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The Sad Life of Caset


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So hey...I thought of a character for another story in which I did in rp arena. Caset was a secondary character but I loved him so decided to also make him a story of his own. Warning, this story may be sad to some people, others maybe not so much.

♛Chapter 1♕


The house was fairly cold to the blond as he pulled his robe closer. The heating system wasn't working properly and Freddy said that he would fix it soon. The man explained that turning it on would perhaps start a fire so the petit blond never touched it.


Blue eyes scanned the room throughly, from the corner of the area to the ceiling. Caset had just bought the house with the help of his parents. The blond male had needed one badly. There was no way that he could continue to stay with his parents at the age of twenty five. Plus, he was newly married and wanted for him and his husband to be comfortable and deal with their problems, if they were to have any, alone.


Padding to the living room the blond sat upon the sofa before grabbing the blanket, in which he had left there purposely for warmth, and wrapped it around him. "Mm...I should be cooking breakfast for my husband....before he wakes up this time." The other male had to go to work in a minimal of two hours so Caset was pretty sure that his love would be happy with a nice hot breakfast before business.


Sighing heavily the thin figure stood with a grunt. It would have gotten a comment from his husband if the other male was present. He would have surely complained about Caset being lazy and sounding like an old man, though the petit man never took it seriously; in fact, he just laughed.


Now in the kitchen Caset opened the cabinets as well as the refrigerator to find something to cook for breakfast. He wanted a meal that would make his lover full and energized to go to work, but that was merely a stupid thought. Grabbing a hold of the dishes he would use, the shivering twenty five year old finally chose the food. There would be eggs, grits, biscuits, and bacon. At least that was what he was hoping could be done before his love went to work.


Heating footsteps Caset glanced behind him and smiled. It was Freddy, his spouse. "Hey sweet heart~ morning."


The man just gave a nod, giving light kisses to the blond's lips. The blond returned the kiss before placing his hands on the wide chest of Freddy's to push him away. "I'm about to cook you breakfast." The petit man smiling lightly, his pearly white teeth shining in the light of the kitchen.


"Babe, you know I have to go to work early today right?" Eyes widening the blond placed his hands on his waist. This was terrible, Freddy hadn't even told him that.


"You haven't told me that. Dammit Freddy!" The smaller of the two pouted while crossing his arms over his chest. They hadn't had a meal together in a while, for the last two months to be precise. A comforting rub was delivered to his arm but he pulled away. "Just go to work. I see you are all ready sooo..." Averting his eyes from the other also rolling them. Now Caset didn't really want to see the other at the moment, it was always something that prevented them from spending time together. It was getting more recent lately.


"Caset don't act that way. You know I have to work."


"Yeah, yeah....just go. Wouldn't want you to be late for work." Picking up the pot that he had placed on the stove and open the cabinet to slam it back into its place."


Grabbing the petit blond Freddy frown at him for acting so stubborn. "I'm providing for us right? You should be happy that you have someone willing to work."


"I am dammit, but not someone that works so much that they forget about the one they married." Tears now present in his azure eyes as he snatched his arm away from the older, much more mature, male.


"I'm going to take you out to dinner ok...will that make you feel better?" Caset looked to his husband and pursed his lips before slowly nodding. Freddy pulled him into a hug before kissing his forehead and stepping away from him.


"I have to go." The black haired man announced before turning to leave out the house.


"Ok, love you." The smaller of the two yelled, only to get a wave from the one he loved as he disappeared out of the door. Sighing, Caset walked to the living room to sit down. It was all so pointless to even try. All the other would do was take him out for dinner and apologize, come home to have meaningless sex then fall into a deep slumber. It was the same old routine as of lately, albeit the blond would change that now.

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Caset watched the clock as it ticked by another minute, oh who was he kidding, there was no way the two of them would go out for dinner now. It was exactly 11:35 p.m. What worried the blond more was where Freddy could have been. The male usually came home around nine, that was when his shift ended. No matter how upset he was with the black haired male, the petit man didn't wish for anything to happen to him.


Standing to stalk to his phone, which was sitting upon the counter, the male searched through his contact to find his husband. Caset didn't even have any friend's to be honest, so finding anyone in his phone that was not related to him besides Freddy was damn impossible. Biting his bottom lips nervously the blond tapped onto the name of his lover and waited for the calling.




"Caset, what is it?" The other male asked, he sounded out of breath. Maybe it was because the other was doing something that the blond forbidded him to do. Heateng the thumping of deaf music in the background he could tell that his husband was possible standing outside of a club.


"Freddy," The smaller male started a firm tone in his voice. "are you at a club? I thought we were suppose to be going out for dinner?" Listening to the other pause before suddenly answer him. Caset knew that the other just needed a little amount of time to think up a good enough lie for him to believe. He hated when the man did this, it made him feel like shit. Did the vows they shared mean absolutely nothing?


Freddy sighed heavily before speaking to the male on the other device. "I apologize, but...I'm actually at a restaurant. A co-worker of mine's invited me to a birthday dinner and I accepted out of niceness. I can't be rude baby." that answer actually didn't help the blond in the least. Firstly, if it was a business party that a worker of the comapny had threw as a birthday, wouldn't the family be invited as well. Secondly, that clearly meant that his husband didn't want him to be there, right? Though what hurted the most was....the third. The blonde's third thought was that his love was ashamed of him. Had the man not let anyone know that he was married?


"Oh, I see. So once again work is more important than your husband. Well, I'll be sleep when you get here, don't bother joining me. I'll have you a pillow on the c-"


"I will not sleep on the couch." The business man said to Caset, through it only brought a laugh out of the younger male.


"Then where will you sleep? Your not allowed in the bed."


"Since I'm the one paying the bills and bought all of the furniture, it will be you sleeping on the couch." The phone called died after the other said that statement. Small tears gathered in the petit man's azure eyes as he shook his head and quickly wiped them away. Come on Cadet...that can't effect you. You will not let this bring you down, your much stronger than this. If that's how he wants it, I'll sleep on the couch.


--Hours Later--


The door opened awakening the small male from his sleep as he looks to the stairway. He would only see the man if he was to walk into the living room or if he began up the stairs. Footsteps were getting close to him as he watched Freddy approach him. The other must have seen his eyes opened therefor he stopped in his tracks. Azure eyes glancing to the digital clock be could see that it was four in the morning. Steering the blue orbs back to Freddy small gathering of tears formed in his eyes.


At the sight though the taller male just folded his arms over his chest and shook his head. "Are you really going to cry? Stop being such a kid and grow up. This is why I've been spending tome away from you, you've gotten too clingy."


Caset mouth dropped as he quickly sat into an upright position. "What! Too clingy? Your my husband for heaven's sake I'm suppose to cling to you. We are as one now...your my support. How could you say that?"


"I don't give a damn about that, I'm going to sleep wake me up at ten for work." Disappearing from the living room to climb up the stairs. Who the fuck does he think I am his maid? He hadn't been home all day and expects me to wake him up at ten so he could once again leave? Oh no.


Standing from the couch, it creaking softly from the pressure he pushed upon it. The stairs crying as the petit body made it's way up, stomping on the way. Bursting into the room azure eyes locked onto the form which was lounging in the bed. "Why the fuck shall I wake you so you could go to work? You haven't been home all day!"


