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The Melancholy of a High School Otaku 1x1, private, Mature w/ Nyuchanxx


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Shuichi looked up at the sudden voice from above him. He frowned wondering why someone hadn't just opened the door. Suddenly he was at a lose for words. He didnt rightly know what he wanted but sure as hell knew he had to do something. There was something weird going on here and it cried out to his responsibility too do everything in his power to help since he was the mans teacher. But he's knew he couldnt discuss it here. Not now and he doubted he couldn't discuss it with the males mother near at hand.


Looking up at Motoki, Shuichi spoke just loud enough for the other to be able to hear. "When are you free tomorrow, I..." He paused thinking of an excuse "...I need to talk you through some of the things."

It was a lie but the most likely way to get the other to agree to.

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Motoki looked at Shuichi surprised by this. However he smiled as he looked at him. "Sure thing sensei. I'll do my best to make time to come and see you. I do apologize for causing you trouble with this." he said before waving bye and closing the window. He really wasn't sure what Shuichi would talk to him about. He was nervous it would be about his mother. Even so he would go see what it was about. There was never much harm in finding out or being a little curious.


He walked over to his bed and laid down. "I wonder if I go by that park will I find that guy again." he said to himself finding the thought a bit crazy. He had to be completely honest that night was something he hadn't forgotten. His body remembered it more than anything. "I really want to run into that guy again." he sighs trying to think of something else to pass time

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Shuichi nodded hoping that the student rep would hold true to his word. Turning he made his way home mulling over things in his mind and trying to find a sensible solution. Obviously he couldn't flat out ask the other what was happening. No one would open up to a person they hardly knew. So the question first was how to get the other feeling comfortable.


A smirk tugged at his lips as he thought of tying the other up and dragging a teasing whip over his naked body before giving the man a gentle slap with the implement before letting it trail over his body again and dragging over the males arousal. Shuichi swallowed and shook the thought from his head trying to think of something to calm his raging arousal. He wasn't normally like this, normally he only got aroused when there was someone in front of him making him aroused consciencely. It was very unlike him to think such arousing things let alone slow them to make him hard.


He sped up his pace wanting to get home and into a good shower before eating and settling into bed with a good book. He wanted time to relax knowing that the next day he would have to start writing his paper on how the shape of laser beam shapes, he had been running experiments for it for the last 6 months and only now had enough data to write his paper...and then of course there was Motoki to deal with too.

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Evening turned to night and Motoki spent most of that time in his room. He avoided his mother until he knew she had left the house. He rolled onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He wasn't sure what to do at the point. So much was happening to him and around him. His mind was filled with too many thoughts at once. He closed his eyes and hums to himself. He knew he needed rest for tomorrow. If nothing more resting seemed to always help him stop thinking.


The next day arrived and Motoki awoke to silence. This was unusual. His mother or his alarm would be the cause to him waking. Neither had gone off so it worried him a bit. He got up and looked at his clock. He didn't set his alarm so that explained one reason. Climbing out of bed he opened his door and looked into the hall. His mother wasn't home. "Seems today will actually be a good day for me." he said with a grin. He ran down the hall to shower and prepare for school. After about thirty minutes he was fully dressed and ready to leave. He slipped on his shoes and ran out the door


As he walked, Motoki noticed his neighborh. "Oh good morning Janai. So I can guess it was you who asked sensei to bring me my things." he said. "Sorry but you need help from that crazy woman. If I can't do it at least someone can." Janai said noticing his mood. "Oh my your happy today. Don't tell me you committed a crime!?" Motoki looked at his friend and shook his head no. "I'm not that evil. I just met someone interesting the other night. One who might actually be my type." he said grinning. Janai tilts his head. "No way! You found your perfect seme. Lucky you. Wish I could find my lolita dream uke." he pouts. The two talk for a while until arriving at school

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Shuichi woke up early the next morning. He made himself a cup of tea, drinking it leisurely as he listened to the news. It was only the normal things, somewhere across the world something dreadful was happening. It was human nature after all.


