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The Melancholy of a High School Otaku 1x1, private, Mature w/ Nyuchanxx


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Motoki sighed as he laid back down and closed his eyes. He didn't know what to do at this point. "I suppose I'll wait for that man to return. Since he had his fun I suppose he will let me leave. Then again if I left so easily it would be trouble for him. Ugh.... Being kidnapped is difficult." he mutters picking up a pillow and covering his face with it. He often did this when home and he felt fustration kicking in. He needed to think of something as quickly as possible. He was already far beyond late to get home.


Inching the pillow away he looked around. "Hey mister!! Where did you go? I'd like to leave now. Hello...?"

he called out not sure if the man was still even there. He just tried the first thing that came to mind.

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Shuichi was drawn out if his panic by the sudden shout. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath, calming himself. Blinking his contacts back into place he buttoned the dirty shirt around his chest and tied the towel around his wait, running a,hand through his damp hair he finally managed to think a little clearer. The sudden reality of the situation and the man shouting to leave made his brain kick in and he knew what he could do. He walked out the room and in a louder voice said "yes okay, you bag and cosplay are hanging over the door if you want to dress." As he spoke he used a hand towel to hit a bulb on the ceiling, it broke, the fuse breaking the circuit and instantly all the power went out in the house. Shuichi smiled trying to hold his sincerity together enough to realistically swear making it sound like he didnt know it would happen. He wasn't specifically an engineer but being a physicist meant you had enough understanding of electric to be able to pull such a simple trick and fix it later.


It was pitch black outside and with the lights out shuichi could hardly see anything, the other would never be able to see his face like this. He walked to his room gently knocking on the door. "Mind if I come in?" He entered anyway. "A fuse must have blown, can you see enough to change and then I will drop you somewhere if you want." He walked over to the wardrobe removing clean clothes and changing, his back turned to the other making sure to change his shirt quickly even if it was pitch black so they couldn't see.

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Motoki heard the voice and looked around. He found his things and ran to grab them. As he did so everything suddenly went black. He tensed up as he looked around wondering what happened. He stayed still not wanting to move. His eyes darted through the dark but he saw nothing. He suddenly heard the male now closer and in the same room. "Uh, I think I can dress fine enough to leave." he said as he felt his clothes for the tag so he knew it was on right. After getting dressed he held his bag and Cosplay in hand. Motoki looked down silently. He wasn't sure how he would leave here. However it was he wouldn't complain. He just wanted to go home.

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As he was changing Shuichi debated his next action, how was he going to get the other home without him working out where he was? His heart still beat fast in his chest but the panic adrenaline was still rushing through his veins although he couldn't work out if it was heightening his ability to make decisions or lowering it. Turning around he opened the door again. "Shall we go then?" He asked deciding to take the other the back way towards the park where this all started. "I'll walk you to the park, you can make your way home from there?" He asked his back still towards the male.

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Motoki glanced to the side as he heard the other. "Yes I can make it home from there." he said remembering the park he had stopped by. This at least told him where this person lived. Not like he really cared. There were tons of houses around the park area. Even i owning this person's location he doubts they'll see one another again. He just had to avoid the park at all costs. This would guarantee his safety from being kidnapped again


Making his way out the room, Motoki began walking in the dark halls. This was tough since it was a house he didn't know. "Uh, mister...? I can't really see like this. How d I know I'm going the right way?" he asked not wanting to fall down stairs or bump into something breakable

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"sorry.." Shuichi murmured at the others complaint. He stopped and taking the others hand gently guided it to the back of his jacket "Hold my jacket, I'll tell you if there are stairs." He walked down the corridor before turning to his right "Steps here." He said, his voice soft, no longer holding the sadistic tone it had earlier. As he descended he took his keys out of his pocket before replacing them, the park was only a 5 minute walk, he didn't need to lock the house. Although he did intend to go a somewhat complicated way to get there in the hope that the other wouldn't be able to retrace their steps. Opening the front door Shuichi nearly sighed in relief to see that the night was cloudy and pitch black.


Shuichi turned to the right, he had left the house through the back door so avoiding the street and any obvious recognisable things. He followed the footpaths signs along the edge of a field before making a quick detour through the edge of the wood and back out again. It took them a good ten minutes to reach the park but when they did Shuichi reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handheld touch. It was heavy but he knew the light was bright. Shuichi turned and passed the torch to the other. "I trust you can make your way home from here. Nevertheless, just in case, here's a torch to help you see." He swallowed trying to work out what to say but the words evaded him so he just turned and walked away making a conscience effort to walk in a completely random direction until he was out of the others site where he back tracked and started to make his way home.