"I have to work don't I...get out I'm trying to sleep." Pulling the blankets closer to his masculine body and turning his back to Caset.


"No, I want an answer! Fuck that job, at least stay here for a day. I'm begging you." the room stayed silent though, the man ignoring his lover in favor of reasoning with him...well more like argue. He didn't have time for it, the black haired man knew that lying to his husband was wrong but he could always make it up to him. The only action that he wanted to do now was sleep....fall into a deep slumber. "This is all bullshit!" Caset yelled assaulting the wall. Slamming the door he slowly inched his way back down the stairs and to the couch. I wish I at least felt loved the way I did when we were dating.


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This is...wonderful...yet sad. I wish to know what happens next and hope you keep working on it! its working just fine! its wonderful!

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A loud piercing sound was what woke the petit blond next and looking to the clock told him exactly why. It was nine thirty and he had set the clock, although reluctantly, to wake his husband up once again to go to work. Sometimes he wished he would have never convinced the man to take the job. When the two of them had seen the opening Caset had told the other that this was a one in a life time opportunity, that it could help them with their finances whenerver they decided to move in together. That was roughly eight months ago....when they were dating. The job was a big help, but it was also a disaster. The blue eyed male would rather be broke and homeless than to have a love that wasn't worth a bucket of slime.


Standing with a roll of his eyes he began up the stairs, somewhere he wish he wasn't going at the moment. You know what....it's true that the job is helpful and work out the finacial problems, but who could get fired after missing a day of work right? I know he'd be upset with me and argue all day, but at least I'll get to see him then. This was ridiculous, what the hell was he thinking? Who ever heard of a normal being that would be willing to argue with their spouse just to see them. Well, there was a first time for everything and Caset wasn't some normal person.


Even though he tried convincing himself of not waking Freddy he found himself steadily climbing the stairs. Maybe today could be different. He could make everything better just by taking me out. It's simple and easy...the only reason being he didn't take me yesterday was because of a co-workers party. My love was busy. Caset was trying to convince himself like another would try and persuade him. The bad thing was....that he had no moral support. No friends to tell him that everything would be ok, the blond had to deal with his problems all on his own.


Edging to the door of the bedroom the azure eyes narrowed, seemingly burning a hole through the charcoal colored oak door and straight into his husband's cold, emotionless soul. "Ha, if only that could work." Caset whispered before opening the door. Oh, he had actually slept on the couch....that was finally registering in his mind. If there was any real love between them....wouldn't Freddy had made sure he was ok, but the better solution would have been to take his hand and ask him to join him, right? Well what's done was done, the night had slipped away to bring the day.


"Um, Freddy...you have to wake up." Shaking the man so that he would wake for work. "Freddy, you have work." After that statement a small groan was given as the black haired male opened his eyes. Coal orbs, gloomy with sleep, engaged with azure ones, clashing as the male seemed to glare at him. Frowning Caset was taken back. What the hell had he done to the man for him to be upset with him? "Um...are you ok?"


No words were spoken as the taller male stood from the bed and walked passed him, still without speaking a word. Caset turned his hands out in a what-did-I-do gesture. Mouth agape the blond shook his head before slowly following his lover. "Um, can you answer me? Did you have a nightmare?"


"No, I didn't." The other spoke, his voice only portraying an angry tone. Aww screw this. I'm so done! I don't even know what the fuck I've done. Maybe he just needs some time alone. I could be a bit grumpy just waking up as well. Caset walked to the living room and sat onto the couch in which he slept on. It was a comfortable furniture, but not near as best as their bed. After moments had passed the small petit male heard a loud bang that sent him fifty meters in the air. What had happened?


Quickly trailing into the small space that led upstairs, to the living room, into the kitchen and to the half bathroom, the blond only stepping up a few inches peeking to the right to see that Freddy was seemingly taking deep breaths. The male was highly upset by for what reason? Shuffling into the kitchen, his house shoes scrapping the floor, Caset stared to his husband.


"Baby are you ok? I hate seeing you this way, what's bothering you?"


"You are! It all fucking you!" Freddy explained slamming his hands down. Brows furrowing the smaller male said nothing and just continued to stare at the bigger, more masculine man. "You decide not to fix me breakfast, but what's worse is that you cheats on me!" Walking closer to the small petit male, his chest pushing against the other's lithe body.


Wooh, wait what the hell is he talking about? Cheated on him, I've done nothing of the sort. Where is he getting these ideas. "Freddy calm down, what are talking about? I have never in my life committed such a thing!" His hands pushing out to slowly put distance between them, his husband was extremely close.


"Don't you tell me to calm down." Slapping the blond's hands away. "Don't lie to me! I saw you, all wrapped up and kissing on that guy who the fuck do you think I am?"


"You sir, must have had a terrible dream. You just woke up...I've been in the house all this morning as well as any other day that your not here. You need to take a breath and think." This is fucking insane. I hope he isn't losing his mind and turning in some psycho killer.


"DON'T TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO DO! You stop being such a worthless spouse and so something for a change."


"I do as much as I can for you, and I will NOT be belittled like I'm a piece of trash Dammit!"


"Watch your fucking mouth before I hurt you." The blond's eyes had widened, that was new.....Caset had never been threatened but the other before but....it was normal right? The dark haired man just shook his head at the blond before pointing a finger. "I'm watching you. I need a fucking drink. I'm going out with some friends don't bother me."


Caset grabbed onto his lover's hands before it was instantly knocked away. It didn't register to the blue eyed male as a frown danced across his face. "Wait, don't you have work."


"No, who said I did...Now I'm leaving. I'm upset, don't bother me." Grabbing the car keys and leaving the house. Caset only stared as the masculine male left the house, slamming the door once outside.


What the hell just happened? Freddy...just said he didn't have to work, but yesterday-...oh, I get it now. He was totally intoxicated last night and has no idea what he said. This was all a set up. The reason he was being an asshole this morning, the reason he pretended that he had a dream of me cheating on him. It was all so he could leave, once again.

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The blond had been sitting in the same place for over four hours now, waiting and waiting for the other to return home. Caset laughed at himself, at how pathetic and absurd he was acting. "Why the hell do I have to wait around t for my happy ending." It was true,. Why would he have to wait when the other was out doing heaven knows what.


Finally standing from the place on the couch the azure eyes looked out the window, in which he opened, to see if the weather was consistent. It's not like he'd know, but at least he could estimate. By the way the sun was beaming strongly he doubt it could rain so he decided that going out would be pretty fun. Maybe he could make a couple of friends, it's what he needed at times like this.


Dashing to the bathroom the petit body wiggled from the confines of his clothing letting them fall to the floor. Padding to the dresser was what he did next, opening the drawer to look inside. There was clothes ranging from cotton to leather. He'd defiantly wear something thin, at least, so he wouldn't become too hot.


I'm just going out for a friendly walk in the neighborhood. No....maybe I could go to a club and have a friendly drink also, right? Of course I can...I don't have any friend's but Freddy is out so I have the rights to do so also. Just a friendly walk and a couple of friendly drinks and I'll be fine. Argh! Why am I saying friendly so much...do I want a friend that badly?


Rolling his azure eyes the male began toward the shower. In his unconscious state of mind he had grabbed a hold of a pair of tight leather and laced pants, the velvet (lace) running through in a spiral line, that would show some skin for sure. "Oops, maybe I should wear these." He whispered to himself before holding up the white and green shirt, with a rock band symbol but was shredded in places...it was a style now. "Or...maybe just this once." Softly biting into his bottom lips continuing to trail to the bathroom.


