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Psychic Detectives |Pigeon and YaoiFanGirlBritty}| {18+}


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Kiet was very slowly eating his breakfast, he always found that if he ate anything too quickly in the morning it made him feel sick all day. His gaze stayed focused on the table, deep in though about the place he was now living and his new job.

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Jun walks into the cafeteria and looks at Kiet as he was eating. He smiles and goes get something really quick, sitting next to Kiet, "hey.. did you sleep alright," he rests his head on his hand.

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Kiet jumped slightly at the sound of a voice next to him. He blinked and looked over at the other psychic. "oh, yes... I slept well... thank you..." he looked away, embarrassed that he had showed such a weak side to the other male. "did you?"

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Jun starts eating and looks at Kiet, scratching the back of his head and nods his head slowly, "yes I slept pretty good as well." He smiles and looks out the window, continues eating and sighs softly, "so.. what did you think of your first mission?"

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"I didn't really do much... but I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be..." Kiet sighed and poked at his food with a fork. "are they usually that easy to catch?" he looked up at the other man, a hint of fear in his voice. He really didn't want to do anything too scary.

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Jun bliniks a little and shakes his head, "it was only your first mission. So you did really good for a first time mission." He shakes his head and sighs, scratching his head, "no.. a lot people are not the same as the person we caught. Sometimes they team up with other psychics in other agencies to do their dirty work for them."

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Kiet sighed and stared down at his plate. "So it'll get worse..." He murmured. "I don't know if I'm cut out for this kind of work... I keep thinking that I'm gonna mess up and ruin everything..." He poked at his food with a fork before pushing it away "I guess I'll just have to train more..."

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Jun looks at Kiet and shakes his head, rubbing Kiet's back, "don't let it get to you. Its going to get at least harder.. but if it gets too hard we are allowed to bring a higher up psychic with us to help along the mission." He looks at Kiet and sighs, shaking his head, "you should probably get something in you.. you did a lot of training."

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Kiet looked away with a frown. "I can't eat anything... My stomach hurts..." He mumbled. "I don't usually eat much so I'll be fine" he stood up and picked up his tray that was still full of food. "I'll just go to the training room... I'll see you later" he sighed.

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Jun looks at Kiet and lowers his head with a sigh, "oh... well I suppose there is no point and forcing you to eat then," he scratches his head and watches Kiet stand up,, "o..okay see you later," he waves to Kiet and lowers his head, resting his head on his hand.

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Kiet went right back to the training room and began to practice more. It only took him about fifteen minutes to start feeling dizzy and lightheaded. The psychic knew he was overworking himself but it didn't seem to matter. He felt like to much of a burden to let himself rest for even a moment.

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Jun sighs and scratches his head, wondering what he should do after getting something in his stomach. He shakes his head and finishes eating, throwing away the tray and walks out of the cafeteria. Jun decided to go to the area where Kiet and himself first met, opening one of the tubes and sits inside. Jun closes his eyes and felt his stamina slowly returning into his body.

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Kiet kept training for about an hour. He could tell that he was getting better at using his powers but it still just wasn't enough. As time went on he was getting more and more exhausted until finally he passed out in the corner of the room, curled up against the wall.

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Jun was in a deep sleep, unable to move until after a while the tube opened and Jun finally opened his eyes. He looks around and stretches out his arms with a soft sigh, getting out of the tube. Jun puts on his clothes with a soft sigh and walks towards the entrance, walking to his room.

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Kiet woke up about an hour later and slowly got up. He walked back to his own room and collapsed in his bed, trying to hold back tears. He felt so useless and week, like he would never be able to help Jun with anything. After a couple hours he finally managed to fall asleep again.

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Jun walks into his room, walking to his bed and sits down. He takes out a book and starts reading, resting his head on his palm and lets out a soft yawn. Jun looks up at the time and lays down on his bed, continues reading and wondering if there were going to be anymore assignments today to do.

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Keit slept until nightfall. When he woke up he slowly walked to Jun's room and knocked on the door. He needed someone to talk to, and Jun was the only person he knew in the entire organization. He could only hope that the other psychic wasn't asleep yet.

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Jun was on his side as he was reading. He perks up his head, hearing a knock on his door and stands up, walking to the door. Jun opens the door and looks at Kiet, "oh hey there Kiet," he smiles softly and fixes his hair a little, stretching out his arms with a soft yawn.

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  • 9 months later...

"Um, hi" Kiet fidgeted with the sleeves of his sweater. "I was just..." he hesitated for a moment, already feeling a bit of regret for coming here. "I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out for a little bit... If you aren't about to go to bed or anything..."

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Jun blinks as he notices Kiet and opens the door slowly, rubbing the back of his head and shakes his head with a smile, "sure.. it's no problem, come on in," he starts to open the door completely so Kiet can walk inside, looking at his room with a sigh, "I... wasn't really expecting company so sorry for the mess."

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"I don't mind... I just didn't want to be alone I guess" Kiet looked around the other boy's bedroom, curious of seeing what the other's room would be like. "Um... How long have been here? I think I've only really talked about myself... Sorry"

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Jun nods his head slowly and rubs his head, "oh? Is that so? Well I don't mind the company," he walks inside his own room after closing the door once Kiet walked inside. He looks at Kiet and tilts his head, rubbing the back of his head as he sits down on his bed, "I been here quite a while a few years at max." He shakes his head slowly, "it is no problem, there is no need to be sorry," he smiles softly and glances up at the clock just to see what time it was.

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"Just let me know if you want me to leave so you can sleep..." Kiet hesitated for a moment before sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Um... Where did you live before this?" He leaned on his knees, trying to resist the urge to completely curl up in a ball.

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Jun shakes his head, "I don't really talk to the other psychics... so it is nice to finally get someone to talk to." He looks at Kiet and looks to the side, "unfortunately.. I was brainwashed and don't remember anything about my use to be home.. I guess they do that so the psychics don't plan to return home." Jun watches Kiet and shakes his head, "just relax.. okay? Your safe here."

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Kiet grew tense at the boy's words, his mind immediately going to the worst case scenario. "They... Brainwashed you?" He could only assume that Eiji had done the brainwashing. He didn't know why they hadn't brainwashed him yet, maybe they were just waiting for a good chance.

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