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breakroom romance {private anessen x prince yuu}

prince yuu

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name- che

hobbys- drawing, reading, sitting, sleeping, sitting in the dark, and fixing things

personallity- quiet, polite, and carful

like- sweets, art, and animals

dislikes- people who cause harm to nature, dogs, loud people, annoying people, and cocky people

bio- comes from a slightly rich family who cares nothing for him. he draws closer to animals than humans cause he thinks they all cause harm. he became a science teacher at a university because it was the only thing his parents did care for. as a child he tryed to make a bond between his family but never worked out. he usually dozes off without noticeing and sometimes even in the middle of teaching. but is saved my a particular co-worker mostly.

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Name: Will (Mr. Finch)



Title: Teacher

Likes: People, Astronomy, Coffee, Cigarettes, Jazz, Night Skies.

Dislikes: Arrogance, Toying, Self-Defeating Attitudes.

Bio: Will had quite the journey getting to where he is now. His father was killed overseas when he was 5, his mom died shortly after and he ended up as an award to the state. Many a nights, he looked up to the stars when he felt sad or lonely. He didn't understand what was above him, but he wanted to learn. Working two jobs and going to school has pushed him to the limit, but he persevered to get where he is now. Will sees hope in his students and others because he believes anyone can change their future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Che was sitting in class while his class was working and dozed off. A moment later he felt pencils and/or pins poking him and woke up to 2 students around his desk with papers. One of them said "Che we're done wake up." Che woke up and looked at the student and said "are all of you finished?" the whole class said yes and nodded and he assigned one to collect papers. He looked at the time and it was 5 minutes before class was suppost to end and he just said they could talk if they wanted and started gradeing papers. After class ended Che noticed will and poked him in the back and said "hello how are you?" and went around to face him.

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Debate, yelling, laughter. This was usually the state of Will's room. He felt the best way to get kids involved was to argue the topics he taught, even if there was concrete proof. He noticed the clock and decided to ring the little bell on his his desk. "Alright, that's enough for today. We'll pick up on what is the reason for the season tomorrow. If you're lucky, I'll tell you then," Will said with a smile. Everyone finished before class was out, so he let them leave a little early.

He grabbed his worn brown leather briefcase and loaded it with the papers for today's quiz. Then with a flick, the lights were off and he was out the door. Passing by in the hallway, he felt a slight poke in the back and jumped. Will laughed as looked up and saw Che's face come into his view. He smiled and said, "Come now Mr. Che, aren't we supposed to use last names? We are somewhat professionals after all."

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"please just call me Che all my students do " Che smiled and patted wills head. Though will was shorter than Che he still thought he was manly. Che stood there for a moment and blushed than removed his hand "I'm sorry" he pulled the hood up on his jacket and said "c-catch you later" and walked away and ran into some female students who spoke to him. One of them said "good morning Che how are you" than touched his face Che just smiled and said "I'm fine, sakura" one of the other girls pulled down Che's hood and played in his hair and said "your hair is soft Che" he just blushed and looked down and Sakura giggled.

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Will smiled as he said, "Sorry Mr. Che, it sounds weird to me not using a title." Will closed his eyes as Che patted him. He hated it as a child when people would do that to him, but he didn't mind Che for some reason when he did it. Will smiled and said, "Come on now, haven't you ever heard respect your elders?" He felt a little weird though when he saw Che's face turn red, he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. He said sadly, "You're okay" to Che's apology. Will waved goodbye and watched him walk away, admiring his body.


When he saw the girls though flirting with him, he felt upset. He thought about it walking his own way. Weird, I guess he is sort of cute . . . Will thought to himself. As he got off the campus, he dug through his briefcase and found his tobacco pipe. With a flick of a match, he lit it and started to puff as he walked home thinking I wonder what he thinks of me.

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Che Left the girls and went to his class to get his stuff noticing will was gone. He frowned alittle but then went back to packing. He knew he shouldn't have left will but he did anyways. He felt guilty and promised to apologize next time he saw will. He left his class and went to leave noticeing Sakura and a male student and thought 'confession?' but he just shrugged and walked away. He than remembered he was a guy from his class but ignored it.


Che saw a text and started texting and bumped into something small and looked down and saw it was will. He gasped and said "I'm so sorry will" and frowned. He didn't expect to see him like this. Che just looked at will sadly and said "I'm also sorry for leaveing you for those girls." Than he looked at his incomplete text than back at will and put his phone away. He wanted to talk to will more than text someone back than Che smiled and hugged will.

