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៙BL 'My Valentine Day' ~Writer Contest~៙


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Graphics: aikaze69| Organized: Saga| Approved: Key






After being rich on contests for graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest for people who love

to write.


This month we will have a new theme set and it's - "My Valentine Day".


You have to present your masterpiece, which describes love between two males. It's up to you how you will interpret "My Valentine Day". So show us your imagination!






・*♡ Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words. ・*♡

・*♡ Only stories are accepted, no poems. ・*♡

・*♡ The story must be rated as for 16+ ・*♡

・*♡ No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse. ・*♡

・*♡ Love must be between two males. ・*♡

・*♡ Title of the story is up to you. ・*♡

・*♡ Post the finished work on this thread. ・*♡

・*♡ Read the rules once again. ・*♡






・*♡ 1,500 points for all that applied ・*♡

・*♡ 5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop ・*♡






Start - 02 February 2015

End - 28 February 2015

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  • Replies 21
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Top Posters In This Topic

  • andredmcampos


  • Key


  • 1978


  • jo_suzaku


Under the Moonlight



Pain. Not physical pain, but a much deeper, more intense pain. He had promised himself to be strong, and yet, why was he feeling so weak, helpless and vulnerable? The full moon in the sky worked as a beacon of light trough the window, but the all-consuming angst inside of him was darker then the night sky for not even the bright star could make it fade away.


The young boy hugged his knees, allowing the tears to rain down from his eyes, as if every tear was a bit of his soul pouring in the cold wind of the night, hoping, begging, that said wind could kiss his wounds and make him whole. It couldn’t.


Slowly allowing his body to react to the feeling, he stood up from his bed, walking towards the kitchen and grabbing a glass. How could that house feel so empty and abandoned. He always lived there alone, that’s true, but when the other guy was around, everything felt so lively and happy. He couldn’t help but remember what happened every time they decided to cook something or try a new drink. Well, it didn’t matter now, that glass was empty, and it would forever feel empty. The house was silent, left to darkness, as was his heart.


Maybe the last day was the worst of his life. Maybe every day from now on would prove to be the worst until the next one comes. Maybe he should have asked him to stay. Maybe he should have tried harder. Maybe he should have apologized. Maybe he should have done things completely different from how he had done things. But all those ifs and maybes now were as worth as hiss glass


The glass hit the wall with the sound of his soul breaking and the strength of his heart screaming. The boy sit on the floor, his back against the apartment door, his head against the wood made him feel like he could drown in his own sorrow.


He looked at the gift he bought for Valentine’s Day. The package, handmade, now useless. A memento to all the love they had felt for each other. Now, it was only a memento. How came love turned to pain? How came their feeling became that? A feeling of abandonment, of being left behind in the dark. A feeling like your life would have no more meaning. He felt his cell phone vibrating a message. The name on the sender made him feel pity for himself. But then he read it…


“Can You open the door?”


The sight of his face on the hallway, steps away from him, made his heart beat like it was going crazy. It probably was.


—I’m sor…


The word was left unfinished, exchanged for a kiss. No apologies were needed, no words, just that kiss that, albeit made salty by the tears, felt like the sweetest kiss they ever had. The clock tock midnight, but it didn’t matter. The valentine’s day could be over for the rest of the world, but for them, that was just the beginning, for any day felt like valentine’s day with him around. Without him, he was empty. With him, he was whole.


And he had no qualms with having the beacon of light in the sky be the only light shining over them, for it was the only light they would ever need.



Author: andredmcampos (Yours trully)

Word Count: 567

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I kind-of made some OCs here but... XD


Valentine Act


To say that Kai was worried was understatement. Yes, worried-sick would be the correct term for now. Lately, his master, Regalo, was sort-of avoiding him every now and then. It was February, the month of hearts. Precisely speaking, it was February 14, Valentine’s day. Kai was more than sure that Regalo would’ve done something sweet by now—but that was a little too assuming, so he tossed that idea aside.


He took timid steps to the master bedroom, in hopes of finding Regalo there. His ears picked up a small trace of Regalo’s voice just behind that room. A cheeky grin popped out of his features as he gently pressed his ear on that door.

“Soo.. uhh.. I was wondering—No. that’s too fishy… HEY! We could—NO! That’s too casual…”


Kai giggled at the awkwardness in Regalo’s voice. This was priceless! He continued to eavesdrop on Regalo but then he heard another voice in the room. A female’s voice, he noted.


“You’re being too conscious! Just do it like you normally do!” The female voice suggested.


Kai nodded at that sound. A bulb popped in his head. Now he remembers! That girl’s voice belongs to Regalo’s little sis, Lynne. She was a nice person—but not so nice when it came to shipping. She’s picky..! The boy shook his head dejectedly before continuing to eavesdrop.


“It’s just dinner, bro! That’s not so hard!” Lynne encouraged.


