admit how much his heart actually jumped. Not from fear of being found out, but just because he wasn't expecting the other to knock on the door. When the other left he let out a small laugh as Kanase had as well. But when he leaned down to start washing Kanase's back, his smile of love turned to a grin of mischief once more. When he felt Kanase blow his own hot breath across his neck, Goto let out a rumbling laugh. "Ah, watch yourself, love. Your playing with fire now." Goto turned around and grabbed the wash sponge dipped it in the hot water and started scrubbing Kanase's back.


He whispered into Kanase's ear from behind him. "If you rile up the beast again, then you'll never see the light of day again. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop myself from tying you down and hiding from the world." He continued to wash his back, slowly moving over his shoulders, down his arms and over his back. He would leave the rest of the cleaning to Kanase. For he knew that if he touched any other place, they would be roughing it up again and will never be able to leave the wash room.

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Kana shrugged innocently, another small laugh following. He could control this side of him he knew it, so it was fine. Also the tiredness was strongly embracing him, so even if he wanted to be playful, he wouldn't have the power to actually be. He twitched though at the other's words, gripping slightly on the chair for a moment with both his hands, lowering his head and nodding. "If you do that, the fox will be sad, because he will miss the sunlight. So don't tie the fox, unless he is being really really bad." The younger mumbled and peeked at his lover rather with an all childish and sweet gaze, before to let out a quite loud snicker. "No, really. I will be good I promise." He said, relaxing fully while Goto was washing him. He was sure that the older male wouldn't go washing him until the end, because they were both aware of how sensitive they were to touches, so once he stopped, Kana took the sponge and started washing himself now.


After few minutes he was already done with the shower, after washing his hair as well, feeling totally refreshed, for a second leaning against the chair, before to slowly get it, while still holding the sponge. "Come, sit. It's my turn." Kana nodded to Goto, once he sat, walking behind him, yet seeing the scratched back and all, his chest felt heavier for a moment. Instead of using the sponge, he took the small cup there, running all gently his fingers over the scratches. "I prefer using only soap and water. You are hurt enough..." He mumbled silently, as he ran the soap over his lover's back, then washed with water, following the same thing a couple of times.

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Goto laughed at the others innocent speech. Goto would never actually tie the other, or chain him, in a dark place with no interaction but with Goto himself. Although the thought did cross his mind, he wasnt actually going to do it. When Kanase looked back at him, innocent look on his face, Goto chanced a kiss and caught his lips. It was quick. And as soon as he was done, he went to cleaning Kanase. He made sure to gently rubbed over the raw area of his back. And even opted to let the water rushing down that part of his back instead of sponging it down. When he finished washing Kanase and let him wash the rest of his body, Goto decided to start washing his clothes. Having came in them twice before actually removing them, they were now wet, some parts crusted over, with his semen.


When he had finished washing them, and hung them up to dry somewhere, Kanase was now beckoning him over to the stool. With Goto's height he sat awkwardly on the stool, but it would only be for a moment until he was done washing. When Kanase didnt start washing his back right away, he knew the other was looking at it, covered in scars from 2 months ago, and fresh scratches from today. When the other started to wash him, it wasnt with the sponge and he was very gentle. "Ill be alright, it will he over quick enough." He managed to look behind him at the other and held out his hand. If the other was t going to use the sponge on his back, then he could start washing the rest of himself down.


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Kana felt the small kiss, his cheeks instantly getting a slight pink color, yet of course he returned it. He liked these sweet and kinda lovingly kisses just as much as the passionate ones. He could already feel the wounds slowly starting to heal by themselves, yet that was still something he was learning how to use faster, so it would take some time. As he saw though Goto washing his clothes, he made a note that his kimono should be washed as well. After all with everything that has happened, he wouldn't let Sato do that no matter what.


The younger was still kinda unsure if his touches weren't painful, since some of the scratches he, himself, left were pretty deep. He took a small breath and nodded at his lover's words, seeing the extended hand, giving him the sponge. Soon as after though he was already done with washing Goto's back, giving the older male a small kiss over the top of his head, before to pull back, heading to wash his own kimono now, making sure that nothing would be left from what have happened.