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Will wasn't paying too much attention as he was walking. This usually happened when he smoked and got lost in thought. It was then he ran face first into something and fell on his rear, his pipe falling from his lips. Scratching his head, he saw Che standing over him, acting very apologetic. Will smiled and lifted himself off the ground, brushing himself off and pocketing his pipe. "I'm not too upset Mr. Che, I should apologize for not paying attention." It was then he was token back by Che's comment about the girls. It somehow made him happy, but he wasn't quite sure what to say. He started to rub his hair and laugh, saying, "I understand. There's no reason to be sor . . ." His speech was broken when he was grabbed by Che and his face met Che's chest. Will started to blush, completely surprised by the hug. Will closed his eyes and hugged back, smiling. Still caught in the embrace, he looked up at Che and said, "I'm curious. Are you free to come back to my house?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Che tilted his head alittle and said "s-sure" and let go off will. He than smiled and said "lead the way". He than Felt his phone vibrate and noticed it was the lady who's been texting him. He got alittle annoyed and ignored it whan turned off his phone and stuffed it in his pocket. The lady had been bothering him for days and he hated people like her. He than turned to will and said "s-sorry" than made a annoyed face and followed will. Than all of a sudden he hugged will for a reason he did not know. As soon a Che realized it he started to blush and back away saying "sorry"

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Will was walking a bit ahead when he noticed Che was getting irritated with his phone. Will cracked a smile and said, "One of your admirers?" Will heard Che's apology, but he wasn't upset. He knew Che was beautiful, tall, and came from a rich background. He was a good choice for any young woman. Will was just glad that he had his attention at the moment. It was then he was taken back by Che's hug. It felt nice, but it was short lived as Che stepped back and let go. It was then the clouds opened up and started to pour. Will then grabbed Che by the hand and started to run, dragging Che. "Come on, we're almost there," said Will laughingly. Will was happy.


They came to his apartment and got out of the rain. Will was still drenched, but he was happy to be with Che nonetheless. He smiled and said, "Welcome Mr. Che to my home."

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Che looked around the room and said "excuse the intrusion" and walked around. He became figity in wills house and soon became nervous. He just quietly looked over at will with his cheeks slightly pink with a helpless look. He didn't quiet like girls more than will. He was...different not like the others didn't nessassarally frawn over him and Che was drawn to will. It was kind of like love but he just didn't realize it. Atleast not yet.

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Will waived his hand at Che's response and said, "I invited you in." He walked to the kitchen where he turned on the radio while he fidgeted with the stove. He poured milk into a pot and mixed in a little cocoa powder he had in a tin can. The jazz station hummed a light melody that caught Will's foot, making it tap as he stirred the cocoa. When he was done, he poured it in the mugs and walked out to the living room. Sitting right beside Che, he handed him the mug. "For you," Will said with a smile. The jazz tune carried into the living room, Will had hot cocoa and a cute boy by his side. Everything seemed right. "So, we have Christmas break coming up. What are you doing for the holidays?," said Will.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Che looked at will and said "nothing..." Che sat on a chair and fiddled with his hands. He said "do you have any plans will?" and looked at him with curiosity and smiled "you must have plans" Che put the hood over his head and used him hair to cover his face. He honestly hated the way he looked. He hated himself from his black hair and blue eyes all the way to his feet. He just delt with it though.

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"Oh, I see . . .," said Will, sipping his cocoa. His face turned slightly red at Che's words and he smiled as he replied, "Nope, I'm spending it by myself." His thoughts went back to the last Christmas he had with his parents. It was right before his father went over to Hong Kong for his journalist work. He didn't want to burden Che with his past, so he just sighed and told Che, "I guess I've never been really big on Christmas." He noticed Che pull over his hoodie, which he laughed at slightly. He pulled the hoodie back off of Che's head. "Come on, it's not raining in here. You don't have to hide that cute face of your's," he said with a smile, looking up at Che.

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Ches eyes widened and he blushed he just quickly pulled the hood back up and covered himself with his hair again he quietly said "im not cute..." he touched wills hair and said "you shouldent bother to call a person like me cute..." he looked down at his hands and pulled his sleeves over his hands and noticed the scratch on his hand. He pulled the band-aid off and stared at it.


He looked at will in fear that will would call him strange he covered his hand again. He felt his phone vibrate and he stood up after reading that one of his students was in the hospital and told will he had to go and Left. He looked at the phone and saw it was sakura he sighed and made his way to the hospital. The thing will didnt know was that sakura was his cousin but che and sakura agreed to hide it. He walked into the room and said " be more careful saku...please" and sighed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Will stood in confusion as Che exited the room in a worried manner. He slowly walked over and locked the door, hoping everything was okay. "Che never quite acts that odd," said Will as he walked to the kitchen with the two half full mugs of cocoa. The water was running and the bubbles foamed up; Will's hands delicately scrubbed the mugs clean and rinsed them, leaving the mugs on the drying rack. He dried his hands and pulled out his phone. Will knew they weren't a couple, but he felt that he should at least text him. He sent a small one saying he hoped everything was okay & that he would see him tomorrow. Will put the phone away and sat on his little arm chair, kicking up his feet. The fireplace at this point time was nothing more than burning embers. The radio hummed happily and a young, black lab pup came walking up to him. With a little jump, the pup came up to his master's lap. This was when Will fell asleep, his last waking thought spent on worrying about Che.