“That’s not the point! I can’t drag him anywhere given his health..! Dinner outside and the next day comes a cold—I can’t afford that, Lynne.”


Kai felt his heart skip a beat. Was that the reason Regalo was out-of-sorts? Before he knew it, his face was already flushed red. He felt weak on his knees as he gradually slid down. His two hands covered his face, probably to hide his red face from anyone. “Ugh..! Stupid..!” He weakly muttered to no one in particular.


“Did you hear that?”




Kai couldn’t move as he was still weak on his knees. Oh no! Where am I going to hide? He mentally shouted.

He could hear the footsteps coming closer to the door.


Two figures stood before him, Lynne, the little sis, and Regalo, the master of the house—acting to be precise. Regalo raised a brow at the state of Kai, “What’re you doing..?”


“I’d like to know that as well..!!” Kai weakly replied. His eyes were as wide as they possibly could as he stared back at the acting master.


It didn’t take Regalo a second too soon when he saw Kai’s habit of lacing his hands together. “You weren’t eavesdropping now, are you?”


Kai spluttered, “ME?? PSSHH! NO! That’s near to impossible!!” A pinch of courage made him look at Regalo’s eyes. Not a moment too soon, he hung his head, “I’m so sorry…”


Regalo just let out a good-mannered chuckle, “Hehe, it’s alright.” He help the boy stand back on his feet. He took the opportunity to kiss the back of Kai’s hand and showed a blooming rose with his vacant hand. Regalo gave a playful wink at the furiously blushing Kai, “How was my acting?”


Kai turned completely red.


Everything was an act?




Regalo just smile and kissed him on the forehead, “You’re so cute.”


“I love you”


“Happy valentine~”


Lynne giggled then took the chance to take a picture to commemorate the moment.




They look so cute together.



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Title : Why Valentine's day is special

Words: 600





14 February 1980 AKA our 10th anniversary


In this small city where nothing happens, I observe a store from outside looking for a gift for him

Young kids are fussing around for the "perfect gift” for their special someone

Some argue about the price

But my mind was having a flash back about our first encounter.

It was actually in this store that I met him.


He was a part timer when I was buying some pot for my mother at Valentine’s Day in 1970

While the girls were annoying him for a date, he was staring at me


Of course, me being a rude person, I stared back without shame

I felt attracted to this handsome boy in a time where being gay was a taboo in this town


He came to me and asked me if I needed help to buy something to my girlfriend

I replied that there is other stuff in valentine day beside a girlfriend plus I don’t have any girl.


We introduced ourselves which upset the girls. One of them pushed me while calling me fag and that made him really pissed. He told her that his store doesn't welcome rude people.


Suddenly it rained heavily so the girls ran out to catch a cab while I stayed

There was something inside me that insist on staying longer

He asked me to stay.


Ah yes, I remember it rained nonstop

For 3 hours we talked like 2 friends who haven't seen each other for long time

I couldn't stop myself from staring at him until he suddenly decided to kiss me

I panicked and looked around but he assured me that he closed the store .

It’s his family store. They are in a honey moon.

He told me that he wants to fell in love with me.me being a realistic asshole, told him about the sad reality about how people would react


He said he knows a part of this town where it's secluded. He wants to live together

Again, being an asshole, I told him to grow up, we both are 20 now. It's time to leave the teenage spirit behind

He replied "does being an adult means to live miserable?"


At Night, We were in the store with the lights off. Of course you know what it means to have two young attracted to each other alone in the dark.

I would say we were horny and lustful but we knew this is going to develop to more than just a fuck in a store.

Damn, he was skillful. He made sure I was ready. He even brought a pillow. We were wild that night.


I teased him that he looks like he is used to it comparing to a total armature like me

I would never forget the gentleness in which he used while holding me.


Now 10 years later outside of this crowded store he comes out with roses and a happy valentine day.he whispers it as I say happy anniversary.


Now I'm bold enough to promise him another type of gift for him. The answer is "make sure you don't have work tomorrow".

I don’t believe in love at first sight but the attraction at first sight is what made this relationship.




The rude man closes his diary and receives a kiss from his lover who just closed the store

"Happy valentine’s day"

"I feel younger hearing this at the age of 55, you know that Valentine's day is special only because it's our anniversary"

"How about a dinner at your store?".... “with all that comes with it"





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Title: Sweets and Drunks

Word count: 588



How long is this kid going to sleep here?


Last night, Take took home a passed out kid in front of his house. Intoxicated with alcohol or other- he just didn't have the heart to leave him there. Ofcourse he knew better not to take in random strangers, had it not been winter - he might have just gave him some blankets and let him rest outside.


"Oi, kid wake up. I'm headed to work. Oi!"


