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My tutor is blackmailing me (Bellala99 & Snowberon,17+)


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Rick could feel his heart drop at the sound of Marik calling out for him. His strokes faltered for a few moments before he continued, silently begging for the other to just go away... He bit down on his lip, trying to hurry up, but failed at doing so. The man could never cum quickly! Gosh, that should be a good thing, not a bad one, but in situations like this...


“No, just go--...“ Clearly Marik wasn't one who waited for answers. Rick stopped for a few moments as he tried to cover up somehow but couldn't even do that much. He felt so damn ashamed... “J-Just go away already!“ Rick said in clear embarrassment with his cheeks slowly becoming a shade of red. How could he even let something like this happen?!?


His blue eyes were turned away as he waited for the younger one to leave. How could he ever admit that he got a boner over Marik? A minor?!? His hand stayed on his throbbing, thick cock, slightly shaking... Simply because he had to continue. He felt like it was going to explode if he didn't release soon...

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Marik stood there watching his tutor before realizing he didn't want the boy in there,he wanted to help Rick but it was clear he wanted no part of him. He nodded and turned away,before he headed out of the bathroom and back down the long hall to his room. He shut the door and thought of something to do.


He grabbed the sandwich he made and sat down at his desk and started to eat it looking down at the exercises in front of him,a sigh left his mouth as he continued eating. After a few moments his sandwich was devoured and he was now focusing on his work. Scratching the back of his head at the questions, he was unsure of the rest.

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Relief flooded over Rick when the young student finally left the bathroom - he could finally continue. Trying to focus on cumming faster, the dark-haired male bit down on his lower lip and closed his eyes while his strokes got back to the previous rythm - harsh, fast and a bit reckless.. This continued until the very last second.


A low moan somehow managed to escape through Rick's pursed lips as he came, his cheeks slightly flushed from the finally achieved release. His breathing came out in short pants as he slowly stood up and cleaned up while embarrassment reached him fully. How could he let Marik see such a thing, really? He was probably going to lose his job now...


With a somewhat nervous expression, the older male went back to the bedroom once everything was cleaned up and walked to his student, looking at the excercises. "Do you need help here?" He asked, trying to sound calm - and he succeeded. His blue eyes were turned straight at the papers while the soft blush stayed on his cheeks. This was definitely embarrassing...

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Marik was about to set aside his work to do something else until Rick walked into the room,he looked up at him and shrugged "If you really want to help me I don't mind teacher" He leaned forward grabbing the paper and pointing at the questions he was stuck on "These ones"


He shifted in his seat and swallowed another lump before he turned to his teacher "What I saw teacher I won't tell anyone it's safe with me" He smiled and kissed his teachers covered stomach and his cheeks heated up a little,he knew Rick would never want to lose his job,in fact Marik never wanted a new teacher.


His attention was now on Rick,he touched his chest and smiled "You know Rick... You could teach me more tomorrow. Why don't we call it a day huh?" He quickly said and stood up so he would stop touching his teacher,he didn't want rick to reject him again,his teacher was a turn on but he knew the rules.

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Rick sighed out as he looked at the questions and smiled slightly as he quickly explained the answers while one of his hands rested on the other's shoulder. His touch was gentle and, well, warm. Really, he wasn't planning on doing anything "bad" any time soon... Or maybe, well, who knew. Definitely not today.


His body jerked up a bit when he felt the pair of lips pressing against his covered stomach - just when he was about to pull away, he felt Marik touching his chest... That small, warm hand of his student felt weirdly fitting on his body... The tall male licked his lips slightly as he took the hand and pulled it away as he tilted his head and looked straight at the other.


"Maybe that's a good idea..." He muttered out softly as he let go of the hand and pulled away. He grabbed the journal and stuffed it back into his bag, then tossed the bag over his shoulder. "Still, finish the excercises... Maybe tomorrow I'll think of some fun way to study." His voice was somewhat seductive and promising - still, he was going to keep it at the teasing level. Nothing more.