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Goto let the other wash his back with the gentle touches he produced. At times Goto ended up stopping his own cashing just to enjoy that of Kanase's. Goto didn't think himself as one, but he soon realized that he loved the simple touches of his lover. Running his fingers through his hair, grazing over his skin, leaving small kisses along his body, everything Kanase did to him, Goto loved more and more. Goto finally finished washing himself not long after Kanase had finished. But before the other pulled away, leaving Goto to the rest of his washing, Kanase had placed a kiss upon Goto's head. He chuckled at the feeling and stood up to wrap a towel around his waist.


Until his clothes dried, Goto would have to borrow a kimono from Sato, much like he had to do two months ago. He hoped the monk still had extras for him to use. Goto turned around to find Kanase washing his own kimono and his face split into a grin. He stepped up to the other and stood directly behind him, over shadowing him. "Hot and messy, just the way I like to see you." He leaned down and placed a kiss on Kanase's shoulder before pulling away. Any more and they would, for sure, end up in another round of hot love making.


Before Kanase had the chance to do anything to excite Goto, the man had already opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind him. But before he did, Goto turned slightly and with a grin, winked at the other. He left the wash room and went to the room he and Kanase would be sure to share, finishing a dresser filled with kimonos. Goto opened it and found a nice dark colored one, perfect for him in size and color. He slipped it on and it took him back to before he stopped wearing them. They really were airy, weren't they?



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One thing Kana hated doing was washing his clothes, on top of that, since he was used with wearing pretty good kimonos even since young, the careful way of washing them was getting more and more annoying for him. But he preferred that then any ordinary clothes. As he kept washing the cloth, he could hear Goto finishing with the shower, then the steps behind him, something he was the best at - sensing when someone was behind him and being able to attack if needed, of course not in this case. He tilted his head slightly aside, a small smile shining over his face, though just until he heard the other's words. Gosh, his lover was just one of kind, that was for sure. He let out a small chuckle, shaking head, yet just before to be able to take his revenge, the other was already out of the room. Yeah, he had to learn how to move faster, just to catch his precious beast when needed.


A minute-two after Goto left, Kana was already done with the washing, getting up and hanging the kimono next to the older male's clothes, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around himself. How happy he was that Sato finally agreed to buy bigger towels, enough for a good drying. The younger stepped out of the bathroom, stretching himself and putting on a big smile again, as he walking into the "bedroom", spotting Goto with a kimono he found to wear, walking to him. "If it was lighter, I'd enjoy the curves of your body more." He said all teasingly, winking at his lover and walking to the closet himself, grabbing his favorite white kimono with black and red flowers over it.


Kanase peeked for a moment at the other, turning his back at him and kinda seductive letting the towel fall off his body, exposing the back side of his naked body, a small all silent snicker coming out, totally taking his time in putting on the kimono. He wanted to return the favor to Goto for the bathroom after all and was better then teasing him like that? Yet, he knew that he shouldn't keep doing it too much, if he wanted to actually sleep tonight, so he quickly tied it the kimono, turning around.

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Goto was tying his kimono when Kanase entered the room. As he started patting the cloth down, the other came up to him and all but teasingly wished to see the curves of Goto's own body. Goto chuckled as the other walked away, clearly making it a tease. Goto left it alone and went to roll out the single futon the room had. There was no need for the monk to splurge on a second futon, they wouldnt be using two futon's anyway. The futon was rolled out and the single blanket that was provided laid over it. As soon as he looked back up, he caught the gaze of his lover before he turned around and seductively let the towel fall from his waist. Goto smiled as he watched without blinking as the other teasingly and slowly slipped his kimono over his body. Goto held back a growl.


But what Kanase was not expecting, Goto was sure of, was for the older man to get up from the futon, and head towards him. Before Kanase could even turn around, Goto had taken only three wide steps across the room and was pressing Kanase against the dresser. The younger's kimono had yet to be tied, so Goto was easily able to access the front of his body. Goto pushed back the fabric and ran his hand down Kanase's side, down his leg to come back up, following his inner thigh. He stopped just near his groin, his hand just slightly gracing over his crotch. "I think your curves are far sexier. Don't you think?" Goto's breath ghosted over Kanase's ear as he whispered into it. Then he licked it before stuffing his nose into the crease behind it where it met his head.

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Kana was thankful that he had prepared the room a while ago, because he was so not feeling like doing anything at all. Thanks god the night wasn't that cold as well, so the single blanket would be enough, especially after knowing how he was barely using it anyways. The younger chuckled all content by the tease he gave his lover. Of course he stopped on time, or so he thought, before to hear the steps behind himself.


