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[TD=align: center]SEASONS











I woke up to find myself in a hotel room. At my side is the girl I slept with. I remembered hooking up with the girl named Yuri last night at the goukon together with my male classmates and the girls at T Girls Academy. I was single and she too was, we hit it off and somehow ended up sleeping together.


Easy. Well, this too must be love right? I gave Yuri a glance only to be shocked at how plain she actually was. I remembered her standing out the most at the Goukon with her stylish hair, long eyelashes, pinkish cheeks and red lips. It turned out those were all the product of cosmetics and she's just a plain girl after all.



Scary. I usually would have left my contact number before leaving which could last us a few weeks or months of dating . But in this case, I should probably retreat without leaving any trace, This just means I fell out of love right? Wait, did I even loved her? Well since we slept together I probably did. But finding out how plain she actually looked is just more trouble than pleasure to me. My friends will probably laugh at me if they knew.



It's past four in the morning so I have enough time to go home and take a bath before coming to school. My head's a little dizzy from all the drinks we had. I wished I gave my drinking some slacks since it's school day after all.



"Where have you been Shouya?"



Well I'm called Shouya Serizawa. And the person asking me where I had been was my mother.



"I was at a friend's house. He had a birthday party I didn't realize I slept there."



"I see. You should have called. Anyway, I'm quite in a hurry so fix some stuff in the in the kitchen yourself if you want breakfast"






Mom drove her car as she left home. People may think I have understanding parents but the truth is, they are so busy with their jobs and lovers to care. We're quite well off, but for some reason, my family is so distant with each other. Did my family love each other? Do I love them? I probably do.



"Hey Shouya! How was it? You did her didn't you. Man, you always get the best girl. I'm not going to invite you to a goukon ever again"



Akihiko Sugiyama came to me the next moment I entered the room. He's a good friend of mine and we did a lot of stuff this past two years. Actually I feel better hanging out with him than with those girls I go out with. Is this love? Impossible. Man can never love another man so I never give this thought any further thinking.



".. Please don't make me remember Aki. She's actually a plain ass when I saw her this morning!"



"For real? Darn dude. This cosmetic stuff is sure scary. You could never tell what's behind. Was she any good?"



"Want to find out? You'll probably see her at the hotel if she's stil sleeping."



"Err... Not after you told me she's a faker. Serves you right!"



Aki grinned. When he does, his eyes gets smaller and his lips widened showing his teeth. I don't know why, but whenever he does it, feel somehow nervous like my heart would start beating fast. I don't have heart problems. I wonder what is this.



"So, how was your girl?"



"Rumi-chan? She's the best! Man, you just don't know how good she was. Heaven dude, heaven! She sent my bullet train straight to heaven dude!!"



"That's enough guys. Class is starting"



The homeroom teacher Takeda-sensei said as he started to do the roll call. We turned our heads to the teacher as he called our names. Sensei looks cool with his glasses on. I always stare at him like everyone when he does his lecture. I wonder if I'm admiring his good looks too much. Well, I'm a looker myself so it shouldn't be a problem.









Class always started like that. I always stare at sensei as he lectures us. Of course I participate to the class discussion whenever I could. It just felt wrong to be staring at sensei without listening to what he says.



"That's all for today"



Classes ended for the day. I wanted to go home to catch up some sleep. But the sooner Aki and the gang gathered. My sleepiness slowly faded away until it was forgotten.



I love this kind of moment. We would gather and tell our stories from the goukon.



"Shouya! I heard from Aki you got a bad day?"



Gouki asked.



"Don't ask what you know Gou. I bet you just want to show off. Didn't you hook up with the cute girl... Manami-chan?"



"Hehe!! You got me. But the girl is a freaking maso. She want to do it blindfolded and she kept asking me to spank her. Well that was better!"



Gou is not much of a looker but he's tall and athletic. For some reasons I keep glancing at those firm muscles he loves to show off. I guess I wanted those for myself since I'm pretty slim. But is that all? I never thought deeper.



"Manami is a freaking expert!!! She blows so good I came so fast!!"



"Sucks Gou you always comes so fast we all know that!"



Katou said with a wide grin. He's the cool guy in the gang. He gives off similar vibes with Takeda-sensei. He looks cooler the more serious he is. But he's seldom serious.



"Picking a fight Katou? Why don't you blow me and see for yourself if I comes too fast .. huh!?"



"That's gross man! Don't turn homo on us after doing your girl!"



