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A Slave's Demeanor


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Looking as the sniffling child disappear out of his sight he smoked sadly. 'Don't worry...I will save him. No matter what.' Mihael told himself before also walking upstairs to sleep. Crawling in the bed next to Carla the man stared at the ceiling. Was it strange that he wanted the women to be Lucan instead. Hmph...he chuckled. Pathetic....once again his mind was only intoxicated with those ash blue silver eyes. Lucan was the only thing on his mind lately.



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Mihael had been working harder than usual, he was determined to get Lucan before the month was over. Two weeks had passed since the promise he had made Noah. The hazel eyed man hadn't seen the seventeen year old in a while now. Though the good news was that he had a good idea how to find the mafia's hideout. He would follow one of the men....it was risky. If they caught onto what he was doing he knew that he would be lead to a dead end or the other would tell of his suspicion and he would be killed, but he was willing. He didn't care. Today he would get a hint of where the slave's were taken. Closing the files Mihael grabbed his keys and rushed out the building. It was past midnight and Mihael was sure someone was leaving. Getting into his car he drove to 'Juniper' there would be someone leaving in quite a few; he'd just have to sIt in the car.

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After his beating, he had been kept with Dan, not allowed outside into the club for about a week. So instead, he was stuck doing Dan's dirty work; going through the private rooms after each customer, cleaning up the workers, dressing their wounds... Some of them were gruesome; some of the men and even some of the women who came through this place were sick indeed. While some he cleaned up after were male, the majority were female, surprisingly; he only then realised just how many of them would be at a club at any given time.


He had been juggled around between Juniper and another club called Tryst in the week since, Dan having him either table serve, or stage dance. As such...he had been out in the club each night. Thinking about what was happening to the people in the back rooms sickened him; were they even taken care of? They had seemed so relieved and sorrowful that they were even being cleaned up, so what would they be doing now...


Lucan had been given an earlier shift, he had been there since two in the afternoon, this time serving in possibly his worst outfit yet. Finally, colour, yet it was even worse. They had dragged him kicking and spluttering into what looked for all intents and purposes to be a harness of red leather, with ragged shorts made of some kind of scratchy material, with no shoes and his usual collar. His hair was growing longer, the longest tips brushed at his collar bone now, the shorter back coming up to brush the bottom of his neck. The idea of being on show with that just...


He was almost looking forward to the ride home, just so he could get out of this.

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Watching as a not so familiar guy got into a van he began to quickly speed off. Mihael soon was after him, but staying a good distance away. What if he was caught, because they had some secret passage way. It was a risk as said before, but the secret passage way would be all the more better. If there were one, agents would be contacted and there would be a swoon of them here in no time. He just had to be careful. Mihael only focused on the car ahead of him. He wouldn't lose it. This was his only chance at saving the other's. Though Mihael had thought it would also be good for three more agents to follow him, maybe that could lower suspicion.....except, like stated before, if there was a secret passage. Mihael was prepared though. He had guns...more guns than last time.


Sighing Miheal continued on the trail after the dark colored van. He was sure that maybe this was used to pick and drop the slaves wherever they were needed. Such cruelty. Thinking of that Lucan began to swirl in him mind once more. He haven't seen the kid in two weeks. He hoped that he was doing ok....that he was safe and hadn't broke because of the sick humans that ruled them. He kept in mind what Noah had said about his brother, that's the reason he tried so hard now. He wouldn't let Lucan give up just yet....not on Noah. The kid needed him and Mihael was willing to save that bond before it was lost.

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He, Ray and Kenneth had been shoved into a dark coloured van for tonight, but Lucan barely took any notice of it. To be honest, he simply wanted to get back to the houses and sleep, to be honest.


"Hey- black car, six o'clock, has been following us since a block from the club. Whaddaya wanna do?"


His head turned up, and he saw the guards too looking wary. Ray turned to look at him, reaching out to take his hand, his bright blue eyes shining. "Oh god..."

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Continuing to follow the dark van Mihael decided turn on the next corner. The other agents would continue to follow and he would return to the chase as well...he was sure that if anything they were now suspicious of him, there were not as many cars around now...if any. Turning the corner Mihael stopped his car. Looking as the other agents began to chase after the van. The radar in Mihael's car was beeping showing him the location of the others. Driving in reverse he was now back onto the road. The dark colored van as well as the other agent cars were out of sight. Good thing he thought of trackers. Once again he rode the trail the other agents were on. Backup....that is what the hazel eyed man should call for. Picking up his phone he sent out the emergency text. The others would be there soon.


The wind rushed by the tinted window as Mihael sped to catch up with the other's. Tonight they would search all over the area for the hideout. They had gotten far....he just hoped it was far enough. Far enough that they could actualyl find what they were looking for. Sighing Mihael was nervous, but he wouldn't let it hender his abilities....this was the time.