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Motoki held onto the other and smiled a bit. "For a kidnapper you are very kind. I also have something I want to say." he said as they began down the stairs. He was silent for a while before talking again. "I want to thank you for tonight. I know after today I won't be walking home alone anymore but I am a bit glad you picked me. For once I didn't have to hide behind a smile and I let my inhibitions out just a little. It felt nice being myself for a little. So I thank you, mister." he said as they walked outside in the dark. He focused on walking without tripping over his feet.


Once at the park he took hold of the torch. He waited a minute as he then turned on the light and walked towards home. He knew it was late for catching a train so he would be walking for a while. He made his way down the street thinking to himself. Eventually arriving home, he stood outside the front door. He didn't want to enter but he knew he had to. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door.He then walks inside. He could see a small light on in the room near his. "Damn it..." he mutters before closing the door behind him.

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As Shuichi made his way home he pondered what the other man had said. He didn't seem full of resentment or hatred which surprised him. He sighed running a hand through his hair and resisting the urge to rub his eyes, his contacts were starting to irritate, they always did after a while. Under normal circumstances he would have removed then after 2 hours but the less that male knew about him the better.


Shuichi opened his front door and immediately removed his contacts throwing them in the bin and picking up his glasses. He blinked a few times to readjust.

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Motoki looked to the side as he made his way to his room. He had been home for a while now but it had been two hours before he could make it to his bedroom. Once inside he locked the door and laid down. "She was really pissed off today. I suppose I caused this myself. I know better than to be home do late." he said to himself. While laying in bed he was recalling his little kidnapping. It was probably the strangest thing he's ever experienced. Even so he didn't care too much. It happened and it's over. "It's back to fake smiles and being a good student everyone adores." he mutters before falling asleep.


The next day arrived soon enough. Awaking to th sun in his face, Motoki glanced at the clock. He sighs a little noticing the time. "I don't feel like going today. More so I really can't." he closed his eyes back not getting up to prepare for school. He planned to cal out sick for today. He had a very good reason

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Shuichi wandered the house for a while cleaning everything up and carefully putting things back where they came from. It was late when he finished but he still had try to do. At one in the morning the young lecturer sat down at his desk with a mug of coffee and started up his laptop. Over a duzen emails last waiting for him. He cursed his students for waiting until the last moment to send their work in. Printing everything off he sat picked up a pen and began working.


It was five before he went to bed. But it was only a couple of hours later he had to wake up. With not enough time to eat Shuichi dressed and grabbed his laptop and all the work before running out the front door. Not bothering with breakfast. He could get some tea at the university.

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The day seemed to start off like any other however something was amiss with everyone in the university. It seemed Motoki hadn't showed up. It was very odd as he was known to never miss a day of school. It was to the point where he'd even show up while sick or with a fever. So it really surprised a lot of people when he wasn't there. Just about everyone was talking about him or trying to see if anyone knew where he was. Even some of the teachers were worried.


Meanwhile, Motoki was still in bed at home. He was awake and reading a book or two. "I wonder what's happening today in class. I can bet the million of questions I will get when I return tomorrow. Some people are too predictable. I wonder if someone will stop by with my work." he says to himself closing the book a little.

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When shuichi reached the school he grabbed a large mug of coffee taking a large swig from the fowl, luke warm liquid. It really did taste bad. Moving his things across his desk in an attempt to create a vague form of organisation shuichi looked at the students before him. Undergraduate students luckily, they were easy to teach and enthusiastic, rarely taking him for granted due to his young age.


He ran through the day on autopilot, not really taking anything in. He noted that the president wasn't in but he couldnt blame the other really, he was probably sore. Maybe he had been a little rough for someone's first time. He shook his head chasing such thoughts from his head. He had learnt long ago that you couldnt cfange the past so why bother fretting over it?

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As the day went on a student approached Shuichi. "Hey Hirata-sensei. May I ask you a favor?" he said holding a set of books and papers in his hand. "These are for Moto-kun. I'd take them myself but I think it's easier if a teacher did it." he said glancing to the side. He gave him the items before stepping back. "I really do hope you can do this sensei. For Motoki." he said before walking off.