Aki said as he did that grin again.



"Yeah. That's too gross. I'm too manly for that! Why don't you ask Shouya instead. This guy is just like a girl! I wonder how he gets all his chicks"



Huh? I blushed but I don't know why. The idea of blowing Gou came to my mind. I'm not gay since I don't do it with guys so I shouldn't be thinking such things.



"Gross man. It's because you people talk stuff like this that chicks stay away from you"



I said as I stood up. I wanted to ran away. I'm having a hard on and the last thing I want them to find out is this. Wait... why am I even having a hard on? And why do I want to keep this from them? I wanted to ask myself, but I never had the courage to do so.



"Whatever man. I want to piss off. I expect you're done with this thing when I'm back"



I calmly left the room as I walked straight to the restroom.






"Don't you think Shouya's a bit weird?"



Gou asked us with a suspecting look on his face. I've known Shouya for more than two years. I don't really know him that much so he's quite mysterious to me. He doesn't show much expression and he always kept his poker face.



"I know. But so are you and Katou"



"You're far more weird than me you know?"



"But seriously. I think Shouya's a bit weird. I know he do a lot of girl, but it doesn't actually look like he's into them even if he says so"



Gou said as he looked around. He must be looking out if Shouya's around.



"And I know he's been stealing glances at me and Aki in some weird way. And before he went didn't he looked surprised when Katou mentioned Shouya blowing me he sorta turned red."



"Do you think he's gay?"



Katou asked.



"Hey guys. Aren't you getting too much into this gay thing? We probably should stop this right now. Shouya's not going to be happy if he hears us."



I said. It just felt wrong for them to be talking to Shouya like this when he's not even here. We're friends aren't we. Gay or not, Shouya's a friend. There shouldn't be any problem as long as he don't make a move on me.



"C'mon man. Then here's a bet. Ask him to blow you. If he takes the bet, you treat us lunch. If not we won't speak any of this again, and I'll let you borrow the uncensored CD you wanted"

"For real?"



It's not like Shouya's gay right? It's just the usual little game. And I've been wanting to get a hold of Maki Sonomura's uncensored AVs.



"For real!"



"Game.. Wait here, I'm going to him"






I went to the rest room but not to take a piss, but to calm down this thing. I went inside the toilet and started masturbating. Well, I think this is a natural thing to do when you get a hard-on, but the circumstances I'm doing this is not. This is not the first time I masturbated but this is the first time I'm doing this to calm this thing down with the thought of blowing Gou in mind.



This is so wrong! Gou is friend, and he's a guy. Something's wrong with me! And it didn't end with that. I thought of kissing him, licking him and letting him do me as I came.



"What the heck am I doing?"



I went out, confused as I washed and wiped myself clean. I met Aki in the hallways who seemed to look weird. He came to me nervously. I was about to ask what's wrong when he whispered.



"Wanna blow me?"



I was glad this happened after I released myself. The thing down there is calm and I can think more rationally. Aki won't be asking me such things under normal circumstances. This must be a little game they did. It seems their blowing conversation has led to this.



"Instead of that, why don't I just castrate you? You seem to have a problem down there. Let me help you get rid of it"



My voice was a little too loud so some people actually heard me. I can hear laughter near us and when I turned my head I saw Katou and Gou laughing their ass out.



"Did you hear that? That was the best thing I heard today..."



Gouki said as he laughed.



"Having fun with your little game?"



I asked as we walked to them. For now, I need to go with the flow. But I can feel it. something is wrong with me.

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That's pretty good, tho I'm wondering who will Shouya fall for (or maybe he will be too busy keeping himself in that denial closet to care). XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

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This was so fun to read! I totally enjoy it! I like how they tried to corner Shouya, but how he escaped it. I can't wait for the next chapter. :hamtaro-005 (8):

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I like this story, I like how Shouya is confused about his own sexuality. It seems so real.

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thanks for reading ((: I actually have the second chapter with me, but I'll do so major editing. It should be done within the week ^__^

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[TD=align: center]SEASONS[/TD]









"See you tomorrow"


I left the gang after hanging out with them a few while. I can't stand being near them like this. I knew I'm becoming different these days. But I never had the courage to think about it. After all, I'm afraid. I'm afraid to learn what will become of me.


Home was as silent as always. I never liked it here. The only times when the silence is broken is when my parents are arguing which is never a good thing. I went straight to my room and collapsed to my bed without changing my clothes.


