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HIdden Love [Yuki x ukiss7] [private 18+]


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For the moment that Hisoka had kissed him, Yuki was frozen, his heart beating twice as fast. Then the knock made him come back to reality. When the door opened and a girl walked in - wait... Not a girl, that girl! Yuki remembered her hooked onto his brothers arm. He then remembered something else... He was still only in his boxers! His face flushed red and he grabbed a random shirt and shorts from the dresser, running into the bathroom, completely embarrassed for being seen like that - if she even saw him. Oh crap I hope she didn't see my ears and tail... Or even me in my boxers! He quickly dressed, put his hat on, and slowly walked out of the bathroom, trying to look at natural as possible for him right now.

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*glancing at you, I saw you run into the bathroom and knew she didn't see you as she was too focused on him. His ears were covered but his tail was still out as she pushed her way in earlier* umm.. shall we talk about it later.. I have to spend time with my bro- *she put her hand over my lips* shush.. don't speak.. it can't wait.. I need to make some arrangements and need help.. your popular with a lot of things.. so i thought you could help.. Please please.. it'll only take an hour.. *i looked at you as you came out and then back at her*

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Yuki had heard their conversation and frowned but said, "It's okay. I can wait." He walked passed Hisoka and tapped his tail with the tip of his finger. "Showing... brother..." He whispered. Then he walked over to his bed and plopped down on it. "And you are?" He looked at the girl.

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*blinks and hold my tail looking at her making sure she doesn't sees it. She sat on side you* my my.. you are a handsome young man.. just like your brother.. And the two look just a like. I'm sarah.. my dear boy and thank you.. It'll only be a short while..your brother is so caring~ *she smiled looking at me as i had quickly slipped on some pants* is that so?.. *goes in the room and look at you* could you give me a minute with him? *she nodded and walked out* I'll be right outside. I nod and sat on side you* I don't have to go if you don't want me to go?

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"Not my choice, really..." Yuki replied, "Go if you want to go. I don't want to stop you from doing things you want to do." He had been sitting up but flopped down so he was on his back. "I'll be fine, probably just gonna either stay here or go out into town and do some shopping. Most likely just stay here."

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*sighs and gets up. I didn't like leaving.. and hearing you say those words felt like i was abandoning you.. and really i didn't want to go.. but it also seem that you didn't want me there as well..I moved your hair out the way and stopped and stood* I'll be back in a bit.. And we'll go out. *i walk out the room and to the living room. Another pain hit my chest and I didn't really want to go. But touching you.. another beat hit my heart and I going out would clear my mind of it.. right?.. *i got my keys and left out. As soon as i did, i was glomped in a hug by her* I can't wait.. *she said happily and I said nothing as I followed her, feeling as if I betrayed you*

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Yuki smiled softly as Hisoka spoke to him, but put on a genuine frown once he was gone. "See you soon, brother..." Yuki whispered. I didn't want him to go, of course... But I also don't want to be the cause he doesn't have friends. He admitted to himself. He got up and paced the room, trying to figure out what to do while his brother was gone.

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*as we walked down, she held onto me making sure i wasn't going anywhere.. She laid her head on my shoulder and we got in her car and drove off. I looked at our room and sighed again looking down* don't worry.. he'll be fine.. I bet he have plenty of friends to go by until you get back.. *looks over at her then back out the window. saying nothing.. I let her drive, as we listening to music*

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I glanced at the door, wanting to go do something to pass the time. Unfortunately, I don't have any friends to visit, I don't have any money to go shopping... I sighed heavily. "I wonder. I wonder..." I stood up and walked outside. When I locked the door and began walking, someone bumped into me. Or, more or less, I bumped into someone. The person was hunched over a plant and seemed to be watering it, until I accidentally pushed them over. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" I apologized immediately by habit. "Ah, it's okay." He stood up, dusted himself off, and faced me. "Oh, Yukiteru! How are you?" He asked, and I was pretty much confused, so I didn't answer. "It's me, Kaoru from your history class." Kaoru...?

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*she talked more and I looked out the window. Laying my head back, We got to a cafe and we went in and ordered some lattee's and rice krispy treats.. they were nice sizes*

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"Sorry, but I don't recognize you." Yuki said bluntly. "Ah that's okay. I don't see you talking to anyone so you're just that kind of person who doesn't like people, right?" Kaoru asked. Yuki nodded slowly, "Somewhat. So, what were you doing, er... Kaoru?" Kaoru giggled and replied, "Watering some plants that I grow out here."

