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Reaper of Souls: Beginning of the End (Sosuke0549 and ~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~)


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"Eh?" ..."No, I'm not going anywhere, sorry buddy, but that's not happening. Well, not until Sebastien or Vincent shows up, depends on who got the call first..." [/Quote]

Kenji's heart sank. So the other would be hanging around until Someone else came to baby sit him. He frowned slightly as the other Sat on his couch getting comfy.

"You know...you really are a sap. You humans are so predictable...But that's what I love about you so much. You let your emotions go overflow, and that is enough to amuse me for days on end. Anger, sadness, betrayal, hope, joy, fury, depression...on and on! How can you humans have so many emotions in you? Is there no end to them? Oh, I hope not...Then the fun would end as well!"[/Quote]

Kenji bit his lip. A little angry, he wasn't Fliex's. Test subject! He wasn't his favorite TV show to watch and laugh at!

"Can you just....s-stop talking."

He was irritated. Fliex acted like he was better then him.


He was suddenly surprised when the other jumped up from the couch.

"Heehee, show me some of that emotion people call embarrassment! Or maybe...lust?"[/Quote]

"W-What are you-"

His eyes widened as Felix licked his lips and he jumped up when his ass was grabbed. He was shocked! HOW DARE HE!

"S-stop!! I'm not your toy!!"

He glared, blushing, embarrassed. Who did he think he was! They weren't friends! They weren't family! They weren't a couple!

"L-let go!"

His stern voice wavering slightly. He looked so cute when he was mad.

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  • Sosuke0549


  • ~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~


Felix backs away, but only a few inches, smiling up at Kenji, before giggling again. He definitely reminded one of a school girl, bubbly and playful, but somewhat...frivolous. "Aw, don't be like that! I just want to play~" He says in a sing song voice, before closing the space between them again, his slender arms wrapping around Kenji's waist, and leans his chin against Kenji's chest, looking up at him. "You know you want to play too~ Come on, let's play a game~" He giggles again, before pushing Kenji to the ground, landing with a soft thump on the floor, with Felix sitting lightly on his lower stomach, his legs on either side of Kenji's body.


He places his hands on Kenji's chest, and leans so that his head was hovering over Kenji's, a playful smile on his lips. "Mm...you look like a sweet desert, ready to be eaten all up...Oh I want to eat you so bad...Maybe you'll taste like banana pudding, or vanilla ice cream...or maybe my favorite, strawberry cheesecake..." He leans down, so their faces were mere inches away from the other. "Come on...let me taste you~ Pretty please?~" He looks into Kenji's eyes, a cute look taking over his appearance, his eyes begging Kenji to let him do what he wanted. His look would remind one of a puppy, and it would be near impossible for Kenji to say no.

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"Aw, don't be like that! I just want to play~"

"And I don't! "

"You know you want to play too~ Come on, let's play a game~"[/Quote]

"Ah-w-wait no!"

Kenji suddenly found himself on the floor and Fliex on top of him.

"Mm...you look like a sweet desert, ready to be eaten all up...Oh I want to eat you so bad...Maybe you'll taste like banana pudding, or vanilla ice cream...or maybe my favorite, strawberry cheesecake..." [/Quote]

Fliex got closest - sending chills threw him.

"Come on...let me taste you~ Pretty please?~"[/Quote]

Fliex was very convincingly, Kenji felt like he was being toyed with, but it was so hard to say no. He turns his head away.

"S-st...stop..,stop it"

His voice weak and vulnerable. He put his hands to Fliex's chest in an effort to get him off him or at lest Get a little distance between there faces.

"F-Fliex s-stop it. "

All he wanted to do was cry and be alone!! Why could he do just that?!

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"You should feel honored...I don't do this for just anyone~" Felix giggles, feeling Kenji's hands against his chest, the weak effort the human gave to push Felix off him. He could hear as Kenji told him to stop, but Felix didn't want to...not yet anyways. Instead he takes a hold of Kenji's hands, and laces his fingers with Kenji's, before leaning down, placing his lips against Kenji's neck, and begins to bite and nip and the boy's skin, licking it as well. His breath was warm against Kenji's neck, his tongue hot and wet. "Mm...you do taste yummy..." Felix murmurs, one of his hands making a trail down Kenji's side, slender fingers playing around with the button at Kenji's pants, before slipping his hand into Kenji's pants. "But you know...I bet this tastes even better..." He murmurs, and then...


Just as he was about to take a hold of Kenji's member, a knock could be heard at the door, and Felix pulls his hand away, sits up, and frowns. "Tch...ruining my fun too...All I wanted to do was play..." He glances down at Kenji, and sighs, tilting his head to the side. "Next time I will have my fun...count on it..." He gets up, before smiling cutely at Kenji, and then goes over to pull on his coat and open the door, where Sebastien could be seen, his black coat and hat dripping with rain. "Buonasera. Sorry I took so long getting here..." He glances over at Kenji, and waves, a bright smile on his face. "Salve amico! May I come in?"