I could have gone to play pachinko or pick up girls but I'm not in the mood to do so. I'm just tired. I'm tired the way of my life. It seems this repetitive way of life is just choking me by the throat. But all I can do is to endure, since I know that changing myself will make a drastic change in my life.


Like that, I slept worrying myself.


"Darn, I'm hungry"


I woke up a couple of hours later as my stomach grumbled from hunger. I decided to order soba but later decided to eat outside instead. Staying home has never been good anyway.


Shinjuku's been crowded as always, but I live in the less crowded residential part of Yotsuya. A few blocks from home are some restaurant and bars. I might as well hang out there for the night. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I found myself riding buses by buses until I reached my destination an hour later. Shinjuku, Nichome, also known as Tokyo’s Gay District.


I just knew I had to be here. I knew I had to see for myself what will become of me if ever I start to question myself. I've been here a few times but never at night time like this. It's not much different to other areas, only that I feel a lot of eyes on me whenever I walk near the clubs. I realized I was still wearing my uniform, which is actually risky just by being here. Well, I had some money to spare anyway, so I bought a pair of shirt and pants and shoes. Adrenaline was gushing forth inside me. There was a new thrill in me, with the same fear I always had but for some reason, I find this quite ... adventurous this time.


The first club I entered was quite a scary one. Most people here are those in suits. I stayed no more than a few minutes before leaving. The second one's Club Eutopea. Quite bigger than the other one with more diverse kind of people. I just stood up at a wall, staring at the people dancing by the music's beat.


"Hey cutie. Want to share a drink?"A tall man gave me a glass of which I assume to be a cocktail. I looked at him, more like, sizing him up from head to toe. He was good looking, taller than me and he had this, mature atmosphere around him. He had three piercing on his left ear while his right had one. But his most striking feature was this mole under his right eye. It was like... erotic to me.




I nodded and spoke silently.


"I've never seen you around here before. You new?"


The guy leaned on the wall next to me as he took a sip on his drink.


"Yeah. New to this whole thing"


"Whole thing? You're like a new fag in town?"


The word "fag" seemed to hurt my pride.


"I'm not a fag!"


I ran away like that. He seemed to follow me though. I was just right outside the club when he caught me up.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you"


"No, I'm sorry for walking out like that. I'm just... confused"


"Confused? Kinda in the closet or something?"


"No. I don't really plan to hide you know, so you can't call me being in a closet. It's like, I'm finding myself"


I'm scared of myself, yes. But that doesn't mean I'll hide. That'd be more trouble. There'd be no reason for this finding myself thing if I'm just gonna hide.

"Finding myself huh... That's deep man. Want to talk some more? I don't know if this will help but I can tell you how I knew I became like this"


"You will"


Hearing something like that might be good. After all, I also want to know myself."Err... I'm afraid I haven't asked your name yet. You are?"


"Shouya Serizawa. And you?"


"I'm Itsuki. Itsuki Nonomiya"


Itsuki huh.. I didn't know that time. I didn't know how much that meeting meant to me and how the drastic changes in my life started all because of that particular meeting.




I was nineteen when I first slept with a man. I would be first year university student if I had continued my studies. I worked as a clerk in a big printing office. Most of my job was to take orders from other workers. It was annoying but at least the pay was good.


It was there when I first met Saito Watase. He was my boss who, for some reason, kept me working in spite of my behavior at work. I respected him. Most people order me around for every little thing they can do without giving a damn thing whether I had the time to do it or not. But boss has always told them to give me some slacks.


He sometimes asked me to go drinking with him and we would talk until one of us is drunk enough to either talk or listen. I really felt comfortable being with him.


Then one day, we had the usual drinking. I was the first to get drunk and by then he knew where to drop me off. Only that, he didn't take me to my flat. Rather, we went to a hotel.


We had sex for the first time. It felt good being inside him. We kissed, we laughed and we had sex until I lost count that night. We continued fooling around like that. The problem was, boss, Saito-san, was married. It didn't take his wife that long to suspect something was wrong with boss. He was followed one day, and all hell broke loose. It was to troublesome to keep our relationship so I quit my job and moved to a new place.


I was straight before I had an affair with boss. However, it felt wrong whenever I do a girl. That was when I finally knew it. I'm a homo.



