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Psychic Detectives |Pigeon and YaoiFanGirlBritty}| {18+}


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Jun finally manage to get into town and pants heavily, looking around. He blinks as he heard screaming and bites his bottom lip, running towards the source. Widening his eyes, all he saw was a bunch of people in panic and some people were inflicted by some unique infection. Jun runs closer and looks down, ~a .. trail? And it leads back in the alley? First I better call for some help,~ he thought as he presses a few buttons on his communicator, signaling the top nurses to come into town to help the infected people. Jun saw as they were starting to come and get the people, running in the back alley and turns on his googles, seeing Kiet and runs over to him, placing his hand on his shoulders, "Kiet.. Kiet, It's alright, calm down."

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Kiet gasped at the feeling of Jun's hand. He could barely hear the familiar voice. He jerked away and tried to get to his feet, finally opening his eyes. Another scream tore from his throat as he realized the the black ooze had covered his eyes completely. He tried to use his hands to pull it off but couldn't make any difference.

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Jun steps back a little as Kiet jerked away from him and bites his bottom lip, watching what was happening to Kiet. He shakes his head slowly and quickly grabs Kiet, hugging him, "Kiet! Calm down it's okay, just relax, no one is going to hurt you," he holds Kiet tightly, pulling him closer towards the wall.

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Kiet shuddered and tried to cling to Jun's shirt, unable to see through the black ooze. "I-I hurt people, t-they're gonna k-kill me. I-I messed up" he started to cry, the panicked sobs shaking his whole body. "I-I didn't mean to, I didn't m-mean to c-cause anyone t-trouble. J-Just don't wanna f-forget"

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Jun holds Kiet tightly and shakes his head, "the people of town that you infected are going to be fine. I called the agencies top nurses and they well help them, just calm down already okay?" He rubs Kiet's back and shakes his head, "just because it happened to me doesn't mean it will happen to you, now relax. My memories of being bullied of people that couldn't accept me for who I was, that is it, there was nothing else they deleted from my mind," he starts to pull Kiet down to the wall with his back rubbing against the brick wall, rubbing Kiet's back, "do.. you trust me?"

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"I... I trust you... But what if they b-brainwashed you to t-trick people?" Kiet started to cry harder. He wanted to stay with Jun, he wanted to trust the other boy. But it was all scary. "I-I wanna be y-your friend... A-and help people... B-But..." He trailed off, his shoulders shaking.

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Jun blinks and shakes his head, "don't me silly.. of course they didn't do that. You got to trust them.. I didn't like when I was getting bulled for being a psychic.. it left me crying almost every night before I went to bed." He rubs Kiet's back and rests his chin on Kiet's shoulders, "just calm down.. okay you will be fine, just please.. relax ok," he starts wiping Kiet's eyes.

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"I'm s-scared..." Jun whimpered, snuggling up to the other boy. "I just wanna b-be s-safe..." He sniffled softly and shut his eyes, taking a shaky breath to calm himself. The black ooze slowly began to melt off his body, revealing that his body was completely covered in the usual sores.

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Jun shakes his head and holds Kiet tightly with a smile, "everything will be fine. I would never lie to you.. okay? I been at the agency for so long so I should know. Compare to the place I use to be at .. it is nothing compared to that nightmare," he looks at the sores on Kiet's body and stands up, taking Kiet's hand, "come on.. let's go inside and treat those sores of yours," he walks towards the hotel, walking inside.

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Kiet clung to Jun's hand, his legs shaking from the pain on his skin. "A-are they gonna hurt me? B-because I r-ran away and hurt people?" His eyes started to water again but he blinked back the tears. "Those p-people were saying h-horrible things about you... A-and I just... I got s-so upset..."

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Jun looks at Kiet and shakes his head, "some people are accepting towards those are different. It just happened so don't worry about it.. okay," he walks to the counter and waits for the hotel person to come back. Jun looks up at Kiet and blinks a little, "you.. get upset when they were bad mouthing me? Unfortunately, alot of people bad mouth psychics so that is not a first time event," he grabs a tissue from the front desk and wipes Kiet's eyes.