The school day seemed to pass by a lot easier than most. Motoki sat up and decided to go outside for a bit. He didn't go away from his house. He just sat outside and enjoyed the fresh air. It felt nice against his skin. "Days like this are nice. I wish I could experience more like this." he said to himself

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Shuichi was on his way to get this forth cup of coffee that day when a student approached him. A pile of books and papers were shoved into his hands and before he could make any sort of protest the student vanished. It took a couple of seconds for the request to fully process gut when it did a scowl furrowed his for head. He glared at the back of the student annoyed. The last person he wanted to see was Motoki, there was thee chance the male would recognise his voice and know who he was. Still he didnt have much of a choice now. Where did the other even live?


Glancing at his watch Shuichi noted that he had no more lectures for today so he could go straight there now even though he technically should stay at the university. Heading to human resources he hoped that motoki didnt live far, he didnt want to take a long detour.


He looked at the women behind the counter and plastered on his most good looking friendly smile even though inside he was fuming. "Could you tell me the current residence of Fujiwara Motoki please." He smiled encouragingly at the lady "I have some books that are his." He said as way of an explanation.

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The woman glanced up at Shuichi as she smiled. She then began to look up the information and then wrote on a piece of paper. "Here you go." she said as she went back to doing what she had been doing before. The school bell rang and everyone began making their way home or to their after club activities. The skies seemed to slowly turn from light to gray. It was as if it would soon start to rain.


Motoki stared up at the sky with a smile. "I wonder if it will rain tonight. I would love that." he says thinking about what time it was. He stood up and stretched his arms. He knew his mother would be home soon and being caught outside would be very bad. He turned on his heels and rushed back inside. He then went to take a bath. He didn't want to make it known he was up to anything else besides sitting at home

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Shuichi took the paper from the woman "thank you." He said before checking the a dress. It wasn't too far, luckily it was in the vague direction of his house so he wouldnt have to walk much further.


He walked slowly taking in the warm weather although the darkening clouds were starting to worry him. He really didn't want to be caught in the rain hr didn't have an umbrella due to his rush to get out the house that morning.


Still he strolled at a lesurely pace not in the mood to rush. As he walked down the street he checked the piece of paper for the house number. The clouds were really looking dark now. He sighed, hopefully he could just give the things to whomever was the male's room mate and then he could leave without any trouble. Reaching the door shuichi took a breath and knocked.

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Motoki was just out the bath when he heard a knock at the door. He couldn't think of anyone insane enough to actually come visit him. With much hesitation he went to the door and opened it. He was only wearing a towel around his waist. His hair and body still wet. "Sensei!? Why are you here? I hope my absence from school today wasn't any trouble. I um, came down with a fever and my mother told me to stay home." he said though clearly lying. He couldn't say it was because of his mother that he stayed home.


Slowly glancing to see the books and papers he smiled. "You came all this way to give me this? Your so kind sensei. I suppose Tamaki wouldn't do it himself. I hank you for this but you have to leave now. If my mother returns and your here it nt b good for me." he said reaching for the books. Though this caused his towel the slip off

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Shuichi was slightly taken aback by the lack of clothing the other was wearing. The damp tendrils of hair dripping onto the males smooth skin. He tried to focus his mind and draw his eyes away from the gorgeous toned skin. Blinking a couple of times he looked at the other frowning. He didnt look ill but then it was perfectly possible he needed time to recover after what had happened so he choose not to question it instead saying. "I'm sorry to hear that, everyone was worried since you hardly ever take time off." He was very aware of how his voice sounded but knew if he trued to change it then it would most likely end up sounding more like it had last night so he settled for trying to sound casual.


He couldnt help but wonder what was going on in this house none the less. It was unusual for university students to live at home normally they were in dormantries or rented accommodation, and the other seemed very worried about him staying too long. But everyone had their problems he wouldn't question it if the male wanted to keep his to himself which he obviously did.


Shuichi was still mulling over the situation when the Motoki reached for the books, as he did the towel falling from around his waist. Shuichi swallowed trying to calm his raging desire at the sight of the dripping wet male now looking a towel to cover his decency. A light blush tinted his cheeks. Even if he preferred topping these days the reactions he had still remained that of a bottom. mumbling an apology shuichi immidiatly pushed the other back slightly and shut the door behind them so the rest of the world wouldn't see. Pushing his glasses higher on his face he glanced away saying "please go and get dressed, someone will see and have me done for indecency and assault." He wasnt going to let that happen after he had gotten away with ladt night still he had a hard time trying to breath deeply to stop himself getting aroused.

