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What's Mine is Mine ~18+ WeWuWe x virtualoo~


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Oliver scribbled down in his notebook, glancing every so often in his textbook. He flipped the page and cleared his throat, furrowing his brow as he felt his phone vibrate next to his hand on the table.

He let out a grunt of annoyance, seeing his fathers name.


He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying his best to enjoy the break between his classes, sitting in the college mess hall.

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Adrian finished one of his more harder classes of the day and was looking forward to the break. He was only a freshmen but already had a number of friends and people who liked him. He got some of his favorite foods from the mess hall, a grilled cheese sandwich and a coca cola. Not the wnst food but it tasted good!


He took an empty seat next to some guy reading his textbook. He started eating his lunch, content on eating. He wasn't sure d he should say hi, the other lookjng annoyed.

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Oliver lifted his eyes as he felt someone sit beside him.

He pulled his phone out of sight as it vibrated again.

He wanted to shove the kid away from him, pissed he decided to sit next to him, but he had to be nice.

"...I haven't seen you around." Was what he decided to say, his voice deep, intimidating.



((Also, here's a picture of Oliver.))


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(Need to use iPhone so can't attach picture right now xp He has blonde hair about down to chin)


"I am only a freshmen so I am fairly new here" Adrian said with a small smile. He had a feeling the other wanted him to go away and leave him be. He hoped he would finish his food quickly. He could tell by the deep intimidating voice..whether his normal voice or not, just said he needed to go. He started to eat his food a bit faster.

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Oliver tried to figure out something to talk about. Weather, politics, what classes he took, anything!

"I'm Oliver." He said, moving his hand away from his face to look fully at Adrian, his eyes dark, deep.

"Nice to meet you." He wanted to smile, but couldn't get himself to, so he just pressed his lips into a fine line.

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"I'm Adrian" Adrian said wth a small smile, not rushing as much as it seemed he wanted to talk to him. "Nice to meet you too" He added, not wanting to be rude. "So..um.." He said fiddling with his hair as he tried to think of something to say. "Have any hard classes later today? I have music, not too bad" Adrian shrugged.

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"I have psych, and business management. Then I'm done for the day." He looked down at the notes he was writing. "All my classes are difficult. But I only go to school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. So it's not bad." He was trying his best to talk.

The blonde seemed so happy, innocent almost. If only he knew what kind of man Adrian was talking to... He'd be running.

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"Not bad at all, Thats pretty much my schedule with Art on Fridays" Adrian said after a moment of thought. Maybe he would see him more on campus if he just looked around for him? Adrian took a few more bites of his food, almost done with his meal. Oliver was still intimidating..but at least he was making small talk. "Anyway, I better be going" Adrian said, finishing the last of his sandwich.

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"Right." Oliver let out a puff of air as he phone went off again. "It was nice meeting you." He said as he grabbed his books, a little too abruptly, as he walked off, answering his texts.


"I'm gonna kill him." He growled, glaring at his phone.

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Adrian wondered why he seemed so upset, leaving him be as he discarded the leftovers of his meal. He grabbed his own books and headed toward one of the music rooms for his music class. Adrian sighed when it was cancelled for the day, as per a note on the door. He still wanted to get practice in, sitting at the rooms piano and practicing some beetoven

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"For the last time, can you stop messaging me while I'm in school." Oliver snapped to his phone, his voice a low growl, "this is what I've decided to do. I don't want to get involved with what out family does even more than I already have!" He said is a hushed voice.

He brushed back his hair, tugging it softly in annoyance.

"We can talk about it some other time father." Oliver said, ignoring all the yelling coming from the other end of the phone.

He kept walking to his psych class, stopping a bit when he heard music start to play.

"I said we can continue this later." And with that he ended the conversation, looking I to the room to see the kid he met today.

He enjoyed the blondes playing, but a he was about to say something he glanced at the clock, reminding him he was going to be late.

He turned his heel and headed to class, just relieved he can just go home after this, and ignore the rest of the day, or even better, go to the gym and work off his stress..

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Adrian turned his head when he thought he had seen someone walk by the door he was practicing. Hmm..I thought I saw someone standing there just now. Adrian shrugged it off and figured that since class was cancelled he can go home for the day. He worked on packing up his stuff and books to go home. He thought to himself to make sure to keep an eye out for the guy he met when he got the chance. Adrian didn't know but something fascinated him about him..