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"You should feel honored...I don't do this for just anyone~" [/Quote]

Kenji tensed up, nervous. The other intwined there hands together and started to tease him. He moaned softly as Fliex licked and bit his neck. The boys warm breath and wet tongue giving him goosebumps.

"Mm...you do taste yummy..."[/Quote]

He was blushing a lot now. His body wanting to react to Fliex's touch.

"But you know...I bet this tastes even better..."[/Quote]

When he felt the boy undo his pants He panicked.

"Unn-w-wait. N-not there!"

Stopping his hand until he heard a knock at the door. Relief filled him like water in a bottle as Felix pulled away. There was a loud pounding in his head... was that...his heart racing?

"Tch...ruining my fun too...All I wanted to do was play..." ... "Next time I will have my fun...count on it..."[/Quote]

Fear went threw him and yet a shred of excitement? Why was he feeling like this!!! When Fliex opened the door reveling Sebastion He stumbled to his feet fixing his pants.

His clothes still damp from the rain.

"Buonasera. Sorry I took so long getting here..." ..."Salve amico! May I come in?"[/Quote]

Better late then never

He thought wondering what would of happened if Sebastian never came.

"Please do"

Wanting Fliex to leave. He knew he could trust Sebastion, who gave off the brotherly vibe.

"I-I'm gonna ho take a shower."

He quickly went into his room and in his bathroom, locking his bathroom door and undressing. He started the shower. Putting it on hot water. He was desperately hoping that when Fliex opened the door...it would be Shi to come for him...

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Sebastien steps inside, wondering what had gone on. He gives a deathly glare at Felix, the look in the red haired reapers eyes like nothing ever seen before. It was dangerous, lethal. To be totally honest, Sebastien HATED Felix, and Felix simply loved this fact. He teased the Italian reaper constantly, playing coy and being a total pain in the ass. All for Felix's entertainment. "You can go now. Get out." Sebastien growls, his eyes flashing angrily. He had a feeling that Felix had tried to do something to Kenji, and he was not going to have that. Not on his life. Ever. "Tch...whatever..." Felix huffs in annoyance, before leaving, Sebastien slamming the door behind him and sealing it with a sort of spell, one that only he knew, so that no one could come in that wasn't invited.


He takes a deep breath, and looks up at Kenji, a soft smile forming on his face, the look of annoyance slipping away. When the human said that he was going to take a shower, Sebastien nods, then goes to sit on the couch, a book appearing in his hand, and he begins to read. He glances up when he hears the water turn on, and sighs softly. He could sense that Kenji was depressed...He sure did love Shi. But Shi was gone, he had just been to see Dakuseba, and in the office had noticed the Japanese reaper, passed out cold on the man's couch. He wondered what was wrong, what had happened, but didn't ask about it...he had a feeling that he would regret knowing.


Getting up from the couch, and making the book disappear, he walks into the kitchen, turning the light on, making his way over to the stove. He decided to make something to cheer Kenji up, at least a little bit. He places his hand on the counter, and the ingredients he needed appear from midair, and once they were all there, he begins to make the food. They were cupcakes, vanilla flavored. Once they were done baking, he pulls them out of the oven, and lets them cool, before icing them, making them look like kaleidoscopes. After all that was finished, he smiles. It had been a while since he had baked anything, and for something he hadn't done in a while, he had to admit he was impressed. He just hoped that Kenji would like them...


Walking towards the bathroom, he knocks, before calling through to the human. "When you're done come to the kitchen, I have a surprise for you..." He waits a moment, before returning to the kitchen, and sits down at the table, placing the cupcakes on a platter and setting them in the center of the table.





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Kenji jumped hearing a knock on the door.

"When you're done come to the kitchen, I have a surprise for you..."[/Quote]

Surprise? Kenji was so done with surprises because they always came to be bad ones. He sighed... knowing Sebastion must of Did something to help lift his spirit.

When he turned the shower off. He stepped out drying off and getting dressed. Wearing a loose black shirt and lose long jeans with holes in them . He came out with his hair damp a sad smile on his face until he smelled something yummy. When he saw the cupcakes a smiled faintly taking a seat at the dinner table.

"T-thank you Sebastion. He looks...so good."

But he wasn't in the mood to eat. To depressed. This was his first real break up...

"I'm sorry...but.. I'm just not hungry. And after all the work and effort you put into making them...I'm really sorry. I just...I just need to lay down."

He turned away and went into his room closing the door so Sebastian couldn't follow...but he didn't lock it. Kenji crawled into his bed and hid underneath the covers.