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Marik watched him walk away and gather his things,that was not what he wanted,he wanted to play but he couldn't tell his tutor that. He nodded and stood walking over to his bed and plopped down with a grunt and rested his head on his arms. He stared blankly at the wall until his tutor was gone.


He quickly got undressed and pictured his tutor in the bathroom again,he slid a finger into his small ass and bit down on his pillow to muffle his moan as he started to finger his ass he leaned his head back moaning a little louder not able to muffle the sound. He grunted and let his fingers move a bit quicker to enjoy more.


Marik was too busy fingering himself that he forgot his mother would be home, and within seconds she was knocking on his door. He tensed and forced himself to release then pulled the cover over himself and pretended to be sleeping,when the door opened someone else was at door it was a male.

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Rick soon exited the house without even realizing he left his phone in Marik's room... He went quite far when he decided to call a friend for a meet-up - he checked in his pockets, in his bag and everywhere else... But it wasn't there. A quiet curse left the student's mouth as he turned around and began walking back to the boy's house.


He rang the doorbell, but no one answered... With a small shrug, Rick entered the house and sighed out before freezing up slightly. He could hear moans. Wait, did Marik have a lover? No, that couldn't be it... He would've seen her, or him or whatever.


The tall male bit down on his lower lip as he walked to the other's room and opened the door gently, staring at the other for a while before tsk'ing. "At least clean up, you idiot." He muttered out as he walked towards the table and grabbed his phone, stuffing it back into his pocket. "Cum doesn't wash out that easily when it dries, you know.."

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Marik collapsed onto his bed and panted looking up at his teacher embarrassed that he saw him fingering himself,without hesitation he reached for the taller male and let out a quiet moan "Please don't tell anyone,teacher..." He gulped nervously before getting up.


He rushed off to the bathroom to get a rag and got it wet before running back into his room to clean up the mess he made on his bed sheets. He glanced over at Rick once more "Tomorrow mother said you could stay the night here if you wanted since she would be out ta town for a meeting!" He looked at his bed.


After wiping the sheets clean he cleaned up his ass letting out another cute moaning sound. He than sat down on the side of his bed and used a tissue to wipe off his dick before he the searched for his pants,not sure where he left them. His thoughts went to his tutor wondering if he would take him up on the offer to stay the night.

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A small smirk lit up on Rick's face at the plead and he chuckled softly. "A secret for a secret." He answered simply and turned away when the other ran off to the bathroom without his pants. Idiot... Didn't he have at least the tyniest bit of manners?


He grunted softly at the words he heard when Marik was cleaning the bed sheets while he himself leaned down to look over the CD collections. "I don't know... I was planning on spending some time with my mate, y'know." He answered calmly, though maybe... Just maybe he'd actually stay over. About time to visit that new sex toy shop he heard about...


The tall male ran a hand through his hair as he sighed and closed his eyes. "When're you gonna be eighteen?" He asked somewhat lazily as he took out one of the albums and smiled while looking at the cover. Right, he got this for Marik some time ago... Green Day, it was always his favorite band, he hoped to get Marik to listen to them as well.

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When he heard his tutor say he might be staying with a friend he glanced over after finding his pants and slipping them on. "Your friend is welcome to come stay I have an extra bed he can sleep on" He added before Rick fully decided to go to his friends.


Marik stood and walked over to Rick grabbing the case "I remember when you gave this to me,maybe tomorrow we can listen to it" He focused on the CD while he spoke so to not make eye contact with him,a small smile on his face. He honestly couldn't wait til tomorrow,what would they do for a couple days while his mother was gone? He would have to wait and see.

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Rick rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'd rather not. I wouldn't want him to find out I'm teaching some minor who gets off by having a finger in his ass." His voice was clearly teasing as he shook his head and let out an exagerated sigh. "That's not what a cute guy like you should be behaving like, is it? Maybe I should punish you for that~"


The tall male let out a chuckle as he leaned back against the table and tilted his head while looking straight at Marik. "You didn't answer my question. When are you turning eightneen?" He asked quietly, his gaze somewhat hungry. He knew that the first thing he was going to do when the other turned eighteen was to make him live with him... Then the real fun would start.

