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My tutor is blackmailing me (Bellala99 & Snowberon,17+)


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Marik gasped and held on tightly when he stopped,not realizing he was going to stop,he nodded "Sorry Rick,I will ask you questions when we get to your place." He looked off towards the houses and watched the people walking by he forgot he was on the motorcycle with Rick,but he didn't care,he simply let a smile ease across his lips and then closed his eyes enjoying this moment with him. He listened to the sounds that filled the air and the sweet voice of his teacher,he loved when he talked it soothed Marik.


When the other didn't mention anything about his birthday his heart began to sink in his chest but he knew Rick would come up with something,when he was resting his eyes leaning against Ricks back he started thinking about what he could do tomorrow. His thoughts were easily clouded over by sexual thoughts of Rick and Marik,he blushed hard and felt his heart start to race in his chest,his eyes opened and he softly giggled just imagining it.

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Rick raised a brow when the other called him by his name and slowly exhaled. "You better get used to calling me either Sir, or Master from now on~" He said with a low chuckle. Suddenly, an image of Marik wearing an extremely revealing costume and begging for him popped out into his mind. The student shifted slightly on the motorcycle to at least try and hide his growing erection. God, was he driven by sex or something? This guy was younger than him!


The older male sighed out when they began moving again - hearing Marik giggle behind him was so... So cute... It made a smile light up on his face, and it didn't vanish up until the moment they reached his house. Rick smiled as he took off his helmet and, before the boy could get off the bike, picked Marik up into his arms with a grin. "Let's go, shall we~? Sorry if it's a mess inside, didn't really have the time to clean up."

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Marik heard how his tutor was a bit upset and the tone in his voice, sent chills down his body. He bit onto his bottom lip and continued holding onto the male in front of him. He was starting to think about his birthday and his mother not being there was upsetting.


He was about to get off the bike when Rick picked him up, a smile appeared again. He looked over at Rick and a blush spread across his cheeks feeling a bit shy. He wrapped his arms around the tutors neck and leamed into him carefully and sigjed a bit "What are we doing today?"

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Rick smiled softly while walking inside the house, glancing down at Marik time from time. "Today? Well, I want to try a new studying method... I know I'll enjoy it~" The dark-haired male said with a chuckle as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him with his leg.


The tall male walked towards his bedroom where he dropped the boy onto the bed and smirked. "What do you want to study today~?" He asked with the same smirk as he walked towards his closet. He'd stored all the costumes there... With a snicker, Rick took out a white bunny costume as he smiled and turned to Marik. "Let me explain how we'll study today~"

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Marik smiled and looked around the tutors house,it was messy but it really wasn't that bad he could clean it up if he had to or if Rick demanded it from him. He nodded and looked up at the man once again a small little smile appeared "I won't mind studying with you Master" He blushed and looked away,had he really just called this man Master? Well he was told to,and he needed to keep to doing what he asked or his diary would be shared.


As they reached his room and was dropped onto the warm small bed he wandered what he wanted to study,and in the room. His attention was taken from the thought when Rick asked him what he wanted to study for himself "Well...Anything sir,just as long as I learn" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and sat up watching,his pink hair a mess from laying on the bed and having that bike helmet on his head. He saw him bring out a bunny costume "P..please tell me you're not going to have me wear that" He said in a soft tone.

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Rick smirked widely and walked up to Marik, dropping the costume on the bed next to him. "Nah, not until you get an answer wrong. For each wrong answer, one piece of clothing will be changed into costume~ Look, I even got these cute panties~" The student seemed awfully happy as he held out a pair of white, lacy panties with a ribbon on the side. "I'm sure you'll look adorable in those." He grinned and chuckled before placing the panties back down onto the bed.


"Well, let's study history then. Last time we studied I asked you to learn about world war one, right? Let's have a short quiz~" His eyes shone in excitement as he licked his lips. "Oh, and.. When you run out of the costume parts, I have some other punishments ready~" Rick said with a wide smirk as he leaned back on a chair in which he sat. "Well, let's start from the basics. When did it start?" He asked while looking straight into his yellow eyes.