He had no time to react at all, leaving the kimono not even tied yet, flinching by the contact with the dresser, yet chuckling silently. Goto was indeed easily to be provoked. Kana pressed his forehead against the closet, a small gasp running out, feeling where his lover's hand was going, grabbing it and stopping it, giving the palm quite tight squeeze. "Shh, easy, dear. There is forbidden to touch now." He whispered as calm as he could, yet his voice was still slightly cracking. "Oh and, your curves are still better for me." The younger said, yet a second after that a small moan ran out. He had to teach Goto where not to touch and what not to do, else he could easily lose control. He could hear himself growl all silently, squeezing a little bit tighter the palm of his lover, breathing in and out, making sure to keep the control over himself. "Let's just cuddle tonight hmm? Tomorrow you can get your new dose of me all you want." Kana whispered silently, slowly turning around and facing the older male. He leaned upwards, lifting himself on his toes again, the most he could, pecking the other's lips all quickly, then pulling back and smiling.

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Goto chuckled at the other's reactions. The small gasp, and the instant reach for his hand to stop him, made Goto smile mischievously. But he didn't move, he kept his hand in place just near Kanase's groin as the other held it in place. He heard the small moan that came after and he chuckled softly before kissing the back of his lover's neck. Kanase growled, that he knew, Goto could hear it himself. And the sound almost made him want to growl out, but he held back. Had he not, they probably would have lost control. Kanase turned around and rose to kiss Goto on his lips. His hand wasn't able to touch his inner thigh without having some trouble doing so, but now he was able to easily grasp his lover's butt.


Goto did just that. At Kanase's decision to lie down for the night, Goto kissed Kanase back and reached for his butt. He lifted the other up against his waist and walked over to the futon. Goto dropped to his knees before slowly laying Kanase back against it. Not first after pulling back the blanket so they could lay down. Goto gave Kanase one last kiss, hovering over him for a moment, before lying down beside him and covering them with the blanket. Goto let out a laugh as he pulled Kanase close to his chest and let the other use his arm as a pillow. "You better keep that promise." Goto broke into a low voice. "First thing in the morning, I'm taking my fill of you."

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Kana widened his eyes kinda surprised when the hand didn't move at all, for a moment feeling the slight worry pass through his body. He kept squeezing Goto's palm, yet of course, trying to be as careful as he could on that, as soon as he turned around, looking at his lover kinda unbelievable before to kiss him. He smiled a little against the other's lips, feeling that he returned it, yet an all surprised sound following out, totally not expecting what followed next.


He wrapped his arms around the older male's neck though, a small all amused chuckle coming out. "You are unbelievable, Goto." The younger mumbled silently, returning the kiss all contently, as soon as he was lied down, feeling the whole pleasure from that, a big smile shining over his face instantly. Kana instantly snuggled against his lover's body, lying his head over the other's arm, yet raising his hand as the other spoke, pinching his cheek slightly. "We will see about that pervertie." He let out a silent giggle, sticking his tongue out, before to close his eyes and rest under both the blanket and against Goto's body.


"Good night." He whispered all silently, doesn't even taking him much time, falling asleep instantly. He forgot when was the last time he actually fell asleep so quickly, without being afraid or ready to fight any second at the night. He was feeling protected, safe, things he, long time ago forgot, what were they like. The younger just parted his lips slightly, so that he could breathe during the night, a small smile never leaving his face through the whole night.

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Goto laughed as the other commented on how unbelievable he was. Goto smiled contently when the other rested against him. But his smile grew bigger and his laugh slightly louder when Kanase reached up and pinched Goto's cheek gently. Instantly Goto reached up and grabbed his hand in his as the other spoke. He gave the other a kiss on the hand. Then pulled it away, still holding it before whispering and kissing Kanase's hand. "Kana, I love you. I've loved you for so long." He coulsn't express his love anymore then he just had. Goto wasn't normally a sappy guy, but when it came to Kanase, his best friend, his lover, he was pretty sure his entire personality could change in an instant.


When the other fell asleep soon after, Goto held him tight against him. It wasn't long before even he was falling asleep faster then he had in the last two months. His body felt heavy as it instantly relaxed against the futon and Kanase's heated body. Before completely being consumed in the darkness of sleep he whispered out, "I love you." And with a smile on his lips, and on Kanase's, the two fell asleep in peace. They stayed asleep until the following morning, when Goto woke first. But instead of waking the other, Goto stayed lying with the other against him.