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"It's alright...at least I was able to get a little smile at you. Go ahead and lie down, I'll be in the living room." He smiles at Kenji, and watches as the human leaves the room, before getting up from the table and places the cupcakes on a plate, and covers them before placing them in the refrigerator. He leaves the kitchen once everything was washed, dried, and put away, and when he did he glances towards the closed door of Kenji's room. He hoped that Kenji would be okay, he knew how rough it was to break up with someone...he had been through the same experience many times, and the strange thing was it was the other person who broke up with him. He never had the heart to break up with anyone, ever.


He sighs softly, and then goes to the living room, once more sitting down on the couch, and making the book from earlier appear in his hand, and begins to read, reading glasses appearing on his face, making him look more sophisticated and even more sexy. He turns the page, and right as he did his phone vibrates. He frowns, and reaches into his pocket, pulling the device out and reading what was sent. His eyes narrow, and the frown deepens. He had a feeling something bad had happened to Shi...but had never guessed it was this drastic. He glaces up, and over to the hallway opening, wondering if he should tell Kenji..."No...I better not tell him. It would only make things worse..."

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Kenji cried underneath the covers for an hour or so until he fell asleep. Deaming about Shi and him. He missed his first love so much. How did someone move on? He had no clue. How did you get this pain out of your chest... how did you shout the others memories and voices... how did you stop crying and be happy again?! Why didn't Shi care?! He sometimes wished that Shi was more forceful...He tossed in his sleep.

"S-Shi... s-...sorry..."

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Sebastien soon dozes off, the book in his hand falling to the floor, and the glasses he was wearing tipping slightly on his nose, soft snores could be heard coming from him. His hair fell into his face, and he looked calm, you couldn't even tell that he was filled with worry for Kenji and Shi, concerned for his friends. And Dākuseibā saw this, and once Sebastien was fast asleep, he calls out for Blaze, and the figure from earlier appears, looking at the man who had called him. He says nothing, but his eyes looked confused, as he was usually never called for by Dākuseibā. The man could read Blaze's confusion, and smiles. "I need you to do something for me..." He tells Blaze what he wanted, and a grin forms on his lips. "Do you think you can do that for me?" Blaze nods, and looks over at the sleeping form of Shi, before disappearing, this time he had the appearance of Shi, as Blaze had the ability to take on the appearances of anybody or anything, be it living or non.


His original form was that of a pale skinned teen, with bright red hair, golden yellow eyes, and a punkish visage. He had a tattoo on his arm of a red dragon, and around his belly button was a tattoo of a flame wheel. But now, with the appearance of Shi, he had a mission...He appears at the apartment of Kenji's, and knocks, startling Sebastien, who jumps up off the couch and then goes to the door, looking a bit exhausted, and was surprised to see Shi standing there... "Um...come on in, I think he would be glad to see you..." 'Shi' steps in, and smiles, before heading towards Kenji's. Another cool thing was when Blaze took on the appearance of a person, he also gained that person's memories.


He knocks on the door, before opening it and stepping inside, walking over to Kenji, who was in bed, apparently fast asleep. He looked sad, making Blaze almost laugh out loud, but he managed to keep from doing such a thing. Instead, he kneels down and presses his lips against Kenji's, soft at first, but then roughly. Even if he was being a copy of Shi, and as Shi already loved Kenji, Blaze was definitely one who could not get enough sex. He was rough too, and very dominant. And it didn't matter who he fucked, as long as he got some.



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As Kenji slept he felt something warm againest his lips. The pressure againest them growing. He slowly opened his eyes waking up and was shocked to see Shi. He quickly broke their kiss sitting up. Tears forming in his eyes.

"W-What are you doing here?! Why did you j-just kiss me! I.. I told you... I told you we were done! I'm not good for you!"

Kenji yelled at his love...or so he thought. He covered his face trying to wipe away the stray tears that fell. Even tho his mouth and mind said no his heart and body were saying Yes... saying:

Touch me~ Love me~ Fuck me~ I need you

Kenji started sobbing.

"J-just go away! I don't wanna hurt you!"

(( Blaze looks so hot~ XD ))

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When Kenji broke the kiss, and started to protest, Blaze shoves him to the bed, silencing him with a rough kiss, his body soon hovering over the human's, already he was beginning to get hard, his tongue forcing it's way into Kenji's mouth, his hands roughly roaming along Kenji's body, one hand grabbing hard at Kenji's length, squeezing it tightly, and at the same time he bit at Kenji's lips, his kisses rough as hell. His other hand continued to move along Kenji's body, his nails digging into Kenji's skin, from his side, his arms, his back, even slipping into his pants and digging his nails in Kenji's ass.