Once in the nice sized room the blond reached for the shower head to adjust it and turning the knob also. With the temperature mostly being cold the petit male jumped in, water splashing as he shivered a little. "Feels so good." His voice a little squeaky due to the cold water showering his porcelain flesh. Grabbing a towel he wet it under the spray of water before slowly lathering it with soap and dragging the cloth against his skin. Lightly scrubbing the invisible dirt from his body.


"Gotta' get clean and all fresh for my day out~" He song to himself, a small tune being made with the tapping of his feet against the tub as he continued to throughly wash himself.




Close to thirty minutes in the shower the petit male deemed himself clean enough as he was now in the mirror fixing his hair. Ruffling it the blond smiled to himself as he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. Looking down to turn on the water in the sink Caset washed the brush off before applying the paste. Once again looking to himself in the mirror, his hand moved to his teeth to create a rotational motion. The man had read that brushing it this way would remove more plaque. Guess that was why they made the toothbrushes that ran on battery.


After finishing he place the brush into the sink before rinsing his mouth out with anseptic. They was in need of some new dental products. "The things I go through." He complained lightly groaning as he held his stomach.


I haven't even eaten and all I can think of is my day out. How pathetic. Am I that stupid to forget all the necessities in life, all the things I need to survive? Well, I am going out after all....maybe I should just stop at a small restaurant on the way. Freddy had promised me to one lately anyways, but to no prevails. It was all lies. I think, that if he can lies to leave the house then I can too. Well, maybe not lie but I'll defiantly leave the house......when he gone. Letting out yet another loud sigh his hand bent to smack his forehead.


"I am NOT scared of my own damn husband, dammit!" Pursing his lips and walking slowly to the bedroom, naked. What surprised him most was firstly, the room was a fucking mess and secondly....Freddy was standing and staring in his face. Swallowing the lump in his throat the azure eyes glanced to the clothing that was gripped in the other's hand.


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Amazing keep it up!! I think Freddy is a butt! haha but i cant wait to see what will happen next so keep working on it!! Its wonderful and beautiful. You are very talented.

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The taller male looked to Caset as the blond stood frozen not saying a word. What could he say, he didn't want to go blabbering at the mouth and say something stupid. For all Freddy knows, he could have been taking a friendly shower and to get dressed. Dammit! I have to stop thinking friends...stupid me. It didn't necessarily mean he was going to go club hopping....did it?


Freddy only stared to his husband and said nothing as the clothes fell from his hand and onto the floor. The petit one said nothing as blue eyes looked up with much curiosity. The blond was actually getting pretty pissed at how he cowered to the other male. It was ridiculous, because...why was he acting like this? Freddy left anytime he felt like it, so he should do the same. It's not like the man could just force him to stay somewhere he didn't want to.


"Freddy," Caset begun, finding the courage to speak up for himself. "I've decided that I'll go for a walk and have breakfast and what not." Walking to pick up his clothing. "I hope you had fun with your friends." Slipping the shirt over his head, ruffling his hair after it was fully on. "I'll be back before four..." Looking to the clock in the room. "five hours of course." Caset corrected, noticing that time had went passed yet another hour waiting for the man to return home.


Finally sliding into his leather and velvet pants he reached over for a coat and also slipped it over his arms. Smiling slightly at his lover the blond walked past him to leave the room. "Ouch!" Caset yelled as a grip was clutched onto his hair. Tears punched at the lower lids of his eyes, it wasn't from crying but from the sting to his head...the involuntary muscles made the liquid substance.


Taking his hands and reaching back to his husband's, the blond could feel the tight grip that the other had on his blond locks. It fucking hurted. Patting at the hand, Caset could feel himself stumbling. With such a tight grip he knew that if he fell patches of his hair would be ripped from his head for sure. Taking slow steps back, which made his head bend more the petit male gritted his teeth.


"Stop! Let go! What's wrong with you?" Now the tears leaking from his eyes was true. Firstly, the pain was getting worse and he could feel the stiffness creaking in his neck at the uncomfortable position. Secondly, Freddy has never done anything violent to him. Not ever...what was happening with his lover? A push forward sent the smaller onto his hands and knees, but from the force he fell and scrubbed his face against the carpet. He let out a shreik, that would leave a carpet burn.


"What the fuck?" Holding a hand to his face as the older male just sat onto the bed and stared to the smaller male onto the floor and said nothing.


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Poor Caset! Freddy is so cold and bad! Hope he won't hurt him and I also hope he'll regret this, later.


I like this story

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:hamtaro-005 (8):

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I would like to dedicate this to

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The only sound heard was small sniffles as the blond continued to rub at his face, tears beating at his lower lids to soon escape. Groaning, Caset gave a small whine as be stared to his beloved. Why would Freddy so upset over something so petty? So basically he, the blond, wasn't allowed outside of the house. If not, was there any other reason for the older male to assault him?


"What is wrong with you?" The smaller of the two cried as he covered his face. The reason for crying wasn't because of the pai , but because Caset never thought that his husband would do such a cruel action. The taller male had never in his life placed a hand on him in such an aggressive way. This was not how the blond wanted things to be. He loved his significant other and just wanted to know what was bothering him. Usually when someone starts to abuse another, there was something wrong. A problem that continuously was eating at the victim. Caset wanted to help his lover and that was all.


"Who said that you were allowed outside? Where the hell were you planning to go? You have no one to watch over you, what did you plan to do for defense, huh?" The masculine man asked with a deep, serious tone. The slender adult only gave a sniff and finally sat into an upright position. He had enough of being scared of his own husband; lately. It was pathetic, he wasn't suppose to feel like this. The feeling were to be love and admiration not desperation, sadness and fright. Caset could tell that the both of them had become more distant.


The blond wiped the tears away as he slowly stood from the floor that the other had not-so-gently threw him on. Freddy just continued to stare, not saying another word. The blond couldn't understand why the eldest adult would do such a foolishness. It wasn't fair that the older male could go out whenever he wanted, but Caset wasn't allowed any fucking freedom. This was bullshit.


"I don't think it's fair at all that you get a chance to go every fucking where you want, but I can't go anywhere. I don't like it Freddy. You're suppose to be my husband but yet, you act as if you're married to one of your friends....or maybe the strip club!" Caset couldn't hold his anger anymore. There was no telling what the results would be, but he wasn't exactly use to an abusive lover. Like said before, that was the first time that the taller man had assaulted him.


"I want you to shut the fuck up and sit down because you aren't going anywhere." The inky haired man voiced, sending his lover a glare. The petit young male just stood and said absolutely nothing. When Freddy was like this it never scared him, but the other had just hit him a while ago so it was different. The younger man had seen enough movies to know what could happen to him if he disobeyed. All movies where inspired by something, and it would be absurd to believe that what occured in movies and on television couldn't happen to him. It was all non-fiction, so it could happen.


The blond walked over to his lover and sat beside the employed male, grabbing at the covers to place over his naked body. His husband didn't look very happy and it actually saddened the petit man to a grave extent. What he was doing was wrong. His mother had always said two wrongs didn't make a right, and leaving without his husband knowing was a bad idea. Caset loved Freddy and he didn't want to make the male hate him, or even doubt his love.


