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Letters To You || YaoiOtaku Special


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"Letters to You" is a special Valentine event

through which users can express their feelings towards a special someone.

You can be bold and confess your love, you can leave an appreciation note to show your gratefulness.

We are giving you some days to think if you want to take part in the new initiative.




You don't have to mention the person's name/username if you are shy.

You can also express your feelings in your 'online-love-letter' towards someone from real life.


Opening: 14th of February.

Here I write,

Letters to you....

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Well then..here is mine. I just know I couldn't say all those things out loud. So much easier to write it. ^^7


»I love you.« Those words hold such weight for me and you know I say them rarely, but words aren’t the only thing I use to express my love, I hope you’ve learned that by now. It’s easier for me to write them using a foreign language so here - I love you.

I still remember the first time I met you. Even though we didn’t really ‘see’ each other then, I still count that day the first of the many to come later. And don’t say it doesn’t count! XD Maybe the fate knew it’s not our moment yet, so some time passed before our paths crossed again. It felt so..right. There wasn’t any fireworks going off or any drama, but it was cozy. Like when I’m cold and tired and I snuggle under the covers of my bed, cuddling next to you, warmth crawling over me and the softness making me drift to sleep. Cuddling is always nice, since you’re always so warm! :o

What I like about you the most though, isn’t all the things you do or buy for me (though don’t stop with those! >.

That’s what I see in my future, you by my side. Yes, I want to marry you. I want to wear that perfect ring and tell everybody when the wedding is. I want all our friends and family there, celebrating with us. I want to have our own apartment, where our kids can run around. I want to have our very own place where we can do things we can’t do now (if you know what I mean :p).

I know you want all of those things too so..wanna make them happen? With me? (: Wait..why am I even asking? Let's just do them already! That sounds more like me right? :p

No matter what happens, even if I don't say it, just know I really do love you and you're the only one whom I ever let so close or trusted this much..


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You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but more importantly, you make me feel wanted. Something that I hadn't felt in a very long time.

We both knew our friendship would grow right from the very first day we spoke. But, neither one of us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding or thundering into our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and I can understand.

We don't even need to be together, we are never apart. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my inspiration, my love.


Love Always, M-jow


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WELL! There isn't anyone important in particular, but that doesn't mean I don't love the people I met on here.


Dear Everyone,


Thank you for being awesome when we communicated! I know We don't talk much, but I honestly do hope that each and every single on of you is doing all right. I have my own little worries going on and school, but I still think of you all when I'm away for too long. Some of the talks that I have with you are some of the best that I have all day! I love the feeling of an escape when I'm here with you. So stay happy and always remembered you are loved by me no matter where you are. Keep Smiling, Strive for the better and live a happy life!


-With all my Love


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Well i'm really not as poetic as everyone here but oh well i still wanna say some things ^^

To me happiness:


Even though people will say we never met, they will say i should just stop dreaming, i dont know you, i dont care. Whenever i think of you, whenever i talk with you and whenever i look at you, me world just seems so much brighter. A single message from you makes me day a happy one, makes me smile. Yes i do want to spend me life with you and i will contuine dreaming. And i apologise for having me issues and not being able to control me feelings, but i will try me very best. Because I have decided to love you above all, so please deal with it and stay with me, because you are me beloved and me happiness....



To me hope:


Well... not like i dont tell u everything anyway already but please allow me to voice me feelings again. As said u r me hope. U r the only person i really trust, the only one i believe when u say u wont leave. I have told you things i told meself i will never tell and i dont even feel bad for it. You are always here when i need you, always listen to whatever i say and always seem to know what to say in return. But most of all you make me believe that things get better or even that they arent as bad in the first place. You teach me things, you explain things to me, yet at the same time you make me feel like i'm actually worth something. I want to make you proud so badly i want to return everything you have done for me and thus i want to keep on trying and I thank you so much for that. I love you



To me hero:


Hey there ^^ Well yeah ^^ I dont really have anything to confess. Except that i still wish to b part of your life. In any way. You might not think o me as highly aas i think of you, and you might not even appreciate that, but still. I owe you so much more than just me life and i have promised meself that i will repay this, if just by trying to make you happy. So hereby i once again tell you that i love you or in other words care for you deeply. And i want to also say thank you for being me friend...