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Marik nodded and placed the case down and turned around facing his tutor and smiled "Well...you won't leave me alone will you?" He took a step toward his tutor before he then grabbed the chair and sat down. He shrugged not caring if his tutor came or not.


He rubbed his arm and sighed rather boredly and et his tutors gaze his cheeks heating up once more "This week,on Wednesday but mother will be gone" He looked toward the floor and pushed his hand through his hair tying to think.

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Rick let out a soft chuckle when he heard the question - it was pretty obvious that was a plead, at least in the student's eyes. He smiled while turning to Marik and planting a light kiss on his forehead. “You know I couldn't let something bad happen to my favorite student~“ He laughed while ruffling his hair lightly.


His smile became a bit wider when he heard the answer to his question - and damn, it was pretty good. “Oh? Well, you're gonna be an adult, hm? You're gonna live with me then... We can have as much fun as we want~“ He chuckled as he tilted his head and smirked lightly. The student was already thinking about what kind of “activities“ they could have.


Rick sighed out as he pushed his phone deeper into his pocket and smiled. “Anyway, do you need anything else? I was gonna meet up with someone now and I realized I forgot my phone...“ He muttered out quietly as he shook his head and huffed before leaning against the wall.

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Marik reached up and rubbed his eyes sleepily and let out a long yawn before shaking his head,and watching his tutor with a sleepy smile "No sir I am very tired I might just take a shower and maybe just relax and listen to music before bed" He stood up and stretched out a little before he touched his forehead where the male kissed and his cheeks turned a darker red and he giggled softly.


When the teacher asked him if he was going to live with him he quickly responded "Oh yeah sure,I would love to live with you after all it would be easier if we lived in the same house" He yawned once more before he started to slip out of his shirt,that was making him feel a little too hot in the room with the other male. His eyes were showing he was needing a well deserved nap after him having a long day and the fingering after made it worse. "I hope you have a fun time with your friend" He said quietly almost as if he hated that the other male was leaving to hang out with someone,what was this feeling?


A weird feeling started to boil up inside his body as he realized it was because of his tutor leaving to go with someone else. Jealousy! He shook his head and turned away from the other male and he gritted his teeth angerily and out of no where he turned and glared pure hate showing on his face "You're leaving my house to go hang out with a friend! Why would you leave me like that. I mean...-" He stopped and covered his mouth,where did that come from? He cowered to the corner and hugged his knees.

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Rick let out a smile when he ruffled the boy's hair again and chuckled. “Mhm, get ready to move in as soon as you can.“ It sounded more like an order than a request or anything of the sort. His blue eyes had a small hint of mischief in them as he watched Marik taking off his shirt with a small smirk. He had so many things he could use on the boy... Oh, it would be so much fun!


His eyebrow raised a bit when he heard the quiet words of Marik in response of him saying that he'll spend time with a friend. He rolled his eyes slightly when he realized that it was nothing more than jealousy... A heavy sigh left his lips when Marik bursted out and afterwards went to sit on the ground in some corner. God, this was a bit annoying...


He walked to the boy slowly and took his chin, raising it up so Marik would look at him. “You're mine, but that doesn't mean I'm yours.“ He said quietly as he looked into the weird yellow eyes. “You have to give me your everything, I'll just keep mine to myself... Marik, you're like my property now~“ He reminded the other before taking out the notebook and showing it for the boy. “Everything from here can, and will appear everywhere if you don't obey~“

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Marik listened to the older male and nodded his head understanding everything,so if he belonged to Rick then that means he couldn't get a boyfriend without asking him first,that was kind of unfair. He grunted and stood up from sitting in the lonely corner of the room and grabbed his hand "I understand thanks for sharing that" He turned and walked over to his bed and grabbed his new pair of clothes that set out on his bed.