"I love you Freddy. I'm so sorry. I should have told you." Biting into his bottom lip and closing his eyes. It was strange that Caset's heart was broken over something so little, but he felt as if he betrayed his lover. That was the last thing he had ever wanted to do. Marriage was suppose to be happy and magical. It was for the first two months or so, that their marriage felt that way. Now Freddy was being a dick and the blond didn't know why. Had he done something to anger the other, or maybe he offended his significant other in some way.


"Have I done anything to make you upset? I really wish that you would communicate with me instead of just walking out the door. A relationship needs communication and it hurts when you just leave me all alone. It's boring without you. All I can do is wait until you get home. I have no friends to talk to, it's only you, Freddy." Tears gathering in his eyes, overflowing and rolling down his cheeks.


Without my husband with me, life isn't worth living. No, I won't think that way. Whenever marriages end, it's to open up to someone better. I can't miss my chance, but I'm not willing to just give up on our love. I made vows to be here through the bad and the good and I'm going to stick to that promise. I meant every word.


The older male just stared, silent and still. He could hear all of what his blond lover was saying, it just wasn't as exciting anymore. When the two of them first met, Caset was a wild teen that loved to party and do kinky actions whenever and wherever he could. Now that the two was married the younger adult became this clingy, holy, dull blond character with no life for fun. He believed in no sex and only cuddling. It wasn't what Freddy was use to, he wanted his old Caset back.


"You've changed.....a lot." Freddy simply said as he stood from the bed to walk out the door. The petit male only gawked as the masculine man left the room, not even giving the blond a glance. The other just didn't understand. Caset knew exactly what the other was talking about, but Freddy didn't understand that he was the reason the younger man couldn't be the same anymore. This was just another guilt trip to make him feel bad, but then again maybe that was how Freddy thought. Maybe it was his Freddy felt. The man just didn't comprehend that it was all his fault and not the blond's.


Sex had went to a minimal because the dark haired male stayed away so long and always chose work over him. This alone made the blond want no part in sexual activities. When the two had first started dating, Freddy was a rebel that chose him over anything ... even work. It was something of a bad ass attitude, now all the man thought of was his appearance to others, and how one viewed him. Wealth, power and respect could change many people. Just like it changed Freddy.


Standing from the bed, the smaller male stood to slowly trail after his spouse. Caset wished that he wouldn't have to deal with the other when acting so distant. It wasn't how the two was suppose to be. Frowning slightly, the blond watched as his husband plopped into the chair in the living room. The man looked unhappy, and from that cause along Caset was also unhappy.


"Baby, I'm really sorry. I don't know what the fuck I have done and I really, really regret every fucking thing I did to make you this way. You kind of changed yourself, so I have also. I grew up Freddy, I matured. I'm not the same teen you met years ago ok?" Pursing his lips, and giving the other a small frown.


Freddy once again stayed silent and said nothing. There was nothing he wanted to say to the other. The raven haired man just rolled his eyes and steered his eyes to the television. It was soon turned on, and switched to a porn channel. Something that Caset found really disrespectful. How did it even show anyhow? His husband had to be paying for it. Sighing, the blond looked away and walked to the other side of the room. Dropping on the couch, the younger stayed silent and looked to the clock. At least it was at a reasonable time, he was surprised Freddy had came back this early to be honest. It actually pulled a smile from him.


"Thank you Freddy." The other announced, looking at the taller male's face. All the dark haired man did was look toward him before glancing back to the T.V. He didn't know what the other was talking about, and he didn't really care. The rest of the day couldn't be any more peaceful....well as peaceful as it could get with the sound of moaning men in the background.


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Thank you for dedicate me this chapter! :Red_fox7:


I feel so sorry for Caset, I think he deserves someone much better than Freddy. The last one seems to not care anymore about him while Caset is trying his best to make his marriage continue.

I don't know if I'm bad, but I wish for Caset to meet another guy and for Freddy to end up regretting all the shit he does.

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Once more dedicated to

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! Thanks to her, I was inspired to write more of my story. ^~^



Approximately two hours has passed and the blond was actually getting pretty bored of watching the unruly act on the television. Caset was also a bit frustrated, that being because his lover was actually getting more excited over the men on cable than he was over him. The petit male only wanted the man to talk to him, to love him; but he could see that it wouldn't happen anytime soon.


Maybe I just have to initiate a conversation. If I was to tell him about what I think...he would most certainly hear me. There is no other choice but to hear me. If I talk to him...the least he could do is ignore me. Though he ignores me, he'd hear me. Right?


The blond glanced to the taller of the two and stood to trail to him. Padding to the couch his lover was residing on, Caset took a deep breath before plopping into his husband's lap. The man was noticeable erect, but he wouldn't pay attention to that simple fact. All the small blond wanted to do was talk to his significant other and make good conversation instead of bad.


Freddy glanced up to his lover and said not a word, but he did wear a curious look. Caset gave the man a large smile and continued to do, even when it began to hurt his cheeks.


A sigh was soon released from the broad chest of the dark haired man. He guessed he had no other choice, because he didn't want to hurt the blond anymore. "What is it that you want? I'm quite frankly in the middle of something."


"Yeah, in the middle of getting off." The smaller man said in a sassy tone, pursing his lips. Was it disgraceful for a married man to watch another male's body. "I..I don't really like that your watching that. It's not right Freddy. We're married...you do know that, right?"


"Yes, I do. There is nothing wrong with watching ... Porn." The dark haired man retorted.


"YES IT IS!" Caset yelled, as he slipped from the man's lap and onto the cushion beside Freddy. "Your admiring other men's bodies, dammit! It simply means that you don't only have eyes for me."


The older male just gave the other a look. One that said 'You're just now figuring that one out.' It really hurt the younger and he shook his head to also stand. He could not take anymore of this hurt, *it was too much for him.


I try too damn hard and all I get is that. What the hell have I done to make things so bad? Is something I don't know about, or is it just me? It's been too long without a caring touch or even a caring look. I just want my old Freddy back.

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Thank you dearest! :hamtaro-005 (10):


I get more and more annoyed at Freddy and I keep thinking what made him change that much from the old Freddy. Maybe he got bored of poor Caset?

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Just done reading your story, man hope you update soon. Kinda feels raw for me some parts. Really feel for Caset and what he wants. But uh... I hope Freddy comes around too. Maybe some background story next like what they were like when they dating?

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry for my late update. Forgive me. Haa...you all should thank

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XY is the reason I updated. (Sorry...that's an inside thing) Lol. Thank u all for reading.




Caset released a burst of laughter as he stumbled against the wall. With a staggering step, the blond plummeted to the ground, yet another laughter raking through his body. After an attempt to stand, a muscular arms snaked itself around his thin waist to heave him into a standing position. With a stern glare, Freddy nudged the lighter teen against the wall.


"What the hell is wrong with you Caset? Your wasted. There is no way your parents are going to appreciate this once I take you home."


"Who se'id anythin' 'bout takin' me 'ome?" The drunk blond commented, hands going to wrap around the elder male. "Freddy..." Voice sounding weak, a drunken slur advancing with the tone. "I don' wanna' le've you. Freddy? Freddy? Freddy? Freeeeddy? Freeddy?" Caset tapping the man as if he wasn't listening.