His mouth moved to Kenji's neck, where he began to bite and suck and lick, leaving red marks that would be hickies by morning. His hand at Kenji's member began to move along it, hard, squeezing it tightly, wanting to hear the human cry out in pain, to see tears in the boy's eyes. "Give in to me...because if you don't, I might end up getting a lot more rough than I am now...As for why I'm here...I'm here to fuck you, what's it look like?!" He bites hard on Kenji's neck, his teeth grazing against the jugular vein, where he could feel the liquid of life pumping through the human's body.


Without any warning he pulls away, and tears off Kenji's clothing, then his own, before once again making out roughly with Kenji, the hand that was at Kenji's member moving even more roughly, and his other hand moving to his ass, and without saying anything, shoves three fingers within the tight hole, his lips pressed against Kenji's, his tongue shoved into Kenji's mouth, so if the human cried out in pain the sound would be muffled. His thumb begins to rub the space between Kenji's hole and his genitals, his finger rubbing roughly, enough to make Kenji cry out once again.


((not to mention he's rough as hell))

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Kenji tensed being pinned to the bed.

When he felt Shi's roughly kiss, him the human quickly became hard. It was ease for him to react and respond to Shi...when the reapers tongue forced it's way into Kenji's mouth, He shivered.

The hands that roughly roamed along his body, gave him goosebumps. one hand had gripped hard at Kenji's length, squeezing it tightly, and at the same time Shi bit his lips, Shi was never this forceful... this rough...Shi's other hand continued to move along Kenji's body, the human winced As he felt nails digging into his skin, from the side, his arms, his back, even slipping into his pants and digging his nails in Kenji's ass.

"Hhha! S-Shi... w-wait!"


But he kept going. Kenji clenched his eyes shut as Shi's mouth moved to his neck, where he began to bite and suck and lick, leaving red marks . When he felt the other begin to move along his member and squeeze tightly He yelled out..

"Give in to me...because if you don't, I might end up getting a lot more rough than I am now...As for why I'm here...I'm here to fuck you, what's it look like?!"[/Quote]

Kenji was shocked! Shi would never say such a thing. Sonthing was defiantly off... defiantly wrong. His touch felt like he was a stranger. Not his real Shi...

He moans out as Shi bit hard on his neck his teeth grazing against the jugular vein.

"Nnnugh-S-Shi! N-no... y-your... your acting different s-stop unnngh~ p.. please! "


And suddenly Without any warning Shi rips off Kenji's clothing,

"S-Shi! "

He covered his body with his hands shyly.


Kenji was a little scared now. This didn't feel right for some reason... He panicked as Shi took off his clothes and suddenly started roughly make out with him again, the hand that was at Kenji's member moving even more roughly, and his other hand moving to his ass, He trembled.


His hands wrapping around the others neck. Gripping his hair giving in just a little.... His eyes widened as he felt Shi shove three fingers into his tight hole,

He cried out arching his back. Making his nude body press up againest the imposters. It felt so good to be touch again... but... he Still felt like something was a miss... why was Shi being so rough. Yeah it was very hot and somewhat of a Mager turn on but... this wasn't the shi he knew and fell in love with...


He struggled to break there hard lip lock.Kenji's legs trembling badly as he tightly closed his legs. The tongue that constantly was ruthlessly playing with him made him shed a tear. He cried out again As he felt the others rough thumb touch his skin.

He put a hand to the others chest breaking there kiss As he pants for air.

"S-stop! H-hurts Shi! Stop it Shi! Haaa~ it's hurts! Hurts!"

God he looking so damn cute.. But he was being too noisy and Sebastian could defiantly here him.

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"But isn't this what you wanted?! You wanted me to be more forceful didn't you? More rough? Well I'm doing that...for you Kenji..." He growls, pulling back and looking into Kenji's eyes, his fingers moving inside of the human, while his hand continued to fondle his member. He loved the sound of Kenji's cries, the moans and groans, screams filled with pain and ecstasy. He wanted to hear it more! He moves his mouth to Kenji's neck and began to bite there again, and then moves to his chest, kissing and biting as much of Kenji as he could, sucking on the human's nipples, tearing at the skin with his teeth.


He then pulls back once more, pulling his fingers from Kenji's hole, and letting go of his member, moving his hands to the backs of the human's knees, and forcing his legs up, pinning them to the bed, exposing Kenji's firm ass, opening his legs wide. And right before he did anything, he presses his lips against Kenji's...before shoving himself into Kenji, all the way in, until their hips were touching. He moans into the kiss, sounding sexy as hell, loving the sensation of the tightness around his throbbing member. It had been forever since Blaze had sex of any kind, and humans were a favorite of his...male humans. As their holes were much tighter than females.


His back arches, and his body trembles with pleasure, as he pulls back only to slam into the human again, moaning once more into the kiss. His heart was pounding, his whole body felt as if it were on fire, but it felt so amazing. Once more he pulls out, just to pound right back in, over and over, their hips clashing, the sound of skin slapping against skin spurring Blaze on even more. He eventually moves his mouth, and rests his head against Kenji's shoulder, biting and kissing and licking it again, while he moved in and out of the human, not once letting up on the ferocity, but instead getting more and more forceful. He knew that in the morning Kenji would be bruised black and blue, but at least Blaze got a release.