"Don't 'hmm' me. Get up- wash up and eatsome breakfast. Be on out the door in under 30mins or i'll kick you out myself"


Unhurriedly the young man did what he was told and Take watched him. The unguarded creature in front of him somewhat irritates him. He is single, living in a fairly big apartment. Having a guest or two is pretty common to him. Not to someone he don't know though.


"Listen up, don't go drinking if you can't handle it. And anyways are you even qualified to drink? You look like 18."

"Apologies for making you take care of me. And so sorry for the troubles. Forgive my rudeness. Here is my card." The man wiped his mouth first before he rummaged his pockets and gave Take a business card.


Paolo Sails


Sweets Land


Pastry chef huh?

"Anyways i should go. Thank you for your kindness. I lost my wallet so would it be alright if i pay you some other time?" Said Paolo as he stood up and cleared his own plate.


"There's no need! Just a simple thank you is enough. And never do it again. Not all people around are good ones."


Chuckle. "I suppose you are right. Thanks. Well then, i'll be on my way. Ah! May i know your name?"


Heh, so he is pretty cute when he smile. My type at all. Petite, small chinky eyes. Smooth skin and shy.


"Takeguichi Suzuki."

"Suzuki -san, please accept this. This is the only one i have for now."


Paolo gave him a piece of chocolate, it's nothing fancy. In fact the packaging was a bit undone. But it is still good regardless. And so took a bite, and taste something he has not tasted before.


"It's delicious."




"Geh I really hate valentines season! So many orders and so many nauseating couples. Ugh. Why can't we get a boyfriend Paolo? You're gay right? Or do you have one already?" His co worker rambles on. This made him smile. A few days ago he was dumped, but he did not seem sad one would expect. In fact, he was quite relieved. And all these times, Suzuki's face always came into his mind. His smile when he took the chocolate and ate it. If he is going to be fair and admits it- He might have a crush on the man.


As the shift came to an end, with a few chocolates left - Paolo came rushing to that man he wanted to see. Weird it may be.




"Yes?" Suzuki answered the door, his black permed hair is still wet and he smelled like he just took a shower.




"Suzuki-san, err.. Ah it's valentines day you see. Our shop has made alot and we have left overs. Would you like to have some. With me that is." His face beet red.


"Heh. Ofcourse i'd like to eat you. I mean, i'd like some chocolates." He said a little teasingly as he welcomed the man inside and close the door behind them silently.

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My First Valentine's Day


Words : 600




Valentine’s Day was a happy day for every couple or to a person that has a person they love. But for me, it’s just a bullshit celebration. Nothing excited me in any way. I wondered why.


“Hey, Katagiri! There’s a girl looking for you. She got such boobs. Lucky you!” yelled Haruto.


‘Nah. What a pain in the ass. There it goes again. I’m sick of this already,’ said my heart.


“Just told her you didn’t saw me today!” I said while running in the hallway.


When I entered Multimedia room, I heard some noises.


‘Crap! There’re people making love in here, what a bad timing.’ I tried to run away from this room when I bumped into a person that was 180cm tall.


“I’m sorry, I was rushing. I didn’t see you there,” I apologized to that person without glancing at his face.


“Hey there. Pretty nice attitude, huh?!” said Kazuto.


I stared blankly at that huge body. Oh, it’s that Titan boy.


“What do you want? I did apologize to you, didn’t I?” I started to get pissed off.


“You call that apologize? You’re apologizing without looking at the person you bumped? Are you a kindergartner? Should I teach you some manners?!” Kazuto started to get pissed off and dragged me towards a preparation room.


“Where are you dragging me to?!” I yelled and started feeling nervous at what this man might do to me.


“Shut up! I want to teach you some manners, since you don’t have any. Huh.” Smirked Kazuto.


At the preparation room, I was placed onto the table.


“So…you’re called Kirisaki Katagiri, right? I always watched you from far,” said Kazuto while blocking me from escaping.


“So what? Are you holding a grudge or something? Sorry boy, but I don’t know you,” I said while facing my face towards the window.


“Ah. I don’t mind about that actually. But the truth is, I like you,” confessed Kazuto all of sudden.

My face was blushing.


‘What’s he saying?! Today’s Valentine’s Day not April Fool Day. What the heck?!’ my little heart said.


“S-so what?!”


“I want your answer. Will you go out with me?”


‘This is first time I received a confession from a boy. Urgh, what do I do?’


“But I don’t like you, sorry there.”


Kazuto kissed me all of sudden. He kissed me passionately without having any intention of letting me go too soon.


‘Why are his lips so soft? His tongue is inside my mouth. But he is so rough. Eh, what am I saying? This is a sexual harassment!’


“S-stop! What are you doing?! Raping me all of sudden!” I yelled at Kazuto and pushed him aside.


Suddenly there was something flowing from my eyes. Kazuto was shocked at what was happening. He hugged and tried to comfort me.