The dark haired man rolled his eyes, forcing the other away from him. "What is it Caset?" Grabbing the small wrist so that the other wouldn't continue to poke him.


"I lurv' you." Those three words drew a heavy sigh from the older male, having Freddy to shake his head.


"Come on Caset. I'm taking you home."


"Ok." Leaning all his weight onto the other as he was dragged from the house party. After a while, the dark haired, twenty-two year old man, threw the blond into the back of his car, pacing around to the driver's side to get in.


"This is ridiculous Caset. What the hell were you thinking? I came here to talk to a friend for five minutes and your already drunk. I should have left you at school."


"'re ya' kiddin'....dat' wusss' way mor' dan' five min...look. Wat'errrr I jus' wanna go 'ome."


Freddy once again exhaled heavily. "My pleasure. Who ever said I'd want to keep you around when you drunk."


"Oh lighten' up Freddy. You nev'r have fun."




"Ah Freddy, it hurts. Gods." Tears punching at his lower eye lids as he pushed against the heavier body.


"I know that. It's your first time, just relax. This isn't easy. You were the one so adamant on doing this remember?"


"Yeah but I didn't know it would nearly crack my skull."


The muscular male shook his head at the dramatic teen. "Your skull isn't cracked nor is it close to it. You hurt your leg, not your head idiot." Placing the first aid kit aside as he bandaged the smaller's leg. "There, all cleaned."


"Yeah right." Glancing once again to the hills of dirt. "Who ever knew motorcrossing would be so hard?"


Freddy shook his head and help the other stand. "Your such a wild kid Caset, and you never listen." A smile forming all the while he was speaking.


"I do to listen...your just not a good instructor." The blond said teasingly, licking his lips. A gesture he performed whenever he wanted a kiss from the other. It wasn't too late afterwards that the older man leaned down to capture his lips. Caset always had the time of his life whenever he was with the other.


"I love you Freddy."


"Tsch, love you too blondie."




"Freddy get it." Bucking his eyes as he glanced toward the other.


"I will but we have to work as a team. You remember the plan?"


"Of course I do." Caset said, voice dripping with lust as he stood. With a sultry waver in his steps, the blond made his way to a man posted against a wall. "Um excuse me." Beaming widely at the mysterious victim. "I was wondering...um...would you like to dance?"


The man stared to the teen for a while, squinting his eyes as he set his drink aside. "Hm, I'd love to sweetheart." Caset smiled and pulled the man along the dance floor. Moments passed, the blond's body slowly grinding against the other's, hands sluggishly reaching into the man's back pocket. This, of course, didn't go unnoticed. With the blond knowing that, he quickly snatched the man's wallet, attempting to run but was surely caught. The stranger's hand was wrapped in the golden locks, mouth opening to scream. "How dare you, you little punk! Give me back my shit!"


Freddy of course heard the commotion, quickly rushing in to save his partner in crime. Once there, his dark orbs widened as he rushed forward to tackle the man who was fiercely stomping Caset with no intentions to stop. A fight was in session, Freddy getting his fair share of wounds as well as the other, before more men interfered to stop the brawl.


"Don't ever place your fucking hands on him again!" Freddy snarled, snatching away from the man immobilizing him.


"Then keep your little bitch in place."


The dark haired male shook his head, crawling closer to his love to hold him in his arms. "Caset are you ok?"


The blond laughed, wiping the blood away from his lips as he raised a key. "Of course I'm ok. It looks like we have a new car." Giggling lightly as he lifted up to take the older male's lips hostage.




"Ahh, come on sir. I want you to fuck me harder than that?" Pushing his small figure back onto the man's member. "Come on~ Harder~ please." Heavy pants began coming from the man behind him as be slowly began to push past the ring of muscles again, hoping to finally meet the blond's need. With a third thrust, a clink was heard, Caset pausing in his moaning.


"What do we have here? Two people fucking, huh? Everything will be fine if you give me your money." The elderly man, knowing it was a gun, was shaking with fear, slowly placing his hands above his head with a swallow.


"My m-money is-is....Uh it's in the p-pocket of my j-jeans."


"Riiiiight. Well, I'll be taking that." Grabbing the old man's jeans and reaching inside to take the wallet. "Well, continue." Stepping away from the man, completely unknown.


After a moment, Caset pushed the old man away from him, pulling up his pants with a sneer. "Gods disgusting. I swear Free-..." Quickly closing his mouth as he cleared his throat. "Hm...I'll seeya later." Waving to the grey haired male before darting off to join his lover. "Freddy, that was weak. I'll should beat your ass for that."


"Ah don't act as if you didn't like it. We got the money didn't we."


A pout was present as Caset nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."


"Then everything is fine right? Look, how about I take you out for dinner?"


"Hmph, fine." A face splitting grin being given as he wrapped himself around the coal eyes male. "I love you Freddy."


"Love you too."


_Flashback End_


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Giving me a new nick here. =P But d'aw... thankies for updating and giving us a flashback. So Freddy is like using Caset as a ***** to earn money? Tch, this is sad.. (but I like this revelation) and why is it that femme guy always say ILY first and the dom guy just replies with lousy LU2. Why is the world like that? =/

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AN:Lol, nope Duchess. It's just showing a development of character. They use to be in the plans together so Caset could have refused if he wanted. Freddy was more responsible, until the wild, daring, care-free Caset got into his mind. I was just giving small background scenes to how they use to be. :) Enjoy!

The clock was steadily ticking, Caset not having said a word to his lover in the last hour. Freddy, to the blond's surprise, had turned the television off, giving the later his attention. This unnerved the younger man quite a bit, albeit it was what he had been asking for lately. So why would he complain?


Every moment that ticked by, without a sound, was jabbing at the older man's insides. Freddy was finally giving his twenty five year old spouse what he wanted, despite that, the blond hadn't said a word; yet alone opened his mouth to even try.


"Listen Caset...if you don't talk now I should just leave. What's the use of all the fuss when you aren't trying to make your point when I give you the chance to."


"Ha." Shaking his head, the golden locks swaying with each turn. "You don't think that's sad Freddy?" The blond explained, voice laced with sarcasm. Thin arms crossed over his chest as he gave the the dark haired male a blank look.


"Think what's sad?"


"That you know you don't give me enough attention or the time to explain myself, yet you say it so proudly as if it's a privilege. As if it is normal. I deserve an explanation as to why the hell you are treating me this way; and also why I ain't your top priority anymore. You think this is cute Freddy? That you treat the one you're in a relationship with like a worthless scum? It's not cute Freddy. Not at all."


The room was silent, the tick-tock-ing of the clock hands being the only sound filling the room. An indifferent expression was looming across the elder male's face, his hand going to comb through his darkly colored locks.


"Caset, how many times do I have to explain? You and I are drifting apart, there is no way we can be close to each other unless the currents change."


"I don't want to hear all of this hypothetical, metaphorical whatever kind of speaking this shit is." Arms flailing every which way to make his point. "I want to know in a concise way, why the fuck aren't you paying me an attention?" Face the hue of red as he yelled, seriously pissed at his significant other.


"Because you're boring. Because you aren't the blond I met seven years ago. Whatever you did to get me Caset, is what you should do to keep me."