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Motoki looked down as he suddenly pushed inside. His gaze drifted to the side. "Oh I didnt expect such reaction sensei. I'm a guy just like you. You don't have to worry. It's not like you are into guys or something. Just wait there and I'll go put something on." he said running up the stairs. He found it odd but kind of sweet that Shuichi was so modest. He ran to his room finding a quick shirt and some shorts to put on. He then glanced at the books in hand and set them on his bed. "There's so much work." he sighs softly.


While changing the front door opened up and in walked a woman. "Oh my! Who are you and why are you in my house?" she said really upset. Motoki heard the voice downstairs and rushed out his room. "Uh mother this is a teacher from my school. He came to drop off my work and was leaving." he said as he went to push the male outside. His mother's face had gone rather serious. Motoki knew this wasn't going to be good. "Thank you again sensei. I'll be returning to school the day after tomorrow." he said as the other was outside now. "Good bye sensei." he said his expression slightly grim as he went to close the door.

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Shuichi waited as the other rushed upstairs, he wasn't going to approve the others calculation of his sexuality but he knew he shouldn't deny it either so he just stayed silent and let the male believe what he wished. As he waited patiently a women walked through the front door. Shuichi looked over slightly shocked that someone else was back so early. He bowed and started "my apologies I am Hirata Shu..." He was cut off as Motoki rushed down the stairs and shoved him out the door. Startled Shuichi couldnt think what to say and before he could move to do anything the door was already shut. He frowned wondering what he should do. The day after tomorrow. That was an awful lot of lectures to miss. He wondered whether he should knock again and talk with the males mother but he decided against it debating whether or not he would drop by the next day as he began making his way home.

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"Oi sensei! Your alive I'm so glad." A voice called out to Shuichi. It was the male student who had given him Motoki's notes. He lived only across the street from the other. He glanced to the side before motioning Shuichi over to him. He clearly had something to say to him. His expression worried.


Meanwhile Motoki had just closed the door and quickly dodged a slap that was coming his way. He turned to face his mother. "Calm down! I didn't know he was coming here. It was only to drop off my homework. Don't be upset with me." he said watching just in case he had to evade another slap

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Shuichi looked up wondering who had spoken to him. He saw the male that had given him the books. Walking over to the man shuichi said calmly "I don't mind dropping things over for the president but if you live so close why didnt you, I have work to do and papers to write so if you believe I have free time you are sorely mistaken." He reprimanded the other. He didnt like going far out of his way when he didnt have to, it was illogical and therefore was an unconvince. Still what the !ale had said intrigued him a little so he stayed waiting for a reply.

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"Sorry about that. I would have done it myself but that woman scares me. It's obivious she scares Moto-kun too but since it's his mother. I mean he lived alone until the middle of last year. If you ask me it's odd to be our age, in university and living wth your mother. Plus a woman with an iron fist and an mean back hand. I've tried to help but Im too young to lose my balls." he said with a sigh. He glanced over at Motoki's place. "I thought if I asked you and you saw things you might be able to rescue him. Anyone with eyes can tell he wears a fake smile to hide his struggle." he said.


"You sure are jumpy today. Yesterday's punishment wasn't enough that you had to go and invite someone into my home!" she said with rage. Motoki looked down not sure what to do

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Shuichi glanced over his shoulder wondering just what was happening in that house. He felt terrible, what he had done yesterday had obviously caused a lot of pain and trouble for the other that he hasn't accounted for. He swallowed. If what this man was saying was true then he wanted to help. It was true it was strange to live at home at that age and to live in fear was even worse. Shuichi could feel himself being more and more angry, why didn't Motoki move? There were plenty of places for him to live and it all else failed he had plenty of friend who wouldn't hesitate to put him up for the night.


Forgetting all the risks shuichi turned on his hell and walked back over to the door. He knocked forcefully on the wood, demanding entrance.

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Motoki stared at his mother for a moment before hearing the knocking that came from the door. His gaze narrows as he didn't know who it could be. "Don't you dare answer that. I'm going to shower. So go to your room and take care of that work your teacher was so kind to bring for you." she said walking off. He was tempted to answer the door but didn't. Instead he went up to his room and opened the window. Glancing down he could see who was there. "What are you doing sensei!? Your going to get me into tons of trouble. Go home!" he said confused as to why he came back. Though he was sure then grange way he pushed him out might be why he returned.

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