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"I love you too." Kana whispered out before to fall asleep, the first few hours spending in sleeping so well, something too unlike for him, at least the past few weeks. Yet around the morning, his sleep was ruined. He wasn't even sure if it was a dream or no. These dreams, where the reality and the dreams gets mixed so badly that you are not sure if you are actually awake or no. He was in the forest, running from the minister's people. He was barely able to hide from them, they were too many. They were using magic, as if they were with few steps ahead of him. Even in his sleep, the younger started breathing heavily, from the running. He was to be found any moment, he could feel it. Where should he hide? He wasn't sure what to do.


He was turning into his demon form, of course only in his dream, yet the growl, it probably was heard even while he was sleeping, he was surrounded by the a lot of mages. Kana looked around, but there was no way for him to escape. And just then, in this one second he heard a voice: 'I am here. Don't be afraid. Find me, Kanase. You can do it. Let your senses find me.' He didn't know this voice, yet at the same time it sounded so familiar. He thought that he could win, if... it was too late, the mages already were using some magic, to keep him on his place, they were going to attack. Was that how he was going to die. One hit, he shouted out. Another hit, he shouted out again.


'Kanase! Hold on! Come and find me! Kanase!' After these words, Kana got up, as he shouted out all terrified. His eyes all widely opened, looking around the room, his breathing as heavy as it could get. He was shaking. What was that? His first thought, where was Goto? As soon as he saw his lover next to him, looking as shocked as he, himself, was, the younger just threw himself against the older male's embrace, hugging him all tightly, few tears, just because of the nightmare, rolling down. No, he wasn't the type to cry, yet being nearly killed in his own dream... hearing voices... voices. "Dad...my father!" He realized it just now. It was... his father's voice that he heard there. Was he... actually alive?

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Goto noticed the heavy feeling surrounding his lover. And upon further inspection, noticed the frowning face of the other. His brows knit together, his lips forming an upside down smile, Goto didn't like the look at all. He pushed back the hair that had fallen into Kanase's face and held his cheek in one hand, the other still being used as a pillow. Then he heard it, that strong beast like growl. What was he dreaming that had Kanase nearly thrashing around in his sleep and growling so shockingly like a beast?


Goto tried to comfort the other, trying to hush his restless body, but the other continued moving. Then suddenly, after hearing a slightly mumbled word, that Goto was unable to make out, Kanase had shot up. Almost taking Goto's head out with his own, but thankfully enough missed. Goto quickly rose on his elbows, but was unable to call out his lovers name. He didn't have to though, the other instantly turned around, eye red and wet with readied tears, looking for him. Goto was glad he hadn't tried slipping away, leaving Kanase to continue sleeping alone. He reached a hand out just as Kanase crashed into him, crying imstantly. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, Kanase. It's okay." Goto fell back against the futon as he held Kanase close to his chest.


What surprised Goto, was when the other started mumbling against him. This time with words that Goto was able to hear. "Father? Kanase were you dreaming about your parents? About the night the minister killed them?" He held Kanase closer remembering the same night himself. Goto began rubbing Kanase's back, trying to calm down the crying male. The last thing he wanted to see was his lover crying, and not being completely sure why.



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At Kana wasn't even sure if he was still dreaming or no. He needed few seconds to actually be sure this wasn't another dream at all. He could still hear the voices like echoing into his head. Thanks god Goto was here. At such moment he really needed someone to hug and so he did. The younger tried to calm down. He had to. Yet he couldn't. His heart was beating like crazy, he was sweating, on top of that his eyes were glowing in purple. He wasn't even sure what was going on. Just the whole dream, it was so real.


The younger squeezed over Goto's kimono, shaking head as soon as the other asked the question. "No. Not that. I was in the forest... The minister's people were chasing after me... And then I heard it. It wasn't Yokuzawa-san's voice... I, I don't know. I need to talk with Sato. Goto, I think that... my biological father is alive. And I think I know where he is." He was shocked by the words he spoke himself. How was it even possible? It was like a dead person to come back to life. It seemed like, even though impossible, that maybe, just maybe, his father was actually alive. Kana was still taking his time to calm down. Shivering, yet not crying anymore, wiping few of his tears. He took a deep breath once, twice, until he was sure he was fully calmed.