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Mariks eyes widened,he hadn't studied cause he had all these other subjects to be studying and he felt bad and horrible. He swallowed hard and nodded to his tutor as if he was going to answer the quests correctly and he gulped before answering "Yes Sir" He whispered softly and leaned back against the wall on the bed and hugged his knees,he wasn't sure about wearing the bunny costume. He blushed and chewed on his bottom lip while he waited for the questions to be asked.


When he heard the very first question he looked up at Rick and shifted a bit before he answered "I think it was 1930's,I am probably wrong though" He answered nervously and slowly moved to the edge of the bed and was getting ready to stand up to remove a piece of clothing. He smiled at his tutor and his cheeks turned light pink,but before he had the chance to answer Marik started to take off his shirt and pants,then his boxers came off.


He turned away from his teacher and bent forward grabbing the white laced panties and slipping them on,they felt weird and it showed his erection easily. He gulped and then reached over grabbing the white bunny suit and slipped it on rather slowly and teasingly,when he turned to Rick he walked towards him "I will confess I forgot to study history master,I was catching up with all this other work you have been giving me" He said shyly.

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Rick clacked his tongue and shook his head. “Wrong answer~“ He purred out in pure satisfaction. However, his eyes widened slightly as he watched Marik take off all his clothes. An erection had begun to grow for himself as he shifted and cursed. C'mon, this was no fun at all... He growled softly as he narrowed his eyes.


“I had fifty questions ready.“ He said quietly as he stood up and grabbed the thin waist, pulling him closer both that he could feel his growing erection and to whisper in his ear, “The punishment will be doubled now.“ Rick seemed pleased with himself - though he doubted that Marik would be too.


The tall male sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled Marik down with him - in a way where his groin pressed again his knee and the boy's head was on the sheets. “Thank me for each one, ask for another and say how many there were~“ Rick whispered out huskily before raising a hand and bringing it down harshly to his clothed ass. Damn, he didn't get to spank that often... It was great...

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Marik looked away feeling slightly uncomfortable wearing the ridiculous bunny outfit but if it was for his tutor he was fine with it. He closed his eyes and blushed,but when the man grabbed his waist and yanked him close he gasped and opened his eyes rather quickly. He looked up at him in surprise wandering what he had planned,but when he was pushed onto the bed he knew,and the punishments were being doubled.


What else could possibly be more horrible than wearing a bunny costume,but then the mans hand was slapped against his ass he wiggled slightly under him "M..Master please! This isn't studying!" He whimpered and glanced back at him his hands gripping the sheets. He was embaressed now and felt silly wearing this,why didn't his teacher take it off him if he wanted his ass that badly. Lifting his ass into the air he moaned teasingly and knew he had to do as Rick said "Oh master please smack me again,please you only have hit me once"


The cries were only meant for teasing right now,but he wanted more than slapping,it wasn't teaching him anything but he loved it. His yellow eyes closed slowly and he began to wiggle his ass a little and make cute little noises,he was fully erect and tried not to show it but he was wanting it now. Slowly he lifted his hand off the bed and rubbed it down his own body and once he reached his crotch he moaned out and threw his head back "Oh master!"

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Rick smirked widely while watching Marik with lust slowly growing in his eyes. "We can study once I'm done with your punishment~" He purred out softly before bringing his palm down for another harsh slap. The smacks weren't light - they were hard enough to cause actual pain, but... Right now that was exactly what he wanted to achieve. After all, it was still his job to teach his cute little student - what better way than to punish him for not doing his homework?


However, a small, soft growl left his mouth when he realized Marik had begun to try and please himself. In just a few moments, Rick had both of his hands pinned to the bed with a small frown appearing on his face. "No, you can't do that. If you cum, I'll only make the punishment harsher~" Rick promised with a smirk as he continued spanking the younger male. Each slap seemed to be getting harder and harsher, even if it was still through the panties and the costume. After all, he'd only reached twenty spanks now... He was going to make it at least a hundred, just to make Marik learn his lesson.


"Do you understand why I'm doing this or should I explain it better?" Rick asked quietly as he stopped momentarily to rub the other's ass. His hand slowly slid down Marik's thigh, enjoying the smooth, bare flesh underneath his touch. He reached up to the end of Marik's stockings, then slid back up to his ass and slapped just below the costume, where skin was visible. "Do you like this better~?"