In the living room Sebastien sighs, rolling his eyes when he hears noises coming from the bedroom. He couldn't leave the house though, so instead of actually leaving he pulls on his coat and hat and steps outside into the rain, and leans against the building, reaching into his pocket, his fingers brushing against a box, and he pulls it out, a pack of cigarettes being revealed. It had been forever since he had smoked, with plenty of reasoning behind it. Whenever he smoked, his demonic side took over, and he became a monster. However...he loved the taste of them, and takes a deep breath, before shaking one out, and placing it in between his teeth, and lighting it, taking a deep breath, and the change began. His eyes turned pure black, his irises became a glowing red. His hair became shaggier, and less vibrant red, but instead more of a bright fire red. His teeth became sharp, like a sharks teeth, and black stitching could be seen forming around his neck, as well as his wrists. The change complete, and the smoke turned red instead of grey, and he chuckles, his demonic personality taking over. He goes back inside, throwing off his hat and coat, the outfit he was wearing having changed as well. "Oh hot damn...I wish I could get in on that action..." Sebastien says, smirking as he sits down on the couch, hearing them once more, this time not at all disgusted. In fact...he was now jealous, not to mention he knew that the Shi that walked in...was not actually Shi at all.


19238510.jpg (This is Sebastien's demon form. With it is dark red/black pants and black shoes)

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"But isn't this what you wanted?! You wanted me to be more forceful didn't you? More rough? Well I'm doing that...for you Kenji..."[/Quote]

Kenji stared at the other breathless. As the other prayed his legs open he struggled nervous even tho Shi and him have had sex. It always gave him butterflies and when Shi slammed into him He shrieked out in a mixer of pain and pleasure.

"Hhhaa!! Ahhhhh! "

He trembled uncontrollably As Shi continued to move in and out being more rough every time. He grabbed at the others hair baring his head into the others neck as he cried.


He cry's getting louder as tears fell from his eyes. Now he had to tell him the truth. He moaned as Shi bit and licked his nipples His felt so drained now. Giving in completely.

"S-Shi... h-have... ha.. to tell you..."

He pants.

"D-Don't... p-please don't...h-hate me..s-stay.... l-love you.. I love you"

He struggles to say completely weak in the others arms. He couldn't take much more of this or He would bleed. His face bright red like an apple.

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"How could I NOT hate you...after all the times you left me, not to mention you broke up with me when I told you I needed you...this is punishment for what you did...I may love you, but I hate you more..." He replies, his eyes flashing, before continuing where he left off.


It was about two hours later when Blaze finally released, his cum filling Kenji up, enough so that it came leaking out, and he reaches down, wipes some off the human's skin, and then, after pulling out, he raises his fingers to Kenji's lips, pressing his white coated fingers against his mouth, before shoving them into Kenji's mouth, making him lick the liquid off. His whole body was covered in a thin coat of sweat, and he felt as if he was on fire, but every moment of it had been worth it. It had been forever since he had a release, and he had to admit...this Kenji was perfect.


He sits up, and pulls away, clothing appearing on his body, a tight black short sleeved shirt and tight black jeans with a spiked belt and chains up and down the legs. Fingerless gloves were on his hands, and chains around his wrist and neck. He reaches out towards Kenji, he made it seem that he was going to be gentle now, his hand gently caressing the side of Kenji's face, before reaching back and running his fingers through Kenji's hair...until he suddenly grips the human's hair, wrenching him by his hair so he was sitting up, his other hand gripping at Kenji's wrist, and moves so he was behind Kenji, holding the human's arm behind him, keeping him in a firm hold. It would hurt like hell, not to mention Kenji's wrist and shoulder would hurt even worse.


"Just so we're clear...that's the last time you're ever going to see me...this is good bye Kenji...for real. I had a good time...But like I said earlier...I hate you." With a kiss on the back of the neck, he vanishes, the grip on Kenji's hair and wrist now gone, leaving him naked and alone. Blaze had reappeared outside, in his own true form, the appearance of Shi gone. "Now that was fun!!" He says to himself, a huge smirk on his face. "Let's see if poor Sebastien can hold himself back..." He grins, before disappearing again, this time reappearing in Dākuseibā's office. "It's done Dake!!!" Blaze says, and the reaper smirks. "Very good. You can go now." Blaze nods, and disappears.


Sebastien sat there, smoking his third cigarette, and smirks when he hears that the noises had died down. "Hm...I wonder if he left..." Sebastien mutters to himself, standing up and strolling towards the door, and opens it, leaning against the doorway, and smirking even wider, the lit cigarette clenched between his sharp teeth. He looks at Kenji, who was naked, and a glint forms in his eye, but he held himself back, he could tell, even in his demonic form, that Kenji was in pain. "So...he fucked you up pretty bad huh?"