“Sorry. This is the first time I like someone. I was so nervous. I didn’t know what to do. I’m sorry for making you cry there.” Kazuto was being gentle towards me and licked my tears.


‘What a warm hug. It feels so nice here.’


“No. it’s my fault too. This is the first time a boy confessed to me. So I didn’t know what I should do too.”


Both of their eyes met, and they suddenly laughed.


‘Actually this isn’t bad either. Maybe this was my first Valentine’s Day in my whole life. Finally, I had fallen for someone.’




“Okay, let’s go out.”




Kazuto hugged and kissed me all over.


“Oh, here’s your chocolate.”


The chocolate was a heart-shaped with my name on it. I smiled, finally happy.


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My Sweet Funny Valentine


To me, the owner of a sweets manufacturing enterprise, chocolate tastes disgusting and repulsive. The smell simply over rated and the use of it, nothing less than ridiculous. But with him only inches from my face, lips covered in chocolate, it becomes a sweet aroma that calls to my senses.

“Let’s open these up and do what it asks” says Julien while his small cheeks become bright red.


The chocolates, you see, had a trick. You could eat it and ignore its game or continue to the tempting message that appealed to the couples. Usually driving to more than what it was actually intended for.

“What does it say” I ask

“H-hug someone today” I answer.

Leaning in, my arms embrace him taking in the sweet smell he was radiating…..chocolate.

“I will open the next one too” he says far too quickly.


‘How terribly cute you look’ I say to myself as I observe the blush run up to the tip of his ears. ‘Hugs, after all, were his weaknesses’


“This one is yours Jared, and make sure you eat it” said Julien


Opening the small chocolate I place it on my mouth and chew on it.

“Share a secret” I say

“W-well…?” stutters Julien trying to hide his embarrassment and curiosity.

“I’m in love with you” I blur out before realizing it.


We both stare at each other until Julien reaches for the next heart shaped chocolate and reads the wrapper.

“Discover how much your heart can hold” he whispers his eyes becoming slightly teary as his embarrassment hits it’s speak.

Leaning in I kiss him making his mouth open, the chocolate being passed from mouth to mouth slowly melting with the rhythm of our kiss.

“Let’s find out then Julien” I say as I continue the kiss.




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Words: 600


Pastel Flowers and Feathered Showers: I'll Never Leave



Staring at the green grass, a light breeze tugs at my hair. The scent of flowers wafted around me tiny white daisies at my feet. A soft smile was on my lips, but at the same time, tears fell down my face. Just then, images began to float around in my mind, and I close my eyes.




I stood confused, staring at the person I'd known nearly fifteen years of my life, as he awkwardly handed me a heart shaped box and a bouquet of daisies. The color of red begins to form on my cheeks, his face almost as dark as mine.


"Wh-what is this for?" I ask, my voice slipping up a bit as I stutter. "Konoe-kun, why are you giving me chocolate? You know I don't like it."


"Well, you see Kurōmaru-kun, I know that you don't like it and all, but... I really wanted to ask you something." He looked nervous.


"And what's that?" My hands were on my hips as I ask this, my own blue eyes staring at my friend. Well, we were a bit more than friends really. Konoe-kun and I had been dating for nearly two and a half years now.


He lowers his eyes, and blushes, then gets down on one knee, making my eyes grow wide. "Kurōmaru-kun, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He opens the small box, to reveal not chocolate, but a silver band resting on a pile of pure white feathers.


I had not been expecting this. Speechless, I just stare at him, and nod. A big smile forms on his lips as he slides the ring on my finger, before kissing me softly on the lips. I hug him, and we remain like this for some time.


For me, it happened too quickly. Though for Konoe-kun, it couldn't happen soon enough. To be honest, I thought it was a cheesy holiday, but I'd do anything for him. Soon enough, the day came, sealing the deal with a kiss, just like the last time.


Little did I know this was to be our last Valentine's day together.


I was at work when I got a phone call. Tomoe-kun hadn't been feeling well, and so had gone to the doctor's a few days ago, getting the result that day. What I heard from him nearly stopped my heart. Tomoe-kun had stage four heart cancer, and he was dying.


I get to the hospital and go to him, enfolding myself in his embrace. He kisses my forehead, and murmurs softly to me. "Don't worry baby, we'll win this...together."




I open my eyes, and kneel down, staring at the words upon the grave marker. Whenever I was sad, even when I was young, Tomoe-kun would smile at me and say, "Don't worry, I won't leave you! Besides, if I did, who'd take care of you, huh?" Before handing me a fluffy white feather.


Standing, I wipe my eyes, the silver band glinting on my finger. It had been three years since he'd passed on. But I still couldn't take that ring off. Sighing, I begin to walk away, accidentally stepping on a stick, and startling a flock of birds. As they took off, a flurry of white feathers surrounded me, and one gently falls into the palm of my hand.