Itsuki and I went to a coffee shop nearby. That was when he started talking about his life. He was straight for nineteen years and yet he became a homo after an affair with his boss. Can such thing happen? I always thought that being a gay is wrong. I thought it's dirty and impossible. But hearing something like this, somehow, it felt right.


"Thanks, Itsuki-san"


"No problem kid. Can I have your email? Don't worry, I won't touch you. Tell me how it is going with your life. And you can ask me advise like gay sex stuff you know"


Though it sounded like a joke, I guess he mean it. I'm pretty new to this thing. And I'm not even sure if I'm really gay or not. This might just be adolescence as many say. I gave Itsuki-san my email and separated ways. Somehow, the day felt longer than usual. And I think I'm discovered something new about myself as well.


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The chapter was really good. The way he discovers things about himself gradually make it sound so real. I'm really curious for the continuation.

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thanks. I didn't actually plan to continue this xD but seeing there are actually interested people.. I guess I will :3

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It happened to stumble upon this story today and I was surprised. It's really good. I'm curious if Shouya will fall for one of his friends. :D

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wow. thanks for the feedback. I really didn't expect for people to like this (as this one has gained less popularity on another site I posted it to).anyhow guys. I also have another story here.."foreign romance(2014)"there's only a couple chapters for now... but i have around 13 or 14 chapters out already~ so...maybe you'd want to check on it as well ^_^


- - - Updated - - -

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wow. thanks for the feedback. I really didn't expect for people to like this (as this one has gained less popularity on another site I posted it to).anyhow guys. I also have another story here.."foreign romance(2014)"there's only a couple chapters for now... but i have around 13 or 14 chapters out already~ so...maybe you'd want to check on it as well ^_^

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I like very much this story so I hope you'll keep on updating it. I didn't notice the other one, but I'll go search for it right now. :_red_fox 2

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sankyuu. I also plan on posting some of my other stories here on YO

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  • 2 weeks later...

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[TD=align: center]SEASONS[/TD]









I came home very late that night. No, my conversation with Itsuki-san ended the normal way and I was not expecting - even in the slightest - for our conversation to turn to the adult side. I found himself a good friend... a mentor in this new world in the form of Itsuki-san.


The next day came in a blink of an eye. I found myself sitting on the chair I sat on countless times. The gang has yet to come and it was good as I don't want to see any of them... well, just yet. Yesterday's prank may just be a prank to them, but to me... it was on a whole other level. If they ever find out I'm something like this....


...I'll probably commit suicide.


"Hey Shoya. You're early today!"


Katou was the first to arrive. He's not really a close friend of mine. In fact, we only became friends because he was a friend of Aki's. Well, I don't hate him. But he's a dangerous guy. He's intellegent and his instincts are usually spot on. I'd rather lay low and avoid acting weird.


"Anything wrong? You look troubled"


See? And I didn't even do anything.


"No Katou. I'm just... organizing my thoughts. Have they arrived yet?"


"No. Aki and Gou decided to skip class today."


"What the... that's unfair of them! They should have taken me with them"


Actually, I wouldn't want to go with them right now. But I don't want Katou to notice something. I need to act like my usual self.


"The reason they didn't take you... or me is that you get all the beautiful girls... and I get the intellectual ones.. so what left in them would be the dumb and ugly"


Katou chuckled as Takeda sensei came to the room. And like a robot, everyone moved to their own chairs as their eyes fell on the teacher. Classes were as usual. But for some reason, I think Takeda-sensei is giving me weird glances. I don't know why... but I can just feel it.


When classes ended, I said goodbye to Katou. He offered me to play pachinko with him... but I refused. I don't really hang out with him when the rest was not present. Besides, I think he's the one who initiated yesterday's prank. He or Gou. Or both.


I went to my locker room right before the entry way of the school building. I planned to change my indoor shoes to my outdoor one, but even before I put it on, I heard the loud voice of Takeda-sensei over the speakers. He was looking for me. Of course, I have no qualms about it. He may just want to discuss school stuff with me... or ask me to print some papers. Nothing new. Albeit this is something as stupid as to praise me for coming early.


"Hello! Is Takeda-senseo around?"


I asked when I entered the faculty room. There was only about... two people and both of them are packing their stuff already. School ended so there was no real reason for them to stay.


"Oh. Are you Takeda-sensei's student? He's doing an inventory check in the Chemistry preparatory room."


"I see.. Thanks, Harada-sensei'


I went to the Chemistry preparatory room. I wonder why he asked of me... in fact, he's not even a chemistry teacher... he shouldn't be doing the inventory check. well who knows, I'm not a teacher I won't understand their business..