Making his way upstairs again Shuichi got dressed and tied his grey tie in front of the mirror. Looking outside the window he saw it was a lovely day and decided to forgo a jacket and stick with just a shirt and tie. Picking up his laptop and bad he left the house locking the door behind him.


As he entered the physics department of the university he noted how empty it appeared today, but then he didnt have any lectures today and from what he knew of the other lectures in the department few of them did either. It was a Friday after all. Heading to his office shuichi botted up his laptop and sent his data from his experiments to the main printer down the hallway. He didnt like using his own- he had to pay for that ink and the comments printer was perfectly good for black and white data. Standing he went to get the sheets.

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Motoki and Janai soon arrived at the university. "I'll see you after I get some notes and such. We can meet right here." Janai said as he walked ahead of him. Motoki nods as he walked a different way. He had a netting after all which he didn't plan to miss. He didn't want to cause trouble for Shuichi after he took the time to set up this thing. He headed to the lecture rooms and found the physics department. Knocking on the door lightly, he entered. "Sensei! Are you here?" he called out before walking and taking a seat in a random chair. He decided to wait to see if Shuichi would show up.

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Shuichi sighed as he waited for the documents to print. That was the downside to this printer, it always seemed to take an age to do anything. When it finally finished Shuichi picked up the stack of papers checking that the last one in the pile was indeed the last page he turned and made his way back to his office.


As he entered he was shocked to find Motoki already sitting inside. He hasn't expected the other to drop by so early. "Good morning, sorry I was just printing things." He explained his absence as he placed the pages on his desk. He smiled at the male trying to make him feel more at ease before he went and shut the door.


"Are you feeling better this morning?" He inquired politely not sure where to begin so he could bring up the others circumstances without being too forward.

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Motoki glanced up as he noticed the other returning to the room. He smiled a bit and shook his head. "You are a teacher. No need to explain to me where you were. I'm not a nagging wife or something." he said as he sat there tilting his head from side to side. "I am doing perfectly fine sensei. Thank you for asking. So what is it you wanted to talk about? I am sure it's not about today's weather so talk." he said rather straight forward. He didn't want to beat around the bush with this. He had a feeling of what this talk would be about. Motoki only wanted to confirm his suspicions

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Shuichi nodded understanding. He gave up with trying to relax the other, he was never any good at it anyway. "Fujiwara San as your teacher I'm a little worried about you. You can claim to the school that you were ill yesterday but I know it's a fairly poorly constructed lie." He paused for a moment unsure of where he was going with this or how he should approach the topic anyway. "You used to live alone if I am correct." He commented knowing he was starting to get a little disjointed with his sentences. Softly he said "this is completely confidential and you can trust me not to breath a word of this to anyone. But could you please explain to me what's going on at home, I really am worried." Shuichi said finally getting to the point. He was aware that he was chewing the inside of his cheek with worry and stopped instantly annoyed with himself. He locked eyes with the other waiting for him to respond.

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"Oh my sensei you waste no time getting to the point. If you are curious about such things I have little to no answer for you. She's my mother and as much as I want to throw her out I can't bring myself to do so." he said glancing to the side. Motoki sighs as he looked at Shuichi. "I do apologize for lying yesterday. She flipped out about me returning home so late yesterday. I mean it wasn't my fault but that doesn't matter to her." he said looking down. This was a bit uncomfortable to talk about but he didn't mind too much. "In all honesty the situation is confusing even for me. One day she just showed up in tattered clothing and bruises. She said my father tossed her out and sold the house so I took her in. The only thing is I wanted to talk with him and find out why. Every time I tried she would stop me and say she didn't want him to know where she was. I mean if he attacked her I understand but it doesn't sound like my father at all." he said pouting a bit.


Motoki tilts his head as he closed his eyes. "So what does sensei plan to do about this? Its clear you asked me because you are either curious or wanting to help me. So what do you intend to try and do?" he asked sure that Shuichi might not have an actual plan

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Shuichi listened carefully, he didn't interrupt the other hoping and trusting that the male would tell him everything that there was to know. He thought for a moment trying to fathom out what the situation truly was. It seemed unlikely that the reality of the situation was a simple as domestic abuse against Motoki's mother. If that were the case then the likelihood is that she wouldn't be so controlling over the young adult of her son. But what worried him was the undefined 'flipped out', a phrase like that could mean anything from yelling and storming out the house to not letting him out for a period of time all the way through to full out violence. It simply depended on the person.