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The gym was emptier than usual, but Oliver didn't mind. He went to the treadmills and shoved headphones into his ears as he began to run.

Tonight his father was planning a small "business meeting" and wanted Oliver to go along.


Fuck that. He turned the treadmill on faster.


He already had people trying to hurt him, just for being the son of a yakuza boss, he didn't want to dig himself into an even deeper hole.


Tomorrow should be easy, just a simple history class and then he gets to leave and just go home for the day.

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Adrian hummed to himself walking past some buildings on campus to stop at the local town grocery store. He was going to get himself some good food and head back home. He got some vegetables and some meat, getting a small container to hold it so it wouldn't spoil on the way home. Boy would he get a good mela tonight! Adrian thought as headed home. Maybe he would go to a party later with some friends if he was up for it.

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After an hour or so, Oliver finally left the gym, not bothering to change back from his shirts and shirt. He walked out of the gym doors to head home as he almost bumped right into a person.

He grabbed a hold of the other persons shoulder, to make sure he didn't fall.

He looked furious, but as he looked down, he saw that is was the blonde from earlier. He held his tongue.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking down to make sure he didn't hurt the smaller boy.

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Adrian was not paying attention to where he was walking as he hummed to himself. Adrian ended up walking right into someone's shouldsr, lucky his fall was broken by the person. "S-Sorry" He said, looking up to see it was the guy from before. "Hey, Oliver" Adrian smiled, fixing the bags of food he still held in his hands. "I'm okay..just didn't pay attention" He laughed quietly.

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"Well.. Just watch where you're going then." He sounded harsh, he mentally kicked himself. "I mean, just be careful, I could have easily knocked you over." He had to admit to himself how satisfying it was that he was able to move Adrian so much by just a little force...


"But, you're okay?" He asked again, trying to sound nicer, more sincere. He finally let go of Adrian's shoulder and stood up straight.

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Adrian flinched a moment when he sound so harshly. Oliver was right..he could have been easily knocked over by the others body. "Yeah, I really am okay" Adrian looked up at Oliver while fixing his bags. "Do you feel any better? You seemed..off earlier" Adrian said before realizing the others intimidating nature from earlier. "Sorry..not my place" He squirmed.

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The darker haired man was surprised with Adrian's question. "It's fine. Yeah, I'm always okay." He lied, "just needed to go for a run." He looked at the bag, "I didn't break anything, did I? I'll repay you if you'd like." He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a fifty.

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"N-No you didn't..And I couldn't take your money, I just met you" Adrian said, feeling bashful at Oliver's offer. "Just food in the bag and nothing got too scuffed up" Adrian said with a small nod. "And good to hear you see okay..I better head back home..food needing to go in the fridge and all" He looked up again into the dark haired males eyes.

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Oliver looked at the bag, then back at Adrian. He was confused someone actually said no to him...

"Okay. I'll see you around then." He said lowly, putting his money back into his pocket.

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"Bye Oliver" Adrian said with a smile, turning to go back on his way home. He was thinking about dinner tonight but he was more careful of where he stepped. He did not want to bump into anyone else today..

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As soon as Adrian left, Oliver saw a black car drive up to him, the door opening.

Oliver narrowed his eyes and slid into the car.

"What?" He asked, looking over at his father.

"We need to talk." He said. "You're 24 Oliver, I want you to start thinking about becoming the head of our company-"

"No." He said sharply. "I don't want to deal with the shit you've done and gone through."

His father sighed.

"I don't really think I'm going to be giving you an option soon.."

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Adrian didn't get far before he saw Oliver get into a black car. Was he going somewhere important? Adrian stood there for a moment looking in awe before deciding he better start walking again. He went back to walking down the road, knowing he would eventually have to get home sometime today.

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The headache Oliver had obtained was skull piercing.

He finally got to his apartment complex and pushed the elevator button and waited for them to open.

God. He just wanted to hurt someone. His blood always boiled after meetings with his father..

The elevator opened and he stepped in, keeling his eyes closed to avoid the light.

By memory, he reached out and pressed the floor number without looking.

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