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A Slave's Demeanor


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Mihael couldn't breath...what the hell was this kid doing? He member twiched more than ever now. The kid was making body contact...oh how embarrased Mihael was. "I-" he quit clearing his throat. It was dry now due to the seductiveness that Lucan had placed upon him...wait? Did that make since. Mihael couldn't thou- think...... right? Yeah that was it. He couldn't think straight. "I wanted to see you. I had to make sure you were still alive. I want to protect you....to see if your hurt. Physically or emotionally. I've got Noah with me. He's really intelligent and beautiful. He looks a lot like you. I gave him the CDs you wanted me to give to him. I have security protecting your mom. I-" he stopped. He noticed he was continuely throwing things at Lucan. He looked away embarrased of this act. Damn Lucan really would be the death of him.

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Lucan's eyes widened at the flood of words, his breath catching in his throat at just what he was saying. Noah; Noah was okay, and so was Mama. Noah was with him, and Mama was under security? She wouldn't like that...she wouldn't like that one bit, especially not because of him. He schooled his expression and reached up to place a hand on the man's cheek, turning his head to the side a bit, his collar chinking a bit. This guy...he was flustered, and he looked a bit embarrassed. More than just a bit.


"Thank you, really," he almost purred, his eyes narrowing a bit, his thumb stroking his cheek. "Frère worries too easily," he said, his French accent coming through strongly as he said the word. "It's good to know you have him with you."

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Mihael only stared at the boy eyes flickering between his silver beautiful eyes and his deluctable plump lips. He smiled. He didn't want to give the boy looks like that when he was sure that was all he recieved. Mihael bowed his head a little. "I thank you." he said giving the boy an unknown thanks.


"I want something to discuss with you." he said on a more serious note. "Is there anything the guards aren't able to do to you all? Anything their forbidden to do? It can be really helpful." he informed. He had thought of a plan of using their disadvantages against them. It could help. A lot.

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Lucan blinked, leaning back a little in his seat, almost as if he were appraising him. "There...isn't anything that they aren't allowed to do to us, we're practically free whores." He said, his tone low, even just a little seductive, keeping with the facade. "They aren't allowed to speak of the business, that's what I know. But then again, they would rather shoot themselves first than speak to police."

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He frowned. "What about beating on someone too much. Can they beat all of you? You are a favorite of Dimitri's aren't you? I can tell by the way he handled you in the room. Like a fragile item. There has to be something Lucan think." he said a bit frustrated. Even the boss put limits on people like that red-head right?

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Lucan took a deep breath in, taking a moment to think, before he leant forward, taking hold of Mihael's tie and looking down at him through his lashes. "They aren't allowed to necessarily hurt us without reason; they have some kind of way they know how much they can hurt someone, it depends really on what they've done. They don't just beat us for the hell of it," he whispered quietly, silkily, down to him. "They only do if one of us has done something to warrant it. They can have any one of us they want...they just don't go for me because they know I'll claw their eyes out. Each has their favourites."

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Mihael breath hitched at the boy getting closer. "Well...can you tell me something...anything that you heard or saw lately?" he asked. He seemed as Lucan was holding something back from him. He was all seductive and stuff, but for what reason. Mm he had to admit it was turning him on quite some bit. He member twitched again standing at attention. He looked away completely embarrased. He hoped Lucan didn't notice. Oh please don't let those beautiful silver eyes see.

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The teen was sitting on the man's thigh's, not close enough to feel the hardened length beneath those slacks, just enough that he wouldn't. Some locks of hair feel over his eyes as he tilted his head, his eyes searching to get back to Mihael's. "I don't know whose watching me, I'm sorry if...I've made you uncomfortable." He told him quietly. "I was kept out of the loop for the past week and a bit, they kept me in housing. But...I have heard that everyone has been shuffled around. And that the police are sniffing around far too much, according to the guards at my housing."

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"Do you know any places that I can have them to search to shut down these clubs? To do anything?" he asked. So they had shuffled the slaves and workers around to make it all look natural. Hmm....clever people they were. He wandered if Dimitri was behind this.