I asked while I opened the door. Takeda sensei was indeed doing an inventory check, alternating his eyes on the papers he was holding and the various chemical stuff stored on a cabinet.


"Close the door. Shoya"


I did as I was told, there was nothing wrong with it. But what came next was something i didn't expect.


"Lock it."




I was shocked.. Takeda sensei sounded scary. I did what I was told to... I locked the door.


"Takeda-sensei... what~mhfffmmm"


Even before I managed to say something further, Takeda-sensei stuffed something on my mouth. I was inhaling some sort of chemical. The chemical made my vision blurry. And the thought of sleeping sounded so right. Little by little... I lost consciousness.


I was feeling something weird. My cock was twitching for some weird reason. Something slick and wet was coating it... It felt so great that I moaned....




But then... I realized this was something I shouldn't be doing right now.


"W...what's going on..."


Takeda-sensei was giving me a blowjob. I was lying on the floor, him kneeling as he played with my cock. I wanted to resist... but I felt so weak. Moreover, I don't know why... but my libido was quite greater. Did Takeda-sensei drug me so aphrodisiac?


Takeda-sensei gave no answer to my question. He continued playing with my cock. I stopped complaining mid way as I felt the need to release... thank's to Takeda-sensei's very nice technique.


"I'm.... i'm cumming"


I said.. my legs stiffening and my body bending in a weird arc. Takeda sensie swallowed the cum that exploded inside his mouth. When he squuezed out all the cum he could squeeze out of me, he looked at me with a grin.


"You're gay, aren't you?"


The question shocked me. Cold sweat was forming all over me. I thought of a good answer for a come back... but nervousness won over me. I was not able to say anything. I didn't answer his question.


"C'mon we already had oral sex. That was great right?"


Well.. that's true. But still..


"I saw you yesterday checking out gay bars. If you don't want any word slipping from my mouth... you better do as I tell you. Stand up"


I nervously did as he told me. My legs were shaking... I was afraid of what was happening. How can such coincidence happen? If I don't do what Takeda-sensei ask of me... Aki... Gou... Katou... they'd all hate me.. and pribably my family and the rest of the school to. I have no other choice.


"Face the wall and bend your ass outwards"


When I did that... Takeda-sensei's face was on my butt. His tongue was poking on my entrance. It was a weird sensation I never knew. It's not hurting me or whatever.. but the strange new sensation is somewhat scary....


"Stop it..."


"You want me tell the school how much of a faggot you are?"




with those words... I surrendered to his advances.


I stopped caring on what he did. I didn't want to know what he was doing on my body. He was inserting his fingers on my opening and repeatedly moved it inwards and outwards... I think he also put on some substance... something smooth and slippery inside me... It felt weird as though my whole had a snail on it.


"You're ready... Shoya-kun. This is not your first time right? Don't be such an ass and cooperate with me!"


I felt something big was trying to enter my entrance. It was too big to fit in...why is he trying to shove it in when it's impossible? But I was proved wrong. My hole opened up to the big pole... and pain engulfed my whole being... I screamed really loud, but Takeda-sensei covered my mouth with one hand.


"Not so loud Shoya-kun... I know it feels great... but don't scream too loud or we'll get caught"


He was under the wrong impression. Takeda-sensei rammed his cock inside me... At first... it really hurt like hell. But midway... the pain started to go away.. and a weird sensation came to me. I started moaning on every thrust sensei did. Whenever he hits on a certain spot... my moan was something slutty and erotic I can't believe the sound was coming from my lips.


"Ahh... Shoya-kun... I'm.... I'm cumming~~"


The big pole was pulsating inside me and a hot liquid was pouring inside me. After a few while. Takeda sensei pulled out. Both of us was out of breathe. I admit it... the thing we did was fun midway... but I didn't like how he violated me. I walked a few steps... and I realized... my inside was very slippery. I fell on my knees when i suddenly felt weak.


"You... you're a virgin?"


Takeda-sensei asked.. noticing how there was trail of bloods on his cock and on my ass...


"You should have told me. I would have been gentler with you. How did it feel? You liked it right? Let's keep doing this from now on. But... don't tell anyone. I'll tell on you should you try."


I can't come up with anything.... but... I responded with a nod.





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I started reading it and I like so much Shoya-kun.