He thought through his options carefully, if there was nothing that was wrong then he shouldn't be prying and if Motoki was happy with the way things were then it wasn't his place to try and fix something that wasn't broken. However he wasn't convinced that the other was happy, there had been something odd about him the other night, something reserved that held him back in a way that wouldn't normally affect people who were content. That reaction was one of a person trying to hide something, illogically afraid that it might be heard somehow. "Fujiwara-san." He said gently "If you can honestly tell me that you are perfectly happy with your home life and there is nothing you would wish to change right now then I will drop this and not delve deeper unless you ask me to. But if there is any doubt in your mind about your situation then we need to fix it, you must know that it isn't normal for an undergraduate to be living with family and to have to be home at certain times. Can you tell me honestly that you are happy?" He asked, he felt bad that it was him that had caused this 'flipping out' of the males mother and wanted to help but if the Motoki didn't want help then there was nothing he could do.

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Motoki looked at the other silently. Was he really asking him such a question after hearing his side of the story. "I am not happy living as I am. I can't move about as freely as I would like. Also with her there I can't enjoy the things I use to enjoy. Its very hard to hide a part of yourself every single day." he said looking down. He was rather silent after that. Slowly standing, Motoki stretched his arms up in the air. "I have to get going. It was nice talking to you sensei but I have a very important this I must attend to." he said walking out the classroom. He had no idea what to do about his mother. Without knowing the other side of the story he really didn't know what to do. He was sure Shuichi wouldn't be able to help either. However it was nice to have someone concerned for him.


He walked outside the university and saw his friend. "Hope you weren't waiting long. So shall we head to this place or not? After the other day I really have been dying to find a super seme again." he said pouting. Janai chuckled. "You sure want to find this guy, huh. I will help but you know he could just be a closet pervert or even a married man who just needed stress relief. He won't be easy to find." he said. Motoki nods. "I know but it was just something about the look he gave me. I am sure I can find him."

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Shuichi nearly called the other back but he clearly didn't want to stay and chat so he let him go. Sighing he leaned back in his chair debating his options. He understood the predicament the male was in. On the one hand it was the males mother and he needed to look out for her, but on the other she certainly appeared to him to be constricting him and although Shuichi had no proof there was the insinuation that she was certainly not treating him well and probably beating him.


Deciding he needed time to mull it over he picked up his data sheets and spread a few out in front of him before opening a file and starting to type. Many hours passed as the professor deleted things here and there before rewriting sections and then moving on to type the next part. By the time he finally glanced at the clock it was three in the afternoon. Stretching his arms behind his back he saved his work and packed his things away deciding to head back.


The sun was still out and the weather was beautifully hot, Shuichi liked the heat and the feeling of the rays on the back of his neck. He walked at a leisurely pace wanting to stay in the warmth as long as possible but having no reason to other than to walk home. He walked the long way around the edge of the park debating what to make for dinner at the same time as thinking what to do about Motoki. The idea of kidnapping the male and chaining him up, keeping him as a pet played over in his mind tempting him. It was an illogical solution, but a nice fantasy.

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Motoki and Janai had went out to what some considered to be a red light district. Motoki was determined to find this guy he met the other night. As time went by the two gave up and headed towards the park. The sat on the swings side by side. "You sure you can find a man only by his eyes? It sounds like something in a manga." Janai said with a sigh. "I know it does but what else can I do. Its rare to find your ideal type even in a kidnapping situation. I call it wild fate." Motoki said chuckling. "Sure wild fate. Next thing loli-ukes will fall from the sky just for me." Janai said teasingly. As they joked, Motoki noticed someone walking nearby. "Hey inst that one of our teachers?" he said getting up. Janai following.