Shifting a bit he smiled ay Lucan. He was truly a beauty to behold. Such a beautiful boy. He had all the right qualities. Now if only he could see the boy's heart warming smile.

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Lucan's smirk shifted a little and he sat up a little straighter, his bare chest glistening with just a little sweat from stage. "I don't know any locations...they take us in different cars too and from places, different cars nearly every time. We don't get to see number plates, we're taken one at a time...I never recognize any places, and I'm pretty sure they take a different route too and from places each time too, cause sometimes it's longer to get back to housing." He whispered, his silver eyes glancing down to him through his long, dark lashes.

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"Oh I see. So how have they been treating you? They haven't abused you have they?" he asked. He was worried about Lucan in so many way. "I wish that there was some kind of disadvantages the guards had. Are your room-mates taking care of you?" Mihael was switching back and fourth. Going from one question on a subject to another


The mafia was smart, by that's something Mihael has already been aware of. Dimitri was running a good game when it came to his franchise. He was unwilling to let any one destroy what he accomplished.

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"My room mates are fine, they are kind...a little difficult sometimes but...we take care of each other, now that I've settled in," He replied, his hands moving to slide down Mihael's arms at a slow pace, his speech slowing. "After...after the incident last week...I was kept in solitary."

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A sad smile made its way to Mihale's lips. "I see. I do apologize. You didn't have to save me you know." he voiced looking into the silver eyes outlined with kohl. A shiver went through his body at the touch. The contact was making Mihael more than uncomfortable. He was already suffering through a hard on.


Pushing those thoughts aside he glanced around. "So?" he started. "Is there anything you want me to tell Noah? Maybe you can write him a letter, that will make him most happy." Noah loved his big brother and was worried about him. He thought writing a letter was better than him relaying the message.


"He listens to your CD everyday, whenever he get sad. Your voice calms him....a lot." he smiled softly. "I've learned more about you through your music...." Mihael confessed. Why was he telling Lucan this? He did not know, maybe he just wanted to keep Lucan here with him.

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Luc's hands stopped short just above the man's wrists. Oh Noah...thoughts of his little brother assaulted his mind and he knew he had to hide his face quickly. He leant forwards, turning to press his forehead to the side of Mikael's neck, his breath brushing the skin, their upper chests meeting, bare skin against fabric.


"I...I cannot just write a letter, I dont have the means to, not on me, not here at all. And what would...what could I write that would tell him what I feel? I can't..."

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"You can...it will make him happy. He really loves you Lucan...or should I say Lucah. He almost cried saying that you two haven't talked in so long I hate to see him that way. I think it would be really heart warming if you at least try. He's an intelligent boy he would know what your trying to say." he countered. Lucan needed tonthinknabout this instead of just refusing....well not refusing, but he need more self-esteem.


"Lucan you should have more confidence in yourself. Oh I have an idea. You could write him

lyrics and once your out of here you could sing it to him." he informed smiling.

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Lucan's eyes fluttered closed, his breath fanning out in a shudder against Mihael's neck. "But that is different! How am I meant to write him a letter? Quite literally how? Finding what to say would be hard, but finding a way to actually physically write it is more so! I'm watched; what could I say, 'Oh, I'm just writing a letter that will never be sent to help my self-esteem!' This is harder than it seems; I would...I would write him in a heartbeat if I could, but I can't. What I have to say...would simply take too long."

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"Is there nothing I can do. You can cuddle to me while you write turning the opposite way. They won't see. But if you think it's a risk that's fine. I understand. I'll just relay a message." Mihael was nit thinking straight. Just like the kid said he couldn't be able to write. He was watched at all times. Sighing Mihael bit his lip. Its just whenever he was around the boy he forget that he's a slave. That he's limited to what he can do. He just pictures it as the boy was away and he was the only one that could talk to him. He was the only one that can see him. 'come to reality Mihael' he fussed to himself.


"Mm I apologize fir the absurd remark."