In the end I understood why Takeda-sensei was looking weird at Shoya during the class. rabbit6

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[TD=align: center]SEASONS[/TD]










Takeda-sensei left me all alone inside the room. Fully naked, I hurriedly put on the uniform which was taken of off me unknowingly. My head was hurting a bit, probably from the chemical I was forced to inhale... and probably the sexual activity we had contributed to it.


I had numerous sex with girls, so whenever I cum inside them, I know right away that they needed to clean themselves up. I never helped them... well, no one has asked me and I'm not interested. I rushed to the nearby restroom and did my business. With this thing with Takeda-sensei. It's confirmed... I'm gay.


Knowing that I'm gay has given me a whole new horizons. I have seen things I failed to notice. Before, I would unconsciously glance at muscles.. at the sexy necks of my classmates. But now... I can't even make a single glance. Being aware of my sexuality gave me some fears.


'What if he noticed? What if I'm caught?'


Even knowing that it was just me being a worrywart, I can't help but worry. After all, the last thing I'd want right now is to be discovered. I walked home really early today. Without Gou, Aki and Katou, going to pachinko would just bore me. And I wouldn't even want to flirt with girls anymore. I just think I'm not the same as I used to be.


"You're early today Shoya"


Mom - Serizawa Mitsuru asked. She was making some food over the kitchen which gave quite a homely smell. It's quite nostalgic. When I was young, mom would always cook for me. Dad was around as well, he was holding a newspaper on both hands. he also had his reading glasses on. Dad is quite a strict one. He's someone I'd never want to argue with. Since he's a traditionalist, he always thought that the best discipline comes in physical form.


"Yeah. My friends skipped school."


"Don't befriend those kind of people. they are worthless to you"


Dad said. Funny how he label people by their worth. My friends are not worthless. And even if they are, it has nothing to do with our friendship. I didn't spoke a word but gave dad a single nod instead. I walked upstairs, wondering why the two are together. It was weird, but I didn't gave further care.


I took my phone and played toyed with it. I was bored. I started searching homosexual stuff. I found out new things i never knew that it existed. One was that homosexuals can be married. The other was that there is an anime genre about homosexuals called 'yaoi'.


It piqued my interest. Well, I'm not much fan of anime. I was a big fan when I was a kid. But as I grew up, my interests shifted to friends and to the everyday life of a normal growing up kid. But what's wrong in checking things out? It was something new to me.


I looked around the interweb.. and watched some very interesting anime. There was something called Junjou Romance. It was a new thrill to me. Watching each new episodes excites me that I didn't notice how time goes by. Mom knocked on the door, calling for me to go down for dinner.


Of course, I had to close the phone and make sure the history was flushed. I wouldn't want my family or anyone else know this new stuff I'm into.


"How's school?"


Dad asked with an intimidating tone. He rarely asks such question which made it more intimidating.


"It's fine. Nothing too hard."


"Are you making sure your grades are alright? Universities are quite picky. You better keep watch on your grades since we're sending you to T University"




Mom on the other hand was being silent. Dad noticed her being uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and drank a glass of water before speaking.


"Your mom is pregnant"


I was shocked to hear about it. I thought they were not together anymore. Hearing about it made me a bit happy. Well, I'm having a little sibling. Who wouldn't. I was about to ask bunch of questions.. but Dad cut me off.


"But the kid is not mine"


My jaw dropped. I knew where this is coming from. And just as expected, my parents are having a divorce. They asked me that I wouldn't have to choose. I'm old enough so they were going to have me moved out to an apartment. They'll be giving me money but I have to work extra money.


It was not a bad decision. I knew that this make believe family will end soon. A single tear fell over my cheek, but that was the most care I can give. When I returned to my room, I booted up my laptop. I wanted to watch more episodes of Junjou Romance. I just can't get over the fact that the 'Seme' a new term I knew fell for his friends brother - the 'Uke'.


Because of that, I have developed weird fetish of wanting someone else's big brother. I knew Gou and Aki had big brothers. Gou's brother is married though. I have met Aki's brother when i come over and he's quite the playboy.


As I enjoyed my moment with yaoi, my phone rang. the caller was...


... Gou.




hey guys... I have made quite a bold move with this. I'm not sure about this thing but I had taken the realism to another level. So yeah, you may know some references too. I wish to hear your responses. I'd edit this thing if it's too lousy... and go with chapter 5 if it's okay.