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Marik was enjoying all of this but when his wrists were grabbed he gasped softly and wiggled a bit,glancing back at Rick with a pleading look on his face "M..master,I.." he shut up when his ass was slapped yet again,another hurtful slap and this time he felt pain "a..ah!!" he cried out and tried to get away,it hurt but he knew it was his fault while he was getting slapped,he regreted not doing his work.


Tears slowly fell down the other cheeks as he was felt down and he couldn't stop him,but when the males hand slapped his bare skin he yelped in pain "Ow!!" He tensed up a bit and shook,his skin turning red where he was slapped. He breathed heavily and tried to pull away once more "M..master Ill suck you,ill ride you,ill do anything you ask just don't hit me anymore." He looked back,he had to admit the slaps were a turn on but they could hurt pretty badly. His teacher was surely punishing him now.

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"How naughty of you~" Rick purred out softly as he grabbed the soft flesh into his hand and squeezed it rather harshly. "I don't think you're getting the idea..." He whispered out huskily as he pulled the costume away, just enough to fully reveal the laced white panties. "Now, I've only slapped you twenty times... Eighty more to go~" The tall male seemed awfully pleased with himself as he said that. Obviously, he was enjoying this a lot.


His hand once again was brought down - this time merely through the thin panties. He could see how the skin became redder after each slap... Rick grinned widely as his slaps became harder, he began using more and more force... Not enough to make it hurt too bad, but enough to cause the skin to bruise - maybe not through the panties, but if he used the same force while spanking his bare ass, that would definitelty be achieved... And he was damn sure he would do that.

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Marik thrashed and screamed out in pleasure "Please master stop this!" He was enjoying this but didn't want his tutor teacher to know,he gulped. As he felt another harsh slap his body jolted forward and he gasped as he suddenly felt a pain in his stinging ass. He tried to pull free again so he could show his master how much he wanted to be punished,but not what he was giving him.


His ass was indeed red and was getting redder each time it was slapped,within a few minutes it was bruised and if he was slapped once more it would hurt more than anything. He looked at his teacher with cute puppy dog eyes and he whimpered,finally he got one hand free and he reached over and grabbed his masters cock through his jeans and rubbed him "P..Please master let me please you" He looked at the bed instead of meeting his tutors face.

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Rick clacked his tongue and gently brough the hand off his crotch - yes, he was indeed hard, but right now it wasn't what he needed. The student lightly ran his hand over the red ass and chuckled to himself. "Just fifty more, and you can do whatever you want~" He purred out softly as he slowly took off Marik's panties. The dark-haired male licked his lips at the delicious sight of the reddened ass - gosh, he woulnd't mind having this as his wallpaper... Ah, what a wonderful idea!


Rick smirked to himself as he took out his phone and quickly took a few photos of Marik's ass. "It's such a nice view~ I can't wait to make it even better..." He whispered out huskily before bringing his hand down to the now bare ass. Ahh, the sound alone was fantastic! Rick let out a soft groan as he continued - the slaps were clearly a bit less harsh, but they were still enough to both cause pain and bruise the skin further...

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Marik looked at the male when he pushed his hand away,was he being rejected? I guess he wasn't good enough to be used for pleasure he was merely only the males toy. He looked away and bit onto his lower lip trying to ignore the slaps and pain this man caused him,he didn't know why Rick rejected him so easily but he had. As he felt the slaps were less painful he let out cute orgasm sounds and thrashed a little less. When he heard the clicking of the males phone he felt completely embaressed hoping he wasn't going to share them.


When he was a little relaxed he moved his hand up once more onto the males crotch but then moved to unbutton and unzip the jeans. Once that was done he tried to reach inside but couldn't he grunted and shifted a little allowing him to reach inside and grab a hold of the males big cock. He licked his lips,he was thirsty for the mans cock,was he drugged is this why he was so sex craved.