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"Contact head, ask," said one of the guards simply, a slightest smirk on his tanned face. "I think we all know what they're gonna say, but either way...just do it." There were sounds of agreement from the cab, and the sound of someone scrambling for a phone.


Ray's hand tightened against his. "Oh god no..."


"What?" Lucan asked in a hushed voice, leaning towards the older teen, tucking up a leg a little, looking into his eyes. The teen looked fearful and he shut his mouth, shaking his head.


"Keep your eyes forward, idiot."


The pianist turned his eyes back, a little perturbed, swallowing to wet his suddenly dry throat. Just what was going on here? Just a few minutes later, there was affirmative from the front, and slowly the van began to slow, Lucan unable to help looking around as they turned a corner, slowing all the while. The three guards in the back began to prepare their guns; two of them had rifles as they always did, but the third reached down to take what looked like a much larger rifle (it was a hunting rifle, Lucan thought with a flash of fear as he took it in, he recognized that) and a revolver from where they had been strapped under the seat. "Right, lets have some fun."


One of the guards cracked open the left back door, letting it swing open just as Lucan realised what was going on here, what they were going to do. Just as one of the cars rounded the corner, and drove down the alleyway towards them, unsuspecting.


"No," he whispered, Ray's hand clutching his suddenly like a vice, before one of the riflemen (it was a shotgun, oh dear god...) let loose, and shot three shells with perfect accuracy through the windshield.

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The car swerved crashing into a building as the driver was shot. On the passenger side the agent had managed to duck at the last minute. Mihael finally rounded the corner before coming to a halt. He glanced at the dark van continuing to ride slowly down the street to the crashed agent car. There was a dilemma....either go after the van and not lose his possible way of finding the hideout...or to help and injured agent. The car was now on fire and was sure to blow up in a minute..... But..... Glancing back to the van Mihael closed his eyes before deciding to speed by the burning car. His heart raced....he couldn't help it. All that swam in his mind was Lucan. Reaching into the passenger seat he grabbed his pistol....there wasn't much he could do at this distance but he'd try. The other agent car was still following the dark colored van. The man in the passenger seat had decided pulling out a gun also shooting at the van...the window bursting out at the back. Mihael hoped that none of the slaves were in the van. He wanted them all to be safe.


Slowly speeding after the vehicle Mihael would have to contact the other not to do something reckless. If there were perhaps others in the van he would not want them to become hurt as well. Sighing heavily his heart pound rapidly...as if it would burst from his chest....he sure hoped the back up would be here soon.

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The van burst to life, taking back off down the alley and exiting into the other street, one of the murderers passing a few more shells to the shotgun holder. "Oh, there's more, well, let's get on with this, yeah!"


Ray let out a short scream as they were jostled, grabbing onto the railing on the side of the bolted seats, his hand still clutching Lucan's bringing him close. Kenneth was thrown to the door of the van, his dark eyes closing in pain. Lucan stood halfway and reached out to him, his eyes wide. The third guard turned the revolver on them, jerking his head as they went over a speed bump. "Get back in your seat, kid, now."


Grabbing hold of Kenneth, he pulled him towards the seat, his breathing harsh as he tugged him up onto the other side of the seat, the tanned man clutching to his arm. "Okay, okay, just don't shot!" He said quickly, holding them close, tucking up his legs onto the bench, cold. More gunshots sounded from the door and the sound of laughter echoed from the front of the cab. Lucan lowered his head, clenching his teeth, before he looked up again, his eyes bright with both anger and fear.

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A ring caught Mihael's attention. Holding the steering wheel with one hand he blindly reached for his phone keeping his eyes on the road. Swerving a little to dodge the other agent's car. The others were continuing to shoot at the van. Mihael looked ahead his hazel eyes catching onto a bullet that headed right for a tire on the van. It was a hit...the hazel eyes widened as he watched tire pop...he had clearly texted those two not to be reckless. Jerking cause of a bump in the road Mihael lost his concentration and his steering. His car swirling around before he let off the gas. The car spun before stopping. Heart racing he looked up.... That was scary. Finally grabbing his phone he answered the call. "Hello?"


"Mihael...we are on our way. We see the radar...we are about ten minutes behind you." the voice sounded like Carla.


"Good....contact me later when your here." he hung up before once again driving after the van. He was behind now. He had to catch up. Driving faster he had to make sure the other's weren't being stupid again.

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"Fuck!" Came a shout from the front as the van swerved, a sharp popping sound echoing through the cab of the van. Ray gave another sharp shriek, and quickly covered his mouth, but the gun was on him again. "Shut the fuck up, kid, or I'll blow your fucking head off, I don't care what the boss says about you guys."