I stare at it, before curling my fingers around the softness if the feather, a soft smile now on my lips, and tears glazing my eyes once more. "You never left me. I see that now. Thank you...Tomoe-kun. I'll survive. We'll get through this...together..."


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Word Count: 597


Shingeki no Kyojin Fanfic.





Eren stared unblinkingly at his new mistake.


He remembered it. He remembered everything. And the worse part of it was that, his new mistake didn't. But really, how can he remember? It must have been a blur. Levi had as much tolerance to alcohol as Eren did, most likely zilch.


Eren continuously looked and looked unflinchingly at the sack of curses sleeping dreamily right beside him under the pristine white covers. Eren knew how it would go if he tried to explain the night before. He could just imagine it now. Him saying that it was the chocolate that made him drunk, and then the other replying with a slur of curses all the while whooping the younger's ass. Knowing Levi, the words would be along the lines of "You little shit. You're dead." or "I'll skew you through the liver."


Eren wasn't scared though. He just wanted Levi to remember it on his own. He wanted Levi to know that he was the one that came onto Eren, even with alcohol influence, not the other way around. Eren began to think of last night, the night he lost his innocence to the second main character of his one-sided love story. Red was the color of blood, and he was sure that he was darker than that.


It all began with a box of truffles on Valentine's day. Eren had shown up at Levi's condo approximately thirty minutes before the holiday had ended and had wanted to present his beloved with a gift to show his love. Eren was sure that he was going to have a door thrown in his face, but almost died from happiness when Levi had done the opposite. The man was still as irate as ever though. He swore to God, he didn't know that those truffles had liquor inside them. He felt like a criminal about to be caught.


Levi's tolerance was sad. Two pieces of chocolates and Eren couldn't understand why the other was smiling, slurring, and touching Eren on all the places he could get his hands on. He felt his whole body burning up as he remembered one particular sentence Levi had said.


"I want to fuck you senseless."


Eren, at the time, wanted it. He remembers himself complying as Levi forcefully pulled him into the bedroom without even caring to close the door. He also remembers the pain, his moans, Levi's moans, 'the' size, and the many different positions that Eren never thought he could make. Being a virgin had done nothing to stop him. He didn't get tired, he didn't care about the pain, all he wanted was Levi and the pleasure.


Eren couldn't stand it anymore. His body twisted and turned, moving erratically on the king-sized bed as he couldn't contain his excitement for it all. He felt hot, and he needed some to get release AGAIN before he went ape-shit.


"What the fuck are you doing?"


Eren stopped. He blinked once, twice, and stared.


"Do you...um... remember last night?" Eren couldn't help but hope that Levi would say yes.


Levi sighed.


"Did you actually think I was drunk? The candy was only liquor flavored, and since I knew how much of an idiot you were, I acted like I was drunk."




Wait, what?

"But damn. For a virgin, you sure had fun last night."


A hand unknowingly crept towards Eren. He couldn't process what was happening. Levi also liked him? For how long?


Eren suddenly found his wrists bound by black, furry handcuffs.


Green eyes widened in shock.


"Now...I want more."

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My entry :)






~ Oh My Love ~


………. Red means l love you

White means Happy Love

Pink means Grace

Yellow means Friendship

Orange / Coral means Desire

Peach means Let’s get together

Lavender means Love at first sight



Love at first sight??

Yesss, that's why l'm sitting here and try to remember all meaning of these roses.




lt's not easy for hyperactive type as l am but because of the man who l had a crush is the most strict floral expert. l have to take all of my intention to impress him.


l want to be a florist as he is, but it's not easy to manage the bouquet or set all the wedding display.

I used to think the way to gather the flowers was too easy but it’s not true after all…



l met him on my graduation day, he was standing alone with the bunches of flowers and that really pushed my destiny into. He looked nice and cool with those fresh flowers then and could change my mind turning to this business since then.

Luckily, my family is agriculture one and it's alright if l want to run the flower shop as soon as possible..

Bingo, it's time for me to get closer to my crush, l wish he will know how much I want to be by his side.



But the truth is,

The class he teaches that l attend to is so serious. He is so neat and strict among everything. All kind of flowers which all florists have to deal with, not even the names but the way to maintain and how to grow until can pick up; we should get in mind.


l almost give up from time to time; but after he grinned with laughed at me and also those pricking words that he never thought that l could be a real florist and I’m the type of good-of-nothing…


It’s better for me if he slaps on my face than being looked down on like this.

Since l’ve grown up, no one says to me like this before



So, l turn my weakness into a power. He ought to admit me from my ability and soon l will stand by his side not behind like this.


Every night, l search and self study about flowers and plants. l hope l will pass the test and be the successful florist like he is so soon.


He feels a bit surprised when l can answer all questions in tutoring class and the way l prepare all material seems the most flexible at all...


And the last project for all of us before ending this program, we have to present our Valentine’s Day by our own creation.