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*after out food and drinks were ready she began talking about her party* ok... there's a lot that i have to bring.. I need to to show up and wearing this.. *she gave a pamplet and things* it was a couples outfit.. I knew it.. she think we're dating. I raised a brow at her. A pink shirt and white pants and she would have the opposite. Pink skirt and white shirt.. and she had that we were the only ones that would be dressed like that. I was about to say something, but she looked at me* oh come on... don't tell me you don't have that.. *i shook my head* it's alright.. I'll just ask daddy to buy it for you. What's your size?.. you know what?.. never mind, I can look at you. *she looked at me.. and called out some numbers. to my surprise, she got them right. she smiled and continue righting some things down*

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Mmm... I hope brother is doing okay right now. I wish he were here... I'm not good with talking to people... "Oh... uh, nice. Is your room around here?" He asked politely. "Yup, right there." Kaoru pointed behind him and Yuki noticed that Kaoru's room was three doors away from his and brothers. "I never knew your room was this close to mine." Kaoru added, "If I had I'd come to visit often~ After all, I've always had my eye on you." It sounded like he was joking, but then again he sounded just as serious. "Your... eye on me?" Kaoru smiled, "Yeah. You're pretty cute. I like cute guys~" Yuki gulped silently, So he... 'Likes' me? 'Like likes' me? Or... Wait, does that mean he's gay? Yuki wondered but then smiled awkwardly, "Oh... um... I don't know what to say to that." Kaoru stepped closer and Yuki gulped again. What.... is going on?

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*she continue to talk and soon after she was finish. She scooted closer to him and laid on his shoulder. I looked down at her and sipped some more of my drink. I stayed quiet and looked down. she moved her head* you seem so depressed. *she thought and smiled* come on.. *she got her drink and pulled me up. I got my drink and followed her. We got in her car and drove away. I noticed her glace at me with a light smile. Soon we stopped* where are we?.. *i looked around at the unfamiliar surrounding* come on..

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"Uh... I gotta... go..." Yuki tried to move around Kaoru but the brunette took hold of his wrist and squeezed it tightly. "Ah but we barely talked. C'mon, Yuki-chan, stay with me for a while~" He smirked and Yuki tried pulling away so he can head back to his dorm, but within an instant, Kaoru had him pinned against the wall. Brother I really wish you were here... I can't believe I keep getting myself into situations like this! He was on the verge of crying as Kaoru pushed up closer against Yuki's small body. "How 'bout we head into my room? We can get to know each other better in there, and not out here~" Yuki shook his head, "I-I'd prefer not t-to. I have to g-go now..." He tried breaking free again but the other just pushed him harder against the wall. "P-please let go of me... K-Kaoru..." He begged.

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we're at the aqurium.. come on *she held his hand and walked in.. she showed them something and they moved to let her in* what was that?. *she smiled* my dad owns this place. *i nod and walked with her as she held his hand. My ears began moving and I held my hat down so they didn't come up as i felt something in my gut saying something wasn't right. I looked at our hands and said nothing.. She turned smiling at me, and i gave a small smile back at her. We walked and i glanced back at the door still having this gut feeling* what's wrong? *she looked back when my hand went from my hat to my stomach holding it* just a small gut feeling.. is all.. After a while, she said that we should rest for a bit. She went to go get me something to drink*

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"Aw, Yuki-chan! You remembered my name~" Kaoru joked and slipped a knee between Yuki's legs, making the blonde jump. "K-Kaoru! Please stop!" He screeched. "Shh~ Be quiet, you're being a little too loud." Kaoru brought his mouth up to Yuki's as he spoke and Yuki turned his head, trying to push the taller boy off of him. "Please stop... You're hurting me..." Kaoru smirked, "Ah but you like it don't you?" Yuki shook his head, "I don't know you... You're hurting me... I want my brother..." The brunette frowned, "Your brother? Oh c'mon. You're acting like a kid." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, unlocking the door next to them. "Into my room, shall we?" He moved so that he had a grip on Yuki's arm as he forced the younger boy into his room. "No! Let me go!" Yuki struggled and shouted but no one was around and Kaoru seemed much stronger than him... Well, was much stronger than him. "Let me go now!" And without thinking, Yuki began shouting: "Brother! Brother help! Help me, brother!" Somehow hoping that Hisoka would hear... But that was a slim chance.