The guard pushed the revolver into the back of his pants and pushed aside the gunsman, hoisting the hunting rifle with what looked to be a lethal ease. "This guy just won't quit; come on, let's take him out."


Lucan's eyes widened. Oh god, they were not just shooting they were killing people here!

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Driving faster he manage to catch up, but lagged behind. The other agent was driving faster to catch up to the dark colored van. What exactly was they asking for? A death mission! Reaching for his phone he dialed a number. After two rings he herd a gruff voice ask hello. "What the fuck are you two doing? Pull back...now!" hanging up the phone. There were more than one man in the van...it seems that they were all loaded. If wanted they could blow the van up, but what good would that do? The hazel eyes man would have a talk with those two later...after the mission.


The agent gave the message that Mihael had delivered. Suddenly the car stopped...the van beginning to leave them behind. Sighing Mihael passed the others and they began to once again trail the leader. This was dangerous. He would stay a good distance back. The others would be here quickly. He truly hoped no slaves were in the van...that only made things complicated for them, plus Mihael didn't want to kill them...only catch them.

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"Dammit, how many of these guys are there?" One of the drivers yelled from the front cab, while one of the guards reloaded the shotgun. "Call Chris, we need to get a second drop off here, we're off track."


"Gotcha, I'm already on it."


Lucan gave a jump as the shotgun went off again, and the sound of screeching tires met his ears, before a loud crash echoed down the street. "Ah! There we go, come on; whatcha got!?"


This was absolutely insane. They were laughing about shooting pursuit cars in the middle of New York, for gods sake! Ray clutched Luc's arm tightly and buried his head into Kenneth's shoulder, the three of them holed up towards the back corner of the van, right near the cab. From inside came a low voice. "Two blocks, we're gonna shove the cargo and take 'em for a ride round Brooklyn, bosses orders."

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Mihael watched as the car in front of his was shot and swerved to crash into a building. Looking toward it as he drove by he saw that the both had lived at least. Thank goodness. A call broke through the silence..."Mihael! We can't seem to hold back any longer. If we do we will all get hurt or killed. The only options are to take down the van or retreat. What do we do?" a female voice screamed.


Fumbling for the speaker Mihael pushed a red button, which allows him to speak through. "I don't want that van to have any serious damage. If you can, try and knock it off the road....just to make them stop. Or shot the tires out. Nothing else." he ordered releasing the button. If Lucan was in that van and was dead once found he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

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"Right, we gotta shake 'em before the drop," Called back one of the guards, shots reigning out from the back of the van, the sound of cracking glass and yelling meeting his ears. Luc watched the guards as they rotated, shotting and shooting and shooting, the van moving faster around the corner. He held on tight to Ray and Kenneth, one on either side of him, the three held together.


One of the guards turned to them as the shooting stopped, and the guards pulled back from the door. "Right, come on; drop is in half a block." He said as he reached out a hand to them. "Let's go, let's go; we ain't got all day! You're leaving now."


The three of them were tugged to their feet and away from each other as soon as a yell of confirmation was heard from the front of the cab, and the van slowed, each of them being shoved out of the vehicle like mere cargo and into the arms of other guards, pulled kicking and shaking towards different places. Ray towards a dark hatch back, shoved into the back, and Kenneth towards the building on the right, while Luc was dragged toward a very ordinary looking Holden, and shoved into the backseat, and held down against the upholstery. The van was off before they could even be in their vehicles, and the car Ray had been thrown into was already taking off.


"Stay down!" Came a voice from above him and his wrists were grabbed, held down, the man practically on top of him, so close that he couldn't even be seen from the low window back.


"Lemme go god dammit!"

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"Mihael it seems as if some people was let out of the van. I didn't know whether to shoot, but the van is still going. Can I take it down now!" a female voiced ranged through the black car. Mihael thought....they had let out slaves...he knew that some were in the backseat somewhere.


"You have my confirmation to destroy it now...any ideas where the others were let off at?"


"At the stop back as soon as you turn to your left. They were all pulled in different directions so I find it useless to try and save them...they will most likely be taken to the main franchise later."


"Thank you. I need agents to investigate the area...I will also. Carla you continue after the van...be careful. She needs backup also." Mihael was now turning the corner. There was nothing specific...there was a vehicles beginning to drive off though....he would follow it..... Many other agents stopped to invest the area. Mihael could feel the adrenaline....this was all so fast paced.

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The dark Holden started up and Lucan jumped, turning his eyes to the front seat to see a blonde haired person he had never seen before driving, pulling the car out of the alleyway. "Dang, this place is crawling with cops." He said as he turned the car onto the main street, starting down it.


Luc's eyes narrowed and he kicked up at the man, who only gripped his wrists tighter. "I don't want to have to break your legs, and I'm sure you dun want me to, so how about we both don't make that have to happen, huh?" He said, pulling on the front of Luc's harness. He spat in his face, and earned a hard slap for his trouble. "Stay down!"