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Rick let out a soft gasp when he felt his cock being taken - gosh, couldn't this boy at least let him finish? His blue eyes were clouded by desire as he leaned down and placed his lips next to Marik's ear. "Now, be a good boy and let go... You don't want me to get angry, do you? If you keep resisting, I'll make sure to share these cute pictures of your slutty ass~" He smirked as he kissed up to his ear and blew cold air in it.


Rick chuckled to himself as he pulled Marik's hand away once again. "Just twenty more and we'll be done, sweetie~" He promised huskily as the slaps came back with full force - or maybe even harsher. The tall male truly didn't think of Marik as just some toy... Just, right now he wanted to teach him a lesson. After all, his job was to teach! The student licked his lips as he dug his nails into the hot flesh each time he brough his hand down. "I'm sure you're all impatient by now, ha?" He teased with a smirk as he brought down the harshest slap yet - there were only ten left, and each one of them was of equal force. When Rick finally finished, he gently ran a hand over Marik's hair and chuckled. "Good boy~ Have you learned your lesson now?"

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Marik listened to his tutor and released his cock and laid his hand down onto the bed,and tears filled his eyes as he looked off towards the wall,he only wanted to please his master and not anger him. He swallowed a huge lump that filled up inside his throat and he trembled slightly at all the rest of the slaps,once he had stopped he just let his body lay down fully and he shook in fear. Why was he being used like that? He just wanted to make his master happy but if using him as a toy made him happy he wouldn't fight it.


After a few minutes Marik sat up and tensed letting out a small scream as it hurt to sit on his ass,he looked at Rick and pain was filling his eyes. He slowly stood up and looked away as he started to walk away but suddenly from all the slaps,and how bruised his ass was he collapsed to the floor and groaned "D..damn it" He whispered out as he touched his ass gently and gritted his teeth trying to hide the pain he was feeling.

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Rick raised a brow as he watched Marik before a soft sigh left his mouth. He slowly stood up and walked up to the younger one, gently picking him up. He brought him back to the bed with a small smile on his face as he kissed his neck. "Don't be like that now..." He whispered softly as he smiled and brushed his lips up to the other's jaw. "I'll be nicer from now on~" He promised with a smile as he began rubbing his hand gently into the boy's ass, soothing the pain at least slightly. He still enjoyed how hot and smooth it was... Knowing it was marked by him now made it feel even better.


Rick let out a low chuckle when his cock pressed up against the other's abdomen - he didn't even do anything to hide it anymore. "Do whatever you want now... Just don't leave, okay~? I can get you an ice pack if you want~" Rick suggested somewhat teasingly, but he definitely would've done it if Marik asked. The dark-haired male gently stroked the pink hair while rubbing the abused ass with his hand - he should've soothed the pain at least a bit by now...

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Marik leaned into the older male gently and blushed,his heart beating fast and he looked at him,a smile on his face "You hurt me,Ill be okay though sir" He groaned softly after he was placed back on the bed and once he felt the erection of his tutors cock on his stomach he grinned and reached over for it. He gripped it tightly and started to rub it quickly and licked his lips even more,he wanted it badly to feel it inside his tight little ass. He grunted and sat up slowly and moved his head closer to the others cock and looked up at him.


He opened his mouth a little wide and placed it over the head of the mans cock and once it was in almost all the way he closed his mouth and swirled his wet tongue over the entire length and gagged a bit. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the warm throbbing length inside his mouth,he moved his hands around tugging down his pants the rest of the way,and grabbing his tutors now bare ass and squeezing it gently.

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Rick grunted softly and breathed out a bit shakily when he felt his length being gripped by the boy - damn, even such a small touch felt this good already... He groaned out softly as he looked at Marik with eyes clouded by lust... He licked his lips slightly as he watched the other sit down and... Apparently, give him a blowjob. Rick's breath got caught up in his throat slightly at the feeling, yet he quickly relaxed and let out a low, quiet moan. Oh god, this was amazing... The older male tangled his hand into the pink hair and lightly pushed his head down to make him take in his whole cock - this way Marik's nose touched his crotch slightly...


The tall male growled out softly as he quickly wet three fingers of his own and reached out, pushing the first one to Marik's red ass. After such a nice spanking, the other activities should feel at least twice as good as they would normally. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he pushed in the second finger and began scissoring - he didn't have the patience to wait any longer than that. He just wanted to stretch him and fuck him, that was all he needed right now...