To the cat:


Thank you for the experience ^///^ i miss and care bout u ^///^ (i thought long bout what to write and deleted it all so here u go >.>)




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Not really this kind of confession but still. I love you loads niisan ^^ and I'm overjoyed to have you back ^///^



To me first friend on here:


Thank you aya..... really... thank you...





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Since we have new and old members online now. I just want to express the 3 weeks I was away from yo, during a challenging and changing time in my own life. I'm happy I came back. Thank you oh so much, for the long years of time together and let's have many more. Also thanks for noticeing the little changes. Sincerely XiuLin.

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Just few words for a special person...






Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening to my personal problems. I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life and I thank God for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring. You've changed my life forever, my only one sugar pie.


You're the only person who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I'm with you I feel like I'm out of control! You taught me how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any fear... when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one. Our bond will last for eternity.


Yours and only yours,



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To Someone Special.


It's been about a year now... actually, maybe a little longer, I'm... not quite sure. The days seem to run together now, like it's a never-ending party. We spoke so much, and seemed to have grown stronger in the bond we made. When I first appeared in YO, -shrugs- I never thought I'd stay this long. I usually go from place to place, seeking 'the right forum' to challenge myself in writing.


But all I had to do was meet you.


YOU challenge me...

YOU are my inspiration...

YOU make me think...

YOU'RE on my mind all the time...


And when I don't see your words appear in a text message or in a quick note or on twitter or even in our roleplays... I always have to make sure nothing happened. I have to make sure you're okay... because I care about you.


I worry about you.

I love you.


-laughs softly- In a total best friend kind of way.


So if you ever get down, or if you ever feel like you're alone in the world and nobody ever gets you. Or nobody will ever feel what you feel, see what you see, think what you think...


Just know that I'm here.

And God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.

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Thank you for making me a better writer. I will always love and care about you.

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Ah, I'm a little embarrassed about writing these, but here goes nothing! >///


Here I write,


Letters to You (plural)!


I've made lots of awesome friends, roleplay partners and really good conversation partners~ All of you are so witty, clever and hilariously funny!


Anyway, without further ado, here are my Valentines for you ^^!


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You're one of the best writers and roleplayers I've written with, and I enjoy every post you make! I think you've really helped me become a better roleplayer as well. I will forever be stalking your roleplays~ ♥ I love your sense of humor, and your sincerity (with all of your hidden messages, too :p)! You are a great conversation partner when not discussing roleplay details and Trouble is the cutest~ XD Happy Valentines Day!



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You've been an amazing conversation partner! (That really deep conversation about depression that turned into penguin comparisons and then arguing who was more uke-like~ :p) Thanks for the warm welcome here, and I'm glad we became friends! I'll be trying ube someday, hopefully soon! Also, no need for a growth spurt~ You're perfectly perfect with your fun-sizedness! Happy Valentines Day!



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I'm slowly starting to get to know you better, and I hope I continue to learn more about you over time! My ambition is to become a friend! ^-^ From what I've seen of your profile design, your art is positively enchanting~ Those years of Studio Arts and Computer Graphics weren't for nothing! :D I'm going to try hiking once winter is over, and there isn't a big chance I'll freeze to death~ Happy Valentines Day!



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You are a gentleman~ ^-^ And I admire your kindness for offering help with everything, to everyone! "Yo! I'm Sai, and this is my channel. Um... did you get lost?" —Sai-Miyoshi, 2016 XD I love that intro~ Happy Valentines Day!


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Dear, XXX




I've never held many people close to me, and they usually become a blur over the years. I haven't forgotten about you. I've always glanced at you from time to time hoping you wouldn't notice that my eyes would linger a little longer when I look at you. I respect you, I look up to you, but somehow I found myself falling for you. Your laugh, your smile it's almost too much to take in. It's been four years since I've seen you, and I am happy that you're back and safe. I honestly wish I went with the group today because I may have had a chance to see you. When I got the news that you were back I couldn't hold back a smile. Time passed by so quickly. I really hope one day i'll have the courage to hug you. That's the least I could do. I never knew i'd like you for this long, haha. It's funny how someone could love from afar.


I'm sorry, xxx. I could never tell you this in person -keme



Valentine's Day Mentions:


(Note: A bottom note for those who I didn't mention. I didn't forget about you!)