Well, l hope this last session will interpret my heart to him. l will put all knowledge l have, how hard l try and how much my love l want to devote to him through this project.


lf l succeed l will tell you more but if l fail, l will keep fighting again until he accept all of me…



To be continued.....


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Title: "Valentine's Day"

Type: SongFiction

Song Credits: Linkin Park

Word Count: 271





"Valentine's Day"


My insides all turned to ash, so slow

And blew away as I collapsed, so cold

A black wind took them away, from sight

And held the darkness over day, that night


The world was black and white.

Colours were just a combination of the two.

Or that’s what I thought.


Until I met him.


And the clouds above move closer

Looking so dissatisfied

But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing


The world was black and white again.

Colours floated by but I couldn’t focus.

The heartless wind kept blowing harder.


I used to be my own protection, but not now

Cause my path had lost direction, somehow

A black wind took you away, from sight

And held the darkness over day, that night


Diary Entry – 1oth Feb 2o15


He proposed! Finally!

My dream came true.

All that waiting, crying and whining paid off!




And the clouds above move closer

Looking so dissatisfied


Thoughts flitted in and out of my mind.

Blurred pictures floated about, I tried to focus.

But the world remained black and white.


And all the colours were the same.


And the ground below grew colder

As they put you down inside

But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing


Diary Entry – 14th Feb 2o15


My lover is dead.


So now you're gone, and I was wrong

I never knew what it was like, to be alone


My hands were so cold. The air was lifeless.

I tried to breathe but I couldn’t.

I couldn’t die, I had just proposed!


How could I leave the love of my life alone on Valentine’s Day?




Dedicated to all those who have lost loved ones.





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Title: The Meaning of Roses (I took this from my already written fanfiction and change it a bit)

Words count: 604 (Not including title)




The Meaning of Roses


Four days before Valentine.


Yui had been in a relationship for 5 years with his steady lover, Ren. He loved the man very much and today, he received a card in his mailbox with a single lavender rose.


Morning, Yui,


Sorry, I didn’t wake you up but in these four days before the Valentine’s Day, I won’t meet up with you. As a compensation for my missing self, I’ll give you roses each day and a card tells you the meaning of each rose. Today is a single lavender, rose. It means, I fell in love with you at the first sight, you’re the only one for me.




So sweet. He wondered what kind of Valentine this year would be.


Three days.


As Ren promised, today, he got a parcel again in his mailbox that consisted of three orange roses and a card with a message, “I love you and I want us to continue this relationship.” He smiled at the orange roses and took the roses to put it in the same vase of lavender rose.


Two days.


He had woken up early and looked out for his mailbox but it still wasn’t there. He sighed, wondering why today’s rose was late but before he could enter his house, a delivery from a florist came to him and handed him his roses and a card. Smiling happily, he took the roses and the card from the delivery man. Today, it was a bouquet of 11 red and yellow roses and a card with the message, “You’re my treasure one, the one I love the most in my life, my happiness”.


One day.


Today, Yui was very tired and a bit cranky. It was already evening and he was on the way home from work. The reason he was cranky, he still didn’t receive his daily dose of roses promised by his lover. Sulking, he just hoped that when he arrived home, the roses would be there in his mail box.

As soon as he arrived at his house, he quickly checked his mailbox and was relieved when he found a card and a bouquet of 33 pink roses. Smiling after reading the message in the card, he clutched the roses near his heart and entered his house.


My dear Yui,


Today is the last day before Valentine. As I promised, today is 33 pink roses. It means, I love you and thank you for accepting me in your heart. Also, today's message is long since I want to tell you to meet me at the first place where we met at 8 P.M. tomorrow. I love you, Yui.

P/S: Don’t worry about entering the place, I already have it booked.


Your lover,



Valentine’s Day.


Yui was nervous and anticipated today’s event. He looked at the building that held the first memory of his meeting his lover. Smiling nervously, he checked his outfit for the last moment and entered the auditorium. He looked around him and was surprised to see a trail of red roses that led him to somewhere. Following the trail of roses, he finally arrived on the stage where his lover standing there with a big bouquet of red roses.

“Yui, thank you for coming today,” Ren said and give him his roses before he knelt on the floor.




“And these 108 red roses today…” his lover took a deep breath and smiled gently. “Satou Yui, would you marry me?”


Yui could feel tears brimming in his eyes before he smiled and cried happily. “Yes, I will marry you, Ren.”


Today was the best Valentine’s Day for him.



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Featuring Yamada Daisuke and Murano Sen and I don't know where I was going with this. Also, please ignore my terrible title.


Slight warning for Daisuke's desire to do things as opposed to actually doing them. Language is 16+ probably? Probably. Exactly 600 words yet again.