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Marik felt the males hand on his head and grip his hair,he didn't mind it at all but once he was forced into taking in his entire length he began to choke slightly and gag,he whimpered. He was told he could do as he wanted,he didn't realize he was going to get forced into sucking more of the mans length. He closed his eyes slightly tighter and sucked rougher and faster thinking that was what his tutor wanted instead of the licking.



He tensed feeling the males wet slippery fingers enter his ass,he widened his eyes,he was a virgin and if that would have been his cock it would have tore his hole with the first entrance. He breathed heavily as he pulled his head off the mans cock and moaned out loudly feeling his fingers move around inside his ass,it felt really great. He looked up at him and smiled softly "What too chicken to put your cock inside my ass you just want to use your fingers" He wanted to anger his tutor so he would fuck him,he wasn't exactly ready for the pain and the tearing but he craved something much bigger inside his ass.

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A soft, low growl slipped past Rick's lips at the mocking words that came from Marik. He wanted pain? Oh, he'd get his damn pain. The tall male didn't waste any more time - he flipped the boy down onto his back further onto the bed and snorted as he positioned his leaking with precum cock against his not-fully-stretched hole. "I won't hold back then~" He purred out and, before slamming in, smashed their lips together into a passionate, messy and hot kiss.


The tall male rammed his cock inside with one move - and immediately regretted it. He knew he'd caused Marik great pain just by doing this, but... Dammit, he asked for it himself... Rick groaned out softly at the incredible tighteness around his cock as he slowly pulled his mouth off and instead began kissing, sucking and biting at his neck to distract him from the pain at least slightly. "Tell me when I can move..." He muttered out softly - guilt and regret were clearly heard in the tone of his voice. God, he really shouldn't have done that...

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Marik gasped and grunted as he was pushed down onto the bed further,he glanced back at his tutor wondering what he was about to do. His eyes widened and when he felt him slam inside his virgin ass he screamed loudly and tears filled up into his eyes and he trembled slightly and whined,he wanted the cock but not like this! He couldn't kiss him back,the pain was unbearable,he couldn't believe what Rick just done. He tightened his grip on the sheets that covered the bed and he turned his head away from him.



When Rick didn't move he thought that he was just teasing him and going to leave his cock inside him as a punishment for making him mad. His breathing was very heavy and sorta weak,but he wanted his tutor to finish so he could relax,in a weak and shaking tone he spoke "M..move" He knew if Rick started to move it would just send more pain up and down his body,but he needed this,he needed to be ready for anything. He moaned softly and relaxed on for the time being,but his muscles were really tense.

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Rick sighed out softly as he left a gentle trail of kisses on Marik's neck before slowly, carefully beginning to move. "Relax a bit... I won't hurt you..." He whispered out softly as he gripped the boy's hips and lightly spread his legs so he could move freely. "Wrap your hands around my neck." The tall male ordered quietly as he kissed up to the other's earlobe and began nibbling on it gently - just soft love bites, nothing more than that.


Rick slowly began trailing kisses down to Marik's chest, lightly teasing his nipples while his thrust remained slow, careful, yet firm and confident. He didn't even speed up for now - he didn't want to hurt Marik any more than he already had... This was supposed to be kept to his birthday, dammit... What a gigantic idiot he was, god!

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Marik looked up at Rick and his cheeks reddened a bit,he reached up and wrapped his arms gently around the older males neck like he ordered and gripped the back of his short hair with a smile. He liked that Rick wasn't thrusting so fast,the small movements were enjoyable and he let out a few teasingly loud moans to let him know it was enjoyable. He didn't care that his teacher was kissing his neck or his chest,but his nipples were sensitive.



when he felt the males teeth on his nipples he gasped softly and let out a soft giggle and yanked his hair gently "Easy they are very sensitive master rick" He closed his eyes and just leaned his head back enjoying the fucking,he was wondering inside his head if this was supposed to be for his birthday tomorrow,he felt slightly upset and mad at himself for forcing him to do it now. It would have meant something tomorrow on his birthday,now it felt like he was just being used as a toy,for playing.

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