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"How could I NOT hate you...after all the times you left me, not to mention you broke up with me when I told you I needed you...this is punishment for what you did...I may love you, but I hate you more..." [/Quote]

Kemji's heart shattered that very moment. Those words stung like a knife in his very soul. Why? Why did this happen? Kenji started bleeding from his anus at the long hours of hard sex. He didn't fight Shi... He took the others coated fingers and licked away the white substance. When it was over He was limp on the bed. Quivering. His eyes misty. When he saw Shi getting dressed he didn't want him to go.But it hurt to move, tears slid down his face...the human not making a sound. He moaned softly as Shi's gentle touch, and quickly started wincing when he grabbed his hair and arm.


"Just so we're clear...that's the last time you're ever going to see me...this is good bye Kenji...for real. I had a good time...But like I said earlier...I hate you." [/Quote]

"......S-....Shi... "

But he was gone. Kenji fell to the bed,.. Still crying, still bleeding... He could already feel the bruises on his body. Half of his body was hanging off the bed. He looked sad...weak...vulnerable.

Shi... don't go.... d-don't leave me

Even if they did break up He still wanted the other to be his friend. But having Shi hate him.. Shi's option was the only thing that mattered to him.. Kenji soon heard the door open. His eyes turning to see Sebastian but he...looked different.

"So...he fucked you up pretty bad huh?"[/Quote]

"... s...Sebastian...."

He had no words. He felt like he was trapped in darkness... and no one bothered to call his name of look for him. He wanted to die...

"K...ki-..'ll... me..."

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"Tch, what kind of fucked up fool ASKS for death? You got something loose in your brain kid? Or do you really mean what you said, and you really do want to die?" He walks in, his red eyes glowing sadistically, a huge smirk on his lips, his shark like teeth glinting in the light that was coming from outside the window. He kneels down next to Kenji, the smoke curling around his head, making him look even more demonic than ever as he looked into the human's eyes. "You want to die? You really wanna die? I don't think I can do that...but I can make it so you come close to it..." He laughs, and then faster than the blink of an eye, he pulls his arm back, and then shoves his hand forward, right into and through Kenji's rib area, right above where his heart was.


His hand went all the way through, and was now sticking out the back of Kenji's body, blood covering his hand like a crimson glove. In his hand he held a piece of Kenji's ribs, a whitish color dripping with red. He lets it fall to the floor. He then pulls his hand out of Kenji's chest, and the moment he did blood started pouring like a waterfall, pooling on the ground and covering the floor. Sebastien begins to laugh, and stares at the blood, before touching it and setting it on fire. "Well...death is a beautiful thing, don't you think?" He knew that Kenji's vision would be getting blurred, sounds would seem muffled, and he would be getting dizzy.


Without another word, he curls up his blood coated hand into a fist, and then punches Kenji in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him, and then pulls the cigarette from his teeth, placing the red hot ash on the back of Kenji's neck, his skin sizzling and smoking, sending the scent of burning flesh into the air. "Well...have fun..." He stands up, and backs away, the fire still crackling around them, and in a flurry of fire, Sebastien too disappears. The only ones that Kenji could rely on were Felix and perhaps Vincent...but would they make it in time?

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"You want to die? You really wanna die? I don't think I can do that...but I can make it so you come close to it..." [/Quote]

Who was this?... Who was this monster? Kenji yelled when Sebastian's hand went threw his body. His teeth chattering as, his eyes felt heavy. To shocked to scream. When he fell to the floor... he felt so cold.. He coughed, as the wind was knocked right out of him... the burn felt like nothing..He thought Sebastian was his friend! Why was he doing this!

"Well...death is a beautiful thing, don't you think?"[/Quote]

Was it? It was hard to tell...

"Well...have fun..."[/Quote]

And just like that... Sebastian was gone. Even tho fire blazed furiously around him He felt cold. All the warm blood flowing out of him. He couldn't move. He had never had a family, never had a friend. And then he ran into Shi...But he was gone. When he thought he made friends at the host club... he was wrong. And even if he somehow did make it out of these burning flames. He wouldn't have a home.. the orphanage would be gone in 2 days. He couldn't trust anyone... no one ever again...


He closed his eyes listening to the beat of his faint heart...getting lower and lower...slower and slower. It hurt.. the pain of going on hurt. He would die in this fire... he would die with his eyes closed...happy He didn't have to suffer anymore.

Shi... I was never good enough for you... and even tho you may hate me... I still love you. You were my first Friend... you gave me something I thought wasn't real... love... I hope you'll see that this was for the best... I hate to see you like Jasper when he had to kill his love.. I could never hate you... because I love you..