Something That Happened


Sen, of all candidates, was actually a really obvious, logical choice. They'd grown up together. Fought together. Fought each other. Sen was someone who had seen Daisuke at his worst and his best, and even if he was an asshole, he still was a really great friend. Plus, he wasn't really that bad to look at when he kept his mouth shut.


Except he didn't do romance.


Daisuke was fine if it never happened, but there were stupid moments too, like when Sen would laugh out loud and Daisuke wanted to kiss him, lick into Sen’s mouth and then have Sen scowl at him when Daisuke mentioned how cracked Sen’s lips always got no matter the weather, or when Sen lay on his back on Daisuke’s bed while gesturing and all Daisuke wanted to do was lie down beside him, tucked against Sen’s side with Sen’s arm wrapped around his waist while Sen affectionately insulted him. All of those soft, nice moments that were the complete opposite of what Sen was able to give anyone.


Wasn’t love, probably infatuation or something—it didn’t matter, Daisuke thought crossly. Today, he was going to confess, Daisuke would get rejected, and then they both could move on with their life. Besides, Daisuke was fucking tired of indirectly being the butt of Sen’s homophobic jokes, and this way, Sen was going to have to stop. Hopefully.


God, why had he decided to do this on Valentine’s Day?


The words that Daisuke had carefully practiced for weeks froze on his tongue the instant Sen walked into the room with nothing but Daisuke's towel wrapped around his waist and a stupid shit-eating grin on his face.


“I’m so fucking clean right now, you have no idea,” Sen said, cheerfully unaware of the mayhem his fucking dumbass was causing. Daisuke wanted to punch him. Then kiss him. Maybe fuck him. Maybe in that order.


Beads of water still lingered on Sen’s bare chest. Daisuke’s eyes flickered to follow them, suddenly struck with the desire to trace the longest one with his tongue.


“You’re dripping on my carpet,” Daisuke somehow managed to say.


Sen looked down, and shrugged. “It’ll dry,” he said. Then he sat down on the bed. Daisuke withdrew to avoid getting wet, but he still caught a whiff of the shampoo.


“You’re using my shampoo?” Daisuke demanded, and his voice kind of came out even more strangled. Holy fuck. That was...


“Strawberry scent for the good ol’ Sen,” Sen acknowledged with a hum as he whipped off his towel to dry his hair—holy—holy shit. This was the most nude Daisuke had ever seen him and Daisuke couldn’t keep his eyes away. The cut of Sen’s—fuck.


Daisuke scrambled to his dresser and practically threw the sweatpants at Sen’s head before the urge to just push Sen down and suck his dick grew too strong. Daisuke was half-hard and too gay for this shit, and what the fuck had he been thinking? “Put some pants on, you goddamned exhibitionist. We’re not playing Mario Kart with your Diddy Kong out.”


“Fuck off,” Sen called lazily, but he put them on anyway. “We’re not doing Rainbow Road, right? I hate rainbows.”


Whether that faintly foreshadowed anything, it didn’t matter. Daisuke realized he couldn’t. Couldn’t share. Couldn’t tell Sen that Daisuke liked guys, because Sen’s opinion actually mattered to him. If Sen decided he didn’t want to be friends...


Daisuke ran a hand through his hair and tried to calm down.


“Yo, Yamada?”


Another day, maybe. Maybe never.


“Okay,” he heard himself say, voice faint. “No rainbows.”


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Titlte : Valentine's gift

words : 593




“urgh.. so cold” the night wether today is so cold even though it’s already mid february. Syo walked back to his house from his part-time job. It’s around 10 pm now. The road is quiet just like always. “he’s here” he felt happy saw the person standing infront his place. The man seems realized syo’s presence he looked at syo and wave at him


“how long you’ve been waiting here?” syo asked while open his place. natsuki followed him come inside


“not that long hehe”


“laying, your ears is red”


“hehe” natsuki replied. Syo realized that natsuki been holding a small bag


“ah this. Chocolate. Those girl in school gave them to me. Since you liked sweet i thought i’ll share it with you” he show syo the bag full of chocolate. "right.. tomorow is valentine day and weekend, so those girls gave him that thing today."


“nah, You can have it for yourself” syo left natsuki alone in corridor. he can’t help but feeling irritated


“but syo-chan, aren’t you like sweet?”


“i do. But i’m not in the mood now” natsuki looked sad hearing the answer but syo not care at all.


“what should i do with this?” natsuki sat in the room makes himself comfortable


“eat that by yourself. Aren’t you already accept that?” syo sat beside natsuki and turn the tv. He still feel irritated that’s why he didn’t spoke a single words. While natsuki starting ate the chocolate he have.


One hour already passed, syo take a look at natsuki who still ate the chocolate. He knew natsuki always listened what he said. He can’t help feeling a bit guilty, natsuki looked like he can puke anytime. Syo sighed. He realized natsuki probably didnt know the reason that girls gave him chocolate.