He grabbed them in his arms and smiled at Rick before he headed over to his room door and pushed it open just a bit before facing Rick once more "Can I have maybe a small goodbye kiss?" He blushed at the thought of having his teachers lips against his own,he only dreamed about these things and drew about it but never imagined he would actually kiss him. He stood by the door waiting patiently for the older male to come to him,his cheeks were tinted a dark red.


He also needed a shower,he was filthy and gross after having a bit of a fingering fun with himself,his eyes were locked right onto Ricks body,he only pictured him naked and without clothes on. He bit down on his lower lip hard and tried to shake that mere image out of his head and mind but it stayed locked away. He fantasied about Rick being naked and them touching each other.

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Rick blinked a few times, slightly surprised at how easily the other took his words. He let out a small chuckle while shaking his head - damn, his fun would be achieved so easily... He let out a soft breath as he turned to walk out of the room while gripping his bag. This time he was sure he gathered everything.


The student's eyebrows raised a bit at the request, yet he smiled and turned to face Marik. For a while, he just observed the red cheeks and hopeful eyes before gently taking his chin, raising it up and making the younger one look him straight in the eye. After a bit of looking at him, Rick leaned closer and caught the other's lips into a kiss - soft, gentle and warm, yet somewhat demanding... A bit too rough to be just a sweet little kiss.


It finished after a short while and Rick smirked lightly, ruffling Marik's hair before turning and walking out of the room. "Tomorrow we're going to my place instead. I'll try out some new teaching methods~" The black-haired male purred out softly as he walked off and out of the house, a small smirk on his face. Maybe he had to take the other to some date?... Hm, it was probably a good idea for his eighteenth birthday.

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Marik watched his teacher for a few moments and the silence was crazy,he was just about to say something when he his chin was grabbed and he was forced to look the male in the eyes,his cheeks turned even deeper red and he smiled as he felt the soft gentle feeling lips press to his. He kissed him back softly before he watched him leave. He nodded when his teacher said they were going to his place tomorrow.


He walked out of his room and down the hall to the bathroom and opened the door slowly before stepping inside and shutting it behind him. He flicked the light on and pressed his hand through his hair as he walked over to the shower and turned it on and got it to the right temperature before he slowly stripped down to nothing and entered the shower,letting the water fall over his sweaty,filthy body.

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Rick hummed to himself as he walked home, grabbing his phone to finally call his friend. Well, needless to say, he didn't even get home - instead, they met up at a bar, hooked up with some girls and, well, just had fun. They always did that when they met up, and not once was Rick dissatisfied by it.


When morning came, the student was sleeping with a girl in his bed - his arms dropped around her waist, their naked bodies pressed together. It wasn't hard to realize what had happened between them yesterday... The tall male slowly woke up with a soft mumble as he looked at the girl. Damn, what time was it? Rick yawned widely as he looked at the clock and let out a half-smile. Great, he still had some time to get ready...

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After his shower he crawled into bed and soon was sleeping and was asleep still in the morning when he needed to be up. His mother walked in and woke him up gently by shaking him. With a groan Marik, was up and got dressed before his tutor got there. His mother left in a hurry and she would be gone on her sons birthday,which was tomorrow.


He wore a white T-shirt with a smiley face on it,and his jeans were skinny jeans. He walked to his desk and gathered his work and put it inside his bag,with some clothes in another part of his bag,he bit his lip and sighed he was scared to be turning eighteen tomorrow, what was he going to do?


Grabbing his bag in one hand and his sweater in the other he threw it on his shoulder and walked out of his room. He put his cell in his pocket and headed downstairs to the kitchen,and poured him some coffee in his cup and leaned on the counter waiting for his tutor to pick him up.

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Rick smiled softly at the girl who was waking up before leaning down and lightly kissing her cheek. "Morning, princess." He greeted with a chuckle while the girl let out a lazy mumble and rolled closer, pressing her breasts against his chest. "Mhhm... Time?..." She asked lazily while the student smiled and slowly lifted himself up on his elbow. "Almost ten in the morning."