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Agents were bursting through the door of building when they spotted a guard with a older looking boy. "Let go of the boy and no one would get hurt." Kris informed two more agents standing beside her with their gun aimed. "If I see you move in any other way I would have no other choice but to shoot." she waited to see what would go down. More footsteps sounding through the building as three more agents appeared.


"How is everything over here?" a man voice asked.


Kris eyes not leaving the victim she explained "Yes it's nothing wrong here....inform Mihael that in the right building we found what seems to be a hostage." the man nodded before leaving, the other two he arrived with staying with Kris for backup.




Mihael was slowly chasing the the dark vehicle in front of him. He was currently followed by just one other car. The man behind the wheel seemed to know what he was doing...driving through alleyways to get on the main road. Mihael had ordered cops to block the main road.. Though they may arrive after this car had passed.... But he wouldn't let it out of his sight. On closer inspection it looked to be a Holden. Wonder where this person could be taking one of the slaves.

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Kenneth had fought against the man tooth and nail, having absolutely no idea where he was being taken. "Lemme go, fuck you, fuck you! Where are the others! Where are they!" He yelled, using all the skill he had ever learnt in judo to try and get this guy off of him, but he was too strong.


"Sit down!" The guard yelled as he was thrown towards a makeshift couch, his back hitting the seat firmly. "Your transport will be here soon, so don't get so fucking worked up!"




Lucan struggled still against the man, but with less heart; he did not need to be struck again. "Dammit, just lemme go, I can sit up on my own!"


"Like hell I will, kid, you just sit tight and don't worry your pretty little head." The guard said sarcastically, squeezing his wrist a little tighter. "Man, we lost 'em?"


"We've still got one, I think...right, we gotta hide the kid. Shut him up and get him into the seat carry." Lucan had no idea what that meant, all he knew was that they were going to be shutting him up and soon. He fought against the man but he was too strong, even for him.


"Alright then, nighty night, darlin'." A fist smashed into his temple and things went black, his body weightless and the spark dying out in his eyes as he fell into unconsciousness. The car turned easily around a corner as the lights changed, red to the car behind them, and the guard took that opportunity to slide off the sixties style upholstery and press a button just hidden under the edge of the seat, causing the upholstery to lift. He pulled it up to reveal a stowaway station, where they usually transported drugs. He picked up the kid (no mean feat while squatting in a Holden) and somehow managed not to drop him into the seat, before he closed the upholstery and checked that the vents were open, before he moved to sit up on the back seat. "Gotcha. Let's go."


That kid wouldn't be waking up for a long while yet.

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Mihael had lost them due to the red light.... He should have just ran it....but as a officer he had to obey the rules. Sighing he hit the steering wheel. That could have been Lucan that he just lost!! Didn't matter...he would have people swarm this area in no time. Searching for every clue they could. Groaning he continued to ride again after the light turned green...there was actually no use now...he could just go back to the other scene.




Kris was watching the man skeptically. After hearing the story they decided it was a false alarm...it had seem to be some couple roleplaying before....well sex. Sighing she ran out to continue searching the buildings in the area. There were many agents..they would find something if not anything. "False alarm....it seems they were a couple. Though I'm pretty sure there's something wrong here." she stated talking to Mihael. She hung up the phone sighing....this was crazy...all these agents and they still lost....impossible.




Now returning to the scene that he was once at Mihael stepped out of the car. "There was no one here? I want some of you to stay behind...I had agents to block off this whole section. If any cars came they are to be turned around, if they are persistent or perhaps force their way in...they would be took to jail for questioning." others nodded. If there was perhaps some mafia here they were basically trapped in.

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The guard clamped a hand over Kenneth's mouth and held firm. "Shut your fucking mouth, you whore, of god help me I will shoot your brains out, I do not care what the bosses orders are." He hissed, leaning down close to the slave. "Just do as I say and you won't get hurt."


He grabbed the man by the arm and turned to haul him down the back corridor, not even noticing the officers.


(Sorry about the shortness)

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Kris turned to the man hauling the boy off...hm... "Um sir....stop in your tracks." she yelled her gun already pulled. The man had seemed to be using force with the other boy. He could possible be a slave right? She walked closer gun aimed. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked. Mihael had told them to question everyone because the mafia had a intelligent leader. He had trained them possible....trained them to be good liars. Narrowing her eyes she waited for the response.




Mihael was sitting in his car now. Carla seemed to be still chasing the darker van. They had manage to run them off the road. They were now going to investigate the vehicle. "Be careful..." he informed, but she had backup so they all should be just fine. Sighing he hung the phone up. This would be harder than he thought.


(No it's fine)

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