The smaller man shook his head in disbelief. That had to be the most lousy excuse he had ever heard; albeit he knew it was all Freddy would give him. Caset's conclusion revolved around something of a deeper subject. An idea dealing with another male or female.


"Right. Well, Freddy....you aren't the same as you use to be either."


"That's because you changed!" The older man barked. He was seriously tired of all the nagging that Caset gave him. The other thought that, that particular action would help; although it only made matters worse.


"How can I not when situations caused me to change!"


"You act as if you went through a traumatic s-just shut the fuck up Caset!" Freddy quickly changed, "All you do is nag and I'm tired of it." Stepping around the blond to leave the house.


"Freddy Varnes Vladin if you leave this house don't even try to come back! What's the use in trying if you don't love me. I don't get why I prove my love to you and you don't do the same; yet alone even inform me."


"Why say "I love you" when I don't."'


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The average human could only bare so much hurt before it became something of a deeper problem, and at the moment, Caset thought that he would die. At least that was what he hoped for. It was traumatizing to hear that the man he loved with all his heart, didn't return such feelings.


The circumstance between he and Freddy had become known. Love was surely the most important essential in a relationship, with honesty following at a close second; and it was missing. If there was no feelings, care, emotions; then there was no reason for said relationship. Without the necessities, it would fail no matter how much effort one placed into it; therefore Caset could only see ruins.


With a shake of his head, the blond crossed his arms over his chest and lightly glared. Either the dark haired male was being completely, and utterly honest; or the bastard spoke ill words just to hurt Caset's feelings.


"So you don't love me?" Hands going to pull at the hem of his shirt. "Freddy that's not funny. I know we aren't having the most stable relationship, but spitting that you don't love me isn't a way to solve this; neither is it a way to have me forgive you for your behavior."


"I don't want anything solved Caset." A serious tone edging into the older man's voice, laughter suddenly breaking through his blank facade. "You think my behavior with you is the only thing that needs forgiving?"


With a furrow of his brow, Caset's face scrunched in confusion. "What is that suppose to mean?" Voice low and shaky. He wasn't ready to hear what the other would answer with. The younger male had thought he bad been hurt enough for one day.


"What I mean is that you aren't the only one in my life Caset. I have someone else besides you and that's the one I've been spending all my time with. He's so much more exciting. Much more beautiful, but I can't say that he tops you in bed. You do have skills that he doesn't even try." A smirk quite present in his voice.


"Listen Caset, you aren't the only one with problems." Taking a step away from the flamboyant man. "You are causing arguments with my other love. Because of you I am unable to commit myself fully to him. He begs for me to stay with him overnight, until the next morning; but I tried not to hurt you too badly so I always returned home."


Hurt flashed across the blond's face, Caset's mouth opening to speak but no word coming forward. There was a lump in his throat. He would have never thought that his husband was willingly cheating on him, and to admit such a thing was what hurt him worse. If the stage of repairing their relationship involved confession, then the younger male wouldn't mind; albeit not when said confession was meant to intentionally hurt him. Infidelity was what the twenty five year old feared most of all.


There wasn't much else that Freddy had to say to have the other crying. Sure enough it wasn't the kind of tears the blond wished was climbing down his cheeks, but that wasn't his choice. Blue orbs stared to the businessman, as golden locks swayed with each head movement. This wasn't something that Caset wanted to believe, hence why he was gesturing with denial, but he knew it was all true deep in his heart.


"Freddy." Voice cracking. "Fredddddy." Reaching a hand out to the other. What Caset needed at the moment was acceptance. If the other was to push him away at this point, the younger male would be broken. He didn't want for the other to deny him, to throw him to the side for his fling.


Of course, as the other expected, the elder man slapped his hand away. Blue, dimly lit orbs darting to the ground quickly. Caset gave an exhale, deciding to just leave it be. There was nothing else that could get worse than now. If the world decided to end it wouldn't be of any comparison. This was it. The end of everything.


The masculine male knew that how he was going about the problem was wrong; albeit it always felt better to let off stress. Finally admitting that he was cheating on his lover was what he had been hiding for the last three months. Freddy would be lying if he was to say, or even think, that seeing the blond saddened didn't snatch at his heart strings; despite that, he couldn't take back what was said. It was all true so there was no need to.


"I don't mean to hurt you Caset-"


"LIE! you did it intentionally. You wanted this so that I will stop holding on to you so tightly. I get it Freddy." Voice dying as tears continued to roll down his flushed face. "You don't love me anymore. That's fine. Just...just please leave." Sauntering to the door to hold it open for his husband to exit from. "Leave Freddy. NOW!" Covering half his face with his right hand, rapidly wiping the tears away. Disastrous was all Caset could think about. All reasons had been thrown to hell. There was no trying anymore. The blond had had enough.


"Please Freddy...just leave. I don't want to see you any longer than I have to. Go...please." Begging with the rest of the energy in his body. With a nod, the older man approached the exit to leave. Before stepping across the threshold, the working man placed a kiss on the other's forehead and stepped out to blend with the surrounding environment. Freddy was now gone. For good.




_A Month Later_


Caset hissed, cup falling to it's demise as his finger quickly unwrapped from their place against the surface of the glass. The coffee had managed to burn his lip, chest, and hands, as he was sipping from it not paying much attention. With the sting against his soft, pink lip, the blond faltered causing more to spill. Quickly the blond headed male reached for the sink to turn on the cold water. By now there was only a hot sensation against the flesh of his hand, one that he surely doused into the water.


With a roll of his eyes, Caset pulled his fingers from the liquid, turning to glance to the television. After Freddy was removed from his life, the younger male couldn't think of what he would live for. There were many matters at hand that he couldn't deal with. There was no way with paying the bills without the dark haired man, nor was he able to afford any living necessities. Sooner or later his parents would have to deal with him once more. Moving back with the two wouldn't be Caset's ideal dream, but he had no other choice at the moment.


"Damnit! I knew I should have listened to my mother and never relied on someone to take care of me." Arms crossing over his chest, a pout now being present. A couch broke through his expression, a hand going up to cover his mouth. Oh that was right. After Freddy had left, Caset couldn't get rid of his sickness. Surely he was stressing too much over that man. A man who didn't give enough fucks to let him down easy. A man who chose a fling over his own husband.


"Asshole!" He yelled, shaking his head as he reached into the cabinet to grab the cough medicine. The doctors said he would be just fine, and to stop stressing as much. For better health the blond was at least trying, albeit losing the one, he wasn't easy. It was never easy. For anyone.


"You'll get over it Caset. We just have to move back in with your parents, find you a job, and get back on your own whenever you save enough." He remarked, speaking to himself. There was no more mopping around, this was something he had to do. Something he would do.


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WARNING:I warn readers on this chapter. Maybe the content is unsuitable for your liking. I advise you have an open mind and accept the small reality in my story. Lol. Well, with no further ado....please continue on to read.

After a heavy sneeze, the blond haired male pushed the covers away from his body. The sickness was worse than he had thought. Caset's doctor had just given him a prescription for medicine, some that he could have gotten at his local store. The red liquid didn't seem to be working...at all. A ring sounded throughout the room, one that the thin man sluggishly stood from his bed for. With slow steps, Caset reached the end of the stairway. Stepping to the phone to pull it from the hook.




"Can I please speak to Caset?"


"This is he." The blond male spoke, glancing over to the clock.