"Hey sensei! I didn't know you lived this way. So do I and Janai." he said before realizing it was Shuichi. He smiled a little as he tilts his head. "Unless sensei was going to my place to check up on me." he said teasingly. Janai shook his head. "Don't pick on him. He's a teacher and can fail you"

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Shuichi turned as he was called. Very few people knew him around here since he tended to keep to himself most of the time. Turning he saw Motoki and his friend making their way towards him, he smiled pleasant. "Afternoon." He chuckled at the two of them amused by their teasing "No I live this way as well." He said pointing to a road that leading of the street the other lived on. "I guess you never realised since we work different hours." Shuichi made polite conversation not sure why the two had approached him anyway except out of boredom.


As he looked at the two he couldn't help his mind wandering remembering the look on the currently reserved and composed student rep as he begged for his release. The look of utter rapture on the males face as he was allowed to come and the sweet moans that fell from his lips like honey as he was pounded into mercilessly. Shuichi's eyes flashed briefly as he remembered. Lowering his gaze he readjusted his glasses hoping to distract the boys from his gaze and the slight tint in his cheeks.

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Motoki glanced at Shuichi and sighs. "Hey sensei, if you could own a pet what would it be?" he asked out of the blue. Janai quickly grabbed him and started to walk the opposite way. "Ignore him sensei! He's just stressed out because he's single and looking to mingle. You can't hit on a teacher you idiot." he said poking Motoki. "Oh calm down. Its just a question. I know I can't go out with him. For one he's a teacher and two I am sure guys aren't his type." he said as the two were now a little away from Shuichi


"So will you answer the question sensei?" he called out wondering what he would say. Janai was curious as well but also worried his friend was flirting with a teacher. He didn't really care but he knew Motoki was currently looking for one person in particular. He doubts it was Shuichi.

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Shuichi raised an eyebrow at the strange question. He chuckled amused by the conversation that appeared to be going on between the two. He waited patiently, intrigued to see where this was going. When Motoki asked him to answer the question he pretended to think even though he knew the answer without a shadow of a doubt. After a few seconds to replied "a dog." He wanted to sign at Motoki but knew that if he did it would jeopardise his identity so he abstained. A long while ago he would have said a cat, but that was back when he played the uke, now he knew why cats were trouble. He much preferred dogs, dogs were loyal and obedient and they submitted to you letting you train them. Yes, dogs were much better.

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"So sensei is a dog person. How interesting. I never would have guessed it. Why did you pick dog?" he asked walking back towards Shuichi. Motoki found this very intriguing. Janai sighs a bit as he stayed where he was. "I am serious Moto-kun. Don't hit on a teacher. If you get rejected you'll have a bad mood every time you roam the halls." he said pouting. Motoki waved him to shush. He was sure he wouldn't find his mystery guy so this was the next best thing. He had gotten a really good look at Shuichi earlier when they were talking. The other was very good looking. He was sure even if Shuichi was straight he could change that in no time.

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Shuichi wondered what to say, he hated to lie and would much rather not but to tell the truth would be bad. Still he smiled deciding to play along and risk it. "You can train a dog.." He decided to say something slightly risky "... And they whine and beg when they want something." Shuichi put a hand in his pocket wondering if maybe he had gone too far there. Still if this male wanted to play then play he would.

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Motoki grins a bit to Shuichi's reply. "Oh my! You really are a dog person then. That's wonderful to know. I should get going but if you ever want to get a puppy don't hesitate to ask. They might bite at first but I'm sure you'll have fun training such a cute little thing." he said before walking over towards Janai. He glanced at his friend as they began their way home. "So sensei is that kind of person. I bet I could so make him fall for me." he said happily. "I'm sure you can but just be careful. If your mother finds out she might make sensei look like the bad guy when he's not." Janai warns him.

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Shuichi chuckled enjoying the knowledge that the other really didnt know how much he would enjoy it. Attempting to keep the sadistic smirk from his lips Shuichi let the other return to his friend. He wanted so badly to train the male and whip the bite out of him until he submitted before his feet and licked his toes and cock. A light moan of pleasure at the though escaped his lips before he heard himself and tried to refocus his mind. That man was seriously getting into his head, the arousing sounds and denial of his desires was so erotic.


