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A Slave's Demeanor


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Luc decided not to mention to him that he was still underage at that moment, not lent to use his age anyway. He swung one leg back over to the side, sliding to the edge of the booth and standing with the same incedible grace always moved with.


Turning his gaze back over his shoulder, Lucan shot the agent a lusty smirk, or...what he assumed was one. "I'll be back."

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Mihael only nodded. He swallows as the minor throw him a seductive smirk. Mihael started to think....did Lucan know the effect he have over him...or was the not just oblivious. Not aware of what he was causing. Looking down Mihael thought the later was more correct. Lucan wouldn't continue if he knew he was causing discomfort. He would moat like be uncomfortable himself if he knew Mihael had an erection. He was sure sexually frustrated lately.


The room had dimmed once again as Lucan strutted toward the bar. Mihael couldn't help but stare at his hips as the swayed side from side. Mm how sexy was this boy? Chuckling at himself he just turned his gaze to the table in front of him. He really was in love huh.

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Luc glided across the club towards the bar, easily avoiding people as he moved, his hips rocking just a little to the music. He reached the bar and placed one foot up in the bar stool, the bartenders attention instantly on him. "Whiskey pot, please," he asked quietly, and the man nodded. Luc reached out to hurriedly grab his arm, catching him before he could go. "Also, the client wants to drink with me. So, what do you suggest?"


Luc, a few minutes later, strolled back across the room with a tray valanced precariously on one hand. Whiskey and wine. Both of them looked high grade, Luc was actually a little conscious of the fact that he would be drinking underage while working as an underage prostitite for the mafia. It was rather funny, really. He set the tray down on the table, the ice bucket clinking as he did so. "Where do you want me?" He asked as one of the guards walked past, one hand cocked on his hip, his bright eyes meeting Mihael's.

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Where did he want him? Did he mean where to sit? Mihael glanced away he was flustered. Of course he couldn't tell the boy in his lap, even though that's where he would want him. Looking into those silver eyes he just smiled. "Anywhere would be fine." he said. He also did not want to give the boy a place to sit. He had enough demands as is. Lucan was a beautiful boy, and seeing how small he is they could easily demand him without much if a fight. He seems pretty obedient, but who could blame him when his life was on line. Every guard didn't have much patience. He didn't expect the small beauty to fight back.


Grabbing the liquor he poured it into one ov the glasses provided before handing it to Lucan. He didn't pour the boy much, just a small bit: but he pour himself over half a glass. "So...this will be your first time drinking right?" he smiled. He bet if would be...unless of course they made him drink before.

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He pushed some dark hair from hi eyes and stepped forward, sliding into the booth and up next to him, turning half inwards and against his arm, his outer leg coming up to press his knee against Mihael's thigh. "Of course," he said a little pointedly.


He knew that this was making him uncomfortable, and honestly, it absolutely repulsed him that he had to act like this, without fail. Yet...he was not in favour of more time in solitary, with Dan watching his every move like a hawk.

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Mihael slide over a bit to give the boy more room. He had guessed the reason he was against him was because he didnt have enough space. He smiled and him and held up his drink. "Well....I'm honored to be the first to drink with you." he laughed. Was it strange that he was really honored? I mean the boy was still a minor. Why would he ask him to drink with him anyways. He was confused with himself. Lucan was the only one that made him that way. He hated himself for that. It was embarrassing to think without acting. With him being an agent he should have mastered that skill, but with this silver eyed, dark haired beauty it was impossible. He took a small sip before glancing back at Lucan.

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Lucan gave him a sly smile, his brow furrowing confusion. "Oh? Is it an honour?" He asked almost curiously, looking down at the whiskey, before he shrugged. This was...well, it was meant to happen eventually. It was just happening a year odd early. He brought the decanter to his lips.

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Mihael glanced at Lucan as his lips wrapped around the decanter he wasn't surprised when his member gave a slight twitch. Though he did think it was ridiculous. Just from seeing the boy drink he was fascinated. It was funny how this boy had captured his heart in one night and years with his wife he wasn't in the least interested in her. He sighed looking to his own drink before taking another drink. "Hmm so tell me, when you get out of here what do you plan to do? Will you go back to composing music. Your really good at it...and you have a beautiful voice." he admitted. It was true; Mihael had been playing the CD Noah gave him quite a whole lately. Too much that his wife started to complain, but he didn't care. Just hearing the boy's voice calmed him. That's what he needed something's.

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Lucan took a sip and swallowed thickly, feeling the burning of the alcohol going down his throat. It was strong, hard and hot, and he cleared his throat, setting the glass down on the table. “Ah, I don’t think I quite like that,” he replied, clearing his throat. At the man’s words, he blinked, dropping the seductive façade in a moment of surprise, blinking innocently. He looked away, flushing darkly, his hair falling over his eyes.


“Ah…thanks, Mihael,” He replied shyly, looking up at him with a thankful expression, if a bit embarrassed. “I…I dunno, I haven’t really thought about it quite lately. I guess…I probably would.”