"Well hello there. Caset this is Dr. Phillips and I need for you to come in just to read you the results from your blood work."


Of course this brought a frown to the young man's face. He was sick and wasn't in the mood to drive to the doctor's office. This was the same old routine, and his blood work was always the same. He wouldn't have diabetes, no high blood pressure or any infections.


"Can you just please relay the message over the phone."

"Well.....um, ok. Um, sir, as I am glancing over your paper work everything seems pretty ok. You don't have diabetes nor do you have blood pressure; however, it seems that you have been introduced to the AIDS virus."


Caset's heart stopped, the room falling silent besides the clacking of the phone as it continuously banged against the counter. There was no words escaping the male's mouth, eyes widened as he stared to the dull color of his refrigerator. Those words weren't right. It couldn't be true. All that was spoken had to be a lie. A fib. A joke.


"Mr. Caset? Mr. Caset?" The doctor called from the opposite phone line.


A sob raked through the thin stature, the blond speedily covering his eyes as he backed away from the device. His legs had gotten weak, his figure slumping with an intent to fall. After a moment, Caset fell to the floor, tears clouding his visions. He had AIDS. There was no way he could rid of this virus. It was one that would stay with him forever.


The blond had been nothing but faithful to Freddy, yet he was punished. He had given his all to a man who didn't care for him one bit. A man that had given him a disease that could only be transmitted through sex and blood. His life was over. It was now nothing to live for. Why should the blond even try?


Sniffling, the thin male laid onto his back, tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared to the ceiling. "Then I guessed I'm cursed. First my bastard of a husband cheats on me. He leave me as well. And now I have AIDS. From that same bastard if a man. What the hell have I done wrong? I've done nothing but good, yet I'm punished." The tears wouldn't stop now, the clear liquid streaming down from his eyes and onto the floor. "Fuck! I hate him!" Closing his eyes, the tears managing to squeeze their way past his eyelids.




After hours of crying, Caset was managing to get himself dressed. The blond had nearly lost it. Scrubbing himself in the showers until he bled; thinking that perhaps he could be able to kill the virus. To make it all disappear to never conquer his emotions again.


With blue orbs scanning over his features, the thin male was able to let off a smile. --I can't let this break me. After all, I am still living, right? Not to forget....good looking." Combing his fingers through his strands of hair. "Just a drink or two can make me forget my problems for a little." Voice shaky with confidence. Grabbing at his jacket, the blond slipped on the red, cotton material before strutting to the door. He needed this. Forgetting about all his problems was the only aspect he could think of at the moment.




Driving to Neon Demise wasn't that far. It was currently the best gay club in town. One that Caset surely didn't get to go to when Freddy was living with him. He use to always hear of the good entertainment, the alcohol and the strippers. --This should be fun. Caset thought, beaming widely as he stepped through the club. Here is where it all would start. A time to get drunk. Get laid. Get amnesia, until morning; and get sleep. A night of fun was now in session, and he wouldn't let anything ruin it. At least that is what he thought.


Sauntering to the bar, Caset took a seat, taking pride in the way that some men was already eye fucking him; albeit he wasn't interested in any. Although, being the devious blond he was, the thin male would surely play along with the men to have one buy him drinks. Before he could even throw a wink their way, a tall, dark, handsome male sat beside him. Brown, kinky, unruly hair atop smooth, heavily shaded bronze colored skin. Not being able to stop the smile splitting his face in half, Caset blushed and glanced away. The mysterious, dark-skinned male was the epitome of beautiful; well, to the blond of course.


Taking the initiation to introduce himself, the sickly male tapped upon the other's shoulder and gave a charming smile. "Hi, I'm Caset. Couldn't help but to notice you."


The man gave a cackle, nodding to the other. "It is nice to meet you. My name's Deryk, and I hope that you weren't planning to flirt with me." A genuine smile slipping upon his lips, as he sluggishly leaned toward Caset's ear. I have a boyfriend. We're just not speaking at the moment." Leaning away once again, "I just came to clear my head." hand going to towel his face, to wipe away the oncoming sweat.


The statement had surely hit the blond like a ton of bricks, but not for the reason that the other was taken, but for the reason that he was faithful. Why hadn't his husband been the same way? Why hadn't his husband come to clubs just to clear his mind, instead of picking up the women of the night and throwing his dick at anything that walked. Because of that reason, the use-to-be faithful, house-bound husband now had AIDS. It was because of that, that he was cursed with a suffering life.


The twenty five year old smiled brightly at the dark male, blue eyes showing admiration. "Wow, I really admire you for that. My husband on the other hand, was surely the opposite of you. What a lucky guy to have a man like you."


Deryk smiled, opening his mouth to speak; brows furrowed with curiosity. Can I.....buy you a drink?" Brow raising. This brought laughter from the thin blond as he rapidly nodded.


"Yes you can, and thank you." Bowing slightly as he awaited his drink. He guess just talking would be just as fun.




A couple of drinks later, Caset was leaning onto Deryk, stomach hurting from too much laughter. "I'm afraid I have to be leaving. I'll see you around?" The twenty five year old simply gave a nod, wishing that the night didn't have to end. With a glance to his phone, Caset could tell that it was eleven o'clock. A reasonable time to walk through the house if not a bit earlier. Something else Freddy didn't care about.


"All alone again." Caset whispered, his mood dropping gradually as he thought of the enjoyable time with Deryk.


"You don't necessarily have to be alone." Eyes widening, the young adult turned to the surprising face of his cheating husband. "May I join you?"

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I'm sorry for poor Caset. The AIDS was the least thing that he needed now. :hamtaro-005 (21): I'm really hopping he will find a hot guy for himself, like Deryk, and I really hope Freddy to end up dying of jealousy. :hamtaro-005 (6):

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  • 2 months later...

A/N Hahaha I haven't updated in a while. What a shame. Well...this has been sitting for weeks...done; and I hadn't uploaded it. Thought of a certain friend.

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I hope you enjoy. ^__^

The blond wouldn't have expected this scenario to ever happen, for the rest of his life. To have his husband, who betrayed him and given him AIDS, to stand before him to ask for his time, was certainly the last scene on Caset's mind. At least the man wished it wouldn't have happened.


"What? Get the hell out of my face Freddy!" Shaking his head as he turned to once again face the bartender. An exhale was released from the dark haired male's lips. Taking his hand to touch the blond's shoulder.


"Why are you being so ridiculous? We are still married and you have to forgive me some day."


"Says who Freddy? You? You ruined my fucking life!" Now averting his attention to the taller male. "I hate you! You are despicable, disgusting, absurd and ignorant. Did you know that you left me for some....virus?" Caset spit out, at a lost for any other words.


A confused expression drowned Freddy's face, the bulkier man raising a brow for the other to continue. He was seriously curious of where this would go. "Oh," Caset continued, laughing a little. "I can see that you are unaware of your situation." Golden strands swishing as the younger male shook his head. "If only you stayed loyal to your loving husband." Standing with a push to the businessman. "Get out my life! I don't want to ever see you again dammit!" Gulping the rest of his liquor and pushing himself from the barstool to storm from the building. Caset's mood had been crashed in a split moment. He was surely cursed and he now knew that, with no denials.




The couch was more restful than it had ever been. Maybe because of the fact that Caset was tipsy and and his bastard of a husband had made him utterly uncomfortable. The television was powered on, the blond slouching on the couch to get more stable, at least in his intoxicated state. Hearing the sound of the device would help lure him to sleep, and divert his mind from Freedy.