Shuichi felt his arousal pressing against his trousers, this really never did happen to him and it was starting to become a habit very quickly. Blinking couple off tomes he readjusted his trousers trying to hide his hardness and began walking quickly home to have a cold shower and dispell his thoughts of the tempting student.

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Janai and Motoki walked home. "It would be awesome to date Shuichi sensei. He's young, good looking and clearly smart. It's like a mega combo for me to find. Sure he's not the mystery guy who's my perfect match but one can't complain forever." he said as they got closer to home. Janai smiled a bit. "I'll help if I can but you better keep your promise. I want to find someone special too. So you have to return the help if you manage to catch sensei." he said. Motoki nods as he turned to walk to his front door. "Looks like I'm home alone. That's a good thing. I can think about sensei in the bath." he said grinning. Janai rolled his eyes crossing the street to head home.

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When Shuichi reached his house he fumbled with his keys desperate to get inside, he hadn't managed to calm his raging erection while he was walking and didn't want to be caught out here like this but also he had given up the idea of softening himself in a cold shower in favour of a good hard session with himself. Finally managing to open the door the young professor slammed it shut and dropped his bag containing his laptop on the floor and headed straight for the shower.


The warm water cascaded down his chest and flowed across his muscles and he leaned against the wall touching himself lightly. His thoughts were full of the student whom he had kidnapped, the cute outfit the other had worn and the lovely ears that simply made him want to fuck the male into the night. He moaned as he started to increase his speed, the feeling of the water landing on the inflamed head of his cock arousing him further, the wet slick of his hand across the dampness allowing him to imagine the other was sucking him off. He groaned, his eyes shutting as he leant his head back. He could feel himself about to come and let out a light gasp.


Suddenly images flashed through his mind. He let out a pained groan and fell to the floor his hands flying away from his penis as they turned the heat to freezing before wrapping themselves around his head and he curled into a ball. His breathing turning erratic as he remembered.

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Motoki entered his house and walked towards the kitchen. He opened the fridge and noticed there was barely anything inside. "As usual. Don't know why I expected to see something different." he said as he closed it. Going up to the bathroom and closed the door and started a bath. Once it was filled he climbed in and relaxed. He leans his head against the wall and thinks about Shuichi. "He really is a kind sensei. I never expected someone like him to want to help me. Even if I can't escape that woman; I bet he could make me happy." he mutters softly as he closed his eyes. He just wanted to clear his mind and think only of Shuichi.


After what felt like forever, Motoki got out of the bath. He went to his room and put something on. Laying in bed he wonders if he really could date someone like him. "Despite being a teacher he seems far to innocent to be a seme. I suppose I could be a seme but that might take a lot of practice. Ugh, this is going to be tough." he rolled back and forth trying to find an approach to get closer to Shuichi

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Shuichi stayed like on the floor until his body was shivering and his cock was soft although he hasn't released. Gradually his breathing returned to normal and he cleaned himself before getting out wrapping a towel around his body not wanting to see the marks on his chest and back.


Still shivering shuichi returned to his room, getting dressed he contemplated what to do, he hasn't gotten himself to release since then and so he hasn't realised it would spark such a reaction. Slowly his brain returned to its logical way of thinking and he worked his way through the facts: he hadn't masterbated since then, he couldnt get off alone, and he had been able to get of with other people, he couldnt submit any more, and he wanted Motoki. He frowned deciding the last point was superfluous, he only wanted that perticular !ale because he was the only one he had made submit to him like that, he could desire anyone else just as easily.


Sighing he got dressed and went downstairs to make dinner, deciding he needed something to take his mind off everything and then a night of not doing anything too taxing and instead watching TV, reading a book and then sleep. Tomorrow was a Friday and he figured he could head out to the red light district, get drunk and find some cute uke to make him forget the sounds of Motoki's voice. Still, he needed to come up with a way to help that male, he didnt sound happy and he hated that he couldn't help.

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