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This was the first time the kid had said his name. He smiled it had sounded beautiful leaving his pale pink lips. He bet that they would be much more beautiful if he was eating healthier. "That's great because talent like yours shouldn't be wasted." he informed. He wondered what Noah would be when he grew up. The boy had said he like science. He could become a lot of things. Looking back into those silver eyes he could tell that the other didn't expect that question, nor did he expect the compliment. The blush really fitted him. It made him more beautiful...just think of how it would look if he was not so mistreated.


"You know....Noah really is taking it well for a boy his age. It seems that he has hopes in me to get you out of here and I won't let him down."

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He took a deep breath in at the mention of his brother, and had to close his eyes to stop himself from showing his sorrow. This man was bringing out topics that they shouldn’t be talking about, not here. Luc opened his eyes and looked pleading at him. “Can we not talk about my brother now?” He whispered in reply. “I’m having enough trouble keeping this act up as it is.”

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Mihael looked surprised. "I'm sorry." he said softly. "I didn't mean any harm by it. I just wante- never mind." he placed his drink down. "Well I should be on my way. It was nice talking to you again. I'm glad your doing ok. I hope to see you again at a later time." he stood and turned to walk away. He didn't mean tongued the boy. I guess maybe it wasn't appropriate to him, but because of all the deafening music he doubt anyone could hear them. He glanced over hos shoulder to look at Lucan once more before continuing to walk to the exit. He smiled sadly he would have to work fast to get Lucan out of here.

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Lucan sat with his legs propped up against the seat, his hand reaching out towards him as he stood. "Mihae-" But the man was already away from him. he watched him as he left, his khol rimmed eyes falling down towards the table as he finally disappeared into the crowd, Luc's eyes losing him quickly. He had not meant that...he had not needed to leave, this wasn't...


He heard someone call 'Sabre,' and he looked up, seeing one of the guards coming towards him, holding something he dreaded. A leash.

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Mihael was now sitting in his car. He should go home for the day. He hoped didn't no one recognize him. He took of the brim hat and sat it beside him. He knew to not bring up the name Noah around Lucan again. Sighing he bagean his way home. He should get some rest. He thought that maybe Lucan had info he could have used against the mafia, but nah he didn't. Sleeping would help him form a plan to investigate that club and find something that was out if order. But what was the overall plan to destroy the whole mafia. He would have a goodnight rest and figure it all out tomorrow.

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He fought back against the guard for a moment, shoving him away, his teeth clenched in anger as he did so, his muscles clenching. He wouldn't let them lead him around like some dog! He was grabbed by the back of his collar, and he couldn't quite get him, instead the clasp was taken around his collar and he choked, clutching his collar tightly with two pale hands, and he was roughly dragged, half stumbling, towards the back door, eyes on him from all corners of the room as he snarled.


When he was backstage, the leash was dropped and he shoved himself to his feet, only to have his hair grabbed in an unforgiving grip. Dan pulled him up, smirking down at him. "Right, now you're gonna tell me everything you said to him, and everything he told you."

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Mihael was dreading this. Now after spending such a good night with Lucan he would have to go to his wide just to hear her nagging. Sighing he began to drive home. This was going to be annoying. Though on a bettr note he could tell Noah that he had talked to Lucan....well Lucah in his case. He knew the smaller boy would be excited. He knew that the kid loved his brother dearly. Though the bad thing was that Lucan didn't even give him a message to tell his brother. Everytime he brought up Noah his eyes would widen and a look, that Mihael couldn't quite catch, flashed across his face. He was nearing his home now. He would go in. Listen to the nagging. Get some rest. Then form a plan.

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The hand in his hair did not let up as he was practically dragged for the corridors, cussing and fighting all the while. In the end, Dan shoved him into one of the private rooms and slammed the door behind them, staring him down. Lucan's breathing sped up as he realised that there was no way out of this room; he would be trapped here until Dan had what he wanted. He took a step back, like a cornered jungle cat, his eyes narrowing.


"Aww, don't be like that, kitty," Dan chuckled, reaching out a hand. "Come to me now and I'll let you tell me all about it; be civilized now. If you choose to fight me...I'll rip your words out of your pretty little mouth."

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Mihael was now at the house. He was actually ready to see Noah. He reminded him so much is his older brother. Their conversations never escalated the way that Mihael would have liked them to, but it was enjoyable none the less. Stepping out of his car he shut the door, locked it and walked toward the house. Soon Lucan and the other slaves would be free. The only information that Mihael really needed was where the slaves were all kept. That if course could be enough evidence to bring many agents as needed, tear the place to pieces and handcuff all the masterminds behind this. Well handcuff the ones who didn't die if course. It was suck anyways. Sick to want to rule over helpless people like Lucan. That bit was absolutely too small to fight back; a disadvantage also being that he was seventeen. It was all sad. Walking to the door Mihael used his key to open it and walked in. Kicking the door it closed. Here comes hell. Something he wasn't ready for at any day or any time.

