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HIdden Love [Yuki x ukiss7] [private 18+]


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Name: Hisoka Hikari


Sexual Orientation:




Gender: Male


Race: Neko


Occupation: Student


Hair Color:Tannish brown


Hair Length:


Eye Color: Blue


Height: 5'8


Favorite Drinks: soju, strawberry milk


Favorite Snacks: fish chips.. sardines, and pocky and dango [any kind]


Favorite Animal(s): Kittens,


Hobbies: Doing anything


Personality: Easy to get along with.. protective.. the rest you'll have to read and find out.


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  • Yuki Hikari


  • ukiss7




Name: Yukiteru Hikari


Sexual Orientation:


Age: 18


Birthday: June 9


Gender: Male


Race: Neko


Occupation: Student


Hair color: Blonde


Eye color: Blue


Height: 161 cm (5"2.8)


Favorite Foods: No favorites, because he doesn't really dislike anything.


Favorite Drinks: Likes soda, but doesn't drink much of it.


Favorite Snacks: He doesn't like snacks because he's the kind of person worried about health. (He does love chocolate, though he doesn't tell anyone about it >w


Favorite Animal(s): Cats, but mostly little kittens


Likes: His brother, playing the violin, singing, and testing out new things.


Hobbies: Violin, singing


Personality: An egocentric, stylish person. He is braver than most people despite his size. But he is also a very shy and sensitive person and usually hides behind his brother when in trouble. He's also a bit of a klutz

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Yukiteru woke up and glanced at the clock. Barely four thirty...? He rubbed his eyes sleepily. His tail slowly waved back and forth behind him and his ears were limp on his head. Yuki looked over at the other bed and spotted his brother there, sound asleep. He purred and then laid back down, unable to fall back asleep, just staring up at the ceiling.

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*still fast asleep, body relaxed, turned on side, hand slightly crossed over the other.

I began stirring around a bit, but continue sleeping

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Yuki looked over at his brother when he heard stirring from there. Hisoka remained asleep despite his movements. I wish the sun would rise soon. I hate laying here, unable to go to sleep. He sat up in the bed then stood up and walked over to the window. Yuki moved the curtains over slightly. The sky was still a dark blue, tinted with orange and pink from the sun that was barely visible; there were no stars.

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*one of my ears perked up when i heard movements from on the other side. I did my best to not listen as i was having an awsome dream. Stirring again, I turned on my other side and pulled the covers over my head as an ear was the only thing sticking out.* perfect... get it right there baby...*my ear went down as i purred, still sleeping as i talked out loud*

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Yuki's ears perked up at the sound of his brothers voice. He turned around and saw him cover his head with the blanket and listened carefully to what he was saying, "Perfect... get it right there baby..." Yuki giggled. He wondered what his brother could possibly be dreaming about and many things ran through his mind. He then sat down on the edge of his brothers bed.

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*continuing with my dream I purred again and moved around a bit letting my arm hang from the side of the bed as I lay sideways. feets out the back and slept* im loveable~ *i continue to talk in my dream. My shirt half way up, showing my perfectly fit abs as the covers were off me, an arm over my head having my head to rest lightly on it. I moved to turn on my side. Soon it was six and the alarm went off and I slowly sat up. Sitting on my knees, head and ears down, my eyes stayed closed as i just stayed there to wake myself up*

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He saw his brother sit up, his eyes still closed and ears and head down. "Finally awake, brother~?" Yuki purred to him lovingly. "You know you're very cute when you talk in your sleep." He smiled and gently petted his older brothers head.

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*my tail moved slowly from side to side. My eyes stayed closed as i was petted* what are you talking about?

I do not talk in my sleep.. were you sleep walking again?.. *yawns out opening my eyes and rubbing them* I'm...still... sleepy...*looks up at you as you petted my head. I purred to you leaning my head on your shoulder* how come your always up before me?

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Yuki shrugged. "I don't know. I seem to wake up at four thirty every single morning. But when I wake up I'm not tired; unlike you." He smiled and continued petting Hisoka. "And I do not sleep walk. But you do talk in your sleep and it is so adorable~"

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*head still on your shoulder* bro.. *lays on your lap* can i have some of your energy?.. I seem to be tired all the time now..*looks up at you* what do you want to eat for breakfast?

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A thought passed through Yuki's mind when he heard the question 'What do you want to eat...' When his mind was off of the thought, he answered, "Whatever you want, brother." He looked down at his brother who was now laying on his lap. He is so adorable when he's this tired. Having more energy in the morning will take this away~

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*continues to sleep as I turn my head a bit* ok.. I'll cook it for you.. Just let me rest for like another five minutes, then I'll go and make it for you. *falls back asleep and rest a little while longer*

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He purred softly. "Okay... take your time, sweet brother~" Then he remembered it was Wednesday, school should be starting in about two hours. Who cares~? We're always late anyway. Doesn't change anything today. As his brother fell asleep on his lap he softly ran his hand through his hair, watching his cute, sleeping face.

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*after a while, I had awaken to find myself back on the bed. Rubbing my eyes i looked around for you* yuki? *yawns and getting up.. Tail going from side to side as my ears went down. looking around the room I went out calling you* yuki

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Yuki walked back into the room, he had been in the kitchen. "Yes, brother?" He asked. "Is everything alright?" He was wearing an apron that was covered in... Who knows what. And he was hiding a kitchen utensil behind his back as he spoke.

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*shakes head* nothing.. I didn't see you when i woke.. Just wanted to make sure you were alright.

*blinks* where were you anyways?.. And, why are you wearing an apron?

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He had a confused look on his face but when he looked down he realized he still had the apron on. "Oh... Uhm... Well, I was just..." He hesitated. "I was in the kitchen... Trying to make something for when you woke up. I didn't want you to have to go through the trouble of cooking when you're still tired... I was making pancakes since that's the only thing I know how to make." He blushed slightly and went to untie the apron. "So... How are you? Still tired? If you are I can wait until you've rested enough." He smiled sweetly.

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*hearing the words of pancakes, my ears perked up. I loved pancakes and hoping it was banana pancakes, which was my favorite. my tail moved excitedly as I walked closer to you* what kind is it? *i asked giving a happy smile*

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"Well you seem a lot more awake now. And they're banana~ I know they're your favorites so..." He purred. "Would you like some?"

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*I ran up to give you the biggest hug ever* thanks bro.

*twirls you around and place you back down* thanks.

*runs to the table and sit, ears moving in excitement and tail moving*

serve me please.

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"With pleasure, brother." He smiled and grabbed a plate from the cabinets. As he was about to put some pancakes on the plate, he remembered to ask, "How many would you like?"

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*looks at you before picking up both the fork and knife ready to eat* four.. four please... *says happily like a kid and get up going to the kitchen. Puts an arm on top your head, leaning a bit on you, since i was a bit taller then you* how many did you make?

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"Apparently exactly enough." He giggled. "I made six, since I'm only going to eat two." He put four on one plate for his brother and looked up at him as he leaned on his head. "Here you go, brother~" He held up the plate to it was level with his brothers eyes.

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