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Sakura had been told to stay in the hospital for a few days so he left. When he turned on his phone he noticed a text from will. He responded saying 'sorry i left rain check? Maybe tomorrow?' he stuffed his phone in his pocket and pulled his hood up and his selves over his hands. Che was just thinking about random things but than one particularly odd thought came in 'do i collect hoodies i have like 30 of them.' he was wearing his dark blue one but also noticed that he never takes them off. He has a cat but other than that he live alone. He has a large apartment which makes it even more lonely than necessary.


He went up to the second floor and put on his pajamas than went back downstair and pulled out the cat food. He quietly called the cats name "hina..." the black and white small kitten came from under the table and jumped on the counter. Che pulled out one of the clean cat bowls from the cat cabinet and filled it with dry cat food and wet. He than walked into all the bathrooms and cleaned the litter boxes. Che was walking down the hall to wash dishes and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

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The morning sun came in peeking through the curtains, hitting Will's still sleeping face. He clenched his eyes, stretching and bellowing out a loud yawn. Scooting the pup off his lap, he walked over to the kitchen and started a small pot of coffee. The old machine hissed and brewed slowly. The puppy stared at the coffee pot in curiosity until he saw his master bring up a bowl of food, which gained his attention. He quickly began eating and Will poured himself a mug, drinking slowly as he went through his classes' homework. Will wanted to spend his entire day with Che, but he figured it was better to not be overly pushy. Besides, he wanted to finish his work that morning so he didn't have to worry about it later.


Hours passed and Will stood up from his chair, proud of what he got done. "Well, I'm set for vacation." He took a look at the clock and saw that it was 1:17pm. He was shocked since this kind of work usually took him longer. Will reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, texting Che. He told him that he was done with his work and was free for the rest of the day. Will sent the message and went back to working on the house.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Che woke up and noticed some meowing in his room. It was louder than usual and saw 3 smaller cats and said "hina-chan i thought you where a...kitten not an...cat?" che sighed and texted will 'come help me please?' and added his adress and sent it. He sighed and smiled "poor cat going through that alone. Im sorry." he walked over to hina and looked at the kittens as he pet her head and noticed they where all black and had hazel eyes except a white cat with blue eyes and he mumbled "shiro?"than noticed a black one had a white spot on one of his ears and the other black one had a green eye. He said "spot and iris" and chucked stareing at all the kittens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Will was finishing up with organizing his office, he felt a small vibration in his pocket. He put down his washcloth he was using to polish his desk and smiled at the response he got from Che. Will didn't think Che was in serious trouble, it was just him being cute. Throwing the rag into the hamper, he started going through the house to make sure everything was off. "Fireplace, stove, coffee pot . . . okay, I'm good. See you later tonight, okay?," Will said as he petted the little Labrador goodbye. Will locked the door behind him and took off down the road.


Will looked up at the towering building in front of him and was shocked. "How does a teacher afford a place like this?" After looking at a small map board, Will quickly found his way around the complex and came to Che's door. With a quick knock on the door, Will called out, "Hey, it's Will."

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Che was sitting by the glass along the hall towards the stairs and turned and saw will and carryed a white basket with a light pink blanket inside towards will and realized it was the first time will would see him in regular clothes. Che was wearing a white long sleeved sweater that covered his hands and black pants. He had a femalish figure with a slim waist and small shoulders. He walked over to Che and said "uh...I don't quite know how to deal with this many by myself..." Than realized he didn't feed hina. He put the basket in wills hands and pulled out the bowel and if food and quietly called hina s name as the small cat slowly walked down the stairs and jumped onto the counter and Che smiled cutely as she ate.

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Will glanced at Che as he walked up and turned red for a moment. He really noticed Che's figure as he came walking up to him, but stood dumbfounded when the basket was put into his hands. Will wasn't really dressed up since he didn't care much for formal clothing. He had a slightly built figured that showed through his tight, red shirt and his faded jeans that hugged his rear. Pulling up the blanket in the basket, he saw the little kittens and he blinked a little before pulling one out. Glancing at the kitten, he turned to Che and said, "My dog is good with cats, I could take one. Have you thought about asking the neighbors to see if they wanted one?"

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Che glanced at will for a moment and said "I'm keeping the white one..." And sighed. He than walked over to will and said "thank you" and smiled cutely and than picked up the white one and went to his extra collars and put a pink one on her and smiled petting her soft fur than sat her by her mother. He walked over by will again and said "wanna do something? If so where do you wanna go?"

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  • 1 month later...

Mr. Finch couldn't help but giggle at the way Che was acting so cutely. With Che's question, he lightly shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not too picky on places." A grumble from his stomach broke the silence and he started to laugh a little. "On second thought, can we grab some pizza? I know a good spot by the beach and they serve ice cream too."

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Che chuckled and said "good idea let me go get my jacket." Che went up the stairs and approached his room and snagged a jacket off his bed and went down the stairs and noticed he brought his keys with him and asked "shall I drive?" And walked over to will and mumbled something under his breath and frowned thinking 'it's hard being tall'.at that moment noticed a Call from a past boyfriend and turned off his phone looking at it with disgust and hate with a little bit of coldness but than looked up with his usual expression.

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