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*having the pain come stronger, my ears perked up as my hat fell to the ground as they moved about. good thing no one was around to see this, as we were in the food court and really no one was there. a kid came by and saw* kitty~ *she sanged with a smile and walked by. I looked up and my eyes searched around and when my ears continued.. I pushed up and walked to her* take me home.. now.. *hissing escaped my throat low as we walked out and got to the car* what's wrong?.. What happened?.. *she asked cufusedd not knowing what was happening, but got in and drove back toward the place. the feeling came stronger* haiyaku! *i nearly screamed at her. she said nothing and drove* please be alright yuki..*i thought as i held my head knowing something was wrong.. it was instinct that I felt.. and being a neko.. i had to follow it*

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When Kaoru had fully forced Yuki inside, he shut the door but kept it unlocked. He pinned Yuki to the wall again. "Kaoru, stop this!" Yuki hissed. Kaoru did the absolute opposite. He slid his hand around to Yuki's back and began to go up his shirt, all the while molesting the boys neck with his mouth. Yuki held back an unwanted moan and hissed instead, his ears twitching in confusion and anger beneath his hat. His tail lashed inside his pants where it was hidden. "Kaoru stop! Now!" He continued to resist, only making the other put more pressure on his body. "Mm, but Yuki-Chan, you taste soooo goood~" He moaned into the blondes neck. "Brother help me!" Yuki screamed over and over, wanting to be out of this situation. "Please help me!" Kaoru smirked and looked Yuki in the eyes, "Your precious brother isn't coming for you. But don't worry, I'm here~" He moved forward, attempting to kiss Yuki on the lips, but the boy moved his head from left to right to avoid contact with his lips. "No!"

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*he had his bandana on as he always kept one in his pocket just in case something like this happened* yuki hold on.. im coming.. don't worry.. I'm coming.. *he said in his head keeping himself calm that everything will be fine*

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He was almost completely out of energy from resisting and Kaoru was gaining more upper hand in the situation. "Kaoru... I'm begging you... stop this..." Yuki let out the words each in separate breaths. "But this is fun isn't it? And I can tell you're enjoying yourself~" He slid a knee between Yuki's legs and the neko hissed, refusing to let his bodyies wants take over his own. "My brother will be here soon... And you'll regret all of this..." Yuki gasped when he spoke, unable to breathe very well. "How many times must I tell you? Your brother isn't coming." Kaoru's face was serious, but he didn't know the truth... Brother... please hurry...

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*after a few minutes we were closer and I hissed more. Sarah looked at me and wondered why I was acting so strange. After a few more minutes, we arrived in the parking lot. Without waiting or warning, I jumped out the car and jolted for our dorm* hey wait! *she called out, but i continued. I didn't dare look back*

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"These clothes are getting annoying..." Kaoru muttered. He began unbuttoning Yuki's shirt and soon the white button-up was sprawled on the floor. Tears were already running down Yuki's cheeks as he whimpered, "Stop this Kaoru... Please stop..." Kaoru grunted but didn't listen, not even a reply to the boys pleas. He reached down and began undoing the buttons on Yuki's pants. The blonde didn't have any energy left... There was no way he had enough to stop Kaoru now... "Brother... please hurry..." He whispered out loud. Kaoru growled and slapped Yuki, shocking the smaller boy. "How many times do I have t say?! Your brother isn't coming and right now you belong to me!" Yuki's cheek was glowing red from the impact, the previously falling tears were smeared across his face. When Kaoru was done with the confusing buttons on the pants, he tossed them to the side. Now Yuki was completely revealed, only in his boxes, sitting weakly against the wall. "Stop... Please..." He continued, "Brother... hurry..." He was out of breathe from screaming.

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*getting inside the dorm building. I didn't bother to take the elevator.. since it would take too long. I ran up the stairs to start off in our room first. Getting to the room, I look around to see if i can find you any where* yuki?.. *goes around the place looking for you* yuki!

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That... was brothers voice... Yuki heard screaming from the halls. "Brother! Brother! Help me!" He screamed, summoning up all the energy he had left. Kaoru seemed to have also heard Hisoka screaming for Yuki because he went to the door and quickly locked it. Only when he turned back to the weak Yuki on the floor did he see, "Ears? Wait... is that a tail?!" Yuki's ears went down and his tail lashed behind him. "Don't... touch me... again... Stop... My brother... Is coming..." Yuki breathed the words. Kaoru gritted his teeth and walked back over to him. "No he won't. If you really are a cat person... He'll regret getting in my way. I'll tell the whole school about this. About your ears and tail." Yuki hissed, "After brother's done with you, you wouldn't dare speak a word of it!" Kaoru grabbed Yuki's chin and stared into his eyes, "Just watch." He snapped.

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