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Can He Be Trained? (Bellala99)


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Jet chuckled softly as he hummed to himself and sighed out softly. “You have to get out of this bed now, Julien.“ The man said quietly as he himself slipped out of the bed and sighed. His red eyes trailed over his kitten's body with slight pity. “Stand up and follow me... But take off all your clothes first.“ Jet ordered with a smirk - he meant to show everyone in this house just what he got... What a nice new toy he had.

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Julien curled up tighter on the bed, lowering his ears against the back of his head at the words that were spoken to him. A flinch ran over him as he heard the man. A soft whimper leaving his lips as he pulled his clothes off, wrapping his tail tightly around his waist as he stepped off the bed. But stayed a good distance away from the man. A sad look in his eyes hidden deep under a frightened gaze.

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Jet smiled coldly as he stepped towards the door and glanced back at the neko. "Walk next to me." He ordered quietly as he stepped outside and chuckled at the glances he immediately got from the maids. The blond grabbed Julien's hand as he dragged him closer and smiled. "I'll give you something special to wear~" The man promised with a smirk as he started walking, smiling at the maids as he wrapped his arm around the other's waist, a bit closer to his ass.

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Julien lowered his ears as he heard the man. Forcing himself to follow after the man, he kept his gaze on the floor, though his tail wrapped tightly around his waist. He wanted to disappear and never return to this man, his body trembled at the hand that grabbed his. Flinching a moment and trying to pull away a little, he whimpered softly. Once he was pulled closer to the man, his body trembled hard.

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Jet sighed softly as he walked through the mansion, letting everyone gaze at his kitten. The man chuckled softly as he hummed and lightly slapped the other's ass. “Kitten, try and stop trembling this much...“ He muttered out as he smiled a bit coldly. His hand was sliding over the smooth skin as he chuckled to himself - now Julien was all his for sure. “Kitten, why don't you crawl on your hands and knees instead~?“ The blond suggested with a cold smirk which proved this was an order.

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Julien lowered his gaze as he heard the man, but it didnt help him to keep from trembling. His ears lowered with a soft whimper, only to back away from the man when he was touched. He was still very confused, and he wasnt trusting this man in the least bit at that moment. His tail wrapped tightly around his waist as he kept his gaze lowered to the floor.

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Jet rolled his eyes in slight annoyance as he put one hand straight on the other's ass, lightly squeezing it. “Kitten, lighten up a bit~ It won't be bad as long as you listen...“ He promised with a chuckle as he gave the nice, soft flesh a light slap. “I might even give you back your bedroom~ As of now, you'll be sleeping with me~“ The blond said with a wink as he smirked and placed a kiss on his kitten's forehead. “Now just stay calm and don't try anything funny~“

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Julien whimpered as his ass was squeezed, having him squirm and tremble all that much more. The slap caused a flinch to run over him. Backing away from the man, he darted the other way into a corner. His body trembling horribly, as his tear filled gaze stayed on the floor. Wrapping his tail around himself tightly once again as he tried to dig himself deeper into the corner with a soft whimper.

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Jet blinked a few times and let out a soft sigh as he walked towards the other - very slowly and carefully before crouching down in front of him. Maybe he'd been too harsh after all... “Hey, come on, don't be like this...“ He muttered out as he gently ran a hand over the brown hair. His red eyes saddened slightly as he looked at his kitten and sighed. “...Would you rather return to where you were sold or do you want to stay here?“

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Julien lifted his gaze as the man walked closer to him. His body trembled as he shut his eyes tightly, curling up as he hid his face in his knee's. Whimpering softly and flinching at the touch to the top of his head. But a louder whimper left him as he heard the man. He didnt want to go back, but he didnt want to be treated like some mindless doll either. "D-dont.." He whimpered out.

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Jet sighed softly as he gently brought his arms around the neko and pulled him close. “Don't what? Don't send you back? Or... Don't make you stay here?“ The blond questioned quietly as he started stroking the brown hair of his kitty. The man slowly closed his eyes as he lightly ran a finger over the other's ear and smiled, moving back to stroking his hair. Jet was actually feeling guilt for hurting Julien...

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Julien flinched as arms were brought around himself and he was pulled closer to the man. A soft whimper leaving his lips as he curled up into a tighter ball, hoping that he could disappear any minute. But only finding out he was still there. His ears lowered hearing the man questioning him. "P-please.... I dont want to go back... " He whimpered loudly. His tail wrapped tightly around his waist as his body trembled in the man's hold.

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Jet let out a smile as he nodded and gently kissed the other's forehead. “Okay, you'll stay here then. You still can't stay for nothing... Julien, you know that, right?“ The blond asked with a chuckle as he slowly stood up with his kitten in his hands. The young man sighed to himself and hugged the neko close to his warm body.

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Julien whimperd and tried to pull away from the man, tears welling up into his eyes as he tried to stay curled up in a tight ball. Being picked up and hugged, his body trembled even more against the man. Whimpering softly as he bit his lower lip hard enough to make it bleed. A trickle of crimson liquid running down his chin slowly. His tail wrapped tightly around his waist and his ears lowered agaisnt his head.