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"That's...that's okay, I wish I could," He swallowed thickly, thinking on the man's words. Cuddle him? Wasn't he already practically doing that? Lucan took a deep breath and sat back, pulling his head from the man's neck to smile down at him. "Thank you, really; for all of this... How have you been, they didn't...hurt you too much did they?" He asked, biting his lower lip as he looked over his face.

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Mihral smiled at the boy's concern. "Nah I'm ok. I was pretty hurt, but I'm better now so don't worry." he said looking into his silver eyes. Mihael slowly wrapped one arm around the teen's waist pulling him closest to him. He really did enjoy Lucan's company as well as his contact. Mihael let out a sigh wishing he could have more days to hold Lucan like this and not others that treat him like a toy. This boy was so much more. He was important to Mihael. He wondered, even though he hardly had contact with the boy, what he would do if the boy was killed. A sadden expression ran across his face. No...Lucan wouldn't die. He wouldn't allow it. Not ever!


"So Lucan how have you been? Do you all get fed at all?" he asked noticing the boy was a tad bit smaller than last time he saw him. "What exactly do you eat?" he was curious. Though furious also.

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Lucan's back gave a slight arc at the arm around his waist, and he looked down at the man, a little surprised at the movement, some of his hair falling into his eyes. His eyes showed concern, but his lips were still contorted in a seductive pout. "Are you sure you're okay?" He whispered quietly, one hand coming up to curl around the back of the man's neck, cradling his skull.


"We have a kitchen...it's stocked once every few days, and we try and cook as much as we can, but there are five of us," he said quietly, letting his free hand drift once more up the man's arm towards his shoulder. "Plus the guards and the two that are meant to make sure we don't get into trouble..."

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"I see." he nodded now staring at the boy's plump lips. He quickly looked away his arm unwrapping from the small waist it occupied. Swallowing he looked at Lucan before deciding against it and looking away once again. He was so attracted to Lucan that he can barely contain himself. Why was he attached to Lucan, and what made him attracted to him? He felt terrible. It was stupid, but he wouldn't complain. It was getting old. He was in love with a minor, big deal. He was tired of thinking of it and asking himself what was wrong. What's done was done he couldn't change it.


The song changed again. Hmm Mihael hadn't noticed the song changed in between he was so engrossed in Lucan. Hmph it was strange how the boy could intoxicated his senses and make him delusional to the rest of the world. There was on thing that Mihael was thankful for though. At least he wasn't sporting an erection now. What a relief.

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Lucan's brow furrowed as the man pulled his arm away and he blinked down at him, his brow furrowing in confusion, letting the emotion slow, just a little. "Is everything okay?" He whispered, his silver eyes showing his concern, he lent a little closer. "You're alright, aren't you? Really; don't lie to me, if they hurt you, tell me."

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Mihael pulled away. "Uh...no I was hurt I'm fine now." he explained trying to put distance in between them. He was getting a bit nervous the boy was getting closer to Jim. He already couldn't hold himself enough to control his twitching down below. Frowning he inhaled Lucan's scent once again feeling that familiar twitch. "Umm...sooo uh....will they let you drink with a customer?" he asked trying to distract the boy. If he got any closernor if those eyes showed anymore concern he would practically rape the boy.

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"That...usually required permission," Lucan replied, blinking slightly, before he licked his lips and gave a smirk, leaning back but placing his hands flat against Mihael's suit. "I can go and get you a drink, if you want. I can ask permission then, if you would like." The dark haired teen could see the man's slight discomfort and wanted to frown.


Was something wrong? Had he done something to make him uncomfortable again? He didn't particularly have a choice, because truthfully he was meant to be treating this guy like any other client...even if he wasn't.

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"Uh yes if you will please." he pleaded smiling slightly. That seductive smile sure wasn't helping Mihael's problem. He was happy that if the boy left he would be able to recuperate. He sighed feeling guilt again. He could see the uncertainty in Lucan's expression. He knew he was the one causing it, but he couldn't tell the boy he was in love with him. This boy.....everything he did was so seductive. So....right. "Umm thank you."

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