“you know you can eat that later. I’m not told you to finished it by now” syo turn off the tv


“really? That’s relief” natsuki sighed and put the chocolate in table “you know, to be honest i can’t take it anymore. i’m full” he stretched his hand


really this guy..” syo move and sat on natsuki lap. That’s supraised natsuki. “then it’s time to excercise” natsuki seems confused but then he get it and start kissing.




“damn, we overdid it last night” syo woke up from bed and go straight to take a bath because he have class. After that he start cleaning the room. They really make mess, clothes laying everywhere and there’s things fall on the floor too. Syo sighed.


He found natsuki jacket on the floor and picked it up and notice something in there and can’t help but smile


“hey sir, i thought you forgot what today is” syo sat beside natsuki who sleep soundly


“hm... “ answer natsuki, he take a peek at syo. Not able to open his eyes properly since he’s sleepy. He tried open his eyes again and look at syo then realized what his lover hold. A chocolate he bought yesterday for him “ah.. i remember after i got those chocolate from those girls. I just got that tho.” Natsuki feel sorry because the only chocolate left is a little one. It’s a chocolate that syo like the most.


Syo opened the wrapped and ate the chocolate. He looked at natsuki, it’s seems he still sleepy. Syo smiled then kissed natsuki. He slipped the left chocolate in his mouth to natsuki “that’s my valentine gift kkk” then syo left. Natsuki smile, ate the rest chocolate and go to back sleep.



lol. it's total mess. really different with the story i've been thinking :hamtaro-005 (5):



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here is my entry, written for a very good friend

Word count: 580





Hands trembling, heart beating so fast it feels like it wants to break free and run away, I clutch my phone in my hands and wait. Feels like it’s been ages since I’ve arrived here and still nothing. This was really a bad idea.. Pulling the rims of my coat together tighter, I shiver from the cold that is crawling under it, wrapping around my skin, making me move my feet around to get at least a little warmth up my body.


Thinking it would be best to leave, I almost drop my phone when it buzzes, making my heart beat even faster; didn’t think that was possible. I check the screen and it says, “Come to the back door.” So I stalk around the house, feeling as a burglar, trying not to make any noise.


The doors are closed and I’m not sure should I knock, or wait for them to be opened for me. I’m really getting nervous now, my hands starting to sweat, thinking how stupid of me to think anyone would like this kind of gift. “I should have stick with chocolate,” I murmur to myself, when the door suddenly open and a face of a young male appears. I immediately recognize him from the picture he sent me a day before and a dawn of recognition appears on his face too. He smiles at me, pointing inside the house. “It’s the second room on the left..” Short pause. “And have fun.” With a one last wink, he’s gone, while I am left standing in the doorway, getting cold feet, both literally and rhetorically.


Quietly stepping inside, I close the door after me, going to another door that was pointed out to me. Taking a deep breath I get rid of my coat and shoes, feeling the cold bite into my exposed skin, the house being warmer than outside, but still too cold to not be dressed. The door squeaks a little when I open them and I need to hold myself back not to curse out loud. It seems I didn’t disturb him though.


I stalk towards the bed, again, feeling like a burglar or maybe more of a pervert, seeing my ‘outfit’, which consist of a bow around my neck..and that’s it.


He’s asleep. Can’t help but smile, since he looks so peaceful, like an angel. Ok, just do this! Slowly climbing onto the bed, trying not to wake him up, I crawl under the blankets, but the contact of my ice cold skin against his warm one, makes him wake up with a start, pinning me down to the bed, making me wince with the pain.


“Happy Valentine’s Day, hon!” I quickly breath out, seeing he has no idea what’s happening and after a few seconds, he loosens his grip, recognizing me. “W-what are you doing here?” he asks, still confused and groggy from sleep, making me regret doing this, but then his perfect mouth forms into a smirk. “Am I dreaming?” I can’t help but giggle and answer, “Yes, of course you do, you don’t think I would really come here dressed like..this.” I point down and his gaze follows my finger. “I like how you’re dressed,” are his last words as he gives his all attention to my body.


It’s morning and I’m on my way back home. Last night feels surreal, like a dream indeed. But a dream that I will always remember and hopefully, he will too..



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|| END OF ៙BL My Valentine Day ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]





Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winners of ៙BL My Valenntine Day ~Writer Contest~៙ is

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the BL Love Story "Under the Mooonlight"





As promised everyone who participated will get 2,000 points.





The winners win as follow,

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card


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cheetah7 I'd like to dedicate this winning to everyone that supported me, to think that troughout my career this mo... Oh, wait, wrong speech.


I really didn't think I had any chance this month. Everyone's pieces were just so great and beautyfull. Thanks, guys, and I'm anxious to take part in next month's contest together with y'all!

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Congratulations for winning! :hamtaro-005 (8): Your story was very heartwarming, my tears started droping while reading it.


All the stories were beautiful, I enjoyed reading them all!

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