He just realized that he actually has made Goto to fall backwards on the futon, instantly apologizing, slowly straightening himself. "I am sorry... I know this is not the best way to say good morning." He felt kinda guilty. It was his fault yeah, yet, he felt scared by the dream he had. One thing he had to do as soon as possible, to check that one place he knew about... he saw, just for a second, before to wake up. The place, where his father could be at.

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Goto held Kanase close to him as he shivered. Goto wasn't exactly sure how to help the other calm down. But soon it seemed like just being there, hugging Kanase back, made him calm down. Then he heard the hushed shaky voice of the other and listened carefully. He hated the idea of the ministers men chasing him. The idea that they had found him in this forest made him knit his brows. Goto's mother always believed that dreams were the voice of the future. And when he woke in the middle of the night with a dream himself he would not it down, only to realize later that it did happen. Just not entirely the way he dreamt it. "Your biological? But....didn't the minister kill him before your mother? How would...?" Goto's voice cut off. And soon they fell into silence.


It took another while before Kanase was able to calm down. Goto thought about the possibility of Kanase's father still being alive. But if he were, why would he stay away for so long? Only to come out now of all the times? When Kanase finally calmed down it was when he apologized for pushing Goto over. He laughed lightly before kissing Kanase's head. "Don't worry about it. Let's go talk to Sato." With those words, Goto rolled over, hovering over Kanase before standing up right from there. Then he held out his hands to help Kanase up from the futon. Together they would talk to Sato together and figure out what Kanase's dream meant.



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Kana knew it as well, dreams were almost always like a warning about what was awaiting. But also, they could be a a sign, as if someone was trying to reach them through the dreams. And if it was like that, then Kana's father was surely alive. Yet once again, why now? Why would he... want to be found now from all times? "I don't know. I am confused myself. But one thing I know for sure: That was him." He couldn't even explain how was he so sure about that? He had never heard his father's voice, yet, call it an instinct, but something was telling him that was what he thought.


The younger rubbed slightly the back of his neck, nodding slowly and smiling a little. He was really the happiest that Goto was here. Else, he'd really go crazy. After all, hearing your father in your dream, nearly being killed nobody wanted to dream of that. Kana grabbed his lover's hand and got up, at first slightly swinging on his feet, feeling just for a second a little dizzy, yet that instantly passed. He dragged Goto quickly out of the room, heading to Sato's room, yet he just saw him walking out just in the time they were in the corridor between the two small rooms. "Guys, you okay? I heard a shouting..." The monk looked kinda worried and how no, probably half of the forest heard the scared shout of Kanase.


"I want to ask you something uncle. Is there any possibility for my biological father to be alive?" Kana could see the monk's surprised face. His eyes widened, as he stepped slightly back, taking a look at both of his sides, before to take a deep breath. "There is a legend, that is this forest's guardian is killed, but his soul doesn't leave the forest, just as his body, he or she can get back to life. But this is a long and difficult process." Wait what? To be reborn? Seriously? So... that meant his father... he could be..."Why are you asking Ka-..." before to even finish his question, Kana let go of Goto's hand and rushed out of the house. He had to find out. If that was actually true? Was it possible?

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When Goto pulled Kanase to his feet, he held on to his arms as he noticed the other sway slightly. Suddenly standing up as quickly as he had would make anyone dizzy. But as soon as he was steady on his feet, he had grasped Goto's hand tighter. Goto was pulled out of the room just as Sato had exited his own room. At his concerned look, which Kanase had completely ignored, Goto nodded at the other. But Kanase quickly spoke what was on his mind, quickly catching Sato off guard.


Goto had really no clue what was going on. He had heard things when he was younger about the forest guardians, but he would never remember what they were talking about. But as Sato spoke of the legend he had learned over the years, Goto's memory had come back to him. Sometimes the elderly used this story to scare children away from doing bad things, but Goto never believed it. Was it possible, that the legend really was true?


But before either he had anything to ask, or Sato had been able to finish his own question, Kanase had booked it out of the house. Had his mothers words about dreams been true. And had Kanase been dreaming about being chased, then it was a possibility now could be the time. Goto didn't even have time to change into his hopefully dry clothes, nor slip on the sandals he had left here before he left. Goto instantly took off after Kanase, just barely catching a glimpse of his back as he ran through the forest.