He remembered the others words.

"How could I NOT hate you...after all the times you left me, not to mention you broke up with me when I told you I needed you...this is punishment for what you did...I may love you, but I hate you more..."... "Just so we're clear...that's the last time you're ever going to see me...this is good bye Kenji...for real. I had a good time...But like I said earlier...I hate you."[/Quote]

They echoed in his ears.

Its hurts....please....make it stop....s..top...s

He fainted from lack of blood. The dangerous smoke being inhaled into his lungs. The world going black...

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"Huff, huff, huff...Huff, huff, huff!" A lone figure could be seen running fast towards the smoke, white hair flying everywhere, and a look of fear in wide red eyes. His clothes were soaked, as it was still pouring hard. Heart pounding, breath coming in gasps, muscles aching and searing as if they were on fire. 'No....no! I can't let another loved one die! No! Not while I'm around!" He runs even faster, pushing himself to his limits, as he hears the sounds of sirens fill the night. But they wouldn't be able to put this fire out, as he had seen they were flames created by Sebastien.


Worry filled Jasper to the core, he had seen Sebastien's flames before, but they weren't normal. They were demonic flames, only made when the red haired man lost control and his inner demon took over. He remembered how the man had sworn he would never let the demon take over...but if that was so, why the heck was this happening?! Why was Kenji's house on fire? WHY?! He eventually reaches the house, but was barred by firemen, who were trying to get inside. He fought past them, his anger and fury and fear making him stronger, his usual weakness now replaced by strength. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Jasper screams, and eventually breaks through, slamming open the door, and looking around, the flames out of control.


"KENJI!!! KENJI?!" He calls, coughing as his eyes began to water. Reapers might be invulnerable to pretty much everything, but cursed fire wasn't one of them. It was actual toxic to them, and if they breathed too much in, they would die. He covers his nose and mouth with his sleeve, and makes his way through the house, reaching Kenji's room and almost screamed at what he saw. Kenji was surrounded by blood, naked, and flames were licking at his skin but he wasn't burning, not yet anyways. He had a hole right through his chest, and a piece of his rib could be seen laying next to him.


Jasper stumbles over to Kenji, and falls to his knees next to the human, coughing hard as his eyes watered. "Come on...you can't die...Dammit!" He reaches out, and creates a pair of pants on Kenji's nude figure, before picking up the bone and places it against his chest, before beginning to mutter words of an ancient language. He was going to save Kenji...if it cost him his own life to do it. His body began to glow, his reaper symbol flaring up, and his scythe appearing on his back. He began to glow even brighter, as his life force was poured into Kenji, the wound over Kenji's heart sealing up, and his life being poured back into him.


When it was done, Jasper's body began to become transparent, see through, as he knew that would happen. "Kenji..." He murmurs, reaching out to touch the human on the cheek. "You must live. You must go on...Thank you for being my friend til the end..." A sparkling tear forms in his eye, crystallizing as it fell, and with one last bit of energy, he transports Kenji outside, he himself remaining where he was, but before the human was sent away, he would see Jasper smile, then close his eyes, and disappear in a burst of light, his scythe falling to the floor with a clang, and a single feather drifting next to it. "Good bye...Kenji..."

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"You must live. You must go on...Thank you for being my friend til the end..." [/Quote]

Kenji heard a voice.. but he wasn't sure who it was. Was it an Angel? The pain that went threw his body slowly fadded away. Warmth filling him. And the hot air disappearing as he was now surrounded by fresh air.

"Good bye...Kenji..."[/Quote]


Be slowly opened his eyes. He was shirtless... but wearing pants. He was covered on ash and soot. And there was loud screaming and sirens blaring. He had saw Jasper for a moment but... he was alone. And outside? He looked at his chest and saw that the wound Sebastion had given him was gone. What had happened? The last thing He remembered was Sebastian leaving...

He stumbled to his feet watching behind a building as his apartment was on fire. Rain pelting His skin hard, Where could he go? What could he do? He had no clue Jasper was gone...that he had saved him... He thought of one place to go for shelter. He ran to the neighborhood park. He hid in the play ground tube. It was big enough to fit him as he could see the smoke fill the clouded soy... the rain not letting up. He remembered coming here a lot as a kid and crying. Or hiding... He never thought he'd be back here again... being at the lowest of the low. He curled up in a ball and started sobbing.

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The rain poured even harder, as if the very heavens were crying for the loss of their "Angel". Because one would say...that Jasper was like an angel, caring, kind, gentle. He cried over the deaths of everyone, and cared for those who were near him, be they friend or stranger alike. And he always would...no matter what. As the rain fell, the signs on each of the remaining reapers began to glow gently, a sign for them to know that one of their own had vanished from this world.