As the blue orbs were closing to be becomed by sleep, a knock was given to his door. Caset frowned, heart racing as he stumbled to the door. With hands on the knob, the thin male snatched the door opened as his lips parted, mouth becoming ajar to yell.


"I told you to leave me alone!"


"That isn't a way to answer the door Caset." A deep voice snapped back.


"You're right, but since I knew it was you I can answer however the fuck I please. You never let me go anywhere, so I doubt it would have been anyone else."


Freddy smirked, pushing pass the intoxicated male. "Hm, you are surely unwelcoming. What if I told you I wanted you back." The blond paused in his action, staring at the man with surprise. "Yeah," The older male started once more. "I thought that would catch your attention." A gulp was given by the unemployed blond, the younger man leaning himself against the wall.


"Hm, but...you know that's only a lie don't you Caset? You mean nothing to me. You're worthless and broken now."


"YEAH BECAUSE YOU MADE ME! IF I MEANT NOTHING TO YOU....t-then....then why are you here?" Voice quieting as he clutched his fist together.


"Because, do you remember what I said? That you were better in bed? Well, I just wanna fuck."


After blue eyes widened, the twenty five year old gave a bitter chuckle, shaking his head as he pointed to the door. "Get out or I'll call the police."


"What can they do?" A smirk taking over the elder man's features. "I'm your husband so I have a rights to be here. There's nothing you or anyone else could do."


Did it take much for the desperate party to snap? The group of people who were betrayed or hurt like he was; did it? If not, those was surprisingly the same as Caset. At that very moment, the blond was unaware of what he should do, but the main focus was teaching Freddy a lesson. Although Caset couldn't think quite clearly, he wanted to make the other man beg him for once. To plead him for forgiveness. It would be such an ego boost, and that was what he was waiting on. That was what he wanted.


"Fine," The blond headed man started. "If you want to fuck then let's do so Freddy. Please, do escort yourself to the room." Gesturing slightly with his hands.


_End of Flashback_


The devious smile of his husband, and the sex was all that he could remember of last night. An exhale was given, a hand lifting to wipe at its owner's face. Standing shakily the man didn't expect for his body to convulse, forcing him onto the floor. The blond vomited, coughing as he chocked from the chunky substance. A groan was given, arms given out as the floor came closer to his face.




Caset lay there, the emptied food sticking to his flesh slightly as tears leaked from their home, his blue eyes. What the hell was he doing? He was fucking worthless.




With an inaudible moan, Caset bit into his lip, as another pair sluggishly trailed down his neck with butterfly kisses. Of course the action felt orgasmic, albeit the blond didn't want to make himself seem eager for the touch. To feel desperate for his husband's love. A love that he hadn't felt in a while.


Freddy's fingers slowly drummed at the base of the pelvis, the digits soon halting to draw patterns onto the skin. With heavy breathing, the dark haired male leaned forward to whisper in the other's ear. "This is what you've been missing right?" Caset, not surprisingly, quickly denied it, shaking his head as he closed his eyes.


"There is no need to lie Caset." Voice sounding like that of smooth velvet. A low husky octave eching into the older man's tone. It made the blond all the more eager.


"I can easily tell by the way your body arch when I touch," Finger lowering to gently swipe across the surface of the flattened stomach. "here." As informed, Caset's body nearly levitated, trying its best to follow the soft touch that was now leaving his heated skin; a breath pushed from his body as it once again fell to the mattress. The blond opened his eyes to glance to the other. "Don't tease me Freddy."


With a devilish smirk, the businessman lowered his body atop the other's, slowly parting Caset's legs to settle between them. To have the weight of your lover join you was one of the most divine feelings one could ever endure. At least that is what the younger male thought.


As Freddy was in place, his tongue left his mouth to trail over the narrow chest, his lips wrapping themselves around a hardened, pink nub; a sensation that Caset couldn't help but to moan at. With a gasp, porcelain finger trailed up the bulkier man's back, over his shoulder to slowly grip at the dark locks of hair. The pleasurable act was making Caset lose his mind.


"Ah, Freddy." Body jerking with the flick of a tongue. As his once idle nipple was pinched, another moan was released, his grip tightening in Freddy's hair. "God, please stop teasing me. Please." Voice trembling as he begged the man to stop. With not another word, Freddy stopped his action, glancing into the blue orbs.


"What is it that you want?"


With a roll of his eyes, Caset growled. "Your cock Freddy. Please stop teasing me." Hand reaching between their sweaty bodies, to stroke his husband's member. Even with this action the unwaged male gave a groan. He missed the feel of the big, hot, pulsating meat that his husband was the owner of. Caset couldn't wait until it was ramming inside him, thrusting against his sweet spot.


"You're so impatient. I suppose I shouldn't blame you; since I am all you've ever had. So horny, aren't you?" The dark haired male cockily announced, lowering his lips to Caset's again. A whimper managed to flee from the blond's mouth, the younger male spreading his legs wider as he waited for Freddy to enter him. "Please Freddy I am more than just horny...I'm needy...hungry for sex....enter me~" The smaller male purred, slightly lifting to turn onto his stomach and pushing his ass against the hard erection, grinding on the anatomy with a whine.


It happened all too quickly; the jobless male arching with a hiss as his husband not-to-gently slammed into him. Breath rushing from his body, nails clawed into the sheets of the bed wanting to relieve some of the pain. Freddy had never be too sympathetic, but he surely had never been so belligerent. This wasn't an aspect that Caset was use to. He could feel the hostility, the anger as it leaked from the business man's body. What had he done to make the other so upset? Shouldn't he be the one pissed; not Freddy?


"Ah!" A light voice screamed. Thin lips parted slightly as teeth punctured into the soft flesh demanding his brain to shift to another pain. The pressure in his lower region would not let up soon, as Freddy was relentlessly pounding into him without a second thought or a care. Caset's mind dulled, thoughts flashing by in his head. What was the use anymore? Why should he matter of any to Freddy when the man had a love elsewhere? When he had a sickly friend that fucked up his life. No, this wasn't the other person's fault. It was the dark haired male's fault. He had given his word to being faithful. To loving only him not matter the temptation. Was this his punishment for being gay? Was being homosexual even a sin? Did he do something unforgivable for such a punishment?


Gritting his teeth, blue orbs widened as he howled in bliss, his husband's erection slamming into his prostate. Much worse, was that the older man hadn't even used lubrication, so the blond knew fully well what the lubricant at the moment was. Blood mixed with Freddy's warm precum.


"Freeeeddy!" Caset moaned out like a wanton seductress, eyes rolling back in his head, mind crumbling from the intense pleasure raking through his slender form. The blond's chest rose and fell quickly, taking his lover's, at the moment, hot meat without a problem.


"Oh god~" The smaller male yelled, arms nearly giving out as he painted the comforters with white fluids. A gasp was given, the younger man falling onto the bed, and closing his eyes as he enjoyed the thrusts continuously driving into him, a whimper falling from his mouth with each pump. After a moment, seeds filled him, the wet substance splashing his insides. Blue eyes closed, a sigh of relief leaving the blond's thin figure.


_FlashBack End_

Stay tune to see what happens next. Thanks for reading. XD

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