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I'm glad I met you. You are a very fun, and interesting person to be around with even though you compared me to a polar bear, and things that normally people don't find very cute. I enjoy our silly conversations. It's what makes my day different. Thank you ~ ♥Happy Valentines Day♥, Ama ✿.



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Thank you, Sai for being the fun and bubbly person in our little group when we all talk together. I love your company. When I first joined, you were one of the people who were weirdly kind to me. I actually wasn't expecting it, haha. I'm just thankful. I felt welcomed at YO because of you. Thank you again, Sai. ♥Happy Valentines Day♥.



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I love talking to you, haha. Somehow we get around the serious, weird, and amazing stuff. Talk about random things that pop up in our minds, not even caring if it's all that important. I can be comfortable around you. Thank you for being an awesome person. ~ ♥Happy Valentines Day♥, Cinnamon-bun.



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Where do I start....Our meaningful conversations and our music taste will not go to waste.. I promise you that. I've never liked kpop all that much, and BOOM. I'm addicted! The things you do to me, Xiu. Just know that I care about you a lot. ~ ♥Happy Valentines Day♥, Xiu.



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DEADYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY *^* -fistpumps- My bro! Happy ♥Valentines Day♥, Deady.




That little special message for everyone...



Hi there! I just wanted to let you know you're worth more than anything in the world, so keep your head up high. There's always someone out there who loves you. I wish all the members, and moderators to have a wonderful ♥Valentines Day♥. :_red_fox 3


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Etto, I don't know want to say what. But, I do love you, Admin! Thanks for healthy nutrition that you give to me.... Hahaha, sorry for my bad English! >_

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Belated valentines Day~




To me:

I wanna let you know that I love you from the bottom of my heart. You are the best thing ever happened in my life. No matter what happens in future. I'll always be with you. Luv you madly my self.. xD hahaha Saint valentine I thank you For this day you helped create It opens up our hearts. And might even change our fate Perhaps that handsome stranger called Or maybe my Best Friend Possibly no one at all But that doesn't make this the end. Love is there for everyone But, it comes in different shapes and forms For some it's at first sight, For others twenty years, Or maybe you're one of those special Girls or guys whose been chosen for A different life. But I don't care about that so much So I'll still say....

Happy Valentine's Day!


To All Yaoi Otaku Members and Admins:

Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers. Traditionally, everyone goes all out to let their special someone knows how much they are appreciated on this day and everyday. Some will say it with flowers while others will bring on the bling. Others will get creative with customized dates while some will play it low-key with an at-home dinner date and together time. Whatever you plan to do for Valentine’s Day, you will be faced with finding the right words to express your feelings. Whether it’s for a special someone who has been by your side for many years, a new sweetie who has brought joy to your world or someone you hope to charm soon enough, we have created the messages that will surely get their attention with or without a gift. Let these messages inspire you to plan a special day for your special someone.


To the person who I sometimes chatting here:

You've given me a reason for smiling once again,

You've filled my life with peaceful dreams and

you've become my closest friend.

To my Friends:

They say that the fires of love are blazing.

They say that love is a craving.

But my love I have been saving

For a special friend like you that is amazing.

Happy Valentines Day

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and ALL


I thank you so for all you have given, You’re so great with a heart so driven. Driven to do all that is right, In a world filled with darkness you are the light. The Light that gives me joy and love, A love so honest it come from above, Above where God watches over us, To my friends in this relationship filled with trust, God brought us together and we know he’s never wrong, About us, he knows this is where I belong, And you belong with me, hand in hand. No matter what happens by your side I’ll always stand. And through our lives I know that in the end, I have truly fallen in love with my friends.



The End

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A letter to someone I have loved and lost long ago. Not entirely your sweet, full of love kind but still this is my heart talking. Love is really sly like that and so are humans.




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  • 2 weeks later...

to the reason i wake up with a smile every morning,


moya solnishka

the times i woke up in the middle of the night

the times i lack sleep

the times i almost pull my hair in frustration

the times i wanted to cry with you..


i will never exchange them for anything in the world.

i can't give you everything,

but for you, i'll do anything..

coz your the reason of my being.


here i wrote,

with all the love.


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