And one particular reaper by the name of Sebastien had finally snapped out of his demonic faze, and was leaning against a tree, kneeling on the ground, tears pouring down his face, one hand clasping at his hair, the other clutching at his heart. He had a feeling that it was his fault Jasper was dead...all his fault. His appearance was back to normal, no one could even tell that he had let the demon loose. But he knew...and Kenji knew. And now Jasper was gone. He didn't even notice when Kenji appeared in the same park that he was in, and hid in the playground equipment.


He may not have noticed...but he felt Kenji's presence, making him cry even harder than before. A figure could be seen walking past, their hands shoved in their pockets, and tears falling as well, purple eyes shimmering with sadness. He looks up when he senses Sebastien, and a angry look forms on his face. His hands curl into fists, this was all his fault! He leaves the sidewalk and walks over to Sebastien, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and slamming him against the tree. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING DAMMIT!? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?! YOU IDIOT!!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT!!! YOU FUCKING KILLED JASPER YOU DAMN IDIOT!! AND NOW I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!"


He kept slamming Sebastien against the tree, tears of anger pouring from his eyes, his voice echoing around the entire park, so that even Kenji could hear. He then begins to punch at Sebastien, hitting him so hard in the gut that the man soon began to cough up blood, but he didn't fight back, a dull look in his eyes. He was letting Vincent take his anger out, letting the man punch him, over and over, until he couldn't punch anymore. Vincents knuckles were soon bruised and bloody, from how hard he was punching Sebastien, as well as Sebastien, who was bloody, bruised, and some of his bones were broken. "HOW" *punch* "DARE" *punch* "YOU" *punch* "KILL JASPER!!!!!!" He screams, and pulls his arm back, ready to kill Sebastien with this last hit.

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Kenji jumped hearing yelling. He saw Vincent. Vincent was somewhat kind to him. But he didn't want to trust anymore reapers. He peaked out of his shelter seeing Vincent hit Sebastion. He had lost all friendship and compassion for Sebastian but... he knew this was wrong. Tears still falling from his eyes and being completely soak and wet. He ran over to the two reapers and hugged Vincent from behind.

"STTTTOP! S...stop... n-no more...no more killing....please..."

His voice breaking... You could tell the boy was broken hearted... he talked as if he had nothing to live for. As he trembled against Vincent's back. Kenji was freezing. Shirtless into the hard rain.


If Shi could go back in time he would fix everything. He would never have fallen for Shi... and maybe then he would still be alive.. maybe then He would have went there hell... maybe then... Jasper would still be alive...

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At Kenji's touch, Vincent's arms go limp, and falls to his side, his whole body beginning to tremble, tears mingling with the rain. The anger dies away from his face, and the only expression that could be seen was total devastation. It hadn't been noticed by many, but Vincent and Jasper had been quite close, though it didn't appear that way. Yeah, Jasper had been scared of Vincent, but that was only because they were so alike, in many ways. And whenever Jasper had needed him most, Vincent had been there, and it had been the same for Vincent as well. He could always count on Jasper to be there for him...And now he was gone.


"Sebastien...I hope you die and burn in hell...then maybe those flames will teach you a lesson to NEVER let you demon side loose!" He backs away, and then turns around, pulling off his coat and placing it on Kenji's shoulders, his arm wrapping around Kenji's side, and he walks away, guiding the human away from Sebastien, who had once again slumped to the ground, grovelling in his own pity and sadness. For a while they just walked, Vincent guiding Kenji away from the park, and down the sidewalk, on and on they walked. Silence was around them, as Vincent felt if he spoke his voice would tremble.


Eventually, after about fifteen minutes, they step up to a huge mansion, even bigger than the one that Shi had lived in when he was alive. Vincent guides Kenji up the walk, and then after unlocking the door, they step inside. Still, Vincent says nothing. He was silent as he took Kenji to a room that was near the back, it was a bedroom that looked as if it was hardly ever used. Only when they were inside did Vincent speak up. "I'm...sorry about everything...You can stay here...if you want..." He stares at the ground, the tears still falling, dripping to the plush white carpet below. The whole house was done up in white and black, with touches of red, blue, and purple here and there, but mainly it was white and black.

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Kenji tensed hearing Vincent's words. But said nothing. He tightly held the coat that was wrapped around him and he let Vincent lead him away from the park. He was quiet as they walked in the rain... there was nothing to say...


As they came apon a huge mansion Kenji was surprised that Vincent lived in such a nice place... it reminded him of Shi's home. As Vincent let him inside and took him to a room He stood there glancing up at him.

"I'm...sorry about everything...You can stay here...if you want..."[/Quote]

".. t-thanks... and..you stopped.. y-you didn't kill S-Sebastian... I know.. it must of...took a lot...to stop..."

He said quickly hugged Vincent Before going in his room and closing the room, He needed to take a long hot bath.

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