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I'm happy to find the updates to this story! :hamtaro-005 (8):


The fetish thing with someone's else big brother sounds interesting.


ps: I'm still annoyed at the sensei

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[TABLE=class: cms_table_cms_table_cms_table_outer_border, width: 200, align: center]


[TD=align: center]SEASONS[/TD]












"Gou? What's up calling so late?"


I asked. It's quite not so Gou to call very late at night. Under any normal circumstances, he'd just send me a mail tonight or talk about it tomorrow at school. Come to think of it, he did this once, and it was when he ran away from home. He's not doing something like this again right?


"Shoya, I hate to impose, but can I stay over for a few days?"


Just like what I had thought, Gou had to run away from home. His family is just as messed up as mine. Only, his family always tend to get very violent at times which leave Gou no choice but to run a way until things calm down again.


"My family isn't in the best condition right now actually. But well, you can stay for tonight. I'll fill you in the details later"


"Thanks bro. Thanks"


I waited for Gou at the front of our house. He can't possibly just use the doorbell to call for me since mom or dad may be the one to open the door. It was a cold night and I kept my self warmer by hugging myself with both arms. Gou arrived shortly after. It seemed he was already by the area when he called. Seriously, what would happen if I rejected him? He would have to pay for a room or sleep at a manga cafe.


"Gou! You're here. Are you alright?"


Gou was carrying one big sportsbag. It was pretty packed, which gave me an idea that he planned to stay far longer than I thought. But oh well, I'll be leaving this household as well anyway. Maybe I'd have him around til then.


""I haven't told my family about you coming yet. They're in their own rooms already. I'll have to tell them by tomorrow. Is that fine with you?"


"Of course! Just one night is enough. I can go look for a place tomorrow"


"How about school?"




"Gou, you have to go to school. Katou and Aki will be worried too. You might get held back by a year if you missed too much classes"


Well, another reason was that I didn't want my parents to find Gou at home without me. This could lead to more trouble... or to both of us getting evicted sooner than expected. But that would be too horrible of me to point it out. I had the thought sink at the very bottom of my heart and be forgotten.


"Fine. I brought some uniform with me anyway. You'd have to bear seeing this handsome face 24 hours a day. Lucky you"


My face faintly blushed, my heartbeat quickening at the thought of being with Gou all day in and all day out. Of course, even in the bed. I had masturbated at the thought of Gou before. It may not be impossible to crawl over him while he sleep. But that's just too risky.

Naughty... Shoya. Naughty. Calm down.


"Hey, you alright bro? You fell silent all of a sudden"


When I snapped back into the reality, Gou's worried face was next to me. Black eyes were staring straight and I can see the reflection of myself. I can just move a few inch and my lips would surely be pressing against Gou's. While the thought was surely tempting, I stayed rational by moving backwards.


"You're too close. I was in deep though. Sorry"


"Nah, It's fine. But can we go in? I'm chilling dude."

We quietly went upstairs. My room was big enough for the entire guy to sleep over and still have enough space to lay our chicks on. However, there was only one bed. Knowing that Gou is a guest. I'll have him use my bed and sleep. I'll have the couch for myself.


"You can take the bed, Gou. I'll sleep here in the couch"


"You sure you wanna sleep there? The bed is rather spacious. We're both guys anyway."


It was true. I shouldn't be too shy to sleep next him. Else, Gou and the rest will start suspecting me again. I just have to sleep and not mess up anything. Gou took a bath as I slept on the bed. I made sure to leave enough space for the guy to sleep on before I engulf myself to deep slumber.



I woke up with darkness all around me. It seemed the sun has yet to rise up. I wanted to get some water to quench the thirst I have but someone's arm and leg was cuddling me. It was Gou's. I didn't want to wake him up so I had no choice but to stay put and go back to sleep. Now noticing, I feel something hard pressing against the left cheek of my ass. I'm not too sure as to what the thing was, but as a male... as a human who happens to like people who has them... I vaguely guessed it was his cock.


Naughty, Shoya... Naughty. It's your friend Damnit!




And a chapter is here.... I apologize if Shoya is too slutty xD (Maybe I'm just too horny to write anything decent. But I'll leave it like this xDDD )

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thanks for reading my story. I had to stop it because my fantasies are getting too wild xD I'm afraid would have done something very bad should i continue xDDD I'll update some other time ^__^

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Shoya has to resist to a great temptation. I wonder if he will be able to restrain himself. rabbit1

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