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Kana was sure that what he did was nothing good. Like... rushing out of the house like that, leaving even Goto behind. But he had to confirm. He could use his senses to check if there was any enemy around, but nothing seemed wrong. Well, of course if there were mages, they could pretty much hide their presence, but he just didn't want to think of the worst case just yet.


On the other hand Sato ran out in the same time as Goto, catching with him, almost instantly. "We have to watch over him. I don't know what's going on, but if he really dreamt his father, then, the possibility of him being alive is big. Yet once again, be careful once you meet him. He would probably not recognize anybody. I don't think that he'd recognize Kanase as well. He may... even try to hurt him, since his wild side is gonna be much stronger." Even though both the older males were behind him, since Kana's senses were turned on, he could hear them speaking. So, his own biological father could try to kill him? The younger was just as confused as ever. How could this be even possible? Why? No, he shouldn't be thinking about that right now. First, he had to find his father.


A little bit more running and Kana found the place he actually wanted to show Goto. A few steps in between the small bushes and here it was: the waterfall, the green grass, all the trees, full with small flowers over them - a real magical place. But... here was the other question, what could his father do here? It was his instinct that brought him here, yeah. But then, why wouldn't he sense anything until now? Was his father doing it purpose? Maybe the time wasn't the best one right now? The younger peeked at the small cavern in front of him, then back to see if Goto and Sato were there. He better waited for them, else... Nobody knew what could've happened. Just as he saw them almost approaching though, a pretty loud growl came out of cavern. Was it possible... his father?

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Goto was a fast runner, he had the longest legs in all the village. But when Sato caught up with him as soon as he left the house, he had found himself glad he wasn't the fastest one anymore. As soon as Sato caught up to Goto, he had instantly started a conversation with him. "Has his father really be reborn? It sounds more along the fact that some ghost is haunting the forest." Goto was a sceptic when it came to those things, even though he himself hinted at it being a ghost. How was he supposed to watch over Kanase if a ghost attacked him? At this point he wasn't even sure it was a ghost anymore. Hell, he had no idea what anything was right now.


As soon as they caught up to Kanase, who seemed to have waited for them by the opening of a cave, a loud monstrous growl sounded through the forest. Goto came to a sudden stop just feet away from Kanase. "What was that?!" He took a step back but still held his ground. Goto saw the sudden twitch of the other as he wanted to enter the cave. Goto grabbed hold of his wrist, pulling him back. "Wait...Kana, we can't just blindly walk in there." Goto rally had no idea what could jump out at them as soon as they entered, but he wasn't willing to risk their lives for it,



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"Actually, there is one thing I haven't told Kanase yet. We never found his father's dead body on the first place." Sato spoke out silently, lowering his head for a moment. "After he was killed, Mayoko, my sister, made a funeral for him, letting the body swim over the river - you know, these old rituals, after all he was a mythical creature. So we don't even know what has happened to the body after that. She didn't want to burn it, so the possibility for him to be actually alive from that night is pretty much possible." Kana could no longer hear the monk's words, because he was pretty much concentrated on other things. Like every single twitch of the trees, the grass, the wind around them.


As soon as he heard the growl, he shivered. If that was his father, he sounded quite scary. As soon as he was pulled by the wrist from Goto, Kana snuggled slightly against the other's chest, looking up at him. Though his bangs were covering half of his eyes, the mixed gaze of both the fear and curiosity to see what was it inside the cavern could be shown. "I... know. But if that's my father... I don't know what am I going to do." The younger male was maybe right now, the most thankful that his lover was here then any other time. He had to admit that they both had a 'great' start of the morning. It was almost unbelievable.


"Kids... I don't want to scare you, but something is coming out." Kana instantly looked at the exit of the cave as soon as he heard Sato speaking, seeing the figure of something. He couldn't even tell for sure if that was a human or no. "Kanase, I told you before remember? Kitsune can have different sphere of their powers. By that I meant what they use, the element right? You are a fire fox. One of the strongest ones, but... let me say that the most powerful among all kinds of, was your father - the thunder fox." Wait... what? So, if he was using fire to fight then his father... Kana looked up at the sky, seeing it getting quite dark all of sudden, as if any second it would start raining. "Goto... I think you should back off. If you haven't seen Kanase fight until now, it's time for you to. And you better pray for him to win - his father was an excellent fighter - if that's really him." The younger looked at him lover quite scared, gripping a little on his kimono. It wasn't like he was afraid to fight, he was afraid not to hurt the others.

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