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Jet sighed softly to himself and started walking towards his room as he wiped off the blood with his thumb. “Now now, don't hurt yourself.“ He said softly as he entered his bedroom. The man sat down on the bed before gently placing his kitty on the bed as well. “Can you stay here and stay still? I'll just get you some clothes.“ Jet asked quietly as he gently stroked his kitten's hair, his red eyes showing a hint of guilt.

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Julien lowered his ears as he was carried off towards the room from before. Curling up and tried to pull his face away from the man as the blood was wiped off his face. Whimpering softly as he was sat down on the bed, he curled up and tried to back away from the man until he heard the man. Closing his eyes tightly as his hair was stroked. He lowered his ears with a soft whimper and wrapped his tail around his waist tightly. His tear filled gaze lifted to Jet as he fought to stay on the bed.

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Jet sighed softly as he gently kissed the other's forehead and smiled, slowly standing up. “I'll get right back.“ He promised as he walked towards the door and exited the room. From outside, the blond locked it just in case something was going to happen... While he was searching for clothes, Jet couldn't help but continue to remember his kitten's tears and the whimpers - he'd caused them! Truly, what an idiot he was... His red eyes barely saw anything as he took a pair of black pants and a white shirt - the hole was already in the pants, thank goodness.

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Julien whimpered and flinched at the kiss to his forehead. But when the man left the room and locked the door, his ears lowered against his head. Letting his gaze dart around the room, Curling up into a tight ball on the bed. His body trembling lightly on its own. Why did this man want him this badly? He wasn't like normal pets... he didn't obey just anyone. And now that the man had taken something from him... he wasn't sure what else this man wanted from him. Everyone tossed him away after a short while. But why has this man not just pushed him off on anyone else?

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Jet sighed to himself as he got back to Julien and quietly sat down next to him. "Julien?" He called out softly as he reached out to lightly stroke tha dark hair, a somewhat sad expression on his face. "C'mon... Please, stop being like this... I won't hurt you - not anymore, okay?" He asked, even though he realized how dumb that sounded. The blond placed the clothes next to his kitten's naked body and sighed softly. "Put them on when you want." He said simply as he continued to stroke the other's head. "Do you want me to leave?"

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Julien's ears lowered flat against his head as he heard the man entering the room once again. Tightening the grip from his tail around his waist as he watched the man come closer to the bed. Flinching at the touch to his hair, hearing the man he bit back his own words that tried to come out angrily towards the man. How in the hell could he not act the way he was? After how he had been treated his whole entire life. His gaze lowered to the close that were placed on the bed and then hearing the words coming from the man again. His gaze flickered a little at the question. Did he really want the man to be gone? He wasn't entirely sure on what he wanted right now. Yes... he didn't want to be here to a point, but after what he had felt... He just wasn't sure if he should trust this man right now. "Why are you doing this to me?" He whimpered softly.

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Jet blinked a few times as he raised his eyebrows and breathed out softly at the question. "Why am I doing what, exactly?" He asked quietly as he pulled his hand away. His red eyes were serious as he looked at his pretty little kitten - such a beautiful, frail creature... All his. "Besides, you didn't answer my question." He reminded the other with a small frown as he tilted his head and sighed softly. He couldn't take Julien back to where he got him - that nasty, dark place... It was probably the most horrible place he'd gotten a servant from. Here Julien could at least get proper clothes and food...

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Julien lowered his gaze. "Y-your not throwing me away.... like everyone else does... Why?" He asked. Lowering his ears against the back of his head. "No one wants me, Im to much trouble." He whimpered as he curled up into a tighter ball. "What makes you so different?" He whimpered softly. Tears brimmed his eyes before he closed them tightly with a small tremble that ran over himself.

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Jet blinked and let out a soft chuckle as he shook his head. "Because I like you, obviously. You're interesting, and you're definitely not like everyone else..." The blond said with a smile as he looked at the neko. "You're not too much trouble, Julien. You've been through a lot, I know that... And right now you just seem scared." He said softly as he lightly ran a hand over the brown hair once more. "It's up to you to decide why am I different."

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Julien didn't understand, he shook his head. "but there is nothing to like about me..." He murmured softly. His ears lowered for a long moment as he tried to understand, but he just couldn't. His body trembled as he curled up even more with tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. "No one really wants me... all they want is to use me and throw me away when they get bored. They always say they want to keep me, but it never happens." He whimpered softly.

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Jet raised an eyebrow and sighed out softly as he reached out to pull Julien on his lap so he could hold him again. "Shh... Come on, how could I not like you? You're a real cutie, kitten~" He said with a smile as he held him tightly in his arms, hoping to give the other some comfort, even just the slightest bit. "I'm not like the others, I promise. I won't throw you away as long as you want to stay." He promised softly as he smiled and placed a soft kiss on Julien's forehead. "Just trust me on this one, okay? I'll keep you with me for as long as you want."

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