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"They were saying you attacked people yesterday... B-but you didn't... So... I just got so angry... Because they were lying about you" Kiet leaned into the man's touch, sniffling softly. "They're horrible... why would they lie? There's no reason... They don't get anything from making people scared of you"

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Jun looks at Kiet and sighs softly, rubbing the back of his head, "sometimes.. people like to lie about other people without even get to know them or anything. Of course, psychics get a lot of that so it is nothing compare to what some towns would do." Jun rubs the back of his head and goes to get a key, walking upstairs to the room, "if anyone was attacked.. it was me, the group of town's people corner me like I was a wild animal," he walks inside the room.

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"I-I know... Thats why I got so mad..." Kiet wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "You're so nice but they were telling lies and making you look bad... I hated it... I wanted to tell them how nice you were but I just got upset and hurt people... Now people will probably think even more badly of you..." He sniffled softly. "I messed everything up"

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Jun shakes his head, "Kiet.. worrying about things doesn't make it better so please just.. relax and sit on the bed so I can put the medicine on you before your sores get worst than they should be," he rubs the back of his head and walks to the bed, sitting down on the bed as he starts to take off his jacket since it was messy from all the black goop that came out of Kiet's body.

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Kiet sat down on the bed and pulled his own shirt off to reveal all the sores on his body. "I can get the ones on my arms... But could you get the ones on my back? I can't reach" he blushed softly and looked away, feeling embarrassed by how exposed he was like this.

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Jun nods his head with a smile, "of course," he puts some of the medicine within his palm and warms it up within his hands. "Don't be so embarrassed," he pouts a little while blushing, "it's not like I am a girl or your crush anything like that he leans forward and rubs the medicine within Kiet's back.

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Kiet felt his face flush at the boy's words. "I... I just..." He chewed his lip and put some of the medicine in his own hands. He felt like he should tell Jun the truth... That he was gay. He had never told anyone, and it wasn't like he was going to try kissing Jun. But it felt wrong to let the other boy touch him like this without knowing he could be attracted to him. Kiet didn't finish his sentence, instead he just started to spread the medicine on his arms.

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Jun tilts his head as he was rubbing the medicine on Kiet's back, "what is it? You can tell me.. can't you? You don't have to be so shy and stuff," he smiles softly and goes back to rubbing the medicine on Kiet's back. He looks up slowly, wondering why he was so quiet all of a sudden and shakes his head slowly with a soft sigh as he continues moving his hands within Kiet's back and starts moving his hands to Kiet's lower back, watching Kiet apply some medicine to his arms.

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Kiet gasped at the feeling of hands on his lower back. He suddenly jerks away and stumbled to his feet. "I-I like guys!" He yelped. "S-so you shouldn't touch me all over..." He stared at the ground, bright red. "I wouldn't do anything weird.. But... I don't want you to find out later and think I was taking advantage of the situation..."

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Jun blinks as he looks up at Kiet as he suddenly moved away from him, tilting his head to the side, "I-I was just rubbing the medicine on your lower back, there were some ther too." He looks at Kiet a few minutes with his eyes slightly widen and shakes his had slowly, "so.. that is why you were acting strange when I was rubbing medicine on your back, but.. I am not done yet you still have more sores," he gets off the bed and walks over to Kiet, tripping on the carpet and falls ontop of Kiet with a gasp, "o..oops sorry...," he looks at Kiet with his lips almost touching Kiet's.

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Kiet gasped as the other boy landed on him. "J-Jun" He looked away, cheeks bright red. "I-I just told you that I'm... Y-You should move..." He felt pathetic for being so uncomfortable by an accident. He really thought Jun was attractive but he couldn't say that outloud.... Especially not now.

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Jun looks at Kiet and pouts a little, "h-hey I didn't do that on purpose," he gets off of Kiet and wipes his hands on a napkin, grumbling softly. Jun walks back to the bed, sitting down and sighs softly, resting his chin on his palm and glances to the side.

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Kiet covered his face with his hands and curled up into a ball. "I'm sorry... I know... It's just that I'm not supposed to think of guys that way, right?" he took took a shaky breath, unable to hold everything inside any longer. "I think you're... r-really beautiful... S-So... I don't want to b-be weird..."

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Jun sighs and shakes his head as he looks over at Kiet, "come on now.. don't be like that it is fine," he rubs the back of his head, ~he.. acts like a virgin sometimes.. maybe, he is one but of course I am too,~ he thought and shakes his head. He perks up his head up and blushes bright red, looking at Kiet, "me? Beautiful.. but before you didn't trust me just because of my brain washing," he rubs the back of his head, still blushing.

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