Just as he said that, the girl abruptly sat up and cursed. "W-Wait, who are you?!?" Her eyes went wide when she realized it wasn't where she usually woke up... And this guy wasn't her boyfriend. It didn't take long for them to sort things out and the girl left his house, while Rick himself got ready to pick Marik up.


He drove up to the house on his motorcycle about 11 am and groaned while rubbing his eyes. He didn't even bother getting off the vehicle to go and get Marik... There wasn't a point in doing that anyway. The boy probably realized it was him by now; this wasn't the first time he picked the boy up like this.

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Marik finished his coffee and placed the cup in the sink,grabbed the house keys and his bag. He put on some sunglasses and headed out of the house and locked it. He looked over at his tutor,he blushed he always loved the way his tutor teacher looked made him wish he was as cute as him.


Once he reached the bike he smiled and climbed onto the back behind the other male and held onto his bag instead of the male,he was used to the bike so he didn't feel the need to hold on. He looked at Rick for a second "Morning teacher.. I hope you had a good night" He didn't want to think about what he had done, he knew he drank and hooked up with woman.


Marik was turning 18 tomorrow and wanted to have a special birthday but he didn't think he would considering his tutor was probably going to be gone. He shook his head and leaned back a bit waiting patiently for the older male to take off,he was already bored,his hair was covering his eyes,it seemed he needed a haircut.

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"How many times do I have to tell you to hold on? Just because you're used to this doesn't mean you won't fall off..." Rick mumbled in slight irritation when he realized Marik was holding onto his bag instead of him. "Hold on tight, I don't want to be responsible for your death, moron." He muttered out and sighed before putting on a helmet and passing one to the other as well. "And put this on."


The words he heard from the young male made him laugh softly. "Oh, you have no idea..." He said quietly, slight satisfaction in his voice. Who cared that the girl had a boyfriend? He banged her good last night, it was all that mattered. For all he cared, she could break up with her useless boyfriend... He was damn sure he could fuck her better - and take her to cute dates too.


When they finally took off, Rick barely paid any attention to the red lights of stop signs, like always. He was pretty careless... But damn, who would expect anything else from him?

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"Why do I have to hold on,it's not like I'll fall off unless you make me fall off" Marik grumbled before taking the helmet and out it on and then grabbed his teachers waist and held on tightly so he didn't fall off like his tutor thought he would. He shook his head and watched the cars and the scenery as they pass with a smile,he enjoyed riding with his teacher but hated how he drove around without a care. He hoped that nobody would call the police on Rick because he worried so much and cared,plus tomorrow was his birthday and wanted him there.


He leaned closer to his teacher and blushed "I hope your night was good teacher,whatever you did sounded fun I hope you have something great planned for us. What about tomorrow?" He asked softly as if his teacher was to remember it was Mariks birthday tomorrow. He was also looking forward to spending the night and then every day with him after he turned eight-teen,just thinking about it made him have chills.

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Rick laughed and grinned when he heard the pretty stupid question coming from his student. “On sharp turns it's really easy for you to fall down~“ He snickered as the two of them drove. The tall male loved the adrenaline he got from riding on his motorcycle... It felt amazing all the time, even if he was just going to buy some damn groceries.


He smirked widely when he felt Marik hugging his waist tightly - it sent that tingling sensation all over his body... The man grinned at the question and actually stopped at the red light to answer. “First, how do you expect me to answer with all this wind? And second... I don't know, guess I'll think of something.“


Rick purposely didn't mention the other's birthday... He was going to make a ‘surprise‘. He had the whole day planned out - filled with various activities and dates, and the evening... Well, it should be hot. The man's thoughts drifted off to the cute (sexy) costumes he'd gotten for Marik... If he could get him to wear them... And take pictures... Ahh, how great would it be!

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