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Noah heard the front door slam closed and he looked up from the couch here he sat, having waited up for the inspector. He saw with reading glasses perched on his nose, a textbook on advanced microbiology sitting in his crossed legs, with a cup of hot Milo sitting next to him. As the man passed the doorway, he gave a smile. "You're back!" He said, moving to stand from the couch, shifting the blanket he had put over his legs.


However, that was not to last, as the woman of the household descended the stairs.




Lucan by the end of the ordeal sat at the man's feet, his cheek rested on the man's knees as he stroked his dark hair. "You see? I can be gentle...as long as you give me what I ask you for," Dan crooned, giving a gentle tug to the back of his hair, pointedly. "I am just so sorry it took you so long..."


A few small bruises were already beginning to spot his face, harsh marks on the top of his arms, and a few darker ones on his torso. His brow was split, and there was a tiny smudging of blood there. He had taken a bit of a beating...but he knew that if he wanted to stay useful, at least stay profitable, he had to keep his looks...as stupid as it sounded, he spilled just so he wouldn't hit him anymore. Somehow, Luc had managed to not speak of everything they had talked about, he had held back on the majority of questions asked, and had just talked about how he was taking care of his brother. Dan had seemed rather interested in this, and that had sparked some alarm. What if that was wrong? What if he had damned them...


"It's alright sweets, rest your pretty little head..."

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Mihael had sat down having a glass of water now. He looked to see that Noah was beside him looking at a book with those familiar, yet different silver eyes. He just couldn't explain how happy he was that the boy had agreed to stay with him. He was doing a big favor to Lucan about it and also he got to make the boy happy every once in a while. He also had the tendency to stare at the beautiful boy, looking just like his brother. "So? What have you been up to?" he asked the smaller boy breaking the silence. He had grew to favor the small boy a lot. He had started to feel for him like one of his own. Smiling he slide closer to the boy. "You know I seen your brother tonight, but....he....didn't say much." he admitted. Smiling a little he looked away from Noah. 'Lucan? How I wish I could save you.' he thought to himself. Hmm....he really was in love with that boy huh.

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"Y-You saw Lucah?" He asked, sitting up straighter in his seat, his smile dropping from his face, concern lighting up there. He reached forward to place his hand over Mihael's, his eyes meeting hazel. "Please, w-what did he say? Is everything alright? He isn't in too much trouble still, right?"


The boy was concerned; he didn't even know the full story of this, he did not know where his brother was or what he was doing, or what he had done, but he was somewhere where he was hidden form him and Noah didn't like that. He wanted to see him, to be able to see and feel for himself that his brother was alright. "Don't lie to me, is he okay?"

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Mihael sadly smiled at the boy, he was worried for his Lucan. That was something he knew would happen but he didn't want the other to worry too much. Squeezing the young boy hands softly he nodded. "He's fine. Lucah can handle himself. He's strong you know." he infored. Lucan was fine as much as he could tell, albeit he was near expert at hiding his emotions; but looking into those silver eyes always let him know that he still had hope. The illegal teen hadn't give up yet and that made Miheal happy.


Pulling Noah into a hug the man stood. "I'll be off to bed. You yourself should get sone sleep Noah. I want you to be healthy and in shape when Lucah see's you." Lucah? He never questioned why the boy called him Lucah instead if Lucan, but....he wasn't willing to either. What if it brought up a bad memory that Noah had...or a sad one? Mihael wasn't willing to hurt Noah anymore than he was already hurt.

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Noah looked down at his lap again, clutching his textbook to his chest with a downward expression. "But..." He murmured, shaking his head. "Frère isn't strong," The french boy replied, looking up at Mihael with a now worried expression. "He just thinks he is; Lucah has always been headstrong and on the outside...but he's not strong. He...is not weak, but he is not strong. He is just...Lucah. And that means that...he is trying to be strong."

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Mihael stopped at what he heard, he has been walking to his bedroom. Looking back an Noah he trailed back toward the boy. "Don't worry... I won't allow Lucah to break. I promise you on my life. He will be saved in less than a month. I promise Noah....do you believe me?" Mihael was more than inspired now. He wouldn't make such a promise if he wasn't serious, if he wasn't willing to achieve it. He would wake in the morning ready to take on anything. If Noah believed in him, he would do nothing to go against the kid's hope...his dreams. Mihael was not willing to give up on Lucan... No matter what.


Ruffling the brown hair Mihael slightly kissed the kid's forehead, before once again trailing to his bedroom. "Get some sleep Noah. Lucah will be ok for tonight....I promise." Lucan couldn't stay in that place another month and Mihael would make sure of that.

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The teenager let out a small breath, nodding, clutching his textbook to his chest. "I...thank you, Mihael," He murmured quietly, looking up at the officer. "Yeah...I believe you. Just...bring my brother back to me, please..." He said, moving to stand before the tears fell, sniffing very slightly. "I'll...see you in the morning."

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